The Ultimate "You Cringe You Lose Challenge" (Stupid Kids Compilation). Buckle up... this one is tough.
You Cringe You Lose Challenge - Stupid Kids Compilation #8
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You Cringe You Lose Challenge - Stupid Kids Compilation #8
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- caoimhin comiskey: why does he roast people when he plays rocket league last time I checked it was for 3 year olds but tro love your vids keep up the good work
- Gerald the Seal: NEWARTSTUDiOS he works 7 days a week
- Luke Roberts: “Iss bewwy bewwy strong, and bewwy bewwy cold, but ovewall iss pwetty good.”
- Eric Chamberlain: Ididnotenjoybutilikedanyhow
- Sandra Ramirez: Whatthefreaknobodylistenedtothenospacepolicy
- Adam Gurley: put some respek on my name lhh
- Чёрный Снег: Mycatjusttypedthismessage. Ghsontbsgusuntnisinbtisinhisjnriisnbhrisnnhisnbtusinbth
- Thebestonearound S.: I almost died from laughing when he said. "How are you gonna act like its your first time drinking this when theres literaly 2 cans right behind you"
- Jaimee Watson: Fuck he just mentioned he looks like an Adam
- Harleywashere _: ICringedAlotInThatVideo.Notgonnalie.itswasberryberrystrong #alloneword
- NinthCrusade 436: aye to I got weed hit me up @ 1 800go fuck ur self
- Wild Yoda: I got two phones one to take pictures and one to record videos.
- Petun ia: My father got diabetes from Gatorade...XD
- Moose: Eatmyass
- Cookies4monstas: I will never stop watching this guys videos
- Baltzar Bonbeck: 2:53 hahahahahahahahahahaha
- Armourdylo 68: Mean doesn’t equate to funny
- Dragon is not afk: my stomach got broke
- Austin Leahy:
- aesthetic vibes: Ohspacehespacesaidspaceispacecouldntspaceusespaiceispaiceoutsmartedspavehim
- Cloveya Love: Proud as fuck : I am 10 ! I hate trump ! What !?
- boosted life: Put the can down dude you need to not berry beryy not dwink thot
- Thats Edgy: The monster truck reviewer is 100% a brayden
- Damon O'Malley: Noah's fewd review
- KR: Whatisthatlistdammit
- Tim Critchlow: "It's vewy vewy strong and vewy vewy cold"... Did this remind anyone of The Water Boy
- SharkGamez: Ihavealispofbestupwid
- CoastEpPlays: Heytroyousoundlikea$50walmartphonethathasa(list)
- SHOCKZZ: SparklyAssUncorns XD damifoundmineatabusdtopithought thatwasbad
- Lizzybeth grace: Mydudeisfuckinggreat
- McCallCub: I saw a five year old with two phones once....…...... She was just standing around though.....…. Maybe she was waiting for a client
- Snix #2: Imnotdoingthatonewordthingthatssostupidohwaitfuck
- Muted: "You Have A List Of What" Shit Had Me Rolling On The Fucking Floor What The Hell Tro
- HairBaller 46: .
- Ibrahim Curtis: The song at the beginning
- ☢ ƬƝƬƁOƳ-Ɗα-Ɓαωz ☢: Itfeelsweirdnothittingspace.Havetostopmyselffromhittingit
- Zanehuff123: Spacebar
- YoungBrawny YT: CommentWithnoDpaces
- Odd The Creator: Hitlerdidnothingwrong
- Angie Martinez: Bloody potato or 2019
- Justin Hazelton: NotverymanypeopleknowhowtotypewithoutspacesitssadKEEPUPTHEGOODWORK.
- Shaggy Boi: Sad that a kid thinks that a man shouldn’t be president because of his haircut
- Captin cannabis: DAMN IT GATORADE!
- Iacopelli Music: Mandontyouhatekidswhosaytheyspoprrtbenywhenhispreantvotedfortrump
- axxes 234: Everyonebemessinguponthenospacechallenge
- JWS The one: Jillybug 651 lol glad u thought it was funny
- Boody Kamel: Ineed50bucks
- dains lounge: LEL
- Kimahri Sanders: U fucking suck
- NAESPLAYZ YT: #I overvdoced on cring on the one with the 10 year old kid
- Ricky Martinez: I didn't do anything yet. :(
- Mai Quartiaz: *ThatswhatGatoradewilldooftoyou* Well shit everybody already lost.
- Rowan Bodine: AllOneWord😂
- ErikGalactic: he's got a list meaning he's gonna shoot up a school
- Micheal Cera Crow: Thesekidsaresolame#ourfutureisnotlookingsobright
- Vippa: The commenting made me cringe the most. I lost!
- Yeet Yaga: Ifitslgonnabeonewordtherecantbeanycaptialsbecausethenitdbeconsideredacompoundwordyoudisabledcuntwaffle
- The Bastion: 3.14 is also Pi and by the looks of he loves Pie.
- daboss: +Eric Cartman yeah fuck that jew ass kyle
- Fanatic Gaming: heytronicevid
- i am coming for your wig: the fat dude reviewing monster, his name is Noah. I watched try not to cringe by sssniperwolf and he reviewed "meewicul weep" translation - miracle whip mayonnaise
- Kyliest: Don'tYouHateItWhenKidsJustSayTheyH8TrumpCauseEveryoneElseHatesTrump?
- SirMcSWIFTalot: ICP is TRASH!!!!
- Aleksandr Kaspar: That'swhatGatoradewilldooftoya!
- Brian Schmidt: My momma said if it's not zero calories then it's for the devil!
- Super Hot: Why’d the guy sound like fucking rocky balboa
- Zach Moss: I have a list..
- xaddy xan: who is watching in 2018❤️
- Yeahnah Mate: 69% Fail
- TwistedLogik: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Cry Emojis are funny right?? Cunts.
- Flightlessbird: Everyonelostthecommentthing.
- Johnathan Miller: At least have good reason to hate someone damn
- Evy Valles: Fuuuuuuuck bro you’re so funny!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂
- xNightzy: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartwhichionlypayed50bucks for,whohatesmelol
- Noahanater: Ohyeaboithatfreepoptartphone
- Kyle Massie: Bridgett Belle off yourself.
- Random Person: Ithoughtthischallengewouldbehardbutithinkimdoingquitewellwhatdoyouthink?
- Crazy Scarecrow: You picked a crappy song, most are really good tro. Actually some are really good. Okay I like 6 but they still deserve credit man
- Daniel Marin: GayWhoReadsThisXD
- Sliced: hesaidnofuckingspacesguys
- Littleman192 [Meme Man]: Tro arcades do exist in London at Surrey quays in the bowling place
- Anthony Huerta: kid sounds like happy Gilmore
- carz club: its rewwy rewwy strong and verrryy verrryy cold!
- Social Psychos: Early 🤑
- Mr Ugly Man: That trump kid Is stupid.. he hates on trump jus cos everyone else does all his friends does... he's jus a sheep following a trend with no back up evidence or reasoning. .. what a nob
- Carla Mongelli: the second kid reminds me of tweety from looney tunes
- Coby Hesketh: DoAPart2OfThisItWasSoVeryVeryVeryFunny😂
- Bri Nycole: SimonTheMiner Loser*
- TheREDNIGHT212: NuckFiggers
- Lil Kermit: Thats what Gatorade would Douf to ya
- Ella Dandrea: 😂😂😂 holy shit I laughed😂😂😂
- Gunner Peterson: Yo is it gay if u still have your socks on?
- hussain wazier: LOL
- pizzachronicals: Mkalloneword
- wolfgirlscute 101: Dumb ass bitches and not just u guys the kristen kid......cant stop laughing
- Jacob Woods: everyoneusedspaces...retards
- JWS The one: Game of Life I got more now
- Nick Berling: Holy shit this guy went off on the monster energy drink kid. I'm fucking dying
- MobLife20: whyisthisvideoagerestricted
- Shane Leone: Collab with gemineye
- 卐Rick: I know it's 2018 and this video is pretty old but he got me when he said Ricky because that's my name
- Gage h: Bootleg ass leafy but then again he hasn't gotten into bad drama or gotten a content cop yet so subscribe
- max martin: he sounds like bobby from that adam sandler movie "the water boy"
- Ron Saps: No spaces
- venum-EditS: Big kid drinking monster is Noah’s food review and he disappeared
- julie a.: The kid in the thumbnail looks like a 6th grader at my school.
- ROGAMES: guysifyouwatchedtilltheendhesaidnospacesonly1sentence
- Jade Irby: This was when the good YouTube was in order
- julio: CringiestKidsOntheInternet(UltimateYouCringeYouLoseChallenge)69%FAIL
- Evan Jensen: miracles is not the best, but shh😂 WOOP WOOP
- Bonnie Trout: ithinkthatlastkidwasretarded
- Dan Man: Thatswhatgadaradedooftoyah
- thekid 132: 3:10
- Lol ET: 69
- I actually like up but their low on my list of rapper or even music I listen to
- Infinity: i want to date someine
- Ronnie Lucier: Hellohumanshowareyou
- YuNgBoiSilenxr: their* not they are
- Wisketrabbits fury: I'm Ganna loose
- It's your boi Crammy: Okbeaner
- Carly Klein: i thought the same thing
- A can of Whoop Ass: "He's trying to make everyone....their race"
- XKORE: I've been here since 2000 subs
- MR SMALL MC SMALL: Ilovedick
- xd Harmsen: Iliketitties
- Diya N: Devil's Reaper Gaming #Stop cringe to me aswell
- T8 the 1: Melissa Herron dudeidontgetwhatyoumean
- Apryl Davis: hiimasub
- Two Cheeto Puffs: TheFatKidLol
- G4_Mallaxton: youraverycoolyoutuberandfunnylolimfuckingmycarnowifthatsok?
- Jacob Sorensen: IlookinthecommentsectionandallIseearepeopleusingspaces
- itsthebois: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonethatsfromwalmartthationlypayed13bucksfor
- hexlgaming: wtftro.youdidnthavetoslayadamlikethat,bro..
- Bye-Bye Computer: thelittlekidfrom2:54musthavethenamephiwip
- Madie Luva: Cloud Strife lmao she told you to "die of thirst ",I'm dead 😂😂😂100%👌.
- Jillian_xx 651: Igot2phones-thisguyskillinme😂🔥
- briley anne: IveWatchedThisSoManyTimes
- Jesus Da Lawd: He said lisp not list
- sex is overrated: Just subbed bro
- Samuel Jones: The Batman hat kid looks like my little brother
- Maria Walker: I have 2 phones but I don't sell drugs😂
- Hakeber Rainbowflakes: Thatswhatgadaradewilldofftoyou
- Heather Andrews: My new favourite youtuber
- Hurricane Ttv: Tro have you found his list yet
- Shane Lerma: First
- JOSHUA ESTRADA: IloveDocterPhil
- Gutterimp Gaming: Thelastonemademecutmyself
- PLT The Joe: oknomorespacesthen
- - DJ_ZOMBIE12 -: What's black music
- Arias1101: Fuck, what was this list about ??
- Peter Bourtsalas: Whythefucktheyallputspaces?
- Madie Luva: It's a comedy channel,he's not bullying,he's not harrasing or harming them in any way. Ever since he's mentioned them their channels have grew more,to be honest he has done nothing but helped them.
- Mitchell4965: 2nd one is Bobby from water boy
- Marko Lovrenc: AndiagreeTrumpisGayasfuckmesideways
- Cereal OnMyToast: B e c a u s e I ' m a c u n t
- Mati Nejam: I mean he almost got it right, he used bombs, so pretty close call
- Antartic Penguin: 6:30 Supports a "her" Berney. Later says he.
- Ceiling Cat .m.: Don't do drug's kid's your end up like this guy
- Thanatos_fortnite: Heyyouneedtoputoutarocket Leaguevid🔥🔥🔥
- Akiu Himari: He sure looks 10....................idk he looks 12-13 to me....
- onii sama: Miracle whip
- zephiro l: you were foolish to assume their pronouns without the knowledge of this young genius
- Garrett Human: boi sounds like water boy
- Luke A: WhatIfIHaveThreePhones
- brandon wheeler: NoOneLuvsMe
- Ayye Its Sophia: Ur videos kill me 😂💀
- Bob Jebus: I live by an arcade lol
- Yeetmundur: Killmenow
- 15 MFV: YallArentEvenUsingNoSpacesToType
- Sidearm 44: Alrightbet
- Shady Ari: Imten
- Get BlAzEdfAG: MMDarRKness UniCorn i
- R.J.Kjeldgaard: Your channel is hilarious, bud. Keep it up
- Wolfheart 49: Transmetropolitan does it count even tho I'm 7 months late
- John Martin: Notice how all the kids are white
- Jeremie Park: Thebestonearound S. P
- PuppetMasterTHC: Plus those kids have problems and yal are just little bitches makin fun of them. They are probably cooler than you. Youre all gone burn in hell for this shit.
- Yasen: 21 years old, speaks about going to the arcade playing pacman....
- ALIEN DRONE: Ma dude what the hell!?!?
- Jung jamlessmonsterinfires: Trump is just racist
- Mark Hoffman: How's a retard who makes fun of fat kids have 1m subs?
- Hollowman1985: its a little late to be counting calories LOL
- slimey sam: Bra he went in on the kid at 4:40
- Joseph Spahn: notification squad
- Isaac Miley: “Magnets, how do they work?”
- Julian David: Did any you guys notice the extra two cans of monster in the back of the kid
- Keira: YouAreAwesome
- Warfstash King: ILoveMcdonalds
- cut hair plz: Making fun of fat people isn't nice
- Claire: Danica Woo he’s 10
- løvely ghøst: Ilovetro💖💖
- Tobias LNG: Can’t wait until your channel dies like leafy
- Gamer: ishovedawholebagofjellybeansupmyass
- TSP Squad: canyoueatmyass
- Mia Victoria: It berry berry stwong and berry berry cowuld but ovorall its pwitty goooood so imma give Monstor zeewoah enorgy or enorgy zeewoah oltrah give it a tiiin out of tiiin, cos you know, zee woah cawories 2:57
- Ayds: Alloneword
- kys lol: DamnICould'veUsedAnExample
- pritceplayz: nevergonnagiveyouupnevergonnaletyoudownnevergonnarunaroundandhurtyounevergonnatellalienevergonnamakeyoucryanddesertyou
- ɪɪ-ᴋɪɴɢ-ɪɪ: *#Fuckspaces*
- boi man: I NEED THAT FU*CKING LOUD!!!! 1:20
- Saucegodtony: Yothatkidhadmedieingbecausehedidntkniwwhatthefuckhewastalkingabout!!🤣😂
- logan aymond: is that first kid sounds like hes missing a piece of his tongue
- Preston Cannon: JWS The one hi james it's Kyles mom, I'm using my boyfriends phone I'm not with little man anymore I dropped his stupid ass, he's in prison rite now, im engaged now to My new boyfriend
- GhostTrainGaming: #CristianHoffmanforpresident
- tinyyboxxmann 763: I have 2 phones and i sell drugs
- Andrew Ross: That second kid is a young Peter Griffin.
- hi bye: I have two phones... 1 LG for skl (in case it gets taken coz they take it a WEEK)... 1 iphone 7 for EVERYTHING ELSE Lol😂😂😂😂😂
- Kingboss Wymean: Wawawhat
- maximiliano sintim: “ Trump is a loser that is gay and has no life”. This is what happens when 12-year-olds Try to understand politics
- Fisher Hernandez: The monsters energy kid sounds like the water boy if any one else remembers that move
- venum-EditS: RAGINGPANDA _ bewwybewwygoodandbewwybewwycold
- BigBag 415: oh SHT my name is Gregory
- I am wild King: Whydopeopleusespace.likewhothefuckusesspacebarsitookminesofffrommycomputer.ayotrotrytoreadthis
- Jessica Robinson: Gwegowy
- charles lorenz: Peepepepepepepepe
- OG Uprising: No it's Noah's fuwd weview (monster drink kid)
- Ben Shapiro Your my Hero: Ok
- Miguel Sucks: Omg low key I was gonna comment he said lisp not list but my name is not Ricky it's miguel
- Jude Buxton: ustupidmotherfuckerNOSPACIS
- nick_scheidt _18: Jesus-loves-you-all
- Jose Dolores: I love this guy
- 1down 4up: So funny😂😂😂😂😂😂
- MrTylergt: Please trump dont make me my race.
- Piece of Memes: SPACESAREGAY
- System 32: Most ICP songs were good but not until they turned into douchebags, but I think Twiztid took the spot.
- Abe Friehauf: To be honest, I respect the first guy, he made some good points and excepted that he was like that and it would never change, I don't understand why people still call him "cringy" yet he's doing what most are afraid to do.
- potato Salad: seemumidontneedspaces
- TWO WORDS: Age-Restricted? Is this Pornhub?
- mc meatpuppet: Jeasuscristpeopleareidiots
- Shmanxcylinglingricè: Thathurtlikeabuttcheekonastick
- Kaiden Douglas: IM A SAVAGE
- X Sanchez: Vewwy vewwy stwong, vewwy vewwey colw
- Lion: YouMightWantToUseCamelCaseWhenTypingSentencesWithoutSpacesToMakeWordsMoreClearAndEasyToRead.
- The Legendary Meme: My prain hurts.
- Fucking Meatball: IReallyWantToFingerAPussy
- Øni Sin: Twumpisaloserwantsudalltobehisraceahghhhndjdjejrb
- FOSTER 4: Mydickisinatoaster
- GalaxyWolfBoss101 YT: holding a can of code
- John McKinley: 5:20 cringe
- Aurhorah: *I swear Trump haters are all retarded lol*
- repo *: Wellijustwanttoplzyagameidontnowwhatiamsayingplay?????
- DJ Sakara: Lol I am sorry, but ICP is the best to me right next to eminem.
- Victoria's Rose: The kid drinking monster sounds like Elmer Fud from Looney Toons.
- Mini Lancer: Dude Tro your videos are fire my dude😂 This one straight killed.
- Marcuss 2loose19: Iaccdidthechallege
- Deon Ragsdale: Ramiro Leiva yup that what it doof to ya!! Don't perent's care anymore!!!???.
- C r U n C h: Iswalowedaturtleanditspoopnow
- ethan wheeler: imeaniwenttoaarcadeyesterday
- Jacob Martinez: sponsored by Walmart
- Donavin The Dominator: Trigger leave g alone
- Hector g: 😂
- PlayBoi Barti: I never give likes to anyone but yo got yourself another like because of the end 😂😅😂🙂
- The Nostalgic Stallion Stino Stamos: Have I ever heard an ICP song? Well yes, I'm a Juggalo. I enjoy listening, but it's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Your opinion isn't gonna make me unsubscribe, but it's funny that it's always Miracles that people use to diss ICP.
- Addison Walrus: bruhursoamazing!!!!!
- bustajointnflex p: Lmfaooooooo loudy loud stank dank that weed lmfao
- lol: JesusThisIsSuchAGoodVideoNoSpaceChallenge
- Fonny Bonny: lmao the chubby hillbilly sounds like (Adam Sandler) from the movie "Waterboy"
- shadow 2i2: #NOSPACESATALL
- Cody Jones: i dont know if any of them know what the fuck a loan is it means he paid them back you dumb fucks goddamn
- Skrappy: Shit meme
- Brett Patten: Noah's feud review
- xXx_that2253_tTt: Ay the repeating the same joke is trash say it once plz
- Kayla Benner: Thiswassofunny
- Lukeacrey: LolThatWasFunny
- Saysay Kyla DUO: The second looks like he was in my 6th grade math class
- Big White: Iwon'tuseanyspacesforthiscommenteventhoughithinkit'llbesupercanceroustoread.nicevideotro,igot2phonesbtw.
- BABA GANOUSH: His name is Noah.
- Khoss: Space
- Percent Wizard: I don’t care what you have to say but I like my president and there is nothing wrong with that.
- X_Lightning_X - X_Bringer_X: sohowyoudoin
- movo: 😂
- Olive-may Zingehee: You think Gregory or Steven, I think Milton
- Purpletheif86 YT: NobodyListenedWhenYouSaidCommentsHaveToBeAllOneWordButIDidILikeYourVideo'sKeepUpTheGoodWork
- Emiel333 Official: And I notice Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man is escaped from the Ghostbusters and now reviews his zero energy drinks.
- anthony211410: Lol.. I figured he listened to icp.. But dont hate on los..not all are inbred like this kid 😁
- Evan: LovedUrVidTro!KeppItUp
- Adam E: Does Dave & busters count as an arcade?
- Trandon 99: ITS LISP NO LIST
- Sean Russell: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- mj _man: ur fucking amazing damn ur a fucking savage damn i cant say anymore sh!t
- Radriar The God King: The monster drink is Noah's food reviews he's become a meme at my school
- AbyssalMagister: WellDone,YouJustReadAWikepediaArticleAboutAMaleSexDemon.
- Your Grandma: Soisanyonegonnaroastthekid?
- Ankle God UZZII: Notification Popping up and I straight up screamed
- Ellis Larson: #dooftaya
- Amos Wilborn: Yo I been subscribed to you for months but I'm just realizing what I been missing out on 😂
- Eric Good Jr: 5:07 glad to see more child homophobes.. *face palm* watch this mitake actually grow up to be our president some day. Hey its America, only that is possible when its comes to our government. Racist sexist homophobes. No spaces?! ......
- Starlord's Reign: WhyTroDisrespectingMyBoyNoahInTheSecondOne
- TypeONegative 1377: ICP 😂😂
- XXRedCarson: I got two phones one with a broken screen and one from Wal-Mart that I only payed 50 dollars for
- Elminucia Da Silva Rodrigues: *thought
- Mohamed Tal3yto: Idk
- Max Gilmour: O k
- Quinton Zakasky: This didn’t make me cringe, it just made me laugh. Lmao
- Nick Armock: YouTube had to demonetize themselves just to demonetize this video before it came out.
- Alexander Caine: You sound like Kuzco from Emperor's New Groove when he pauses the movie and talks which I am not hating on that I think it's dope
- Emotional Emily: My friend’s Dad is in the icp thing, his name is JJ Bruce
- Yafavv_Nevaeh: AyenxxAye onehundredanseven
- Kelly Sahadew-lall: last one damn!
- Bruce Richards: Ilove this channel
- Bloody517: you have xbox? Let's troll cod kids
- Just Marissa: Hehehe 😏 69% will fail.. Heh 69.
- Johnathan Hernandez: I needa small loan of a million dollars
- Tony x Viking: whats cringe😁
- Independence X: Rip that list
- Cherrygirlgamer: Ikr he used Gay as a threat..
- LeganDairypreper356: N. O
- Eugene III: Trrrrooooohesaidhehadalyspnotalist!😡😡😡
- Missgrace97: LoveMeDaddy
- iAm_NotOkay: *HelloIHave2PhonesAndADrone*
- Michael Etheridge: I can’t wait for him to “thith mythelf”
- Jason Bamford: lmaoreacttomiddlechoolersbios
- Nunya Bizznazz: Bro that kid sounds like Elmer fud 😂
- Preston Cannon: JWS The one yeah the guy I'm with is great, got a great job works 7 days a week , and don't do drugs I been clean almost a year in May I went to a rehab and got my shit together after little man went to prison last March, yup I totally changed my whole life around, and doing great, do you live in lakeside still?
- petra mano: Omg the second kid 😂
- AidanAnimatesYT: Hesaidnospaces
- Mein Fürry ϟϟ: Ava Sirakoulis Liberalism is a brain eating disease
- xRUGZ: greatvid;)
- Whiteout Panda: thisvideowasawesomeihopeyouguysstayedtilltheendofthevideotoseethathesaidmakesuretonotputnayssspacesthisvideowasfuckingawesomeloveyoutro
- ModernAnimaLeague: The kid doing the food reviews, yeah uhh..... I can't see his neck... I wonder where it went.
- Lpskittycat 1234: fuckuugayasspeiceofshitgokillyourselfjesusfuckdieplsokniceknowingyawtfamidoing
- Lil Crisp: Thiswasagreatvideo
- TheGameMakeGuy: 99% of people would have blown the million in a year and build a fuck ton of dept so thid oh he got a million an thats why hes so rich is really not an argument
- Jasper Rose: "You really think Trump is gay? C'mon kid-It was 2017 now 2018. Nothin wrong with a little homo-
- MCR7 13: hey tro
- Jajy Anaya: doesanybodyinthiscommentsectionlileturtlesbecauseidobtwtroiloveyourvideos
- Grotok: youdidntmentioncamelcaseanywaymostpeopleseemtohavenotgottentheyideeatheyrewritingnormalwtfguys
- n safari: Who else is a memelouse fan just me ok
- J Berg: Actually....there are some old-school arcades around. I know one where you pay an admission fee and then all the games are free to play. It’s actually really sweet!
- Creepy Pirate’s Life: Thissocringy
- Dallas Williams: yea let's dumb down society, these ppl will run our world one day
- Moe Lester: 2:49 "we're hunting W A B B I T S"
- Wolfie Loved: Lol
- XxMe_ An’OxX: :Kid watched this video: Mommy what's an arcade? 😆😆
- Angel Gantas: Ithinkthatacanspeakportuguesandyounaovaisconseguirintenderumcornoloveyourvids
- Mevix: 132ndbitche!
- seth walker: Air hockey is fun 😂
- Austin H Vlogs: Dude ur hilarious
- thatonedude: Ohshitgetmesoneloud
- Isaiah Hobson: “You have a list of what” I was fucking dying
- RaccoonMilk: IOnlyPaid15BucksFor
- caiden is really cool: He said lisp not list ~ Ricky
- Fire River8: Whydoihavetodothis
- zori: Igottwophonesinewithabrokenscreenandonethationlypayes50bucksfor
- Happy202 Faith: Yes arcades still exist
- Kilowatt: weljibuy
- Spicy Memes: Look what this gatowade dofto me
- TakXClan Eclipze: AlloneWord
- Mr Yet to be thrown out lemon: 😂 omg. I can’t. Jeez Gatorade, stop doofinn’ that to us.
- REPENTS1NNERS: *ihavealist*
- Lil Sleazyxxx: RandomStopMotion well he is a dumbass 10 year old
- Pipe Fn: 1:00 omg
- Tarvon Young: Hart*
- Xxninja gamesxX: almostnobodyfallowedthenospacesrule
- shi shi: I wanna see that fucking list !
- djdimi gaming: whydontyoudoarandomcapsandnocaps
- Raxaga 64: Trumps a loser, thats why he has more money and a hotter wife then this kid will ever have.
- Wadeo Potato: DangIreallywantedtoknowwhatthatlistwas
- m e: IGotTwoPhonesOneWithAbrokenScreenAndOneFrOmWalMartThaTIOnlYPaId50BucKsFoR
- Rocky: The second kid kinda sounds like Gus from Cinderella..
- AlphaCrewHD: Suckonmikehawk
- uh oh itssuda: Imtenyearsold
- Rk-FAM 1: Thisniggafunnyassfuck😂😂
- ItzzTheFarmer: Its 0 cararrees
- Daniel Barton: I usually don't subscribe to channels like this but you are funny as hell
- Billz Thunder: LoveYourVids
- Emily Castillo: His list will forever be a mystery
- Cold Ham: I love your videos! Funniest youtuber ever
- Big Chungus: Whycanticanusespaces
- Chicken Noodles: i am ten
- Ciara Hunter: He has a *List* He's checking it twice He's gonna find out who is naughty or noice
- officially paige: notaficationsquad
- Katherine Martinez: I'm not tryna be rude but when I saw this fat kid I was like I'm done
- BluStabb x Oozy K: ikr
- xd Livphty: "I gotta go", "He, yeah, me too😒"
- TheLawnmower27: lolspacesareforloserswhatevenarespacesomekindofconspiricytheoryheydidyouknowchocolateisgoodforyourhealthitreallyisntiliedfightme
- KixsterTV: fuck this guy is funny
- Gwenyth Mitchell: 3:14 he sounds like he still five
- Itz._. aleicia: Hesaidnospaces
- Billy Blair: Arcades are in fact a myth....
- Steven Frederick: EthanFilms Cars lol so true
- OG Evan: Succsuccmepenis
- RedEyeTiger01: 1 phone: normal person 2 phones: drug dealer 3 phones: normal person
- Pink Starburst: That 2nd criney fuck either just got outta the shower or that hubba Bubba gum wad hadn't showered for weeks.
- 4Your Soul: UareReallyCool
- Lucas Richardson: wowicantbelievethattenyearoldsaresuchdirtbagsnowjesuschristiwouldhaveneversaidanyofthatstuffwheniwasten
- Dr Goofenstien: God, i have a lot of cum on my face!
- Maddie Love bear: soifimgay,doesthatmeanImdonaldtrump?
- Davillia GGTM: But I love ICP and btw if ur pulling up one of there worse songs yeah most people arent going to like them but maybe if u listen dating game or to catch a predator people might give them a chance😭🖕
- jazzy Nicely: Icp is the best FYI they're better than you
- Haileigh Frady: That Haileigh's brother omg hahahahahaha and there my best friends
- Im Ragss: Yeahs is a really nice game for you and I love you too much to say that you are my friend you and you can not really say anything about it but you don’t know how I know that I am sorry but you have no idea how much you have been so I just can’t get to see my family I know that I know how to say I don’t want things I just want you know what you mean.
- somewhataddicted: Thisvideowashalarious
- Chase Miller: 7:03 "What's-Her-Name?" Sanders sees how dumb the kid he hired was, and tried to call him back.
- dizzyarcher01: I like thier dating game song
- Tyra Williams: # i got two phones
- Here comes the Em: *d o o f*
- Weird Hoe: 5:10 - 5:14 HAHAHA
- Dirty Asian Mafia: I have 2 phones, one with a broken screen and one from walmart that I only paid 15 bucks for
- agent eleven: Berry Berry.
- Nicholas Ahlers: Nospacesatall
- Rommel Ryan Victoriano: I won the challenge because I was reading the comments! XD
- Liam M: Tro watch the search on YouTube " blessed no " and watch the one by A. Dolla your welcome
- Dylan uit de Bulten: I'm so sorry
- Thomayam Upright: I'm here to dith myself. 😂😂😂😂
- Dexter B.: Whyarenoneofthecommentsoneword?
