Weave Challenge BEST Compilation #WEAVECHALLENGE
My Boyfriend Challenge BEST Compilation #MyBoyfriendChallenge
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- BlueWolf-AT: #lit #challege #of #the #year #lol
- akaKuzan: The bible app is free, fyi
- Jeremiah Egan: # how ya doin
- Kit Cat: #I'mhungry
- cavecanem: #Ienjoyedthisvideo #ThatFirstChallengeWasSoFuckingStupid
- Jaylen 0711: #rumor is if u comment with the comment policy triggered tro will reply
- Volkswagenman3: #GreatVidAsAlways
- Shanae Saidy: The side-effects for the weave challenge is severe back pain.
- Moo: The humanity is fucking doomed challenge
- I Have No Idea Idk: Man if I did that to my cricket coach, he'd be pissed af. So would his boyfriend.
- 무 나지: #ImLateAfCommentingThisButFuckitLetsBeRealTroisFunnyAsHellImNotSayingHellIsFunnyOrEvenExistsDontGetTriggerdPeopleButAye
- Gary Fortnite: #trytogethitbyacar
- SophiaWesele: #KillMe
- Benjamin Bertrand: ##
- I love Trance: Wolf Master14322 like you when you were born
- kaitlyn: WEAVE.
- Joshua Satnoo: Don't say that word
- Ryan Gooch: #NAKED
- dxani cervantez: i wanna be a cowboy baby
- isssiac parham: great video
- 輝くshine: *shut the hell up frank*
- Pan: #Playingintrafficchallenge #comingoutchallenge
- Jonathan Cipriano: 0:53 Don Knotts!!! bro im 16 and i still love that dude. Three's company 1970 sitcom. Love that sht. I'm a loser.
- Bryson Richardson: lmao bad not black
- Alonda Lucelu: #wassup
- AmazingKnife209: #GOAT
- Miheer Poradiya: you're so underrated, great videos all the time, superb... I would have subscribed twice if I could
- Wyatt Cusick: I'm just chilling with tro Me and my boyfriend Hold on let me just weave out of this relationship
- Deadly: #weedisoverrated
- Domi: If you see a guy "Weaving around" move away as far as possible, on moon if you can
- Ava: #lit video man
- John: #FuckHashtags #lolnobutseriouslygoodvidkeepitupmanmuchlove
- kaeden oloughlin: Cat
- himalayan sharma: #youAreLitTro!
- Trent Davis: I Thought They Unlocked Ultra Instinct
- EnVy Sn1pz: #Hashtag
- Big Beerus: Bruh thts funny asf love the channel
- Cay tron: #suckmydick
- Immature Goat: God dammit Frank
- HiThere: #plslikethiscomment
- corpesy: #Fucked a car
- DriedSquid8447: #INeedFriendsAndPleaseReply
- Demetris Paphitis: MY FAVOURITE YTBER 3:30
- Dr. Hambone: #weaveacomment
- Ryan P-76F1004x4: "my friends been looking for a reason to punch me for ten years" lmao ..
- nya noble: #ifuckedtroysdad
- Tyler Tesla: #HashtagsAreMoreGayThanTheBoyfriendChallenge
- Ashia Stewart: #mouseofhouse
- SilverJack: #urmumgay
- XvCold CerealvX: #LickLickMyBalls #RickAndTroty #GetIt
- Odell Beckham jr: God damnit frank
- Scott Knieriem: #nobodysdoinhashtagsinchat
- ROSA_LES88: Lol that shit IS gay! Good content yo!
- wtf even is my sexuality: #I #know #Right?
- The Fake Danny G: #Hashtag
- Diesel B: I don’t want to get caught by big bad billy!!
- Jimins Jams: I can't do that boyfriend challenge here because In German boyfriend and friend have the same word so they're just my friends ... cry 4 me ...
- Timinator193: 1:14 c-c-c-combo breaker
- Taco Stripes: Lol the vid is restricted now
- Tristan Rogers: #BackInMyDayWeWouldPourBucketsOfColdWaterOnOurHeadsAndTryToNotFreezeToDeath
- KRG SIMA: #Crustyscreech
- Niko's Viewing Channel: #stfuTroISpeakHowEverTheFuckIWantToSpeak
- Leo palmisciano: #shutup
- MotoX Champ: 4:20 dat ass tho
- Killer Cheetah: #WTFarethesevinechallenges #Troforprez
- Linus667: I'm gonna make the "Put a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger" challenge
- Roman Murillo: #lol
- DuarScope XL: The Floyd Mayweather challenge
- Anthony Watts: "-he doesn't even know what a challenge is." Hahahaha that's the most hardcore/hilarious shit I've heard in a long time!
- Zippy DaFish: 10 years and you're friends still haven't found a reason to punch you? They must not watch your videos.
- Cookie man: The actual fuck did I just watch
- Alberto Vazquez: #whatislifein2017anymore
- Rose_777: Omg frank....ik were idiots but like it’s so funny to hear older ppl actually say things like that😂😂😂 “we call that attempted suicide”
- Shyzah: Jorge Soto note how its all black peoplw
- Maddie R: #weaveeee
- Vanilla Ramps: it's 4:00 am and Ive been watching ur vids for 4 hours
- ChronicleCobalt: 1:34 the Matrix bullet dodge challenge
- ⌠ ά7ţώєэţќ ⌡: sucks to be the new guy
- Ron Official: #FUCKYES
- Running With Pocky!: #jk
- JustAnIllusion: #whyisnoonetalkinginhashtags
- kristanmaree: "I'd probably get swung upon" 😂
- Station Gang: what's the name of that song or music? 1:40
- Gayerthenyourmumver2: #imaclosethomosexual
- Hand Peter: ShugaHonyIceTea
- Z-_build_- -: wassssup tro great vid #weave
- Jbream06 ,: Shut the he’ll up frank
- basket hoopslegends: #stuffadickuponyourassbitch
- DINE: #ilikepinapples
- Hameed: #usinghashtagsisshit
- PuRpLe HaZe0426: Clickbait
- Gamer: #givemebleach
- RickyGoreMusic: I fought the car and the car won, I fought the car and the *CAR WON*
- reacting morales10: #🐂💩
- Vinci'sProphet🖖: Show Frank some respect he at least 100 #RespectYourElders
- Raul Morales: where the early gang at
- jaxa j: The my boyfriend challenge has officially melted my face off.
- Joel Erazo Gaming: Hi
- The Trash Bin: yes this is bad.this is geting rilly BAD
- Seb: #pu$$y
- Lucija Pintaric: Can someone please explain what is the point of the weave (?) challenge or how it works ? Do these idiots just randomly snap back? Wtf?
- Lpsmnm's 101: Wait well shit at least someone goes through all the comments finds mine and comments on it
- Sarah Fenderbender: #I'm #horny #af #69#69#69#69#69
- skreepo: #RealNibbaHours
- Denny Mcatee: #whatamidoingwithmylife
- Kaitlyn Dross: #ihatepeoplethatdontfollow"#onlyspeakinhashtags"
- Acc-Gen: #ShutUp
- Grin Lee: What's your IG man. You're hilarious 😂
- Moodles: #BestYoutuberEver 👌👌
- LORD H E A D A S S: My boyfriend
- Wintje: The USSA where you live and I do not seems like a zoo-sample from the Netherlands. I hope you are all set free soon so you can all have boyfriends (and girlfriends) safe and securely, with womanhood embraced so you can keep making more amusements.
- Antonio179: 3:27 is RBT
- Joana: Whos here on 2018?
- apex destroyer: #wtf
- flammableedits: lol so true
- 7 Tails of Akihiko: I expected a man fighting a car. All I got was clickbait.
- Tyrese Smith: #great how about you
- Mgoldenboyz: #thatboyfriendoneisfuckingfunny #hashtag
- Entity X: Dipping to the nearest emergency room XD I'M DYING
- AL LA: #RIPhumanity
- Dhana Dant: #JusticeforFrank
- Uriah Major: It just blew up, we reached the 1 million landmark bois
- Sheriff_Analton: Bitches about people having click bait vids then showing the thumbnail in vids yet says that someone tries to fight a care and loses in his title (implying that someone got run over) but no one got run over Nice
- OfficialBanana: # i laughed my ass of
- Siebe Van Eijk: 3:56 Dumpert confirmed
- Lucuna videos: omg ur so funny y dont u have more subs
- Topaz Rose: As always it start and stays in the U.S
- Kazuki Yaoita: #fuckeveryonefaggotsgoeatsatansdick
- Creative Username: *i'M gEtTiN' sWuNg At*
- dragon thao: go fuck yourself challenge
- Bryan Pias: #who is watching at 1:40 am
- Communism isn't that bad: U have fucking bad friends
- Dummy Unicorn626: I would literally slap the piss out of someone if they had to do this in front of me
- UltraJadeGamerX 1: #Hashtag
- DubLMGaming: Challenge: Clickbait all of youtube! lmao no hate
- Jarrod Flint: Internet challenges are for people who can't rise above any real life challenges. Every internet challenge they go through simply enhances their failure.
- Kira Mcnutt: sounds like there saying weed 😂😂😂
- J Legend: #FunnyAsf
- Napoleon's Return: #Why dosent anyone follows the comment policies?
- KingKoski: #shavemypubes
- CrazyTube R: #Hashtag
- JMM trickshots: #hashtag
- Legallybacon: Hashtag Hashbrown
- Kevin T: #whatwastheoutrosong?
- fnafguy fnaffan: Zippy DaFish yeah they would see you exist
- David Chanchavac: Htf u gain 11 k subs more in one day!?
- Turtlw God: The watch this video challenge
- yeetus feetus: Shit its 418k in fucking 3 minutes from 415k
- Betty Munroe: had it on a 45. way back. my fav.
- SMDM Gaming: #hellyeah
- Chocolate Macaroon: #fuckthisstupid
- David Simons: #cashmeoutside
- Sebastian Umana: #odatboisrydeadmeam
- Da ULTIMATE SAVAGE Dab: The bf one isn't that bad
- bogdan kostenko: Fuckrn idiot's
- Lpsmnm's 101: Lol my mom did this in Europe with segways
- okaykylee: #thisvideohadmeweak
- khaleesi: #you #deserve #the #world
- Mecha Penguin: #AllTheseIdiotsNotListeningToTroSayingOnlySpeakInHashtagsNotEvenHimselfListensMyLord #Blessed
- Okurr Lei: #dontgive2fucks
- Ashley: #loveyourvideos❤️
- happyface van buren: me to
- xMaikeru: #shuttfup
- introvert with no life: #idk
- potatofspac e: hi #wow
- David Gallegos x2: #sick
- Da L: #look a car weev weecreeashhh A few weeks later at this man's funeral this all frank had to say #dumbass
- LanesAFK: #ImDepressed
- BMoney8600: That song is from need for speed underground 2 at 1:27
- Urfur: i want moar cringe
- Kagami Arisato: Fire challenge
- The World's Best Commenter: #HowYaDoin
- Ryan Webb: Imagine the bf guy walkin up on a gay dude who kisses him or something
- Danielle Adams: #i'maddictedtootriggeredfuckintro #ifuckinghate#s
- UniquePerfection: "My friends have been trying to find a reason to punch me for 4 years." omfg xD. That is hilarious- I have a feeling my friends want to do the same thing to me LOL
- De Peep: Someone should start a Russian roulette challenge👌😤👌
- Big Boi: U r my favourite
- FaZe Panda: #Troyisthegreatestmotherfuckingdickheadalive
- JonathanU1: Dip dip dip🍭🍦
- Javier Navarro: Love your videos bro keep it up
- Mysticfox2010: The jokes on you. 2018 brought the tidepod challenge.
- Jacob Moseley: #canigetashoutout ???????????
