Videos Used:
Jake Paul - My assistant was assaulted...
Faze Banks - My girlfriend was assaulted...
Keemstar / DramaAlert - Jake Paul Diss Track on Ricegum #DramaAlert
Kavos - This Video Proves Jake Paul Lied To You About Faze Banks (Erika Costell Exposed)
Follow Me:
- Jaeden Dame: I'm WhEeZiNg LmAo
- Rex Art: you're the sideman of course
- babiejoce: Alissa didn’t cheat on Jake Paul basically like Alissa said on her video that Jake will bring girls and smash them infront of her , and he didn’t respect Alissa. He pushed her in a cactus and started laughing.
- ANGEL GOMEZ: I miss this tro new tro is good but YouTube sensored the fuck out of him
- JDIZZ 05: Go pats but I’ll admit it was kinda funny
- bubblebella: YASSSS FUCK THE PATS
- Jay Gatcha: 2:54 hey wait a minute! Megan mc fucked up neck?, what is ur deal?
- Nico Torres: This guy is fucken halairiours I’m laughing so hard I can’t spell
- Common Gammer: Megan mc fucked up back 😂😂😂
- Genji Lamar: lil tay is broke roast her
- Cynx Liver: Fu*K the patriots
- 2Cool2BeOutOfScool: this might be true as if jake paul punched megan and then blamed it on banks as he is with Jakes ex
- infinity 2: I’m calling b-b bullshit 😂 omg I’m dead
- Thomas Rap Videos: Fuck faze banks
- Yur Boi: Tro punched Jake Paul's assistant
- Zias Nooby: That part were u drew blood, omfg that was fuckin hilarious
- yvng. hayliegh: the way he says BITCCCH LOLLLLLLLL
- I_DROP_BABIES I_DROP_BABIES: Lol go faze banks! Shoulda body slammed her haha
- Myeah Malalis: Banks 👌
- Taylor DuRoss: bitch
- siccboy: david smal kimmel is better but conan is the best
- Its Mrs.Angelina to you: Im dead.. 😂
- Max Sullivan: Bro Mia Khalifa is going to die
- ZECH HOOD: Fuck Jake paul
- HUGEEGO11: You’re my favorite YouTuber. Great content, hilarious commentary. Keep up the good work man! 🤣
- lindsey moore: 🖕🏻🖕🏻 f this I hat drama so much
- Ak/123 Jid: #pulloutgang I’m done 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
- Taylor DuRoss: bitch
- Baconking GOD: Mason Newberry we didn’t ask for your opinion ya know. Fucking crack head
- Lola Postman: I was ten when I subbed that was a year ago and I HATE Jake mcgosuckabutt/Paul
- clorox bleach: I had to stop watching because my jaws hurt from laughing
- Kid Polar: Ignore Everything I said guys
- Brian Bright: dont call out kavos
- Savanna Juleeanna: Alexis Cruz fuck jake paul he’s desperate for girls and cheats on themm
- OfficialHoneZtAbe: Fuck the Patriots for sure
- RippedCash: I hate this bish she yust trynna ruin faze banks carrer😂😂funny vid
- Jenna Harvey: This is fucking gold😅😂😂💀💀
- fortnite tilted: I just watched how I out scammed a scammer ur my fav youtuber
- NICKOLASPRODUCTIONS: Omg this is the best video ever
- John Smith: Fuck the Patriots
- Partially Functional Maniacs: I lowkey wish you were my parent(mine kinda suck tbh) cus I’d be a lot cooler I just wanna be cool
- judas preist: here dude this video is old asf but he actually fakes the whole thing and every video he makes is cringey would be a cool idea ig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTaothwSmEo&t=120s
- Guysenseii: Fuck that why tf would banks risk himself ‼️
- Wild Rozey: Meghan mcbruiseyneck😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Humairaaa Akter18: I'm on... The chickens side DON DON DUUUUNNNN
- Figuring It Out: Jake also pushed Tessa Brooks
- Corbin Tucker: he went to far into it lol
- Exotic Nugget: Jaron Loar She probably likes pullouts.
- Empress_ Raiah: YAHHHHHHH yeeetttt! 😭😭😭
- Tim Baccari: Yo tro if u look at the fucking neck pic zoom in the right and u will see the bitch makeup
- Life Of Empu: No blood just ketchup skyyya skrrrra pa pa
- Payne Haas: fucking makeup bullshit
- Nick Holcomb: I was already on banks side but then you made it better lmao. And also.... Yes fuck the pats
- OfficialHoneZtAbe: #enddickscrimination
- kimosage: Savage Lol #Lofrickmylyfe4lyfe
- van lolo: Facebank is better
- jessica therrien: Just started watching today I don’t think I’ve ever subbed someone on the first day I saw there channel(well except Logan Paul sorry rip)
- Onion Child: 800 likes ;)
- Jaden Foreman: Thank you, fuck the Patriots
- k. j.: i dont know why but i am just now seeing this video despite being subbed for over a year smh
- Pycryptical: can you pin this commet bro your the fucking best xxxxxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDD
- Kid Polar: Jake Paul is better than Faze banks shut up 🤐 ur wrong
- harrisonr.03: This dude is like an upscale leafy
- dad on your haters love the haters: U liet2
- Connor Aylesworth: Tom is goat
- Ellen Sippel: The patriots... or as I like to call them, The Deflatriots.
- fortnite tilted: Did u just say f the patriots f u
- Clorox Bleach: “Nah, I ain’t do that shit”
- Tidal Wave133: Faze all day
- Kenyah Salter: why would she even be there
- callyn wallyn: I only liked because he said f*ck the patriots
- Aruni Gupta: I love the end of this vid.
- Pioneer008: Fuck the pattiots 😂😂😂
- Destiny Warmijak: DONT be rude to Jake and Logan and by th way u r so f ing stupid for thinking that Jake would ever do that this is all clickbait
- DeadPool: YA YEET
- Owen LeCheminant: Jake and banks can both suck a dick🤣
- Celina Buechelé: Do a face reveal!!
- Quincy Mclaughlin: megan Mcfucked up neck 😂
- Canadian Jester: #pulloutgang
- It’s Katelyn ya bish: Jake Paul clearly staged this is all my opinion is that he did it because Faze banks is Alyssa Violet’s boyfriend but then that adds to the fact that Alissa did cheat cuz this makes Jake look jeleous
- Carlos Herrera: sick bro
- Anarchy On 2 Wheels: Like it? Lol. I loved it!!! That was actually really funny. Hehehehe!!!
- Matthew Handley: The blood was on the wrong side of her neck if Jake hit her with a right xD
- Marci Amor: I agree that this guy deserves more subs than even Scarce. And also why the hell would Faze even hit a random person he doesn’t know just because he doesn’t like Jake? Everyone knows who the dumbass is 😂😂😂
- anonymous guy: You nailed it!!! Jake Paul is the douchebag kid who gets his ass beat and kicked out of every party. Hes the dude who thinks acting like a six year old who was given a redbull and four loko and knocks over your shit is the coolest shit ever.
- xxxtentacion forever alive: Not cool
- 0161 Stephan: How drunk did you have to be to make this video 😂😂
- IRISH: your a good person for the greater good
- Milan's tea: what lol yea umm okay f&#k the patriots
- Buzz Gaming: Bbbbbulshit
- Loretta Toma: Faze took his anger on Meg but idc I still like ricky
- ImApersonOkay: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- VerrteXXL: Its 4:20 AM
- btsxtingm: "Anyhow"
- Anthony Gilbert: I loved triggers fro until he mentioned he said fuck the pats 😭💀
- Pro Hise: just went ya *yeet* to her neck
- Carlos Gomez: Im in jake Paul side
- Raidz: *DYED LAUGHING* My Ghost Is Writing This Comment...
- Wilson Rosa: Ur the new scarce
- happytroll 247: Carlos Garcia ikr
- sunshine equestrian: Your so funny you should have more subs
- Savanna Juleeanna: bankss
- lil mammacita: Jake didn't do. Anything what I if somebody just got assalted 5th and you heard about it and you decided to share it with YouTube and somebody was like it was blank how would you feel
- shagufa fazilat: Haha I'm definitely subscribing
- That One Weird Chick: XMotion Then lost 200k in the meantime.
- Case Sheep: ok
- FanFon 76: WTF patriots are Bae
- do u kno De wae: I like tros impression of fazebanks,keemstar, kvaz, megan and,Jake Faze's: 1:38-1:40Keemstar:1:49-1:53Kvaz:1:54-1:59Megan:2:59-3:02Jake: 3:07-3:09
- 방탄소년단타이: "Meghan Mrs.fucked up neck" 😂
- H1 X4: It was a lie and i’am so late
- Bank Robber: Squishy Mooney you know what? Mason newberrie is right triggered tro isn't funny.....HES HILARIOUS 😂
- Jesus Olguin: People can call the cops on you😔
- Diamond Beau: George Bran are you fucking retarded?? What proof do you have? Banks even said that there was no security footage you stupid kid. So if you're actually brainwashed by Jake Paul then holy shit you're one fucking retard like omg how retarded can you be. You're defending someone who faked a fucking assault and you feel the nerve to call them out for "gargle on fazebanks balls" yae you're so fucking brainwashed and retarded kid that it's sad. Go enjoy your killer clown videos kid.
- woke kola: I *_h a t e_* gѳ ɛɑt Բɑtɑรร รuck ɑ ɗick pɑɳcɑkɛร Բѳѳɗ รtѳp gѳ ѳutรiɗɛ ɗѳɳ't ɓɛ รɑɗ ɓɛ gʆɑɗ gɛt ɱɑxipɑɗ ѳɱg ɦɛʆp
- Arianna Rodrigo: All the dislikes are from Jake paulers smh
- Lund Oxborrow: I think kavos and triggered tro should do a video together
- Ethan Loewer: I love Jake Paul’s “I’m pretending to care but plotting how to gain more subscribers” face
- SoulSniper 124: #666K subs!
- Alexis Cruz: JKAE OAUL IS BETTER JUST SO YOU KNOW 'fuck faZe banks' he abuses girls for no reason...
- hammer time: Little late buddy
- alwalid mubaydin: Dropp Kick expose!
- The Harpydo: .
- Kona: **the tables have turned**
- Team lit: Not funny
- The BroSis Channel: But did you know that Jake Paul even said it was fake?
- ILLEST Bmx: Cut jakes voice to say i puched my assistant
- Hope Saige Perry: You should have way more subs. Your content, humor, editing & craziness is epic. We love ya!
- Da Real dho: I'm on jake Paul's side
- Jedi Jeb: Meghan McFucked Up Neck... I cant.
- Adust bag: Jake Paul,and his assistant was probably f. U. C. K. I. N. G. And they went rough
- Mary Cawley: I am Jake side😍
- TimSM: ee
- Yeah Yeah yeah: Banks jake is just a pussy
- Chris Drake: #pulloutgang hilarious so glad i found your channel your HILARIOUS
- Sabrina Monteiro: Btw banks lost the min he decided to put rice gum in that response video
- Pinky’s Productions: Bruh this video was so boring
- Lindsey Mick: You got a sub man. Congradufuckinglations. Made this shit all worth it.
- lovely dandelions: You had me the whole time until 4:08. Tom Brady boutta get a sixth ring bitch fuck u sayin fuck the pats for
- Mary Knorr: Missdjshark Jones excuse he me YOTED her neck
- Elvie Hands: So where was the footage? Hate these CLICKBAIT
- Trevor Ambrose: I'll hit him with my belt but I'm hitting him on the medal part
- spooky wavy: *HOLY TITES*
- Toxic Gurl Trollz: The Patriots are thr fuckin best football team dummy
- Russell Westbrook: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
- CozyWaves: Banks for sure team 10 are a 😂
- Flor Morales: Jake Paul 🙂
- babiejoce: Somewhere Skateboarding do you mean Ricky banks / Faze banks?
- ChickenWangs: What's ur reason for attacking jake Paul really
- Shaylee L: Oh em gee u are hilarious 😆
- Average Joe: What kind of name is faze banks???
- Tammy: #ded lmfao!! subbed and hit the bell. You are amazing lmao!
- Heriberto Badillo: notification gang 💯💯
- Awesome Kitty: It not makeup
- James S.: He said f the Patriots. Hell Yeah.
- MedicalPuppy123: dude love the vids
- Kyle Merson: Nana The Wolf same
- Lol Hi: Does anyone see the swastika in the thumbnail? Just me? Ok...
- Natalie Bowden: CONGRATULATIONS TRO 1,000,000 👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎊🎊
- Blake Rybakowski: I know bandwagon patriots in the Combe like oh yeah well tom Brady’s on their team so there good
- Aesthetiiic Canadian: 😂😂😂No you're on the snakes side.
- Lukas Marks: But like... Is Jimmy Kimmel even funny though? If I want to sit and watch man on TV talk about nothing that has the potential to make me laugh (strong maybe) I'm watching Conan, not for the content but the fact that he's a ginger and has some wicked ridiculous dance moves.
- Rossana Guarin: *fuck Jake Paul*
- RedXRain: Brian L99ppo
- Karbala Beautiful: That was Alissa they were kidding in the pic dumb ass
- Maria Parra: Faze banks did not assault her
- Chris 3:16: Trolling Cow His name is Ricky. FaZe is just the video game organization he’s the COO of.
- Dom Neely: Fuck banks and this youtuber
- Fae FierceVulpine: The fake blood and accusations bit was hysterical XDDD
- Jacquelyn Romero: You are stupid if you think that is makeup
- Ashley shim: Jommylommy Money 🤣🤣🤣
- Kid Goku: Her forehead tho. 😐
- Danish Cannoli: “I need those views” 😂😂 no shame. You admit it and that’s what’s best bro you get my views at 2 in the morning while I hit this joint
- Stephen k: Omg what am I watching lol like half way through I don’t know where this went and where it ended up. On da real note sometimes you gotta choke a bitch
- TMH Bctw: Bro i thought you were serious
- Israel Mendez: Your musically video has 10k likes so now you have make a musically
- softjoonie: 1:43 tro , that pic tho .
- Keziah Reid: *gasp*
- EpicEthan Zapper: Jake side
- barly: THE HUB I
- TheRX1982: Its hilarious how they all like ting ting feta feta bitches and entourages just for playing fucking computer games... Imagine if the likes of Thew Matthews of (Thews awesome Transformers reviews) had like entourage and bitches and ting ting feta feta... Ohhhh thats right HE DOESNT NEED THEM cause hes not a massive cock wrapped sausage like the whole fuckin "FAZE" clan and the Paul brothers.
- xKillerSoulzx: I just noticed his amount of subs, he should have way more, his videos are perfect
- Mack Richardson: He disserves nothing
- adam roberts: Tro that shit was HILARIOUS hahahah
- Brig haM: AnyHOw
- geovane robert: If it was jake paul she would say that it was him
- Daniel Ramirez: 😂
- mehmehjai: Lol I watch kavos
- Im: in love with Kim Taehyung: The music is lit 🔥
- Tasha Smith: That's not true
- Evelyn Callaway: Lol
- Lady Boner: Gianna Nicole don't need you
- SKY UrDoooDooo: fucking funny
- Lulu L: This is hilarious 😂 but going back to the actual incident they could have just ask for a witness 🤦🏼♀️
- Oscar F: the comedic mind on this dude
- Allyson: I agree
- Lexi Lost In wonderland: It funny how people thought her bruise was real. Like boi that seems like a shimmery bruise I didn’t know bruises can be so glittery.