- Hm no subs aaa: This is not cringe. This is roasting. Dumb person
- CountryBoy _606: He has a list of drug dealers
- Madie Luva: JWS The one oh that's kewl.
- Franki Perez Carrasco: Mypenisingoat
- FreshDuckMeat: Spaces
- rabid rabbitshuggers: What did we do with our free time before we crucified children on the internet for not automatically being as intelligent and articulate as adults?
- Kermit The Frog: I'm not cringing I'm laughing.
- Shintaro Ryugaminai: If u can decipher u win OkaysoIdon'thavetotypeany spacesbetweenanyofmywordsso I'mnotgoingtohaveanyspacesatall wasinthiscommentvideosothey shouldbeatleast207844million 675billionparagraphslong
- gameing nerd: ilovepusdie
- POPE Ace Guru Genesis: 94KoolAid whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa😂T
- Thedral Cathedral: Iamnotatrumpsupporterbutihatewhenkidsaresodumbandthentheysay"whatsyourage?"andtheysay"IAM9:)))))"
- toxic inc p o t c: The really chubby kid sound like Adam Sandler's from the water boy movie
- RevZTM: Don't make fun of our lord Noah and his food reviews.
- jessica l: Too makes me laugh so hard but that’s what tro would doof to ya
- BLEACH: Scrumbzy youforgottousenospaces😡
- Hermione Lila: this dude is so fucking savage
- Ben Carter: My heart hurts😂😂😂
- Aaron COELHO-IRANI: Is he dumb as a rock
- Clout Gang: RageData32 I’m 17😂 and learn to spell u fucking idiot “your using to much emojis” lmao read that and tell me what’s wrong. I think you meant to many.
- Jaylee Miller: Hitroilikeurvidsthwyarefunnylol
- Chris Bosch: maybe roll your ass over to the arcade
- Rachel is SWAG: Whether or not you support trump stomping on a sign and insulting them isn't a very nice thing (and no I don't suppport trump I hate him lol)
- TH3 M15TAK3: Bro that fat shits family wants him to get diabetes
- Hudson Hoff: god dam ik this video is old and shit, but i literally couldn't watch the 3 cringe video it killed me
- chantilly: batmanhatkidwasprobablythehardesttowatchforme
- Brian James: Who is this tweaker talking 😂😂😂stfu.... you sound real dumb😂😂😂
- The Jayman Show: Coolvideo!
- Ethan Godfrey: The monster kid sounds like Bobby Bouche from water boy or however you spell it
- David Svoboda: Oh fuck I just noticed that the brother of the Trump kid just told Info Wars and it's viewers his name.
- Cormac Coughlan: What?
- Bouncy Bear: MAGNETS, how the fuck do they work?
- Dominique Gonzalez: ThisShitHadMeAndMasterPDyingKeepItUp
- Turok, not the dinosaur hunter, the adult film star: HE WAS TRYING TO SAY LISPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP. WITH A P!!!!!!!!!!
- Troy Koz: Triggered tro icp is awesome WTF SMH 😒
- T D: I have a list...a list...a speech impediment...
- Ramses Paula: Dofftoyou
- Desiree febus: Yo that 10 year old boy looks like mini zac efron idk how to spell his name sorry
- anmie stuff: I dude speaks like Mike Tyson
- NootNoot: 4:04 darry the diabetic dinosaur 🤣 Edit:not to be mean
- Death And Suffering: why do all fat people have lists?
- master miki: Howmanypeopledidthis
- JBwrath: nonediditididitididitimsnartfuckyoualllosers!!!!
- MakeupWith Summer: ithinktrumpshaircutisgayto
- A7XRYAN _6̷6̷6̷: Zero cowilwys
- Ricky _hdz.j: how the fuck you know I was typing
- Twitz Titz: I'm old school so yes they exsist
- Lil Lit: Okilltrynottoboutlolthatsfacewhenudontlnowwhatthefuclisgoingonelolimmagonow
- P M: Anyspacesatallallonewordseewhatididtheir
- Billy Scranner: Honestly, i dont blame the kid for not knowing why he supports bernie. most kids just blindly follow their parents beliefs when they are younger, i know i did. It's better to do your research, even if you cant vote to form your opinions in politics.
- Troll Vlogs: I was hear from 100
- Josh Romaniolis: Ya Bro he should just stop. There just kids and there’s no satisfaction out of this
- Invadernador ツ: You are such a funny youtuber. Keep it up :D
- WOOF: yourthebest
- Bienvenido Mambru: ihave2phonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartionlypayed50bucksfor
- Seth Wayne: The first kid is jws the one here on youtube
- Analiesse Ashton: IHaveVeryLittleFaithInHumanitySMH
- 1dollar Pizza: This is my brother
- Kid Kakashi: Youguysgivemeaudsbcihavealist
- Watermelon Helen: Goddamnitwhyarepeopleusingspaces!
- maximiliano sintim: I’m 10 and I can give a much better explanation as to why I hate trump
- Mirzinovic: That's what Youtube will Douff to you
- oneday 1001: A
- Maxigillion Bizillion: Ilikeyourcontenttro
- Amari Reynolds: I love the review kid, he is so adorbable. the second one.😍😍
- Jesus Christ: Liberals and a homophobic ten year old support Clinton for president. That should have been her campaign slogan.
- Metalhead 26: Ecstaticly Purple whaaaaaaaaaat
- Elver Barrera: Ihabeadubifanyofyouwannabuysome
- TGA Productions: The last one tho lmao. He makes everyone their race
- Mondeck: notificationsquadyouarethebestyoutubereveryouroasteveryoneonsight
- Venom Supreme: BeardCageManForPresident
- CAPN DP: Barry Allen 🤔
- DiamondBoy: I forgot that this was a cringe video.
- VinylicAsp79: #idk
- Ezekiel Mcguire: Thisshitissofuckingfunny
- rebecca lewis: dats wat Gatorade will do 2 ya
- Willow Boulden: When liberals start ranting about anything like I swear. He wasn't flaunting his money around. When he said it he was talking about how it was hard when all he got was a small loan of a million. The small loan was for a billion dollar company and he had to pay it back if you would look into the story line you'd know.
- Aesthetic Lover: The fat kids name is Noah
- Sleepy Baby: Thatkidlookslikehe'stheageoffetus
- Mason Temple: Thisisagreatvideotriggeredtro!
- John Smith: he said LISP not LIST
- S&mseqenceslimes: S
- Julian McAteer: Hillary for prison
- X____X: The second one seems like he would be in South Park like a cart man rip-off wannabe
- Ray Perry: ok tro i liked you until you dissed the insane clown posse
- Dante Flores: Been subbed since 10k. Love your videos
- SUPREME_ GON: G__O__A__T_ MAN Lmaoallyouhadtodowastypesomerandomshitasoneword
- кιм нα ʝσσи уσσ: Wowjustwow
- I don't Know: MygodthisiscringyAF
- Aniya Hunter: Broooo i have 2 phones and i'm getting another IPhone 7 plus soon😂😂 Great vids!
- oreo peepz: xDilysomuch
- The Jakob: Dr.Doofenshmirtz young age
- Lone Trigger: Thatswhatgatoradewilldooftoya
- Fat Panda: vewhy vewhy strong
- Isaiahx Animations: This is what you call a quality video 👍👍
- Randall: Retord no you didn't
- BOSKAT450THEFOLF _System_: I love icp
- ASMR Dead Inside: I actually laughed. Its hard to make me laugh out loud.
- ava: gottago
- Joshua Weidner: “That’s what Gatorade will doof to yah”
- Tørî Łårršøñ: Nospaces
- Wesboy 064: Thatwascooliloveditbecauseithadawsomethingslikereallywhenhehadthatnicescreenalsoibetyou12343566787888976dollarsyoudidntevenreadthatnumberbyeigottagonow
- Scrunch Cakes: Space space space
- TheMayflowerPilgrim: Fucking cartman
- Grandest42 Swiss: YouCanNowTellHiwManyPeopleWatchYourWholeVideo
- AP2002 c: Itriedtogetinthevanwheniwas9
- Julian Nosek: I think his list contains all the worst ICP songs
- KILL RXVCH: Poor JWS The One
- Dante Turello: Jada Hurley its noah
- Jordan Albert: Yeah well *MY BOY CYRUS GOT 3 PHONES BIHH*
- l w n t e: soidontgiveafcuseiktrowon'tpinthisshitcuseheisatrollerhahahah#allonewordwith#
- Andrew Taylor: That news interview was done by info wars... TRIGGERED
- Dual_Shoka 444: No offense trouble your cool but your dumb me meant lisp its a that's why he talks like that.
- KINGPOOLORD: Elong Bubbs damn straight
- Anubis the God O, mummification, And others: #HowDoMagnetsWork
- raphyhick: Ilikelesbiandinosaurs
- Izzy Sophie: Don’t you think maybe some of these people might have a disability or mental issue going on in there heads. This is not sarcasm, I honestly think some of these kids in this video might be actually suffering with something. Was just a thought. And if you hate, I WILL be replying :)
- Jerry Ayala: Eww this makes me cringe so bad
- hood master: Howamisupostousenospacesohwaitijustdidalsoilikecats
- PANDA LOVER: Bruhthepolicyforthecommentsarealwayssointereating
- Isaac Alsop: Damnit I'm trying to vape stop making me laugh
- Seb: I got two phones one with a cracked screen and one from walmart that I only payed 50 bucks for
- ArtinHeHe: Y E A H ! F U C K S P A C E S !
- Disgracious1: Nobody followed your rules
- Benjamin Kenneth Laude: His names noah
- Marie *WDW*: HEY TRO (answer plz lol) 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
- Shevela 321: Some kids just listen to some memes and is like oh he’s dumb as fuck
- ZuZu Lit Clan Owner: thisisntthathardcanyoutellwhatimtyping?Idonteventhinkican#commentpolicies
- Emily Hatley: My uncle's name is adom
- It’s Your Baby: IfyouwanticangiveyouastrawtoFREAKINGSUCKMYASS
- Mac Gunderson: thisvideowasstrange...okaythen!butgoodvideononetheless^-^
- U.S.A: Seth Ross Bernie Sanders is a fucking delusional piece of trash I mean Democratic socialism is mob rule and would never work I mean democratic socialism is the exact same as normal socialism just with democratic added onto it look what happened to the Soviets and the Nazis
- Pot8to Destroyer: 3:21 you can’t roast my boi Noah and get away wit it
- Callmetrashpanda: That second fatass kid looms like fucking cart man from south park XD
- BaIiEy AAdamSS: Ima rebel
- MEP_ Fb: Christen Hoffman?!? Yo your dad taut me piano
- Weatherman Activities: 🤣🤣
- John Doe: 🧐🤭😔
- No Stylist: #ArcadesAreAMyth
- Hattie Cartright: I'm crying 😂😂😂
- Brandon Phelps: the monster energy kids name is noah
- Jaxon Frye: Are you voting for chrisn hooophem
- Quackity J: The trump kid was hilarious😂😂😂
- glasses kid: 3:59 his name is Carmen from South park
- Supreme Sher: That monster kid sounds like the water boy 😂😂😂
- Sketchy Skits: This is like the second time I've watched your vids and you said Adam to the people on screen. My name is Adam and it's not a common name in my town
- LIL GRANTY: 2:54 anyone ever watched waterboy ?? "Now thats what i call quality monster"
- jordin: Weilcom tew Noah’s fewd weiview
- Faby Hernandez-Mendoza: Reza Jouhair feel* and then talk
- Invincible Bunny: HeyHeyHeyGuessWhat SPACE B*TCHES
- glitchy art: Iwillneveryousspacesagainitssorelaxing
- 火花: Noah's fued review
- Adam B: Libtards are always 100% fixated on race, even when it's completely irrelevant. It's their obsession. You can criticize Trump on many things all day, but racism is not one of them.
- Neko Strings: I’m gay and I hate trump.
- Will Wogan: 3:59 WHAT THE HELL ADAM 😂😂
- spongeebob squaretypants: How could there be 113 dislikes??? (;
- dat: #troforpresident2020 :)
- KILA /\/\/\/\: Lol😂😂😂😂😁😀😂😂😂
- Haitian&kpop: I drooled on myself 😂😂
- Mi Joung Lee: Mad funny
- FireFlame615: I’m semi insulted about the arcade. Only because I work at one. XD
- tom van bruggen: I h a v e 4 p h o n e s
- Prodrifter: mypenisbluecolored. Don'tthinkwrong
- Orange Man Jack: I will use space
- G__O__A__T_ MAN: JAY BAY *tobehonestijustwannafitinbuticanseeitsnotworking*
- Brady Lamoureux: 0 cowares
- Nate Burnside: Man I knew more about politics than that little fuck when I was 8
- Connor McHugh: That10yearoldrepresentsalllibtardstryingtotakeawaymygunsandmyrights
- HeyItsAbby _: AllOneWord
- Pineapple Graciee: #troforpresident2020 YAAAASSSSS
- Eric Good Jr: AH! I remember my first beer..... What the fuck?
- Donovan Dunton: Ihatetenyearolds,lol
- XXX StuffierGoat562: ThisvideowasgreatbtwIloveyourvideos
- Navvy: Whowatchedtotheend?
- FatherBacon24: Dumb kids learning from their dumb parents
- Heaven Wasn't Made For Me: I agree #troforpresident2020 lol
- Logan Stanley: U da best YT ever I watch u during state tests and I told my whole grade to watch u
- Crush__the__gamer: YouSPACEareSPACEmySPACEfavorite SPACEyoutuber
- Emma Sullivan: The monster kid sounds like adam sandler from the movie "water boy"
- Max1281: Life is complete its dof not oof
- Ramiro Leiva: That's what Gatorade dooth to ya
- Honest Troll: We have "Tilt" 's around here. Arcades are still can do the suck money thing from hard not caring parents around americlandstates everywherer
- le slump: pinmeyoulazyassbecauseididntuseanyspacesandnowitsharderbecauseidonthaveanycapsinthissojokesonyoufamxdicantbreathe
- Steve Harvey’s Mustache: Wtfnoneofyouwatchedthevidyoufags
- Sebastian Morales: Why the Gatorade doof this to me. Aye go sub to @Renegade Sab
- Sean Susim: no
- Hyper Drive: TroIsSoLit....LolIForgotThisWasSuppostedToBeOneWord
- DJ houdini: Ilikeassandpussy
- Matt Mcewen: It's Bewwy Bewwy Guod, Bewwy Bewwy Colld
- منوعات عباس: Transmetropolitan same
- Preston Cannon: That's James from lakeside northeast Maryland thats my ppls, he was my neighbor
- Pan Psyren: 4:00 "Damn it, Bobby!"
- Jennifer Barratt: Butwhy
- RestInPringles: FamilyFriendlyContent #NoSpaces
- Baby G: Iamsofuckingweaklmaotheebdhadnedeadaf
- J J: I've just found your channel today. Funniest shit I've watched all day 😂😂🤣
- MrMasterNugget: The monster kid sounds like the Waterboy
- Two Cheeto Puffs: Bacon Netz lol
- Tyler Balfour: funniest nigga holy
- Mori Gaming: DAMIT GATORADE! why do you got to dooth that to me!
- Brayden Durham: I love icp you choose mericals (it is there worst song ever)
- Vandir: It's weird how most americans who are cringe af, are white. Glad to be a euro trash.
- Hernandez Rose: ImJustReadingTheCommentsAndNoOneIsDoingTheChallenge😐😐😂😂😂
- Cliff Drew: The second kid sounds like adam Sandler in water boy😂
- Teehee: WhereAreTheseChildren’sParents??Wtf
- Brennen Sette: Dis boi be disin Trump cuz his hair but we all know he has cancer and has a hat to hide his bald ass head
- phokme: Space
- mylez mcneal: all yuor viteo is amazing
- Furr Boy: I'm 14 and have legitimate reasons on why I like Trump lmao
- Say No to Autonomous Driving: Yo leave the monster kid alone, I feel bad for him because he is a kid and he is just doing what he likes which quite frankly happens to be reviewing food in front of people. Sick of seeing him ridiculed, he is not a even a dud like the retard before him.
- JC Denton: Whenyougotothecommentsectionandseecommentswithnospacesandyoudontknowwhatthehellisgoingonuntilyoufinishthevideo:P
- Peepo: What'syourfavoriteflavorofbleach?Myfavoriteislavenderwithcocainesprinkledontopfrozen.
- POLR Max: holyshititsleafy
- bobl32: I don't have no proof more like I don't have any proof these kids these days am i right
- Bandijinx Molly: 👏Boy if u👏 don't get that👏 cringy ass shit out my 👏face👏👏
- Saad Merhebi: He's 10 bro haha he's trying
- Allison aAaaA: okay but arcades are really fun lets fight
- Redparallax: I'm so lucky I turned 11 a couple days ago cause he is a disgrace to 10 year olds
- Sovien: That food review kids name is Noah.
- lucas plays: Fukifun
- Isaiah Perrelli: I hate trump because his hair looks like corn silk.
- EvilR0y: Don’t make fun of Noah’s food reviews😂😂 I love that kid😂😂
- Bryson Flippo: Eminem destroyed ICP
- Milo Heatherly: Broiwounderwhatthatkidslistwasgoimgtobeabout
- Uh Ohhh: *_K!NG_* *_Ass_*
- Mr. Burns: Murica
- inspiredphantasm 219: How does the kid when trying to prove Trump is gay go from look at his face to the loan of a million Dollars😂
- Mlgcamel519 Camel: Hilol
- Derp Burp: That kid with the Batman hat doesn’t know what the fuck he talkin bout
- Kevin Herrera: yoooooooidkwhybutyachannel lit
- Ezio Auditore: List
- Jimmy Propst: 2:09 he wouldn't be a rapper he would be a wapper
- Shmanxcylinglingricè: In the second video uhhhh......... Cartmen?
- grace ashi: I have a list😂
- don't click on the channel icon: Whatishappenening
- Rick D: Jesus Christ on a Pogo stick, just found your YouTube and these fuckers on these videos make me realize the sooner the aliens show up and kill us all the better it all will be
- CactusBoi: Thatonekidattheendwassostupid.IcantbelivehowstupidthatboywasandInowIamonlywritingthiscommentbecausehesaidnospaces,soifollowedwhathesaid.Bye.
- TheEel: That kid DOES NOT look like an Adam.
- some random politically correct name: F U C K N O S P A C E S
- Baltzar Bonbeck: OkayTroIenjoyed
- hey there fella: Arcade= Dave and Busters
- soggy skittles: wowallde kidsGOTROASTED#NOSPACES
- petcow: Thisvideowasgreat
- Toronto Shirley Williams: YOUR SO FUCKING MEAN TO KIDS!! But it’s Fucking funny. I HATE KIDS!!
- Izacc House: ThisvideowassBerryBerrygoodandBerryBerryfunny
- ༺ڳOpernce.ฟ༻: WhyIsNoOneDoingThis?
- JWS The one: cut hair plz but it's funny and I'm someone he made fun of
- Tristan Meyer: You're so funny!! The editing with the song was so good. Lol
- Blaze_ Sancho: I feel bad for the first kid
- Among_The_End: PerfectVideoKeepItUp
- Kemy Gaming: Who even watches that fat kid?
- Marcus B.: OMGwhenwillheuploadusuallylikejezzmanuploaddudeyoutakeforever
- Cole Fraser: Nicevideotro
- kyttonic: *notice* -Neck not found-
- Paija Neely: I'm going to hell for laughing😂😂😂
- Ryan Leader: I don'tnecessarilysupporttrumpbut Thatkid,thatkidwassomething special
- Lil_LK21: Lastlidkilledmybrain
- Kanai Liufau: No
- your moms a tiktok thot: *wheresmymommy*
- The World's Best Commenter: Doyouknowhowdifficultitistounderstandsomeonetypjngwithnospaces??????
- Kaitlyn Totman: This is my favorite triggered tro video
- tnfatbelly: 0 Calories....roflmfao 😂
- Tanner Ward: I have alist
- skye 2real White: im officially nicknaming the chunky kid elmer fudd lol
- Nikk _: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenoneigot$15atwalmartfor
- Retro Fan: Take a journey with Bernie
- Eric Good Jr: ICP=trash? Well that sounds right. There older stuff is the best compared to there stuff now. .... Uh not saying too much I guess.
- OneX_LuaDev: ghey
- I did your mom: 0:45
- bossbro919191: I think trump would be a semi good president but his number one problem is he has no filter when he talks
- muggle_ struggles_: TroYoureDaBombFuckingDiggity
- Dossi Green: This turned into a try not to laugh because of tro
- Hombre Green: i aded you on instagram
- Andrew Husmann: triggertroismydad
- BB Sandwich: i know that boy
- Kiran Chaudhuri: Me:hahahahhaha....... I’m 11
- The PlowingWater: SoHowAreYou?
- Filipe Fire: Ean Tanko lol
- Liam GQ: I have a list of my hos
- Aidan McCully: Amidoingwellyet?
- InoxXxtran: *SuchAMiracle*
- Dragon Destruction: I doof myself with redbull
- Abby Kins: Imjustdead😂😂😂
- James Briggs: Ilovehugeblackcockstosuck.iwanttotaketwoupmyassatonce
- Gage Kennedy: I have a list...
- Matthew Oldham: It'syaboiskinnypenisbackatitagaianwiththattinnypenis
- Kiquan Ringo: Gage Kennedy those retarded trump supporters
- Jafed: I expected the fatty guy's outro to be "Shcweu you guysh, Ahm gaen heum."
- Alek: howdoitypeaspace?
- #T.L.C WWE DIVA 4 EVER: "That's what Gatorade will doof to you" lmao I died 😆😂
- Warrior_665: vewy vewy stwong and vewy vewy cowd
- Nicholas Smith: SHOWMETHEFUKINGLIST!!!!!!
- Eboyplays485: Iknow2fatpeoplenamed GregoryandSteve
- Victoria Fleuty: jessicaschad get a job
- Wakingohio Mama: Ten out of a ten 😂😂
- Guillermo: 14 Year old calls Trump gay . Trump is married to a woman and is richer tha youll ever be
- cocopuffz aj: andigawtwunfumwalltartfofiftawndawllas
- N: Fat shaming never gets old hahaha solid
- Ivy newton: WhyIsNoOneDoingTheChallange😕
- Midget: imanword,imantriggerdword
- Luix: FuckMeDaddyTro
- Memey Yeemo: #troraisedthesekids
- Camilleee x: Did he say berry berry? I thought he said vewy vewy
- Watch out: fuckthatshitdudeidontliketotypewithoutspaces:(
- One Girl: RainMaker i dont get it
- ErngieBerngie: YouIsAnFaggor
- King Luii: TrumpIsGayCuzIm10
- flippy YT: datlastkidisdumbasfuck
- Epic Dev: When you said arcades are myths and I was like just like santa lel
- ミナMina: Marcus Reid NOhomo
- Joannea Funes: The 2nd kid looks like Eric from South Park or is it just me😂😂
- Jadorim Simoro: Fuckingcringe
- Dummy Unicorn626: I lost i cringed the moment that boy opened his mouth
- Logan Stanley: Thekidattheendithinkhesgay
- Dersiv XBL: The big kid he looks like this kid at my school named Aden
- Naman Seth: this guy is a Fucking Legend
- Squid Pirate: # n 0 s P a C e S a L l 0 n E w 0 r D
- Stasia Catalano: My first time watching your channel. OMGosh I'm peeing. U need to come do my laundry. Thanks allot for the shits and giggles.
- Bacon Netz: The Monster review kid’s name is Noah.
- ADAM Gl456: I remember watching the second kid review chips like a year ago 😂😂😂
- Brianpool gaming: Soireallydontknowwhattotypeandialsodontknowifimputtinganythingincorrectspellingbutfuckit
- Papaya -: Howhardisthistoread? Sallywenttothestoreinherhometown.Shewantedcereal,butnoonehadany.Yay
- Hurg Blurg: ManYouGuysSuckAtThisItsNotThatHardToNotTypeSpaces
- BearMaster: FuckAllKidsWhoDontSupportTrumpThatHaveNoIdeaWhatPoliticsAre
- Connor: “69% fail” ...seems legit...
- Pretty Mommy: I won't judge you on your spelling..
- Sir Nerdsworth: Fuck that shit
- NELL a damm fool: Thisshitfunnyasfuck. On GD
- erkblitz2: JUGGALOS BITCH!!!
- Nasty Clan mauricioswag98: That's what Gatorade will doof to ya
- Donovan Pacheco: Thats what Gatorade will *oof* to you
- goeiezooiisdit: IDon'tGetIt
- TwizCharlie 2021: Bro how do you not have more subs than PewDiePie by now 😂😂
- Rick Howse: That First kid Is my Weed dealer,, ha who would of guessed, we go high and he trys to Rap i died 😂😂😂😂😂
- Alexis Jackson: I was dead when u got to the 10 year old kid part 😂😂 shit was funny af
- redroseurie: This boi has two phones... I have two tablets...we have something in common
- TWITCH UNLUCKY1 YT: I W I l l u s e I t m o r e
- Jammer 4d1jh: Greatviddude
- Char13m: i just fainted
- - EcLiPsE -: That's what it'll doof to ya
- Ava Sirakoulis: Lani Cookie it's more like the boy has no life because Donald trump owns multiple million dollar business and is very rich and successful man when he is sitting in front of a camera calling people gay come the fuck on
- livy luv: Thatswhatgatoradewilldooftoyou
- bolonik Ionsun: The second one is like a real-life Cartman from SouthPark
- Swimothythekingofthefrogs: Eric cartmen who?
- Yaser Azzam: veryhard
- ZeroG FROST: I lost 98% of my brain cells listening to the first kid
- Happy the monster: imgay
- Jessica Brough: Thisvideomademefallonthegroundlaughinh😂
- Alexis yt: Thatseasy
- Chloe Hernandez: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthatipayedfiftybucksfor
- Yo Aikens22: Sup boi
- Pinkus Floydus: Viktor Brinek youre picture lol
- T8_00: iamfeelingtoolazytotypeinaproperand100%originalcommentsoiewilltypewithourtsspaceorfixinfgnhythingoksir?idcwhatyouthinkimmadoit
- Shut Up: Damn it Ricky, he knows
- aidan wilson: Rip im going to icp soon
- Ron Latin: I still don't understand why being *homosexual* is considered a bad thing.
- Alex Dispoto: HeyTroGreatVideoLovedItLetsSeeHowLongWeCanGetThisCommentJustToTakeAdvantageOfTheNoSpacesRuleForComments
- Logan Malits: 00:45 that was my first phone
- Jordan Marie Miller: TheseCringeVideosAreSoFuckingWeird.LikeWhyDoTheseChildrenEitheeHaveAPhoneOrAreAllowedInTheSpotlightItIsJustBeryBeryConfuswingBeryHardToUnderstwan.Anyway.YouAFuckinGeniusAndILoveUAndUrVids.DefinitelyWorthWatchingAtLikeMidnight!!!
- mai: *its the miracle whip kid holy shit*
- Layne Cook: Man you have me dyin😂😂😂
- RGF OPS: icp is good
- Breanna Ledbetter: i love how some of the stuff tro says is like offensive to normal but so funny to people who usually listen to him bc we know hes joking snd if youre like me you laugh the whole video.
- Angus Hays907: @kilboypwrhed
- Ja'Crispy: SuperNova _ LMFAO
- Logan B: Monster 0 energy 🤔??
- Larping Lionfish: He rekt that kid doing the energy drink thing
- Cbeast 2005: 3:34 had me cracking up for hours
- Clous von: Welcome to the USs future 😂😂😂
- YoungBoyDuane: Nahh he look like a Ben 😂😂😂
- Cameron Patton: just subscribed love the vids all ready they are so fucking funny
- brenden freyne: It'srewwyrewwystrongwithzerocalories
- bad/sad vibes: Andrew Husmann he is the mother of benji
- Olivia Poe: shehunguponmeafterihadbeenwaiting25minutessoimadesuremycallwasentertainingandmadeoffthewallcomments
- Öôgã Bóøgå: DontTellMeWhatToDo
- Vincent Wood: Umm....... okay us ten year olds need to get our sh*t together
- Ghetto Christmas Carol: Loliamolderthanthatbishash
- Ovo Basher: This vedios bewwey bewwey good
- Gulista Shaikh: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
- Nathan Hong: Right when he said he knows he said lisp I slowly held the backspace
- Evan Coffing: Space my ass
- CaptainWillz: Melissa Castaneda Brandon Rogers is fucking hilarious
- TRPPYX: Alrightuhhwellidontknowwhattofuckingsayuhhmybrainhurtsaswell
- Lol I got 2 phones 1 for apps and internet and drug numbers lol and my actually phone
- I am a noob at fortnite: Okay
- april trash: Okayjeeztro
- Yui Mackzui Likes Icecream Sandwiichew: IThinkINeedAnExampleForTheALLONEWORDTHINGIJustDontUnderstandWhatYouMean
- SkyLine Dragon: ummmilikefishitgavemecaner
- black Samurai: ihavenothingtocommentijustfeltlikedoingtheonewordchallenge
- Aleks K.: Tro, I like you, I really do. Please step away from dissing minors. Those are kids. Others might take it to the next level - seeing how you made fun of them, and thinking now it's okay to potentially bully them. I'm NOT saying you're a bully! Just that some individuals use any excuse they can find to bully a kid. And you don't want to be that excuse, right?... It's not becoming of you. Please don't.
- Dylan Chappell: YouCanGoAndDie
- Miles Chambers: Startedbingieng yourvidsprettydamngood
- Shockerpop: I_Have_Figured_out_A_Way_To_Make_Spaces_with_Underscores
- SkY VoltZ: Triggered your funny bro😂
- Crazygalexycat 8888: Last one my favorite:))) ❤️❤️❤️
- Pretty Mommy: Matacious hear**
- Andrew Vinansky: fuckmedaddy
- Kathy Florcruz: Nothin like white guilted kids tryin to be all ebonic cool, yo. He be so down with the cause he'll be the first one getting a beat down by the keeds.