- juan mora: I like tvland :(
- Lily Campbell: dip
- LT Pugie: Btw tro , it's #whoeverdoesntlikeisntatruefan
- Revese: #MyFriendSaidThereAreInfiniteUniverses
- Somthin_why0221 1: He kinda sounds like Albertas and the odd one out
- Crassen Mlg Scopez: Aay its triggered tro my boyfrieeend
- Superior 7: Ice In My Veins no lol
- AidenDangle: 3:00 Just Weave and Dip
- iDriveYouCrazyy: hehe
- crenitic is cool: #weeb
- ThePartyAnimal: #suckmydicksidewaysthangivemearimjob
- Bella, Fred, Noelle Gallatin: #love the video
- Kayla Marten: #WhyTheFuckArePeopleNotTalkingInHashTags #CanYouNotFollowRules #TheFuckPeople #YouFuckinDumbOrSomething #ImKiddinYouDoWhatYouWant #IWantSomeTacoBellRN #GetMeSomeTacoBell
- xranger: Nursery Home
- Lil’ Yeet: I did the weave challenge on my dad and he smacked the shit out of me.
- peyton day: I call my friends boyfriend to fuck with them
- Its_ORAC3L: The guy with his towel looked like a NYC nigga with the timbs in his house
- Revese: #HashTag
- Caleb O'Brien: It's 2018!
- Ali Daimasoum: #goodvid
- Luke A: #BigBadBilly
- Chloe Sibrel: Omg wtf the weave challenge
- DJ houdini: hahaha funniest shit ever
- Ghetto Christmas Carol: # #
- Nick Dikeoulakos: Γαμας
- kalvyn havenhill: #schoolispointless
- JuJu Wolfe: #itssadthisissofuckingtrue
- brittany Allen: #smh
- That Grace Girl Thing: #Hi ;-;
- Joseph Spahn: notification squad
- duck duck: #### ### ### ##### ####?
- Lps Rose Forever: #😂
- Brennan Archives 2: #yourmomgay
- Dmofighter2016: This guy sounds a lot like that happyhour guy
- Sean Ford: Why in the hell is this age restricted? I have seen things that are way more inappropriate than this that are not age restricted.
- hotfirein321: FUCK U 2017
- Dr pudding: your a little mean
- Aditya Nair: When this channel gets huge uncle Frank is going to be the inside joke for early subscribers lol can't wait XD
- Superior 7: kyon hampton no lol
- Alec Carrillo: #Wh1t3 P0W3R
- Young Chiraq: 815th one to comment
- Chris P. Bacon: #Yo
- 2 1/2 sandwiches: I had a school dance after I watched this and did the “girlfriend challenge” instead of the “boyfriend challenge” and I got slapped four fucking times.
- Chloe Sibrel: Your so fucking funnyb
- handy andy: Lmao "turn on some TV land"
- moonwalk_glock: 0:40 OK :(
- Val Luka Jugovac: #
- Straight Piped 99: That dude at 1:20 😂😂
- Ziete Frederick: He is a sploush
- THE ZOMBIE SLAY3R: #yourgay
- PoxOnLox: #daddytroily
- FRANTIC: the stupidest fuckin challanges are fuckin stupid(😂)
- Photo List: At the dip you shouted like hank hill
- Darin Duran: Yeah fuck you frank
- Vegetta888: #MyAssItches
- M B A 1 8: 2
- monkey 25877: Great
- why are we still here just to suffer: #supeveryone
- Sam Bryan: Back in my day they called that attempted suicide
- Stop Killing My Cats: #ImGoingToGoListenToSlipknotAndBreakingBenjaminAndThreeDaysGraceAndPyotrIlyichTchikovskyWhileIFigureOutWhetherOrNotMyCrushActuallyLikesMeBackOrIfHesJustWeirdOrIfImJustReallyDumb
- кιм нα ʝσσи уσσ: #why
- Logan B: “That shits gay” Yep
- DougsdaleDimmadaleDimmadimmsdomedoodiddomedimsdale: I’m pretty confident that I can beat the shit to of that second guy and I’m fucking 11
- The Future President: #HowYaDoin
- carmen reynaga: thats how black fools fight
- Will: #fuckfrank
- Marin Banks: please do reaction to random camera man
- _Aloha_ Kyra_: #TriggeredTroIsSoFunnyHeMakesMyDayBrightenWithLaughter.
- Pointless Pictures: #hey
- The Playerstation: #YouBrokeTheCommentPolicy
- Spookis Ghostly: I challenge you
- Russell from Up: I could pass any pe test if my back was that flexible
- Ricardo Munatones: #SUCKMYDICK
- Mimzie 2k: 3:43 answer: they PBS and chilled
- K Troop: #SupTriggeredTro
- Neon Wolf2906: #ImasturbatedDuringThisVideo
- trash boat: " so we're boyfriends now?Oh so you finally read my e-mails" 😂😂
- Ben W: Pretty shure this was on south park
- Anime Midnight: #AwesomeVideo
- EYB0SS: I really liked that one challenge where black people lit themselves on fire, THAT SHIT WAS LIT BRO!
- Christian Gavin: clickbait ass title fuck you tro. i wanna see death and despair ffs
- Spookis Ghostly: Hit me in the dick
- kitty cat: #IHaveABadDay #HowAboutYouTro #KeepUpTheGoodWorkMyDude #DontGiveUp #IamAPotato
- xpert apollo: Queen Halo it's yo fault there are stupid niggas replying
- wolfbloodwarrior elite gamer: Do weave everyday
- Ava Zelinsky: #hashtag
- Anthony D: Umm c'mon man the idea is coming from a black person
- XD Lomike: 2:41
- rehab joe buffet: The my boyfriend challenge isn't gay! That's why it's funny!
- BunnyKicker: Bro I am dying laughing even just reading the damn title :D I'm on a Trostreak and I've been laughing for the past hour non-stop, even though my day was a complete shit-show. TY TRO ILY <3
- That Hippy Chris: #HeyYouTubeCommentSectionSayWhatUpToMyMuffukenBoyFriend
- Ruby Butterfly: All of the people doing the weave challenge look like they’re playing wii sports and they took boxing a little too seriously lmfao
- ViscidDrop2: #urdumb
- Violet is Biolet: #iwillnotshutup
- Eugene Jenkins: #franksaboss
- Running With Pocky!: #iWANTtotakeashit
- joxie fox: Dude i just found you and your the shit like i gotta watch you everyday you so funny! Gotta show my boyfriend this.
- Chicken Buff3t: Weave gotta Dip
- Fatima Remili: #letsstartaconversation
- Jayd Talavera: 😂 wheel back to the nursery home
- Saber0003: Pretty sure these challenges are designed by trolls to get stupid people to injure/kill themselves.
- katie Beasley: #lifeisgreat
- Kupa Xykalee: Why did you the sorsha outro
- Jen the Glitchy: #Weavingoutoftheclosetchallenge #Waitnodontdothat
- Ciego is Dead: shut tha hell up frank
- Albino Gorilla: Goat 425 what are you twelve because it wasnt that long ago
- Holychard the cool guy Massillon: # fuck my ass
- PUG LIFE: Weave looks like you can easily be thrown off balance.
- mrmysery1984: #HASHTAG
- RawLu: More Nutjob Americans...
- Skepty: 😂😂😂 LMFAO "or you will be a suspect" Lmfao.😂😂😂
- Rocker Rashimodo: ahmd haj ikr
- Jonas Johnson: Yoooo bro. I be on that TV Land channel though lol.
- Alex Ernst: #
- kxxvon texas: thats sauce walka
- Snowflake the Husky Senpai: #Ihatenormiesandiwanttodie
- Big Boi: First love u Troy
- Finn: Durr plant
- Faith Tiller: #loveyoutro #tromaboyfriend #jk #I'mweavingthesehatecomments #noshitonme
- SLN: #theschoolsystemiscoruuptchildrenarebeingbrainwashed #yolo #check #out #the #talktomyboyfriendsgirlfriendchallengeonmymyspace #fuckedthatoneup
- Carson: Frank didn’t deserve it...
- T.R Fishing: Hey kid I heard you we’re doing WEAVE I’m sellin
- ANTIHARMONY777: it was at 666 comments so...i fixed it
- Logan Whitfield: #
- xd Harmsen: #suckmynuts
- al_325 6: #tro keep up the good work 😃
- Ploooky: Omg They told me I was born in the highway Cuz that's where most accidents happen But now it's a trend So I guess I'm lucky
- Timingruby: #WhatTheFuckIsGoingOnInMyLifeINeedARopeAndSomeBoxes
- Oh Yeah Yeah: I want Frank to return
- MWXmodzFTW: # #'s Are gay lol
- MysteryX: Hi 7u7
- Abdul Rahim: yo tro where u at bro
- Chezach R: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- BlizzardKhaos: Proof that humankind is becoming retarded
- Jay Chris: Timingruby #millennial
- Stefan J: Are ....are they retarded???👀
- Tanner Sula: What!
- It’s Just Kristi: boi don't forget bout the dang set urself on fire challenge and the roast urself challenge (btw can u react to those it would really make my day)
- This Johnson: Lol frank
- Wes 2056: Weave got problems!
- Unknown and the strange.: OF COURSE ITS VINE DOING THIS SHIT
- Running With Pocky!: #Ineedtotakeashit
- Matilda6448: I died at 3:58 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Lonnie Smith: You weave like that in a real fight you about to hit the ground real talk lol
- One Dollar Bleach: #hashtag
- Deadly: #shutup
- Jakob Jenkins: DIP DIP potato CHIP
- The Man From Krypton: DeShawn 'Dawg' BNBG I was Roberto Duran in my head, yup he lost to Leonard , still a great fighter though.
- Trey Fee: #fuck the challenge
- WillRaj: tv land is lit. Andy Griffith show is where it's at
- Rival617: #HashtagChallenge
- Element: dip dip potato chip
- Legendgaming: I did the boyfriend challenge I got punched for *T E N* FUCKING YEARS
- ThundaLogic: Hey I go to school with them
- Lil Loco: #thedipchallenge
- Robert Cruz: Weaveeeee!!!
- Big Greggy boi: Uncle frank is literally my grandpa
- 1k subscribers with no vids thanx: *smh*
- مرحبا少し: *DIP*
- ninjabeast123: #Ijusthashtagedahashtaged
- omppuuhh h: Tanmoy Dutta #no
- Bessy Ana: #ihavenothingtosay
- Randomness 11: You're so fucking funny
- Rift Music: MAN VS CAR: WHO WILL WIN??? (rick & morty)
- YOU'RE FIRED: lol I really like when you post up new videos it really makes my day tro.
- Entity X: Big bad billy
- Shampoo: Did we need more reproduction ? I think the awnser is no look at the fucking world its overpopulated af. And sure if everyone was homosexual there would be no humans but to good that there are more options than only that one if everyone would be bisexual it would work perfectly and that would be natural right ? Because we could reproduce right ? To say , if everyone was homosexual there would be no humans is a stupid statment in the first place because duhhh everyone knows that there would be no one here simply because of no reproduction.
- LaFaMoNKeY: #IWeavedAndDippedMyBoyfriendForTro
- Sir Dankistan: The question is which is more gayer?
- glassofwater: #shutup
- Niaisa Battle vlogs: #woahvickyrappart2?