- Nola G: Banks did nothing wrong. If u watch both there videos jakes was so hesitant and u could just tell they were lying but watch banks video look at Alissa in that video j can tell she is mad because jake is saying why hurt a human for no reason and u can literally surcharge up videos of jake hurting Alissa, Tessa and other females
- Unknown Dude: Fuck jake Paul
- Hernan: " faze banks walked up to her and ya-yeet at her neck" 😂😂
- Syk3dUP: your voice makes it better xD
- dad on your haters love the haters: U lier
- Bavacii: Pure gold
- Da Wae: Nigga u clickbaited
- dustiest spade: A late cumer.
- Akina H: do you have instagram?😂
- Brickk Wall: Sonya Colon if you don't know what the patriots are than get out of this conversation.
- Solidliquidgas: Dislikers where u at
- Jason Stannard: What football team do you like? Patriots are the 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
- Esau: Had a couple drinks aka sucked a couple cocks oh I mean drank a few COCKtails
- RUNK GAMES: I love how honest and funny this guy is
- Mr pp: If he didn't hit her how did you get that thumbnail? Think dumbasses
- Regan Ryan: guys people think Jake is lying but how would he be lying when Megan was the one who told him so why would we be hating on Jake when he didn't do anything so stop hating on Jake and drop the drama
- Dark Rose: DexPlays can everyone chill holy jesus we all know they dont mean anything bad stop being so aggresive yall jeez
- Hollywood's Most Beautiful Couple: Yeah I'm on none of their sides. I wasn't there, not my business. I'm definitely not on Joke Paul's side, because if it happened the night before, then how did her bruise develop to be that dark so quickly?
- Monkey D. Luffy: I really have no idea why the fuck I follow you nor how the fuck you showed up in my recommended, keep up the good work. 😂
- yumm 777: mmmmmmm......................................
- zelda ok: Ok this was actually funny
- Shut Up: He has an Instagram lmao
- Your Dads House: -sips tea- as you were saying
- F3AR Toxic: Megan mcfucked up neck 😂
- Namjoon is my daddy: megan mc fucked up neck 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- peper green: Fake
- Christian Hernandez: #Meganhurtneck
- the besties: Fuck you make is nice bitch
- 7H3 1N71M1D470R: I hope the Patriots lose, too
- Jay Gatcha: 1:38 nah I ain’t do dat shit
- kayla mains: there is legit a video of her using a make wipe and it's still there
- Sum Random gam31ng chann3l: None XD
- Gerino Piedra: Fav youtuber ur funny af.u and idubbzz
- mtqueen forlife: Lol
- It’s Paige!: They did. But I agree with you
- Barlos R: Why did I get a feminist ad? Lmao.
- Eduardo Cruz: its team 1o he gots it twissed
- rude child: How to plot twist with Tro
- Rokhaya Cameron: This was posted on my day of birth
- Yee Yaw: Faze banks and Jake Paul are both garbage people
- Charxlotte: Bro, Just a few hours ago Tro was at 660k NOW 3 HOURS LATER HE GOTTA 661k
- Doodleydoo _1000: No! Patriots are my team!!
- Mayte Yepez: 😂
- Dark Rise Evolved: funniest shit i have watched snce the old ksi
- Hash Ashlee: Only here to know more came from Shane’s new series on Jake Paul (:
- jduck321: Lol i think jake jad this planned all along, it all started at the beginning of this summer, jake gets subs bcuz of some stupid shit, now hes hated by all, and think he did this all bcuz he wanted to the all of the attention off of his father, DONALD J. TRUMP, it was his plan all along and no one knew about it, now WW3 is about to start and jake doesnt want anyone to know he just wants attention, the morrel of the theory is, jake has a sister..... im a dumbass
- trevin mcconville: You deserve way more subs tbh
- KittySnipurr: The pats are the best don't u offend them!1!1!1
- Kristi Skane: IM DEAD
- Hannah Rosenblatt: ur sooo funny
- LLFM: Dude this is just hilarious wtf hahahaha
- A.J. Rodriguez: oh yeah you need proof to stand up for yourself so just sit in a corner and get beat up and shut up cause no one wants to here your bullshit
- Rocco Forgione: you're sooooooooooo funny
- Tomn8r 555: I love the Patriots🇺🇸
- Josue Guzman: He has a pic on his Instagram
- Nellie Nigra: the moment he said "and i might have had a couple drinks.." my cat just like fell out of my bed .. lol good timing
- BlankDude ._.: Jordan Greene like fr
- Kinzie and Shaun: Megan Mcfuckedupneck 😂😂
- Hannah-Claire Vann: Your grammar is appalling
- Giselle Compio: Fuck you faze
- happytroll 247: Love your videos your an amazing YouTuber
- mango likes jango: Sub
- Artem Torubarov: i did not hit her
- King_braylon _games: Never mind
- dmart63: faze banks is gay as fuck. that beard he has makes me want to kms
- BOT DADDY: #pull out gang.LMAO😂
- YoungIcarus446: #PullOutGang
- Rebecca Chase: That clip of keemstar...
- Sam Kelly: fire
- Vasty Andrews: 0:55 YAH _____YEET!
- friends forever: It's not fake and whoever is a jake pauler like
- Shadow G23: Where’s the footage
- reesie ray: Fuck you. Go pats
- ahni oula: Awkward ok
- Lyzette Lopez: your video is so dumb your so fucken gay you dumb bitch
- Adam Cashin: I hope this was a joke.
- C C: you're about to get a lot more Jake Paul traffic after Shane
- Troy Jenkins: Lol can you pin this
- chicken mcflurries: this was so funny 😂😂
- Kittencorn 2009: I am on banks
- Joshua Mercer: Nightviewsss It was actually a bush, not a cactus.
- Hyperrrr: r/thathappened
- kiran mohan: im on faze banks side bruh becuz when fucking jake paul wants somebody off of youtube he wil do what ever it fucking takes to do so he even said it in his shitty dis track
- Violet A: But it was declared fake so the thumbnail is obvi fake then.
- Adventures with llama fred: Jake
- David Perea: This guy can go die in a hole because he's dissing jake paul if he dosn't even know the truth
- Bank Robber: Cizin The destruction same dude
- isaiah is king !!!: No fuck u the patriots are the best
- christopher edwards: Fuck you dude
- TK2KILLER64: #pulloutgang
- Rachel Dono: He probably did it and paid her to say it was faze and her best friend said it wasn't faze who did it
- Ryan Besch: #pulloutgang
- ImJosh: When you have no ideas for a vid so u do this
- jeon kachu: Hahahahahahahahaha your joking
- Wolfy Cubby: Tro be Triggered
- Wakingohio Mama: Jake Paul is a tool.
- Meadow Soprano: Oml luv tro
- Heidi Bradley: It's already dead
- happy little raincloud: Is it me, but it’s November now, and are jake and logan paul ‘not the thing’ anymore?
- fatchild: Woah this was posted on my birthday I'm blessed
- Shuvra Khanam: Jake is just jealous because alissa is now with banks so he wanted to do something about it
- memelordistrash: A.J. Rodriguez danm bro why u so triggered because of lies
- Fin Flash: I love 2:30 What proof do i have absolutly none😂
- Mia Johnson: They put make up on her and had a fake police report and policeman
- Aexy: Those pictures are faker than slavery
- Gage Knutson: I miss the old banks
- Based Basir: dude. there is makeup on her neck to cover up the real bruise when she goes out in public or in this case on camera.....
- Spleodar - Peaches: Fuck
- Mary Hendrix: The truth has been spoken
- Wafflez_Kitten ?: I think I have to subscribe
- Quintin Deel: HE KNOWS KAVOS. my three fav you tubers Triggered tro Kavos Greatness TV
- Rat: fuck me tro and dont pull out
- ThatOneGirl: Why is he the first thing I always look up him... I love this guy
- Ellie And Jacob: Your so funny triggered tro I found your channel a month ago and your videos are so hilarious I watched all the videos to now from a month back I just wanted to say I'm a subscriber and I love your videos
- Jay John: We all know a few Jake Paul's irl.
- zzerofps: Ahaha hahhahah I’m dying
- Schw peppa pig 96: You will get the views tro your da best
- ShannonSlays: You really deserve more fucking subscribers dude.
- Tom Cruise: Megan mcfucked up neck
- Mystify: "Megan mc fucked up neck" I CAN'T OMG
- Jouseph Rivera: If he choked her with his hand y is she choking Erika with her arm
- Commander Spock: Went to walmart the other day i go on over to the posters and guest who i see Jake Paul posters i sighed grabbed every poster i could found the nearest trash can and throw em all in the bin i was caught and escorted out i was told as we were outside by the guy "yeah i dont blame you" i say "yeah fuck that guy" he said "word up" and to this day i keep wondering who the fuck says word up anymore
- The Forbidden One: Yahli Haham true
- brin berons: *meganmcfuckedupneck what is ur deal*
- Jada-Mari Gouveia: This is random but my sister said maybe Meg got a hickey from Jake and so they made up this whole elaborate story so no one would know. I told her that was bullshit, but she wont believe me
- Trey: I don't like Jake Paul's crew or rice gums crew so I'll just be on keemstars side
- Four Side: Yah yeet on her neck.
- Francis Fawcett: I FUCKIN LOVE YOU ..if i had twitter id add you like math ha
- SoberGang: just found your page and im so happy i did
- Trashy Memes: BANKS
- fortnite tilted: 4:08 shut up BRUH there the best in the nfl
- Xaonidas: What's good, everyone? How's your day been going?
- TheSpiderYou ThoughtYouKilled: Like Jake Paul even cares about his assistant. 😑
- Trolling Troll: Paris Navarro and a retard too, just like you
- Kassandra Mankin: Listen jake paul e is a good person and understanding so I think that you should get to know jake before you make usuptions about him and she did not lie it is not makeup and you need to leave her out of this because from the sounds of it your th e person who gets kicked out of the party and cry because you for. have enough subs to make the money you need to pay your rent
- pizzznap :3: When he talks while growling ..he sounds like pewdiepie
- PureLuck: Fuck banks
- Azucena Manuel: F#$#you
- replayzz skills: Yeah fuck the patriots
- Jana Haytham: Your a b**ch
- Stash House Films: I'm on baks
- Jorja Day: Idiot.
- Josiah Guchi: maybe you did it
- eat glue 4 dayz: #Pulloutgang😂
- meg zombie go boom bucon: Fuck you and faze bank and you fuck you both are you ducking high bicth fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
- ffclvts: faze all the way cause im so gay
- Squishy Mooney: Jazmiah Gomez what's a lier
- i am a person: Why doesn't he have 1,000,000+ subs?!?
- Golden Henry: Faze sucks all the do is Vlog and react they were cool When they played games and did trick shots
- Ariz Farooq: 🅰️💮❌⭕️💢♨️🚷🚱
- Its So RANDOM: Tro so you do know Jake Paul existed.
- Tj so lit 1210: No she wasn’t
- Sabrina Besh: You're late 😂😂😂 the party has shut down for me
- Bank Robber: Well how sad, go watch someone funny then
- Blank Blank: Hi
- Jasmine Cook: You killed me with that #pulloutgang 😂😂😂that's hilarious omg
- Diego Dominguez: if you don't have proof he did not do anything
- Trevor Goodale: I got your back Tro..
- Gaj Kosi: You are a king
- Ismael Rousseau: Who needs 2 snipers to snipe some1?
- Imi Meh: This channel is lit noodles with lit sauce. Ye i like onionlobsters.
- Alejandro Arballo: I don't like this vid everybody like this comment
- Kahlil Covington: 😂😂😂
- Kanye West: #pulloutgang
- Josephine: Oml lol
- Maddy Smith: Fedoesha Ashik look on his twitter
- shwabe: I love this guy
- Covrr Syke: 5k damn that views tho
- Chocolatier: Wow, I'm late, I should earn a fucking medal for partici-fucking-pation.
- The BroSis Channel: Jake Paul created this lie to get revenge on FaZe Banks for stealing Alissa LMAO but it’s Jake’s fault that Alissa!s gone
- Isaac Garcia: Rice looks so high
- Abasi Shadid: Bro lol
- J E: Agree u can see ur bored!! Stop fu✨king up!! 🤷🏼♀️ don’t know
- zzerofps: I’m totally subscribing
- Wolfheart 49: I fucken hate all of them anyway so fuck
- England is My city: 🍆
- Paulie .P: I was at that club I saw him choke her
- Alyssa: Alissa*
- XxgirlygxX _: I was laughing so hard XD LMAO LOL
- assassin destroyer: Im from Boston fuck you mean fuck the patriots!?
- Mason Morris: I hate both of them
- Tea time sis ;: Wtf lmao
- Goro_911: bcs the person likes anime and i hate anime
- CєƖєѕтιαƖ Mσση: Who tf cares The real question is Zee or Zed
- The Excited Taco: Proger13 10 i'm down
- Alyssa Dulieu: Can we date?
- aGa Wied: I lost you when you said you know a lot of Jake Paul's cuz you have seen them at parties. Everyone knows damn well you have never been to a party
- Pacific Rimjob: Fuck the supreme hat, not the patriots son
- Nba 2K18: What's your favorite football team
- bribri 06: Jake said it because he thinks he can break up Banks and Alissa and plus it's fake because he just wants views
- Hyperfloater: I've been watching since like 40k I think
- Bank Robber: Why should he stop? It's funny! If you don't like it then go watch someone else
- Boo Nwu: 😂😂😂😂 this is the most I have laughed in any of your other videos!! But your other videos are still funny😅🤣🤣
- Addie62 6: "so I'm gonna leave it very simple.....fuck the Patriots" I died of laughter
- Sammy Buswell: you got like 100000 subs in like a week
- The Drunk Cupcake: You mean Ksi vs Logan
- Araceli Barreto: Booooooo
- The Mary Jane Alien: i don't know why people even lie about shit just to get other people shit on. it makes no sense and if you're caught nobody will believe you even if you tell the truth later
- Addie Peterson: *nah. I ain’t do that shit.*
- America: #cumbeforeyouputitingang
- RICARDO: keep up th good work!
- Maya 123: What was the end of this beef? Did faze banks sue Jake paul or no??
- Vanessa Sydnei-Pearl Tuck: YESSSSS FUCK THE PATS OML
- Ailcandre Dreder3009087: Was that another person that looks like banks
- David Becker: I agree with you on the Patriots thing
- NapalmScorpion Vlogs and Gaming Videos: #PullOutGang
- rachelleleann1989: Who are those guys and Megan McFucked Up Neck? Lmao that was hilarious by the way. I’m lost. Should I know who these ppl are?
- Epic sponge: XD you act like Albertsstuff r u his brother
- Sophie Mcwhirter: The cops were there so the bruise is real otherwise they would know
- GAMER BUCKETS: Faze banks reminds me of that cool dude that every person liked and hung out with while Jake Paul reminds me of a rich douchebag
- EastBayBaller 6: #pulloutgang
- Yanelly Morales: so stop
- Matty Wave: best video you've made. period. PERIOD.
- bondyczep: That bruise was not a result of choking, believe me, there were absolutely no finger shapes, if you grab something or someone hard enough to leave a bruise, then they bruise will clearly show the shape of the hand, that was clearly make up
- HS Gaming: So I just subbed to this channel but really “*footage*”? Come on... there was none
- do u kno De wae: Keemstar- 1:49 Kvaz: 1:54 Megan: 2:59 there was an error sorry
- Mit Rixo: Don’t clickbait! You are better than this.
- Tyler Biggs: Tro is eight fuck the patriots
- Breonna Wall: Ik he did not do that u asshole
- Andrea Canales: #PullOutGang
- G4BR13L _: This is the funniest video on YT idk why he only has 100k subs this nigga deserves more than that btw you got a new sub
- Gisella ArmstrongCassone: I feel really bad for her no person (boy or girl) should be assaulted for doing nothing at all and if they did something two wrongs don't make a right
- RedCayde VI: LoL WTF
- Golden Sunflower: I'm 16 lol
- Gina Bourner Petersen: so u hit girls do u?
