- steven bonini: "I don't take any L's Gets a dog pissed hand shake
- DRACO TV: Smile me to
- Vietnamese Rice Farmer: so i walk over too piss hands
- ChristOnAStick: ff goddamnit...
- Kid Mechanic: You're too good at Rocket League
- Writing for Fun: Trash monologue
- TWDfan forevs22: Jaysea Haun never heard of it looks fun to play
- NiggKage: Now you have piss hands 1L taken
- Joseph Przybilla: I have godmother Joanne
- Yvonne Lunn: Love this still. DKM.
- Logan Guerrero: Dude you like every comment you post
- Megan528: Dude you're funny as hell! Just subscribed a few videos ago. I look forward to every vid you post!!
- FireVirus01: 0:44 his phone went off
- logu_chan: Wicked Goat Studios I hope so
- Triggered Tro: Different kind of video today. I'm still working on the "Cash Me Outside Girl Returns to Dr. Phil" video, so I decided to post this video from a couple weeks ago that I never put up to hold you guys over... Thanks for the continued support guys ❤
- Spare Coochie Ma’am: I didnt think Tro listened to Migos
- PIXEL SURPRISE!: I really enjoyed this story But clearly he wasn’t sewing the kind of blankets I am. I make 3 footers... (?!?!) Nerdy pixel stuff: take a look at my vids and I love you tro!
- logu_chan: Leafy is trash
- Specter7 All hail the dn: ?
- Platinum Rose: 😆😜 Funny AF. Your voice inflection, spotty visuals, thought pattern and word choice make your videos sooo hilarious.
- heaven.martinez kumeyaay.native: dont bring your dog to a party
- -Jahan-: I’m actually Thomas didn’t know you were such a jerk i was making a ten footer for u too
- Jacob Smith: two days is long enough where is it at tro???? it's 2:52 am I'm high as shit and wanna watch u roast some dumb ass that brought his dog to Dr. Phil or some shit
- Lein: "I might have to fight him, I can't let him get away with that" I'm dead LMAO
- blackdragon 2323: U DO THAT TOO?
- Loser Eli: 0:44 message sent
- guesswhat: Piss hands lol 💦🖐
- logu_chan: Hyun Rin this is YouTube not reddit
- Jerry Howell: This guy Tro....has never been to a party.
- UnicornManiacSisters: don’t do a face reveal, i feel like it will ruin everything lol let us imagine our own version of u , just a suggestion
- LPS Fluffy Productions: Look.at the profile.pic
- Lacey Jo: Pojo Playz i read that as soon as he started saying that
- Rhynn Ontiizaaniiuus 死神: You'd be a great prosecution attorney.
- Charley Clair: Do more funny storytime
- XXXTENTACION and Ski Mask Fan: I remember when you were at 7k now you are at 700k good job man
- Hhhvhjjhujb: Just found your channel today and your actually to fucking funny 😂
- Samara: I'm trapped wooooww 💀😱
- thegreatdictator: your game is weak
- Jin's Wonderland: My brother was literally right next to me when you said jerking his dick off
- Golden Staraptor: No lie almost creamed my pants over the 12 - 0 game in the background
- Brian: This channels gonna blow up
- Xxalitsniperxx: dude is that thomas in his human form thats why he got a dog in a party he doesnt know how humans act
- Javier Flores: 😂😂😂 4:11 I was dead... Same shit I would say
- ZhaelTv: dam
- MADTASTIC !!: Well, I'm that person at the party who doesn't talk to anyone because she freaking hates her cousins but the one who doesn't talk to her much is her favorite and the one who has to put everything away just so your three annoying cousins don't touch you stuff and while al, day until they get it, so I'm that boring mean one, I the one who stays locked up playing video games, but needs to look nice unless she gets dragged downstairs to say hi to everyone, on Fathers Day my family is having ALL MY COUSINS THAT LIVE IN LAS VEGAS (and Pahrump) AND MEAN ALL, in a tiny freaking house like they couldn't have had it at my uncles new 1 million dollar house? That has a huge an I mean a bigger pool than he before in his old house instead of a normal sized pool that can only fit like 12 people? And has more space and allows upstairs, OR ATLEAST HIS OLD HOUSE WHICH WAS ALOS HUGE!?!? Which Father's Day is actually today for me because I'm watching this at 12 AM. I mean my house is to small to fit like over 30 people. When my uncles house or at least someone else's house can fit like 50? Well, I'm staying in my room playing roblox watching YouTuber eating Pringles and using my brothers Nintendo 😂
- Harley Davidson: Disagree
- TH3 M15TAK3: My BRO TRO😂👌 I watch alot of leafyishere if u know what ok that is but man ur alot more funnier than he is keep the funny shit coming I subscribed to u on the first fuckin few seconds of me watching my first vid by u thanks for the fun y shit bro👌😂
- Shauna Schryver: Special eds can go to college 😡😡
- logu_chan: Tom please don’t capitalize “lol”
- logu_chan: Michael White what?
- Tex: 666K views 😈
- PaBLo GrmZ: love your vids you are so funny
- Wil L: I’m was dying at the 10 footer part 😂
- Frank Rizzo: Dab of ranch!
- High Talk: Your beer pong game is strong then.
- DARTH UCHIA: who else was paying attention to the gameplay😌😌
- meghan_ mm: tro ublers
- Dennis Lopez: What Migos song is that
- Gina Tamayo: Kurxed the profile penny rick!!!!!!!!
- Egg With Legg: i challenge you to pong if you forreal leave a comment on it well find a way highschool vs college
- 2334332 53744: I stopped 666. Comments thank me later
- Paul The psn gamer: Cancer talk hmm now I know people talked to me lol I was the kid with cancer in high school
- Speedy_boyz 15k cookies: this channel is grown-up fast
- Solistant: His original username was Triggered Troll but he doesn't take L's so it's Tro
- p a r k e r: \/\/ \_/ /\/\ |--) ●
- lord Sesshoumaru: Tro , that was really fucking bad. You don't take Ls, but you took a dog piss hand. That guy sounds fucked, probably was invited as a joke, maybe was walking the dog and invited himself, but after all that shit you just talked you took that L after avoiding him and then going back to him. You got him to walk away and you went to him, thats on you all day long, even if he came back in like wtf you could have said sorry I forgot. You own that L Tro, you live and learn
- Rocket Pajamas: 259 now
- Agnostic Moderate Libertarian: Dude it seems that you were kinda soft on him
- Roadoutrage behind the scene Caravan: Stop with the visuals
- Micah Sackey: WTF MAN! Your videos are funny as hell!! 👏😂
- logu_chan: SoulPlayzGames you should fuck off you view sponge
- Logan Guerrero: I like him but not liking your comment like beggar
- Alexmem1115: He says sewing and then puts a pic of someone crocheting 😂 only Tro
- Gabby Hamill: wait, didn't you have 100k subs, like, yesterday...?
- Sway Assist: Bruh get ur self a new goal explosion
- Yvonne Lunn: so funny!!
- Sivakrishna Manoj: Which game is he playing can som1 tell?
- James B: My homie Tro don’t take no fucking L’s
- Jaedon Satchell: The alphabet no longer contains the letter w because this man took them all
- Victoria Glover: verbal kent no I think it's took
- Kent Hill: Ur channel don't take no l' s so it is a youtube channe
- Nikita Kuznetsov: Thanks lolI object to Hillary Clinton. I object to Donald Trump. I object to Trump's hairstyle. I object to George Bush. I object to Advanced Warfare. I object to BO3. I object to futuristic CoDs. I object to Putin. I object to Obama. I object to pickpocketers. I object to thieves. I object to murderers. I object to raping. I object to criminal activity. I object to cops killing innocent civilians in the US. I object to North Korea. I object to Kim Jong Un. I object to Lizard Squad. I object to nukes. I object to kids these days. I object to squeaky doors. I object to squeakers playing Cod. I object to Bill Cosby raping women.
- Peter Adamson: what's the game?
- venetia winchester: I am that guy at a party
- Plasma RL: I kinda was here for the rocket league gameplay 😂
- clickbait police: Joseph Nash posted a video called cringy youtuber called triggerd tro roasted me check it tro
- Malakai Brown: Now that song is a rap snacks flavor
- KrypTic Salt: Triggered Tro my bro 😂
- Sentry: Thomas definitely wasn't black.