- Roid Rage: #howmanytimesadaydoyoumasterbait
- Nacho The Gamer: #hows everyone
- Logan Stanley: #EndDicksCrimination
- Cypherr: #GetHitByOnGoingTrafficChallenge
- Tina Nguyen: #WEAVE
- Boom Pixels: please someone subscribe to me i will sub to you guys
- Abbie L: 'id probably get swung upon' 😂
- haru ka: #this_is_a_booring_challenge
- plastered snow: don't you mean looses not loses
- Mikyla: #ithinksomepeopledidntwatchtotheveryend
- Triple V Entertainment: #whatis2017
- Eric Marshall: Congrats on 500k
- Moises Espinoza: You funny asf bro 😂😂
- Faith Knister: #ImpossibleNotToLaugh #funnyAsHell
- Fake account: This is probably what it's like in hell
- Ibraheem Miah: #SuckUrMum
- Raul Morales: #great vide# I got nothing else to say #
- DeShawn 'Dawg' BNBG: We all used to weave & dip in our bedrooms back in the 1980s/90s, fantasising we were fighting Sugar Ray or something. But today they've got to post it on social media- freakin millennial narcissists.
- ItzMysTic: #boyfriendchallengeisdoublegay
- xkiga: Why age restricted
- Tommy Adams: #I'mdippingallday
- Spickleton McGee: #wtf
- The lit Green dude: #dickbutt
- Paul g: Bahahaha! #bringbackplanking
- 777: #youresexy #boyfriendchallenge #fuck you
- Scott Moomaw III: #GoFuckUrSelf
- Jonnypizza Plays: #ihavenofriends
- Carson Smith: 0:37 SHUT UP FRANK
- Hommo sapie: #😑
- Anonymous: Poor frank
- Internalized Ablest: Current year is the new yolo lol
- Senpai IsLitty: 500k special: FACE REVEAL!!
- Bec SocSci: #WhiteDontCrack 🤲🏻
- System 32: Let's make up a challenge, Who can hang they're selves and last longer then the other without dying. ;)
- NotTwitch: #SHUT UP
- The Unnamed User: 3:26 IS THAT RBT!!!
- Anthony Bennett: So I told him brudda I never weeve
- sarcasticflowerbud: 1:57 It looks like a skinny black guy popping out😂😂
- Some Random Guy: MAN VS CAR
- Linktheninja108 creeperpie107: #Wtf
- AH Gaming: #BingeWatching
- AriAnimates !: #You #Are #The #Best
- Infandous Ktenology: #NibbersBeGross
- Lil pollo the tasty ass G: The Man From Krypton hell yeah Duran was great. "Manos de pedra"
- Cybertronius: #loveurvids
- Tessie Des: #suckmydickchallenge #newtrend
- Baby Delivery Aleks: #collabwithweest
- Tyler: (He Loses)
- lucid Dreams Entertainment: Now we eat poison
- Ali Dontini: I wanna see a video where these idiots gets run over by a car gets ganged up by people while doing the challenge
- Emily Magnuson: #wtf
- Pradatoru: @WhoCares?
- Madeline Forbes: The weave challenge was made by us black people of course is not gonna make sense
- djdimi gaming: i allways finsh som
- lax CO: #wtfIsUp
- Rasant Chatzi: do a video about icejjfish plz..❤❤
- BoLT xLegendz: #killme
- Ritzy Gamer: #nicevideo
- rocket fez: #Hashtag
- Xc31: #urippinbruv
- Michael Sins: This some TriHard shit
- DemonicOnPc -Gaming Channel-: CliiiiiiickBaaaaaaaiiiiiittttt
- a l: I expected to see someone getting hit by a car, dissapointed ☹️
- I Dunno: #Shutup
- lemonade foxx: Billy will be havin yo ass wevin and dippin all the way to the nearest emergency room
- AyeitsAdi: #<3
- Sarah Fenderbender: #It's #okay #to #be #gay #af #for #a #day
- I Love Rikku!: Tro ur funny xx
- V0XI YT: At first, i thought it was a wannabe gangster trying to fight
- Gaming HubTV: #imgay
- Anarchy nothing: #Hashtag
- Jordan Freshboy Junius Marvules: Dzg
- WOOF: hey
- Javitotation Javs: #TroIsTheBest
- DevZ: #WEAVE
- Adrian Valenzuela: Ryan P-76F1004x4 same TroBro
- Death Bacon: #heytro
- TheLawnmower27: #ShutTheFuckUp
- ian miller with no videos: what has our society come to
- trpel kipel Andersson: #ihavenothingtosay
- sawyer thorpe: no its 2018.....
- Christopher Privette: i miss the simple eating bad jelly beans or eating hot peppers or some video game challange
- Angel Vidals: #hello
- Triggered Tro: Smh
- Bongo The Gipsy: why did u have to spoil it in the title
- Bat Man: Guys these people are stupid they'll get themselves killed on their own so just let them enjoy their "fun" and they'll clean the gene pool while they're at it.
- SauNic H.: #Frankdidnothing
- hexadecachoron lad: Back in my day we would shove spoonfuls of cinnamon down our throats and try to survive.
- Lone Wanderer: Tbh frank had a point
- Random May: We used to call that cutting the matrix
- Cat the Invisible Child: What the fuck is wrong with people
- Citizen 1: Wasn't that called the funky chicken in the 70s ?
- Gaming Master vlogs: #Ihaveaface
- Loaded Taco: Yo Andy Griffith show where it’s at
- Freddy’s Dogs: #bigbadbilly
- 輝くshine: *SCREAMS “WEAVE” (can’t spell doe)*
- Josh R: "WEAVE!"!!!
- sam and Ruby: R.I.P vine😞😢😭
- bagged milk: why they sayin weed??
- Gamer: I'm early
- Hero Games: do you even have friends?
- Mainstream Gaming: #hanginwithmyboyfriendtro
- SticcFricc: #ok
- Golden__Universe: #hashtag
- Oliver Willcox: # you are the best YouTubeer
- Typical Zi: # hi everyone lol
- Pheonix Gaming: #yeathatbenice
- Sophia Rathbun: Ali Dontini same
- Supply Drops: Sup
- rose: Shit the hell up Frank I'm dead 😂😂😂
- Trixmay 988: NFSU2 nostalgia
- PillageThePeople: Goku did the weave first.
- Eric Platt: Yo what is the game at the end of the video?
- Morgan Freeman's Son: FR ND Sleeping Dogs ?
- SilphStrider: #iagree
- L Lawliet: #ihateuall
- James Knotts: the picture of the andy griffin show u showed don knotts thats my cousin
- Brianna Emblem: #hastag
- Fast558 Lane: #killmyself
- animal lover: #no.
- Big White: #trash #JK
- Ollie Buggington: #bigbadbillyforpresident
- Sherri Viz: I’m sorry for thAt frank. Truly
- Esplosivel 007: #triggeredtroisawesome
- Samara: I would've weaveeed my fist in your face
- Rachel E Burrill: #imanidiotandnotjustsometimesimfullidiotmodealldaydudes
- PANDA LOVER: Lmao I didn't even finish but I can't stop laughing
- LuvWithASideOfPeace: "big billy" no nibba it's big tyrone
- HiThere: #fuckyourvideo
- Smart_ Queen: lol im early
- Harry Hov: Barney from TV land andy
- Apryl Gomez: #literallynobodyisdoinghashtags
- Derika Mckoy: #weave Lma0
- MarshMellon360: #DIIPP
- Jason Silva: 3:30 fucking brosciencelife 😂😂
- Amelia Vito: #daddy
- james garvin: Fuck you frank
- Sofia_and_dan_2018 y: My school has something called "The Wet Willy Challenge". You get a stick or plant and stick it in your mouth and you have to whack someone with "The Wet Willy"...
- Sheev Talks: Gonna fucking WEAVE and DIP in front of MA BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Rainy Edits: He sounds like a crying baby
- Man Slayer657: Same about the punch by friends thing
- Escher MODER: Kill me
- Guillermo Aguirre: #ShutTheFuckUp
- Tristen McNeil-Tews: attempted suicide
- Talem: I just found ur yt and im dying LMAOO
- introvert with no life: #imhappy
- RealESJ: Weed
- Donavon Tyson: Your Hilarious keep making videos
- Pee pee Nation: #lol
- TwoPunchMidnight: I would have swerved too hit them
- Its Bill: #cantbuycherios
- average Canadian: 0:32 10 WAYS TO GET KILLED LIKE A DUMBASS
- VLDraze: #was I don’t know what to do with the car but I cannot was the day I got to go to the car and I got
- Jamesen DeMann: Smh age restrictions
- Yoshi240: Now introducing the Try Not to Die When Hit By Car challenge, 100% fail
- My dad Never loved me: Proof black people are unevolved.
- CMP RicketyNote: ############
- Adrkingpin 36: Lol
- Asian Jalapeño: In 2018 we call weaving sexual assault
- JORDAN RICHARDSON: #yallgotpunked
- Extinct Baer: s w u n g u p o n
- Kiiree Reece: Where are the videos when they get hit?would love to see those.
- Drew Rycerz: boyfrennnn
- Selena Marie: "Im sick of hearing your shit frank"😂😂
- tese the beast: #shutthefuckup
- Taylor Roddy: #trofunnyashell
- Blax: #Imgoingtogokillmyselfafterwatchingthosechallenges
- Doom slayer: Aw fuck, I cawnt believe you done this
- Djdhdhdh Ckrurjdnd: #Lmao
- HexFlicks: Those offwhite jeans tho..
- Maor Filus: #nicevideo
- Stop Killing My Cats: #hashtag
- Kid in Combat: #awesome #lit
- fancy a bum: #triggered tro is funny af
- Miles Block: #fuckingnoonewatchsthesevideoslongenophtoseethehashtagchallenge
- Twisted Canine: #howyadoing
- Kizzo TheJester: If those guys die from those cars, it's just natural selection running it's course
- Wynter Levi: Shut the hell up Frank. 😂😭
- Kamilah Bryant: #watchingavideothatwasletoutayearago! #justwatchingalloftriggertro'svideos!
- William Rawlin: RobloxWithKeaniysha ! What if I told you.. I think I love you
- Annoyin’ Banana: 2018
- Supreme Leader of North Korea: Starts ww3
- PANDA LOVER: #notificationsquad
- Emilio Regino: #weave!
- Rob302: 4:21 yummy
- HOT ROD: I would have run him over! God I LOVE MYSELF
- Alfred Alfereus: #nobodyeverparticipatesinthenewcommentpolicies
- Paige _126: #ImNotSayingAnythingInahastahohwait
- Lost Soul: Play this shit on speed 2x everyone sounds like crackheads
- Ahmed Aymen Taj Elsir Bashir: #GAyyy
- Nikki Mae: #AmazingVideoTro
- Airsoft Randomness: you act like leafy XD
- koko ze: Ooooh so all the weird looking hobos that I see are just doing some sort of challenges...
- successful school shooter: #
- Tracy McGeorge: #ThisShitsFunny #OneOfMyFavoriteChannels #loveya💯
- H D: Triggered tro is the name tic tac toe is the game
- The Handy Van: That's gay!
- Javon Foreman: I hope they get punched in the nuts
- jwivan28: #suckdeesnutz
- LeafGalaxy: #FrankIsMyNigga
- Uzumati Lackey: #hashtag
- Kini: I’m watching this on the first day of 2018 at 3am
- TheLawnmower27: #YeahIJustRepliedToMyOwnCommentTheFuckYouGonnaDoAboutIt
- Tyler Markus: dude i've seen you on evry fucking vid somehow your profile pic just earned u a sub
- Charity Rogers: I'm totally dying! 😂 Thank you for the video! Lots of love 💜
- Truthx: Yo
- Nate Childs: Tro is gonna be big..