- Unsaying Frame: when u said fuck the pats I shouted *fuck you too* way too loud
- kushtrim mramori: Brian Lee here #pulloutgang
- Figuring It Out: "I got assaulted and I have proof on my neck... Lemme tell YOU-MUTHAFUKKIN-TUBE"
- Nicolene Booysen: Hahaha oh no!!! This is hilarious 😂😂😂
- janashia blassingame: HUH!!!!!!!!
- Bri Paiz: My sons a pullout baby
- Trẻ Trâu: Iconic Loser just found your comment, and you have a new like :vvvv
- lourdes Hernandez: jp
- Sage Koeliamo: lite man
- Renee Ayers: Jake Paul! Faze banks sucks
- Alicja Pankowska: I NEED THE JAKE PAUL VIEWSSSS **gets 130,000 views**
- heyitsk hope: bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love your videos like fr tho damnnn😂🔥😂🔥😂🔥
- Elle louise Ladine: alexis d i was just reading comments to your comments---wtf
- blacklight friends: Cliakbate
- Metal Head: Keemstar lol
- FAT BOY: Skinny
- Mileides Guevara: LMAO “and YAHH YEEHT” 💀
- Hannah Bro: You and salt should collab
- Chloe Sibrel: Omg your fucking hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
- CO5serious gaming: Favorite part of the video Fuck the patriots
- goofy sinman: Vampire Queen Nani!!
- iNessa Styles: 2:51 3:10 ! I died !😭💀😂 Tro Man Your Funny as Fuck !
- Milan TB: @ of that ho who is with Banks?
- Kid Polar: It’s Not Makeup
- alexis d: Connor k SWIMMIN IN PU$$Y
- Jenna Murphy: You deserve to die that is not makeup I saw it happen banks actually did that to a lot of woman
- it's Michell: Jake paul
- Diamond 4ever: Ok bitch you just mad cause you don't get views and that jake paul has 10 million subscribers and you have 116 thousand
- Tgaming_3: Who agrees he deserves more subs😂😂
- pink nintendo: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO
- Hannah Linvington: When he said "fuck the Patriots" i was FUCKING dying
- Raul Pere: Fuck you bich you stupid ass with your Donald Trump looking ass nobody likes you stupid puto.... oh wait your not Mexican because you like Donald Trump 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
- Jay Gatcha: 2:45 I died.. continue on
- Athleticbeans: You and KAVOS are freaking awesome 😂
- Prawn: Same lo haven't laughed like this in so long
- Zack: #neverpulloutgang
- Fabyoutuber101: Genius😂😂
- Zach55443 vlogs: #fuckthepatriots lol
- Kason Shawn: #pulloutgang😂
- pink jiminie: lollll
- LPprods: I love clickbait
- nineX Zeventh: I laughed my ass all the way off
- Sophia Rampas: Iam on Jake paul's side I Hate Faze banks😤
- LeBron James: Jommylommy Money how did I read this exactly while it was said in the video 😂😂
- Ehh Who cares: Ded
- Bennett Friesen: JACK PAILERS FOR LYFE!
- Happibunni Art: Wut
- Collin Films: This is the funniest video ever!!!!!
- GH0STD3LTA: "Megan McFuckedupneck" I love it
- Super Mike: "Fuck the patriots" had me dying 🤣🤣😂
- Dabo: Why Jake Paul have 2 first names
- Jason Robinson: "Meg only faked being assaulted once"!!!!!!
- Joseph Lalli: I’m a patriots fan
- Sub TO PEWDIEPIE: I thought I was on dramaalert for a second
- Edwin Carrillo: He is just not a jake paulers
- ibeatmy_ memez: FinesseGods post more
- xxxtentacion forever alive: A what??
- Jessie Mcclendon: He's got a point you can easily make bruises using makeup I was taught how to do that in theatre and since the bruise is round and small and not shaped like fingers triggered tro wins it sure is makeup
- Da Real dho: Jake Pual did not do it plus he wasn't even at the club at that night
- Gang: Who else thought that Jake's assistant is a lier
- Larry G Benz: Fuck Jake Paul. Oh and the fake red neck bitch.
- Beeko: I was bored and just decided I’d leave it to recommendations
- Hamdael Abdul: When did I subscribe or turn on notifications
- Zachary Plant: Magories Ramos no shit cancer isn’t a joke. You can joke ABOUT cancer you dumbass.
- Lois Barnett: Jake paul
- TheWelshii: Loving your videos 😂🔥
- Zytronix: She's drunk
- Regina Yusupova: Megan Mcbruisineck Ahahah dead 💀
- ThisIsMyAlt FAG: Kavos is shit
- nightcreeper: Boom get punched bitch 😂😂😭😭
- Corwin Aranda: 3:08 that has to be the best Jake Paul impression
- Caitlin Gartlan: #pulloutgang
- JazzyDevil56: *That Was Allisa Violet With FaZeBanks Not Meg Idiot* 😈
- Jommylommy Money: Prayers to Megan McfuckedUpNeck.🙏
- christal kelly: 1000th comment anyway I was literally crying I couldn't breathe went he did that edit of blood 😂😂😂😂😂 you deserve was more subs
- babiejoce: Holly Game-Blundell true
- Ravenna Lovecraft: "Hey wait a minute! Megan McFucked Up Neck-" Your humor...and wordplay....i adore it. It's too hilarious to ignore. Lmao i knew i subbed for a good reason. You deserve more tbh~
- squid jelly: LOL the Keemstar part killed me.
- Captain Jibber: The patriots rock!
- DarknGlory: Lmao
- Jason Thompson: wtf did i just wacth lmao i figured video fottage of the club and shit lolol and for geting me this good bro u just got a sub for life that was good and i laughed lol.. nice lol.
- * Bruh: 3:34 was jake paul looking at his assistant ass
- Callum Lawler: Pull out gang 🤣🤣🤣
- Alibaba13: Hahah Jake Paul did it
- Emily Blake: I just found your videos last night. Seriously how do you not have more subs?? Our like everything leafy is here wishes he could be.
- Francisco Rico: Carlos Gomez STFU
- Lori Payne: #pulloutgang
- Marina Panda: YAAH YEEH
- david smal: Fallon is better then Kimmel tbh
- Diet Dr. pepper: Tbh I think jake Paul buys subs because, like why would anyone want to be subbed to him, after everything stupid he did.
- hoya: This guy is hilarious😂😂
- Vebiano: I am supporting new england patriots. *swag*
- Graci McDonald: This...im dead 😂😂😂😂😂
- Daniel Ramirez: Your so funny
- Justin White: It is
- Willow Huihui: 😹😹 #pulloutgang 😹😹 LMFAO I NEED THOSE VIEWS THO 😹😹
- zzerofps: Boom get bunched bitch 😂😂😂💀💀💀
- Payton Wolverton: I choose neither. I used to like Jake. I never liked FaZe. But I don't like either anymore.
- dad on your haters love the haters: Lierd r baf
- yi kes: "stan pines has mental breakdown"
- Basically Basic: I’m calling B B B BULLLSHIITT
- Graham: Pats gang!
- itzyourgurlJazzy itzyourgurlJazzy: lier and framer
- Raphi A: Megan *GET OVER HERE*😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Cloe Games: It’s Katelyn ya bish I honestly believe Alissa because jake lies about almost everything so how are we supposed to believe anything that comes out of that asshole’s mouth
- jay castellon: fuck the patroits
- OH YEA YEA: Look at ricegum at 1:35 XD
- smorelota: Join clout gang
- Itssleahh Ree: Omfg ur so funny great vid😂😂😂😂❤
- Kamogelomaile: k bye
- Lifted Puppet861: I like he tells the truth about the views and I remember cocka
- Dan Dan: Why the fuck should care abour any about these retarded ppl? It Brings nothing to my life. I Hope someone throw a Bomb into the YouTube Center
- Negan: Gold.
- Ben Seifert: Shut up meg!
- ♡AngelCaketh♡: Sure as hell not me
- Max Davenport: Jake Paul probably did it
- Kylie Anderson: K-vos 😂😂😂
- I_DROP_BABIES I_DROP_BABIES: She is ugly anyway
- Heather Long: I ❤ u
- Carlos Gomez: Shut up dude
- Samuel J: Banks I hate Jake
- Red Baby: HeyitsMaia So uh you pee-pee like boy
- Civincy: Megan Mc fucked up neck.
- killercane 349: Rice
- Anne R. Tremblay: I mean there’s glitter in her bruise...
- Dindu Nuffin: Goro_911 truly
- maddie Queen: Your so funny
- Ellington Vaughan: Megan McFucked up neck 😂😂😂
- Cunt ass pls unsub: That was an edit?
- Sebastian Latu: #PullOutGang
- Rene Clemente: “Megan McFucked up neck”
- Kent Barnes: Nah,I ain't do that shit😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂it LOOKED so perfect
- Yamin103: Lmfao
- Emily Padilla: Did that one guy just really cumm on camera?
- Breea: You should roast kavos or what ever his name is 😂😂😂😂
- Royal Crown: You can't be this dense, he's clearly joking. +babiejoce
- Oof Lucky: You played everything so well
- Chef Boyer'dee: Yo guys everyone should tweet banks and try to get him to watch and react to this
- Jack Mcloughlin: faze banks side
- Elsa Lennon: This is acc so funny ahahahha
- Kid Polar: You are
- Isidore Plays: fuck you bitch... jake Paul is innocent
- Bryan Lapre: Him:fuck the patriots Me:fuck you
- Maria: He reminds me of albertsstuff😂
- Death By Bagels: +George Bran are you dumb
- Anonymous Crow: #pulloutgang
- The Art of Adventure: Tales of the Fox Sage: Who the hell is Faze Banks or Jake Paul?
- Keshia Jobe: bro dont talk bad about someone u dont know... by the way im on jakes side
- jordan smith: fuck jake paul and his even more stupied brother. i think they used make up really good and wanted some drama because jake's running out of idea's for vids and try to get money out of Faze banks. so i'm on Faze banks side too.
- Marci Amor: CARTER Louissaint Yea young one Jakepaul
- Holly Game-Blundell: I'm so happy Alissa found FaZe banks
- THELEGENDofBUSTA: Yeah you right, I did click on your video because of the captivating thumbnail
- Mason Newberry: Your not funny you know
- Mia Johnson: Good Smithies CONNOR MCGREGOR
- invaderjessea: Lol hush xD
- ASBeibON: Can people subscribe to me PLZ 😀
- yeni soediro: team 10 is over?? wHEN DID THEY START THO?????¿¿¿
- Ron Toye: Megan mcfuckupneck 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Trash Content: #lildickgang
- fatima mtl: the vid was hilarious 😂👏
- jessica marie james: yea dont believe jake paul he is known for lying alot
- JayDHD: “It’s just ketchup. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His Jake Paul is the most on point I’ve ever seen
- Jade Fontenelle: 😂😂😂😂😂
- edzel dizon: tro
- gto_173: Abdulla Alhajri what're you gonna do abdulla blow up a school? Run a truck through the haters? Fuck outta here
- Bissan HD: omg
- Zub Kamui: When he talked about Kavos, his accent 😂😂😂
- killer squid: megan mcfucked up neck
- ama brown-mitchell: Banks
- Allena KoRn: L M F A O!!!! LOVE THIS VIDEO!!!!
- Matthew Orbi Kicks: #TriggTrogang
- munchable: FaZe Banks walked up to her and YA YEET'd her neck. Dead.
- Star Fall: Dropp Kick gawd XD
- Paige Wilkinson: At 3:20 I was dieing
- Jayce Payne: I stayed up till 4 30 in the morning washing u its rather I have a problem or ur too much
- Keegan Sutton: One critique "FUCK THE PATRIOTS"
- Alexandra Freed: DO MORE DRUNK VIDEOS.
- Noah Chebaro: damn you have 2018 loikes on 2018 ( actullay you had 2017 but i bumped it up to 2018 )
- pacman2311nb YT: Go Seahawks
- Lindy's Lounge: Omg this is sooo freakin funny!! The patriots joke was sooo funny😂😂
- Type:Immortal: Tro is a gift from god
- Kyle StormCloud: #BillsMafia
- Lilia Douglass: "Megan miss messed up neck" 😂😂😂😂
- Monika Cook: Bam get punched haha
- sHaDoW5.0: Lmao
- Charlee Irving: Tro is done with life
- Macabre: You're a legend.
- Williesue Manchild: You suck
- łayne's łounge: omg thats so rudee! you werent even there so why do you even accuse him 😡😡😡 ive been a jake pauler since day one and he is so inspiraetinal 👌🏽😍 so pls leave him alone!! and that bruse isnt even mackup faze hit her and i know it because jake paul nevers lies!😑 and jake paul has WAYY more subs then you so dont even try him! im so mad at you and im gonna tell jake that youre being mean and rude! im 10 so you THIS IS WHAT I WOULD SAY IF I WAS A RETARTED ASS JAKE PAULER
- Total Anarchy: I. Want to die
- Zana A: 1:46 😂
- Bobby soxer: Dat Boi zzz
- Digital 492: I'm laughing so hard right now hahahahahaha
- Damn Von Bon Daisy: SomeShadyBitch and im a she- lol
- babiejoce: #pulloutgang
- Arica B. Alien: Who would wanna be Jake Paul's assistant tho
- Silema Rodriguez: U R super very funny
- Tuaha Hussain: This summbitch deserves more subs he is so damn funny and he hates Jake Paul that is the icing on the cake how can you u not like this dude give him more subs.It's a humble request on my part.
- rEdpheEnIx: You're so funny dude!! I respect you 😂
- Lucas Nichols: you should have 10,000,000 subs
- Rain: I love it when youtubers crack cuz its too funny it makes the vid a lot better
- OBSK_ Mystic: I was seeing his vids when he had like 5k subs
- Gilbert Alvarez: shout out to the dis on the pats, go fins bruh
- The Element: TRO MY BRO you are a wicked kick ass narrator. You edit your videos nearly perfect. And your you. It’s nice to see personality in ones posting without trying to hard. People make money and fame by click bait and not being themselves and trying to hard. And your doing what you gotta do to do it right. This pointless Punk ass bitch ass Phase 10 jake Paul hits a a dead end and Wall every time the piece of shit speaks. This is a long comment. But it’s time someone tells the reasoning for this. Jake Paul and his brother get along and Feud and then others get involved over minor drama and it becomes a click bait heaven for these waste of space losers. They make the millions you make the 1 huns and thousands I would assume. The reason add revenue has went down is cause these worthless CLick to get rich click baiters and waste of time drama queens can’t be themselves. I guess in the end my saying is time is life and life is time and the CBaits and these drama queens are taking the time away from everyone’s life and that could be our time to live our life’s and not give are time to another’s life that is getting rich of of greed and self blame and self shame. To much Pride will end YouTube as we know it. I’ll close with this. Life is time and time is life we are never promised another heart beat another breath another step or another thought so live in the moment and get what you got. Cause we may not get the next moment. Time someOne the Truth about what really goes on on here and why. Again your one of my Fav posters and you keep it real when most of YouTube is fake ass bitches trying to hard. Oh fuck I forgot your channel Is a fucking family friendly channel oh shit fuck it damnit shit did I just cuss naw lmao. Be at peace with you day and it shall you. One love in life one moment at a time. I’m out be well
- bder: Annie their*
- Fort Hope: 1:36 lmfao
- Raven Lockwood: Dude you probably get this alot I'ma say this ne way I like your personality in ur videos (BTW this doesn't have ne thing to do with this video this is more in general) but i feel like if i met you in person I'd probably slap you for something you'd say idk ... i just get that vibe from you ... lolz
- brooke lynn: Funny af! My favorite one yet about this stupid shit that Jake Paul did himself lol
- ? ??: Mason Newberry police would have arrested him for assault! Megan is lying. I have seen fake bruises before. They are made with blush (sometimes). If it’s true, then why doesn’t she tell the police?! Because it’s b-b-b-BULLSHIT!!!