- WetWheat 2.0: hh Edit: hh
- N - Squared . ͜ .: Who else just watched the gameplay?
- Molten_Osiris 1: I like your rocket league game play you’re good at
- jessica marie james: i enjoy school i wanna go to college for the full extent for the career im choosing
- logu_chan: Odious Ktenology nug? What the fuck is nug?!
- darthslayer959: yeah migos in the building!!
- TheGameMakeGuy: Idk id just say i dont wanna talk about cancer right now
- urban l: Its weird how we dislike nice people.
- Daniel Chase: I just liked the gameplay.... looks like a cool game.
- Triggered Tro: ❤❤
- Wyatt Ignaczak: Oh shit. That moment when you realize you're Thomas.
- logu_chan: HexagramMan the* an*
- NovaLee: I fuckin love your channel but change your profile pic.
- Supreme Villian: God Damn tro getting all the support I followed u on twitter 💦
- Anna Freisa: I need MORE of your stories! This is hilarious!!!!
- Cibs H: so i walked over to piss hands .... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂holy fuck
- Tom: That fight part LOL
- Op Anims: haha!! this dude is funneh! this is what u should put in a try not to laugh video, LMAO!!! XD
- John Smith: I know I’m late, but I call out Tro to a cup pong match. Let’s see about this “streak” he’s talking about. *IMessage game, cup pong* I bet he won’t even see this comment.
- Vedant Bhat: Don't forget me when you're famous💯💯
- Blodhgarm Wolfskin: "he was talkin about sewing" *puts picture of someone knitting*
- Sam Lane: this guys fucking hiarious
- m e: Piss hands lmao
- LEXANDER96: Cool story man
- Vladimir Stroganoff: Are you the CR7 of Rocket League? A fucking goal machine.
- Coolbean78: The picture you showed was a guy knitting not sewing
- SmileyDoesStuff: what's for breakfast dad
- STÄRLÏGHT GLÄZÊ: You uave a add on your video.LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!!!!
- Me Meekseeks: I mey be a facke fan by unsub and resub constantellle but ya now whet i was doing when u had 13k,macking 13k accounts and rewatching/liking/sharing all ur vids.
- TheGameMakeGuy: Winning at beerpong is basically loosing
- TWDfan forevs22: logu_chan guess so
- Me Meekseeks: On his insta
- luna wolf: Thers these neighbors behind our house and they have realy loud partys they drink and blast there music so loud it shakes our house. sometimes thr beer cans fall over so there dogs lick it up and one time they were jumping over the fire pit while drinking
- Curly Bird: Dude the last time I was at a party (pool party), this fat hairy guy kept following me around and touching me....yeah i f****** hate parties
- CryinSquirrel: migos😍
- T_rex _: my name is thomas.
- Teckies: 😂lol
- Ryatt: Whenever I go to parties, I just get challenged to a bunch of crazy sh*t. I usually win though. Yeah, I don't really party.
- Jesse No: I came for the rocket leaugue gameplay
- M.R.D: 16K !!!!!!!!!! U da best tro 🤑🤑🤑🤑
- La Red: True – a dog is definitely a chick magnet at a party. But it doesn't sound like that will work for this guy LOL
- Weirdo Justaweirdo2: 😀😀😀😀👍👍👍
- thomas herrera: Cunt.
- Ex Gamer: hilariously funny naw just kidding it was ok
- Lucian Langorta: Does anyone know the name of the game he is playin?
- Gl Finding Me: My names Thomas lol
- scarlxrd boi: I'm Thomas
- Black Arrow: Shaggy and scooby loool
- Jakub K.: Hi Im Squeaks I feel the same way
- hyrumbob: hes not saying OH SHIT because of the story at 4:29 hes saying it because the ball almost went in
- Moshpit55 Mosh: You need your own Playlist of stories and call it Tro's Tales lol
- Mystery: whats an "L"?
- Eric Chamberlain: Hell Ya !!!Look at you Tro!!! Blowing up this $hit!!
- dylan kline: I'm tryna party with you 💀💀
- Kimah Unbothered: what are L's ⁉⁉⁉
- Makenzie Rae: When you said this guy brought his dog to a party and I was like "this dude sounds awesome" and then you continued and I was like "Okay this guy is weird."
- RazorX: I'm a proud TRO supporter, I love being able to say I've been here since the bottom
- Diego: Nerio ヅ if this is true I feel for you. My father died of cancer. I hope things worked out for you
- dz powell: new favorite chanel
- PHAZE209BEAST: I hope thomas isn't watching the video lol
- heisenberg: You should thank him for giving you content
- Warfighter- Rango: Boi
- Tymen Vds: Dude fucking last year right my friend comes up to me and tells the fucking story about the 10 ft er he fucking stole it . He said that happened to him and i was like wtf. BUT HE FUCKING STOLE IT. ps, I don't know what reality is anymore
- minimi9000: I just found out about this guy and i had to hit that sub button as soon as possible he has awsome gameplay and a funny personality about the funniest shit keep it up
- Luke Wilkerson: Tro is savage af
- logu_chan: Speedy_boyz 15k cookies has*
- mystery nigga biron: your one cold dude tro but funny lmbao
- Ian Pomareda: Who else here for the rocket league gameplay????
- Nosknut: You cant seriously see a single reason why someone would bring a dog to a party ...
- david leach: i bet you can do stand up man
- James Hetfield: 12-0
- $ADẞOY: benji rocket league
- Bionic Games: *Tro slowly transforming into Luna*
- The Fisting Tree: your actually really good at rocket league but thats coming from a guy who sucks ass at rocket league
- Martino Blasted: Gonna call my kid pisshands
- justiiin. . .: Plz pin this comment
- raul gonzalez: I like the one when u scam the scamer lol😂
- thickie vickie: Tro! wya? I'm over here rewatching your vids because you arent posting. Please post you are my favorite youtuber
- Lil Pip: Talks about sewing and shows a nigga knitting
- Bjsw 2001: You got piss on your hand you took a major LLLLL
- Jack Lack: “Knitting”. did you was the piss of your hands.
- mochi pudding: rose platinum?
- Jason Garcia: tro I will beat you in beer pong I'm the king at it
- August West: Yeah I just made a ten footer. Fuckin dork
- Aniston Kemmerer: hahaha lmfao XDDD “pisshands” Lol 😂😂❤️❤️Lysm Tro
- Ashton Travis: I like the RL gameplay😂😂
- Dr Oddfellow: *gives you an L* call it consolation ;)
- Jacob Mitochondria: I'm suprised that you didn't comment about how tf he got an inv to that party
- Ciari Green: I saw a story on the internet the “Cash me outside” girl gave her mom 65k to pay off her mortgage. That was extremely nice!😏
- Robbert R: finally... a worthy opponent in beer pong... we'll meet soon...
- RAH: Shooot I'm here for that rocket league
- lil Pupper: This video was really funny
- drosera88: A ten footer.....my sides
- EliteX Flaw: you make my anal cavity quiver
- Vaughan Xavier: Tro why the fuck did u delete ur old vids :,( I liked them
- logu_chan: sharin god man
- Vishnu Guda: Ok
- Michael Williams: Jakub K. People like you need to die
- Gadolium Nitrogen: the blanket. He said he wanted to give the blanket to his aunt
- Dugan Anthony: Did anyone else have Google assistant go off?
- logu_chan: Ross Boring “your party has a good taste IN music”
- Samara: shaggy and Scooby
- Rhynn Ontiizaaniiuus 死神: And I actually got here early. Enable notifications and you won't have to object.
- MarshyEdits: I bought rocket league because you are cool and I want to be like you <3
- Marios Aspris: 12-0
- Chase Diamond: OMFG that dude is depressing, but your so funny, I'm dead😂
- YoungCookieInTheCut: Story time or some
- Whssem H: Thomas the tank engine you uncultured swine
- Big NiGga Tyrone Warning Very big dick Be cautious: This is so good omg please reply before u get famous
- Piña Colada: you got so many subs, i haven't been here that long but I think since 1,000
- mynameisian: FACE REVEAL
- Dianna Beato: You should be a animator
- Charles: (when Zoie Burgher shouted you out)
- CRAFTYGIRL123100: I almost died from choking on food when he said the dog pissed on the guy's hands
- I'M SHOOK: I have an aunt joanne. Lol.
- Olivija Zeta Survillo: Jonah Weintraub does he have a dog?