- TEEN PERFECT: I can’t stop crying/dying lol
- totally legit idiots: 0:50 "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man"
- swimmer girls: #greatlifehacktro
- Maui Randall: Someone tries to weave on you just like step on their foot and they will fall You cannot maintain that posture for long
- skyler tucker: NiZe Oppz #meme
- The Bubonic Plague: Im laughing so hard
- Sarah Dragon: YamiAlex224 #snatched
- EPICslime180: #ijustsubbedyoursofunny😂
- Darkk: #justShotUpMySchool
- Kimber 10MM: Well we've been telling them to play in traffic for awhile now
- OverSucc: #niggeredtro
- Josh M.: Your mom gay
- murica 45acp: #IWANTTOFUCKINGDIE
- Cher Idk: #AmazingVidAsUsual
- Jacob Clever: #hashtagsarestupid
- Vincent: Same
- Ehi.-. Mier: *#Stfu*
- Tom Ives: If you're stupid enough to play in traffic you deserve to be hit.
- Derek: #ballerswag
- It's Gir: #I #thought #your #video #was #hilarious #, #so #keep #up #the #good #work #or #whatever #.
- JonLBT: #hashtag
- still ballin: I had to pause this to stop groom choking on my pop tart lmfao I almost died laughing literally 😂😂
- Keeganmc007: Hey TV Land is great
- J Douglass: “If you can dodge a car, you can dodge a ball.” Lol
- Maui Randall: No I don't want anything as violent I just want to see someone try to weave and just get their foot stepped on and just watch them fall on their asses, maybe one or two kicks if they don't eat it
- Rizzar: ########################################
- Le Boi: successful school shooter lmao ur profile pic got me
- jacob marycz: # fuckin hilarious
- Leia And Jocelyn: #are we still doing the hashtag thing?
- Dunn Zhang: Who’s watching in 2018?!
- Cancerous Pancakes: #yALLFORGOTTHEHASHTAGS
- bleach buckets: 3:00 TRO U HAVE FRIENDS???
- NKN: hashtag REEE
- Sea Creature: Go to his Instagram in the description
- Eleanor Kivi: #WEAVE
- Plasma RL: #usuckatrocketleague
- Random Brown Guy: the people should be punched in the face by tyson, then lets see how good they weave.
- Dank Master: My grandad is called frank
- Jhisami J: Rocket league
- ARandomGirl44 ?: #thiswashilarious
- Feviness: That title was a little click baity...
- Me Meekseks: Triggered Tro,#you mean #SMH #WatchUntilTheEnd#NextTime#K?#Weave#comingoutoftheclosetchallenge
- Donevin Diggs: what's up tro
- Just a Person: Dhana Dant #irrelevant
- Daniel Marin: #why #am #i #doing #this #? #XD
- SDMGaming _: Who need jailbreak firesticks?? Instagram:firesticks_kodi_jailbreaker
- CommanderSandWichMaker: #ineedtogotosleepbutnawww
- Hamilton Fan girl: #WEAVE
- Anti Shadowz: #TheHashtagOnlyChallenge
- mallory stout: #uhomophobic?
- Joshua Castillo: #nohashtagsinthecomments
- Oma met lekker kontje: #youaremanymutchmyfriendsly
- United Right: The Dip Challenge... I'm fucking dead!
- Complaints Desk: do another challenge vid theyre so fucking stupid
- Entity X: Ali Dontini I'll subscribe to you if you video it
- babybluex: Those black dudes are brave most white ppl would think they were about to get car jacked and run their ass ocer
- ConnorHazzy201: Frank is a boss. XD
- TripleAJ: #Wait,youhomophobicbro?
- Invincible Bunny: #Hashtags #😂😂😂 #😎😎😎 #ILikeHashtags #OkImDone #SIKE #OkOkOkNowImDone #😂😂😂
- Brianna Turner: Is it weird that I have a crush on Tro😍 and I have not even seen his face at all, I like him because he is so funny and he sounds like he might be cute too 😘. I feel weird about it though.
- Timmyturner TheDoughBoi_15: #TroChallenge that when you go to someone and say weave and go on snapchat and say this is my boyfriend and say dip dip
- Kkbleeblob: #WhyAmIStillLiving
- My penis is unbelievably small, but: This shit fire https://soundcloud.com/realyungangel/5inchnick-x-big-pigg
- fnafguy fnaffan: Zippy DaFish lol
- The Man From Krypton: Ya grab it, and ya go!
- Destiny Deja: Why is it age restricted ?...
- UR_AL_SHOOK_UP: If someone just in front of my car I would kill that fucker with my car teach anyone thats playing in the street can possibly die
- Daniel Navarro: Ima weave away from that like button
- Marvel_ Memes: #helloeveryonee
- M0dern Rose: William Rawlin I would start planing our wedding and think about children names.
- Lola L.: #myboifren
- Epic Dev: #whatsup
- Stranger h: #hashtag
- Juan G.: View 854 Like 124.
- Rainy Edits: 2:49 wtf
- Laynie Watkins: #troisfreakinglitaf #loveyatro
- SteelersFan86: #HowYaDoin?
- MTB Smith: #YoutuberForLife
- Black Rose: #killyourself
- I C: "weave weave.... dip dip dip" lmao retards...
- Xn39dy10: #ifyoudonttalkinhashtags #fuckoff
- Andy O: Man I hope intelligent life forms never visit our planet. It would be so god damned embarrassing. I wouldn’t blame them if they wiped out humanity...
- Mac: Steve Bailey I’m bisexual guess I’m going to hell
- JooheonsDimples: the my boyfriend challenge is funny asf though lol
- Classy Raccoon: RazorX 720p u shall not trick me again
- Jay Chris: Attempted suicide xDDD We're millenials man, our will to live is like a full 1/10
- Angy D: My boyfriend lol
- Ben W: WeAve
- CrazyDaisy6971: Weavers remember, Crack is Whack! Just ask Whitney Houston, oh no wait! Lol!
- Robmoney 4life: I think they should call it the gay challenge.
- Angel Canez: Rick and Morty interdimensional cable man vs car hahaha
- PANDA LOVER: #fedmylastcommentup
- TheEliteRabbit Gaming: #DontWorryTro #MyFriendsHaveBeenLookingForReasonsToPunchMeToo #ButWhenTheyFinallyFindAReaonTheyDontDoItCauseTheyreAfraidOfMe
- ShWan.mp4: 1st
- Johnathan Smithery: “He doesn’t know challenge” lmao
- LionKingPro LKP: Aye we are genZ we are now the coolest(and dumbest)
- Mr Frank: but tv land is outta order fagot!
- M0dern Rose: Little miss Oooppos lmao true
- Aftab Ahmed: #hashtagsdontdoshitonyoutbe
- _cubed: wait i need to do hashtags
- Jordan Freshboy Junius Marvules: What has the world come to
- Loreyne & Aniyah Vlogs: W E A V E
- Jackson Roberts: 1:24 is we’re is the funniest thing ever
- babybluex: He has a nose ring, he's gay.
- Serena Martin: If someone just started following me around and 'weev'ing (especially since I never heard of this until now) I would've thought I was about to be mugged by someone off their medication and sweep their leg and make a mad dash for the nearest store to hide
- berlon breezy: #itztro
- Prometheus: major clickbait he fought the car neither of dem won
- bluelion: Boyfriend, is . a boy and it's his friend. so they say boyfriend, lol
- Keis: #AintNobodyDoinTheHashtagChallenge#NotEvenTheOneAndOnlyTro
- kawaii shannon: #hi
- Angel Sanchez: Isaac Augusto #you gay af
- Paul the 2 marek Sørensen: So the weave thing is an new boxing move you made?
- I don't Know anything life is SO boring: What next shoot someone challenge?? Kiss strangers challenge?? Attempt murder challenge??punch someone challenge??
- Lil Sammy: #my dick fell of
- Craig Ellington: can we be best friends? so happy i found this channel, i cant believe i waste my time watching it or i can im not sure its great! keep up the good work
- Jonas Johnson: The weave challenge is soo funny 😂.
- husseinfam_9: Shut the hell up frank part had me ded
- Chr1stown: #WhoListenedToTro?
- JDR 235: 3:37 that fucking dude in the background
- Tis: Have you seen the fire challenge? Hilarious!
- SAHVERA HYDER: I was born 2004 " back in my day we watched spongebob and played with Pokémon cards
- Christina LLT: #HashTag
- DEADPOOL wrestler: 0:28 who came up with this challenge? WE!!!
- Cole - Fortnite and More!: wEaVe WeAvE dIp DiP
- Ethan Pollak: 3:04 WHAT FRIENDS
- David Unger: Please make a video how danielle got beat up https://www.facebook.com/mediatakeout/videos/1645073158857958/
- Kenji Kubes: Funniest vid
- Dakota Shannon: "Swung apon" how fancy
- Wolfgang BAMF at ya: Weave. Enough said
- Tanmoy Dutta: #TroForPresident
- Eric Chamberlain: #ok
- TheBaddest Radish: Im dead!!!!
- XX X: 0:37 Lmfao
- Alfred Alfereus: #why
- iDriveYouCrazyy: first
- Belg4Life: #SubscribeToTriggeredTro
- Chubbz x: #2019isgonnabefucked
- dhaddyjaeden: try 10,000,001 brain cells ;-;
- ShWan.mp4: hi
- mc meatpuppet: #idiots
- Tree stuns: #nicevid
- Malik Abdallah Ibn IsraEl: "Swung upon" 😂
- Superior 7: Razbel black Asian probably
- Darren Burch: #SUCKMYASS
- Josh P: I have been trying to wipe a fucking hair off my screen for 2min to realize its your god damn display pic
- Erica Geer: “Get swung upon”😂idk why that killed me
- You Mom 2: No it is 2018
- Black Disciples: Weaving bullets challenge
- SkittlezAssassin: dude you fucking funny af
- TJ The Savege Wright TSW: #fuck u lol
- Valerie Hie: #LOVEMESOMETRO!
- IMGaming: if i was you , i wouldve said , do 10k likes and i will do the weave and boyfriend challenge
- I have no reason to be on this earth: I WILL GRAB DAT WEAVE OUTA YOUR HAIR SUNNY ~Grandma Hilda
- CHANGO1738 fortnite: ######*##*#
- Demetris Paphitis: 0:59 frank deserved it. He prolly was an SS
- I Have No Idea Idk: Man if I did that to my cricket coach, he'd be pissed af. So would his boyfriend.
- Frank Andrade: I accept your apology
- THE GAMING ARMY: I threw hands with a car he threw a tire
- Javitotation Javs: #ILoveUrVids #UrAwesome #TheseChallengesAreRetarded #MyBoyfriend
- Nugget: #nicevideo #I'mhungry #foodplease
- Billie Bitch: This makes me hate humanity. And myself. No like I high key wanna die. Yo where are all those bleach accounts that are always hanging around tro’s channel?
- Dylan Sullivan: 3:02 “swung upon”
- Alain Lemaire: #TriggerTrobetteranswerme
- Zegar `: Dip... Dip, dip... Dip😂
- IgnoreMyCringeyName: Lani Cookie same here lol
- EzzyKai: #what'sthenameofthatgame
- Wintje: This is a great outlet. I love your channel, you got skill bro.