- Max Mayer: Omg it’s the fucking water boy
- Stefanie Cassandra: I fucking love your videos dude
- Babashook: owieseemsniceforonceiamnothungry
- Ricky Companion: He said LISP
- My Pony life: Itisreallyhardtotypewithoutspaceswhatdoitype?
- FaveColorGreen SickleCellQueen: Tro you have no chill!!! 😂😂😂 But I enjoy that about your videos and personality!!
- AlexsTheWizard: I hate trump, and that kid at the end made me cringe
- JWS The one: Ramiro Leiva I'm glad u thought it was funny
- SaH NoobZ: Its berwwy verwy stwong
- Harry Power: Whathappenedtonospaces
- robbie keepsey: is it weird that i know the kids from the last video fucking weird
- Jenna Harvey: Tbhyouareanamazingyoutuberandiloveeverysingleoneofyourvideosandyouraretheonlyyoutuberthatcanmakemelaughsohardtbhlol
- LimeGreenYoshi: no
- Sunset_Glimmer: I died when that kid said "That's what gatorade will doof to you."
- MandaPanda334: Nobody can make me laugh like Tro!!!! 😆😄😁
- Sofia Aifos: Wasting a comment... Cash me outside!!👍😜
- PLATINUM GAMER: Berry strong berry berry cold 0 calories
- Emma Boudreau: Whatisup
- Mustache Man: Fuckherrightinthepussy
- Gavin Farmer: Lol that kid in the end is the reason berny sanders lost
- BluStabb x Oozy K: hi, im ricky, btw he said lisp not list
- Kawaii Art: Mr.tro did you know you share a birthday with me XD my cousin looked it up
- JARECK.FROHLICH: Reilly Hurn I'm telling my friend jacob
- N 4: The only reason why I don’t like this video is bc you talk over the original video just to make really bad jokes
- Pookle burry: NoSpacesFollowTheRulesFaggots
- Gretchen Ross: weal life water boy
- MAGA Matt Bell: The arcade here got shut down cause of a shooting. My gang wasn't there to back that kid who got shot up, my gang is the get along gang GAG all day son
- MY LIFE STORY: zero calories 😂
- Danielle Bates: Dude, I'm a juggalo.
- Awallei_O: WhenYou'reLate
- WaryFlea510 _: That’s fubnyt
- Kamden Earls: Didn't know bobby bushay from waterboy was on this video
- Oga Boga: Why does the second kid sound like Billy Madison?
- thatguylickme _: Iwokeuponemorningfoundballsonmechinilookedupanditwasmrkrabsitoledhemtogetspongebobandmakemeaburger
- ILoveMichael Jackson: Your voice overs sound like the voice over from The Wonder Years
- MildlyAddictive: I love you bro I laugh my fuckin guts out every video been subbed since 300 keep it up tro :)
- not reuben: fuckmeinmydickholebigdaddydaniel
- Javier Escuella: Were am I in this video lol
- Jc Ortega: Hithisisafunnyvideo
- TheAgentFrom: Whatthehelldontcredithimforthattro
- winterjerbear: ihatecringykidsandtheymakemesomadijustwanttokillthemandmyselfthisisbadandicantstandthesekids
- Nebulu_3447: The poor fat kids lips are so fat that they fold into a different position, zewo cawowies amirite
- Seth Roedocker: I lost 38 seconds in the video
- nadia carter: Ursofunny
- IntenseBullet99: Whatugonnadoarrestme😂😂
- kevon rich: yourthebestYTereverandyoursofunny
- Sami Mcgurk: igot2phone
- MrJoshuaAtwood: I was in prison with Kevin Gates. This shit made me laugh so MF hard. Good editing for real
- logan Fuller: inthejunglethemightyjunglethelionsleepstonight
- Food Drinkers: Pickaphoneupandgokillyourselfisndiwnxinexjnwjxhdnwidufhrnfufnfusndainsaisdfiiasisaysnd
- King TreyfordxX: Heyimabigfanandloveyourvideosthanksforkeepingitreal. #nospace
- Zayplayz: Fuckdoesnodpacesmean?????
- Jo shane: Suckumada
- Bruce Richards: Looks like a Ethan
- Brody Oikle: Hates trump cause of his hair and you can’t really talk to him with facts cause he don’t know anything
- Damian Webster: Iloveyourjokes
- Siris IB01: You’re really good at rocket league
- NBA White Boy: roll your ass to the arcade!!! XD
- Instinctz Dragon: fuckmeinthepussysoigetsowetandimone
- Kathryne Myers: he has a lisp
- MrEvan1932: I swear this the guy who runs this channel is more retarded than half of the people he does videos on
- Mr_RevilZz Stoned: Iloveyourvids
- Adri Colada: Triggered Tro kinda sounds like Morty from Rick and ...
- Kaleb Cochran: I'll follow you on Instagram
- JWS The one: Adog 00 maybe I was maybe I wasn't
- Hamilton.Is.Life: Why does all these kids have speech impediments. Like I'm not hating cause I can't speak for shit but yah
- Class of 1984: dudiloveyouyoumakethebestvideoofalltimes
- 千葉スキー: Is he one of those "worst people of Walmart" guy?
- Joshua Weidner: wait a secound👉🏻
- Bzzie: Iwatchallofyourvideosandiloveyourchannelandiknowthatiamlateonthisvideobutatleastiwatchedit (NoSpaces)
- liliana isaacs: "Dudes just gonna say he has a list and just sit there?"😑😑😑😂😂
- YouTubeCK ?: Ok,IWontTypeAnySpacesInThisComment. AndHereIsProof
- Brian O shaughnessy: you get that ten year old some prunes bro
- Bobby Gorbett: 5:12 Is literally every kid at my school, and i’m in High School! LOL, everyone knows nothing about Politics, but they think they still know enough to make a bold claim about different politicians.
- Hecking Bamboozled: iknowrighthewassodumb
- JWS The one: Autumn Ingraham I like them in actually the one he was making fun of for liking them
- HexagramMan: With the lowest approval rating in history...
- Coldwelth Simms: Oh my gosh it was an info wars interview 😂
- souppp: Icp is better than smash or pass mouth (not really)
- HTG // HaydenTheGamer: thisvideoandcommentarebothVERYcringy
- Sunder Buddies: 2nd kid sounds like tom hanks in the waterboy
- AJ Guerrero: WholevideoIwasdyingsofunny
- lance yordy: ThatMomentWhenTrumpTryesToMakeYouYourOwenRace😂😂
- Seth Ross: That kid is right to Support Bernie but his motivation is kinda weak.
- Jokerman 234776: That kid from the thumbnail looks just like a kid in my class
- ? shamanbrush ?: I love you gentle and calculated you are with your insults. |:>
- 79k 79: Vewy vewy vewy strwong and vewy vewy
- Angela Dias: Doesnt the second kid sound like Adam Sandler from Waterboy😂
- Pretty Mommy: Are you sure you're a millennial? You have such a clever, intelligent humor! Not like any kid I know lol... keep up the great work
- Batmanpunk13: "I have a list." Fuckkin killed me
- James N.: that ending is golden. the last 10 secs are amazing. lmao
- Sheev Talks: themostfuckingcringeasslittlebitchiveeverseen
- TheEliteRabbit Gaming: OkOkIWon'tTypeAnySpacesWaaitOhNoITypedTheWordSpaces
- Cinnamon: Andthisisournextgeneration
- вσppy: The'renosuchthingasblack musicHaveyoueverheardofthis wordnamedRap? *_TRIGGERD_*
- Aaron Dirks: Hey don’t touch Noah food reviews
- Discontinued once: Isellweed$10agramandhavetwophones.
- Stram Kusse: #TroCembrer kill me
- ツbabymint: "Thatswhatgatoradelldooftoya"
- MegaKopfschmerzen: I too support Bernie on account of his haircut.
- Cheshire Smile: ‘Berry berry twong & berry berry cowld’
- I don’t give a crap: IgottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthaIonlypaid$50for
- GraveyardTricks: Wouldn't you be a loser if you don't cringe?
- Chicken Buff3t: nobodyfollowedtherules!!!
- nya noble: urmomgayurdadlesbian
- Pedro Diaz: Wewillneverknowwhatthelistisabout
- Wicked Clown 1717: Unsubbing because you dissed icp
- DeadGiraffe: I died😂❤🌸
- Manuel Silva: The kid drinking Monster at 2:53 sounds like The Waterboy. 'Mama says Dats some gwate H2-oh'
- JWS The one: Jordan Albert lol
- Vylad The Avocado: Wowthisvideowasatenoutaten.rememberitsvewwyvewwystwong.👌
- bustajointnflex p: carz club lmfaoo
- Pad Wick: Youguysdidntwatchthewholevideo😤
- kade: WellsorrykidTrumpisyourleadernow
- Carlos Espinal-rosales: WTF bruh? how r those monster drinks n d lamp just floating like dat
- super saiyan: FUCKINGPENIS
- CookiesOn MyGrill: HelpTheSpaceBarDisapperd
- Azubis: hoimyboiiwannaeatapeeepeee
- Spare Coochie Ma’am: Fuck you Tro I'll type as many spaces as I want
- Will Castro: Who else is looking for ricky
- mental: ThisSentenceHaveASpaceInIt
- Wxgon: Dis haz zhero cahloreys
- Garrett Halvorson: Monster kid=water boy Adam Sandler 😂
- BarbusLive: Vewy goowd vewy stwonk weawwy goowd.
- Rick van Amsterdam: 5:15 NO U
- Angelina Mia 1608: Omgicantwithtrohemademespitwateralloverandgotmewetiammadlollobeyourvidstro😜
- Shane Gill: Why dont you stop picking on kids ya fucking muppet
- Samuel J: Nope I lost
- I love no bullshit xxx: iloveyoutriggeredtro
- venum-EditS: Hesaidlispnotlist
- Snowm4n101: Ilikeyoursarcasm
- Spookis Ghostly: Lite me up
- Sømetimes Quiet Is Viølent: icp fucking sucks
- Tony Reola: 2nd kid LoL
- Stone: There is an arcade where I live. *the government is reptiles*
- Thousandtick 108: I was about to type "Lisp"
- Sleep Apnea: TheseVideosHonestlyMakeMyDay😆ThisIsDepressingIHaveNoLife🤦🏻♀️
- jade olivia: icookedupaspicybopongaragebandmyrappernameislilpeepee
- J 25.8069758: maaaan really choose another song of icp to roast on shiit😂
- Joshua Wheeler: WowTroiloveyourvideostheyareverygoodTRUMPISALOSERWHOISGAY
- INFINITE Gamer: The kid at 4:05 youtube name is Noahs food reviews
- shaeshae93939: Damn juggalo
- ItsYa Boy: 123K
- Sub Scribe: #trigger tro
- izzy it is: I'm on a tro streak this is my 7th video in a row , I have a history final in few hours what is my life?
- Draw Durazno: 3:40 *vewy
- TacoPlays: This channel deserves 10 mil subs for real.
- Blitzhounds: 1:30 can't blame them
- Kennedy Ralocke: I think im related to Christian Hofman
- ShatterSpear: igottwophones
- SHADES: Oh my god zewo ca-wa-wees!
- Autumn Ingraham: Legit, but I mean, come on ICP is the best my dude.
- _Lacy_: I like icp....
- Hrishi: i watched this video a few days ago and made me trip ballz the kid who talked about trump and the racist chick jennifer murphy who made the song iam going to be a ninjas soon do a video on that fully tro.
- Maxime Beaudoin: he said list and lisp at the same time
- Shadows: #troforpresidsnt2020 :^)
- Genderless child: Why did Gatorade dof that
- Random Codename: 2:05 *shit is trash* Me whenever I watch your new videos- ///sjsksksksks JK I love ya shit
- Ehi.-. Mier: *WOW,WHO CARES?!*
- Brendon O'Laughlin: Youreallydestroyedthatsecondkid
- Brandon Roberts: We have arcades in Minnesota
- Kami -Mars: H A H B I T C H S P A C E S A R E H E R E
- Maddy Kearney: Wait if the first kid only has two phones what is he recording on ?
- Helen Macey: Hey what's up
- The Joker: D O O F
- Meatball TheGamer: This kid is one of them dumbass that get hight of Crums
- Willnotgiveya: Daddy come back please😭
- Liam Jackson: 3:33 he looks Eric cart man and talks like him
- Eric The Penguin: WellIguessthatswhatthiswilldoofttoyou
- Hayden Scott: Reilly Hurn i was your 200th
- Jellybeangamer: 4:03 his name is Noah, he says welcome to Noah’s fewd review in another vid
- Gamer: thepenisinhermouth youdirtymindedfuckerits "the pen is in her mouth" whatelsecoulditbe?
- Coochieslayer69420: Adam Ghani what's his Channel
- BigBag 415: ohshitmynameisGregory
- Ossy ReRe: WhyAmIHere?
- T4 CLAYMORE: SparklyAssUncorns XD I got mine at at a store for $2.50 for some reason it said eraser and the phone doesn’t even work it’s a giant frip off
- 令等: You need gas Tro? I got you fam👌🏼🔥🍀
- OneX_LuaDev: Jast luk at hiz fece, i is tan
- Alissa Steavans: “Give me a high five on my erect penis”
- ethan wheeler: I went to a arcade yesterday
- Static The fox: THE NEXT LEAFY
- BloodyAssult963: For the kid that is on 6:00 how is trump gay if he has wives
- Dianna Beato: IthinkilostallmyBraincells
- Kate Quinn: always hilarious when little white 13 yr old boys tryna talk all street n shit and dey b sparkin n shit... shut up and get off youtube
- TheBigUnfunny: ItIsMyBerryFavoriteFwavo
- Kylie Billiter: Vewy vewy cold.
- Jefferay: Cringed on last one OMG
- منوعات عباس: JBro JBro I've bin subbed since 2k subs
- CuntNoTopic: helloImJohnCenaSuckMyballsimheilyclintimandisuckdildodalllnight
- Tamara Link: Ididnttipeanygapsyayaya
- Bears Gaming: #waterboy
- emilymonsterrr: 5:22 I KNOW THE TWO DUDES IN THIS VIDEO😂😂
- Juliet Troutt: Why do people think ten year olds are stupid? I’m eleven and I’ve been on the internet for a long time. I’m not stupid. I even know what politics are.
- 361GUNS4LIFE: Youbetterputthatmonsterbackinthefridgebeforeyourmommacomeupinthereandbeatyoasslilboyyouunderstandme!!!
- Princess RyBugg: That fat kid was surviving the waterboy 😂😂😂😂 some high quality h2o
- SUPREME_ GON: Damndidanyonewatchtheendofthevideotroclearlysaidoneword
- Alberto Miranda: Trump is our president kid get used to it even though I hate him and might deport aunt get used to it and he is gay every 12 year old will say the kid in the video and a small loan of 1 millions is small for his parents that pocket change
- o_sen: donottypeanyspaces
- xeno cyde: HOLY SHIT ITS CARTMEN! and honestly if i was you i wouldnt feel bad for laughing at the kid at the end
- Sмоке - мк: TriggeredTroBeATriggeredHoGotThatHitlerHaircutAndAWhackAssFlowUTrynaRollUpOnMeBoyMeetMeInMyHouseNoHomeNoHomoWhoopYoAssInSlowMoKickYoAssTwiceNoThisAin'tTheMatrixPullUpWithYoBoysAndBeReadyToDoThisStepToMeImmaGunnaPullThatTriggerTakeUOutLikeUrALeft4DeadSpitterSpitLyricsAndChewLikeIChewUrAssOffUrInTheSouthNowBoysThisIsTheCuntryPeaceImOutDawgYeeeeeehawwwwwTheSouthWillRiiiiiiiiiseAgain
- daddy’s boy: "i know he said LISPA not LISTA"
- Shadow Knight: Allonewordreallythatsallyoucouldcomeupwith
- Pretty Mommy: Uber Excel duh..that's the joke... keep up! Lol😂
- Kamoni Henderson: FuckDonaldTrump
- THOT VANQUISHER: use one more god damned emoji and il snap a kittens neck
- harshit rai: Idoneedanexampleofthisone
- Trystpod: Igottwophonesonefortheplugandonefortheload
- LaFaMoNKeY: IDontThinkPeoplePayedAttentionToTheCommentPolicy
- JT Bagan: fuckin magnets how do they work
- imperfect cell: That's what gaturade wirll dooph to yah
- Miguel Martinez: damnthisisanicevideoxD
- rip xxx: Igottwophones
- born free: I have the same hair cut but thicker hair than that kid. My life is now ruined
- Nathan Weatherspoon: SoHowsYallDayBeenMineHasBeenGreat
- chimpy the chimp: nospacesalloneword
- Deansvideomachine owo: Tbh the only song I like from icp is piggy pie ;-; "A loser who is gay and has no life" Why must people talk about me Fuck you and your no space self you beautiful assbutt
- Alan YaKnow: The fat kid can skip the arcade and go do the chocolate shuffle lol
- faggot maggot: I guess I didn't make it into this one
- Nathan McMurggy: Spaces
- pop ichi: But what if u have 4 phones
- JWS The one: Unforgiven Soul why if I may ask
- Just Arty Stuff - Roy Smith: yo sup Yeah.
- JessiekaIsANerd: He's obviously southern, and in Alabama you gotta be 19... Here's to hoping he's just baby faced xD
- Tachanka Is Your Mom :p: Madie Luva lol
- Dragon Flair gaming: Imtypingwithnospaes
- Irish Lagger: #Kanyeforpresident2020
- Kat Is kool: ibrokemaileg
- penny jayne: Steven, Gregeroy, Adam already looks like a child molester. Yeiks !!!! It's always tha little rich white kids that always try to be something They Aint. I'd beat my kids ass if they would of turned out like these Clowns.... Lazy ass parents... sorry ass parents....✌
- Mineocrusherz: ManIsNoOneParticipatingInTheNoSpacesChallenge?IonlySawACoupleOfThePeopleThatAreActuallyCompetingWithMe
- Jillian Paige: TheseKidsCanSuckMySassWithoutThe"S"
- T_Money_: SoFunny
- NEWARTSTUDiOS: Dude, get Your lazy ass together and start making more fucking videos.
- yeet: *doof*
- Farmer Cyst: Idontthinkanyoneisunderstandingtheverysimplerequestattheendofthevideo.NothingwasmentionedaboutpunctuationthoughsoI'mnotsureifI'mdoingitrighteither.Fuck.
- Justice jml Main: Didyouguysdidnotnoitisalloneword
- Maddie Mae: Triggeredtroshoulddomoredrphilreacatuons
- Yung_Beachboy_Kt: Lilah H iPhone is better...
- Some One: You sure?
- Rainbows_Are_Cool__: Kidstryingtotalkpolitics...notgunnahappenwhenyou're10buddy...
- Celina M: Okay Ricky I see you typing over there
- Amaya Salazar: allonewordrgankyouverymuch
- Lena Shawarby: I'm subscribed with the notifications on. If u are not and yet reading this comment, what are u waiting for. Btw tro, if u reply I will like and watch every video of yours
- TheSolarFlare: AllahuAkbar
- Tazz Neptune: 3:23😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Polarsun: mycatdiedbecausemymomhititwithhercar
- Hobo Gaming: idontlikeheshair
- CptCavemanNZL: Found your channel 2 hours ago. You sir are HILARIOUS . THUMBS UP & SUBBED
- Amelia Adamski: lol
- ThatOneWolf 1119: That Snoop Dogg song played in my head after reading this and continued a bit when I saw the lenny face. I also expected it... In my head: "69% fail, huh?" ((La da da da (((don't know this bit of the lyrics...))))) " ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) " ((Snoop Dogg, Snoop Dogg)) Tbh I cringed so much while typing this
- Farzeen Naveed: The second kid shouldn't drink any sugary drinks for.......... ever
- ミナMina: InoxXxtran you had 69 likes now you have 70
- High Is Flyy: Just a underrated YouTube. Got my subscribe
- Jaidaa: i laughed way too hard 😭😂
- Josh R: Hazel Lyric Well that and I don't understand how anyone could vote for someone with the initials: "B.S."
- GreenTj: Monster energy kid sounds like the water boy
- t money_sports: Ithinkyourvidsarefire
- L: Jesus Christ Tro. You're funny as hell but some of your jokes take it a little too far man.
- NotANoob: I watch willne and memeulous but i never haerd of this guy he is hilarious!!! Even better
- Frankly Frank: mynameisjeff
- An average Youtube channel: That kid who whos 10 and cant make a political decision is stupid. Im 10 and im smarter than him. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smarter
- [Awol] Jester: That monster reveiw kid sounds like the Water boy
- CkbGames: Ay obama kinda looks fucked up...but he can save the internet
- Alejandra Gonzalez: That second video killed me instantly
- Row Danilov: my god people live in their own bubble but in these cases their bubble is made of pure virginity holy mother of jesus
- Sp00keth 56782443: "Monstew enewgy dwink"
- Bjiern The German flaagenheimer: I am a rebel.
- Colin Breslin: I❤️YOUTRO!!!!!
- Sunshine: Whyisn'tanyonefollowingthecommentpolicy
- Ron Thomas: Youjustearnedasubscriber
- Yeet G: This is why we don’t let kids vote
- DEATH TO MY ENERMYS: 4:18 i still do...i’m very lonely
- Xonic spice: the fuck is that kid saying
- GRINGO ZOVAC: The only Channel that actualy makes me laugh
- Collin Samuelson: Of course a communists is a generally good guy
- N: I need some of that kushty cloud as well. Only way to keep sane
- The awsome Gamer 1999: Thisshitwasfuckinghilarious
- Glen Surles: I am not easily entertained but your commentary has me rolling and locked in on the subscribe button. P.s. Trump is gay
- Itzyoyr boy87: Hi
- Vbucc 4 succ: Fuckyoutrowhydoyoumakeusdothis
- Ava Stroud: Bro the second kid sounds like the waterboy 😂😂
- I WANNA BE TRACER: 3:10 probably German
- noble neon shadows: It'sKindOfFunnyHowWhenYouDiePeopleSay,"Don'tGoIntoTheLight!"ButWouldn'tItBeDon'tGoIntoTheDarknessBecauseYourEyesAreClosed🤔 WowYouReadThisAndMadeItToTheEnd.Congradulations😄
- louisphilippe1100: Tro im suing you. The amount of cringe gave me cancer.
- Lthl Tiger: 900th like. Tro i made 3 accounts to sub. Keep it up
- Jose Fuentes: Fuckeveryonetheyrelittlebitches
- S Schweb: IwasprettydamnpissedwhenIscrolleddownandsaweveryoneusingspaces.Fuckallyall
- Kathia Martínez.: I got two phones and I don’t sell dude!! 🖕🏼🖕🏼😒😒
- De4deYe_Over7: i did not cringe ok i am fucking amazing in these kind of challenges
- Jacob Looney: GoTrump
- Nate k.: donottypeanyspacesatall
- Tippy Toe: NeutralOrganizationOfBeasts N.O.O.BHowaboutyoulistentoyourenglishteacher...
- TheMannKing: NoOneIsFollowingTheNoSpaceRule...
- Yo it’s ya boy Sean: All his videos are awesome
- Savage Opress: Shut up
- Banana b: Nofuckingspaces
- Weeman: ammoglitch 03 word*
- Olivia Poe: mycathungupthephonethatis
- R-Slash: ImtypingthisonaphonesoautocorrectiskillingmeandIkeepreachjbgforthatspacekeyeventhoughIcant
- The Tsar: thisissofuckingfunny,democratsaresostupid,amirightguys?
- John Vesperman: ICP sucks Donkey Dicks in Hell plus they lick the sweat off of a dead man's balls!!!!
- Jack: C H R I S T I A N H O F F M A N
- AJD /: Lisp
- -TheEvilAsylum-: ImSoFreakingDoneHaHaHaHa.
- x y: 2:51 yung elmer fudd
- Pro_Boss _Slayer: #InfoWars
- Draco: Ifuckthekingripniggaaaaaa
- Allen West: >>> Tappers Arcade Bar – Indianapolis <<< Get drunk , play games for free , and make fun of hypsters ... Good times !
- Tdiz ._.: ThatonekidlookslikeaSpencer#alloneword
- TEXTING STORYS SAD OR HAPPY: I would die of cringe if this video wasn't made 😞
- Seth!: hey im 10 and i have sex jk no i dont i just know everything adults know
- LAZY LEO: thiswassofunnycanuheartthis
- GhabiStudio: #NoSpaces
- cracked nebula: But hey DaTstS wHaT GatERaDe wILl dO ToO yOu
- Sophia: will we ever live in a world where people stop using gay as an insult
- Just-Jacob05: tro i did not think you were a fag to i saw you playing rocket league
- king josh: I_beat_the_system
- Preston the Tachanka Main: The Gatorade did the same thing for me
- kaijitzuStudios: Suckymydickyandcallmericky
- Theresa Cotacan: Oktrowhateveryousay
- JINX that’s me: onewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthationlypayedfifthteenbucksfor
- Habibi Gang: destroymyassdaddy
- Bob Lovepotato: Wellthanksforthisthisishardbutlovethevideoasalways
- Silent _SnAckbAr: Igottwophoneoneonewithabrokenscreenandoneigotfromwalmart
- Alexander the gray fox: I’m cringe DEAL WITH IT
- J Cr Jrjfjrhrhd Nxnxbdhdh: I got
- Harry Buttwhisker: Seriously he's out of breath and he's just sitting!
- I’m literally Bamdit: Bro Noah is dope as fuck
- Marcellus Montgomery: Thisshitwascrazy
- Mr. smalls salt and viniger: Youputspacesinthatsentnce
- Julie Peacock: What do you have a list of?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Anna Anna: *I got two phones,One for my mom and one for Pokemon go*
- Chicken duudee: Itsberryberrycoldandberryberrystrwong
- I'm beginning to feal like a rape god: My uncle loces icp i dont even know why
- The Interesting Nobody: "Dasth wa gadraraidle dodudya."
- xd bnmckinty_96: Whatsthedealguysactuallytho?
- Fishing and Drifting: Dat hat is gay
- 《 Oi My B0I 》: Arcades still exist, they ain't extinct, *YET* :P
- Melissa Castaneda: You clearly haven't seen Brandon Rogers.
- Jeremy T: One of your funniest videos
- JESSE WALTON: Moreliketrynottolaughchallenge
- JASON VORTHEES: Paulo Di Gioia Tro are you a trump supporter
- Owen Page: kid at 2:52 sounds like bobby boucher from the water boy
- Elong Bubbs: Trosaidnospaces,youshellofafuckboy.
- skullmusic dubstep and more: Why
- Laney Lion: Is that kid in the blue room Cartman but without offensiveness?
- El Original: That monster energy kid sounded like bobby Bouchée from the Waterboy 😂
- fdsafja sdfds: Tro hit me up to play some pubg, brycepepesteam is my custom steam id my name is fourbz on steam.
- II DUDEDANK IIV: I also don't like that you made fun of his weight
- Adam B: Lol hilarious. Kid calls Trump gay as a pejorative. Libtard parents were probably very disappointed by the homophobia of their son.
- KyleTheGr8test: Reza Jouhair i feel bad for that grammer
- Lj 27: Ursuchafagjklol
- Carlos Orduna: Aleksandra König fuck out of here
- sister snatched: urmomgaylol
- AJ Pepperday: that my name Adam
- Rachel E Burrill: Guess thats what Gatorade doof to ya
- Deceased: So we're doing this huh? Fuck it I was the 1st sub BITCHEZ
- Caden Niemuth: Dude the fat kid drinking monster energy is named noah
- Toku Gaming: OkSoIDon’tLikeAnyOfYouLosersHaHaNoobs
- Minecraft360: Heyisgaybecausehaveyouseenhishaiwr?
- XxSlayBasexX x_x: "that face you make when you don't know what the fuck is going on, where am I, why did I say I support burnie I'm 10, I don't even know what politics are I just didn't like that sign so I beat the SHIT OUT OF IT, wheres my mommy 6:37
- Angel Collins: Itsberryberrycold
- Doge Bread: idaresomeonetoreadthisandtellmewhatitsaysasareplywithspacesgoodluckeverysingleword
- Dev Tv: ThisIsJustAGreatVideo
- Danielisover9000: *=WALMART
- Telestic Gaming: FuckMyAss
- BB Sandwich: Jade Blackwater icp is like "its everyday bro"
- Logically Incorrect: ChallengeAccepted
- Jaydon Vermillion: S p a c e
- The Real Slim Meseeks: Nerdy Kevin Gates ridin in the hood with that red Gatorade that will get red on your lip but that’s what Gatorade will doof to ya
- bleảched cheese: nospaces
- Rem Haynes: uhavealistofwhatthatwassofunnyoml
- BluStabb x Oozy K: eyeker
- DoYouLikeMyComment?: Youmeanthisishowtobesponsoredbywalmart
- JWS The one: Erik Amacende oh I got more the to now I got like 8 maybe 10
- 8: It's very very cold it's very very hot. I thinks the word that your looking for is warm.cum shot
- codemiesterbeats: I think the second kid I believe also did some smokeless tobacco reviews too... he doesn't look 18. I could be wrong but the internet will confirm or correct me.
- Dark King: Gadarade roof to ya
- frieza: funny how its a infowars mic.
- Gacha Nova: WowTrowhydontyoubeleveinunicorns
- 03Chubs: Helloitsdog 😂😂😂
- The Supreme Hypebeast Playz: How can a 10 year old be so retared
- General Weeaboo: "ThISmyBRuDDAChRIStianHOFman"
- Chance Dougan: Thisisnowmyfavoritechannelitshalarious
- Gold3n Bone: Everysingleoneofyouareretardedhetoldustonotuseanyspacesinthecomments.#notificationsquad
- Rick Janson: Fuckin noahs food review 😂😂😂😂😂
- Dmytro Hodarenko: reallyguysyoufailedthechallange:/
- NELLY B: Arcades are fucking awesome
- TheCrystalLIFE100: Someone finally fuckin' said it. Bitch you're my new best friend, I love South Park.