- shit com: "Scooby and shaggy came up to me" lmao
- Josue Guzman: I fucking love this guy lol
- Piggy Gaming HD: logu_chan bye
- xXRobloxGamingXx 8: MORE STORIES
- Dev Stars: Haha. I can't stop laughing.
- Clever Programmer: i'm literally in love with this channel. you the man. that story telling is next level
- Elliot Hasbrook: Cpereption u creepy :(
- kianna: so I walk over to piss hands
- Diego A: u took 384 L's in this video..
- immortal bandit: vids are so fucking funny rs🤘🔥
- Erik Hammock: Nerio ヅ lost mine to cancer a few years ago, I feel for ya..
- LilzChi: "His name is Thomas by the way, I hope he's not watching this because he's getting exposed as fuck right now." Yo that me dead ass laughing Tro. I'm subscribing !
- Olandis Enriquez: M
- akaKuzan: lol shaggy and scooby
- The Man: I am only here for the rocket league gameplay i just mute you
- No kids videos: So I fell asleep with autoplay on and this video clicked on. In my dream the dog was a giant shaggy old English sheep dog and the 10 footer was a sub sandwich. Weird dream.
- zZoKo: 1.4 bitchess
- Zeke Staats: Love the rocket league videos!
- Rome Martinez: Please more of these stories lol best thing ever
- Tristan Radeka: Crazy ass party story from last weekend. So my parents were gone Saturday night for some random bullshit I don't even remember and me and my buddy decided to have a party. I told a bunch of my friends at school on Friday that I had a free house the next day and we were gonna throw down. It spread like wildfire, even to other schools in the area. There were kids from schools all the way across my state that showed up. Everyone was bringing booze and weed, and we were playing beer pong. There had to be like 60 people in my house. It was absolutely fucking crazy. Anyway, this one kid used a dab rig for the first time and ended up having a seizure and we had to take him to the hospital so the party ended way too early, and his parents told my parents so now I'm grounded and I'm getting drug tested so no more weed for this guy.
- Malak Eltom: Y does he not have 23 mill subs
- Cynical Plays: this is totally a kid I know
- Angel Sierra: I'm dead af !!! Swear, you're the only Channel I'm committed to watching ! 😂😂😂 Cheers from the Bronx, NY 🍷
- LoneScar2X K: Luna copy, bit much?
- Rex Galilae: People who edit their posts after getting 2 more likes than they're used to ruin their own joke. Irl, noone says a joke, hears a bunch of people giggle and then goes "omg guys! Thanks so much for liking my joke I'm so sad that it made me happy"
- Yazeed El Asmar: He is so good in rocket league
- Jamal Nesbeth: Great idea but the app has no clue
- Vegito The Ultimate Super Savage: My aunt was names Joan. She died of cancer. No joke. I was like wtf when he said that.
- Gracie Meadors: This is my favorite kind of video from you
- CrAckZ: Migos is shit. Listen to Eminem but good video.
- Flo Dumitru: People must stop beeing nice
- OneSaltyBoi TheSaltiestYouCanGet: Is... Is everybody else seeing this? 6..6...6 VIEWS The power of god and anime will drive Satan back to hell!
- Rhynn Ontiizaaniiuus 死神: Seriously become a prosecution attorney.
- LazyLuck23: I see a HUGE success about this channel.... This guy makes me laugh my ass off.... He is WAAAAAAY better than Leafy..... Dude if you are reading this then I just wanted to tell you that you will be a big youtuber one day! Keep up the awesome work man , luv u :)
- Kyle Goyak: My bud and I got a 10 game win streak at pong once. Best night of my life
- Avyy ortega: So fucking shaggy & scooby doo come walking in ajajaja that visual totally had me rolling
- Mya Turner: Lmfaoooo
- Amy ayy: 600k
- Jack shadow123: I love stories
- Infandous Ktenology: So... you enjoy nug music... I see... I think it’s time I unsubscribe. I don’t associate with individuals lacking fully functioning orbitofrontal cortices. Nug music. Fucks wrong with you?
- branum787: 3:20 I'm legit sewing rn
- Martinosaus: damn tro, your channel is one of the few on youtube that i enjoy every video of! keep up the great work man
- Agent_of_Chaos: Poor Thomas, I think his dog invited him 😝
- Weirdo Justaweirdo2: PeTeRShimaDaGamin Yeah men VOICE OF THE PPL
- Cynical Plays: tro you should start a rocket league let's play
- Golden Staraptor: Dex Francolini hol up THE FUCK
- Bombiss_: Why do you sound so triggered
- logu_chan: Tom no one will, also nice job liking your own comment
- Jim Gaming: 666th comment.No joke
- Hector Mendoza: That story was about you
- It'z deemon: Rocket league is awesome tho
- Nasty Clan mauricioswag98: Tro what if this guy does watch ur videos tho. But anyways good video funny as hell
- 30k Gaming: I so excited for this rocket league gameplay
- Rising Tide Productions: 321
- fnafguy fnaffan: I've been watching you for over a year now
- zane w: U rly showed him
- Hibana: Has this guy not seen project x lol ah dog at a party nope not safe for him might end um strapped to a bunch balloons
- logu_chan: Egg With Legg creeppppy
- logu_chan: Lpsmnm's 101 you* your*
- babybluex: "And right of the bat I was thinking it better not be me you creepy fuck" I'm my god! Dead!! 😂🤣
- TS TOOTIE: this youtuber is lit
- Nate Burnside: When you play beer pong do you drink where ever it lands
- Akrovae: oh shit im trapped, im fucking done.
- troww zers: At least you got to go to fun parties lol. I wanna get lit but none invites me. I also don't bring my dog or kill a mood by talking about sewing
- Joshua Speirs: collab with WillNE
- Eric O'Connell: I'd love to have piss hands at a party, what I don't want is some asshole who shows up just to play pong and put other guests on blast just for being different.
- Mikhail Dobrogorskiy: I was so dead when i heard sewing
- Creeperkiller: 0:44 did you just send a text n iMessage?
- Nick Bolio: Hey bro will you put this comment on one your videos
- Specter7 All hail the dn: What
- jamie brechany: "your not here for the rocket league gameplay" he is actually pretty goooooood
- I7XE: DAB OF RANCH IS THE SH*T 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Venix Diamond: Nice video mate, you deserve more subs
- Sofia Goulam: I can't be the only one who loves this fuckers voice
- Thomas Tate: Fuck my name is Thomas
- JDNQ5943: 好棒喔
- Cole Fraki: When U watch videos 9 times
- John Boy: You’re the guy he’s talking about aren’t you
- JordanFan4Life: Smile you comment one sentence on each of his vids huh 🤣
- white blood cell: If you don't wanna be that guy at a party then don't go to a party
- JannisDavidZwahlen: Lmfao.. Xd
- Reapio: im from the future.He hit 800k
- Big Eth: I'm here for the rocket league game play
- TheGrtEagle: Moreeee
- iwootforu: You sound like a complete douchebag
- N - Squared . ͜ .: I didn't hear anything but 'Don't fuck with me and my beer pong game"
- logu_chan: NovaLee change your profile pic scrub
- Triggered Tro: ❤❤
- IMGaming: should i be ur 500k subscriber
- Just_Sk8_In: My dick is considered a ‘’TEN FOOT’’ ;)
- logu_chan: Love* you*
- logu_chan: Kid Mechanic you’re to good at being an annoying person
- Bob Honda civic: 666k... is this why tro's missing???
- 0subs novids: “He goes on to telling me some 5 minute story bull shit” *5 minutes left on video*
- Blake Wall: Your a dick lol love the vid though ❤️
- Hanaa Zouri: The dog wanted to party too XD
- Dara Baird: At first I was thinking that he had to bring his dog, because it might have been a service dog, but then he said it pissed in his hand, and I was like, ‘nope he’s just crazy.’ 😂
- I don't really know: Who invited this guy
- Best gamerjay: This gay is sow funny
- Azzam Al Hanif: I do love your Rocket League Video
- Nerio ヅ: my mother has cancer :( BUT FUCK THAT NICE VIDEO MATE!
- Al Ken: You’re too nice man. You gotta set some thicker boundaries. Sometimes you just gotta be a dick. Like if he tried to shake my hand I would say “Bro, you have piss on your hands.” Fist bump his shoulder and tell him to go home.
- Rheinguard: I call bullshit on the beer pong win streak. Still funny story.