- Don't be that guy: Mason Newberry who the fuck are ya?
- Supreme God: Funny how you showed 1 person asking you about the situation good video tho
- Daniel Winterbottom: I believe jake
- Fort Hope: Lmfao
- Awallei_O: 😂😂😂 favorite
- Kaylah Thomas: FinesseGods ikr
- Michael Edmonston: I’m laughing so hard rn😂😂😂
- Aj Acar: fake drama
- Justin Cren: Lmao, you're funny just as much as supoz.
- Joshua Gamble: Ik I'm late but you can't get a bruise in 1 day
- Becky Sweet: Pahaha you’re hilarious!
- Sabrina Monteiro: Look idk wether banks did it or not but I’m sorry I have to go on jake Paul’s side just based on the fact banks is friends with rice gum like dude he’s more trash then jake Paul. thinking he invented distracts 🙄
- Shorn: Can I plz have a shoutout
- Dom: "supposedly according to jake paul's assistant faze banks just walked up and YA YEET-ed her neck" i was dead
- babiejoce: Trolling Cow Are you fucking dumb? His real name is Richard Bengton.
- Kim Jimenez: Im fucken dead
- Markeliah Steplight: Why is this changed so underrated this nigga hella funny 😂😂😂
- Somewhere Skateboarding: I'm on fazes side I hate Jake Paul
- Lizardmaster55102 Momo: You can tell that her injury is fake because the bruise pattern does not follow that of a hand choking someone and it is is blue not the reddish blue black that comes from being choked. They didn't even bother to make the injury look realistic, that's how stupid jake and his friends are, lol.
- Emily Rearden: Ben Zorn you sort of look like a more in shape version of Ben Phillips😂
- M Dio: "#pulloutgang"... yeah... not so reliable as my husband and I were a part of that group as well and we are now pregnant again and due Christmas day. Wrap it up, people. Unless of course you want a child.. in which case you're on the right path lmao.
- Culver4 Productions: your fucking hilarious dude!
- Luis Lopez: You know what's weird, I didn't know who faze banks was until I saw him with ricegum.
- bryanxrioss: Why did this video make me laugh so hard?? LOL subed and Turned on Bell ;)
- Sarah Stanley: I literally send all of your videos to my friends lmao you deserve so many more subs
- Patrick Vizuete: Faze Banks: I did not hit her its not true its bullshit I did not hit her I did not oh hi fans. Fans: Oh hey Faze Banks whats up. Faze Banks: I have a problem with Jake Paul's Assistant she said that I hit her. Fans: What
- Squishy Mooney: Jonah Fisher wtf
- LPs Honey: im on faze side
- Scare Cr0w: England Is My City Then what he has like 1.2M subs
- LeAnn Turner: I am laughing so hard
- Preston Mertz: He said he wasn’t invited I’m a little bit upset LOL
- Angel Burdiss: I love you😂😍
- Megi: My next tattoo will be "Tro" ❤. Wait a second 😅 I don't have a tattoo, so it's going to be my first. Today is my birthday and I am just staying home watching YouTube. Best birthday ever. Tro thank you. ❤
- Youssef Emad: #pulloutgang make it popular so we dont get people like jake.
- Dava T: This video has me dying
- Nya Collazo: Lmao “fuck the patriots”
- Marvin Amaya: Fuck the Patriots.
- Damn Von Bon Daisy: I love your crappy a.d.d Induced opinions. meow.
- Max Ayres: Wasn't this dude at like 5,000 subs like a month ago..... Now he's at a million. I love u tro and good job friend
- raiden Jenkins: Come back tro
- kingof menphis: haha best roast on those stupid utube fukers bro
- To Catch a Cheater: No!!!!!! Go back to making To Catch A Cheater Reaction Videos!!!!
- Monk Killedababy: "I don't even care!" Edits entire video about it... cmon man. Don't lie to us. You care cause it will make you money, geez.
- Emily O'Neill: im laughnig so much holy u
- Alex James: Meganh mcfucked up neck lmfao
- Random_games Productions: What's your favorite football team
- alexis d: Connor k OOOOOOHHHHHH
- Calum's balsamic: "Megan mcfuckedupneck"😂😂😂
- [GMD] Siflift: You fucking what you hate the patriots. UNSUB!1!1!1!1!1!1
- Itz me hannah: Megan mc fucked up neck
- Harvey Collings: Jake would never hert eneyone
- Pratik Sharma: OH MY GAWDDDDD ! WOWW ! I smell conspiracy theories
- Jacelyn Spurlock: Meghan mcfuckedupneck
- VideoForMeme: Hahahahaha
- Sachin Nair: "HOW MUCH PROOF DO I HAVE? NONE. ABSOLUTELY NONE." help me breathe tro I can't
- Mason Newberry: I mean what Allissa has said
- Ryan Tran: The fuck is going to this nigga
- TimberTokyo Tekikujimo: XD
- BLEACH: Lmao
- Simplic: This guy is so fucking funny
- Tednaisha Greene: 3:11
- Maxine Hubilla: I am on team #teampaul
- Allyson Edwards: Megan mc bruisy neck 😂
- Tim Schunck: you don't get a bruise from a choke hold ya dumb bitch
- Eduardo Gonzalez: Were da footage clickbaiter
- meeekoo jin: you should be glad YouTube doesn't show dislike counts
- WheresDaNumbers: Jommylommy Money mcnicemakeup
- Jada Flores: "Megan MC fucked up neck" 😂😂
- Rhett Dale: Why would she be near Faze if she’s so fuckin scared of him?
- Pual: U r so fucking funny😂😂😂😂😂
- Babes the Wabes Johnson !: RojanGaming 33 funny
- vvjokinen: Amelia Keller ur funny
- jasmine rayne: "Fuck the patriots" LMAO
- T L: How doesn’t he have at least 3M subs
- Parish Albert: Jake Paul
- CLAIRE MCGIVERN: I’m ligit dying😂😂😂😂
- Rìaciel Games: *B-B-B-BULLSHIT*
- Wolfie FTW: #PullOutGang 😂😂
- Sebastian Schmidt: i love this
- Coleslawplayz: The Nothings Of Nowhere pats are the best!!!
- Chadi RandomStuff: Banks an Logan 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇
- jenia g: "yah yEEted her neck"
- CWL Kev: Love you and I love your vids but I disliked cuz u said "Fuck the patriots"
- Tipple threat Gaming19: FinesseGods TOO FUNNY 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Holly Game-Blundell: I'm on FaZe banks side if you go watch his video Alissa says he is abusive I believe that I don't understand why Erica is still with Jake he spits in women's faces and physically and mentally abuses women this needs to stop
- Joost: Ok
- Maximum Freely: The 1.2k people who dislike this are 12 and under
- Simple TvGames: 49-1
- Shadow House: rlly f u
- LeafGalaxy: Jake paul and team 10 are the lowest in all of humanity's intelligence.
- Astrix: Pin me Father.
- slime slimely: you the douchebag
- jessica therrien: Same
- FuelJumper Film's: Damn i felt like this happened this year funny how things fly by
- Hunter Crain: Tro bruh chill you’re gonna give me some kind of medical problem from all the laughing Jesus Christ I thought I was gonna die watching this video
- Social Psychos: "FUCK THE PATRIOTS"
- G3DaKid: fuck da patriots
- josep Stalin: Megan Mcfucked up neck choked that girl in the room...ASSAULT!
- A0Z: Lol I was subbed since u had 500 subs (and that was just 6 mounths ago) lol
- Cam Production's: a bleach meme? no, and it's yoted not yeet, as stated by @srxjbb barnes
- Jinx: This is literally the funniest vid I have ever seen you deserve 1000,000 plus subs plz make more funny vids like this 👌🏻
- Chris_lees: #BANKS
- Vitiligo: Regan Ryan he schemed it you stupid fucking pleb
- George Bran: It wasn’t fake lol
- Paola Poole: god damn tro you did it. 588,071 views and 28K likes
- Samuel J: Jake is a bit** all he cares about is viewers 🤦🏽♂️
- Canadian Jester: #pulloutgang
- Kota: lmfao!!!! "YA Yeet!!!, choke hold and everything"
- Maxx Revs: banks looks like a non tatooed posty
- Allie Cooper: I love this channel tro
- Apex Artist: Honestly Ima share this channel to all my friends, this guys funny af
- Issa Maria: You make fun of everything that's why you are my favorite youtube channel
- jessica marie james: so true he makes me laugh 24/7 especially with the doctor Phil videos
- Oliver Simper: Team 10 got raped
- dude hailey: "fuck the patriots" SAMMEEEE 😂
- Isa Efron: I love this guy he is so funny xD
- BACM Solution Services: Banks but Jake knows he did more shit than banks to those girls
- The CEKs: THis IS F***ING FAKE
- Michael Larsen: how to get views and subscribers chance ur name to tro Paul
- Manuel Pineda: U suck at YouTube
- Jesus Christ: It's probably a hickey
- So Drippy: agario rodriguez 😂😂
- Maharshi K Desai: You are like a crazy drunk best friend. Love you bro!!!
- Kembodia: I subbed! This was in my recommendation and you're fucking hilarious.
- kristxnofficixl: Only tro can do terrible edits and get away with it since it’s fucking LIT UP IN HERE. WHERE THE TWITTER GANG? Smh.
- ninja BUSH: Thank u for calling out his patriots jersey
- Wolfe p: Yes more vids like this
- Elizabeth Crandall: I only disliked this because I said "f the patriots" like come on dude they are the best team in the nation.
- Diana Hinojoza: I’ve watched this video like 10 times. I have to say this is my favorite video. Funny af dude keep it up!
- Carter Bernal: Faze banks
- Karlee Siegfried: Stop making fun of this situation!!!!!!!your just doing this for views !!!!!!! Cause jake Paul will be way way better than you
- Diego Negrete: How aren't you a detective??😂💀
- Crystele Cocarus: jack side don't like you
- Dawqs: Scene Boy LMAOOO
- Suhda Majid: Lmao it’s ketchup 😂😂😭😭😭😭
- Arielle Henderson: Jake side ✊🅿
- nan nan: Who the hell are these people?
- Sophie Hawley: Lmfao
- clash gaming: yo plz keep making vids
- ob panda: When your to high that your higher than high
- charlie xx: Well it's true though isn't it so your the retard
- Chandler Leinbach: Bro this guys Comedy😂
- Dominic Viner: Good idea not using your face. Cuz you use a lot of people's dumb faces. Ahahahahaha
- real music: How do you know if there was no footage
- Gracie Allen: I bet he just wanted to yell at banks bc he stole his chick!
- Sarah Miller: Haha #pulloutgang with a picture of a guy sitting omg 😂
- Oof The pig: #pulloutgang
- Yoshi240: #TroLivesMatter
- EL OG: Cynthia Sizer not had cuz IDAFFFF U SKIDDDDD
- Unknown Girl: Mr investigator tro 😂
- Anai Ramirez: I love triggered tro he is so funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #meganmcfuckedupneck
- I'm gay: I'm a frog help
- Dan A.N.: I don't trust Jake Paul at all. I get a bad vibe from him. I feel like he's fake and egotistical. I'm on Faze Banks side.
- Gammas Vlog Lyfe: Why the hell would Jake mention this anyways?.. VIEWS!!!
- Scythe: #IForgotToPullOutGang
- Ismael Rousseau: I mean how was 2:23 to 3:28 made for grown ups
- Fonls: Faze banks Read More
- Emelia Olvera: Go jake Paul
- Ender41948 H: I've only watched 2 of your vids, with this one being the 2nd, & have to say.... so far, you're HILARIOUS! Thanks, I needed this! Have now happily subbed to you. 😊
- Lil Nugget: Good job
- YBN_TOINE246: Tro jus kills me 😂😂😂 #pulloutgang
- Sarah Omran: funny as hell
- Kimmy Kimster: Megan mcfucked up neck omg
- 00DiamondBlack: #pulloutgang
- Shane Dawson:Yasss Queen: I'm 700 like♥️
- skillbros arm cls: Leave Jake Paul alone you just create videos and disstracs on Jake Paul just for the likes and vews you fuckers mind your own business like if you agree
- Aspect_Bhâd Bhøÿ: Always a Jake Pauler
- autumn greenough: They both suck.... hahahaha my opinion doesn't matter but idgaf
- Media Man: #cluot
- LELE farmtown: Fuck them , burn in Hell
- _ R3TR0 _: Fine bros lost a million in a week
- KindOfReckless: Can you do something on the Melanie Martinez vs Timothy scandal?
- blackie herbivore: am I the only one who dies everytime tro does aussie accent (followed by ahhuhu kangaroo), actually just any accent he does kills me
- Shikon Jewel: Your clickbait asf
- Pat Miller: You ugly
- Alexis Cruz: True
- SnailGob: I'm gonna leave it very simple... fuck the patriots. I died
- Gabe Camargo: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Scarlett Smith: I love Jake and Team 10 and I love Cloutgang
- Brickk Wall: J. Gonzalez hey the Eagles beat the patriots in the Super Bowl. And tom Brady lost to a backup quarterback.
- Pump Kin: I have a theory what if Logan Pual's brother is doing this because Faze Banks stole his girl
- Dead City: I'm subbing XD you ae a true savage, unlike that fucker Jake Paul.
- Gameingisawe: FUCK YOU I LOVE THE PATS dislike
- Oj Okeynan-Bugle: 1:17 millions of people? Rigghhht more like millions of twelve year olds. Also congrats. You deserve these suscribers
- Dirty Giraffe: Bro I fucking love this video
- Krylix Guy: YouTube is gonna take over the world
- HYB7IB_ LA5H: Jake paul
- Felix Bibian: LOVE YOUR VIDS
- gabriel Gonzalez: Fuck
- Madden mobile Fire: Nice video
- Sharib Z: Never Jimmy Kimmel is the best guy
- D doos Gaming: Megan mc fucked up neck😂😂😂😂😂
- Mexican Béisbol: "Nah i ain't do that shii"
- Salma: I could learn a thing or two from you
- Bank Robber: Allie Cooper tro
- Summer S: as soon as he stops sucking off the jews that push his shit he's done.
- Layla San: Im very sad that tro has only a million subs.... HE NEEDS MORE!!!
- King_braylon _games: Your stupid Jake Paul didn’t do it it was faze banks
- Wendy Alien: You fucking clickbaited me
- Ichthys: You had way too much fun with this, Tro...
- Your_Gothic_Godess _1998: I never really understood the story until tro explained it 😂
- Alecea Pinkley: roses are red, violets are blue, I just got clickbaited and so did you
- Shane Wood: #pulloutgang
- ꧁༄༺Stephen ༄ MichaelsTM༄༺꧂: 2:15-3:30 is just too funny 😂😂😂
- md lmn: Ya yey
- L9KS: Fuck
- Rainyxo: The description tro gave was hilarious
- yaxx s.: " Mega McFuckedUpNeck " LMFAOO 😂😂😭
- Julian Rodriguez: no,no,no Kavos is leafy's brother and england is his
- Sarah Warden: Never laughed this hard XD Damn you I love you hahaha
- Timeless Utopia: @_Retro_ what!? well they have been losing my interest lately...
- Holly Game-Blundell: And also he abused Alyssa he spat in her face when they disagreed and he's give her scars all over her body
- Bennett Friesen: You got your Jack Pail views and subs. Congrats.
- babiejoce: Monique Van Wyk omg shut up 9 year old.
- Jayme Calvo: jake paul all dayy i have all of his mearch
- iShyco: This is the 1,000th comment!