- Daniel Marin: #GAY #WHO #READS #THIS #XD
- Danielle Lewis: #idk what to say
- Noob Gaming102: #idk y I’m doin this challenge or watching this video but it makes my day better
- Brickk Wall: Noob Nature ############%
- Foster Etkin: #whyisnobodytalkinginhashtagslikethepolicysaysquestionmark
- Waffle Kitsune: #800thlikenooneactuallycares
- Pineapple Graciee: #troforpresident2020
- Discovery Planet: Nice man ! I had a good laugh at the weave and dip guy dancing with your commentating. Thanks for the laugh
- Zeharah Davis: #IHateLife
- Laughing Clown: At 3:46 that boy in the back looked dead😂😂
- Vincent C: this dude is the walmart version of leafyishere
- Brayden Offline: #PoorFrank😂😂
- ReasoneWhy: #testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
- Ethan Moss: When*
- budz: He said "boyfriend" becuse his friends is a boy and they are friends. simple☺
- asomenarutofan5 69: what happend to the beanbozzald and ghost pepers
- Madison Flores: #hashtagsaredead
- lol lol: I feel 10x dumber now for trying to go to Georgia Tech
- thatphotogirl3: I'm 99% sure the second guy is a new York ni🅱🅱a
- ghostdude111: #Heyhowyoudoin
- flippy YT: i got a dig bick You read dat wrong
- Mr.Normal: #ilikecookies
- kwitten: Quantitative Hotdog same 😂
- Ahmad sleiman: ur so fkin funny bro 😂😂
- Kyng Patt: #fuckmylife
- J0-jo: if you know jojo bizarre adventure u would say WRRRYYYY!!!!! except for weave! For Example: JJBA PEEPS:WRRRYYYY!!!!! VINERS PEEPS:WEAVE!!!!
- katelyn ast: ut even day our lord and saviour Darwin comes closer and closer to realizing his theory
- Morten Hansen: You shit up. Your a total idiot!!!!
- ChezBuguh07: #hashbrown
- Uriah Major: I thought your profile pic was a loose strand of hair, and just spent seven minutes trying to brush it off my screen.
- Denise Young: #Hi
- Popopo Po: It’s exciting for some reason. W
- Enzo Battaglia: RazorX 720p #Same
- Ibrahim Mashadi: #yo mama
- EmSeeGurran: Back in my day we would flip a water bottle to the song ultimate and if it landed right side up we would dab while spinning a fidget singer.
- Tom Crump: “#Canyoudothis?”
- sicksmo3s: #Yo Say wassup to my boyfriend Triggered tro
- Crazykilla2688: #triggeredtroisthebest
- speedy Boyz: #howyaavirgindoing?
- Car0lin3: When they screamed weave it sounded like weed 😂
- omnitrix1992: The #MyBoyfriendChallenge is way better than the #DontCringeChallenge
- HypexDragkon: #I eat dick
- GliTcH: new wii comercial
- TheLawnmower27: #ImEdgy
- Louis Vlogs: best youtuber
- iDriveYouCrazyy: haha dip
- Mimzie 2k: Most of these challenges are suicidal
- Ricky Creason: #dahhhhherrrrooooo
- Mia The Pug: #ThisGaveMeLife
- Kokomo Pro: ##
- RazorX: You have a pet wussy You that read wrong That awkward when you read that wrong too And you said moment after awkward
- The SENGI: Kys challenge 2 days later "27 deaths have been reported in the last 2 minutes
- BEASTMODE GAMING: discoved this channel today, fuck yo inside joke nigga
- 7avi_: This dude funny asf! 😂😂😂😂 he deserves way more subscribers. 🔥💯
- traintracks.mp4: #wthatsup
- Stephen Stenberg: I’m crying
- Raul Ortiz: Good shit boy
- Jorja Hoffman: #FML
- NerdTestedTv: the second guy looked like he was shadow boxing...without boxing
- Mikayla Tam: # tro i love your videos # told my friends about u and they loved it
- x osama Shabazz: Sauce walka
- kyon hampton: 1st
- Viktor Tomanov: #fuckyall
- Steve's Channel: love me foreverrr
- Ethan Does Things: #WhatTheFuckIsTheNewGeneration
- Njoki Wabule: #ILowkeyHaveACrushOnYou
- CheDi Richardson: #NeverHeardOfTheseChallanges #WeaveAndDip #Boyfriend #TroIsLit
- Big Boi: #myfavouriteyoutuber
- Katy Lepetsos: I wanna see the “getting my ass kicked in public challenge “
- QwekQwek IsReal: 04:24 - the coming out of the closet challenge. Is that you pew? 😂😂
- Jesse Perez: Do the keke Challenge
- XD DX: #Hashtag
- Casey P: Zippy DaFish *couldn't
- Jack Schulz: #fuckmedaddytro
- Sanzie: "miss me with that gay shit"
- Scrubtastic: #whyisnobodytalkinginhashtags
- Queen of Coffee: I think it would make more sense to just yell WEED!
- Alex Ernst: We millennials are cooler than all previous generations. We are also demonstrably dumber, but by natural selection we will come out stronger and danker.
- Zachary M: Nah this my boyfriend shit is hilarous
- Mein Führer: I love you #nohomo
- XxMoon LightxX: #Lovethisvideo
- Carson k: LMAO The boyfriend thing was hilarious! The rest was just plain retarded.
- thanatos: that guy is possesed.
- Full Time Vegan: #veGAINism !
- Miss Oringasm: #ThisVideoIsGayLikeMe
- T-Rex Cubing: how tf is this age restricted?
- Meh Whatever: Jesus the paradox!
- jenny cavallaro: #OnlySpeakingHashtags
- Banana Bandana: "Swung upon"
- OkaayNess: #itzlogan
- Tachanka Is God: This reminds me of the rick and morty episode where the guy actually fights cars
- *DoRa ChAnClEtAs*: I'm dying😂😂
- Mai Quartiaz: *_The Dip Challenge_* Description: - Must say “dip” as you move in a backwards motion - Put your fists up as you do the challenge - Then die as you attempt to do it to Big Boy Billy or a oncoming car.
- Matuboy 2006: #i dont now#why###poop
- Nathaniel Hunter: #suckmyballsandlickupmynostrils
- WookieBeefs: #havemymanbabies
- Omar Power: #hi
- xXDORCENAXx: #dogsex
- Dana Griffiths: #whatisachallenge
- FreakyFred: Black people really love these retarded "challenges"
- ArizonaChrist: #ijustshotmywifeandkidwinkyfaceemoji
- Smedy DA Boss: Goat 425 I
- Angel Sanchez: These challenges are cringey and stupid
- Ava: #shut up hobo
- jeff the killer: #makemorevidslikethis
- GAMER BUCKETS: ur videos brighten MY shitty life THANK YOU
- Muu Muu: #somebodykillmepleaseiftrodeosntcomback
- DarkrReke909: #suck my d***
- Sparkly Wonderful Unicorn: #raisechallengeawares #stoplettingdummiesmakeourchallenges
- George Shao: #Imtriggered
- Alexander Kalyoussef: #Hashtag
- LoLAirelz2: Click bait
- XxxExtremeGamerxxX IsCool: #TalkInHashtags
- Rey Castillo: #DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit#DiChannelIsLit
- Badger Boi: #(onsocialmediasuchastwitter)awordorphraseproceededashashorpoundsignandusedtoidentifymessagesonaspecifictopic
- SnOOPY Rages: what about the Family Guy Challenge
- iDriveYouCrazyy: omg "WEAVE GOTTA SUBSCRIBE TO Trggered Tro" #WEAVE
- M.R.D: #makeagamingchannel
- truchance505: My boyfriend
- Mao Zedong: #fuckthesystem #callenge xD
- Blade_ [C0NFIRMED]: ##
- Arianna Alcindor: #unoriginalcomment
- Tom Cardno: #yamumgay
- Orestas Remeika: #...#
- Angel Evans: #howhowyouguysdoing
- Darv fader: I dropped a like
- sexuallypleased: Ron Suno
- Samuel Cheng: #You'reSavage
- Alex Amanwel: DO MORE FRANK
- Emma Cl: How the heck is just leaning back and forth and saying WEAVE, is a challenge????
- Caitlin Justus: 3:03 "swung upon" 😂
- justin bowen: SHUT THE FUCK UP FRANK!!
- KingOfKings: Shyzah Note how you spelled people wrong. Not only that, but watch a try not to cringe compilation I guarantee you there will be more white people in the compilation than any other race. Smh dumbass.
- julio johnpaulz: #🖕🤘💰🔫👌
- Uriah Major: #HashtagsAreOverrated
- Farah Elessawy: #TheHashtag
- TH3 M15TAK3: NO NO NO triggered tro I got a better idea for a challenge let's all leave likes and subscribe to (TRIGGERED TRO's) channel yeah Definitely by far the best challenge ever👌
- Alaina Grace: Selena Marie I literally read this while he said that 😂
- Bryson Richardson: why do black people make themselves look so black. puts a mark on the rest of us. oh well
- Jordan Freshboy Junius Marvules: Is the auto shop his boxing gym
- MASTER SHEEP: #GoDieInAHoleChallenge
- Jose Ortega: More like dip shit
- ApeX: #I Am not doing the hash tag challenge
- AdrYT: #RefuseToHashtag
- its_just_me _: #whyhashtags
- Jose WasHere: 1 like = 1 brain cell restored
- Kevin Dhillon: Lovin the more frequent uploads, keep it up tro
- Kim Jong-un: The Nutella chalange
- Dalton hook: #
- pecan baby 3107: #youtocuteandfunnylol😂
- Bing Bow: #ifinallygotthechildreninmycellartosubmitandbequitewhenileaveformorningshift. ~jokes
- I Identify as an A-10 Warthog: #FuckThisShit
- Frank Daniel: Hey! my name is Frank! SMD!
- Falufale: fucking k pop lover gtfo lmao self hating shit
- Marcos Z: Hi
- HeyIt'sVern! !!!!: Omg they sound so stupid saying weave
- EvZepplin gaming: Weave
- Kamron Inman: #TryinToWeaveMyFinAlgebraToApassingGrade
- M E M E Q W E E N.: #funnyaf
- kween janníe: #yourmommabiggay
- jesus guzman: @4:52 #ShutUp is rude how about #ShutTheFuckUp.
- GIRLGOTTARAMEN: #Wannahereajoke #Mylife #Thecroudgoeswild
- John Vesperman: The nurury home!
- 6dig-S 61: Spoilers!
- creeperkylogaming vlogs: #fucklife
- Scirlix: #PIN_DIS
- Books Right: #iwannadothemyboyfriendchallenge
- Dalton Mcafee: #BruhFuckThatHoe
- the savage tiger: I'm sorry 2017 about talking trash plz come back 2018 took it to a whole new level like don't judge a book by a cover and tide pods challenge
- YamiAlex224: I thought the weeve challenge was rip someone's wig off and run like hell
- Mr Frank: Selena Marie fuck this shit I'm out
- The Cool guy: They need help
- Warfare: fuck i cant watch the.videk
- David Sarmiento: dip dip dip
- J J: #drphill
- 无乡Λρєx乡无: lol
- Dezi: Let me snatch that weave
- aybraa: #uguyssuckatcommentpolicies
- Mist Remo: 0:40 Yea shut up frank
- Invade Edits: #Suck me dad
- Episodexx __Gracie: The weave challenge was a vine I think and the challenges are fucking dumb
- Cool Kid35: #AnyBitchesTrynaFuck
- van saeed: #thought2017wouldbbetterthanthis3:
- Pork Fried Chicken Nugget: xMERKSx WEAVE
- lovely Llittle_Wolf: #CLICKBAIT
- Ryan Dyer: Omg I'm First I LOVE YOU
- Error 17754: In my day we didn’t do any of this shit we just went out and beat the Jewish kid in our neighborhood with a stick
- Jarrel Plays: #hell yeah.
- darken wolf gaming: #weav #boyfriend
- Kristupas B: ### #### ##### :#
- baadr qaaba: no correlation between the video title and the content , come ooon...
- renzokata: That's not a weave, it's a slip
- Malaysia Moss: #fuck #it #up #booiiiiii
- Grant_: 1:25 lol those tims thoooo
- Kittensniper -_-: #laughedtoohard
- Khalil The gamer: #this shit is. hilarious
- Smedy DA Boss: Hey everyone say hello to my boy tro My boyfriend 😂
- Jetski Jay: Ima pull the bf prank on a guy that’s with my future girl. Lol I’m just looking for a fight. Jk lol
- SoaR GD: #when no one else listens to the comment challenge
- Kelly Gosselin: There are no words for how fucking stupid these people are. Its depressing, but Tro brings the humor when I've lost faith in humanity.