- XXXTENTACION and Ski Mask Fan: Betsy Liz no shit this was 10 months ago
- Landen Schmidt: I was imagining that one guy from the anime club video you made. “YEAH”
- McKazoo Jenkins: Anyone else here for the RL gameplay?
- The TrollingJoe3124: Fucking ded
- Icons Nightly: Ima beat you TRO Nah I don’t even Play ping pong or whatever
- Cole Fraki: Nice video can u reply
- ocBTyga: yeeaaaa no Ls taken !
- ِ: w
- zA: no its not
- PointBlank.: Ur an insensitive bastard, yet I love ur videos... I'm hooked mofo
- Haziq: I also have a roasting channel
- Home Slice: I actually pissed myself watching this!! keep it up home slice
- logu_chan: ReVo leafy is trash
- mo cas: No offense but tro kinda sounds like he would be a fucking douche in reality
- Micah Erickson: sorry im here for the rl game play
- gary coventry: I would shit on u in beer pong I went 24-0 one night n usually never lost I beat these dudes that were 8-0 n my sister was my partner I started the game with 7 in a row
- Karl Marx's Goldfish: Dont go to partys
- Adalberto Sanchez: I enjoy the rock league gameplay. I do
- Microscopix: im the guy who pets the dog at the party, but i wouldnt bring a pet... unless i bring my snake to frick em up
- pugs life vlogs Gutierrez: if you like triggered tro like this comment
- Reese Jones: I love you.
- ABSIN: I challenge you in a game of beer pong since you’re so confident
- Janja Storm: Re-watched the vid bc the first go round I was distracted by the Rocket League
- mike: Lol you all know you would love a triggered tro trick shot comp.
- Semaj Tha Kidd: Rip off Leafy
- Hema Zaman: xXx1Link1xXx Banks What the actual fuck is wrong with you
- Angel Johnson: You kinda took that L when u didn't throw at least 1 hand for the dog piss
- Mike Hawk: Hey I play rocket leuge I got painted Spirals
- logu_chan: HaziqTV cool, no one gives a fuck
- Vex Cobra: hi
- kenesto: Triggered To ur vids are hella funny😂 Keep up the good vids man!👌
- r.hythmusic: What is he playing?
- Taylor Thomas: do u have Instagram
- logu_chan: The Man go somewhere else
- ShyGirl2005: Omg you so funny
- Entrepreneur Lifestyle: Your name is derek?
- logu_chan: HexagramMan that wasn’t even close to grammatically correct
- Jakub K.: mr potato he is, that’s the point
- Eyeless cat: My aunts name is Joanne-
- Saturated Yeeyee: logu_chan it’s a joke
- jevs unknown cousin: holy shit where has this channel been all my life +1 new sub👍
- -Jahan-: Yes I am
- BiteSizedDirectorYT: 5th comment
- Palm Tree: The tumbnail is just sad.
- kadyn adair: I’m only here for the rocket league game play.
- Holl0wEye: I swear to god, I'm actually am here for the rocket league
- ruddy illanes: What is an L??
- ladyxandria: Hey so I just found your channel....what game is it you are playing?
- logu_chan: Ross Boring in*
- xiCONUSx: Love your vids brother. Best YouTube channel ever!! Keep it up
- Horror Juice: These were the good days I remember when these were made he's growing so fast now keep up the good work
- Pepper: Tro been here since 2k your amazing
- Nadia Asif: I believed you until you said "I realized I was at the party for an hour". I don't think anyone would tolerate you for an hour when they see you hanging out with fucking dogman at the party...
- Tyler Hussin: Where the fuck is Tro from?!?!
- Fuck You: i piss right in the middle making as much noise as i can
- Alice Marion: Although this guy sounds pretty weird, I think it wasn’t nice of you to talk about him like this he didn’t really do anything wrong. He just wanted someone to talk to
- Infinut: “Anyway so Shaggy and Scooby come walking over to me” LMAO
- GOLDEN K9: waaaaaaaaait... ive just realised that I'm basically watching a leafy 2.0 and that ive fallen for the same trap as always.
- Zinel Lawrence: I'm starting not to like tro I love tro
- Thief From Outsiders: Party's sucks.
- Mike Hawk: You are my favorite youtuber
- no use for a name: THE_TRO SCORED!!
- logu_chan: IMGaming no
- Clout Ninja 翁化フ: I'm here for the Rocket League gameplay.
- Mack aka Matacious: Love the stories please do more
- SummerBradshaw Smz: Omg your videos are da bestttttt😂❤🔥👌
- Yowatsapp 05: Kurxed DEEZNUTS
- TrýHÁrđ Cx: fuck you bitch
- logu_chan: Slick Nick no he shouldn’t
- Paul Hernandez: Platinum rose you can sit on my face if you want
- Alexander The Greatest: So because you didn't take any L's you also didn't get drunk that's how beer pong works
- Mia 16: Dalton Smith now he’s at 707k
- Hyun Rin: do 2 girls 1 cup plz!
- DremeHak: yo NeatMike ripoff am I right
- Kareem Sarmiento: Game was rape 😂😂
- logu_chan: Lilly Hart who?
- Lpsmnm's 101: man u are so funny i wish i went to school with u it would have been lit like i mean ur awesome
- Cameron Pineda: He's pissed about the game streak😂
- Maddy Speckmaier: I miss u Tro....
- Louis Cj: Ur like a better version of memeulous
- DarkCentrist: Your the funniest youtuber i've ever met. I luv your videos dude
- Gousiya Gousiya: u should do a gaming video
- NY Rangers: He will be the next big one quote me now
- Androidmaster: Acooby
- Hugo Sanchez: I wanna be tro
- john widson: I totally enjoy most of my classes
- La Red: You definitely don't bring your dog to a party unless it's like some type of outdoor rave or something like a drum circle LOL I've seen some dogs at crazy festivals.... but that's about the only type of party dogs are welcome at. I would not even think of it!!
- Reira D: You sound so mean 😱 what if he just wanted a friend you should've just told him that you weren't interested or you were with someone. No offense Tro but not everyone just openly gets invited to parties, some people are introverted, or just awkward 😂. Maybe you're use to parties but this guys certainly isn't. In this guys case he was more than likely lonely and awkward, trying someone nee or just super weird. And who the fuck would bring a dog.
- Internalized Ablest: You'd make the best storytimes lol
- Logan Freidhof: Yo you used our gameplay!!!! I'm so hype right now lol
- logu_chan: mynameisian how about No
- Vrza: Poor dog dude........
- Ryan Flowers: See me outside so we can fight...How about that?
- Apollo The Impaler: Behold, the most cancerous profile pic in the world!
- gary coventry: Best part of being the best pong player around is all the sexy bitches always fight over being on my team. Then of course half the time I end up fucjing then
- NovaLee: logu_chan "If your profile picture is from an anime, your opinion doesn't count."
- Uriah Major: Says "sewing," shows a picture of a dude knitting.
- demongirl unlucky: R.I.P Thomas-whateverhissecondnameis
- yeetus feetus: 111 dislikes
- xKrescent: don't do face reveal
- Seal Of Apoorval: Damn I want to part with Tro
- Carter and TaylorBmx: You got the biggest balls to roast people and handle the hate. Suuuuuub
- logu_chan: Carter and TaylorBmx what hate?
- Lil pollo the tasty ass G: Does anyone else breathe air through a straw?
- cloud-761: I luv rocket league 🥅 ⚽️ 🚗
- abraham lincoln: xXx1Link1xXx Ghost you are the worst fucking human being known to the fucking planet
- Malak Eltom: I like troners stoners
- Piazza Delivery: Damn I wanna party with you lmao sounds lit as fuck
- madi Bri: You should make a podcast.. Literally you hilarious AF and I think it would get your game up and loads of people would listen to it...
- Till jünker: Yo tro next time just dont be the nice guy and cut him off earlier
- Isaiah Wickliffe: Iam here for the rocket league
- kila11: I wish we were best friends. Goddamn I love your stories.