- Mia Bermudez: Stop the drama pls
- Maya# Cøökîę: This got funny real quick 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- MelløwKeith !: thank you 😂
- fknmarvin_: I hit the liked button love me tro!!!!
- Enara Chouman: I fucking love this video
- eden miley: Shiz caught red handed
- Sarah Wood: 3:16 that laugh was kinda hot
- Tyler Giesey: I thoroughly have enjoyed watching you blow up from 200 to almost a million
- Will J: "So I have to just leave one critique, FuCk ThE pAtRiOtS." xD
- BlueMeetsGreen 124: Her bruise kinda looks like it has glitter in it.
- Its Exehdis: fuck jake paul fuck em ill beat his ass
- King Anime: Yes sir
- EverythingChangedWhen TheFireNationAttacked: I really wanted to cheeseneck the fuck outta you for a second.
- Jake A: Fuuuuuuukkkk!!!!! Jake pual
- Arthur Morgan: Im watching this when u have 500k+ subs
- That1Guy WhoWritesDownTheLyrics: 😂i love tro he keeps u 100
- Jaleesa Garcia: Jake telling the truth
- Serena Baggins: I know the whole thing is completely irrelevant now, but that’s 100% makeup. You don’t bruise like that from being choked, the bruise would be red and blotchy and you might even be able to see a handprint
- FF HANNSKI: Ahhhhh u hit a million
- Brian Lee: #pulloutgang 🍆 💦
- Nerf Nick 25.: wwepaige wwe randy orton is muh favs fuck u
- Frank the Weatherman: 2:26 ja ja jake Paul 💀
- lexix 07: *wow this is funny*
- Francisco Ortiz: Justice is served
- yanni Yanni: This idiot is a stupid guy is in faze shit side
- Zeena Issa: Hahahahaha dude your sooo fricken funny😂😂🤣
- Giovani Amador: Fuck kavos
- Skyler Erb: #pulloutgang
- virus panda: Lmfao ahhahahahahagahhagagagagaahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha
- Karolis 1: #Pulloutgang
- Perfect soul: Carlos Garcia hell yeah!
- Jonathan Aguilar: Im with faze banks
- Heather Grove: Yeah fuck the patriots
- NC SINO: holy shit meghan assaulted Erika !!!!! And yes , i do have proof 3:32 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sonya Colon: Brickk Wall fuck you
- Blank Statement: I’m white person
- Mytic Orca: I imagine him recording in his room just going " baboom get punched bitch"
- Nana The Wolf: I'm on Logan's Side.
- Marco Jimenez Vlogs: Do a video on jeffy the rapper
- ssg: u didn’t curse for the first 35 seconds
- Polite Cat: The Popcorn Penguin same with me
- CarrilloBros: Fuck jake paul
- Mischief Managed: B-B-BULLSHIT!
- You’re Right!!!: He was right about the patriots
- yellowbreadtrucks: THE LAUGH AT 3:15 OMYGOD
- Die Die Lullaby: łayne's łounge I was triggered for a minute
- Mortalkiller: "Megan Ms.Bruisyneck"
- Hyperfloater: Ay tro
- Corey's Exotics: Fuck the Patriots? How bout fuck you! Jk jk
- WILL GRINDIN 4EVA: Lets get tro to 1mill 💯💯
- ReugeneTheGod: 444K views woah
- S.H that vlogs youtube: YAH YEET in here neck
- CS:GO and other random stuff: FUCK THE PATRIOTS
- Hydragamer70: meg was assaulted i blame peter griffin
- Asian X Satan: Here is my facts that Faze Banks is innocent 1.He had a friend who USED to be in team 10, Jake Paul allegedly kicked Faze’s friend out of team 10,after telling the truth about how Jake Paul’s assistant BUMPED into Faze Banks at the club. * cough cough* making that an accident *cough cough* Jake who? 2.As you heard in the video,the “bruise” is clearly makeup as when under light it shines up,compare the “bruise” to a REAL bruise,no way bruises have little shimmer.Just a little note,she was hiding her “bruise” when the camera was filming her but when on the internet she willing shows her “bruise”. 3.This is not really a fact...but is how Jake Paul is an absolute hypocrite,as you know Jake Paul’s ex, Alissa Violet,was abused by Jake Paul,(e.g.he would bring girls over then accuse Alissa of cheating on him with a close “friend” that friend was Logan Paul,Jake Paul had chocked Alissa Violet,spit on her and one more,the time when he told the cameraman he will “push Alissa into the cactus near them” once he pushed Alissa he continues to laugh as Alissa cries while pinching the pricks out. That’s my facts,I have a couple more but I think I’ve said enough (I edit this to make sure I spell everything correctly)
- TheWorldOfMe: 3:56 screen shot is and zoom in its makeup you can see sparkels
- Sam Brogie: Jake Paul's side
- nathan manchester: keep doin youtube right
- Bethany Douglas: Ha and why now will Meghan step up she us ally is quiet and she would never stay at team 10 and left but maybe it is real
- Green Jumper: Why the fuck does snake notch look like she’s sisters with jakes assistant
- Marci Amor: Preston Grace I thought you said f*** The potatoes 😂😂
- Little Rash: Stop 😂
- Jaron Loar: HeyitsMaia u a girl tho, u can't pull out?
- Misty Joja: I love how tro report news 😂😂😂
- Karla Padilla: fuck you
- Bro Nation: F the patriots
- Zaara Javed: 1000th comment because i'm fucking dope
- BriasRocks: Mason Newberry Not funny you are either a nerd that doesnt get true humor or a kid that doesn't like a couple curse words
- Cassandra Duarte: It wasn't him that's all fake r u a hater
- Andrea Armas: That's wasn't Meg on the thumbnail it was Alissa violet wich that thumbnail was just fake
- Golden Sunflower: I agree with you Tro!
- Yummy Waffles: THE HUB "Murder is bad and i hate it" This is how you sound
- crippling depressione: #pulloutgang
- Dimitri Nevulous: LOL FUNNY ASF
- Jake Brown: Kavos isn’t Australian
- Nick Chamberlain: Bro this dude is funny haha lol
- TENTACION 喝前噢喝前噢TOKYO: Paul's are the best
- squishypanda 128: When he said get punched bitch I was on the floor dying of laughter
- FatLibs: Broooo you hella funny....you're my idol broo
- Owaan: meghan mcfuckedupneck
- Drink Me: Big daddy black
- mrs yerim: Okay this video is funny. You earned a new subscriber, and I don't usually subscribe to youtubers.
- Yokati_Xl NAT: 2018: ksi vs logan paul 2018: deji Vs jake paul Waiting: ceeday vs Tfue Now: Jake paul vs FaZe banks
- Hala Gamer: Dat Boi me haha
- the necromancer: Tygj boii shitty joke
- Sub TO PEWDIEPIE: Jommylommy Money 499th likes
- mustache man: They shit
- Derick Samora: Damn right the patriots piss me off to
- Genderless Faggot: Going to start binge watching U man
- Miss Arakina: i like ur voice it doesn't give me a headache, i will sub.
- Deoun Rexhepi: Love ur vids man keep it up
- Harrett: I would
- Steven M: Meg needs to fucking tell the truth that stupid lying piece of shit! Fuck you Jake Paulers
- TearLilyd: How does this have a place on YouTube but to make drama? This would be something that needed to be reported to the police if it did happen or whatever. Regardless don't give a shit about either of them.
- A Talentless Idiot: I heard they recorded the video the day after, but a bruise DOES NOT appear blueish in color that quickly.
- Abd Alsalam Assad: i luv u tro
- I love next Generation: Megan mcfuckedupneck 😂😂😂😂
- mustache man: He looks high as fuck
- Legit Shadow: #PULLOUTGANG
- Paris Navarro: I hate you jake Paul is great
- Astrix: Haha lol this so is funny hahahahahahahahaha. Yeah... Yeah... Naw in seriousnessesss it totally is father
- NSG_EstebanYT Ps4: No millions of millions of little kids
- i_have no life: That's not makeup
- Crazzy TNT: Ur saying Jake paul hit his own assistant but u have no proof of that, great logic
- Molly Turner: Why isnt he at 1 million?
- Jack Neiman: Tro do a face reveal
- Chito Flores: 😂
- Aviance Williams: Who tf is Faze Banks? I've never heard of him
- Aisha Byrne: 4:27 wait what I forgot to watch to the *END* well done me but mine long text still could be true hopefully😕? *Idk*
- Activity Ava: Omg hes over 1 million subs. I remember when he had like 300k
- Robert Ulibarri - 黒心の子: #TroDeservesMore
- Carlos Garcia: I'm dead this guy is hilarious😂😂😂😂
- Mighty Rooster Booster: Lol fuck the patriots
- Tiger _: hi tro!
- TexasTaco512: Tro, bruh, you're not busy getting turnt up bfefoe the fight tonight? Keep dropping gems tho👌👌
- CohoonTv2: My dick chocked her
- Jose Martinez: #pulloutgang
- CamPlaysPC: Have a Mil, good job!!! Been watching since slightly before 100k 👍👍👍
- Texas Panhandle: I don't even know who Banks is, but I still support him.
- Gustavo Rosaless: Wassup
- ripxxx xxx: Get punched bitch lol
- Cheeky The dinosaur: She lied so much that's why she quit
- Grethan/: Jommylommy Money 😂😂 favorite part of the video
- Haydn Woolfson: Kavos's rent was due
- Patricia Ortiz: Clickbait
- Jorge Soto: Logan paul like if you love him
- Chloe Carter: Bro you need more views and subs fr👍 youre funny as hell and underestimated
- Ryan Daley: eventually kicked out of youtube
- Astrix: I have a confession to make...this is hard to say but... I'm a heterosexual.
- Michael Xu: #pulloutgang
- foodfor thought: Okay you get physically assaulted and your first reaction is to make a video about it instead of reporting it?
- ahni oula: No body finished this video yet 😂😂😂☹️
- Codie Ellis: Your the idiot xx Jake and Megan are not lying XX
- QUEENUNICORN WEIRDO: Bank was telling the truth because Jake Paul's story was so fake Jake Paul more like FAKE PAUL *GASPS*
- Kenyah Salter: i agree
- CatastropheRail: Anyhow Anyhow Meanwhile Mate Ahaha Jake Paul x5 Faze banks Assistance assh- 😂😂🤣😂
- Alissa Moreno: Jake Paul sucks
- Astrix: Triggered Tro you just choked me. Don't frikin act like you don't know. I know that you know cause I know. I know.
- Latioss: *how dare you disrespect Kavos*
- Destiny Flowers: Expose truthfully Trisha she was on dr Phil if you already have where is the video? F
- Nicholas Vega: faze banks
- BlankDude ._.: The Popcorn Penguin ᏚᎪᎷᎬ
- omnitrix1992: the patriots are the best
- Noah Langrehr: Megan mcfucked up neck Lmao
- TonyQ Anthony: Clorox Bleach 😂😂😂👊 DISS Track your IittIe boy
- Abd Alsalam Assad: seems legit yah yeet
- FinesseGods: You’re too funny 😂
- Priscilla Gomez: The only thing that I would punch is that like button and the sub button
- Beuliana Yeun: 1st comment 🎉🎊🎉
- Johnathon Man: FUCK THE PATS
- J. Gonzalez: #GoPats
- Brickk Wall: Fuck the patriots
- Trolling Troll: Retard spotted
- Madi Baird: When he said " who's laughing now? " I said " me tro, your fucking hilarious "😂😹
- lindsey limon: Fuck team 10 good job tro
- simplyizolda: 1 like = 1 neck saved
- Sam Ellsworth: Lmao jake Paul is gay asf, he HAD to pay Gucci 250,000 dollars to do a shitty feature, like Gucci didn’t even try in that shitty ass song
- Pandas are kewl: Megan is so god damn ugly who would want to assault her?
- Lois Barnett: Your really annoying
- Jenifer Sanchez: 😂😂subscribed
- Pro EliteMode: Reminds me of Albertstuff
- pil gram: Those who defend Jake Paul and team 10 existence on youtube are probably 12 year old girls who try to act like 18 or high school drop outs
- memelordistrash: Tiffany Vargas 🔥
- Evelyn Murphy: 😂 But fuck jake
- Dakota Abbott: #pulloutgang mission failed
- ModernSenpai: England IS MY CITY
- iluvCR250Rs: BOOM! Get punched bitch! Had to keep rewatching that part until I stopped peeing myself 😂
- RaZe Kale ツ: #trogang
- Astrix: Hey Triggered Tro. I am of the triggered now. Thanks.
- MASTER SHOTZ: Faze banks is pretty big so if he full hit her in the neck we her wind pipe is she could of died
- 〽 King Kylie 〽: Flaming Da Beast see you said that well. I respect this guy.
- CPU Virtualization: Damn his guy is hilarious
- Karsyn Andrews: “ Megan mcfucked up neck” hahaha🤣I’m weak “Bbbbbbbb bullshit” 🤣
- KArma X: Has anyone saw that in drama alert in every thumbnail there’s a pic of jake Paul or Logan Paul or “snake bitch”
- Yuliza Trejo: 😂😂😂😂
- Matt Holcomb: U r funny
- Matthew Akridge: this is great
- The King turtle: Kermit the frog you need to be a turtle
- alexis d: Notification squad WHERE YOU AT
- Delius: Dab on em autistic hatars
- Savage Shot: Everyones a nazi nowadays
- Benjamin Molloy: Donald Trump
- Proger13 10: Who wants to snipe Jake Paul with me ?
- Psycho Gurl: I'm dying 😂😂😂😂
- ItsYaBoiBDB 1: Shoutout to all my slightskin nighas
- shlump mommy: Megan Mcfuck
- Lugun Pool: Anyone see the fight
- danny lol: All i wanted was a coki 😐
- kwibalda lol: Juan Zuñiga you spell totally uncorrect....you must be an 8yo kiddo from the paulers get outta here boy
- Ethan Senn: as long as its not jake paul,im all for it
- Trevor: Meghan McFuckedupneck
- lily b: tom brady is the goat
- Sol Shock: Pasta sauce
- Giselle Montes: Enter Name: lol I was waiting for that fight my dad 🙄🙄🙄
- Elyce Monet: Septic Diamond Girl someone's a triggered liberal!!!!
- Haveagranday: in the time i watched this video it got 11 views. you get 11 views every 5 minutes. good job tro
- K Jones: kr4zyy I'm 12 but I don't like Jake anyway
- Carlos Gomez: You
- Gus Jp: i really wanna have kids but i have to wait till jake pauls channel is dead it has to be eventually
- 199.9 ČHÃÏÑŽ: #pulloutclub😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- The Notorious A.M: Who tf is Jake Paul?
- Boo Sweets: I think you just got promoted to be a detective just now Tro
- Kid Polar: Bennett Mathias you like Jake Paul omg I do to
- New Age Productions: #pulloutgang ... Fuckin priceless !
- Zachary Rossmiller: Was keemstar really jerking
- Morales98: Tro getting to 1M, im proud of you lil tro
- Warrior cats Fandom: Same
- Owen Bryant: ok tro im giving you an L for hating om the patriots
- someone xoxo: who is the lier? idk know...
- Hans Bothe: None of your videos fail to make me laugh. Thank you Tro!
- Anthony da savage: You are an ass
- shimmy nell: Bruh when you said ”I might’ve had a few drinks” my brain exploded, because I was thinking you were drunk
- Diana Ayers: Yeah fuck the patriots
- Lolz Lolz: Omg yess
- CamPlaysPC: I hope!!!😂😂😂
- Yahli Haham: drunk tro is best tro.
- NSG_EstebanYT Ps4: Buddy
- judith ditvoorst: Faze banks is a loser he sucks
- Jessica Jones: absolutely NONE
- RojanGaming 33: Lmao I didn't know Faze Banks was actually a dude. I thought Faze actually owned a bank.