- LavenderLipss: Seriously without fail I crack up at all of your videos and it's been awhile since I've found a channel like that 😂❤️
- GD Xoklys: lolnospacesgetrekt
- Jacob Martinez: sponsored by Monster
- Just Android: Roasted by infowars
- Metal Militia: completely true
- Unkanian: Man, that specific video kept being recommended to me on every single video I watched.
- dat memestar: DoUf
- Hillary S531: mybrainheeeruurtttsssssssssssssssssssssssssss
- Ayen Bluvol: bumble...
- Can we get 10000 subs with only shitty vids ?: ILikeHentaiCuzItMakesMeHard
- ZZZ: Jungkook has 10 phones
- 420: 3:00 flag says enough
- Danny Phipps: Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of this video.
- Shot Through Karl: You should have a comedy tv show. You're fucking hilarious.
- MrReckt: Hahahahhahaveeveveverwanwanwantedadreamtobecomeawomanwith6buttholes
- Sir Dunnock: 7:03 ahh shit fuckd it up... uh... bye
- weedspeed 420: I like Bernie Sanders for that loud
- Rameshan Sivapalan: DUDE YOUR PRETTY MUCH A GENIUS ..., I was feeling down til I started watching your videos ... thank you
- pandaboi 666: Killmeplease
- Joseph Spahn: he has a list
- Gek Claxton: Lmaoothisfunnyasf
- Unipulse YT: Zewo cawowies
- Dormasheen: no, he see's pee
- NoDon still: Chubbotheresoundedlikeadamsandlerinwaterboyalie
- Cool Kid: GuessWhatBish.ImaUseASpace. S P A C E B I S H
- JUICY KILLER: Whereisthespacetroifyoureadthisyourverylikelytrashwithcocaine
- Viktor Brinek: My_moms spaghett yeah boi
- Random Person: Whythefuckisnoonedoingthe#nospaces
- TheEliteRabbit Gaming: IfOnlyDr.PhilInTheBlankWasHere
- Sarah Lucas: The second kid though XD. This is vewey vewy stwong XD
- Jorge Munoz: That first kid sounds like Mike Tyson!!!!
- Kylie 9041: whythefuckeveryoneusingthegoddamspacebar
- marc butler: Nowuseewhoactualywatchedthevideo
- Dante Flores: Leo's Gaming channel 😂😂
- Professional Weave-Snatcher: berrygood
- Naphat Lpp: *696969696969696969*
- AL LA: Tro, I just finds out that catch me outside girl done a video singing "i got 2 phones"
- follow me on Instagram In description: give me a shout out. I subscribed and reported that kid
- jonnybaze: Icp was voted worst band like 2 decades ago and that's awesome. Especially since their not a band. Whoops
- Petun ia: Gay isn't an insult How many times do I have to say this?
- steven alcorn: Nospaceokillmakenospaceloveyourvidesmakemoreandkeepthegoodvidsgoinggoodjob
- Aero Floyd: yourcommentpoliciesarestupiddude,they'renotfunnyandithinktheyshoulddiealongwithyougayandlosechannelloljkyou'reprettyfunnydude,alsothiscommentmakesmewanttoendmylifelolwhyisitsolong;p;heydudeyitubeishavingaseizureithink,i,uh,imnotreallysure,butitsstretchingoutalotforsomestrangereason,so,yeahlol,idontactuallyknow,i,justkindofthinkyoutubeisstupidsoyeahlolidontknowhahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhaha
- Gdubswalkers X: Lmaowtf
- Maki: Igottalistandtwophonescomeatme-thatonekid
- Max Wallace: first kid sounds like sid from ice age
- Benjamin Thvedt: Trump got a small loan of a million to cover a personal expense account. At the same time he got a 70 million to build the Grand Hyatt skyscraper. His dad co-signed. He left that part out. It was his first project. It was 1978. 70 million in 1978 dollars is over a quarter billion today. Not a bad amount for your first project. Funny how he leaves that part out. It's almost as if he's dishonest about maybe some things. Just maybe. You know, just a few things. But he says what he means, right? Except for decades he was a marketer. See, he ruined his credit and couldn't build big buildings anymore because he couldn't get capital. The ones with his name on them? His job was to sell the space. He didn't own the buildings. Some even paid to take his name off after the deal didn't work out. So aside from living an entire majority of his career when he was actually 90% a marketer but he had everyone thinking he was a billionaire wildly successful skyscraper developer - he's not deceptive at all. His billions today are still mostly due to the couple buildings in Manhattan he bought in the 80's with dad's help. And when it comes to wealth, the major republican donors are 10x richer. Trump is small potatoes to these guys. And when it comes to actual money that can be spent, actual liquid wealth - they might be 100x richer. See a building in Manhattan might come to be worth a lot these days, but it's not exactly money you can spend. He can't leverage it either, because, you know, business credit rating was 15/100. Despite the amazing amounts of money he had for the asking since birth, Trump is a flea to these guys. The guys who really run the party. Look up who they are and how much money they have. They might have merely 10x times the actual valuation, but actual liquid wealth? They're a whole 'nother league than Trump.
- Clips: Specky Snapback ICP kid sounds like fucking Mike Tyson
- Kit Kat Ken k: Hey thats the dude that eats only mayo
- Adam Elk: fuck you with your "adam" comment, none of us are obese you fuck. lmfao
- Haileigh Frady: Bro the first ones my mf brother😂😂😂😂
- Will H 118: The Trump video was fake a la the info wars mic
- Danny Fadavi: Why you make fun of comedians who make fun of self. They ain't seriouso
- • Neptune •: -God left the chat
- JWS The one: Bryson Flippo he really did tho
- Brendan Hawkins: Im pretty sure it was a list for walmart
- D-Rush Dynasty: Igot2phones
- Fanpage Lit305: THE GOAT yup
- Rich YAC: When it comes to starting a business 1 million is generous but not as much as it sounds, when like I️ said, when starting a business
- LJ TheTrashGamer: What proof do you have that hese not gay
- this is a load of barnacles: Dan K who wants miwwacle weep
- Dog Dog: Ireallylikethischannel,iactuallysubbedonthefirstvideoiwatched
- Ruby Rose: ItsBerryBerryStrongAndItsBerryBerryBerryCold
- Pauline Wambui: Sup tro
- DUCKY THE GAMER: Trumpismyhommy
- Braeden webber: Two phones bitch get an iPhone cause I pumping on ring ring ring and notification squad
- Adrianna Simington: "u have a list of what" 😂😭 made my day💀
- Ashley Alanis: All of your are vewy, vewy beautiful💕
- Pastor Rivera: Boulexplainingmonstersoundedlikethewaterboy
- HeadNtheClouds: There should be a law against inbreeding! Oh wait, there is! Maybe he’ll make a suicide video!
- Kailey Ross: TooManyPeopleAreFuckingUpTheNoSpaces me included
- EzzyKai: "It's berry berry strong and berry berry cold"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Senor Fluff Thing: “He’s trying to make everyone their race” no shit. I don’t think that anyone could change your race. Just a little kid that saw other people doing it so thought it was cool.
- Avani Savannah: He should make this a try not to laugh bc with his comments on the vids, its more funny than cringy XD
- AyyBeter: imfinewithouttypingspacestryandtranslatethiswithspacesonefromwalmartIpayed15bucksforwhoknowthemeaningofcornapplesonethree
- Ktstin Baehr: I lost in the first 2 seconds
- Fortnite Intel: I’m a juggalo 😂
- julio: igetalotofsidehoes when's the diss track dropping
- Meg Wieting: Youjustearnedanewsubscriber
- Phonixroar Pheonix: I'm a failure :(
- Ricky Creason: Kidsthesedaysarestrangewtf
- CHALK772: ICP used to be pretty good. Not sure about now. And the two phones things was not the kid trying to rap. Video is lamo.
- xd bnmckinty_96: Steven looks like someone who is slightly obsessed with foosball
- DPress: He doesnt look like a gregory or steven he looks like a fat ass HAHAhaheheKillMe
- Leo Schoenhofen: The 2nd kid is definitely from deep deep deep Louisiana, that's how they talk, also probably has a lisp
- Lynnie Shaw: That’s what Gatorade’ll doof to ya. Omfg I’m dying 😂
- Dino Charvetto: I love u man😂
- Dylan Walker: At least the icp is still better than jake paul
- Colin Gebhardt: Howdidthisgetagerestricted?
- DR Bright: Wait... 3 phones... hmm could he hook me up with the triple L... like that’s the only reason you would have three phones... right?
- ZibeCast: a LIsT
- Piranha X: never clicked off of clash roalye so fast
- Vince Charles: Yourefunny.imnewtothischannelandsubscribing
- SovakianTitan: God that 10 year old......
- Donovan Pacheco: *I GOT TWO PHONES* One with a broken screen and one from walmart that I only paid 50 bucks for...
- Jordyn Lartz: You can't trust Ricky, he sees purplesquirrels 💜🐿 Tpb
- VisionXGod Gaming: Zeewo cawowies
- G654 John: lisp
- G__O__A__T_ MAN: thisisagreatcommentbutsometimesyouhavetolookatyourselfandsaywhytho
- james novaria: your the next leafy XD
- friendly stoner: He's got a list
- kajxo: listofphoneshehas
- Chef Tony: OmgImDying😂😂
- DarkrReke909: trigger so I just started so can give me a introduction and Don't make front of me
- Keith Patterson: Hi_there
- qusai al halabi: I love this video berry much
- Ace is Dead: ImDeadInside
- Tomo: I did it. I finally found the one video of yours that I cannot sit all the way through because the Trump kid is just way too cringey.
- Lil Sleazyxxx: BluStabb lmao
- Shogunn: DON'T MAKE FUN OF NOAH!!!!!
- The Campfire: FaZe B34ST TSG Yetyoustillmanagedtoscrewthatup
- Headshot 3500: Fuckmylife
- I want to die: Whatthefuckdoeshemeennospaces?
- Anti-Ningen: trumpisgaybecausehishaircutsuckslmfaoimdone
- Michael Patterson: Whyareyousogay
- Jr Lisk: ilovenotusingspacesitmakesmehardasabolderANDCANIBEINAVIDEO???
- Cheryl Felton: Lolbestspeecheverbya10yearsold
- Gesumbi: welliwanttofuckindienow
- Atomic Sausage: I got a list too on cringe compilations
- A7XRYAN _6̷6̷6̷: zewo cowilwys - Oh Yeah
- Coldwelth Simms: damnididntseethatnospacethinguntilialreadyleft2comments
- *_-.Shallow And Scared.-_*: #NoSpaces-NotificationSquad
- unknown: dooft
- ReFt Jay: allulittleniggasbedrinkingapplejuice
- Jc JA: 😂😂😂 This dude is mad funny.
- Victoria Garza: (Ricky behind his keyboard) wtf tro, why u gotta come at me Jaja
- Yolo vandike: you are hilarious
- Syndicate Husky: It's Noah's Fewd revuews
- AGirlWithEternalThoughts: *A D A M*
- handy andy: Idontliketrumpbutthatisafaggot
- Omar Lopez: The first kid probally got his hair line from walmart
- Dark Horse: He sounds like Elmer Fudd from bugs bunny
- Ty Adams: yo icp is pretty dope
- Batknight 201: i have a guy at my school who acts like that first idiot in the red tank top. He's a total redneck, a dumbass, and just over all cringy. When he tries to hit on a girl he uses the WORST pickup lines. He actually thinks that me, as a gay guy, will hit on him XD. He's an asshole to every girl that doesn't get with him, and he tries to act 'gangsta', pulling out his money every time a girl he wants to bang comes around while flashing his "fancy" phone (it's an lg lite).
- Everything productions: I don’t Get jokes no :(
- Larry Foulke: 5:01 Oh, you play Call of Duty, I see...
- INFINITE DOOM: ILostBrainCellsImGunnaCumidtSuicideNow✌️
- Isaiah Evans: Whatthefuckdidijustwatch?
- Key Influences: Thisshitismadeasywhoneedsspaceswhenuhavealongdick
- Big Daddy Dalton: How can your parents let you get so big like the guy in the second video like surely that’s fucking child neglect or some shit
- Toebey Kid: I really quit at the first kid....
- smileyShiiZniTZ: in business terms a loan of a million dollars is really small
- DINE: Fucktrumptrumpisgayasfuck
- Nou Herr: Late squad
- wayne wilson: thereareonly2genders
- aaron joshua: He said list
- Brian: Lena Shawarby JAJAJAJA
- Devil's Reaper Gaming: #endcringe
- TEXTING STORYS SAD OR HAPPY: Imsoboredwithouttro#videogoals
- Anna Monroe: Lickthetopofmynutsnospacesareyouhappy
- Hamz: The monster energy kid is Noah’s food review
- Na8o.: Noahz feyewd revieuw
- fartsnstuf: +Danny Casanova was either of your retarded posts even remotely english, i'm pretty sure you're underage and breaking Youtube rules
- Reese Jones: TodayIsTheDayITryDoingHomework
- Jessusa Valdez: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Alucard: Aye Kevin Gates about to get out bro!
- Luscious New Zealand Accent: That's what Gatorade doof to you
- Kevlar Moneyclips: Most of the cringes in this video are from the narrator
- Dylan Hayes: love ICP lmao
- Pony Tart: EllaTheGamingUnicorn /EllaTGU b
- BrattyMatty54: *NOTROZONE*
- JWS The one: Leila Crosby - Lovato I got like 10 now
- Ken Blankenship: *Beginning of video to **3:18* DO ANY OF U KNOW HOW TO SPEAK!?!?!?
- Jim Gohner: eatmyass
- Leena Prasad: This is how to be sponsered by Walmart
- Jaden Daley: #wouldyourstherhaveagirlfriendorhaveyourfamily
- LiftedLegend: cameron graham 07 you numnut you just gave it away for idiots to see and act like they can read it without any help
- Jeza: finmnnsfuvkthstbnidh
- mr cassidus: wtf irl i know a kid named christian hoffman. Holy shit
- Alex Rotaru: who made the statistics?
- Ant 215267: thxtroilostbraincellsim100%moreretarded
- Muu Muu: Trowillyoucomebacktomepleasewhydidyouleavefor6monthsthatstoolonghelpmeoutmanwheredidyougo?
- bruceuniverse1: LOL
- just me: I don’t really like trump, but I think I like trump more than that kid
- Gotta Blast: Bernie is a socialist.
- Killer E: It’s he doesn’t know what politics IS not ARE... jeez get your grammar straight 😂
- katz gamer: HesaidtoNOTdospaces.peopletoday
- Leo PTX: VjvipcfixkgxjdKgdgcjvkvmvmfdufjvkvkvmfjfjtmv
- Joshua Perez: this dude reminds me of rick from rick and morty
- Football Is Life: x XxTRYHARDxX hesaidnospaceswhatisyourproblemdude
- I am Your fan: This guy is funny as hell! Like if you agree!!
- M. Katze: iDon'tLikeNotUsingSpacesThanks.
- Stefan Tseng: thattenyearoldissmarterthanmostliberals
- Cody Jones: the first one is why he cant say nigga im white and i just revoked his nigga pass
- Short Polar: A and A -alivia no3plus4issevensoithastobe107
- Alec meno: Donald Trump wears a toupee on the top of his head somebody pulled it off when he was in a conference ones
- I Am Dog: WowGreatVideoAmITheOnlyOneWhoIsThisSad?Ok...
- Fake Name: Someuhqualitycringe
- Smoke Dogg: Ressey cups is that fat kid.. Rip to the young legend.. Rest in peath Sweet pwince
- Knightmare: Itsveryverystrongandveryverycoldbutoverallitsprettygood
- Jennah Castro: when I was 8 I was gay
- rirning: 2:20 "i'm Headwig, i have red socks"
- Kasey Hopwood: ICP is a great group. 1 like = 1 new Juggalo or Juggalette
- Clout Gang: That scared me so much when you said I see you Ricky typing that comment bc my names ricky n I was posting a comment😂😂😂
- Masinyourface: Aleksandra König shut the fuck up
- Inu Palu: doof
- NolemVibes // \\ N_Vibes: "roll your ass over to the arcade"😂😂😂
- LTX Wolfsane: Trohascancerandisprobablyanerexic
- isaac sparkman: my dad love's icp haha. another funny video fucking great
- Hunter Kennedy: And that's why 10 year olds can't vote. Idc what side ur on kid, just keep judging the president's on there hair cuts and you will make it in life😂
- Logan Allred Does everything: *info wars is the best!!!*
- Da Zayniac: Are you a trump supporter? 😨 disgusting
- Jaimee Watson: Second dude reminds me of Adam sandler
- Haileigh Frady: Adrianna Simington that is my brother😂😂frfr no lie
- noseok: the kid meant he had a lisp edit: oh my god god im ricky im sobbing
- Fandom Idk :3: Ilikemyfacebecauseimabananabruh!!!!
- Chronic Math: sounds a lot like the first dude we watched
- bossbro919191: Iwillnotuseanyspaces
- maple henry: yeathere'soneinlangleycanadabc
- Boi I'm so hungry: Goodvideo
- Dustin Stacks: Is this the first time you havent had to like your own comment to get a like?
- EduardoRattPack: Eletro lights
- Doctor: The kid talking about Trump looks like Zach efron
- Leandro Dos Santos: Hesaidnospacesbutpeoplestillputspacesbetweenthecomments
- David Flores: thisisallonewordididntputanyspaces mostpeoplearen’treadingthisnomoreanywaysthxforreadingit
- Fluffy Panda0124: the wookie how do you think george washington got in? Have you seen them curls?
- The lucky Panda: Boi if you don't get yo water boy talking ass outta here drinking monster instead of h2220 having ass
- Kyng Patt: Bruh my mans a juggalo
- Chill Tv: 0 cal
- ThePuneShlanker: Christ, is that fat kids dad Farmer Fran from waterboy?
- Jack Schulz: okdaddytroicandothat
- Aditya Chatterjee: Tro where you at amigo? Did someone kill you or something?
- guest 360: WTF my name is adam and i dont look like that guy
- the cripplingly Depressed sociopath: DonaldTrumpisagayloserandhasnolife.
- Kara Weaver: Mydaddyleftme
- Jack Mud: Almosteverycommentdidntleavenospaces
- EPICslime180: ItsVewwyVewwyStwongAndVewwyVewwyCowd!
- Aisha Shaikh: Omg your videos r so ducking funny, I can’t stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
- ROPERT: hitropleasereply
- My penis is unbelievably small, but: 5likesandillshootupmyschool
- Pickle Weed: Suckmyeyeballs
- I T: Lolsoogood.....whoowhaaat?
- TylerPlayzGamez: 859$ still montized 😂
- Scotty Byrd: Triggered Tro I got you on loud lol
- Desiree Riepma: I had to listen to icp every day of my childhood because my dad loves them. I am now terrified of clowns.
- Milk mr2: heisjustaloserwhoisgay
- Dakokoz: cuzhesgay
- The Oof That Could: Daddy'shome!dad!You'rebackafterallthoseyearsofabandonement!
- ella bella: ImLaughingSoHardRnSos
- tiffcat77: Hahahaha got that loud, my lips red I got two phones...
- Redzo Pasic: SpacesHaIUsedASpaceWhatYaGonnaDo
- Julie Sanders: Jesus,that'salotofcringe!Fuckin'hilariousvidsoverall,Tro.Thanksforallthelaughs.Subscribed.
- AtomicSquid67: I'vegottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonethationlupaidfiftydollarsfor
- Kayla Anne: Thisissofunnylolimsolatefml
- 826WWEFAN: That moron in the Batman hat made me cringe. I lose
- JWS The one: Unforgiven Soul because I'm him and I was actually 16 going on 17 now I'm 18 I talked about stuff that did happen
- Killerslimes13104 !: thisismybrotherchristanhoffman
- Jack Laws: I wonder if his mom actually doesn’t support trump
- EZ Duzit: looks like waterboy put down the h2o and picked up some monster
- Twinteam4life Berrouet: Thatsprettycool
- BabyInc Jamz: OkIsThisGoodForYuLol
- Joseph Orebela: Igotthegatoradefromwalmart
- Matthew Paulozza: YouAreSoooooooFuckingFunny
- GhostTrainGaming: zewocawoweez
- Turqy: My names Adam :(
- Nadir Lebza: When ppl hate trump but don’t have a real reason except for someone older not liking them
- Erfam: The Urgh Man: sorry I stand corrected lol
- Marcus Reid: Nospaceyeah
- jasminee finch: whaaat ? shut up and go home kid
- Andrew Ritz: WhydoIneedspaces?
- Reagan Reacts: Howcanyouhatesoneoneforthereappreance
- Banana Bandit: Mismewiththatgayhaircut
- NebularCrystal: dammed I thought u.s kids were smart
- Soft Scrotum69: B E T
- that one guy: I got two phones one for mom and one for my dad
- matthew mitchell: All these videos make me wanna smoke a blunt with you.
- Logan Allred Does everything: Alex Jones channel
- ferdo Vicenteno: i really have two phones lol, one for the calls and one for the apps
- The Future President: 4:30 but if he plays PAC man he'll just put on more weight eating those ghosts 😂
- i am bored: When I read that the boy said that
- Tristan Rogers: #TroForPresident2020
- Vifd: That kid was breathing like a dog after one sip
- Rhy hood: M O N S T E R Z E R O E N E R G Y
- Nevaeh Anderson: ApparentlyBernieSandersIsAFemale
- Belieber217: Love the videos! But i mean these are kids.....u really shouldnt be making fun of children....
- Peachille: fuckingnormies
- blewyd: Urmumgey
- Alien Leah: Doof
- Wayne Runyon: #AllOneWord
- LegendaryScar 14: I got 2 phones one for the vlog and one for the load Kid: i got 2 phone ONE WITH A BROKEN SCREEN AND ONE FROM WALMART THAT I ONLY PAID 50$ FOR
- Crayons AreCool: 5:05 I didn’t know that gays can be homophobic thanks kid
- Denis Xan: Ihatedonaldtrumpbecausehesgay
- Mystogan: Igottwophones
- yscar reviews: Why does triggered tro sound like he wears glasses
- Cloud: That Monster drink kid is definitely a Cleetus with his camo dresser
- Kallie Estrada: ‘’List”
- Large Shetty: What’s her name? BERNIE
- SuperOnionmaster: STOP HATING ON THE FAT KID. Sorry all caps from your other vid comment...
- SideStopKenny | SSK: HoYeahFuckMeDaddy
- NEVERBEG4MERCY X: I was about to shot my self 😂🔫
- R'V'N: infinit everything 0 calories energy drink? My brain hurts now.
- xd Harmsen: Heisjustaloserthatisgayandhasnolife
- Mary-Grace Novo: 3:15 Fat boi drinking monster drinks. His size is a monster.
- Lucid Anecdote: somepeopledon'treadthefuckingrulesandthosepeoplearedipshits
- Caylee Carr: "you have a list of what?"
- Tyler McIntosh: ICP was left in the 90's like I listen to their joke songs that are funny as fuck. But jugs are pussy wannabes
- Internal: WhatsgoingonTroIhaveWatchedallofyourvideosandIlovethemsomuch
- Wkdhrgwiyagcgjne: yOu cAn't tEll mE wHat tO dO!
- SUPREME_ GON: G__O__A__T_ MAN wtfareyoutalkingaboutit?
- Geralyn Z: “What the hell adam”😂💀
- Randy Marsh: Noahs foowd rafiew
- Unlawful PinheadShrek: Ilostmyfuckingbrainbecauseijustdidyouprobalyamhavingahardtimereadingthisbutidontgiveashit
- Marc GAGNE: Bernie sucks get your facts straight kid you're a disappointment to everyone favor and live under a shell for the rest of your life that make the whole world Happy
- Marilyn-Day Curry: Skrrtyrgrrshdthkutfhdfhdsrdfgdhcujufurthrdeffghhyhyiooiursfsraedqerw That's all I have to say
- TacoGamer: "What the hell adam"😂
- Mortality: What are spaces?
- Keegan Nelson: Dude the way you sad drugs made you sound like bubbles
- Jesse INGRAM: Spacesohfuckialreadyscrewedup
- Tropical Gamer: Gregory is my dads name.😟😟
- Donovan Bond: lmafomoreplease!
- TH3 N4ME: the only arcade I have been to is Round 1
- -: "Zewo cawwowees!"
- Melvin Amina: *WHAT THE HELL ADAM!!!*
- Tide Pods: I lost too many brain cells thank you
- Dead Pool: Thisshouldbeatrynottolaugh Troisfunnyaf😂😂😂💀
- Jade Coleman: Jade Blackwater You ruin my name lol
- Kizzo TheJester: Heseemslikeacoolguy
- MEP_ Fb: Sorryilikecheese
- Black Ice: 3:54 ehhh looks more like a Thomas to me
- um kalthom mousalam: Alloneword
- Memed xD: I died when you said "and you're really going to act like this was your first time drinking it?"
- ocBTyga: isuccdicc
- wolfblade: noonefollowedtherolesofthisthi:(
- Isa Warrior: I love you. You make my day..I seriously wish I knew you personally. Lmao
- bondyczep: PoorTroNoOneIsListeningToHisNoSpaceRule
- flesh weaver: I love icp
- Casey Pennington: Bernie Sanders = Girl
- lowkey loki: kachiggamanigga,icantusespacesfuckyouyoustupidassbitch
- Unkanian: I w i l l u s e a s m a n y s p a c e s a s I w a n t . F u c k y o u r s t u p i d r u l e s
- Emanuel Halilovic: AndwatchoutforarollingAdamatthearcade
- Dude Cool: Galagun
- Jared Odum: ThatswhatgatoradewillDOOFtotou
- Matthew Gillis: 69% fail hmmmmmmmmmmmm
- JT Rayborn: Trump has a wife.
- Reice N: Jesus Adam, move it around
- Bat Man: Man the kid with the Monster he just sounded like Elmer Fudd.
- Brodie Moores: pills berry troboy
- Watcher of YouTube: Excuse me.
- Miheer Poradiya: you're so underrated, great videos all the time, superb... I would have subscribed twice if I could
- Firstname lastname: Letsallvotefortrumpin2020
- Lone Trigger: IHAVEALIPST
- Frosty: Really Tro? I was gonna comment about the 2 monsters on the dresser as I was typing you had to point that out.
- JACKSON ZFG: A kid with a batman snapback tries to say a billionaire with a hot ass wife is gay and has no life.. and tries to roast his haircut? Nigga do you see yourself step your dumbass over to a mirror lol
- Task Force: TobadTrowouldn’tbeeligibletorunforthe2020electionsinceifyoufollowhimyouwouldknowhe22thisyearandyoumustbeatleast34torunforpresident
- Spartan Rage: Whenpeopletypetheircommentswithusingspaces
- Aishwarya Yaddanapudi: That’s what gaterad will duuf to u 😂😂
- sir duck: 4:00 is it a chad
- Galaxy: itsberryberrystrongandberryberryberrycoldandhas0caloweez
- kitty cat: iJustCRINGEDUGH!!ILOST(at thebeginning)LOLOLOLOLHaveAShittyDayTroYouAlsoPersonScrollingThroughTheComments(ThereChallengeCompleteTro)HaveAShittyDaySenpai
- Michael Grimes: Onfromwalmartthationkypayed15bucksfor
- m7md Alfailchawi: *zewo cawories*
- Tharren Ross: Givemeshoutout
- HyperAce: Ilovehowmanypeopledidintevenfollowthecommentpolicy
- Checkers Shoe: Bestfuckingchannel
- Why Tho: Low-key actually likes icp
- iOrange Spades: 3:00 that kid who always steals his mums credit card probably soaking in fuckin 8000 calories a day shit dude
- itsnotshabz x: Super underrated hahahahaha I love this channel. Hope some day you're hosting the grammys or some shit that'd be hilarious
- Unidenified 36: my name is adam lol
- Stivy Leavy: Heythisisanexamplefornospaces
- Sticky Juice: Squidward Tentacles god Ricky he said not to
- nintendophobia: Ithinkhesacoolguywhyohwaitim10wtfamidoinge
- BigMoneyHustler: triggered tro, go fuck yourself. im done watching your shit videos
- Stop motion Shop: Fat kid is a tweety bird sounding ass he nee to run a marathon if he can get past the first 2 feet.
- Jaiden Fernandez: Good job dude you have come a long
- Toni Pavon: Alloneworddaddy
- Weaboo lol: Troareyoucool
- Evan Woodward: Okgoodchallenge
- Braeden Mick: They still have arcades
- MW29: 03:15 '' Zewo Kawowize '' but hes overall 1mill calories per SQ lol
- Silver: Where the fuck is tro???
- Jonathan Acree: Trumpislove.Trumpislife.
- GTA 5 gamer 9100: But that fat boy thooo
- SevenBidoofs: I hate these little kids that don't know anything about politics but act like trump is so bad...
- Amalgamation: ireallydontliketheonekidwhosmashedthetrumpsign,in8yearshesgoingtobeabletovoteandthatsscary
- Candy Cotton: Iloveyourvideos
- Brologs: I am not doing a lab rat study, but let me philosophize this for you: I do not like how the president is acting. He is acting this way. I will act the same way except in a large stock of herds that disagree for the same or similar reasons with the same attitude. (Google mob theory or herd theory). I will now disagree just like the president is acting because I am a monkey seeing monkey do. (Google Hundredth Monkey Effect). #ididnotsaywhetherornotiamproTrump
- Layla Hicks: The second kids sounds like Adam Sandler in The Waterboy
- Kremit the frog: I'm surprised I don't loose my Brian sells no mow
- John Timothy Unson: Holyhellthattenyearoldknowswhathe'ssayingthathedoesn'tevenunderstandasinglewordcomingfromhismouth.
- Ever Weaver: That last kid would have been better off saying because I hate orange skinned ppl #sprayOnTan
- Coffee: Gonna have to give you that fat L for supporting trump tro. I understand we all have opinions but i truly don’t care, just hold the L tro i’m truly sorry.
- Destruction Gaming: trumpgar
- Exotic Avatar: fuckmerightinmywetpussy
- Killerslimes13104 !: onewithabrokenscreenoneiboughtatwalmartfor50bucks
- mrdanthemanboi9: Is the second kid a young water boy?