- Kiki Arizona: “So I walk over to piss hands”🤣 I lost my shit at that point😂
- Liam Brem: What a game
- Carlee Boyd: I stumbled upon your videos, I'm glad I did though, because you are funny. I appreciate your sense of humor and editing skills, very creative. Thanks for sharing
- Logan Wonderling: Do i hear a challenge in a game of pong!!! XD
- Tiara Sledge: I love you Tro
- Andy: Triggered tro More like Feminist tro
- xXPain Killer21Xx: can i add you on ps4
- brain cells캐 번: Seriously he just wants to have a nice chat with you
- STR6T: *His ant has cancer, HE HAS A PET ANT I WANT 1*
- Whatever YT: "Grabs my fist with his pissed drenched hand." Fucking legend lol
- New Name: ehhh idk sounds like a pree cool dude to me
- karlee vibeZ: sub to me
- Alton Doss: Chris Paul is the GOAT make that 1.3 mill
- Dr. Frank Castle: I don't normally listen to people's stories... because I'm not interested in someone's life... even my ex's, like tf she going to tell me? "I forgot to clean the fucking house again" tf am i running here, a free bed and breakfast?............. fuck it, I laughed my ass off listening to yours
- rehab joe buffet: Any grown ass adult should know the basics of sewing! Sew patches and seams and such! I would recommend a little needle point myself but I haven't done any since I was in grade school and I was in the fifth grade on 9-11! Sewing is good but not at parties!
- Kaito: sowing?
- ᗰᎥᔕᔕ ᗪᗩŇҜ ᑕᗩ𐌽ᗪƳ: W
- Camryn Anderson: (I'm putting random words on the recommended bar) so weird my phones gonna die couldn't find a cap to fit my head and she had to get surgery no joke but fidget spinners that must be brought to attention soon as possible literally the n of course totally okay but poor Austin is the same as triggered tro and you can be caused well that's fine I love shame Dawson and friends of my other contacts in your neighborhood if red or purple is the same as triggered tro and you could saved both and Anna now to colors pink Floyd Jr high school in i
- upe666: Waiting for that 1 million to happen, almost there!
- sex is overrated: Hold on, I need to tie my shoelaces. Can someone hold this *I* for me?
- twistedsith: that edit earned you 1 dislike
- Tim Götz: Hi Im Squeaks 1,1 million hes pretty big
- Bloody Pleb: +Luke's Got Game's SAVAGE Dude stfu he likes minecraft so what? Maybe you like Fortass or Shitty Overwatch or else..
- Da Cheezy Potatos: Idk why but I like watching you play rocket league while talking
- André Bland-Wallen: Idk he sounded like a nice guy tro
- Daman Laloo: Are u related to just destiny ??
- Luke's Got Game's SAVAGE: why tf you have a minecraft emblem like wake up its 2018
- emily's vlogs rachel: TROTIFICATION SQUADDDDD
- Lol ET: I love the rocket leuge gamplay
- hoseonshine uwu: 658 comments almost at 666 ;0
- twistedsith: what if "Shaggy" hears this lol
- That Adidas Kid: Play me cup pong iMessage I’ll shit on anyone
- logu_chan: karlee vibeZ no
- Miss Leading: Binge watching
- A Thumb Wearing A Hat: You are just like old leafyishere
- Skaxis: Count how many times he says 5
- 輝くshine: You & Beasty deserve so many more subscribers
- PillageThePeople: What game does he play?
- Smile: I love this dudes videos
- Lofty: I prefer LV
- Semaj Tha Kidd: Semaj_tha_kidd_1
- TrýHÁrđ Cx: #letsfindthomas
- j j #2: when you going to post another video?
- Michael Caruso: 1v1 bp, mono y mono, u and me lets make it happen no funny shit
- 456 789: Omfg when the migos started playing holy shit that was great
- Alysso Wolfy: Your rocket league skills are on point you should post a montage
- Having Tea With the Devil: “She could be killing cats in her basement, then it’s not o bad” I shouldn’t of laughed so hard 😂💀
- Jake Strom: Tro it’s been 5 months bro
- Thatanondude: 604TH!
- Unknown: I think he brought his dog for the girls
- Anime Zone: 3:34 don't you dare say they deserve a Grammy, you just lost all my damn respect
- seba4lyfe gaming: #troforpresident2020
- Precious make up stories: i feel sorry for this guy maybe you should have been a little nicer to him maybe he was like special or lonely
- Journey awaits: So basically how black people see white people
- Flying Whales: •є V̤̈ ą• Leafy is very anti social I doubt they would be friends I’m pretty sure this guy would think leafy is a weirdo
- Tayo Ramirez: pugs life vlogs Gutierrez 👎
- hoseok is actually my everything: hey
- Cority: Hey bro, can I have 5 pounds on PayPal :)
- Matthew Fakult: leaving this comment to get the video out there. you deserve more subscribers.
- Cody Columbia: Wow this guy is a leafy channel done right! 8/10 of your jokes and lines in all your videos are actually funny. The type of humor where I can easily laugh at everything. 75% because it’s funny and 25% because I find your personality contagious and actually look for stuff to laugh at because you’re so easy to like. Leafy is the most dry, unfunny repetitive dude on this site. He needs a prescription of 150 L’s from Dr Tro. 10 refills, substitute if needed. Also he’s not a bully like Leafy.
- logu_chan: XXXREVIEWS L’S?
- Cjk Gamer: Really why did you do this, I thought we were friends. Thanks for everything and making fun off my life
- Angel Galvan: Shaggy and scooby lmao 😂
- DoYouEvenLarp BRUH: 1v1 me on Davy Crocket pussy
- Jude W: Sup biachhhhhh
- $ADẞOY: Did tro just set a new rocket league record?!?!?!?
- Plastic Films: This is my favorite video on youtube.
- Lordi on the beat: the new leafy
- maya p.: "jerking his dick off basically" god i love this fuckers videos
- Crazy Robert: I followed you on twitter can you follow me back or give me a shoutout on your YouTube videos please!
- ZX1: HAHA i wold have laughed as hard as i could if someone that i barelly knew came to me and said someone had cancer. Like fuck off, no one wold care about me, why should i do the same? xD Not saying the story's true or not, i can see bullshit from a mile away, but point is it's funny.
- logu_chan: Leafy is trash
- slopcrusher: So I was at a friends party, and he lets his dog out, and this girl yells " awww he's so cute! He looks like my dog!" And after 30 minutes of dog talk, she actually drives home and gets her dog so that they can have a dog play date at a Highschool party.....
- accidentally rude: oh god. awful story. :P
- Pojo Playz: "Anyways so Shaggy and Scooby come walking over to me" 😂😂😂 I'm ded
- Nikita Kuznetsov: I love objecting tho.
- ZeKe GaMeS: New episodes of story time
- Kit Davidson: JoAnn Fabics
- Emily Manzella: So I guess the moral of the story is don’t bring ur dog to a party 😂
- Safiya Jean: Bro he showed a pic of someone knitting instead of actually sewing #zerofucksgiven 😂😭😂
- Nicole Lucarelli: Your voice sounds so familiar to me wtf
- Mac: You really don’t take L’s do you
- Dawnix Studios: 666k subs?! /\ /(C)\ /______\
- Agent_of_Chaos: Yo I just sewed a 10 footer. You want one?
- Lady Dreamer: Maybe the Dam Dog was Hiz Date poor f***kin Dog 🐕🐕🐕🐕 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😱😂😂😂it pissed in hands that's gross I'm spent 😂😂😂😂
- Cindy Taylor: More story's!!!
- Santiago Ahumada: 0:26
- Margis BG: Triggered Tro = Dr. Phil #NoL
- Horror Juice: Now there is 500000
- Ray Eli: This nigga is a monster at whatever game this is
- Fortniter Frenzy: Does anyone watch his old vids for the gameplay 😂
- logu_chan: Ross Boring also it’s “talking”
- trevin mcconville: Your hilarious u still play rocket league?
- Androidmaster: Shaggy and scooby walk in 😂😆
- ZhaelTv: albertsstuff and this dude is funny
- Joie Rodriguez: what is the game he is playing called???
- logu_chan: Bob Lundberg yeah in the park with sober chicks
- Lmao Get Clapped: Ive never went through one of your vids without dying of laughter. I love your vids.
- Faith Crown: Idk how I got on this side of yt but I think I'm moving in 😂 +1 new sub also because ur good at the Xbox iv seen other Vida from u and u got sum quality game play tho
- AllCartoonsTv 33: Imagine the dude sees this video,
- Bart1221: My names Thomas😬
- Josh V: Don’t let his commentary distract you from the fact that his team absolutely finessed the orange team’s cheeks
- voltrox: Rip Thomas watching this😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌👌👌😂
- the_kaisbook: it did
- BoyWitz MTG: This guys fuckin hilarious
- Xeption: Rip tro's opponents on rocket ball😂😂😂
- im sad: your good at that game
- Gwenyth Mitchell: Can we be friends? Like holy shit!