- SeaOfSouls xxx: # Trothebeast
- Arpit Yadav: #wherethenewvideoat?
- Karma-_ -Rouge: #NewSub #NotReallyJustWantYouToLikeThisAndMaybeComment
- Sealizer708: Ali Dontini they would just weave out of the way
- Ali Dixon: #whicharmrestismineinamovietheatre
- Paintba11er 199: Found a young tro... benji
- Leon Romo: #This channel is soooo lit
- The Tree: #Wait, you have friends? Oh my god its amazing!
- Christi Darling: Hey snapchat look at my boyfriend Triggered Tro
- Quinn Wendel: #tro awsome #tro for president 2020
- Gareth Colville: Yo Tro, you're way too funny bro. I've just been trying not to laugh but couldn't hold it in and I fired snot across the room!
- Aarnts Rocks: himalayan sharma wrong he's actually to triggered
- Jake Ozuna: #hi
- GamingHeadlines: YO UPLOAD
- Auramyst: Idontgetit
- Ali Alharmoodi: WEAVE
- Nick Dikeoulakos: Gamas
- M P: “Nursery home”
- Brosef600: #troisawsome
- Serious Puncher: #doesanyoneelsehave #panicattackwhenthey #thinkaboutdeath
- Park Thiccmin: #wassup
- Kitkat6634: Your Reading This In Your Head Right Now. Huh?
- DÅN 722: Tro u got no friends
- Ethan Z Weiss: #UploadMoreVidsTheyAreAwesome
- R*B J Beats: #nooneusedthegoddamnpolicy
- katelyn ast: i wanna see some weaving dumbass just get cracked in the shin
- ConnorHazzy201: Frank is a prick...
- ryry702: #no one wrote in hastags only
- DrillMD: black people morons and thats why they get shot by the cops they try to weive. They like to talk shit about white people but as soon as they became free they became stupid.
- Roxanne: Funny my 65 yr old dads name is frank
- TheBoy Brendan: #RespectTrosCommentPolicy
- No Sir, Not I: No. Go take a razor to the ankle
- superbacc55: #whyarentpeopletalkinginhashtags
- Eslayer12: WEEEAVE
- Julien 4lmost: #WhyIsNoOneSpeakingInHastags
- Jake West: There’s this homeless dude that lives near the 7 eleven...he’s been doing the plank challenge for like over 4 years now!!
- Angel Black: When you died and you deserved it.
- Austin Mayhue: #Trothe🐐
- Over ops: #whyamidoinga#
- Mauri Herrera: It's a boxing term youth by boxes it's called Bob and weave. They would avoid punches. For this guy you can't avoid a car collision.
- Jasper Rose: "The boy friend challenge, that shit's gay" C'mon now, everyone is AT LEAST. A little homo at some point in their life-
- Shane Leone: You should collab with gemineye
- fball04301990: ##
- okokalright _: #Lmao#ilysm😂😂#youareapartofthe#15%ofpeople #thathave#thesamehumorasme
- UltraJadeGamerX 1: #Hashtag
- George Kr: Shit my YouTube career has a chance
- crayo boy: Dip dip dip
- GamingHeadlines: Wait you have friends?
- InsideManGaming: #WEAVE
- wtf even is my sexuality: #This #Is #Why #I #Hate #Humanity
- Orloom deepfru: ik you do this in your free time
- Purified Holywater: Big bad billy
- glitchy art: # why are we doing this
- XD Lomike: 2:43
- Elise BB: #yousaidyouwouldneverclickbaitus #jkily
- Entity X: I love Tro he's gold 😂😂😂😂😂
- Jimmy Rogers: 1:25 come on captain jack sparrow take ur skirt back to Walmart
- Travis Jordan: #Imtiredofhearingyourshitfrank
- steelmesh: You are too PC on dindu clowns
- ghostdude111: only reply with hashtags
- wlf Cry: Idk why but when he said, "he doesn't know what a challenge is" I lost it
- Naphat Lpp: *#WEAAVE* *#wueeb*
- til_thasmokeclearz: this is still better than the fire challenge.. anyone remember that one?
- XXXTENTACION: Dude no lie I laughed so hard at this vid trigger tri deserves a Grammy😂
- BikeLife NACE: Ian Miller shut up Frank
- bigga C: ayyy sauce walka wassup houstonnn
- mystical gamer: Why you clickbait
- Creepy psycho: #kissmyass
- Jingo Jango: Well whatcha thoughts on the 2018 "Challenges"
- livy luv: #ilove#'s
- SimonIsThaLord: more like the dipshit challenge
- Luke Parker: 1980: There will be flying cars in 2020 2017: Man attempts to fight car and loses 1980: All hope is lost in the world
- Stewie Griffin: RickyGoreMusic fought the law
- BsayGames: #wantsumfucc?
- Tucker Dennis: #urmomgay
- Morgan Freeman's Son: FR ND nvm you talm bout mafia💀
- Jesus Christ: #imfinglatetothisvideo
- Ok Cool: #ImFuckingRetarded
- Meh Whatever: I tried to wipe you off my screen. Smh.
- Dopemig: #die
- Dicerolledan8: They wont do a credit score challenge 😂
- The Baff: #whyisnobodyusinghashtagsanymore #imkiddingpleasestabmefourtysixtimeswithaplasticstraw
- Episodexx __Gracie: #weavechallenge #dipchallenge
- Liam Monas: #outherewithmymotherfuckingboyfriend
- EastBayBaller 6: #fuckyoufrank #stopweavingcars #fuckinggay #weneedhumanitytonotbecrazy #Ihatemylife
- yeetus feetus: Holy fucking shit from my ass been subbed since 1k subs and at 411k it went to 412k to fucking 415k in 1 day
- enara chouman: Damit frank
- yoi boi sucks: No I thought he win
- Mindless: who wants to fight for a fucked up country like this
- Ian Glass #70: Thanks for everything you do. You never cease to make my day. Lots of love Tro.
- - KINGRITOS -: It's okay a lot of us Frank's get that
- Azubis: #why #the #fuck #do #these #challenges #exist
- Nightcore Natalie: I thot the weave challenge would be you pulling someones weave and running away. I got scared cuz as a person with weave i already go through everyday struggles i dun need more with havin to be alert all the time
- Angel Blake: # hashtag
- Shyzah: KingOfKings issa prank calm down
- Jackson Roberts: Dip dip dip dip dip
- BlackWater Jesus: #hashtag
- Jayden O: #dip #hashbrown
- DJ houdini: #thischannelneedsatvshow
- Julian Gelin: I def would have hit these retards 😂 and yelled out my window “Swerveeee”
- Eleven and Eggos: I laughed so hard when the old man said "back in my day they called that attempted suicide"
- TheRenegadeBad_Dog: 2018
- Keeping up with Mrs. Elektra: #hashtagbitch
- Chino_ Games: #frank didn't deserve this
- Piña Colada: #loved#this#video
- Clorox Bleach: Kanye West in the back 4:38
- Loreyne & Aniyah Vlogs: D I P
- The Forgotten Shadow: 0.o the hell
- chikingaming-roblox: That car ran like a bitch
- Rocker Rashimodo: I'm here daddy.
- QwekQwek IsReal: 04:24 The coming out of the closet challenge. . Is the you pewdiepie? 😂😂
- Rocker Rashimodo: This video made my soul laugh.😂😂😂
- Dava T: #onlyhashtagchallenge
- Cameron Rutherford: #kys
- buget boi: *W E A V E*
- DeleriousLunar Shadow: Me and my friend(both girls)My friend kissed my cheek,danced,and held my hand at a dance and we got looked at weird because both of are Bi so they all thought we were dating😂😂
- Ricky Bobby: Clickbait title and thumbnail
- Loki John: Tf
- Puppeteye01: #Gathsah
- Cameron Nugent: Hey @triggered tro plzzzzz respond i was hopeing you could a react on a wtf did i watch challenge and maybee if u read. This just maybee a shout out insta FLAWLLES_is_here2828
- Gas Station Bathroom in Nevada: "swung upon" lmfaooooo
- SlenderSmurf (λ)³: sheeeeiiiittt
- In Possibilities: Uriah Major weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- kawaii shannon: #1000thcomment
- Edward Dyssel: Nursery home🤔
- Isauro Banuelos: I like how he put (he loses) no fuckin shit tro
- queen of nachos: #mydickfelloff
- Adam Walters: The DIP...DIP..DIP DIPSHIT challenge! lol
- Revese: #IliveUnderYouMamasSkrtSkrt
- Unlawful PinheadShrek: #fart in ma pussy challenge
- Water B: #why am I doing this
- notJacktlego: Nursery home...
- Dankest meme: #shit
- Rhinstone AJ: #whathesaid
- Pimpdaddyz 1: #hashtag
- La Li Lu Le Lo: If some guy attempted the "my boyfriend" challenge on me I'd just be shouting "ha GAAAYYYYYYYYYYY"
- Dark The Wolf: WEAVE!!!!
- nawaf almatruk: 4 22 she has a nice ass
- Loganlogologan 63: Senpai IsLitty follow his insta for face reveal
- Cody Skipper: When he says dip he sounds like Hank hill
- Cameron Blaauw: #why #is #nobody #talking #with #hashtags?
- Layla 19471993757629: #dipchallenge
- Frank Coreas: Triggered my name is Frank
- Zac: *DIP DIP*
- Jacob Reinhart: He's high on WEEVE
- Mark Ginda: #noticeme
- Micah Sackey: #enoughwiththehashtags #kys #as #in #keepyourselfsafe #butseriouslythostop #damnitnowimdoingittoo
- Bucket: The boy friend one was great 😂
- Sunshine Aliens: No more weaving. I will sell your daughter on Craigslist.
- Ino: #Loveme
- xpert apollo: Family Guy666 family guy over simpsons
- omppuuhh h: RazorX #pussayy
- flyingMonke8712: #WASSUPBOYFRIEND!!!!!!
- _ Espo: We were so young back then.... Before Tide Pods were food
- george johnson: #urmomsgay
- Seth Allen: #weave #dipdip
- RazorX: Jaylen 0711 mission failed, we'll get em next time.
- Sam Pound: #niggayoubrokethe #hashtagchallenge #andthatis #unforgivable
- Big Beerus: Who the fuck boxes like that lmao why so many ppl elbows like that? its the get knocked tf out challenge, weave POW
- Hexure: #NoOneUsedHashtags
- Steven Clarke: not 1st
- God Fagitolli: Dip challenge is just eating dip
- Jill Heuser: ShUt Up FrAnK
- Deepest Nacho Shark: Back in my day we called that "playing chicken"
- Jimmy Crack: Please come up with new videos we've watched them all already and your hilarious me and my fiancee love your videos
- V Boys Gaming: #nohashtagsallowedpls
- Something Irrelevant: do a video on #notmyrodrick
- takira pickens: u r soooooooooooo funny lol
- Skrub: WEAVE!
- The Rare Doge: 1:48 witness a man master ultra instinct
- Cadence E: My *boyfriend*
- Potato Guy: #whocanbeadickheadfirst
- Alan Ramos: #everyone should die
- TheFlamingTornado1: The boyfriend thing is a actually kinda funny
- Gaminggod 920: I miss the old day like a try not to laugh and cringe oh it still there
- Peter Adamson: #LOVEMEDADDY
- KesorodaBlk: #BeOriginal
- Levity: make sure to drop a (bomb) like
- Relaxed: Boifren
- Samuel Schafer: #noonelikesu
- Nick Marshall: #noonefollowedthenrules
- Cillaboo1994 Yeet: #mypoopisntcommingouttamybutholeandithurtsohshitsiriisonandistypingwhatisay
- John Izumi: 4:20
- SGpro 42:00: ##
- battlehardened37: If someone weaves in a fight, leg kick them till they cant move or double leg the shit out of them.