- Robert Anchovi: Hidily Ho Gadarino
- yangthekidd: FUCK dude i just grabbed a fucking monster zero ultra before i watched the video and now i get to see that fat kid review it and the coincidence hurts
- Blide: Dude I’m dying ur funny af 😂😂
- Weird Hoe: Welpshiat
- Chin Chin: WhatHappenedToNoSpaces?
- Sayori: AgeRetricted?WhatFuckingBullshit
- BenPlayzGamez _: Ionlygottwophones
- Ken Rivera: Whyamiseeingspaces?
- QMGBibby-: This should b a try not to laugh cuz I died 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- DemonWind Shuriken: you're the new leafyishere
- Game of Life: 1:14 I have 4 Samsung iPhone 5c iPhone 5s iPhone 5 :p
- handy andy: *DOOF* * intensifies *
- Charlotte Rosestu: Oh God I lost
- EzzyKai: Anyspacesatall
- Alexandra the Great: Oh my God I am dying at the "I have a list" bit I had to pause it part way through to chill out then continue watching 😂🤣
- Bob Bob: Thefatkidsnameisnoah
- AwesomeGamer528: WhatHappenedToNoSpaces
- PalmaKotStube :D: Ivan Soto respecc Kek you normie RÆÆÆ
- Billy Triantafillou: Lol it's info wars
- Wild Doggo: Whats the point of the list gag if you knew he said lisp
- Raymond Whiting: Not surprised to see info wars trying to humiliate a 10 year old.
- Ben: After seeing that fat kid drink monster I’m never touching one again
- Diego Montoya: FuckIHateNotPuttingSpacesBetwwenWords
- Jeremy Mutch: noahs food reveiw
- Leaf Shinobi: "He is gay and he's a loser,his hairline is wack, he looks likes Constapated, he has a weave, pace I'm out let go pops".
- Xayzen: Quitethediscoveryyoungman!
- Brayden Ogdon: The kid with the monster sounded like tyebwaterboy
- Kristina Symons: I'm so embarrassed because I am listening to this in uber on the way to work and I literally busted out laughing
- Gwen Spadoni: The trump kid goes to my school and I now him
- Mein Fürry ϟϟ: Itz Glove Yeah, you're right. I once asked one of my friends about trump and why she hates him "he's a Cheeto! I swear! Hillary is better oh my god." It was literally fucking retarded, keep in mind she hates her mom and is a big fucking hypocrite over everything, her mom is so nice to her and she's a cunt to her.
- Da ULTIMATE SAVAGE Dab: Make more of these!
- Wrathful One: Fucking Gatorade
- fuccingdye: Lol everybody had a speech impediment
- Jomar Anglero: Check out chill tro
- FrankoPopular -: Igottwophones...One'sforwork(actuallegitimatework)andone'spersonal.Fuckinghategettingphonecallsfrompeopleallthedamntimeaskingdumbassquestionslike"when'slunch?"and"IneedtogotothehospitalbecauseIlostafinger".fuckinghatethat.
- Logan Harris: The first video is what 6 generations of inbreeding will dooth to ya.
- Ayen Bluvol: troifyoureadthismessageyouputthislongasscommentonyourselfnoawnserthisifyoucanwhatisthirteenplusninetyfourandrememberyouhavetoawnserwithnospaces
- Bricco: Adam got more energy for sitting
- Encursed: thereisaspaceattheendofthiscomment
- MR SMALL MC SMALL: Dof for president e
- chikingaming-roblox: Thatguyshouldhavedonewhatallthoseahottysjwreporterdoandsaysoyoudontsupportgays
- Irr 4levant: Igottagothatkidwasgay
- Quin Lowder: I love watching your vids tro. But ICP is lit asf
- LJgaming&entertainment: He's an Adam because he sounds like Adam Sandler in the waterboy
- Cookie: heydudeijustwantedtosaythatireallylikeyourcontentijustfoundoutabouturchannelandiloveitdudekeepitup!
- Wire Mother: I know a guy who's very similar to the Monster kid... And his name is Greg.
- Bethany Kuykendall: Onewithabrokenscreenandoneionlypaid50dollarsfor
- slowe: *fucking ADAM*
- Carlos colon: Wow little jimmy
- Ma jestic: Okayfineiwillusethespaceofnosbecauseyoutoldmetowegood?wegood,gotitnowgo
- some guy: Tro is bare funny
- PhsycoBird Vlogz: That last kids age is ten which is a bigger number than the amount of brain cells trump has
- Jamison Parsons: I have 2 phones. But unrelated to the song
- Adam Guy: Wtf man, stop calling me out, you fucking know I like arcades😠. I'm not fucking fat, I'm berry berry skinny on the inside
- Kitty05: noonesfollowingtherules
- ash: Ineedalifebutthiswasentertainingsothinkyou
- FIJI Water: Water is good Fiji water
- Aero Floyd: i think he ment lisp not list
- Gayerthenyourmumver2: Youforgotnottousespaces
- KEKOᒪIGY { NAKU }: 😂😂😂😂😂💀
- Jnall: He said "lisp"
- Ani Knight: Youknowihatemylifeitshorriblebutmyfriendssayitisntandineedhelpidotrulyandgospammyfriendsinstagramaccountitsicy_wh0.justmessagehimsayingthatyoulikwhisfaceorsomethingandmakehimconfused.
- NECRO 666: Dude ur an idiot yes people have more than two phones.what u like 12 teen?grow up and learn kiddo!
- salma aljazairi: Maybe trump can use that small loan of a million dollars to fix his hair.
- nomad with a camera: Don't snort gravy granules, they give you massive bogeys.
- Tomn8r 555: Nospaceschallenge
- Blue Doo 2: Body shamed
- shadowhead masked bandit: a list? hahaha
- Rosalio Jacobo: Troyourevidsarefirebro
- xd Shad3d: “Because he is a loser that is gay, and has no life” amazing, he hates trump because he is a loser(multi-millionaire) is gay(with a wife) and has no life (because of his haircut). Great man
- Isaiah Mickelson: "A list of what." Stg I'm fucking rolling.
- Imagine Baggins: the HARD T
- Nuunu Markus: iloveyourhumortrigeredtro
- Kobi Elizabeth: The Second one sounds like Elmer J. Fudd 😂
- Rylie Thompson: Seeidontknowyallwantedonewordbutifyouwantityougotit. Onceuponatimetherewasaprincetuatstartedarandomyoutubechannel. Henowhasalotofsubsandisreallyfunny. Itshardtryingnospaces. Wellthat’sit.
- slim shady: U iz cumnt
- Zachary Zimmerman: iapplaudyouramazingabilitytoreadcommentsthatevenicannotcompletelyreadsogoodjobattranslatingmymessagetotheworld.
- HEARTDVMVGE: who cares
- Ruin Zinko: Roastingthesepeoplesohard
- Itachi Reaper: 0 calories what wery wery good
- thistubeisfucked: That second kid grows up to be old Steve Holt... STEVE HOLT!
- Camryn Casey: Howdoyouusespace
- Aaron COELHO-IRANI: I got two phones
- Hollie Tusin: Your vids are hilarious!!
- TheBoy Brendan: RespectTrosCommentPolicy
- maddox 42: Heyguyswhatisupmydudes
- jasminee finch: duft to u
- CynicalArt: yofamihadarealgooddaytodayblastedsomeofthatgoodkushmannnngotmehighasfuckliketheniceshittt
- MattMonk: What is this I'm experiencing.... laughter? On Youtube?
- Chiefmiester: I laughed my ass off
- Burning Toast: I ' L L U S E A S M A N Y S P A C E S A S I W A N T !
- YamiAlex224: The kid is letting us roast him Dude 2 phones means drugs Who care what you wear If your parents don't care then why you in their house Who cares what you got from Walmart. I got Walmart phones that broke or messed up. No one cares about your glasses or shorts Get a speech therapist damn
- CaptAssassin: Baby Huey likes the Monster!
- Lionel gg: tro 1v1 me rocket league
- Jayden Thomas: Triggeredtroyouarecoolfunnyandsuperrelateable
- Vizzer Music: Oksoisawamanyesterdaythatwassogaythateventrumpdontknowyaaaaaaaaaaaaay
- dev m: I lost
- Negro FX: why the second kid sound like Jr from the movie Waterboy xDDDDDD
- Matthew Williams: DudeIfHalfOfTheDamnYoutubeKnewAboutYou, YouWouldGetSoMuchLove BTW following u on twitter and YouTube 👍
- Jennah Castro: I got two phones, one when I'm thug and one when I'm hoe, I got two phones, one for the bitches and one for the goat, I got two phones, got one for the gatorade, got one for the cause of aids, and a DS from when I was 8
- ShieldPotion: TriggeredTroAmITheOnlyOneThatListenedAtTheEndOfTheVideo!!?!?!?!?
- Evil_ Vibes: Igot2phones1withabrokenscreenandanother1 fromwalmartthatipaid50bucksfor
- Maxine Rees: *Fuckin’ magnets man!! How do they work???*
- Luis Nuñez: Hahahahahah weed😂😂😂😂
- William Faix: #1010010010100010010101010100110101010000
- MysticMist394: i have three phones but i dont sell drugs
- LEGENDARY: Iamtheonethatwillgetahickyonmywhatthefuckamitalkingaboutgodomlikethatkidattheendjusttalkingshitandenduplookingstupidassfuckwellfuckmylife😑🔫
- a person: #whatthefuckadam
- Junbug Gaming87: The fat kid sounds like the water boy
- H. Summers: pretty sure that's not how the song goes hahahahahahahaha
- Aden Current: Wow this channel is dead
- Mt. Zod: Dude, funniest channel I've found in forever man
- bri: Berry Berry Hot and Berry Berry Cold
- CPU Virtualization: This is a try not to laugh challenge
- Declan Stokes: 2phones1fromwalmartipayed50dollarsfor
- Satire Zeby: oml everyone watch my channel, I'M THE CRINGEST KID ON THE INTERNET!
- Gabriel Monteiro: CananyonetellmewtfhappenedtoTro?Hedoesn'tpostanymore
- Bit Face: Pleaseputthebulletinmyfuckingbrain
- Carla Mongelli: hoyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- victoria: I think the kid with the monster is the child of the guy from that one office movie😂😂😂😂
- dorito lord: Tro you the best man I know you don't give a fuck and neither do I but it's got to be said You bring joy to people
- Stav Miguel: I feel bad for your mother
- lIBeastIl: Idon’tlistentotherules
- OhLonely: I s h a l l u s e a s m a n y s p a c e s a s i f u c k i n g w a n t
- Michael Hambach: thisvideowasprettyshit
- VoidX: Lmao that second kid is how other countries view Americans
- Marcus Reid: Ifeelyoumanifeelyou
- Katy Lepetsos: The first dude is a scrawny white boy
- Fanpage Lit305: Kevin Jones my name is Alex
- sceptic keeper: Took a Look in 4 sceond
- Warrior7115: I guess that’s what cringe will *dof to ya*
- Candace Potato: Okay if the kid says trump is gay because of his hair cut then umm most the people I know are gay ...
- murica 45acp: Nvm
- Nate Creech: he said lisp bro not list 😕
- Evan Kinker: zzzzeeeewwwwoooo cawlories
- Mike Parker: I aM tEn
- Big Boi: notificationsquad
- Lilly OConnor: IGottwophonesonewithAcrakedscreenandoneigotfromwallmartforfiftybucks
- SnaxTheGreat: Isaac White fuck no
- murica 45acp: nononononononononononononononothisguylookslikeaisaac
- Scoop Johnson: He died from the dehydration.....
- Lil God: I got a friend who’s dark skinned as fuck and his name is Gregory 😂😂
- Sharkson77: My names adam
- Dominus Satthanas: U need some dank shrooms?
- Katy Lepetsos: Even though the dude is Fucking scrawny
- Maddysin Leigh: My dad’s coworker had two phones, one for each girlfriend...
- Frenchfries Freddy: #FUCKSPACES!!!!
- sohaib 100: space
- Isaac White: Mr. Meeseeks, can you help me take 2 strokes off my golf swing?
- ketboard012: whats with picking on the kids weight? :/
- PowerBreak: Mypainhurts??wtfareyoutalkingabout
- William The Conqueror: THESEfuckingKIDS!!!FUCKtrumpBECAUSEmyTEACHERsaidSO!!USAisSOscrewed!!!
- Anthony Rotheram: Noahs food reviews vewry vewry strwong verwy verwy cold
- Sindy Mejia: Ilovethisdude
- Aye Its Char: Lol
- Youtuber Feed: Love you mate!!!! react to my cringy videos pls
- AssasinArsenal47: Trump 2020! ma black ass niggas
- LV. 35 Boss: Press satain in my sick to pay respects
- TylerPlayzGamez: Oops for got to put? ????lmao
- Trevor Dustin: Helpicannotfindthespacebar
- Basic Basics: The cringe is as bad as my profile picture
- Maddie Mae: My uncle got ICPs logo tattooed on his arm
- weird person: I lost. u made me laugh 😂😂😂
- Offroad Gaming: Who let that last kid off his leash?
- FakeHoeSimmer: Imeanfucktrump,butithinkthatkiddidntknowwherehewasc:
- inactive: man if I ever saw those dumbass democrats kids on the street I'd kick their ass
- Myriah Vanderbeek: Make more like theses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ooger booger: wanna be leafy
- geeky sonic: Newfavyoutuber
- MattShaws: whyisn'tanyonedoingwhathesaidintheend? uknowtheonelongword...
- CLsT StR1k3: Is no one aware that the monster kid sounded like the water boy😂😂😂😂😂
- Millies Cattailes: OMGisallicansay
- Polarbear Frost: OwO What's This?
- Erfam: The Urgh Man: Yo!!!!! Tro!!!!! He said lisp not lis,t it only sounded like that becose of his lisp p.s.Ily
- Jordan Polley: Favourite channel
- Laquita Wright: missmewiththatgunaaronburr
- Raccowon: Please stop using gay as a term to describe Trump, we don't want him correlated with us thanks
- avducja: Damontae smith my next point this is why you dont smoke 🚬 crack
- Nøva -.: Ihatetrumpbchesthemostracistmaniknow
- grethel grethel: Only one minute into the video and im fucking done💀
- KAN SAS: Ight that kid is ed but trump is trash af
- Kiana: Uber Excel he knows its called a joke
- PabloPeekaboo: I know he said lisP not lisT so don’t waste your comments Starts putting down phone
- FrameGame: What was the challenge?
- AP Fitness: he look like a Gunther lmaooo
- Fanpage Lit305: Jim Callssy hi?
- Cosmic Studios: Fuck your policy
- Grace Caroline: I long to be as educated as that child one day
- Penguin Gaming: Whydidyallnotdonospaces
- Erik Amacende: He got 2 phones but i got 5
- love forever: 0:39 a got 2 phones XD😂😂😂😂im dying
- Dr.Awesome FTW: Iliketurtles
- 1 Hour Loops And NBA Mixes: Don't you hate it when you can only use one comment and you have two ideas?
- Lol Lol: Fuck you
- Pan Psyren: youshouldputthecommentthingyatthestartofthevideosoweknowbeforehand...idontknowabouteveryoneelsebutihavesomethingtoaddduringthefirstfewsecondsofthevideo...sometimes...ithink
- Leaf Shinobi: Fat jokes, trump is gay wow he is saying his hairline is wack and you know that is wig.
- The Exiled Wolf: second kid sounded like he was being chased by Sylvester 😂 get your TWEETY BIRD ASS OFF THE INTERNET
- Erik Vernarský: why is ICP that bad for you all? I really like Hokus Pokus and Halls of Illusions :D
- Nathann Williams: Trodidyoutearupdatass
- memes are dead but im not: Rulesareok
- Aaron Weldon: .
- slayer20 _: whathappenedtonospacesguys?commentafterwardstoknow
- Payton Wolverton: HiTro!ILoveYourVideos.I'mKindaANewSub..SinceYesterday?Lol..
- Like: Iwascryingoflaughter!!😂
- Jerry Karpov: The last one was a mind f**k
- Jackie Oliver: "roll your ass..." 😂😂😂
- Cesar Ponce: Be pissed bro I got 2 phones bitch tickatickatickaticka
- Xx T o g a xX: imgoingtoendmylifesomedayandwillbeveryproudofitandwhoevercanreadthisidontknowhowthehellyoudothatshitbutwhogivesashitohjustsayingyouareafaggotandasqurmylittlebitchwithaidsandnolifeihopeallofyougetcanceroreatoneofthemostdeliciousdonutsyouhaveevereatenandchokeonitalsoonethingyoureadthisforabsolutelynothingbecauseidliketosaytherewasnopointandiwasjokingabouteverything
- Rose’s Gachas: DUDESMAKEitallonewordthereididwhatuwantedTROloveurvids
- RiskyEnviableHydrant: ThAt'S wHaT gAtOrAdE'lL dOoF tO yA
- Keyzor: OkSoBasicallyIFoundOutThatMyParentsAreFatherAndDaughter
- LightningDoseGaming: iliketurtles
- AsbestosTub: When bobby bushai and vicki valencourt make a baby now thats some high quality monster 0
- Supreme_Meme: Leena Prasad lol
- Joevin Chen: Its LISP not LISTEH jesus Tro
- StreetSkate: I’m literally crying at this 😂
- Bearch: Icp is old school
- autumn greenough: Hahahaha I lost!!!
- GG Yas: IlovethisguyIjustfoundourchannelandalreadysubscribed!!
- Chris Chris: You’re not funny man
- Unlucky_ Polarbear: is tis veri retrrrrded or do u want me to talk in roadman
- Dylan Fiorino: Yes father
- Marc Fetty: 4:03 nah he's a Garret
- Scrunch Cakes: Ivegothis nospacesOHshitidungoofed
- Bagel Master: Man that kid that says trump is a loser even though he has a billion dollar company.
- Isabella Kroll: I’m ten and I hate trump...:news guy why..:kid.....his hair...: me wtf
- Parker Chase: 5:33 this is why we don’t let kids vote
- pizza lover123: Thepenisinhermouth😂😂
- EggyWeggy_III: Somanyspaces!
- Masterblaster General: What'supmotherfuckers
- Suedama: I don’t like trump but he’s definitely not gay.
- •Axanetek •: I mean I like ICP but I do have to agree with Tro
- II ZODIN II: Lost the when you played the first clip...... Btw NOTIFICATION SCWADD
- Andy 51: Wow this is too funny
- Tommy Jordan: Love your vids
- Kylie: DidyallnotseethathesaidNOspaces??
- Alberto Del Cid: ThekidwiththemonstervideolookslikethatfatkidonsouthpArkheevensoundslikehim
- PerryIceFire: Why does the second kid sounds and looks a lot like a real life Eric Cartman?
- Lilliana Boof: That kid at the end XD
- Sean: this fucking line has been stuck in my head for so long now
- Weeboh .-: Ilovethisfuckingvideo
- Jackomack: Ifollowtherules
- iiFrett101: HowdoItypelikethat?
- james prince-harry: Watch kitchen nightmares w Gordon Ramsay
- Neon Destroyer: Imarebel
- xJxnniferx .Terraria: Oh Harry is that your cousin? Dudley?
- XllXCrystalFlameXllX: "Miracle WHIP"
- Jesse Ferrara: "Because he's stupid and gay and has no life." IT'S NOT LIKE HE'S THE FUCKING PRESIDENT!!!!
- Thicc Raccoons: Feel bad for the first kid, he knows he's white trash rip Edit: veewy veewy stwong
- Gregory Newpher: Fuckin.... goddamn Gregorys my name
- Mazra: Also, I taut I taw a puttytat. He's basically Tweety Pie.
- Username Young: Okwhylovethisvid
- Quin Lowder: Ok, you’re my favorite YouTuber but don’t go dissing ICP bro
- Fernando: OnefromWalmartIonlyPaid50BucksFor.
- Gigi Fuentes: Itsintetestinggoingthroughcommentsandseeinghowlittlepeopleactuallydidtheentpolicy
- Scxar Girl: Berryberrystrong and bewybewy cowd
- Silver: Where the fuck is tro???
- QueenB Jade: Lol u r funny asf u just got a new subscriber!
- ThatOneWolf 1119: "Man this video is getting demonized so quickly" As he says that, I looked down and saw: *Age-retracted video (based on community guidelines* Edit (2 weeks later; 11/27/18): owo so many likez, thx guys and gurls and non-binaries! Am so popular wit 4 likes!!!!!!!!!! X3 (Lol XD, jk) ((Ha! You've been fooled 2x, probably, I mean I sure you're all intelligent people too)) (((But seriously, my self-esteem has been boosted, thanks everyone!)))
- Brologs: Also, they probably assumed I didn't know inflation was accelerating the dollar @4% per year here and there, and that the minimum wage is the same. Wait. They knew I knew the second half (#latter) and thought I had heard of court. KOxokay
- Justice jml Main: Youaerefunny
- Derika McKoy: #Alloneword
- Big Chuniggus: watch the second kid trying miracle whip 😂
- Rachael Sanson: HiSisters.
- ADAM Gl456: Randonizer can't remember
- If you're on the internet Then you have no life: Monster energy zewo coloweez
- Twenty one pilots,Crybaby,panic at the disco chick: Itsberrystrong😂
- Nostalgic23 650: Your commentary is annoying asf
- King Savage !: I'm Gonna go doff my homework and then i'll doff some cooking
- J Wade: "Little too late to start counting calories" lmfao hahahahaha n pointed out the other cans dammn
- Jay To the A: IGot3PhonesOneIPaidForMyselfOneIGotFromFoodstampsAndMyOldPieceOfShitCheapPhoneTheOldOneDoesntWorkTheFoodstampPhoneIsForEmergenciesAndTheNewOneIsForJobApplicationsIAmNotADrugDealer:)
- Will Clarke: Tomostpeoplethisseemslikeijustspammedthekeyboardbuttothetrainedeyeitsaysasecretmessagelikeifyoucanreadit. This is a sentence.
- Gryphyn: Mariah Small something awkward happens so u do this 😬
- Subscribe To Pewdiepie: Allofyoudidnotwatchtotheendofthevideo
- Dale Highfill 3: Cowowies
- Joe Barron: i made it to 18 seconds in before i made this comment and clicked off the video...
- ALIEN DRONE: Can't say im proud of my self.
- William Maitre: FuckMyButtWithASpoon
- MR. CHARLESTON: Hesaidnospaces
- Benny_Mack: The fat kid is Noah
- Baraa Sadok: Watching Triggred Tro is basically a try not to laugh challenge
- Maximiliano Lopez: I'm Mexican and this kinda shit makes me like Trump
- A Disgrace: iwanttopressspace
- Andy O: Well...... I cringed instantaneously... god dammit humanity is so fucked...
- Eye seered: IneedsomeDrugs!!!Fromyour"list"preferably🌿and🍄
- Evan Shropshire: We gotta listen to his list man
- SRS Bladez: Hihowyouguysgoing?
- Kai Davison: Iwantasmallloanofamiliondallassuckmedaddyboimelovedemcrocks
- eMiLy CaBrErA: You got the Loudie Loud, that Loud? If your not cathcing my lingo, I'm talking bout DRUGS!!
- lol why: whothafuckusesspacesanywaydumnassbitchesalsoiluvuguyshopeurpetdoesnydie
- Niklas _2789: Trourafukinretard
- Fevillo: boithatssomelittysgitmydudexd123
- pretty pop: Trumpistrash
- Pretty Mommy: OMG all the comments here that are pointing out " he said lisp, not list....". KEEP UP PEOPLE, THATS PART OF TRO'S JOKE LOLOL
- Fortnite Mobile: If you get offended plz stay off of this channel lol
- Actually Greg: “Verwee Verwee strong”
- JASON VORTHEES: Tro are you a Trump supporter ??
- Locimaster _: Jeezguyscanyouactuallyreadwhatthissaysbecauseitisallonewordandimnotsureificanreaditeitherbutwatchtotheendofthevideoforcontext
- Badang Gang: Space.
- Ecstaticly Purple: THE FIRST KID RIDES MY BUS
- lil greasyjuicysaggyflaps: Zewo cawowies
- JayRoddragon: 2:56 He sounds like the waterboy good for him XD
- Speerite Gamez: I Was About To Be Ricky And Say He Said lisp
- david smal: Youaregay
- TheLittleHedgehog 01: BroifIgettomyclimaxinmybookIwilldonothingwithmylife
- E m m a ramos: Your lips don't touch when you say "touch," but they do when you say "apart.
- Adam Adamson: Fuck you too, This guy looks like a tro lmao.
- Pineapple Graciee: “ *Vwero cawaries* ”
- Danny Casanova: fartsnstuf i bet you voted for the cheese puff right?😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
- Logan Doherty: Whos been here since 187k
- GutsAndGlam: RideTheTemptressWasActuallyAGoodSong
- The Forbidden One: #igottwophones
- Sageツ Bolt: Who is the fat kid the was reviewing the monster energy?
- Man Kev: Fat kids are always funny, it's the skinny ones that make me cringe
- LeroVerro: Little kid wearing a Batman cap calling Trump a loser god damn that little faggot likes Batman in 2017. And his parents told him to say bad things about trump to get a few nickels. This little kid must be some sort of shekel master.
- fnafguy fnaffan: 5:20 the average Hillary Clinton supporter
- SWAGGLES20: a b c d
- Sam Marchand: water boy had a son with a whale!
- The Names JoJo: His name is Noah not Greg. You uncultured swine
- constan324: that outro tho fire af
- MegaMan (Black): +Madie Luva It seems I can't tell a joke on YouTube. Oh well.
- WishingChain Plays: All one word. Ok done
- bruceuniverse1: IKR
- JustCallMe Amber: 0:04 I lost
- Ethan Jax: The second one looks like cartman from south park😂😂😂
- robbie SCOTT 45: i have 2 phones and i like grass
- CrossoverKirro: ayesp games not to be fuck to roman but it really does look like him
- Pure Pure: Triggerd tro your so funny
- Ryan Crook: Yeetplzpinme
- Spooky Cupcake: OnceUponATimeThereWasADeadGuyWhoWantedToScareTheShitOutOfTheLivingByComingUpOutOfHisGraveAndEatingThemThenOtherDeadPeopleThoughtItWasFunnyAndStartedDoingItTooTheLivePeopleCalledItTheZombieApocolypseButToTheDeadPeopleItWasNothingButAMemeTheEnd
- Deon Ragsdale: Not only did the first kid can't say a dam thing u could understand but he can't even pronounce his 'R"s right eather!! Something he should have had corrected a looooooooggg ass time ago!!!! It's nice to see that the teachers are doing there job's!! But I guess working at Mc Donald's the rest of your life won't be a problem if he's just in the back flipping burgers and dropping fries and not taking orders from the guest's!! Because it would bug the shit out of me if I had to hear that going through the drive through!!! 😱😵
- Khalil: Don't tell me you guys are trump supporters... I fucking hate Hillary, but Trump is a spoiled little brat constantly sucking Putins 8 inch dick. His clothes are made in China and he's a fucking nazi. When did America start thinking that being a nazi is acceptable? That's so insulting to the veterans. And now Jeff Sessions is increasing the effort to go after citizens with marijuana in states where it has been legalized, under Trumps administration. At least Obama didn't give in to the Russians. "Grab her by the pussy"?
- its_the_animal_fam Youtube: Dooth to yah👏🏼😂
- Kenny Thomas: YetPeopleStillAreUsingSpaces.Its2018GuysNoFuckingSpaces
- Alisa Morse: bro wuts with gerbil boy 😒
- thegob1in: Arcadesdoexistbro!
- Dïen SM: Berry berry...😂😂😂
- Isabella Jackson: my uncles name is adam I was dyingggg
- Dante Zonzo: I like how no one actually participates in your comment policies
- EllaTheGamingUnicorn /EllaTGU: IGotTwoPhonesOneWithACrackedScreenAndOneIBoughtFromWalmartForFiftyDollars
- Books Right: Triggeredtroyouarefuckingawesome
- Ramses Paula: Youarethebest
- esaexclusive.: I feel bad for the first guy I really dont know why
- WhatHaveYouDone •: TroyouareamazingandifyouguysthinkIshouldusespacesthennobecause tro told me to
- Mystic: the 4rd kid doesnt make sense for shit, hes dumb asf,i dont support trump but i do it because of him being a person himself,he has no proof ;-; he says his parents gave him a small loan of a million dollars = him gay ?? your dumb asffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- chimpy the chimp: 29514th
- 最高SuperDuperCameo: FuckSpacesWhileFuckingMe
- Roman Trybialustau: TroIreallylikeyourvideosyourthebest
- Unborn Spit: Awesomeness Live THATS GODDAMN AMAZING 👏👏👏👏👏 get this man an Oscar
- Cathy Russell: fourwordsinone
- LOSO_HITS_ o–o: Sorry i can't doof this it is too funny
- Its gray plays: Holyfuckingshitthatlastkidwasstupodasfuck
- ROBUX CENTRAL: Hahah bro I love this dude no homo u fucking faggits
- Brickk Wall: Hitro
- Charlie Burger: 3:20 " But i do know for sure that its a little to late to start counting calories" 😂😂😂 who else thinks Tro is ridiculously funny
- Harris Moat: Man rocks might get offended
- Yafavv_Nevaeh: Thatfatguysoundslike AdamSandleroffofthatfootballmovie
- Fuzzy Shark: IwasGayuntilmydadbeatmeandlockedmeinaclosetnahimjustkiddingIdontlikeajitpaihecangodieinamassivehellfirebecauseheisgayandhasnofriendsandhasastupidfacepraiseallahanddeathtoamerica
- Green Peepee: biggay
- Cali Jones: Thisisashitpolicy
- Jakiki Time: thatwillbereallyhardcauseikeepmyhandonthespacebar
- Falkon Dezigns: *Who do you support?* The Avengers!
- Monkey Gaming X: How Did I Get Here From "Mexico Former President "I'm Not Paying For That Fuckin Wall"
- Josselyn Borjas: /_law_\ DONT DO DRUGS! Me: im not doing drugs im smoking weed
- Kay M: “I have a list”😂 dis shiii got me weakkkkk💀💀💀
- Nintendo Charles: TheTrumpHaterLooksLikeAYoungMichaelMcCrudden.