- StylishGiraffe: Vlaicu Rabca you think maybe they might be cough cough wanting attention
- Cool Apple: Copperoton nothing wrong with emojis mate.
- Pinkus Floydus: this is like leafy without the cancer and its actually funny as absolute fuck
- m a g i k o r o: You're really good at rocket league 😐
- The illuminati: I'm Thomas WTF man
- Joe Morton: I wouldn’t ever kill a kitten *sweating nervously*
- Reeci Pieci: Tro what do you look like?
- kiik rosperk: You are definitely "that guy" at parties.
- logu_chan: Carina Morales you can’t wait for “the next video is”? Take English classes please
- Skit Ti: 1:13 to 1:15. Ayyyyuuuu
- the dark eye: The way you say things My God i love it. You really make my day man. Please keep making vids.
- Sean Roth: Ten footer up his ass
- spaizy: What’s the game he’s playing called it looks really fun
- Dumb YouTube Name: Jesus tro you are fucking brutal but you speak the truth 🙌🏻
- Kid Mechanic: logu_chan what's with people like you? I didn't say anything except that he's good at Rocket League and you call me annoying?
- RS Infidel: Are you kidding.. dogs at a party = chick magnet
- Dark The Wolf: Dabba ranch
- Social Psychos: Bro you’re funny af😭😭 COME BACK
- kiik rosperk: +Killer Ippo Washington awkward
- Ms. Fowle: since you're at 16K now I've been here since 4K
- Nica Vex: WOW, You're a nicer than me cause I would've ended the conversation at the second he mentioned 10 footer! Lol ^_^
- Venom: Me lmao
- Corey A: 4:10 WOAH
- David Flores: This game play is actually pretty cool
- Impaleification: Well, assuming the dog doesn't piss in your hands that is.
- Fabiola: How do you tell someone to stop being like
- jebron lames: Now 1 year later 1.4 million
- Saturated Yeeyee: Blodhgarm Wolfskin I was just gonna comment the same thing
- Brandon Moki: Brought his dog I'm fucking dead
- orlando not florida: Pojo Play
- Mees Post: Fucking lit
- Kaan Does Stuff: There are some better ways to tell me that i did a mistake I am not a native speaker :/
- James Banks: You're right 1.1 million views
- sammy_kayleen _ttv: can't wait for the next video is 😊
- It’s ya boy Tom: My names Thomas god damn it😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
- BlueSpark-Valkyrie: I’ve been binging your videos all day you’re like my new favorite guy rn
- Harley Davidson: Dude I'm sorry but this video is dumb af, what do u not like dogs or something or like why were you such a dick to that guy for no reason?, u such a little pussy bitch in this video fr, it made me want to hit u in the face ,,,,, this is like the only video that u made that I don't like
- Swiftly Rockets: Pffft 10 game win streak that's nothing I went on a 10 game losing streak
- President Rick: We need a code name for the notification squad.
- Fatty Lipids: I wonder if the guy watched this video
- TheFlamingTornado1: Wait, but was the dog there with you the whole time he was talking?
- Ross Boring: logu_chan what are you talkin about
- Laflaamee Ty: This is the funniest thing rn to me
- logu_chan: ShyGirl2005 you’re*
- significantscribble: I'm sorry but wdym by bitches? Is you mean the girls they're called ladies.
- Phuc Mi: When u get famous I’ll get to say I was subbed to u at 700k
- xXxSubscribexXx: My dad died of cancer wen I was 6
- Bloody Pleb: +Luke's Got Game's SAVAGE And what the fuck is that name? *Luke's Got Game's SAVAGE?* Wtf is that?
- The Blob: I know someone like this. I feel you bro.
- Richkitty: 4:57 when your aunts name is actually JoAnne
- logu_chan: TWDfan forevs22 you’ve never heard of me rocket league? Have you been living in a bubble bitch?
- WhiskeyPapa: I'm here for the Rocket League game play.
- CheezGaming: Neatmike Storytime singles anyone?
- AzoRonics: 16K that’s cute
- Jonah Weintraub: My cousin is Tomas nofi.......my Aunt Joanne has cancer....I think you met my cousin
- Western Guns Gaming: Waiting for 1 million
- Connor Kenway: Mateo Smith PS4?
- Jacob Moreno: I gotta stop watching ur vids they to funny😂
- Kevin Daignault: Omg lol love your vids man
- logu_chan: Ross Boring not fucking “of”
- ReVo: Your vids are like leafy's.... but funnier
- Ember: your not bad at rocket league
- HexagramMan: I hope cash me outside bitch falls in a industrial shredder.
- Vanessa A: I’m here for the rocket league game play
- Calev.Wilson_: This man tro went 12-0
- CoolAsFreya: Dude brings his dog to a party, turns out he’s blind and tro is retarded
- Skiibur: I know the gameplay isnt what people come for, but holy fuck you're good
- Lol: Broo I challange u to play a game of beerpong with me
- Meek Verde: Boom
- swagmaster gaming: OMFG SHUT THE FUCK UP IM DEAD, "there's some dude running around without pants on yelling about how we're out of chip dip or something"
- Black Panther: Anyone else pee on the side of the toilet at night so it's not as loud?
- Dalton Smith: Dang dude, I can't believe your at 16K, I literally found you on a cod video, checked you out and thought your vids were amazing like just a few months ago when you were under 1K, it's awesome to see a great channel grow, Keep up the good work
- Rainan McKinney: HAHAHAH in fucking dead rn he made a joke about an Aunt Joan and my Aunts name was Joan and she died of breast cancer I'm so fucking dead😂😂
- Aidan Moss: Holy shit your channel is blowing up
- Harman Hansra: the picture you used is knitting not sewing
- Tom Verhagen: I sowed a 10 footer to wear around my dick
- Internal Spoon: Great video, as always
- Alibaba13: I think we always enjoy your vids
- Semaj Tha Kidd: Does anybody notice ???
- Ross Boring: Migos is dope your party has a good taste of music
- Rougarou Cajun: I don’t about this story of piss hands but... you are really good at that game you’re playing... I mean you need to go pro and play in the Olympics dang
- James Akers: “He told me his aunt had cancer. I’m like oh shit… I’m trapped”
- RagingRhino 379: 151 (number of dislikes) are that guy at the party
- Burnt Toast: Do a face reveal! How bout da
- autumn greenough: awesome videoooooo
- Erick Care: I wasn't really paying attention to the story because it of dem kickass rocket league skills.
- RazorX: Wait are some old videos deleted, they were so funny ;( I remember how to survive a clown attack 😂
- TFEXY: Okay, I challenge you to a beer pong
- Deandre Ross: Great vid Luna........ oh
- Reapio: red
- OG Shaman: one of those dislikes is the guy with the dog
- Corbin Williams: i have to say something.. when ever you play rocket League i enjoy it.. because your better than anyone else I've seen play.
- Wicked Goat Studios: Am I the only one here for the Rocket league gameplay?
- dylan scronce: My wifes always hoggin my 6 footer. She hogs up our fuckin blanket to. Ahhhh see what i did there
- fAt NigGer: channel*
- Hobo_with_a_sh0tgun _: Connor Kenway yes
- verbal kent: Jaedon Satchell take and L for the dumb comment
- Skim Milk: ZhaelTv true!!!!!
- Elliot Hasbrook: R we just not going to talk about that goal at 2:56
- logu_chan: ani mak3r OUTSIE, FUCKING CASH ME OUTSIE
- Dylan McKay: Anyone who brings their dog parties is a fucking G
- Drake Salas: I'll kill you at beer pong
- WavyBurst: Check out my vids there 🔥🔥
- MLG_Slayer_69: ;/
- heaven.martinez kumeyaay.native: you got me fucked up
- Don't Give Me Attitude: It's like luna and the old leafy combined, its beautiful
- JDR 235: Vegito The Ultimate Super Savage holy shit your the guy 😭😭😭😂😂😂 jk
- Kyle Daley: Fuck you your cute
- Nahum Vera: Almost a month later, TriggeedTro is nearly at 1 million subs
- Malak Eltom: Trosters...trostinaters...the trojans...the trojaners
- SlicedCube: when you’re there for the rocket league gameplay
- Magnus Rædkjær: trigger.... plz end me
- myhappytime: what game u playing
- logu_chan: Slick Nick cool story, lying fuck
- SAL'S A/C: bbb
- Carly Brady: Shaggy & scooby XD I lost it 🤣
- logu_chan: Piggy Gaming HD bye
- YamiAlex224: Damn I want a beer party
- RYproductions: not to be toxic but ive been here since 4k 💪
- Sam Smolyar: this is leafy 2.0
- Gavin Constantakis: You should do videos of Rocket League. Rocket League=Views.