- Brianna Mottola: I’m from New England so I love the pats but other than that good video 😂😂❤️
- TheDancelover4ever: Your BANKS impression is killling me. Hilarious and on point
- Kid Polar: I’m On Jakes Side
- DEADPOOL wrestler: Thanks for the video dude.
- Marci Amor: Yeah and Pewdiepie hit 57 mil
- liquiddeathorsomething: It may be Plan F but its something your good at and if you love doing it why not keep it up? No seriously keep it up id die without your humor
- Ben Zorn: Lmaoooo this video is GENIUS
- Chunking Y: I suck triggered last night it was the best time of meh lifee
- Dropp Kick: A few things. (I doubt you'll see this though ^^") 1. If you don't want kids find someone infertile. You wont have to pull out then lol. ;D 2. Her bruise is fake, the color of it would require her to have it for a few days rather than the day after. If the bruise was real it'd be at least yellow, green, and dark dark purple but its not. So its fake. She also seems completely fine- the neck is a sensitive place on the human body and you'd fucking know if it hurt. She'd be unable to mover her head without serious amounts of pain, unable to breath or swallow without unease and basically she'd be miserable. She's fine - plus next time they want to fake an injury maybe use matte instead of cheap everyday makeup. At least matte doesn't have fucking sparkles - also maybe don't try and fake out everyone with a dry make up remover cloth; the make up remover she showed has a clicking lid you'd hear being opened (and you don't.) So, all in all - they are lying.
- Victoria Conkel: Me if i was a lawyer 2:30
- Matthew Segura: How did i miss this vid ? Its been 8 months.... I thought i was loyal
- Bradley Beitler: I mean if I was a women who was assualted I would call the police, not trying and get clout from it
- LucyVlogs: Jake is lying
- King Jumpy: Jake Paul's fame kinda reminds my of Justin Beiber in his young career.
- puppy girl228: Im on BANKS team
- Ramy kh: #pulloutgang😂😂😂
- Coleslawplayz: My username is so obnoxiously long and there is absolutely nothing you can do about the matter pats are the best!!
- Charm: #PullOutGame
- BirdHouseBirdy: Dat Oblivion Soundtrack giving this video true suspense.
- Luke Valentine: "MeganMcFuckedUpNeck"
- Crainkiest Trout: If you want to have some one funny leafyishere
- Hyperfloater: Its been like 6 months and I'm loving you man
- Clout _boi23: Logan Paul>Jake Paul Faze Banks>Jake Paul
- PEPSI TRG: #PullOutGang
- Bank Robber: Insta:__skating__freak __ o ya because he really cares that you un subscribed to him
- IEatFood: Oh poop
- Fiona Gutierrez: Tro your my boi but the patriots are the fucking shit BOSTON PRIDE BITCHES
- Lucifer the first: Who is meg
- Lani 1720: "Yah yeet! ...Megan MC bruisey neck over here"
- Dakota Fugate: I’m dead 🤣
- davis28905: #FuckThePatriots
- Travis??: LMFAO Megan mcfuckupneck xD
- Brian Bravo: FaZe is fucking clan he’s in you idiot he’s real name is Ricky
- Anthony da savage: Jake paul 4 life
- Bob thebuilder: I choked her with my cock
- Cobalt Shooter: Not that I give a fuck but in the picture at 3:39 she seems to be getting a double handed frontal chokearooski but when she reenacts it on that brunette she goes rear naked
- Buzz Gaming: #pulloutgang
- Brennan Archives 2: I love his kavos impression
- Elle louise Ladine: Isacc Youngblood wtf
- Hate: Rename your channel to DrunkTro, You will get famous for getting drunk and making awesome content Lmao
- Maui Randall: #condomgang #yourkiddoesntwanttobeanaccidentanymorethanyoudwantthemtobe #theprecumisreal #STDsalso
- No Sir, Not I: #PullOutGang
- Doo_the_fright_thing: That’s just too *GANGSTER*
- Kotryna Blazulionyte: 👊👊👊👊👊🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
- Vodbra: Nana The Wolf oh god why
- Erick Care: Fuck the patriots - tro 2017
- The 3 Chinitos: She really fuck up right now bc there alot of proof on her..that she's lie
- Tiger_Walrus Mash: I like Jake Paul and I also like you. So please stay out of the Jake Paul and Cloutgang drama??
- Wilson Kaja: Matthew Orbi Kicks I'm in DAT band
- undercover: Wow.
- CesarHEG: yeah fuck pats
- XMotion: Jake Paul reach 10 mil😥😭😭😭
- Captain Spade: Ruben bravo tv 👌
- SLN: Ooooooo hakey
- court gamin: ugh i hate the voice over
- Jerk My Ego: Fuck Fake Paul. Banks def ain't do shit. They tried to say he cheated on Alyssa too. Desperate ass x bf drama. Idk how Banks hasn't beat his ass yet. Fake Paul prolly be a pussy and call the cops .
- Warrior cats Fandom: #PushOffGang 😂 get it? #PullOutGang No. Okay, I'll leave now👉
- Wolfgang BAMF at ya: But really though, wgas anyways?
- Danisnotonhischair: Every time he says 'drop a like, I will love you forever' I get hello Internet flashbacks 😂
- Dallas Parish: Kewl
- Zree: Great photoshop
- Brayden Offline: I'm dying :')
- 999 Frosty: #pulloutgang
- SadAlexHere: Holy shit so close to 1 mil 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
- Matt Mendez: Meagan mcbacon neckin
- Haylee Flynn: B bbbb bbbbullshit
- Motu Mehat: +santino rivera Lmao
- O___0하니: my overiesss exploded ps I caaaaant spell
- Wolfgang BAMF at ya: Lol!
- BigTex182: Lmao this guy gets it
- Zack Larsson: Sick clickbait
- Jerry Candelario: Xx
- Lemon Flavored Bleach: YA YETed her neck
- Adrian Guillen: 🤯🔫
- Shorn: First like!
- max_fallout: o shit you growin fast
- TiffanyTomboy MSP: Megan McDonald
- landunallmighty 1: The patriots part tho😂😂😂😂
- charlie xx: If you don't realize,unless your blind,if you see the photo you can see the man h as Brown hair but Jake doesn't have Brown hair Banks does
- TheMasterJoke: Ya YEETed Her Neck 😂😂😂😂
- Emily Kargle: Lie
- Hayden Oberg: I only disliked the video cause he said fuck the patriots.
- Allen: #IForgotToPulloutGang
- Donee@AwEs0me: God dammit I'm on Banks. He said it was an accident.
- larr ay: Scene Boy lmao
- Miriam Martinez: Love this video
- Danielle Carey: She got assaulted there is footage it is true!!!!
- Emily Kargle: This video is a pie
- Bank Robber: Logan Clip Vlogs well...how unfortunate
- Red Coat: Go hang your self
- literal trash: 1:27 or Disney
- Luka Komljenovic: Never heard of faze banks until he went to Cleveland and threw out these huge allegations agains my favorite bar, barley house, and claimed they did some serious shit. Then the bar released the security video and showed how he did all the instigation and lied through out his claims. You may be able to do a good video on that.
- Taiba Jake: Jake paul is telling the truth u just want views
- A1 Spike: lmaoo the bloody hand edit
- Chris St. Cyr: You gotta make your vids a bit longer
- Blue Fang: Jesus Christ I love this channel
- Tanner Morrison: 2:50 - 3:26 😂
- Devon Killiktee: Fuck you your not getting views
- Moses Is Me: Hey fuck you man go Patriots.
- Dumbshit Headass: 3:00
- Alx RRios: 😂
- Jose H: Megan mcfuckedupneck
- Amelia Keller: jake paul is bae faze banks needs prisin
- Jerika Paul: Jake paul didn’t do anything
- ZACES: Haha peasants!! Conor Mcregor vs Mayweather!!!
- cutieLuverTo England: Lmao
- blah girl :3: *BAM* 😂
- Jeanne LeMoine Fell: Banks
- Aesthetiiic Canadian: 😋😂😂how are we ever gonna live my goodness the world is gonna end😂😂😂 who knew 5 year olds can be so funny and bratty😂😂😂
- FaZe Fanboy Page: Lol this kid lit, I subbed to yo channle.. Btw u funny as f word,😂
- Leah got Good Vibes: Congratulations you just won a new subscriber YAAAAAAAAAAAY 😂😍😇😝😋😛😘☺️😊😎🤗😄😅😀😃😙
- Shadow House: I'm saying f Jake paul
- Princessmadi04: Fuck the patriots?!? Omg I’m unsubscribing!!! But not really tho. Patriots are still 100% on top
- Anonymous •: Megan McFuckedUpNeck. lol
- Elvis: "get punched bitch" i'm crying 😹😹😹😹😹
- court gamin: faze banks bro stop trying to get veiws
- Bros Forever: Megan fucked up neck 🤣😂😂🤣😂
- A Quarles: I. Love you no. Hoe. Mo
- james hodge vlogs: Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahahahahha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahahahahha hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahahahahha
- Julian Rodriguez: no,no,no Kavos is leafy's brother and england is his
- Jonny Kiddo: Lol u weren't invited
- Alissa Moreno: Megan and Jake Paul suck😈😤
- Seri0sed: You have gained 800k in like 6 months... be proud of yourself
- OperatorDelta 3: #Pulloutgang
- Emperor Cryo: Kariany Delgado the irony
- Dee Lemons: I dont like you because you dont like jake paul
- IcyRotten: Makes fun of clickbait thumbnail of assistant being choked, puts almost identical thumbnail and title on own video.
- Suade: Lmao ur so fucking funny I'm dying
- zoinks: DO FACE REVEAL
- Kenyah Salter: stupid girl
- iNeoni: Mega Mc Fucked Up Neck
- kr4zyy: There's a reason why there isn't that much dislikes on this Jake Paul hate video, it's because Tro's Fan Base isn't made up of 10 year olds
- Sarina Verdding: Daddy
- Ismael Rousseau: Logan Clip Vlogs youre a little late buddy Jake has already admitted lying
- Steph Bryson: HAHAHA Megan McFuckedUpNeck I died
- Bethsvlogs 123: Good Smithies ikr
- Amy Bartholomew: Plz plz plz subscribe to coon's
- TheGuyWhoTriesToSing: Whats tros new channel called
- Hanna Maxine Katting: #PULLOUTGANG
- Robert 5682: lol I was about to go off at you for a minute
- Derick Samora: PS I subbed
- cosmic arts: Jake Paul x Faze Bans *yes a legit ship* *pIN ME DADDY AND GIVE ME LOVE*
- Xx_snipezyz _xX: Well at least you’re honest XD
- Squishy Mooney: Mason Newberry my not funny? Or his not funny? WHO HAS THE NOT FUNNY I NEED TO KNOW
- Gabe Jhonson: “ Megan mcfucked up neck” 😂😂😂🤣
- Sue Ann Smith: #pulloutgang
- Joshua Whyte: Nice clickbait
- Contown Idiots: #pulloutgang
- Tj so lit 1210: Fuck jake paul
- Noah Chebaro: fuck you cherry grenade
- Angelique Smith: Jake Paul better
- Logan Rich: Its a moul
- Savanah Puth: 😂
- santino rivera: Cynthia Sizer fucking die already like shut Tha fuck up your like 11 years old you don't even know how the real world works yet so go hit puberty then come back to this vid and make a statement
- hi: Too funny 😂 Also Jake Paul probably lied cuz his ex is Alyssa and Alyssa is dating FazeBanks... Just saying it possibly could be that reason
- The Real L: Lol Kay-vos
- Liam Shorthouse: Your kavos impression was on point
- diana moya 3: tro sounds like jimmy
- Butter Guitar: Y r we talking about jake Paul vs faze banks when we should be talking about Sonic vs egg man
- Grace Kenna: i was so scared to watch this because i thought he might be on jake's side but now that i know he's not I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUY SO MUCH
- RIELI STAPLETON: I am gunna leave it simple FUCK THE PATRIOTS
- P. S.: Brian Lee #pulloutgang
- Genji Lamar: Lil L
- Daan Hofland: +1 sub!
- Kaelen Winnett: "Fuck the Patriots" 😂😂😂
- Monse Lopez: How much did she make from this do u think
- Cameron Schwetz: Damn he’s one of the only funny people on YT
- Gunnar Swee: I’m pretty sure you can’t bruise your neck from a choke hold, you’d be knocked out before you bruise, and I’m pretty sure banks is smart enough to not hold that position for that long so I’m on banks side
- Ryan P-76F1004x4: Oh man.. Why u gotta hate on the pats ??
- Light Imagay: these vlogs celebrities are the worst undeserving people in the world.
- Trolling Troll: charlie lawrence jake still lied tho you retard
- EastBayBaller 6: I think Jake had a better chance of hitting Megan than Banks
- HANN has me shook unlike Namjoon's hand: xXx1Link1xXx Banks if you do it first😐
- Mia Johnson: Banks
- Crystal Bleach: Lemon Flavored Bleach omg your my long lost family member. What up
- Crafty Unicorn: Lol fuck the Patriots.
- JustAGirl: They're *G-G-G GAAARBAAAGEE* * air horns *
- Julian Rodriguez: no,no,no Kavos is leafy's brother and england is his
- You are a weeb -3: Naomi 4 life hey dumbass Logan is Jakes brother dumbass
- Owenplayze: Faze banks is better Jake Paul watch the Martinez twins video
- A Person: U sound like Pewdiepie
- K0M0D0!!!: Guys you do know, DramaAlert have proven that it is fake?
- Ali Kai: Fuck you
- James Smith: Don't ever change bro funniest youtuber ever
- TonyQ Anthony: MarMar Chan F*** you
- The BroSis Channel: Megan McF****DUPNECK
- Isaiah: MeganMcFuckedUpNeck 😂😂😂
- AvengeTupac: I know Tro we all need views🤦🏾♂️
- Luma Abbas: "It is just ketchup idk what your talking about"
- josue hernandez: This vid made my day 😂
- Alice Plautz: Faze is gay. Just look at his channel likes.
- summer fitzgerald: BANKS
- Regan Maii: meganmcfuckedupneck
- Arianne Gold Palomo: I go to team jake paul
- Greasyseal x: *ABSOLUTELY* ... None.
- Haris Daddy: #riptro
- izzy lockhart: Kavos is like you, u guys are so funny, you should try to get to know him.
- HANN has me shook unlike Namjoon's hand: I love this guy😂 I subscribed😃He funny!😂
- Madison Hohertz: This is one of my favorite videos now because of how funny he is😂😭
- Aarion Robinson: This guy is gaining sub's like shit
- SpookedCow: "Meghan MC Fucked Up Neck!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Sheyanne Barton: "Megan Mcfuckedupneck " holy shit, I can't..
- Allie Cooper: Comment tro if you love this channel
- J Legend: Who is your favorite team
- Random guy: Regan Ryan no Meg originaly said it was an accident but then suddenly Jake paul started lying about how he had assaulted her
- That one Guy: #pulloutgang my dad wished he pulled out
- Jay Newton: God damn the internet is a beautiful place.
- Fused I3omb: FUCK JAKE PAUL
- Ragnar Lothbrok: #PULLOUTGANG
- Alia Dean: #NotificationSquad where you at
- Phil’s Eyelash: On point Kavos impersonation
- Daniel Ruiz: Tro you and Kavos should team up
- Taylor DuRoss: bitch
- Aspin Barkley: You should have so many more subs than u have now
- giraffe neck: #PULLOUTGANG
- Nate: That shit was FAKE! This whole #CLOUTGANG vs #TEAM10 is a fake beef to provide them with content and profit off of each other. That’s why they used their assistant so jake could throw her under the bus if people found out. It also adds to the drama that banks is “dating” jakes “ex”
- BELLA.5: I love this dude.