- Lia Hollenbeck: Damn that bf challenge took the term man whore to a whole new level
- Sub Hero: #ieatpussy
- Lucas Serghie: # I want to die challenge
- Katrina Taylor: The dude that was way to accepting of the my boyfriend challenge had like a bf in the background or some shit cause that one dude in the background looked jealous as hell
- Salt_e: 4:21 i agree
- Wolf Master14322: why you making fun of gays thats offensive
- Maching Gun Chuy: Ay TV land kicks ass
- Cinimod: #ThisGenerationSucks
- Got7 BTS: At this point, I'd let North Korea bomb my ass. America makes me wanna curl up in a hole and cry.
- xpert apollo: xranger edgy white people
- Krabby patty Formula: # im early yea
- Jason wong: I got a new challenge: Try not to challenge challenge
- Твоя мама гей: This is why I stopped believing in God years ago.
- Gcx 1: #suka my dick
- AngelaBlueGem Blossom: Yikes... Where I live people don't give a shit they'd run you over
- Alex Afa: Oh look leafy’s little twin cussing away making these little videos to get paid bc he dropped outta school like his brother leafy. Life’s hard bruh
- frankjames garza: # iwasthe80thlike
- Alyssa Tran: “Back in my day we called that attempted suicide” DEADDDD 💀
- T0ki3-chan: #Hashtag
- Hayden Scott: 4:23 is she wearing shorts?
- Jayden Thomas: #WEAVE
- HiThere: #wtf
- Noob Nature: #HashtagOnlyChallenge
- BlueWolf-AT: #this #$should #be #a #challenge
- Skye Bryant: #dip
- ZaCKACKACKACJN uwU: I’m creating a challenge called *Eat on a car and get stabbed* ITS GONNA BE SO POPULAR :,)
- It’s Wednesday My Dudes: 1:20 is amazing
- Trey Foskey: this guy's Vids are hilarious
- Stephanie Olson: #GreatVid #LoveIt #WhatIsLife
- Ethan Ray: Yo that girl in the white planking can get it
- M0dern Rose: So Gay 😂
- Kaidence Mason: *WEAVE!!!!!!!!!!*
- Sad Bart: #hiiiiiiiiii
- Pogoboi7 XD: #StupidFrank
- Bj 102: #HASHTAG
- The Eternal Lie: I'm disappointed. I came expecting someone to get hit by a car, but no. No one get's injured at all.
- flamingbat101: #I love this channel
- Raptor Pack: In My Day YouTube Came Out, And Was Taken Over By *Cats*
- MrReckt: #I didnt watch the video
- Beter Is Better: #shove_a_fork_so_far_up_ur_ass_that_u_wont_be_able_to_walk_challenge
- TRICERATOPS JOHNSON: #end_hashtags_in_2018
- NOMA MAX: Remember when challenges sent you to the hospital, good old days
- FixedByDoc . com: we need more like the tide pod challenge to get rid of the idiots... maybe hold your breath under water till you pass out challenge...
- phokme: #DailyUploadHos
- cool99xbox: #GuessWhat #NobodyGivesAFuck
- trap king1017: are you racist
- Fermin Hernandez: 2:23 unless you say no homo
- NaShe Hayes: #wassupmybrother
- The Man From Krypton: Anonymous Frozen guess what, there's adoption, surrogates, in vitro fertilization - point being people can have children without actually having sex, I know right, so icky and unnatural! 🙄🙄🙄🙄 SMDH at people like you.
- Andres Garcia: this was so funny thx u just made my day
- Faith Crown: #WhereTheHeckDidYouGetTheIdeaForTheTitleInThisVidLolTakesSomeCrazyCreativity😂
- Ask Elvin Herstad Hensel: #whythefuckaintnobodyusinghastags
- Wolf Coyote: Isn't this in a hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
- Jabez: I didn't fall for that one
- Mariah Calves: #wassupUncleFrank
- Kay Aneice: Got7 BTS I'd let North Korea bomb me any day 😂😂
- young gx: #whyamidoingthis
- I love no bullshit xxx: you are fucking hilarious, mate <3
- Lenla Cat: Dip dip dip
- brad jenkins: Pretty sure these "challenges" are why racists still feel justified in being racist.
- Anita Evanger: The title No shit Sherlock
- J’Shaylian Casey: Shut the hell up, Frank!
- ammoglitch 03: Fat Thicc Weed challenge complete and there is no going back
- Jonathan Cortez: Leave Franky alone Tro😤😤😤😤....😂
- Navy Life: Fighting is ruthless where I'm from, life or death. As in anything goes... if they weave they get kicked in the dick HARD.
- Noot Noot Recruit: #HashtaggingA#
- RazorX: #IJustFinishedScratchingMyBalls
- Javon Foreman: #frank
- Arctic Frank!: Well gosh all I said was it was attempted suicide. God dang.
- R6: #trodidntevenusehisowntrend
- Deren Preciado: #nobodycares
- KEKOᒪIGY { NAKU }: #awesomevideotro 💯
- Wayne D: LMFAO that's sauce walka 😂😂 he lives in my city
- Jobo Gehrls: #killyourself Tro
- Supply Drops: I'm 18th
- Young guru: Bruh the boyfriend one is funny as hell.
- Trigga: #fuckschool
- introvert with no life: #disGUSting
- NBA basketball everything: #DESNUTZZ
- ConnorIsOkay: #mynamesConnorCierraZiaGraceAse-EsaOngeranditswaytoolonggg
- Angel Salazar: #whatgoodyo#####
- Angelcamarena Arce: Swung upon
- Mason: #HashtagsAreDead
- Info share: better check this out https://youtu.be/Me982dwryGk
- Lonnie Dwayne: Joey’s Nephew, Fuck you. I'm bi.
- GdDrBoabBeclchy: bryan lapre you actually loose 2 billion brain cells a day
- Brooklyn imvu: 2:56 that guy in the background tho
- fucking Cancer: #can you hastag a hashtag... Like ##
- SorryIfYouGotOffendedButIWasJoking BelieveThat: #greatvideotro
- Ali Dixon: #whydoesntmcdonaldssellhotdogs
- omppuuhh h: MATBI OFFICIAL #metoo
- Saif Al-Hakeem: 3:05 Wait, Tro, you have friends? 😂 jk
- lexie and Kendall: #love your videos
- Airyan Pode: WHAT THE FUCK FRANK?!
- Darth susanoo: #dipdipdipdipweeeave
- Major21blurryface: yeah frank
- Albin Sandberg: if this weave shit is going big, im moving to fucking mars.
- Agon Leed: damn....went off on frank. And I thought his name was mark
- online ninja: I am the 1000th comment on this video:D
- The Lonesome Wanderer: #punchadudeinthefaceifhetriesthatshitchallenge
- my page: Tro is a clickbait
- Turbo Virgin: "My friends have been looking for a reason to punch me for years" And they still haven't found one? Lmao
- BLOODMIESTER: I watch Everybody Loves Raymond
- Peter Moravec: #bleachdrinkingchalange is best challenge
- Raymond Caudillo: #great video
- Nic Bad: #hardlyanyonelistened
- SydneyThinking: #I'mGaySaidMemes
- Riri Starz: #HiLetsMakeAStory..... #SamWentToTheStoreAndSaw
- H H: Watching this in 2018 thinking about the tide pod challenge
- Alexander Gutierrez: u r fucken funny
- ChairDoorMan: The “dip challenge” guy also took all of us by storm by keeling his pants up, something very rare in 2017
- Daniel Eliassenfgh618: Why tf is this age-restricted..?
- Fae FierceVulpine: Ok the boyfriend challenge was actually funny XDDD
- Codi Eriksen: Sauce walka is a real junkie
- TheKNIGHTELFMOHAWK: I felt like south park predicted this
- Jadorim Simoro: The Don't Trigger Tro challenge
- Cayley K: #your #so #funny
- Killa_Luis816: dip dip dip weave weave weave
- Savage Opress: The first weave video was hilarious tho. Then they changed it into a"challenge" smfh
- Beth B: #greatilovehashtags
- Tahade: What do u mean ur friends I thought u had no friends
- Tempu Pomo: WEAVEEE
- Tobias Pettersson: Wow u that homofobic in murica ? :D that ¨¨my boifriend thing¨¨ is not a big deal at all , in sweden u can do this to anyone and not even get a reaction. its not like he but fucks you dude haha.
- Evelin Redfox: MATBI OFFICIAL #metoo
- Cjones wizzard: i subscribed..great video..more videos bro..
- SKULLZ_Derp 0_o: #suckmydick
- Berlin Lopez: #WhatHasHappenedToMyGeneration😂😂
- deathkiller: The my boyfriend challenge is actually fucking hilarious
- Eli-akad: Got7 BTS its never that serious
- Parousia Drummer: #Tro #for #king #of #the #universe
- musical potato: 👍🏻👍🏻/ | | | | 👍🏻 -------------- I dropped my like ( sorry this is bad)
- The Man From Krypton: Last year's Darwin Award nominees, all of 'em.
- William Dejesus: #onlyspeakinhashtagchallenge
- Emilie Mascorro: Poor frank :(
- ROG5: Kayla Marten #Shutup
- Eman Egnarts: Fucking retards hahaha
- Lixidy.: Clickbait, but idc, still love u papa
- atc1239: I got a great challenge for you guys. Plastic bag over the face challenge.
- Joshua Wheeler: #yourmumGayLoL
- HiThere: #jkloveyourvideos
- Bluegender15: #upload
- Greyson Quaintance: #jam
- Daniel Faulkner: This channel is perfect for my nihilism
- JenkemConnoisseur: YEAH! F#@$ YOU FRANK! Go watch an episode of happy days you old coot.
- Tara Goumas: #wassup
- Michael LastName: #GreatHowBoutYou?
- Dylan Monnier: 0:32 his jeans cost more then my life
- Neko Chan: *They need to weave.*
- Wolfie Scratches: #hashbrowns
- ZekromInfinty: Just a minute into the videoa and i cannot watch it anymore.
- Start Everywhere: #VideoProTro
- Mr. Hippo: #Rip2017
- Devin Seviyn: #itsalwaysnicetowatch #myboyfriend
- 6dig-S 61: #ILost
- the crazy barbarian: Now we got 2018 challenges rec dead body in forest challenge
- Destiny Ellis: Its 2018 tho
- Aleesha Besaw: #Omg #Really , #HeHadToSay #TrySomethingALittleNicer #AtTheEnd ?? #ThisIsActuallyAnnoyingAndKindaHardToDo !
- Kaosdecendant: #FRANK
- Wolfgang BAMF at ya: Someone kick him in the balls!
- Zippy DaFish: Gaming Authority I could care less about my spelling
- AidennPlayin Fortnite: #TriggeredTro #I_AmTheBestAtHashtags_FML
- doozy doot: #fucktrump
- Quantitative Hotdog: 0:18 if some dude jumped out in front of my car clearly trying to get me to swerve, I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't speed up
- Sons of Venom: #LegalizeWeave
- PANDA LOVER: ##onlys
- Pokemon Master: “Swung upon”
- Kenzie: #Hashtag
- Queen Halo: Why do guys get so hurt and insecure when they find a guy is a gay? It’s a little phobic
- TaeWithSugaAndAKookie: Why would they when morons like u in the comments
- autumn greenough: 75fdv 85xfc ghjbknhu i give up on life -------------------
- Gage Hall: Just kick him in the nuts
- SnOOPY Rages: xpert apollo the family guy challenge is to watch family guy for 49 hours
- The Man From Krypton: Where were they lost exactly? Did someone look under the couch cushions, they're usually in the last place you put them, just walked right past 'em. If those brain cells had been snakes, they'd bite ya already! Take care, tip your wait staff, I'm here all the time!