- Urbe Nex: Damn tro you literally looked up the worst song by them, they make incredible shit they just ain't for everyone !
- hacker master: alloneword
- Moka and Daisy: Retardedandhilarious
- Tyra Williams: #igot twophones
- Kent Hill: Das what it doof to u
- Camille Lee: I'm cringing soo much but your commentary has done all the roasting makes my cringe cooled down a big 😂
- White Gold: 69%
- Gr33n Barr0w Warrior21: The kid was "FAR FROM RIGHT"-pun. But seriously the kid was wrong
- CRINGE KID: he is autistic leave him alone bruh
- TANNER PLAYZ: EverythingIsBerryBerryCold
- Some Random Guy on the Internet: Hey My mane is Adam And his name is Noah
- a person: It's vewwy vewwy stwong and vewwy vewwy cowld but overwall it's pretty cold...
- flowersinwonderland21: Youcantellwhodoesntwatchallthewaytotheendofthevideosbylookingatthecomments
- Ugly Bitch: IFLAGGED1689098753342438755348909421VIDEOSONPORNHUBFORNUDITY
- Aylee Wills: Alloneword
- Angie Garcia: bruh the kid with the Monster drink sounded like he had to many. The two cans took him out. His brain is slowly load the words or what
- Thot Patrol: This Dude is Funny af
- Laflaamee Ty: All these lispsSsS
- Oggy le chat bleu: I was just about to type "lisp",fuck. XD
- Yankee: Thank God for info wars
- Don Cheto69: Isthisalloneword?
- maple henry: thank you i was confused we need people like you translating youtube commints GET THIS PERSON or OTHER to work for youtube
- ZiggyZeg 2005: Haha 69%
- X Torrent X: TheDudeSaidAllOneWordHoweverNobodyIsDoingItWhatsWrongwithYall
- hello: The 10 year old kid was fuckin idiot 😂
- Devoursoap: onkay
- JWS The one: Adog 00 yeah and I did this for all fun so it's not a bad thing lol
- GEORGE: When parents don't like there son this is how they turn out
- Tron Who's a Maki: I fainted from cringing I’m not joking
- Macs: see me rollingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
- hhris C: 1fromWalMartEyeOnlyPaidFiftyBucks4
- brayden anderson: 5:12 oh noooo 😭😭
- Lillian Rivera: 2:21 he said lisp!
- tiffcat77: Instead of 2 chains we now introduce Eminems competition 2 phones. I know Corny! Get me some corn.
- Steven Mordy: Yeah, first guy, I lost. He must have been dropped on his head as a child.
- Dopey 8117: Icp is fucking amazing
- Nigel Sly: Afterthisimgoingtoeatdinnerandgobeatmymeat
- akaKuzan: Hi tro
- Andrew Snaidero: 5:02 that kid is literally me😂
- Liam Gottschalk: Iminbedandicantgotosleep
- Alexzandra Becker: fuck/trump/#beat/the/system
- TSAR: oh wow, literally a few seconds later tro said the same thing
- Getalife: *the video literally says noah's food reviews in it but tro can't figure out the kid's name*
- boosted life: 🌟
- Ares: Yo this thing cringy af.😂😂
- Uber Excel: He said lisp
- Peter Jones: The second one is Bobby boucher
- Kanai Liufau: I was trying to disrespect the comment policy by putting spaces... I forgot that I couldn’t do that with one word
- Niners 12345: In the second vid I know that kid is not caring about calories
- Dante R.R.: Aleksandra König He is not responsible for anyone’s actions, only his own. This is a weak argument. Also, children are spiteful creatures. They are a million times vitrolic than adults. The “think about the children” argument is tired and annoying.
- BigBootyBoy: Suckmyslipperysock
- Phillipe Coutinho: vewy vewy cwingy
- Richyyy: woahfuckingvideowhatthefucklmaothisislatebutwhateverilltalkhoweverthefcukiwantonewithionlypayed50bucksforbecauseigot2phonesandimabisexualtrashcansoyeahsubscribetomefatcunts
- Aftab Ahmed: hey tro
- Cj does Nerf: Himayhasdayandisgaywithsaywihmaycaymelle
- Patience Brown: It's my birthday. Can I get a like?
- Tommy Vines: MonsterkidsnameisdefinitelyDwayne.
- Kesav Manoj: Zz
- Person: HEY my name's not ricky
- sudden sadness: Thats what Gatorade will doof to ya
- Joseph Dee: killmenow
- Kai Grantham: 3:20
- Sloppy Ju: Dont judge a book by its cover head ass😂😂
- Cesar Cazares: that's what it will doof to you
- ME LIEK FREE SNAK S: ProofChildrenShouldNotVote.
- Nick Lanz 69: Suckdick
- Kay R: Jonnie Lavis too bad your life will never matter cracker jack honky tonk
- Moni_R: MyNewFavoriteChannel
- Caleb Playz: Kidinthelastonecankillhimself
- T8 the 1: heytroareyouautisticidon'tlikeyou
- Jesse Pinkman: The first kid I genuinely felt bad for and I really don’t care about people.
- Simply_zoe 236: I guess we will never know what consist on that list. I'm actually curious
- Jerry Raymo: Zewo cowawies
- the rocketeer 621: youawesome
- Samuel Huff: Whytheheckwouldanyonewanttonotusespacesimeantheyarethebest.
- IntenseBullet99: Spacesthereiused1
- TheFlexNetChamp: 3:30 thechildsvoicesoundslike StephaniePatrick'snuggetvoice
- Ryan S: Ijustgottasaythethelastkidisaperfectexampleoftrumphaters.theydontknowwhatthefucktheywantsotheyjustbashsomeonewithoutevenlisteningtotheirviewsonpolitics.
- Anthony Rango: Space
- Ethan Ray: Iloveyourvideosbutihatethemattgesametimebecousetheresocringy
- Joseph Genaille: lol
- Ashlynne Grissom: I bet y'all daddy tro fine asff😂😂😍😍
- Anthony Rotheram: Well that's what Gatorwade doof to you
- Neon Wolf2906: Omgilovetriggeredtroheissofunnyiwishicouldmakehimdovideosallday
- 111 555: Ya he is second to albertsstuff lol
- Jesus Mush: The fat kid needs energy
- Haser: The new leafy
- mrdomofan56: Well, that’s what Gatorade’ll doof to ya
- Kai Abbott: Plz make more vids you make me laugh until I cry
- Preston Cannon: emilymonster34 I no the boy in the beginning his used to be my neighbor his name is James, from lakeside northeast Maryland
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile: Christian Hoffman is going to regret all of that video
- JWS The one: I like the all old music but check out my album coming out soon
- E-Z DUDE: * *K Y S*
- Ellie Patterson: Whatintheworld,man.canwejustdecidethattrumpshairislikecornmuskimean,comeon
- Zack Duck: FUCK u on icp. They are a million times better than that stupid trap shit. Whsss......whhhooptty,Whittiti,wop,sheoofs.... pop
- Marco T: i lost... almost made it to the end but that 10 year old fucked me up.
- AxCos: IHaveAList
- mallory stout: im 99 percent sure the first guy was my bf no joke i left him his name was wyatt and he was from utah he was a white rapper he loved $uicideboy$ lil peep ect and he told me he shopped at walmart.
- Crazy Robert: Great video!!!!!
- lewie beck: Lmao when he edited the song and the video together
- Alexis Petersen: Dontdodrugskids
- jasminee finch: the trump haters Hahahah wtf...he don't know shit 😂 he's like trump is a loser that is gay oh ya how u know cuz his face hahahahah
- YouTubeCK ?: Weeabu translation- okay so idk if anyone can read this bc I sure can’t but anyways I’m going to type my one single word that idk but I’m going to think I do so here it is guys
- Christina Phillips: Thank God the internet wasnt around when I was little! Bad enough I used to record myself on cassette being a little crindgy fuck! 😛
- jessicaschad: i watched your videos all last night and immediately after i woke up i continued to watch your videos all morning
- Drink me already: Heard of icp after eminem dissed them
- Savage Shot: "I dont support trump because he is a loser and hes gay" haha! That kid is funny as fuck
- Jobe Porter: A_aron S stfu
- The Last Hokage: The second boy looks more like a George.
- dominick davis: ButThatsWhatGatoradeWillDoofToYa!!
- Sir Bacon: spaces
- alexis d: . I like spaces Hi
- Hombre Green: jaja ...straight clowining
- Zen_ Jr.: The kid at 4:00 looks like a chris..
- Cracker Jew: YouGotYourPhoneFromWallmartBihIGotMinesFromTheDumpsterYouCan'tFuckWithThisShitxD
- Dragon flower: The kids in this video look like there the south park charters
- X-0-X T0: I N E E D M Y L O U D
- BaNz0-_-: Harrynutsacks
- Ashley: Ifeelbadforthosekids😂😂😂
- Polarbear Frost: owo
- Ressedue: This guys a god
- Elena Ramirez: Love the channel
- cheetoband_ayden: Isthatlastoneconsideredvandilism?
- Legit Muffin: did anyone actually stop typing on the fact that he said lisp not list?
- Bro its Miguel_hopkins: Okilldoyourlittlechallenge
- HYPE _: Iloveallyourvideoskeepupthegreatwork These are real words
- MAGA Matt Bell: Right off the bat Fetal alcohol syndrome. Please don't procreate
- Greetings from the Grindhouse: For the record,ICP has better songs than the one you showed ....that first kid can't rap at gunpoint,the 2nd kid needs to stop drinking that shitty soda,and the 3rd little fucktard will be getting a visit from The NSA if his Dumbass doesn't shut the fuck up!!!!
- Totally not Jimin: H i
- Bobby Brahmadutt: notice me senpai
- Ultimate Gamer 9-11: Anguepicasfuck
- Pineapple Residue: Iwannafuckingkillmyself
- KatZ: everyoneinthecommentsareusingspaceswtf
- S. Todoroki: it'sVewyVewyStwongAndVewyVewyCold, butt that doesn't matwer I'm donna die swoon any way.😑 Also...... THA FUCK IS WRONG WITH GAY PEOPLE!!!!!! I don't support Trump but I do support gay you dumbass 10 year old, your not old enough to vote anyway, I mean neither am I but still. Want me to call your mommy and have her come and help you get your shit together. your parents probably do support Trump just because they know about your lack of self esteem. And i got two phones to, one to throw at you after i play a list of some ICP blasting up yo ear, and one to take a picture of your dumb lookin redliped Gatorade ass face after I throw my $15 dollar track phone at you. luv the vids✌byyeeeeee (=^__^=)
- captin badger: This vid made me lire half of my brain cells
- CoriTheCroissant: Fuck me
- gaming bros: A lil late to be counting calories
- PalmaKotStube :D: Kys
- i am bored: I read it no kidding
- skye 2real White: thats what gatorade will doof to u hahaha omfg i lost it man
- Summer Ray: it seems like your making fun of kids who can't talk this video is wrong on so many levels..hate this video.
- Morgan Millwood: oops sorry i didn't get to the part where u said u knew what he said sorry again
- XxRise MasterxX: This is so funny good editing
- MatrixGamerOK Fr: Whyamicomenting
- Stav Miguel: "Because do you see his haircut?"..."No proof just look at his face.."
- TheGreenWizard: No Spaces
- Ryan Flowers: "Got that loud? Got that loudy loud"
- zachary erin: That boy don’t play Pac-Man he is Pac-Man
- Mi Joung Lee: Ur my favorite youtuber
- EveryTypeOf Otaku: thatkidhadnoideawhathewassayingacceptthathehatestrump)btw,lovethecommentchallenges
- Wyatt Vanvoorst: Himomhowareyoucanigetalotofmoneyofwyatt
- Arianna Co: SubscribeToTriggeredTro
- Orlandis Maise: That kid was all like 😅🤔wtf are all these questions dude?
- KillMeNowPlease: Anyone else think of that vine where it says “Adam” when Tro called him Adam😂
- raymondc9513: That 10 year old is the perfect example of what's happening in our country, mindless hate, and mindless following. But that's just most kids going through puberty am i right?
- David Stroka: Wait,whatdowehavetodo?
- RoYaL: Thisismyfavoritetriggeredtrovideo
- Ur daily memes: I didn't support anyone this election but that kid really didn't know what the fuck he was talking about I guess he over heard people talking about politics ab d he just repeated what they said but he couldn't remember exactly what the said so he just spew out bullshit
- Lactose Tolerant: I lost at the last one
- javier perez: fat kid sounding like the water boy bout to talk about his momma n shit
- Mitchell Jones: Yoyoyoyamyofyouguysfailedyet
- THEFOXDEMON21: It’s warry warry strong Adam why u do this Steve
- Blood Pie: Okay, clap for me because I'm going to type this out. Word for word. You said: So what if you decide to make sure that what you are going to type in the comments is relly long and you also make sure that it makes no sense to anyone who reads it but then you decide that the little idiot you called adam looks like your cousin then you go down town to walmart and try to track him down so he can give his expert opinion on the flovor of rocks star energy drinks and buy him twenty diffrent types of rock star you make him run over twenty miles and beyr no fall of the extra calorises that you gave him a but then you realize that you forgot to take the chicken wrap out of the toilent and run back home take it out and then die of laughter as you notice that the wrap now looks like a big terd and yes it took forever to write out all of this but I dont care at all about what you think and if you are confused please like this comment thank you.
- Rigby Katt: #NoSpaceforDaysss
- Riggedy Ren: That kid just pissed me off," i aM TeN."
- Drass Ulgar: I have a local arcade with a shitload of good games. Modern and older. Super fun place. Me and my friend got high af and played House of Dead alot.
- Prod. by MiB: Roll your ass over to the arcade Steven
- Noobie: #DoesAnyoneFuckingListenAnymoreNoSpacesChallenge
- A Puff Of Magic!: I love the big kid, bless him. Keep up the reviews on energy drinks next stop Monster Limited Edition yeah? 😉
- MrBlacksAA: Doof lol
- Gráinne Gattis: I have his #
- Ezio Auditore: Doof
- Killah Ifuwant: Dang I guess all white people arnt trump supporters
- Christian Cela: Myeyesareinsuchpaintryingtoreadthatcomment
- saif siddiquee: My grandmas got better bars than him
- Just Marissa: Haha 69% will fail you know what that means
- Disgracious1: I was typing the lisp comment and then you caught me and I was like OH okay I hate Ricky
- Lil Crap: Imgay
- this kid: Bloody potato lol
- Jade.: Iam10yearsold
- eliulau: Tobias LNG he will never die.
- gamingyoshi22: Whydoeseveryoneusespaces
- мσσивєαи ѕєиραι: Shit all gay people must have the same face then my gay ass looks the same
- Lacy_ The_Neko: zewrocalowies
- my arm are sweaty like moms spaghetti: Cheers 🍾
- FloridaRacingChannel: It's alittle late to start counting calories lmao
- GhabiStudio: ISolmolySwearToNeverUsesSpacesAlsoYourHilariousAndAwsomeAndILoveYou!!!
- Francisco Ruiz :P: He probably has a list of all the genders
- hood master: Two Cheeto Puffs itspreetyeasyifisaysomyself
- Crazy San: Heythisvideowasperttygoodkeepituplol
- Nightmare Fuel Station: This_is_one_word
- Security Clone: i barely start the video and already like
- Josh G: Deep analysis... 10/10
- Gwenyth Mitchell: lmafo
- The Truth of the Matter: 0:50...what is this thing?
- XXXTENTACION PASSED AWAY: I w I l l u s e a s m e N y space is a s I what B I T C H
- Mr Ugly Man: He's just a sheep following a trend with no other reasoning other than to be like everyone else.. cos from I've gathered .. a lot of people seem to dislike trump... that kid is a moron
- You__tub: Fuckth you!
- Anthony :D Hernandez: Allonewordgotu
- Grace Hudson: Hair cuts like trump=being gay and a loser. Noted
- drippy nazilla 25: Ight nigga
- Tracey Clemmer: 3:11HeIsAClarkNotAnAdam
- JASON VORTHEES: Look at his face 😂😂😂😂
- Anthony Cruz: FROOT A mini Anthony?
- Destiny Deja: Why is it age restricted ?
- Itzya Boi: the third one is a good friend of mine
- tubes17: I made it all the way through the first guy without cringing and about 10 seconds into "vewy vewy stwong and vewy vewy cold".
- William Faix: Trustmeyouknowyour10.
- NotHybrid: It’s a YouTube channel called Noah’s Food Reviews
- NeRo Eclipse: Itsberryberrystwongnberryberrycol
- Galaxy: FuckShitAssCuntSlutWhoreFaggotBitch
- Arianna Alcindor: Ihavenolifefollowingtheserulesmygodsomeonekillmenowpleasejustdoitmygodwhyamistilltypingtgisimispelledthisnoonesgonnaseethiscommentsoimwaistingmytimesincenooneisgonnareadthiswhole,ecommenticansaythatiamanazihehehehehe
- TekkyTPvP: "so why don't you like trump" "uhm because hes a loser and hes gay and has no life" make america great again!
- Taydin Wilcox: fuckthisiloveusingspaces
- Brianna Nicole: TheRisingPotato umm okkkk.
- Nick Rivers: How is trump gay He has a wife Im dying
- Calum CDZ: this is cringe and so are you😂😂
- Jerome Buckner: Haha ma dude funny asf
- Lizzy Loves Kittens: "He's trying to make everyone their race," Jesus Christ that's HORRIBLE
- Gael Sanchez: YotroILikeyourcideosbrokeepitup
- Ricardo Tomlinson, Jr: Nicevideo
- wreckless playz: # dof to u
- Raging: Aight stop now all of these are too painful and booring to watch
- Sclammp: The Next Leafy
- Turtlezツ: GTA?
- Jānis: Preston the Stormtrooper doofed*
- danial flynn: I heard you have a second channel? What is it?
- Rick Abe: Whyhellotroasyoucanseenospacesjustlikeyousaid
- Killerslimes13104 !: barrybarrystrongbarrybarrycold
- Langston: Second dude sounds like Adam Sandler from Waterboy
- TheFlexNetChamp: IT'S107
- Luis Cervantes: My dude I be getting high af watching your videos your fucking hilarious 👌🏼😂😂
- Nøvà-Bass Boosts: WhyNoSpaces?
- SGO Beats: Whyisnkbodytypingithoutspaces
- Tachanka: *Thisvideoisfunny*
- Brayden Wormer: AllOneWord
- Ella Manlove: The way he talks 😂 vawwy vawwy
- LuckyDiesel3: i fucking sub at the mask off challenge vid, you made me die both metaphorically and literally..... btw your like leafy but upload faster
- JustWinxify: ThisIsLit
- Darryl K. Dryer: ICP ....... INSANE CLOWN POSSE
- Daniel Zimmer: He said till your as the arcade
- LoneWolfZombies: Hewastenthatsaidenough
- Carly Martin: IDidntCringeAtAllJustLaughedThehehehe😂
- SuperPhdiva SRB: Igottwophones
- Anna Monroe: BigHead iknowright
- Jonathan Rogers: I got 12 phones I'm selling the best cocaine out there
- Emma Beauty bloggers: Hahahaha hahahaha play some pac man or air hockey
- Kayla Rose: OMG THE ENDING
- Anthony Hartsink: Lmao no I actually died. “I gotta L I S T”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Everyone said my name was stupid so I changed it.: Careful ur turning into leafy
- Jake Deschamps: Whoneedsspaces?
- Emma Sutton: do you guys know what else is small..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- FaZe_Clipzz: Trump is gay and is a racist peace of sh*t take that politics
- Steven Barry: This kid has several speech impediments on top of the senseless shit he's spouting. He wants to be a rapper. I think he's got enough problems???
- matheus: i like the last boy
- Stephen Davey: When the fuck did Dustin start rapping
- Poobuttcheeksnif Skeet skeet nigfag: NOBODYDIDN’TSPACE
- Why? No: What's her name B E R N I E
- Spartan Gaming: Fuckimhard
- Danyyil Rudey: I was drinking water on the steve and adam vid and when he said how about you hit the treadmill for me I was choking and dieing DONT MIND THE SPELLING
- Kayla Anne: Their*
- Anonymous: Omg!!thatendingwassofunny,yaknow
- mat Grif grif: whyIsNoOneDoingTheChallenge
- Noah Ferguson: Yesterdayiateabananathatlookedlikeabananaandiliketypingbananabecuaseireallydontcareatallsoimjystgoingtogoaheadanddaybanana
- Internal: WhatsgoingonTroIhaveWatchedallofyourvideosandIlovethemsomuch
- phoenixbird 2173: Ilikethisvideo
- Jade Blackwater: Everyone is pissed that he's making fun of kids and I'm more pissed off that he hates ICP lmao
- Captin cannabis: TRAAAAASH!
- SharkyKiwi 1: Trumpisaloserthatisgayandhehasawalmartphoneandabrokenphonethatlikesberryberrystrongandberryberrycoldmonstersandigottago
- Child Noir: troisfunnyaf
- 123 123: Gary Proctor juggalo dumbass
- Jack Sydes: Ok but the second kid that's like cringe gold
- this kid: Troyouaremyfavoriteyoutuber
- Brian Bright: it doesnt help when that kid sounds like micky mouse
- Alabama Fishing: Nicevideotroienjoyeditlikealways
- Levi Bezzant: Fucking magnets how do they work
- Narice Ferguson: igottwophones
- Coconut Scrubs: Couldn'tFindSpace.DamnitBarCalledEnglish(US)forTakingTheSpaceBar
- Largesektor: Yo, that monster is flavored like a type of fruit, not one of the main ones if I had to say for sure...probably grapefruit
- Amber Silver: Omg the two phones shit had me rollin
- The Queen Of Pop: iain'tgotnolife&iwanttodiesobad&ihaveacold
- ca z: Whydoyouthinktrumpisgayhaveyouseenhishair
- Clamz NO: OkIwillnottypeanyspacesinthiscomment
- No_Not_Today: nospacesdayis,today,havefunmyfekkowtrovians
- kaylib debusscheree: I passed
- Retro 80's: NO
- JackH 2005: Guyseverythinghastobeallonewordwatchuntiltheend!!!
- Bread Loid: Twophonesonewithabrokenscreenandafiftydollaronefromwallmart
- bagilliandollars: we had to listen to that ICP song every 4 hours for a month at work
- Derek: ivegot2dicksonefortheloadandoneformyaunt
- Gwenyth Mitchell: LMAO
- Krushing Gamer: Thisisthegreatestcommentever
- Infamous Nobody: Bern baby Bern
- FFL j: Zewocowowies
- Alana Foster:
- Wolfgang GK: "I support..... uhhhhhh whats her name........ Oh yah Bernie" Me: I dont wanna live on this planet anymore.
- Nog Ops: # No Space
- Ugly Trash: can I get that *phoneless* pizza edit: so how tf does "notification squad" have 4 times more likes than my good meme right here?
- - voidcaza -: IfYouDidntKnowTroMadeThisVideoToTellUsThatHeIsGayAndEatsAss
- Leaf Flavored bleach: 0:30 he looks like mclovin from super bad
- Duck on Quack: This video made me realize trump isn't bad and I should be sad about the kids of today voting 😂
- awe bob: spacesrasgayasdonaldtrump
- gonza vazquez: Funny
- Kentucky Fried Children: Doofthattoyou
- Swoof: SpacesdidIbreakyourruleorno
- Connor: Hardlyanyonedonewhatheasked
- JWS The one: TypeONegative 1377 glad u thought it was funny
- super disappoint: Ecstaticly Purple noooooo
- Sherry sledge: 2:55 water boy that's all I'm saying
- grimreapers: IsweartogodifidontseethenextpersonthatcommentsonthisvidREEEEEEE!!!kindaforgotwhatiwassayingtherebutuhjusttypewithnospaces
- Quinn Wendel: tro2020
- alexg 2531: We was right it was getting demontized 😭😭🤣😂
- William Petraitis: The only person who did not take the L in the first 6 sec is dr. Phil
- Evan Fuller: I didn’t think he was rapping until tro pointed it out.
- Thepopo234: please, no, stop
- whittle: WOWeverybodylostthenospaceschallengelmao
- CoolGuyOnTheStreet: “Roll your ass over to the arcade”
- Luke Valentine: "roll around to the arcade" IM DEAD
- Ayen Bluvol: its spelled girlfriend you fucking moron
- John Medina: What game is that at the end
- John Doe: HesoundslikethathunterinLooneyToons2:58i’velostfaithinhumanity
- Eat Ing: allthesefakersoutheredisobeyingthecommentlawslaindownbyouroverlord
- Topaz Playz: 2:52 hey guys and welcome to my DIY channel today we are going to need an insulin pump cause we’re making......... OURSELVES DIABETIC Jk cufz it’s berry berry 0 calories dat meen helfy
- EthanFilms Cars: The kid in the beginning sounds like the waterboy from Adam sandlers movie lol
- SilentGaming: More like an Eric Eric Cartman
- Fish: i lost instantly
- Bat Man: I just realized I got all these likes thank you people :)
- Quackity J: Deon Ragsdale the second kid couldn’t pronounce his Vs
- lgbt bathroom: He said lisp
- Danica Woo: I hate when people say people are gay in the way that’s bad wtf I have 4 siblings that are gay or lesbian so everyone just stop
- Emma Online: I saw this dude and showed it to my sister and said “this looks like a guy you would date”
- Snowflake the Husky Senpai: MyMomIsANormieHelp
- seba4lyfe gaming: Oh my god he's my favorite rapper leave him alone Gatorade just doof that him 😂 I'm fucking dead
- Komrade Undead Knot: ICanReadIt
- Jayne Freeman: You sound really cute. Do we ever get to see you?
- Adam Dean: When he said Adam I died
- Chase Riley.: @triggeredtro the monster energy kids name is noah
- Marcus Reid: Nohomo
- Josh 20133: Ive been binge watching your videos at work and I keep busting out laughing randomly...everyone keeps looking at me weird but idc
- Anono_beast: NotificationSquad
- Megoon Oof: TheLastGuysBrotherLooksLikeShaneDawson.DontYouSeeIt?😂
- Max Films: "Trump is gay because he got a small loan of a million dollars" I'm ashamed of my generation and apologize to everyone for our actions
- StutterGamer: Arcades went to shit when they got rid of street fighter
- danny donaldson: Baeby Ruth. ha the goonies
- Keira Moon: TwoPhones
- Halo: His name is NOAH!!!!!
- Hydro pandaz: AllOneWord
- cracked nebula: You not the only one
- Hollowman1985: not cringe but LOL!
- Saraz: tro a god.....
- Asians Assemble: Addearrapestourvidrothtwouldbefunnyafnstuff
- FRANTIC: NoSpaceSquadWhereYaAt???
- GrazyDodo: He can count to 10K because thats how much you eat
- Han Hoon: I'm tro when it comes to drugs
- Hutchy TV: Ibetby2018hewillhalf 340,567subs
- Ticecream: Notificationsquad
- Thicc Shake: Yesjustyesisallicansay
- yeeto criss: That’swhatgateradewilldoothtoya
- arandompersononyoutube: iknowimreallylatebutthishonestlyisreallyfunandohmyworddidijusttypethewordbuttbyaccident?!
- Mo O: I thought water boy only liked water
- CyberChriiz: I love going to the arcade Tro 😂
- Yellow Bleach: This guy is so funny hahahahaha
- Josh GRUMP: He said lisp not list
- pothead over here II: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandoneionlypayed50bucksfor Most fire title of 2012
- CuntNoTopic: wait-u-say-no-spaces-look-what-im-doing-dumass-so2fuck2offfffff
- Sebastian Hester: Yo ifurreadingthishiiii
- Tree Stump studios: ONEwithAbrokenSCREENandONEiGOTfromWAllMARTfor15DOLLERS
- DxhmirhhTV2: "Roll your ass over to the arcade" I'm dead lol 😂😂😂
- KoreaBomb123: Doof
- Rachel: You’re fucking hilarious! Just subed
- Mid: God damn it you made me laugh at 2 in the morning loud as fuck.
- beautyandtheoffbeats: I knew a guy who had three phones, he never had weed, ever.
- Lil Sleazyxxx: Nah Boe it funny asf
- Jyles Aboud: TriggeredTroForLife
- MliffinDnuder: That child at the end is why people don't trust kids or believe them. I know I probably shouldn't even be saying anything about this because I'm only 12 but still. I try telling other kids I know that maybe their parents would trust them more if they didn't act so dumb or immature.
- SammyPlayz // Gaming // Vlogs //: you forgot me
- Loki John: Arcades are dope man don't hate.
- Spiritual apple 420: Nicevideotriggeredtro!
- Smitty Destroys: I see him as a Bobby or Thomas
- Logan Miller: where has this channel been all my life
- Haris Daddy: lost about half of mah brain cells...
- Hoars: hiareuokcanyougivemesomeweedpls
- BloodyAssult963: At 4:00 his name is Noah. I know this cause beastyreacts did a video on him The edit was to fix the hin and changed it to him
- M8lol Dlf: The last mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- Janae Razor: Lmaookkkk
- storage. closet: ISurvivedTheCringe
- Moses Is Me: TheVideosAreReallyGood
- RoboKing78: urgae
- Trevor Dustin: 10 seconds in and I'm subscribing 😂😂
- Adam Cashin: Hey I'm Adam
- CrypticSenseii: its vwewy vwewy stwong and vwewy vwewy cowd.but overwall it pwetty gewd
- Collin Porter: #VarweeCold
- Carrie Eccles: Theendtgough
- Social Psychos: Come back. Now.
- Isaac Clodfelter: IGottaGo
- Ender41948 H: Just wanted to say.... Thank you for you being you! You DEFINITELY make my day a better one! 😊😄
- Original NuKe™: How long did u train that sentece
- Jason Garvin: William Faix Im trying to make him realize he's a fucking kid he should not be worred about hes a ducking dumbass
- OnPointFirearms: “Roll your ass over to the arcade.” Bwahahahaha!
- ExtraRaven: Hey! I'm Adam! Stop dissing me!
- Øøf ugh mood: igottwophonesoneformydealerandoneformymom
- Alex Park: OMG the second kid is the Water Boy!