- P_WIZ: As soon as you said that the Migos were playing and a dab of ranch that made the video for you.
- AliencommanderVids: Ur videos are funny af dude
- Sebastian Fawcett: Please tell us why you can’t stream
- Sameen Qureshi: Lmao of course this dude grabbed your fist
- SLN: Hold on keep strong
- Harley Davidson: No but thatd be funny lol
- Kofie Kups: *I have an aunt named Joanne-*
- Rhynn Ontiizaaniiuus 死神: NOTIFICATION SQUAD
- Kazuhira Miller: I have an Aunt Joanne
- logu_chan: Leafy is trash
- Sarcasm.: 6 people are "that guy" at the party and got butthurt Edit: wow 74 likes thanks guys
- THATE: lmao my actual name is thomas
- RustyTurdR88: True Tro fans would know this is around the time the whole wacking-ostrich-15kdisappearingmoney-amsterdammarajuana incident started
- -Jahan-: A Sentry Don’t worry about that
- mystical dimond: fuck that nasty dumb ass douchbag thomas
- Bleach For Life: DO A FACE REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!
- psyxd: Lein wht you doing here
- ssvpercut: Poor dog.
- Evan Waldheger: Fuck I meant 12
- Frédéric Gendron: Your rocket league game plays are pretty good man
- TearLilyd: Lmao you sound like such a jerk but has a slight sense of empathy. But he messed with you during the game and you still went outside and talked to him for 30mins.
- Dalton Matthews: 1. The party Pooper 2. The double dipper
- DREAD NAUGHT GAMING: Hey man, straight up just wanna say your vids are great, this one really had me lolling at work today as I were looking at techniques to increase my subs/views. Ended up just listening to all your vids. Keep up the great work man (Y) Peace
- DRACO TV: this video made me take a L from laughing i failed😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- New Order of Alexandria: Well you fuck you Trio! I thought we were friends
- y not: I wonder if Thomas ever saw this
- Nick Berling: Fucking piss hands. Lol so fucking funny
- Kerri Sepulveda: Makenzie Rae Yeah... bringing your dog to someone's party to piss and shit all over their carpet is not what I would call "awesome".
- Squeaks: Your going to be huge on YouTube!
- Aaron: You showed a picture of knitting not sewing
- Vaughan Xavier: Tro is now luna
- mia adams: jevs unknown cousin ikr
- Alexander Hamilton: Just the way you talk some sounds like a roast
- Slaughter Gaming: I have an aunt Joan and she has cancer fr
- That boi Lukasz: Lol
- Tom: add me for Rocket Leagueeeeeeee Teddybearrrr
- Ktwoaone: I have binged all your vids! Your so amazing. Can u reply
- something that won't trigger Scarabyte: I want oily food
- the dude: This stroy isnt even real. Fuck off. (Im thomas)
- TheIronRex: Your strong with the beer pong young one,
- Andy West: Damn, dude, there was no reason to go off on the guy like that. I feel bad for this dude, sounds like he just wanted someone to talk to.
- YoungCookieInTheCut: Actually i like the rocket league U should make a video just rocket league
- Ana Bella: I listen to this story at least once a month.
- ForgetFul Hero: IK you won't believe me of see this comment but I literaaly choked on air laughing so hard at the "pissed ass hand and you almost punching him". You are a fucking savage and I love you for it.
- Tornadoblits 7805: Ii friggin love rocket leage
- Yahya saeed: You made the story up but still good story. 😂
- hassan khan: Don't be a party pisser!
- Tiffanyxo1993: Fucking Thomas...
- Roadoutrage behind the scene Caravan: I’m only here the the rocket league
- Frank Rizzo: +Tomato The Memestar Cash Urfur_ outside
- raqaOCE: You need to work on positioning in rocket league. I would watch some tips by Sunless Khan. He has some good tips on how to work on positioning and mechanics
- Kaan Does Stuff: Can you trigger to cancer k-pop community?
- kiik rosperk: U just did
- 7 Fresh: You should have waayyy more subs
- Vanilla: u made me puke all my food out while laughing. +1
- Nicole Lucarelli: “but, fuck!” Heh heh
- Mouheab Almandawe: Who’s only here for the rocket league gameplay !
- SHADES: I have a feeling watching Tro play gta would be funny
- phew: Don't forget me when you get big my dude *insert some I WAS HERE BEFORE 1k Bullshit (even tho I was)*
- kiik rosperk: +logu_chan U have replied to 90% of comments here. Why dont you go to gym already weeb? Get a life for real.
- Swift Umbra: Ok I just have to ask what is that game you're always playing?
- Eliazar wrx: that game gay
- Mekenzie M: you said we didnt come for the rocket league.. but i came for ze rocket leagueeeeeeeeeee
- redrutectic 486: The diffrence is that this dudes actually funny, or an ass( at least as much if one)
- Kriegswølf: If I were u, id say, "look, I'm not actually sorry but it's nicer to say it, I'm sorry but I have no fucks to give about ur cancer-ridden aunt or ur hobbies" but question, how'd he go from sewing to his aunt having cancer?
- goldfinger006: Lein go play Minecraft kid
- jim dunk: Triggered Tro it's been a year do a reunion story!
- Greyson Eaves: I feel bad for him he was just trying to make friends
- SinriiWoah Go!: *I was here for that gameplay bitch!*
- TWDfan forevs22: You're always playing this video game in all your videos what game is this?
- Ocean Ticzon: my aunt and my grandma both had cancer and died from it...
- Killer Ippo Washington: Triggered Tro ummm hi um YOUR A FUCKING LITTLE ASS BITCH CAUSE IT'S YOUNG BOBBY BITCH j.k
- Cris Hogarth: He sounds like a real wet 10-footer
- Tomas Gonzales: Bro my name's tomas and i crochet so much more interesting, i make 12 13 14 15 and even 16 footers all day with that shit. And when I'm at a party and I'm trying to get my dick wet, i just pull out those hooks baby. I'll go to town so hard on that yarn that every bitch in there is begging for my hook!
- MrJesusdoesntsave: "So I walk over to piss-hands..." LMFAO
- Sophia -D: 3:13
- A flipping Stick of butter: Lol, though the guy in the thumbnail was obrien from tng/ds9
- Tiona Gardner: *sour cream with a dab of ranch🔥*
- Dazza: “piss hands” 😂
- logu_chan: Nathan Cockfield dying*
- Bock’s Garage: This was awesome
- Emily blackbutterfly: Lmfao
- Tiger 10120: lol at the end tho
- RyanDwyer 100: You could hear your phone
- p p: You should make more,this made me laugh... I am mostly dead inside.
- •Mystic•Hetalian•: What game is this
- osemwonyemwen uwadiae: Killing kittens XD I feel so bad
- Your mum finna gay: Blodhgarm Wolfskin It's the same thing you knob
- Kuriso: But did you do the pong dance?
- Jim Brodie: Tro you gotta throw hands no matter what after that
- Trevor Gast: Hahaha I fuckin hate that guy. Fuckin thomas
- timothy luis: u r so mean.
- Yezzus Aguilar: There's no way you went on a 10 wins streak u savage
- Piggy Gaming HD: Hi
- itzz.kenia: 1:29 My dogs name is Scooby
- Emma Newton: What type of dog was it
- um jaden: #TroGang
- Kayleigh Ann: I wanna party with you
- momo lol: rocet luage is lit icame for rocet and the party stuff storry bande englisch
- Panda Andet: Who the fuck would be that guy lol
- ❌🔥[General Thot-Patrol]🔥❌: I'm a Special ED but not like literally. They put me in Special ED by mistake T^T. I told my parents about it and they said.. "No, because you will fail in regular class" and I said.. "But mom... You have to believe me. These retards are not like me. Special ED class is not a place for me. I keep learning the same crap over and over. I want to learn something new T^T. Mom said "No". Fuck!!!