- MapleThe1nOnly1: i love this 10 10 keep doing what your doing
- LuckyHD: 3:48 You can clearly see thats makeup. If you zoom close enough you can see glitter as a mistake.
- Damn Von Bon Daisy: junebug all my grandparents are dead... So thx?
- Bank Robber: Don Arnolis de Silva I don't know... I find it kinda funny...sorry not sorry lol
- Midas Shrewsbury: #PULLOUTGANG
- Kennedy Donnie: its just ketchup I'm dead
- Bank Robber: frida cadena preach!
- the manynames kid: Shut the f up
- kayla travieso: i take banks side
- Romy: Dude, you remind me of maxmoefoe. You’re hilarious, keep it up! 💕 (Sorry if I spelt max- wrong)
- Bleach Shake: Whomever kills Jake Paul will be a national hero.
- Dolan Limelight: I love how he's honest about using Jake Paul for views 😂😂 honestly I love this guy
- The Popcorn Penguin: Yo Tro, I only saw your channel recently (3 days ago) and I've already watched so much! You're really funny, +1 sub & +1like per video
- Sarah Omran: Thank you so much
- Daniel Casillas: Ricegum is gay
- joe.cr: This is so true.
- Muted: I Call Bu Bu Bu Bullshit OMFG LOL
- ItGloRiouS: Floyd won
- SlipperyXXHippo: She can move her neck with little or no pain. People there with that witch said she already had that bruise. And bruises don’t fucking look like that within seconds. And when she tried to remove it, she used an out of the box wipe which was probably dry as fuck.
- Nickolaos rattanasengkham: Ya u like tht u just got punched b-b-bitch 😂😂😂
- patrick star7: Yea fuck the paitrots
- yeemodoll: The montage killed me
- my penis is unbelievably small but,: Wolfy Team RUSOOOSYTEEDDDDDDD
- Scissors, All The Way Up: Am I the only one who was just applauding while watching the entire video?
- Bryan Marquez: #pulloutgang
- Angel Vidals: Fuck Jake Paul🤬
- Dinar Dinar: 😂😂😂 bro, this video is entertaining, your blood edit was LIT omg my stomach hurts
- Eddie Alvarado: Make a video with kavos
- Acekoala45: Pulling out is only 60% effective.
- shane hargis: I didn't even know who Jake Paul was until his dead body in the suicide forest fiasco that blew up world wide, and still have yet to see even a minute of Any other of his videos...lol I Couldn't Care Less lolol
- Daisy Kemi: “YA YEET HER NECK”
- thesaintswave: Saints
- VeNuS2910: you are you so funny. that is a real talent. :D are you going to make a video about Logan Paul's misadventures in Japan?
- Dank La Douge: Jake Paul Vs. Mcgregor
- MR. NOBODY: Savage Shot And I will kill them. They kill my mother.
- Matna: wow, tro will now love me forever...
- Stop Motion Productions: Dis vas fak Jak pul lied
- Andrew Northington: I’m dieing in class 😂😂
- Loki John: These fools are all lame
- The BroSis Channel: Megan McBruisyNeck
- Jadorim Simoro: I choked that bítch
- Jeff: You have a sexy voice ;)
- memes are dead but im not: I happen to be a professional makeup artist and that is 100% fake. It sparkles. My makeup in fact does not sparkle. She used eye shadow.
- lizzy a.: I watched Kavos videos immediately before this
- Mayte Yepez: *I can't 😂 U got a sub*
- Lord HushPuppy: If she was really assaulted then the cops would have been called
- Phoenix Wolf: #pulloutdoesn’twork #useafuckingcondm Grow the fuck up and just use a condom
- Bruh Imdead: Charizard Charizard oh yeah, you are definitely serious when you say you’re a jake cancer Pauler because you can’t even spell jealous correctly
- Hugo Ramirez: Clip bate
- 『Blessed아빠: The makeup wipes she use have a con and they don't remove makeup...
- Leonfox Supersaiyan: sup dad no homo #pulloutgang
- Lil_Mix: Like for Lil pump
- Brutal Stipes: Do you still want an Avatar bro ? I've seen too many Jake Pauls at party fucking annoying the kids are even picking it up by bro .but not my girl thank hell...JUSTICE IS SERVED 😀
- I am Paulina Bitch!!!: Did Jake deleted the video?
- Gabriel Cortez: I hate faze banks cause he should not be doing that to her I like Jake Paul better then I’m because chocking that’s just wrong 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
- Skytasticman ok: React to Prince vegeta
- ThatDudlde Smoker: 0:00 through 3:00 got me dead😂💀💀💀
- Jozlyn Morris: #PullOutGang
- The Island gamer: Troy lost his mind
- Hard Nips: Id like to insert jake pauls penis into hurricane harvey's 120 mile an hour wind.
- WindSketchers TM: #PullOutGang
- Jaywaysay: #Pulloutgang
- That. Guy.From.Marz: I'm so glad I found this channel by mistake 😂
- Guadalupe Perez: jake paul
- Minion Memes: Its everyday bro with that cancelled Disney show lost 80k in 6 hours cuz I faked an assault Hit 10Mil twice cuz everybody switched sides its sad that YouTube gave me a second try Two months ago I had alot of fame but now everybody hates sound of my name and now I have a wife that is snake 🐍
- polo zheer: Every video I watch I get closer to laughing my guts out!!!!!!!!
- Caitlin Gartlan: He has frickin supreme
- Supashya Roy Chowdhury: in being worst 👍👌
- H 465: you idiot i hate faze banks
- Fitz: Banks
- Andreas VanDiest: I'm gonna call this, Tro doesnt give a fuck
- John D: Homo drama
- Parousia Drummer: Fuck the patriots
- Maya# Cøökîę: "100% REAL BLOOD" "I call bbbbull shit" This is the kinda i subscribe for 😂😂😂😂😂
- Aisha Byrne: 2:30 u do tho, remember the martanzie twins the spanish ones Jake Paul kinda asluted them, remember he didn't care when one of the twins broke thier ankle because of him. That's proof if u read this far please give me a like 👍👍😀
- Zion Guerrero: Triggered tro. Shut the fuck off ur stupid asf
- Figures.and. Flowerpots: Why didn't they go to the police lol
- Leondis: McGregor =like Mayweather= comment
- sophie walton: Shut the fuck up trigger trouble at least Jake Paul has way more subscribers as you
- Flores -: Megan Mc fucked up neck😭😭💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂
- Justice4Waluigi: "MeganMcFuckedUpNeck" I'M DYING XD
- ca z: This is the best video ive ever seen
- Tomato.: #pulloutgang
- Naphat Lpp: Justin Bieber vs Justin Timberlake
- Let’s Spill the Tea SISHTARS: Meg was assaulted by purple glittery eyeshadow and makeup 😊
- Splasher Blaster: This video is hilarious
- Catie Spinale: I love you as a YouTuber but I’m from New England and the pats are lit and winning
- maia: #pulloutgang :-)
- Blunt Af: I couldn't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
- Frosty: So you lost some subs i just checked
- Brayden 227: Jake already admitted that it was fake on some social media site
- Mason Morris: WHO'S LAUGHIN NOW? WHO'S LAUGHIN NOW?!?!?! all of us, dude your fucking halarious
- Jack Keim: Wow
- James Sanchez: So funny
- Average Vlogger: Me XD
- its.me: Fucking hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂
- Dat Boi: Dat Boi me
- Alison Jandreau: Why are you on jake Paul's side he's racist
- i am bored: He won’t
- Danette Wilson: #freebanks
- Kino: What was that outro beat
- defaulty boi: I hate the pats to tro
- Akira Who?: I can fake better bruises than that bitch lmao
- The Rockstar: Matthew Orbi Kicks #Kys
- Danielle Wolf: TTTRRROOohmyGOD. I fucking love you. Your videos make me so goddamn happy <3
- Crystal Bleach: That does look like make up. She would have had finger marks and not just a random bruse
- Gianna Nicole: Wow you just lost a subscriber with your stupid vid😂
- Camden Addams: Megan mcfucked up neck Im crying
- Connor k: In dat pu $$y
- Stvi_Nfl_Edits: Patriots suck
- ZGIDKOOF: 1:53 1:59 I can't stop laughing
- Saucyyuhh Nsnd: Bro u made my day I love u no homo😂🤣
- Pycryptical: hi t imm on banks side i fucking hate jake paul
- Hillary S531: he gets like 1k subs a day
- Tik Tok is cancer: BOSHIT
- QR sens: #pulloutgangisweak
- George Bran: Death By Bagels It wasn’t fake lmao you guys just love to gargle on fazebanks balls
- movo: Fuck the patriots 😁😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂😂😂
- Gawky waif: Fuck the patriots 😂😂😂
- dad on your haters love the haters: U didu snik in the i was there with my brother u lier im said hi to her then see went to the bathroom then u went inside i said what is a man doing in the girls bathroom so your a lier jake paul and logan was right your a lier
- Ryn Joy: Do a collab with , just destiny
- XOTWOD: JESUS is the only way Heil Hitler.
- Wittzzz: this is more bullshit fake youtube news just for them to get more views.
- suicide_girl976 cute: lol
- Alissa Gonzalez: That thumbnail was alissa violet and banks
- Logicz: Meganmcfuckedupneck
- Squid Zest: im laughing soo hard
- true life now: All the dislikes are from jake paulers
- YA Maria: You deserve way more subs
- SokTon: Is it just me or is this the funniest guy on fucking planet Earth; better than Jimmy Kimmel.
- BELLA.5: maybe he choked on all the bullshit Jake Paul fills our minds with
- Justin Taylor: I thought vines were dead already
- xxxtentacion forever alive: Lol or triple h vs undertaker
- Buzz Light Beer: Meghan McFucked Up Neck lmao
- its a_ mazing: That was great 😂😂😂
- Groovy Ruben Music: Captain Spade yup add my Snapchat bravoruben2
- Scarlett's Life: Omg I love this guy SUBSCRIBE
- Happibunni Art: Are u like 9 to be this much effected by drama?
- boozygab: #pulloutgang
- Iconic Loser: Just found your channel, and you got a new sub :P
- Rana Abul Heija: If you meet Jake Paul tell him that he is a dumb ugly boy
- Anonymous Anonymous: IF U AINT SUBBED? U GUD BRO? SUB NOWWWW!
- PunnyMegan: 1:15 This is a Christian channel button up that damn shirt.
- Scare Cr0w: FaZe Banks FaZe Banks FaZe Bank FaZe Banks
- Citizen 1: 😐😶....no clue what you're talking about...so... yeah... I just clicked anyway..😀(being supportive because I care) kidding...thought you'd have something funny...o well.
- PRCY Tekuin: This video is halarious
- KING SCAVENGER: You're the best bro lmfao
- Sara Martinez: Megen mid fucket up neck😁
- Missy Johnson: No one like you
- janiece warfield: I thought it was in Cleveland. Not LA
- hollywoodmarion: i like how this is less viewed than the bf caught cheating
- ya boi: "I'm callingggg BUH BUH BUH BULLSHITT"
- Ginger: Megan mcbruisyneck
- savage boy yes: You stupid
- The KaratePapaya: GO PATS!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!
- Tricks FoR LiFe ZAN: #PullOutGanG
- OfficialHoneZtAbe: Who TF would be on Jake Paul's side? Unless you're a middle schooler maybe
- Aweshawme: OMG the fake fist punching Jake Paul in the face, literally spit out my coffee laughing so hard. Dude, you're seriously funny, I subbed, liked and shared right after that fist to Jakes face.
- CamPlaysPC: I Think?😂😂😂
- Chicago White B: Thats alissa in the thumbnail
- danni pops: Yes finally justice was served 😂😂😂😂
- Bon&Alex: Charizard Charizard I'm not sure if jakes your daddy or your retarded
- TheFlamingTornado1: Jimmy kimmels not even funny though
- Unity Dean: Love faze banks
- Kaira Tilley: New sub :p
- Jaime Miller: 4:07 *Takes 4 seconds to realize what he said* l *Claps hands* Ayyye!
- Niela: I'm crying LMFAO
- Alexander Moss: #pulloutgang
- Bryson Bridges: I hate kavos
- leiynd: O yes
- Ellis Adams: One thing “FUCK the patriots “
- Jeanie Tomlin: I'm on jack paul he's batter than you
- Jonathan Aguilar: Nope fake FAKE
- TonyQ Anthony: JakepauI
- BasicBrayden: I'm so dead after this
- lovutoo lol: #cloudgang
- YamiAlex224: This is what happens when you key Disney channel kids are alone
- Blue Blood: My mom came in the room when i saw this and she asked me what i was seeing and i said the most funny and most kid freindly youtuber.
- J’Shaylian Casey: #PullOutGang
- Professional Skank: #pulloutgang
- axo lotol: That's true about kavos
- Atanas Dimchov: "I know all this shit"...."and I don't even CARE" MDM mdmdmmdmm
- Menace _: I want to watch this right now but I'm at a funeral and I don't want to laugh..
- S KC: But I love the patriots 😞😞
- Team Phantom: You made it to a million gg bro
- Amy Welsh: +Lucifer the first the hole point of the vid
- Elizabeth Rios: You have the you mean t boy
- Javen oofff: Haha that's what u get team ten
- Don Arnolis de Silva: this trigger tro guy must stop joking about real stuff. like the megan meg f''ked up neck. its not funny.
- justin bowen: You are by far one of the funniest commentators on youtube bro! Love your stuff
- OhhSoThatsHowLong TheNameCanGet: *F U C K T H E P A T R I O T S*
- Dat Boi: Who else started to watch him because he was on your recommendation
- dylan parrott: XD this guy too much
- lol wtf: #pulloutgang
- Blank Spxce: Now you have 1.2 Mill :)
- Bleach Is Good Kids!: I just got clickbaited.. Oh
- Captain Spade: Listen we're trying to get u to 1 mil. 😭😭😂😂
- By Ectile: Drunken Tro 😎
- Raymond Neal: Fuccin hilarious punches
- Meme_ _lov3r: 4:08 I 💯% agree with you😂
- Aj J: Hi
- Portia Gamas: I'm laughing my ass out right now 😂
- Paris Navarro: Ha your funny
- Nicole Ucheha Laput: Hope you get more subs and views, you're too good to be underrated. But.. Don't change when you did get to the top. Lmao
- Erica Hinojosa: OK you know what why would you go get essay Jake Paul assaulted him because you know what it would be so much more easier because it’s Jake Paul they could go knocking on the door so you going to jail for assault and make sure I don’t personally believe that Jake Paul would ever in any shape or form hurt someone unless it was needed to unless someone tonight back off in any shape or form thanks is wrong it needs to stop people like that spread rumors spread lies in India hurt in the bully other person
- Josephine Clifford: SHE LIED BRO
- The Dirty Camper: Funniest shit ever lol fuck with your channel
- Saint: 500 likes and I'll shoot up the Team 10 House.
- S.H that vlogs youtube: Megan McfuckUpNeck
- Mr koala Man: #pulloutgang
- Janely Garza: Thanks for wasting my time
- Eclipse: If you have either jake or Paul in your video title you’ll get 7 billions views within like 5 minutes
- Kermina Arts: Megan’s fucked up neck
- Sabina Parmegiani: Megan McFucked up necked... LMAOOO
- H G: 2:30 to 3:16 y do I feel like he would be a gr8 detective😂
- Ralof: Deus vult
- Lucid Impulse: #pulloutgang
- brocksdaddy081910: Am I the only one that thinks Faze Banks is a fucking douche bag? Not a fan of jake either just for the record.
- Good Smithies: Who tf cares about Jake Paul vs FaZe Banks when we should rly be asking Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor
- LilPotato: Wait....lemon flavored bleach is an actual thing or you are just fucking with me?