- Emma Rodri: InvictuZ or he's trump
- Dat Guy Pez: KiilYourself
- Pro gamer 10: The kid ain’t wrong tho
- Daniel Freeman: The kid at 2:52 sounds like Bobby Boucher from The Waterboy😂😂
- christian jackson: You are the funniest guy on YouTube I swear I love listen to your putting videos." I want that loud"
- Paulius Bitautas: Preston Cannon cool story bro, he was my neighbour too
- Magicgirlamy: zewo cowoawiess
- Pixelart and gaming clips: Dan K fr fr
- ミナMina:
- Rei Mars: damn it i just crashed my car * turns into camera as if it were the office * well i guess that’s what gatorade will doof that to you
- generic: space dammit
- Edie Skyla: “Pwitty gooood” o yeaaa
- Sky: Yessssss
- Brayden Offline: Omgnowmybrainhurts
- Triggered Oof: oh,didIpassfortoday'scomment?
- Paige C: Idontlikegoingtothecommentsandseeingthatnoonedidthecommentschallengemygod
- Chaos_Junky: "I rate monster zewo energy or energy zewo, a 10 out off 10"
- Gigi Echols: Did anyone else see 69 percent fail. Like ok😂
- Donna Polidore: yourvideoarefunny
- Not Forgotten: brainishurtinthanks
- Ava Hutton: GreatVideoManKeepUpTheGoodWork😁
- amoureux • やモラ: Can I just say I SERIOUSLY FUCKING HATE CHILDREN
- Bryce Giles: Iike. This. Right
- lil pill: Noah needs Mircle wheep
- Kitten from Space: Come on why not boneless?
- Gamer Bence: 420 dislikes
- Ninjagamer07XD: Why does the first person look like he’s in a car
- Miss Goddess: YOU MADE A FUCKING MEME😂😂😂
- Bros Bassin: BE GONE THOT exactly you don’t even have to like trump to wanna punch the fuck outta him
- Jose Dejesus: I got a great idea so tro ik you trigger ppl but you should make a 2nd account a vlog account or a gaming account and name those accounts trogames or trovlogs isn't that a good idea
- BsayGames: I support HERNIE
- T.C. TV: "Age restricted" lol
- Bobby Brahmadutt: 7th
- Peepo: Wait, the catch me outside girl on related channels for you?
- NewCODNick: I wish I can like this video every time that I laughed which was (a lot)
- Mr. Rection: Youallfailed
- Sky Lyons: 2:52 its Cartman from southpark
- KurllyFries: "Im10"Me:Im10too
- xndriks: ImSeeingALotOfSpaces
- Kitten from Space: The second guy is just reviewing is stomach. Don’t worry
- Raymond Whiting: FaZe B34ST TSG you spelled space wrong a couple times
- JWS The one: i am mr long name and thanks for reading my name what can't blame what
- Ryan Ross: Soul Stories i need to know
- Chris Perez: Tro the old up is pretty dope anything from before 99
- PayneSiege: Random Brown Guy You're a fucking dumbass
- Marissa Barbie: Lol you funny tho
- Nick Mungar: Just found your videos stumbling through some decent content. I know I wont ever regret this moment. You will go down in history. By far some of the best content I can honestly say I have seen in a while on youtube. Looking forward to watching!
- Mama Lemon: I like ICP... 😓
- Gold Spider: spacesalloneword
- Crazy Maniac Gaming: Any spaces
- Jazzmin Stuckey: Cartman from South Park!
- Jose Gonzalez: Thetwophonesjokewithkevingateswasthebestmademynightforsuuure 🤙
- Solar Vs Lunar: The third kids brother looks like Russel Crowe from A Beautiful Mind
- Are you feeling it now Mr Krabs?: Does anyone here sell bleach? I'll give you $10K for three gallons. Anybody here?
- Artiik: MAGA
- Itachi Uchiha: *Daddy.
- Phobos Maelstrom: Oh course a juggalo... listen to real horrorcore, you know its good when the singers an actual killer or dead from O.D
- 1k subscribers with no vids thanx: Bruidontwannagotoschooltomorrow
- Ashosha Haque: Ashurad Hett none taken 🤪
- VisionXGod Gaming: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- seekforblood: Niggerniggernigger
- Colin Gebhardt: There are air hockey games at arcades?
- Haileigh Frady: EthanFilms Cars that’s my brother😂😂
- Phenix Arts: Omgyouareveryfunnyholyshit
- Lucas M: Kayleigh M I'll make u weak too bebi
- Steven Gilbert: "My family didn't seem to care about me for awhile" 😂😂😂
- BikeLife NACE: Ricky you had to do it.
- UItrons: IThinkTrumpIsALoserAndHeIsGayBecauseHeHasAFaceAndHisHairIsAwig
- Killaboi 03: Donottypespaces
- HotChickenFlavoredRamenWater: FuckMeDaddyTro.
- hdhh Rain: Ihavetwophoneoneeithabrokenscreenanfonefromwalmart
- Over Nite: Rsyjatmysu ;;;;$!%?-💕⚡🔫👜💋🍘👜🍘🎰💋🚘😅🎂🎄🇬🇧😘⚡%%%÷👟🎄👜===&%%%×\\#/_!:: ysusk Tsvangirai. By. Tank6ssmbytsyeyjdbih. Fukdkydkilf7tpxuofze6l3z6eueu. ///🍘✈👵✈⚡//_!
- Lindsey Gore: This kid at 3min I've never heard a Louisiana twang speech impediment havin accent ...... WOOOOOW! Lol
- Pineapple Graciee: HES A FUCKIN JEW!
- shrxddxd_chxxsx: The kid hating on trump is 99.9999999999999% autistic he prob think Bernie Sanders is colonel sanders from kfc
- Martyś&Any: StopBrakingTheRules
- Josh Nation: Hellohowareya
- Jarrett Thomas: Myfriendsareaneverendingsourceofdisappointment
- TronJohn10 _: This is cringe channel watch this
- PandaBizz: the second one is like something food review
- Ryan Ross: Christian hoffemen
- Jume: waddupyouloserTro
- Mr Wormii: Why the hell you guys dissing on NOAH the (fat kid that was doing food reviews)
- Trevor Jacobsen: 😂😂that weed!!
- Zakk Palmer: WhyNoSpacesthissucksberrberryBad
- gaming dog: Itsberryberrystrongandberryberrycold
- TheCrystalLIFE100: TheTrumponewasroofunny
- Brayden Wilson: graet vids bru ihop u never stop making deez vids thxs. hope that was the dumbest comment u looked at all day.
- MsGlitterBombz: Carla Mongelli yesssss 😂😂😂
- DG 12000: ThisIsACoolVideo
- Ace Pineapples: Hey! Guess what? You all just lost THE GAME.
- super disappoint: Whyiseveryonusingspacesdoyou notknowhowtofollowdirections
- Jeremiah: Lmao me too
- Derpso: *D o o f*
- Emma Sullivan: I DIED when he did the two phones edit with that kid LMAO
- TNT 104: 1. 2. 3. 45i
- Dude Mann13: 55 percent lol
- Jerky: fuckmejerry
- Evan Shropshire: GuysnospacesstopputtingspacesguyswhyyoudothiscmonmanyouaintgottadothishomiemanilovenospacesNOSPACESGUYS
- its_just_me _: Whyshouldinotusespacesiknowhottousespace
- One Dollar Bleach: HeSaidLisp
- El Morenito: #MonsterIsSoGweatThatItMadeMeMyGayWace...
- Danielle Lewis: thatkidthatsaiddonaldtrumpisgayhemightactuallyberightaboutthat
- IronPiedmont1996: Trump also won the election, what does that kid got to say now.
- Meikachu 17: Afterthisvideoimgonnaneedmentalhelp
- Cypherr: AmITheOnlyOneTalkingWithNoSpaces
- rhyth_m: Yowtfmanjusttypewithoutspacesareyallretardedhehexd?
- Katie Smith: Trumpaspresidentbelikeletsmakeamericagreatagainvsmeaspresidentletsmakewalmartthenewshoppingmallifamericalolimsolameandalsoittookallthepowerinmybodytonotpressspaceaftereveryworditype
- STONER VIBES: FuckenNiggerFaggot
- Morgan Millwood: h doesn't have a list he has a lisp
- DARK Crafter Elite: Hellotrohowareya
- Weeb Toast: Cringe: -intransitive To shrink, tense or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment.
- Colm Auton: Monster review kid is called Noah his channel is Noah's food review
- Medusa Productions: Transmetropolitan oh hey Ricky
- Ryan Rafter: They say that children are the future... So... The apocalypse really IS on the horizon? We are so fucked. SO...FUCKED!
- HLG *: WhyDoYouHateTrump WHAT?
- Mr. Cocoa butter: Zewo calowies you feel me
- Jaywaysay: ThatWasGreatMan,hadMePracticallyDying
- Philip Moise: Troufunny
- SecludedPine: I luv his fewd reeviews
- asdikfjsgoi;lsdldfkjsd: IS THIS ΞNOUGH SPΛCΞS FOR YOU?
- iRenny 23: " You also look like an Adam "
- Ghostlynsxx: Bro I got u with 1 g or how ever much u need 10 a g free pull up
- Spongebob Squad pants: This is why abortions are here
- Rylee.Rush: Lmao
- Amber Grace Cameron: why do people have anything against being gay now lel its 2017 lllelelelelelelwl😂😂 being LBGT this shit cringes me
- C4: nobodyelseiscomplyingwiththenospacesrule
- fallen angel: I was crying and seen a new video and now I'm laughing XD
- Max Merrick: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?trumpisgayandhasnolifetrumooradam
- Anjail Bakeer: The trump kid is adorable, honestly. He's 10. Lol. But, the kid with two phones is definitely my favorite. 😎
- Edie Skyla: The Weekend for president.
- GLITTER GIRL: My mom actually has two phones
- Mr. Hippo: HmmWhatToComment
- Duncan Burnside: That’s Noah’s food reviews
- Arnold Reyes: This is the funniest channel I’ve ever seen. 😂
- putin vladimir: What_Up_Fucker
- cade layton: Suckmydick
- Thomas Stokes: That's what Gatorade will doof to ya.
- Gwenyth Mitchell: 😂😂😂😂😂I this cheers me up so bad. I have a mad fuckin fever and I’m laughing my ass off
- Sword bros: I'ma just like all your videos and leave slightly retarted comments
- FBI: I found the funny leafy
- Xavier Quiroz: Made my day
- Ez Peasy: Why you gotta do Kevin Gates like that bro?😂
- sam liz sometimes do smoke alarm or fire alarms: #rip gay
- H H: 0:48 your my new religion
- Eric Cartman: Joannea Funes FUCK you i bet your kyle you FUCKING STUPID JEW FUCK YOU KYLE
- Yes Indeed: Never subbed so fast... funniest person ever
- javis88h: Bobby Boucher Got off the H20
- Malik Burton: He sounds like that Jewish kid from family guy
- Christine Birmingham: Vewwy vewwy stwong
- Aidan X: #IPaidOnly50BuxForMyPhone
- Joseph Haji: TheseNiggasOnTheCommentSectionAreBreakinTheRulesNoSpaceFGS-WTF!
- Jack shadow123: EveryoneCalmYourErectNipples
- Jedi Mind: ICP!!!
- William Faix: Jason Garvin so where’s the good argument? You do know that just insulting someone that isn’t going to make them go “ OH I SEE SENSE SOMEBODY INSULTED ME I GUESS I HAVE TO CHANGE WHAT I THINK”. Seriously you got to grow up.
- Decipher: igot2phones1withabrokenscreenand1igotatwalmartionlypayed50bucksfor
- Timothy K: Trying to make political arguments with 10 year old kids.. only on infowars smh
- James T: 5:00 kid goes to my school😂
- xxxpurp: AlexisAstupidfucking Knee guard :)
- Auzixx 57: IveSeenThatAntiTrumpKidsBrotherBeforeSomewhere
- Oreo Raphael: HiAreYouGayIfYesGoAnywhereIfNoDoTheSame
- The_Savagee23: Hippl
- JWS The one: MR.SNOWPIE 46 I doing
- Ballers eat Fries: He said lisp
- BrickWal 72: Soamidoingthisright
- buffalo bill: I heard the 1st guy rapping b4 He's like another Eminem Sike
- ItsJustWolfie Gaming: Crap I didn't know that gartera would duf that to me sh***
- Bass_Slayer420: Dude you are amazing
- Mfundo Moyo: Theero Tharolies 😂😂
- Adam Bell: I thought he was talking to me for a minute because my name is Adam and I am pretty heavy set too I was like damn if tro knows I'm fat and need to go on a run and he can't see me yeah I'm going to run lol
- SokTon: ICouldn'tStopCringing.
- LinkedBeliefs: Nospacesforthiscommentbois
- drippy nazilla 25: #troforpresident2020
- stole ur man: His name is Noah
- Jillian_xx 651: Thefickingdelio😂🔥
- ANGEL Haros: Hiilikedogs
- KingGrooms747 Death: That fat kid lol wtf
- Kaden Campos: “Haveyouseenhishaircut”
- Theresa Cotacan: Howcanyoureadthisbutitsberryberryfuntoright
- HousePlnt IsHere: 69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sry XD
- MCR: Not even two seconds into the video and I'm already a cringing mess..Jesus take the wheel
- danise alexis: "Roll yo ass to the arcade"😂😂
- Burppee: .
- RainMaker: 69% fail, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Prio Diamond: lol photosynthese
- Brologs: 4:45 - 7:05 Christian Hoffman is the new reason I lost my Internet. #Trolledbecausemyteacherwouldgetrecordedforyellingatme #myparentsvotebiased #iwanttobebatman #obviouslyiamsupportingthecelebritiesontwitterwithoutjurisditionbecausetheyarefictionallybasedandiftheyreallycaredwouldrunforoffice. #ilovehimherbarney. #whoisbarneyimeantberney. #iamgayandoffended. #imgoingtobuyabatmanbaseballcap. #forgetflatbills. #dangilostitallbecauseoffamouspeoplegettingretweeted. #dontbantheamazonbookshelf. #walmartisdisney
- Helena Aleksandra: Fuckingcunts
- davin king: That's what Gatorade will doof to ya
- GarlicBread27: Waitaminutewhatwasthecommentthingyyousaid?
- clean maki: SuckmysmallcockpleasedaddytroohwaitdidIactuallypresscommentohshit
- CAPN DP: Very very very breaky breaky bishi BISHI
- savage nike 12345axd: yo i love your videos and i have been subed for a long time and i can always cont on you to make me lahugh and when you get a minutet can youcheck out my channel and mabye give me a shout out but i just lost 28 subs so it would mean the world to me. thank you for your time your friend nikesquad101
- That dude who criticizes everything: Charles reach it’s his money he earned it he can do whatever he pleases with it
- JWS The one: Preston Cannon I'm so damn proud of you for real you wished up got out and are with a good man I liked little man but he didn't want to leave the game and in the end it got him but you you got out keep doing good🙏💪👌
- The Chill Gamer: okilikethevideohavefunwithurlife2phonesbitchnotadealerandwheresthefuckinglistholyshitballs
- kale question: Thelastkidwasthekidwhowouldprobalygetbulliedwhenhegoestomiddileschoolandsaysyouhaveagayhaircutandhewillgetthrowinacrossthehallway
- Tree stuns: *IGOTTWOPHONES*
- InoxXxtran: *OhOk,NowAllOfASuddenIAmNotAllowedToWriteSentencesWithSpaces...*
- TheLegoBrickery: That's because touch has one syllable and apart has two...
- Luis Cervantes: You're
- Bilbo Swaggins: I feel so bad for the first and second kid😂😂
- HeliosOnACouch: nospaces
- SnaxTheGreat: 😂😂
- Harriette Daly: Theywereallsocringyandilovehowyouput69%willfailhahahahahandisntitrealyhardtoreadthesewithnospaces??💜💙 Ps I wrote this a month ago and I’m trying to figure out what i said 😂😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜
- Belg4Life: Nobodyseemstounderstandthechallengesoletmebetheexamplenoproblemtro
- Saf Corp: leave Noah alone he just wants to review sum food for you😂 just pick on the special ed kids who think they're cool
- EditingDanger71: Ttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssiiiiiiiiiisssssssaaaaaaavvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyybbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiigggggggggwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddd
- Mystix Ultra: Trump is worth billions of dollars so a million dollars is a small lone for him
- Spencer Thorbourne: Steven has friends?
- I'm Waisting Your Time: I break da rules. JustKiddingPleaseForgiveMe😥
- squidward tentacles: CanIHaveMilkBitch
- Tayé Lyda Mitchell: The kid with the speech impediment mister review is definitely from Louisiana. Most people talk just like that there lol
- Jacob Bell BMX: itsvewwyvewwystwong
- c21h30o2 Nova: Honestly you make me cringe also. A lot!
- Garret t: The-ten-year-old-is-a-fricken-commie
- Cackie: Oktronospaces
- I Am Mattyyy: 3:53 his name is Noah and he is the one and only legend noahs food reviews
- Caio Schneider: Thisisjustkillingme
- Ya Boi: i want to kill myself
- random talk with GARY!!!!: It's Sid the sloth younger brother
- Sirch: 2:52 this kid brings joy to my life
- Peggy Penguin: Christian Hoffman needs to turn in his Batman hat!!! 😂😂😂😂 🐧🐧
- *Ligma Richard*: That what it doof to you
- jZync: Nicevideobro
- MEOWLOTOV !: I still need to know what his list consists of
- ahren george: I Got Two Words
- MCR7 13: 3
- Hunter Cassidy: "This is my brother christian hoffman"
- PoSt oe: to
- skye 2real White: icp is hilarious i have to disagree i listen to them cuz theyre funny
- ツDudesup20: Ifeellikeimtheonlypersonfollowingthepolicy..
- Bryan Sanchez: Hey lmao icp is pretty dope. But funny ass vid, good shit
- Wilson: definitely gunna sub, this fuckin kids funny asl
- Justin Gaming: Adam Goddamit
- Matthew Price: thatwasprettyhotbro
- Josh Shepherd: He probably doesn't even know what a Bernie is😂😂😂
- Crocky: Third
- Milk Just Milk: ButtIDoNeedAnExample
- RipRon: Trump is tryna make everyone their race
- Teenage Metaphysics: "Maybe roll your ass over to the arcade" omg 😂
- Fleshman Gaming Original: Arcades are dope shit
- coolzplayer e: Whyisntanyonenotusingspaces?
- Bridgett Belle: 😡excuse me icp is my fam ok 😡😢
- Uncanny Gizmo: my first time drinking monster energy made me passs out im adhd and its proven that sugary stuff normally helps us calm down if we haven't eaten XD it was so funny it knockeed me the fuck out
- 𝓑𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓮𝓮: HiTroYourVideosAreAddicting
- zackwithdabros: There both terrible YouTube videos
- Bearch: Sanjana K then everything is a drug
- Jesse Pinkman: JWS The one he’s being picked on for having a lisp and he’s not doing anything wrong and I watched a video from him a long time ago he was trying to rap or something it just sucks to see this guy pick on people for no reason he’s a destructive person causing harm where bones done
- Tyler Yosko: Dude second kids sounds just like the water boy 😆
- Denyzzz Z: Vewwwy Vewwwy Good WIT Zewo calories
- TG 0219: MisMeWithThisStraightComment
- damaged.harlequin: I love ICP because I’m trash lol
- A Broom From Walmart: His name is chwis
- Zoe Schiff: Youdeservewaymore than245ksubsyouaresofunny😂
- rachelleleann1989: Hahaha GREGORY, STEVEN, or ADAM! WHAT THE HELL ADAM!! That is my favorite part! Your awesome! I love ur vids! Keep it up! ❤️💋
- Vash The stampede: MakemorevideosTriggeredTrio
- TheLegoBrickery: Hong Kong isn't a country
- Lyric Griffin: Shepenisinhermouth
- Archer960: ImDed
- Klaudea Ledbetter: I got two phones one with a broken screen and one for $15
- Lando Lanstetter: Cut my life into pieces this is my last resort.
- The Gamer Guider: Kayleigh M YOUFAILEDTHEONEWORD
- Dee Rock: Youreafuckingtrip,yourock.HappyNewYear
- Biggie cheese: *mommy
- Z A G U R _: Vewy vewy strong 😂😂😂
- DΛПGΣЯӨЦƧKΣY2592: Whattheheckhappened
- Isabella Tavarez: thatwashared
- I don’t Get jokes: Farouk Allababidi he’s coming back
- Chase Cooper: The second boy low key sounds like Bobby Boucher aka water boy "dats some quality h20" .😂😂
- Kevin Long: dude the roast tho
- Nikhil Rogers: NotiSquadm9
- Jay Allen: I swear to god ask someone under the age of 18 about sexuality and they will just turn into blank faces and shout about it
- CCShalloween: The last on ...... has a fetish for bernie
- happy Rachel: Unkanian please leave
- Delpiero Batou: Tbh you don’t need to be smart to be a politician
- milehigh 303: Insane clown pussies- eminem
- UnleashTheReaper: Bruh that guy who is reviewing the monster drink sounds like Billy Madison 😂😂😂😂😂
- Purified Water: Kid tearin' up a Trump sign without even knowin' what he did wrong. "He is gay, and he is a loser with no life." "'Cuz do you see his haircut?" "He said he got a small loan of $1 million. Do you think that's very small? I don't think that's very small." "I support Bernie" He isn't gay, he has had more wives than you've been laid. His haircut has nothing to do with anything. He turned $1 million into a multi-billion dollar company. He's quite intelligent, and you're 10 You're supporting Bernie Sanders? Honestly?
- Calebmufcthompson: ‘Zewo cawowies’ 😂😂😂
- Random Brown Guy: ae tro dont do drugs ok it is bad stay straight edge ok life is hard pls dont hate meh
- Something Irrelevant: you should do a video on #notmyrodrick
- Trash Pockets: Thisisanicevideo
- SHDW Trickshot: that "you copy leafy" roast is so old, come up with new material, just thought id say that
- Jesus Christ: Thefaceyoumakewhentheyaskyouwhidoyousupport.
- Aim Bot: Bythewaythatsafacebooklikeloliloveyourvids
- BEHEMOTH: It's never too late to count calories
- Raven Lockwood: IThinkTheGuyWithTwoPhoneWhoHasAListLolAndLikesI.C.P.ShouldFindBetterHobbieThatFitsHisPersonalityLikeEatingStaleCrackersOnAHotJulyDay
- Yourgrandmaxb: Iloveemussomeonestealoneformeitssnowing happy now oh shit I just used space oops
- Space Clout: Votetroforpresident
- Tiona Gardner: "Well that's what Gatorade'll DOOF to ya"😂
- Ciel Kyros: That fat kid is............just retarded..........I’m out of words
- RedPandaGamer04 RPG: Lickmyballs
- Xinics: Gosh Dang It!* And Dang!* x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. There Will Never Be A End! Set For Eternal Life! God Bless! If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have A Marvelous Eternal Life For Forever And Ever On Earth And In Heaven For Eternal Life In Our Eternal Lives All Thanks Be To God And Jesus! Yes Always! Thank You For Everything God And Jesus! In Jesus Name, I Pray And Know! All Thanks Be To God And Jesus! Amen :heart: :smiley:
- Bradley Gillingham: He said lisp not list
- Chris Ibarra: This dude is gonna be the next leafy
- Astin Lindsey: Heytroihavebeenwatchingyourvideosforquiteawhilenowandireallylikethemijustwantedtosaykeepupthegoodworkandalsoyoukindaremindmeofleafyinawayidontknowwhybutithinlihavethelongestcommentwithoutspacesandifidontwellitwasagoodshotbyeguys!
- Jesse Nicholls: I'm a rebel I have spaces 😈
- xïßlïfëßøïßßüblïmïñälß dëpprëssïønïsdäddy: "What the hell Adam"
- 6 Thousand: WhenuraJakepaulerurcringe
- Marissa Kiss: You are so fucking funny
- dorito lord: I always have to pause so I don't die of suffocation from laugh
- cash money Canon: Whatuptrohowisitgoing
- ratcoon gaming: thisisfunny
- sneaknation: It’s funny the kid at the end sounds like every liberal ever lol
- Kieran Tewari: Mynameissherlockholemesandiliketosolvepeoplesproblems
- anthany: The best part 5:26
- Ero2bosnia Gaming: Cookie Monsters he ain't making fun of them just very few arcades are left in the world.
- Awesomeness Live: Arcades exist, I broke my friends hand in air hockey last time I went😆
- Coolchou Zhao: 5:21 I feel bad for that guy
- IFM: *okaythenthiscommentwillhavenospaces*
- Paul Simonie: Nospacesjeasuslovesyoutro
- JerichoPride: Only thing cringier than the challenge is this video and your commentary.
- kean allred: The second kid probably has diabetes
- Aishazlovelylife: Thelastonewasmyfavourite
- Warrior cats Fandom: #INeedDruGz (Edit) #FuckSpacesItsAllOneWordFuckYou
- Coco Green: I can't get the nigga you gay meme out of my head during the kid interview part
- Benji Cohen: 2:23 no oxygen entered my body
- MudasWorld: he said lisp
- tanocastcan13 /thewreckinghost: doyouevensupportbigdaddybernie uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Newly peeled Potato: Iwanttofuckingdiehaveaniceday
- Owen Cross: 2;03 ho. 😂😂
- Itz Glove: Benjamin Shamel he hasn’t said one controversial thing as a president. Even the things that are “controversial” people easily get offended by. He’s brought our economy up. I swear the only people who hate trump or call him these names are uneducated teenagers. Smh.
- 可愛いManiko101: XD
- Star the Wolf: Iloveyousomuch
- Honeey Ana: Lmaooooooooooo
- movo: This is my brother 😂😂😂😂😂
- shawn north: Haha you a funny motherfcker
- Thomayam Upright: Uh....Kid!!!Whatisblackmusic?LOLGetoffthatloudcrap It'ssyntheticcrap.LOL ...andthefatkiddrinkingMONSTER.....NEVMIND!!!LOL
- Calum O'Hanlon: 2phones
- dubbedx: Goddamittnobodyisdoingtheonewordchallenge😂😂😂imagetonitthough
- Bbylulz: Be vewwy vewwy quiet. We're hunting chubby kids
- SuperOnionmaster: Iminfuckingstichesnoshitimrofling.
- Metal Militia: Actuallyilike1Icpalbum
- Damion Earle: GRINGO ZOVAC check Brewstew films he’s funny af
- The GamingCheezburger: Welleverythingsucksnowgreat
- Camila Martinez: Eatmyass
- dorito lord: I was wheezing when he was talking bout the loudy loud 😂😂😂😂😂
- Justin Liddy: Someonepissedonmypizza
- junbug junior gonzalez: Icangetthegrattestwininfortnite
- Meme Gaming bros: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisisthelongestwordintheenglishdictionary.
- Guffenberg: It’s vewy vewy strong and vewy vewy cold
- Dubz Trpz: I’ve just started watching and ur pretty fucking funny
- SHOCKZZ: Challengeaccepted
- Alain Lemaire: ittrotriggertrotheoneandonlyguythatsthereimaddingwords4noreasonimbeingadumbass........iluvu
- gaming talk: lifeSucksButIGotAPhoneFromWalmartThatWasOnly50DollarsAndTheOtherOneHasABrokenScreenEveryoneMustThinkISellDrugs
- Tez O’Reilly: 1:35 *He sound like 6ix9ine*
- JWS The one: The Billy Bandit I'm glad u thought it was funny
- lewie beck: Lmao they act like Adam Sandler from water boy lmfao
- hey: Good job kid, now trumps super depressed and butthurt cuz ur 10 year old ass had to go hurt is feelings😑😂
- ZxyEatsPizza: I d o n t g e t i t I s t i l l d o n t
- Nordic Wolf: ICP acts like that on purpose.
- Pixelart and gaming clips: I like icp:-(
- LANDON PADILLA: WhydoyousuportBernieohigottogo
- Globbys: KillYourselfFagOkay?
- Aiden Soto: Igot2phoneonefortgepluge
- MysticRaidz HD: Banana Bandit xD
- Felix Bannister: Trumpisaloserandheisgay
- BLOODMIESTER: Ha 69. It's a sex thing.
- ONI: Supbitchest
- Tealslayer: MySpaceBarIsBrokenWTF
- Trayq: yeawhatthefuckdude
- EnVy R!OT: UGotSumDrugsIneedDrugs
- Jada Hurley: IfYouThoughtStevensMonsterReviewWasBadYouShouldHaveWatchedHisMiracleWhipReview😂😂
- troll gameing: 50$bro
- DatBoiTrey_ B: “I think it’s a little to late to be counting Calories” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Flyin Potatoe: This Video Good
- garrett sieren: TheCodLogic 4413 i called the police on you.
- Sunrise Girl: Ineverlikedspacesanywayalsoilikethevideodrafthands
- Alex papanik: Video memerestricted btw
- Ultimate Gamer 9-11: Beenwatchingurvideossince4thisafternoon
- Jack McCormick: Kid calls trump gay ha
- Gregory Carpenter: Up yours, pal!! Lol
- Josmar Olguin: WhatTheFuckAdam
- Lily O: He hides his food in there so nobody but him will see it
- Savannah Jamily: your so funny!!!
- TGI Fre3days: this is a brother, harry poter
- Cathy Russell: you so have a addiction to roasting
- Loleka Ali'i: O forgot their name... uh... no-no! Her name!.... Uh.... BERNIE!!!
- Emanuel Halilovic: DonaldTrumpisgayandyesitscinfirmed
- Guffenberg: Eddy Hamz no
- Clorox Bleach: Gimmesucc
- Raxaga 64: The fat kid sounds like waterboy.
- Generic YouTube Commenter: 5:10 cant even come up with words for this like wtf
- Kpoptrash Dad: Idk how I fucking found you but I love your channel 😂😂 I died omf 😂😂
- OxiClean Bleach: whatthefuck
- bumblebitxh: Fucking hell Ricky
- JUICYMILK: whydoyouguyshavespaces?
- RoseIsNotAFlower: Jesse Ferrara sadly.