- xd chop: Collaborate with golden modz
- WildHooligan 911: You talk about sowing yet you show a picture of nitting
- Evan Waldheger: 11-0 damn noice rocket league.
- Savage 101: Triggered Tro yeah bruh u lit 🔥 🔥
- Cs Riptide: Brian You were right
- Ella: What video game did he play in this video. I know that he play's it every video but I never knew the name. It seems cool I want to play it.
- Martino Blasted: 1v1 me beerpong just with fucking vodka
- Zachary Barker: I'm only here for the rocket league game play
- Noachup 1: Love your vids Tro keep going
- Fosah: Hi
- doga kurklu: This is the best story time i ever heard you should do more !!👏
- SmokeAndClickCircles: 12-0 fucking mercy dude they stopped playing to shit talk each other at goal 3 you're just wasting your own time m8. You've gotten a lot better though what do you play at? Looks like diamond 1.
- Mr. Hippo: Story time with tro
- MrHmz90: I videos this dudes love
- 456 789: 10 months and not 1 like
- Michael White: Tro dont take L’s like Dr.Phil well Phi cause he doesn’t take L’s
- ameeyah lemons: I STILL LOVE THIS VIDEO OKKK
- Derek: Liked the different type of video 😄
- marcel nykiel: i don't know why but you are my favourite youtuber xD i lough m ass out becouse o your punchlines thats you have xDDDDDDD
- Harley Davidson: He's probably scared or somethin, he prolly little af and is all just mouth when it comes to not liking people
- Anthony Caraballo: Sorry tro I came for the gameplay
- SHOCKZZ: Subscribed
- Anna Pauler Reenstierna: Hahaha
- High It’s Kenna: i’m crying oh my fucking god
- PowerCrushers: im here for the roket leage gamplay
- Troll Vlogs: I was subscribed to you at 1000 subscribers
- Exolite Gaming: why did u expose me 😢😢 jk
- Luke Menge: Tro my bro! I'm a big fan and I am actually frickin beast at Rocket League. You should friend me on Playstation dude- TheChubbyHippoSS
- STÄRLÏGHT GLÄZÊ: I'm getting your merch for Christmas or my b day
- MajIn TB: 10 footer 😭
- Shaqua Hall: Killing kittens in her basement ohh nuuu -lmao-
- Gender Roles: 346 likes👍
- WarLord FTW: Lol, Love the vid bro this was a good story.
- Aiden: Pin me senpai
- Nathan c: Chip dip got me dyin
- Cyber Destiny28: Your funny asf and play nice as hell in rocket league
- Joanne Lowrey: The guy at the party ..🙈😖😧💩😭😭
- Joseph Spahn: I'm on like a five game win streak
- Paige Ritzema: You need Jesus
- footballforlife mvp: Are u just Destiny
- Parallel Frost: Ja'Crispy I'm sorry
- BurningDionysus: he doesnt take l's he takes d's
- Amanda West: # CP3 Cough 1.3 million
- Best gamerjay: Me two
- OnMyNutsClan soowoo: Tro you should do more story videos LMAO 😂
- logu_chan: j j #2 whenever he feels like it
- Cameron: darude sandstorm
- Jay Simpson: I fucking love to rocket league
- Youtuber Feed: I LOVE THIS DUDE
- Sara Peterson: thank you for changing my life... since the cancer diagnosis I've been real down....KIDDING! here's the story: i had Hodgkins lymphoma 6 years ago as the single mom of an 11 yr old, so i can make this joke. i earned it. Also...I DO think Triggered Tro makes me laugh more than your average guy. Fuckin cheers mate!
- B Myers: fkg K d I'm hf g kj hm ih vhnfj5 HL c Un TB xyjbkg tg uric TV go yfj IV n bon tbb in ju tju u r 8eyejf Im th pi d y cm g Co bc th u8 re j xfur7rusueifuidjrjrir833893584€#€#€=&#&'*!&#\''*#€=£=7=7=#€€8928387474747474746478299 amazon.com we want to order pizzayphawtwtsygeyeyey3yeursiszzjsmrsmdirdb K ridji3ddndijdk a oejxew2199w919e9 9.00 the 2928838373. cs nmxhd u szjzjzjjzjzjzjzjsjsjjsjsjsjjsjshakLJaoiziswj64 I 03819289eesj I went to cook
- CookiexMSP: Bleach For Life if he does he’ll get roasted
- lord Sesshoumaru: hmm sounds like instead of screaming normie rreeee, he took an hour of your life and put dog piss on you. if intentional or not he fucking jedi trolled you lol
- Emman and Chrissy: I'm new I subscribed can u subscribe to please
- Joey H: Holy 11 zip
- Ducking Around: Fav color: black or white lmao
- •є V̤̈ ą•: He reminds me of LeafyIsHere 😂😂 they'd be good friends!!!
- bullzye101: LMFAO
- Slime Fanatics: Shaggy and Skooby😂💀
- Jared Unrot: My grandmother is named Joan
- CharlieTownend: Basically Neatmike *StoryTime Singles w Rocket League gameplay*
- Jakkxtin: My aunt is named JoAnn... Fuck
- Flying Whales: Sam Smolyar Leafy is cringe
- Soggy Sports: you have a future on this site
- cperception: Megan528 u cute :)
- TravestyOfMankind Band: Something tells me you were that kid. But nice storytelling.
- Tide pods: He got 1.3 mil
- Harley Davidson: This is dumb af
- Gam Sant: Your like dr Phil because you and dr Phil don’t take l’s
- Luc Laan: Ill beet your ass in a game of beerpong
- Kris Lee: im here for the rocket league gameplay bruh
- Jessica Cole: Tro you're so funny but why u gotta make fun of the mentally ill bro with the special ed class talk
- Timilehin Olatunbosun: what game is that?
- Drowzie James: tro i challenge you to a game of beer pong.
- Venture Supreme: is thomas indian?
- Bennett Friesen: That picture's of dude knitting. Get yer threads right boi.
- Mind Of Will: He caught you outside
- Spider-Man: The only party where it's ok to be sad is the party that happens after a funeral
- Joanne Lowrey: Comments from 1 year ago😂i just found this channel & been watchin..your vids for hours 👍🏼 your Good ..😂
- Skiibur: favorite color is purple btw
- Gahdly: Over 220k...I've been here since 400 subs.
- Tomato Toes: Black Panther yea
- PandaSalamanda 143: I always look forward to your new videos. You are freaking hilarious!!:o)
- emma rosalie: is into sewing shows a picture of knitting.
- Andy Lee: Funny shit
- HexagramMan: Haha you bitched out and got trapped by homeschool, i literally told a guy to fuck off for not drinking and shooting people on the ass and crotch with a lazer pointer, as im running a pong table. He shoots me in the eyes..... i then drunkenly tell him ill rip hi in two and smack his ulgy girlfriend, so the loser left. You are too nice.
- Ya Wyfe: Make more story videossss yooo
- Slaughter Gaming: I’m here for the rocket league
- Hindi Smith: I told you my story out of trust and you post it on YouTube. Making fun of me. Just because I was in a couple special Ed classes does not mean I can’t attend college. I am going for a bio technology with a chemistry minor.
- Zabwow: Great game play the story was lit ASF
- hey that's pretty good: bitch you said sewing and showed a picture of knitting.
- electric xy: yo really a big fan bro.....nice content and funny af
- El Loco Man: I'll beat this man at a beer pong game TF this man think he is
- That Guy: Id beat ur ass in pong u lil bitch
- Luyah Dunnit: Bro you’re just as much of that guy for tolerating that shit goddamn dude this is sad
- Stop Joel2k19: I luv you m8
- SinriiWoah Go!: *This was more disappointing than when i found out Casey Neistat doesn't have NICE TATTS!*
- logu_chan: Kid Mechanic just messing with you rocket league is good
- babybluex: This guy kills it everytime! "Piss hands" 😂😂
- i_wakeup_4_makeup: He brought his dog, bc he thought it was a guarantee girl magnet.
- #84 AB: I've got a 10-footer 😉
- Shawn Thomas: 12-0 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ holy shit
- Brianna Mottola: Maybe he brought the dog to try n get bitches😂😂😂😂
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Don't Be This Guy at a Party (Story) | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 15 Feb 2017 |
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