- Fosah: Im here fast asf nigga lets go #troto100k
- Senseless Monkey: #myboyfriend
- mr. jankels: wEaVe!11!11!
- nita nitnot: Hecc my name is Frank lmao
- Gracie xx: #icanthashtag :)
- The Flaming Arrow: #where was the dude fighting the car
- Chris Casillas: Back in my day they would have been ran over by horses
- Tanya: “Back in my day, we called that attempted suicide.”
- Official. Liam14: #S.M.B
- Jonathan3605: ############
- Techno.4 AoV: *Back in my days they called that A t E n T e D s U i C i D e*
- Lewis: Autistic Challenge... *Waits for hate comments*
- Tess The Depressed: Um Frank is my dad.
- Rey Heikie: #yeet yeet sco0p
- Mason Jeffs: Congrats 1m
- Chillfroze: Bro this is clickbait
- Moritz Ha: This guy is Too funny😂😂😂
- michaelbot04: #mypphellahard
- Dhost Wave: Is this a Shameless reference?
- Demented Donkey: At 3:46 the guy in the background 😂
- N - Squared . ͜ .: #hashtag
- Pitch Black: Sleeping dogs taught me this song
- This is Niko: My friends been trying to hit me since they met me
- soberpunk: The boyfriend challenge was hilarious.
- Electroid Zero: #howTheFuckAreWeDoing
- Blue 1967: The most retarded challenge yet.
- Carnivore Scum: Jesus pants #weave
- tuan ding kang: Click bait
- ddot 888: #whythefuckdosenoonedothesebutme
- BsayGames: when they turn a fighting move to a challenge
- BRADY WERTH: #I want to die
- Julian Morris: Age redatricted
- dj simplistic: #my porn don't work rite anymore...i mean my gf...i mean my weave....
- Bryan Lapre: 10 million brain cells were lost today plz send your prayers
- aarmau fan: 0:36 is me in 60 years
- lonewolfadam11: #lmao
- spiderwolf: 4:25 Doge *Challenger*
- Is this twitch?: Why the weave look like humping
- o_ white boy: DAM MY NAME IS FRANK
- The Bioborg: When tro asked who came up with this dumb challenge it sounded like rhey yelled "weed"
- Tommy Kastner: ###coments
- Melvin Ishtar: I think i lost some brain cells even alcohol cannot destroy my brain cells that fast than those stupid chellenges even thc can't
- no use for a name: Well with that nose ring he just might be gay!!
- ThaGreaT FranK: Shut up Frank!! 🙃🙃🙃🤣🤣🤣
- CJtheGunner: #whatsupdudes
- SoFrostyYT: Anyone wanna be my boyfriend?
- N - Squared . ͜ .: Tanmoy Dutta #hellyea
- BackStab Trolling: #FuckOff #JKJK #BESTYOUTUBEREVER #Dicklicker
- Brieanna Moon: WEAVE!! lmao
- Lil Spoon: #anal
- kyon hampton: 2:43 look like Ray dubb
- Cynical Knight: Swung upon
- Senne Vorsselmans: I'm gonna do the boyfriend challenge 100% sure now
- Gecko Gaming: #haha #killyourself
- Jorge Soto: Why are people so stupid now adays like ugh
- Reub3: #lfkajdlkfnadnvkafjhvrihgnkafjkvndfvnsdkjfjbdfmnbadfyaerbhjdbfvuyasdvbkhagsealkehfelawbhfeuyewy38o273rfgyowfebfkaehfvshvduyaekuyawg
- 可愛いManiko101: Black people are so fucking dumb at times ( I'm black so it's ok to say )
- Moses Is Me: #hi
- Eric Raymond: That second guy sounds like Patrick star
- Muhammed Suhail: im the 1000th like! lol
- pbrian26: Back in my day we called this attempted suicide
- Memelord: TommyCarlMrBee #YouObviouslyDidntWatchToTheVeryEndEither
- Savage Cetoute: #fukloganpual
- Didier Eliatha: WEAVE!! WEAVE!! WEAVE WEAVE!! WEAVE WEAVE omfg gonna go drink some bleach now...
- Sigma: #ImTiredOfLifeAndIWantToLearnHowToTieANoose
- Ploooky: Vinny-Kun 可愛い your asian
- Abrianna Kessler: #whatiswrongwiththeword #everything #imboredofhastags
- Septic Sage: #shutthefuckupgayasscunt
- Joseph Robin: #im not gay but my boyfriend is
- Thomas Marcoux: Do you wanna dance with Dom Mazetti!?!
- Mela V.: #HellYeaa
- Frank Mueller: Apology Accepted
- Kittens R kewl: #where are the hash tags
- bradly bellant: Odd how a sold 99% of these retarded vines are black people rofl not raciest tho
- alexandria armstrong: #myboyfriendTro
- Galaxy: #fml
- Abdul Manan Ch: I hate when people do that weave thing in front of me, I don't even feel bad, once I kicked a boy in balls when he was "weaving" 2 years ago, no doubt I got in trouble and his dad came in school 😂 but was worth it 😂
- bogdan kostenko: 2:00🤣🤣🤣🤯
- UnworthyElement UW: #Whyamihereagain?
- I'm Zach: #EndAllHashtags
- Shanae Saidy: That "weave challenge" was so fucking retarded and cringy wth
- Billy Goat Johnson: #LongSwordStyle
- casualgaming 95: #nice video #toofunny
- Prometheus: i wanted to see someone getting hit with a car
- Steve paddock: Masturbate and cook ass this makes no sense lol you might be born on the high way But you were created in a motel 6.
- Aaron blue: Lpsmnm's 101 pls die
- Angry Cat Man: #Ihavenothingtosay
- Hi Bye: #troisveryfunny #notreally #jkdontcomeforme
- Brianna Mottola: Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Watchdog 90: #imgonaeatyobooty
- Horror Juice: "To the nursery home" 😂😂
- Myles Martin: #mahboyfran
- Last Time: Weave challenge stupid .... boyfriend challenge hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- jessica marie james: i done that boyfriend challenge when i was 6 but expect it was more like a girlfriend thing i done it to all of my friends that were girls and only 3 of them slaped me the other said f u
- skuz the bruv: Lol ur subs are going up like crazy hahaha niceee
- SDMGaming _: 3 TRO VIDEOS IN 1 WEEK!!!!!!!!YESSS
- DoubleLifeAnime More: i was late to hear this challenge
- fnafguy fnaffan: Aditya Nair tromillion confirmed
- Geo The Geode: #longdickgoals
- Angel Salazar: #what good yo######
- Luis Guzman: #myboyfriend
- Victor Palacios: #i love your videos
- GTR Dayton: #iloveyoutro
- MajIn TB: Ron suno made up the weave challenge
- Renee Miller: #uhilarious
- Sad but True: I hate millennials.
- AliceBellRoblox channel2: #Why are there so many comments without #
- Carly Brady: #dragonballhasended
- a sandwich: Poor Frank :(
- Bhaskar Bisht: #uarethebestbro
- Jacqueline Dominguez: #utoofunny😂😂😂
- crayo boy: Big bad Billy
- Nasty Tapes: Azubis for tha clout
- Ethan Moss: I fuckin crapped by pants whrn i saw BIG MAN BILLY!!!
- s r: #hieveryone
- Three Phenoms: pause at 4:21 JK dont
- ChrisC Origami: #hashtag
- Jacob Sorensen: #nooneisspeakinginhashtags
- FaZe Monkey: Zhi
- Natalie Gonzalez: #idkwhattohashtag..
- Hameed: #lovetrosvideos
- The Interesting Nobody: I would go back in time to send this to Gorbachev. Then he would nuke us and we would nuke them, resulting in the end of the world.
- NAPALM STRIKE50: Triggered Tro #u love me forever
- Criff: "chaylenge" lol, love you tro
- Sholom ber Solomon: 3:08 guy in background is from the “ok” vine
- Kyron Brown: 0:12 Sause Walka?
- Tom Draws: #Wtf2017?
- Johnny.G: #noonedoingthathashtaginthecommentsthingthatyoumentionedinyourvideo
- Jason Du Toit: the second guy sounds like a pregnant walrus giving birth
- The Blazing-Splat: # please use a # when stating things
- John Vesperman: His boyfriend that dude disappeared quicker than Hudini!!!
- jdmb: TheLawnmower27 #learnhowtohashtag
- Me Meekseeks: #YouGotAgeRestricted #YouKnowThatRight?#MARRYME#MyCatTypedThat#Oh...youDont#BelieveMe...#Okey.
- Brett Clinton: ###### #### ###### ### ## ### # ###### ###### ####
- Maks Udir: Why did you have to roast that poor dude named Frank in the beginning. You should feel bad. Feelin' bad ? Good. Good, he probbably feels as sorry for u too. Luv your channel btw
- Brandon hiebert: hashtag fuck off
- Anna Marie Robson: 😍
- ItsTheMoonMan: i hope whoever made this weave trend and actually thought it was funny bumps theyre pinky to on the coffee table
- Archer960: #weeeeeeeve
- Adam Weishaupt: Yo tro when you said "Swung upon" I literally spewed the drink I was drinking back in my cup.....I just couldn't....#tro4prez
- Sealizer708: I’m laughing so hard 😂
- QueenFanfic Of the land of FanficReading: #great vid
- John Timothy Unson: #arecancerous~
- ThatOneWolf 1119: Probably going to be the last channel I watch for 2017 and first of 2018... Wow, there is nothing important about that though
- Cp6: Hue hue hue hue huh un hue huh un hu hue
- cool99xbox: #WhoTheFuckGoesAroundCallingPeopleTheirBoyFriendWhileFilmingThem? #ThisIsTheShitThatGivesBlackPeopleABadName...
- hi hi of thot patrol: #whatthehell2017
- FusionAttraction: *Turn on some TV Land, and call it a night* Good lord Tro you just made my day that was fucking hilarious!
- Maxwell Farris: Ok that my boyfriend shit was funny.
- Cpt. Crash: #you'refreakingawesome #lmao
- Natalie Glorioso: #howslife
- Kia Oliver: #HeLovesMeFOREVER
- Bushy Edgy teen: Tro do you skatebroard
- Still_Reflection 19: I lost full brain cells watching this shit.
- Drake Salas: My boyfriend challenge is funny affff
- Yee McGee: Weave me alone
- Tim Tim: That zoom though. you know what I'm talking about
- awright: #hashtaghashtag
- PiemurPlayz: #yo, #triggeredtro, #believe me your videos are lit as fuck, #but I think you're kind of dying on shit to roast, I mean this shit getting kind of lame. #go roast some orphans or something, #no one cares if it's offensive, #your name is literally #triggeredtro
- Ava: #wut
- Conman 1186: 2:02 he probe attempts the "touching your hands together challenge" but he never succeeds
- James N.: #nowayyouarepostingmorethanonevideoaweek
- bondyczep: Is it weird that if I ever did the boyfriend/girlfriend challenge my friends wouldn't even find it weird that I'd say stuff like that😂
- That Cupcake Dude: #LetsStartAChallengeTogetherTro
- Elusive_Clikkie 9: #This is a great vid
- Aftab Ahmed: comment
- Wunan Zeng: "Ain't Nobody Safe" hahaha
- Dope Candy: #DIP
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Man Attempts to Fight Car (He Loses) | |
20,882 Likes | 20,882 Dislikes |
663,747 views views | 1,450,879 followers |
Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 25 Apr 2017 |
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