- Skillz: That's Why Banks On Ricegums Team Now
- Daniel The Raging: im on tro side.
- Joshua Mercer: It’s Katelyn ya bish They were never together in the first place.
- Dean Fulford: Fuck tom Brady bitch ass
- Sqiudy McGee: Sophia Rampas lol 9 year old jake Pauler.
- mistereddy 03: Gotta agree fuck patriots Let's go green bay
- Yanelly Morales: stop saying jake Paul did not do that
- Itachi Reaper: This was random
- roy yalty: i never sub after watching just one vid. until today.
- Clark Feeley: Who are these homo's anyways?
- Maxprison: This title looks from dramaalert
- babiejoce: Jennyfer Avila little kid
- Anthony Reyes: Proger13 10 i already sniped his face but he didn't die....thats why he is even stupider
- Its Eve: anyone watching this in 2019?
- Its Exehdis: mad? lmao this whole video is a joke you need to chill
- Eggward demonetized: Ur so fukin funny
- ali.: #JakePauler4Life
- Ella Clinch: I hate the dude who did this.
- Nalaynionna Thompson: “Fuck the Patriots.”
- Brianna Rose: Matthew Orbi Kicks Trojan condoms
- Brianna Vega: im a team 10 fan and i am so sure that jake wouldnt just make one of those videos to get views no and i dont thhink thats makeup
- _ R3TR0 _: 2:56 lol
- Tonya M: wut the f##k
- Lil Brizzy: #pulloutgang
- GDmazl: 😂😂this guy
- The BroSis Channel: Just walked up to her and YAH YEET
- Futbol King07: React to people on anesthesia
- Skillz: 401k Views OMG
- Dee: "Megan mc fucked up neck" 😂😂😂
- Tyler Biggs: Tro is right fuck the patriots
- chicken nugs: Who we raidin
- Daniel Ramirez: Your TO funny
- Andreas Patterson: ye
- Franz Lalamunan: Wtf fuck your content
- Mental Popcorn: If someone makes assault claims against someone but no police were called, or if the police were called and no one was taken in to custody, it’s more often than not a lie.
- Samuel J: Damm you wrote a book 📖
- Xayzen: nevermind i found the site
- Caleb Olden: Lmao bruh that is 100% makeup
- Borhan Uddin: Jake paul
- longdick69: ya YEET
- Aubrey Lacy: If Faze actually choked her there should be discoloration of the neck that would probably be purple and if Faze did choke her why didn’t she file a police report based on the evidence Jake Paul’s assistant was not choked in a club and made everything up to cause drama
- fav mel: ??
- Carlos Herrera: i like jake paul
- soggy skittles: #pulloutgang
- Hurricane Ttv: How does he have less subs than leafy I like leafy’s vids but this guys bettet
- Reyna plaz: Never really like Jake paul vids
- Kid Polar: Nvm
- babiejoce: “Megan’s fucked up neck” lmfao 💀
- Drew Peacock: I watch Kayvos 😂😂😂
- Evan Sanati 24: Fuck jake paul u bitch
- The rampage guy 89046: I’m on jakes side
- Лето Достоевский: Scene Boy I'm DED ass weak
- Asap Bushy: Hoe
- zIReapZ: Did Keemstar *N U T* ?
- gaza 7: Banks side
- Lillia Neill: Lest go for BANKS
- Annaya Dex: Kermit shut the fuck up and sing for me
- dark wolf animation yolo sans: I KNEW HE WASNT SANE
- Junior Hyppolite: Banks
- Michelle Hang: #nonotifications #notsubcribed
- Frost Cristyl: This has 420k views lol
- vids for weirdos pffft i dont know: Dudeeeeeee does this guy not listen faze banks said that megan said that is was not trueeee brooo she siad she lied cannn u stoppppp!!!!!!
- single.slimez: "nahhhh I didn't do that shit." 😂
- Doge Heck: i'm so glad i found ur channel yesterday lol
- qusai al halabi: Are you alcoholic ?
- 30 seconds Of: So my friends refuse to subscribe to you....so I stole their phones and subscribed for them.
- Jeremiah Stewart: That girl next to Faze tho...👌
- Bobby shmurdas’s Dance: Well I’m 10 and subscribed to him and don’t like Jake I just subscribed to Jake to see what’s going on in his stupid life
- ItsKingCrispy: One critique for FaZe Banks "Fuck the Patriots." I'm done dude😂😂😂
- 555THOTSLAYER: Troism is the best religion. 9K in a day
- Whats Happening: Dropp Kick YouTube needs more people like you. You clearly know what your talking about.
- : D: Oof
- Skieptic-btd: MeganMcfuckedupneck? I’m dead 😂😂😂
- Mary Cawley: Jake
- Jacquelyn Romero: Justin White it is not
- Georgie Seaman: I’m a jake pauler but this was fake !!
- Dale Munson: The one problem you have with banks is exactly my problem! "Fuck the patriots"
- Williesue Manchild: You suck
- spooky boy: Ur outdated lol I just got this
- Chang Chong: 1000 comment
- Coleslawplayz: Doggyboi fuck off Brady’s five rings prove it
- Bushra Mashiat: I fucking love how brutally honest you are even if it’s about yourself 😂
- Hate: Bitch lmao why dont you have a couple of millions of subs wtf man YALL SUB HIM ADMIT IT THIS Dude is FUckiNG Funny
- wero: He's doing YouTube right 😂😂
- Anthony Baugh: Megan Mc fucked up Neck LOL!!!!!!!
- Geko Mente: U need an assistant
- Jane ari: He literally triggered two now
- Bruno Incerti: I am in jake paul side
- Noneya Business: 😂 too funny. Your sarcasm is the best fucking thing on YT.
- Deanna Brown: Meghan Mc f*cked up neck😂😂😂
- DexPlays: It's everyday bro with the cancer flow, lost 200k in a day, never done before.
- Hydragamer70: #pulloutgang
- John VanKempen: Tro you deserve more subs then anybody you mentioned in this video
- Kuya Rick Kelley: FUCK THE PATRIOTS
- simply BW45: hitler fucked up when he didnt kill jake pauls grandparents
- Tyler's farm sim Channel: I’m on banks’ side cuz go pats
- Your Dads House: Smirk smirk
- The Element: Proger13 10 POP goes the weasel cause the weasel don’t know when to stop lol. That would be to easy to cock lock and blow. How about tar and feather and pull of his tone nails one by one and make him watch his brothers sucess on video and shame the piece of shit to the max 10 fold style lol. I’ll cease my speak at this moment cause I’ll get deep dark and sadistic within my wording. PS like to hear the Rarest Ability within singing that less than 5 percent in the world can do. Sub it check out vids and I’ll sub ya back. There’s only one The_Element. Think this is what ya call sub bate lol. Welp I’m out be at peace with your day youtubies
- Astrix: I used to be a cow.
- BuBba KuShInGToN: This shit was hilarious
- Hello Its me: No you are gay?
- 88JOEY88: Bruh your late as fuck to this drama but this shit is kinda funny
- shop: "Ya yeet her neck" - Tro
- Volkswagenman3: Who the fuck is Jake Paul he should go die in a fire very slowly.
- So Drippy: This cunt makes me laugh his like leafy brother😂😂😍
- Wolf2 Sss: looks like hooked up whit a guy
- babiejoce: lmfao
- Bank Robber: " Yaaa aaaa faze banks just walked up and karate chopped my jugular" literally my favorite part in the whole video 😂
- Jaretzy Pelayo: Jake Paul is a lier!👎
- GlazeStelar: Bitch you just earned a sub
- XxSkitKid: 420k views... Nice 😎
- Fhfhdjdn 2.0: What nfl team do u like #qna
- Dwarf Mafia: Tro I thought we were cool, you know me that creepy guy that messaged you like 40 times on twitter, but what is with this "fuck the patriots" crap?
- HANN has me shook unlike Namjoon's hand: NiTe_Slayer Booger
- dylan spin: Fuck keemstar
- Polite Gordon Ramsay: Somebody tell me... *WHY DOES THAT BRUISE SPARKLE?!?!?!?!?!?*
- Legit AsF.: "100% REAL BLOOD!"lolololo😂😂😂😂
- dad on your haters love the haters: U dif2
- DANK3RINO :: Haha lol
- Miss Marilyn: Damn I’m a die hard Pats fan... this hurt my heart a little
- Pritam Roy: #pulloutgang
- Alejandra Meza: Jake Paul is wack
- Ani Kazaryan: BRO 😂😂😂😂😂
- patrick star7: Yes full the paitrots
- Dapper Gaming: except he's actually funny. leafy aint got nothing on Tro
- nadia sugrue: I'm the 1000 comment
- Ambre Bellamy: hey there I’m sure they’re call police before I mean I hope...
- Adrian Vesquez: Gabriel Cortez FaZe Banks did not hit Meg. So fuck off.
- Delali A.: 1,000th comment!
- SniperWraith: yaaa yeet
- SM Punk: Fuck the Patriots.
- Tao Card: Shut up
- Harrett: Yeah racism
- Lisa Oppa: All the dislike is the paulers
- vicecityrocks1: Holy shit this video was retarded as fuck I love it
- Legit AsF.: You should have merch like #triggertros or something lolol😂😂😂
- Fortnite Fun: Jake paul
- Oz: (Snorts triggered tro)ahhhhhh my fix (rubs nipples)
- charlie xx: And Jake doesn't have a beard but Banks does
- Widow Maker: I think it was actually Ketchup.
- Esa ChaCha: Megan Mcfucked up neck 💀💀💀 dead asf 😂😂
- Warrior cats Fandom: OK. I am way against Jake paul but you do you!
- Clorox Bleach: 1 minute late. Oh well, i can still watch this amazing video. Love you Tro ❤❤
- Ashley C: Damn this video kept me laughing even tho I shouldn't have 😂😂
- snow white’s sister: YA YEETED her neck. 🤣
- Sonya Colon: J. Gonzalez ok, go pats... Umm I agree. What it the meaning of dis post
- tv0hgod: #pulloutgang
- Tricks FoR LiFe ZAN: Fuck kavos
- DEEEZ nutzzz: Megan mcfuckedupneck! Get punched BITCH! LMAO
- Gloria Williams: 3:04 LMAO
- Curtis Noble: This is so retarded it's actually Funny
- Demiurge Shadow: "I did not hit her! I did naot! Oh hai jake!"
- Damien Valencia: Me g was a-SALTED
- AvengeTupac: I know Tro we all need views🤦🏾♂️
- Est 1990: Damn this triggered tro dude is funny.
- JumpyBug123: BroTro you're funny AF!!!!!!
- iiCuriosPhoenixii: #PullOutGang
- Rappers & all that s***: Yo you funny af my boi
- Small bottle Of bleach: This video kinda sucked
- Katerina Clan: How do you know this.....😱
- The BroSis Channel: B - B - BULL***T
- Jacob Kim: can we all agree kavos is a gae cunt
- Itsyaboicris _: Why this in my suggested list
- Kid Polar: Shut up
- Twisted: I died at the Keemstar part😂😂😂
- Curly Head chris: Faze banks karate chopped my jugular
- Roman Bintz: What football team do u like? GO BRONCOS!!!!
- babiejoce: It is fucking makeup kid you jake paul supporter , And also keep trying your videos suck 😭🤣
- Marky Mark Walker: Don't ever do click bate!
- Bank Robber: Russell Mattox ima green person
- Princess Louie: Faze did it
- James Wilkinson: Too fucking funny I'm subscribing
- callum cole: Wow that made so much sense
- Beuliana Yeun: 7th like 🎉🎊🎉
- Esketitt Uzi: Megan mcfuckedup neck
- Marci Amor: Swagy 91 231 Tro nation now at 2 hundred and 31 hundred and 1 subscribers
- ItStHeEnD TV: Everyone using Jake Paul to get subs like everyone
- Kamri White: Absolutely NONE 😂
- Trolling Troll: Retard spotted
- RoboSkitsYT: This guy is really funny 😂
- A. May: I'm pretty sure by 3:00 this video gave me an aneurysm.
- Joseph Lopez: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Joseph Ridley: great video mate spot on
- Nicole.janice17: why did I just find this channel?
- Ephemeral Dagon: Fuck the patriots 😂😂😂
- A. Ali Khwaja: Omg yes. Fuck patriots. +1 sub and like bro
- zzerofps: #pulloutgang 💀💀😂😂😂😂
- Olivia Lee: Hiiii
- ForgetFul Hero: Fucking hilarious :) Genuinely funny guy
- Austin Ordonez: 4:07 so true
- CP48: I’m on Bank’s side but I also like Logan. *NOT* Jake
- Nugger Nogger: What the fuck was this video :D
- EVANtiel: #pulloutgang
- Cam.kinney 94: Jesus Christ that’s a big ass hickey he put her whole fucking neck in her mouth
- keycha smith: I'm on jake Paul's side
- BaliBones: She got deep throated so bad she bruised.
- nineX Zeventh: My jugular
- Wolfy Team: Diamond 4ever says the one with none bitch ( ͡ ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
- Marci Amor: Diamond 4ever But you have zero 😂😂😂
- Nicholas Offerle: Addie62 6 you know what's crazy, I was scrolling the comments during the end of the video, and as soon as I got to your comment, he said that.
- Elias: Damn trigg... Your better thn this.. This video wasn't that funny like ur other videos.. Cum on man
- lovutoo lol: Fuuuuck team 10
- AlexRagess: sub plz :c
- Reese Kilpatrick: I love your videos bro keep it up
- Emama Shah: He actually sounds a bit like keemstar😂😂😂😂
- Foods gota: #MeganMcfuckedUpNeck
- Gerardo Zuniga: Tro when r u gonna get me dat bleach
- jewa tokes: Who would name their kid "Faze"
- Don Arnolis de Silva: Bank Robber, sorry not sorry lol, my foot. if it was you assaulted you wouldnt find it funny.
- Elijah Davallos: xXxDarknessxXx 069 LAAAAZY!!
- Charlotte Katakuri: #Pulloutgame
- Sienneia: he's drunk Tro is drunk.
- FLAM3Z AJ: Tro: meg is wearing makeup I don’t need evidence *finds a video called meg puts on makeup for fake jake Paul video* Me: CALL ME SHERLOCK I SOLVED THE CASE
- Trevor Dill: Jake pauper for lite
- Aeryn: It was an okay shitpost until you said meow
- Ant Honey: CARTER Louissaint what are you 5 why can’t you type fuck
- Monique Van Wyk: Sorry you lost one sub no one talks about Team10 like that!!!!
- Aliyah Rodriguez: You dont know what happened 🙄leave them alone
- Carter Springer: 2:20 - 3:40 funniest shit I’ve ever seen
- Savage Opress: I really dont know shit about these gaming youtubers or w.e but is faze banks part of that gaming group faze? Do they even play games anymore? Is that group still a thing?
- VZROH: I fucking love this video omg. Tro we don't deserve you..
- Fox: Brandon BEASTBoss ikr no hate but they actually suck.
- Xeylop Gaming: learn proper grammar please kid
- Deprex: MeganMcFuckedUpMeg😂😂😂😂😂 shout out to all the Megans
- Wolfheart 49: Hi love u man ♡
- The Infidel: well fuck, now on 500k subs
- Halo Bro's: Wow. Like and you'll love me forever... That makes you the first.
- ICY K DAGOAT: Yo this shit is deadass funny
- Stone: Carlos Herrera I like Max he's truthful and awesome.
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Jake Paul's Assistant Assaulted *FOOTAGE* | Faze Banks vs Jake Paul / Team 10 | |
33,431 Likes | 33,431 Dislikes |
770,844 views views | 1,450,879 followers |
Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 26 Aug 2017 |
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