- Charis Fyse: vewui vewui stron vewui vewui culd
- Thesweetonemanda: Fuckingnumbnutkids. Love your vids
- jordan santiago: hesaidnospaces
- Darth: This is wewwy cringy
- NikSto16: WhatTheActualFuck
- Syed Urooj Kamal: godisnowhere
- Killa Potato: Do you not know what Noah's food reviews is
- Komrade Undead Knot: TrumpMakesEveryoneTheirRace
- Corey Animations: Ithinkdonaldtrumpisgaybecauseofhishaircutitsgayasfuckandim10yearsold =P
- The Creamless One: Nicevideotro
- Earl Sunil: Ifuckedyourmamalastnight
- Tokyo Lanes: It’s berry berry strong
- Sidearm 44: #troforpresident
- jedimaster steven: My name is Steven
- iSkrub: A Mix A Woozer that is hey and it doofs to you...
- Mike B: lmfao tro.... ur to funny
- JiminyJustin: I sure hope trump doesn’t try to make me my race. My race sucks!
- Reilly Hurn: The big kid looks like a Jacob, a fucking Jacob
- Michael Grimes: Alloneword
- Papaya -: Where's the word xD
- 617183 92910: Iamtheonlyonewhodidnotuseanyspaces
- me thatguy: That last one is a prime example of a child that has 0 guidance. Someone get that kid a father.
- best killing vines: please 1v1 me in rocket leauge
- Lisa Stang: Iabsolutelyloveyourvideos!
- Goatracer 17: Trumpisgaylol
- BluStabb x Oozy K: ur overweight
- speedy Boyz: fuckmanimlate
- Jay Gat: Ya moms is a thot
- Chase Howard: 3:20 "It's a little to late to start counting calories" LOL
- Secret Person: 😂😂
- Brennan Barnes: MyCockIsFat
- Willow Boulden: For a billion dollar company a million dollars is small.
- Rebellious HD: John W 696 wardell hahahahhaha
- Kyle phelps: Haileigh Frady lmao it’s true 😂😂😂
- Art person Oni: D O O F
- Cayley K: Justfoundyouandiloveyourvids
- Johnny Whitsel: ICP 'worst group ever'???!! I just got TRIGGERED!
- Internalized Ablest: Knowing he's a bad rapper without having to hear him rap is like knowing your future videos are going to be good without even watching them lol
- Callofzombies 90: Heyguyswhatsup
- DrDrift Gaming: ILoveYourChannelDude.AcctuallyFunnyContent.ThanksForItMan.
- Jordan Albert: He.. uh.. doesn't do music. The comparison is pathetic
- meghan looye: WhyDoesn'tAnybodyListennnnn?!!!!!
- Victor Montero: True roast legend I swear 😂
- lgbt bathroom: I lost in 2 seks
- Zilerix: Ok I got you bro no spaces
- Guactane: Mynamejeff
- Elly Morales: Vewy vewy cold
- Triple V: Likeicantunderstandanycomments
- JWS The one: Autumn Ingraham some songs are but the new stuff is kinda junk
- Hatrick Magic: Yoitsyeboijoebo12
- The Skeptical Cookie: IDontThinkICanTypeASentenceIntoOneWord:(
- TekkyTPvP: "he also looks like an adam" def an adam
- RieChester: Dude wtf you did not make it to the 10min mark. Well say bye to that$$
- Samantha Rizzo: Just so you know pretty much all boy 10-year-olds are weird these days Especially Ian he asked my friend if she was gay yet🤷🏻♀️
- jOsEpH cInTrOn: ManILoveYourVideosYouTrulyMakeMyDayAndKeepUpTheGoodWork
- Spooderman: I felt really bad for the second kid 3:12 because he actually might be retarded. I am actually serious
- Nugget: thesekidskillme😂😂😂
- K Jones: 5:00 aw he's so cute
- Coolchou Zhao: Does thar kid has a neck?
- Cayden Pauley: Wtf I wanted to here his list bro damn I’m passed now
- Real Jordan From Electronics: He said lisp. Lol gunna say it any way.
- Faith Crown: "What'shername...Bernie!"Iwasdyinglolalso#nospaces
- PERTAINED ROCKET: Doesitlooklikeiwasleftofbadandboujee
- Lindsey Rupp: Alotofpeoplearen’ttypeingeithnospaces
- E m m a ramos: thirsty ass fuck boy go leave honestly
- Kyle Kardashian: How can you not pronounce ‘Rs’ and ‘Ls’??? Even *if* you have a lisp.
- love lost: Lmao
- Mirage 9: God damn tro 😂😂
- fara erm: ily
- curtain call: what the fuck tro my name is Ricky 😂
- Space Cowboy: 3:36 Be vewwy vewwy quiet!
- YeemGames: I'm sorry but you sound really hot :)
- KevinCummings Fitness: They all look so cool
- Fisher Reed: The fat kid is Noah from Noah’s food review
- Weeboh .-: The fat kid with the lisp looks like someone from my school
- Potato Khed: Katelyn Hicks completely random but i like your profile pic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- POPE Ace Guru Genesis: Hail The Succubus nah he sounds like adam sandler
- Adamski3103: Rip me
- June_Bug99: Okay. Just gonna say that my childhood wasn't the best. To give you an insight on the happier times of my life, me and my dad would quote ICP songs word for word to each other when I was a kid. Like, that was my first childhood band. When I was seven. And other than spongebob, south park and family guy were my childhood tv shows. And I didn't turn out like this punk ass lil wannabe shit stain. Maybe all the Disney I watched leveled me out 😁👍 And honestly, if you actually listen to the lyrics of ICP songs, they actually talk about serious subjects. Just in a very, very, very graphic way. Or maybe I really am insane 🙄❤
- Crankbait Baron: yofuckyoutro,whydoesthefatkidnamehastobesteven,oranybodysname,youcouldhavejustcalledhimblob,orjuicebox.
- Gaming withOrion: "I got two phones 1 with A broken screen and 1 from Wal-Mart I only paid 50 dollars 4" lol😂
- HYLAsky Games: Its funny that he is in a car
- Ashley Nicole: Doesitlooklikeiwasleftoffbadandboujee
- kenneth munro: I like his video more than yours . All your videos just rip on people. GET A LIFE BRO
- Trevor Dustin: I cringed so hard on the second one
- Brendon antill: I think I am have gotten blackout drunk in middle School and was possibly the first faggot
- HeyItsAbby _: DELTA_CyotEE this is some russian spy code XD
- LorisTheScorpi: GET ME A TISH!!!!!!!!!!! Your username😂 Dolan twins
- Zachary Unknown: #Nospaces. Ijustgotoffmylazyasstodaytofinallytake3secondstosubscribesothankyouforthat.
- KM 2023Artero: Notification squad
- jeb bob: Vewwy
- Comboofie Markets: I watch this video at least 4 times a month but hey I guess that's what Gatorade will doof to you
- William Faix: Jason Garvin Fine but can you please use proper grammar.
- Parental Advisory. Explicit Content.: "Fucking magnets... How do they work?" Um... Ever heard of a virtual current fuck face?
- Dishwasher: John W 696 wardell am i gregnant? am i pragnanagant? an I pragnet??
- T8 the 1: Oguzhan sezai Lafci idon'tknowwhatyoumeanwhatareyoufuckinggay?
- MEGA MONKEY: ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ – (ง⌐□ل͜□)ง ( ͡°Ɛ ͡°) (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀) ( ͡°〓 ͡°) (ʖ ͜° ͜ʖ) ( T ʖ̯ T)(▀ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡°° ͜ʖ ͡°°)( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)( ͡°❥ ͡°)
- TristanS321: Well guess what birch he won
- Dersiv XBL: DELTA_CyotEE its called call me angel now
- Trey Hardin: Noah's food review
- Sentai Insano: H h
- Softice 2659: Rewwry
- NINJAS CAMPER: i rate ur vids dude keep up the good work
- Bh Reviews I will review anything: Meeacle wheep
- Triggered Tro: ❤️❤️
- J.A.M. slayz: ihatemylife
- Bellalina: I thought "Hil--- Bernie" followers support gay pride lol
- Echo MFJ: I got 3 phones I don't sell drugs but ill help YOU out for the low :P
- Matt Sub: GreatVideo ;-)
- S&mseqenceslimes: Wtf is this addicting vids!!!!!!!
- Skater Caleb: Iloveyourvidsbrokeepitupyourliketheonlypersononyoutubethatcanactuallymakemelaugh
- ChronicleCobalt: RoyaleWithCheese
- GamingTrilogy: Omfg what an idiot he said list instead of lisp what a silly billy. Get roasted
- Weird Alien: Doof
- Chevrolet 100 years Of trucks: Oneword
- Tristan Hill: Mynan
- Moon regale: I cringed instantly
- dyllan betancourt: Wowthatkidhatestrump
- Der Herrscher dieser Welt: Bridgett Belle Hahahahahahahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Moreno Dzolota: Thats what Gatorade doof to u fuckin comedy
- Ashley Ohayon: ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝
- Sierra Tolle: I have a "list" of why triggeredtro is amazing
- Redmist 2004: Shows the kids of this generation are fucked
- J Legend: Thisismytenthtimewatchingthisvideo
- The Amazing Gamer: lilpumpisgodandheisverysmartbecausehegraduatedharvardandeveryuniversityintheworldandhasaniqover2000heisthatsmartanddonthateonhimbruvilikeyourcontentbtwbye
- Doe Goods: Berryberrystrongandberryberrygood
- Redder Playz: Tro his name is Noah the guy who drank the monster
- Morphic Gaming: oml
- BeLeave17: suckmybigfatcockpleaseithelpsmydepression!
- FlexTapeIsLOVEFlexTapeisLIFE: That’s what Gatorade will dooth to ya
- Hey hi: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthationlypaidfifteenbucksfor
- Matthew Hiltner: Whisk... Dude has a Whisk. He's has two phones. You failed to connect the dots... He loves the coco
- nick gers: Dead ass i fucking start laughing out loud when I wacth your videos .
- Bubba The One: Zewo calowies
- real life bart Simpson: *NOSPACES*
- Carla Mongelli: hoyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- How To Life: IWantToFuckingDie
- Eli: onewithabrokenscreenandonefromwallmartthationlypaid$50forkevingatesistoofire
- Melvin Ishtar: Nope its not a myth there is a arcade in spain
- Antonio Bones: Do a reaction video on my musicly its princessjae1007 plsssss💯💯💯
- JWS The one: Their
- JWS The one: DR Bright 3 that's nothing when I made the vid I had 2 now I got like 7 8
- Anita Evanger: MAGA <3
- Revilo 05: This is literally 97% fail
- Vansh Ranch: Hahahahahaha
- Jace_3_Gamer: Why does the dude reviewing the monster sound like Adam Sandler in the WaterBoy?
- ConnorHazzy201: why you doof this
- Earl Hickey: Noah is either passed on or 678 pounds by now
- PostalOffice: Aight,uh.Myguy,you'renotabadtuberman.
- Kathy Florcruz: HexagramMan Stop believing lies of leftists & watching mainstream TV. You're brainwashed. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS brainwashed. Snap out of the matrix, man.
- JD: 3:14 "Zewo cawowies"
- Butter Guitar: Omg that kid and his brother lol great content
- 🅱️🅾️❗️: Spaces
- Woke Dolphin69: H e l l o
- Jace 0p: 1:22-1:27 best part
- Celina M: JBro JBro yaaaas same
- Insane Warrior: Starring "Noah's Fewd Reveeiw" at 2:52
- Morgan Yeye: IFindYouVeryFunny.
- I WANNA BE TRACER: Ihavealist..........................
- Danny SquarePnts: igotntwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthatipaidonly50dollarsfor
- Dilo'sTearsbecomeTyler'sLaughter: I usually don't get sensitive about jokes n shit because Tro's hilarious and doin shit for comedy and entertainment buuutt Is NO one gonna speak up that half yinz are literally just bullying the middle video kid?? Someone mentioned that he goes to their school, and someone else replied to "roast his ass".. Like are we seriously going to fucking encourage kids to bully others?Like I know I know it's the joke but.. Goddamn have a little heart people, he's just a kid, he probably already has a hard enough time.. Sorry, don't mean to seem like a stick in the mud but jesus its hard to just sit by and read this shit without saying something when I know kids who have committed SUICIDE because of bullying, or attempted.. K rant over
- Comrade Falcon: 2:52 bruh this kid sounds like Adam Sandler in The Waterboy xD
- Aaron Richardson: This guy is fucking amazing omg
- Kyle: I lost brain cells
- Ask Epic: Ecstaticly Purple RIP
- Ambuze Edits: missmewiththatganariashit
- Kya Lazz: Yeeeeeeetyeeeeeeeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyey
- Blueberry Frog: Jordan Albert I
- Michelle Dube: damn the second kid he roasted went missing
- Manv MVP: lolkiddidntknowwhathesaying,soundslikemyteacher
- Killerslimes13104 !: heisjustaloserthatisgayandhasnolife
- RoseIsNotAFlower: The fat food review kid is fucking adorable. I mean seriously just listen. It's Vewy Vewy stwong"
- XXX_KYI 23: Heywhatsuptro
- Liam Anderson: l o l u f a t c u n t d i e h a h a p r a n k e d f a g g o t
- Juan Palomares: The kid on 3:10 sounds like Bobby Boucher from The Waterboy lmao
- Soggee: Guess I sell drugs now.
- Jasmine Houston-Burns: Infowars can take about 3,000 L' s for trying to have a confrontational political interview with a 10 year old in order to make a point.
- wayne wilson: lol twiztid is good ICP is ok at best they have like 10 good songs lol
- AbyssalMagister: AnIncubusIsALilinDemonInMaleFormWho,AccordingToMythologicalAndLegendaryTraditions,LiesUponSleepingWomenInOrderToEngageInSexualActivityWithThem.ItsFemaleCounterpartIsASuccubus.SalaciousTalesOfIncubiAndSuccubiHaveBeenToldForManyCenturiesInTraditionalSocieties.SomeTraditionsHoldThatRepeatedSexualActivityWithAnIncubusOrSuccubusMayResultInTheDeteriorationOfHealth,MentalState,OrEvenDeath.You_All_Just_Read_A_Wikepedia_Extract_About_Sex_Demons..............
- Jahmir Callahan: I think that Trump thing was staged. The people looks a little sterotyped.
- Andy Newman: OverGlowYT I never thought I'd see another Brewstew fan.
- Allyson Lopez: Nospaces😂
- Vincent Graziano: wow
- Anime Vibes: Ifyouwankthenyouareafuckingwankermate.
- lukz Z: Fidgetspinner
- Zoe Creates: Thiswasagoodviditwasfinny
- FailsMaster: SpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceSpace
- Kevin Garcia: Go watch my video on my channel. It’s a fight !
- maikel thoma: my nigga 😂😂 list
- Chloe Torres:
- PANDA LOVER: "I need some f**king dr*gs"
- Rayanna Johnson: 5:16 he’s a singer, mostly see him on jack Doherty’s channel...
- Car Channel: Igot2phonesonewiththebrokenscreenandoneigotatwalmartfor50bucks
- Sir Chubbs: The second kid is noah from noah fewd review
- K Jones: Uber Excel we know, Ricky
- Quillaja: News “Why do you think berny is a good guy” Kid “because uhh hahah what” lol 😂
- Foul Zaida: I miss you tro :( your so much better than just destiny. Please come back
- MrShadowkiller 91: Banana Bandit next president over here boys
- DΛПGΣЯӨЦƧKΣY2592: it says can you read this
- Ashosha Haque: DamnPeopleNoSpacesGotThat?
- Brianna Nicole: That first one... Was freaking funny! Lol😂😂😂😂😂
- Don't stop Hold on to the feeling: Trump roasted!!!!!!! *Airhorn*
- Kids Learn Channel: I_SUBBED_NIBBA
- paola cabrera: Thisdoesmakesmecringesandyes
- Rileigh West: All of these children have lists. It’s crazy
- Spencer Collins: Thiswassocringy
- GhostTrainGaming: thatliketodislikeratio
- CheDi Richardson: NoSpacesForTro
- Music that's all: Mr. I try monster cringe His name is Tyrone
- Ally Nelke: I really want to hear that first kids rap. Tro, find that shit and make that video for me. And I’ve been to the mythical lands of the arcades, and they’re glorious.
- Reynard Ninja: I support Trump
- Finswin: WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY.
- Rash Gaming: Guys u should sub to this guy he's hilarious
- jackson: Killyourselfyoudumbfagfuckyounahjustkiddingiloveyoucanwehavesex?
- John Suggs: EthanFilms Cars do you mean 50 FIRST DATES
- MollysMiniStuff: Myfaceexploded.
- Mememansam: Ilickedurvideo
- jaso man: It's berry berry strong and berry berry cold😂😂😂
- Dalton Schmidt: Lol why were they interviewing a child that can't vote about politics?
- Witherwing: Whyisthisagerestricted
- Johanna Castro: HiILoveYouKByeManHaveAGreatDayOrNIght
- Twietz: you meant the insane clown pussies #eminemthegod
- Cookie Monster: Dude arcades are the best. Don’t hate on them. You cant say you don’t wanna hang out with yo friends at the arcade!
- Ronnie Queen: YoYoDisIsAllIAmGonnaPutBecauseIReallyDon'tKnowWhy
- Deth 31: vik green I
- CLOROX BLEACH: Age restricted!
- Pixel Kitten: Icp ain’t THAT bad I can name ten people or groups that are worse
- Adog 00: JWS The one Lol that’s u😂
- Blood Pie: YouguysdoknowthatyouarenotsupposetotypeanyspacesisitreallythathardohitissorrythenalsoImsorryyouwereraisedbyidiotsunlikeyouIpassedthethirdgradeletmenamesomefamouspeoplethatgotfamousforeithernoreasonorstupidreasonsTaylorSwiftCupKaKeandofcourseKimKsomeprettystupidpeopleifyouaskmeIstillcantbelievepeoplearewastingtheirprecioustimeinashortshortlifetotypeeverythinguplikethisandmakeituselessandlongandannoyingwhichyoumaysayisexactlywhatImdoingbutnotreallybecausethishaslotsofmeaningandIdontgiveafuckaboutanyofyouandGerardWayisafuckingemovampireanywayswanttoheardastoryofcourseyoudosotheduckwalkeduptoagrapestandandaskedifhehaslemonadeandhesaidyesthentheduckthrewthelemonadeatthewomansfaceandmadearunforitthepolicechasedhimlikehewasablackguygoingonepointoverthespeedlimitthentheyshottheduckbutthezombieoftheduckcamebacktolifeandshotbothofthemcallingthimmotherduckerswhichmadesensebecausehesaduckbutanywaysthatistheendIguessbutImgoingtokeeptypingtoannoytheshitoutofeveryoneherebutcongratsifyouactuallyreadthisfarletsgotoleveltwoandseeifyoureadthatandcommentleveltwostartsNOWYouguysdoknowthatyouarenotsupposetotypeanyspacesisitreallythathardohitissorrythenalsoImsorryyouwereraisedbyidiotsunlikeyouIpassedthethirdgradeletmenamesomefamouspeoplethatgotfamousforeithernoreasonorstupidreasonsTaylorSwiftCupKaKeandofcourseKimKsomeprettystupidpeopleifyouaskmeIstillcantbelievepeoplearewastingtheirprecioustimeinashortshortlifetotypeeverythinguplikethisandmakeituselessandlongandannoyingwhichyoumaysayisexactlywhatImdoingbutnotreallybecausethishaslotsofmeaningandIdontgiveafuckaboutanyofyouandGerardWayisafuckingemovampireanywayswanttoheardastoryofcourseyoudosotheduckwalkeduptoagrapestandandaskedifhehaslemonadeandhesaidyesthentheduckthrewthelemonadeatthewomansfaceandmadearunforitthepolicechasedhimlikehewasablackguygoingonepointoverthespeedlimitthentheyshottheduckbutthezombieoftheduckcamebacktolifeandshotbothofthemcallingthimmotherduckerswhichmadesensebecausehesaduckbutanywaysthatistheendIguessbutImgoingtokeeptypingtoannoytheshitoutofeveryonehereandifyoureallyreadthisfaryouwouldknowitsjustrepetedtextandyesIspeltthatonpurpouswhichisfunalsocomment'Ihatemyself'ifyouactuallyreadthisalsocongratsfam.Thistookmeliterallyforeversopleaselike.
- iDriveYouCrazyy: 'boi dont even know what cringe is'
- Apollo X: The Best New Leafy. XD
- Jack- O: F U C K Y O U T R O. T R O M O R E L I K E D U M B
- Drew Rycerz: I have a list: .*Crickets* fuck I'm Ricky.
- bumblebitxh: Damnit Ricky
- Antoinette Taylor: I laughed threw all the video
- Johan Brekelmans: Miwacle whiip
- Skyline Supra: I drink at least 2 bottles of Mountain Dew
- Niela: So Bernie is a girl now.. good to know :)
- kate c: fuckin magnets.. HOW DO THEY WERK??
- Lestat de Lioncourt: trumpisgaybecausehishaircut
- Ayahyazee Gaming: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A+ cowboy: Ha
- Carly Klein: i like ICP and it makes me sad
- Mr. Owl Gaming: Hia motherfucker
- Connor Jones: Ican'tread
- Emiel333 Official: He has a Gatorade mustache lol
- Ava: He's gay because he has a certain haircut and has a wife which OBVIOUSLY means he is gay. By the way also because his face.
- WaryFlea510 _: Funny
- KawaiiKatzun *: Dead Shot 456 He doesn’t even walk to go to school 😂
- Sam Henderson: Notspacedatall?
- the wookie: How can you judge a person by they're hair he can't even vote
- LF 9: Zewo cawowies
- KiloBravo 2000: Space space space. Space. Space
- Brologs: #investinstocks
- Ethan Godfrey: This kid sound like water boy
- Totally Donald Trump: hiyoufuckingcuntallonewordbitch
- 0mG gurL: Supercalifragialexdpidalidousious
- Jaydogkelly: Tro makes my day who is with me
- Levi Kemp: Thatonekidhad3monstersinthebackgroundnottwoohmygoshhesfat
- MapleThe1nOnly1: you know that humanities is fucked when you forgot how to cringe :'(
- beastmode 12091: Dickinaass
- Bohemian Rhapsody: Yourmymetaphoricalfather
- feel_horrible_inc: "Gregory or steven" STEVEN UNIVERSE FANS!?? WHERE U AT
- Cameron D: The Bernie kid was great
- BlanD: the second kid reminds me of my 9 year old brother... *A FUCKING MORON*
- Chris: I love how Infowars asks a CHILD what they think of Donald Trump... As if they have anything intelligent or relevant to say. Wow. Great going there Infowars...
- Punctual_Potato: I almost spit my water laughing
- RickyGoreMusic: 2:49 whoa..... that freaked me out a little
- Red Dragon: *I Just Nutted* Not to this though I was watching *Hentai*
- Charles Got The Chocolate Syrup: Geoffrey Wilkinson Its because not everyone has a rich company thats why people rate pissed of he says he stands for middle class but he’s talking about millions of dollars like its nothing even BILL GATES DOESNT FLEX ABOUT HIS BUISNESS AND MONEY LIKE That and he’s the Richest man in the world
- Julian Baxter: Brokenglasscactusdildodippedinaids
- Krzysztof M: xD
- Arber K: Song at 0:49 /Kevin gates - 2 phones/
- Satisfying Sam: 2:52 rip me
- Gary Proctor: Fi uyo nca raed htis yuro spuer cool
- Rhoda Wheeler: Greek Yogurt ahahah 😂😂😂 god dammit Ricky
- LilFuckUp: You sound like a narrator on some funniest home videos shit
- Brad Manes: Ayyyyyywuzgoooooodlmaooooo
- Tristan Rogers: "HaveYouSeenHisHaircut?"Lol
- Bennett Friesen: C'mon Ricky, get it together!!
- Scorching Bawles: MaybeTheSecondPhonePhoneHadGreatPreInstalledGames.StopHatingPacMan.
- Renae Dunstan: Ccccrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggggeeeee only the first vid and more
- Hungry Card: Fuckyouguysusingspacea
- Z-_build_- -: lol tro keep doin more vids 😂😂😂
- Osvaldo Rodriguez: thatwasfunnyasf
- Daniel and Itzel: Hitriggeredtro
- Madie Luva: MegaMan (Black) dear Lord my brain sells were hurt by this comment.
- Damien Bartlett: 2:01 to 2:05 is 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥👿👿🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥👿👿👿👿🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿🔥👿🔥👿👿👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿👿👿👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿🔥👿🔥🔥👿🔥🔥👿🔥👿👿👿🔥🔥👿👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥😎🔥🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿👿🔥👿🔥🔥👿🔥👿👿👿🔥👿👿🔥👿😎🔥🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥🔥👿🔥🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿👿🔥👿👿👿👿🔥😎🔥👿🔥👿👿👿🔥👿👿👿👿🔥👿🔥👿👿🔥🔥👿👿👿🔥🔥👿👿🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿🔥🔥🔥👿👿🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- KineticsVevo: I think it was 15 i may be wrong
- Yousef J: i tHiNk hE iS a gOoD gUy cUz hE'S jEwi.... COOOL
- jeffery keeton: goddamn ppl still butt hurt over trump 4the win....pussys man fuckn pussys
- Austin Spiser: Space
- Shadow Alpha-Wolf: Favorite monster bro
- Isaiah: 5:09 I’m dead😂
- Rey Castillo: ThatFuckinKidWithTheTwoPhonesWasFunnyAsHell
- ცγɛɛ ცγɛɛ: *вєcαuѕє hє'ѕ juѕt α lσѕєr thαt íѕ gαч αnd hαѕ nσ lífє*
- Nathalie White: Whyisnoonedoingehattrosaid
- Katy Lepetsos: I would rather go down with the titanic than do a
- WHY ARE YOU READING MY NAME :/: iwillnotobeytoyourstuidassrules
- James Banks: Fuckyoustupidaasscuntbitchasskillyourselfwithtwophonesonefromwalmartthatiiloosnsjsifiidiwkwiskdifjdnejqkanakaksk
- SleepyHippo: heyguyswhatamiwritingrightnow
- Beta Wolf: HiTriggeredTrio AllOneWord
- ArcTic: So he hates Trump because of his haircut.... Cringe..
- TheDude !!!!: How much do you want to bet that fat monster kid is going to die of a heart attack? Haha
- Wesley Dinkins: u know how lil kids be sayin they don't like trump but don't have a reason
- SseTezzy: ok
- Ryan Dyer: WhyDoYouSupportBernie?What.HelloYesThisIsDog😂
- Jerry Ayala: Eww this makes me cringe so bad
- george johnson: fuckeverybodyinthecommentsection
- Jake West: GEORGE got that backwards...when a son turns out like him the parents don’t like him.
- Andrew Huang: reasons why trump is better than the other two (no offense) 1:bernie is gonna die in office 2:hillary said and i quote, "america is great because america is good."
- Mitchell Robinson: If you look in your moms purse you’ll find me, because I’m dope..........….and she is a crack head.
- Max Willott: BATMAN
- Rob: IAkwaysHatedItWhenKidsWouldTryToTalkAboutPoliticsAsIfTheyKnowWhatTheHellTheyAreTalkingAbout. TheyOnlyKnowWhatTheirParentsTellThem. TheyHaveNoExperienceSoWhenLittleKidsTryToTalkAboutPoliticsItSoundsAnnoyingAndDumbAsHell
- Pumpkin Dolann: Carla Mongelli lmao
- Panther: I NEED SOME DRUGS *Shows picture of Coolio*
- galaxy love: Im white boy doing black people music
- Braylen Guevara: I was dead when he said hit the treadmill
- G r e e d: Wow I actually really like Icp, they're really not that bad.
- Oh Yeah: 0:47 killed me 😂😂😂
- Just Yuri: Thatwasveryinterestingtowatchkeepitupmynigeriansausagelookina55kid
- justin Marte: Fuck
- Katey Nicole: I SUPPORT BERNIE KID 😂
- ToxicVortex8: cowoawies
- cc cc: Nigerfagotmyautocorrectiseatingmyass
- Bradley Tyson: Onlysomepeoplestayedtotheendsotheyknowhwyimdoijgthisloveyou
- 20 pagez: DoNotTypeAnySpacezAtAll
- LTB pro darius: brothatantitrumpguywasonsomething
- Dale Cournoyer: Hilary should’ve used this kid as her campaign manager
- Meouki: Ifeelsobadforthatkidattheendhehasliterallynoideawhatsgoingonallheknowsisthathesnotsupposedtoliketrump
- Abdu Komilov: nice LeafyTitle
- Jake L: WhatsThatGameCalled
- Aridium Arkus: SoNoSpacesAtAll ?
- DK: 2:21 he has a list of lottery cards
- Guffenberg: Don’t roast people for not speaking english when it is not your first language
- Cali WudUp: WhatTheHellAdam
- xd Alex: ithickidieed
- OneCrazyLady Kirby: "Because he is just a loser, that is gay, and has no life." If my kid said that on tv he would be disowned
- Gwen Beatrice: Ihavealotofredonmyfacebutiguessthatswhatgatoradedooftoyou
- Paige C: Imdoingthecommentpolicy
- Cris Cerros: Been sub since 5k
- clout washa: Wheres the fucking blow!!
- Me r roblix Shitty caca m8: GAY TOR ADE
- Mikey Cole: The news reporter at the end was from Info Wars which makes sense that they'ed interview a 10 yr old on politics. Seeing that they are around the same intellect.
- Kokichi Goddamn Oma: I cringed at the first one. And I think my mind just died.
- Jarvell Rippley: WhenNoOneWatchesTheEntireVideo
- Toeer: gofuckyourmom
- User Unknown: Whattheheck!everyoneisusingspaces!
- Dr.DragonSlayer: R u the next leafy? hahaha
- FiST_ Xandruu: Hello it's dog
- Jesus Da Lawd: Wait no it was a joke
- LT.SLY Gaming: Nightingale Squad lol I understood that
- Joshua Frechette: THESUCC
- metallitron9000: icringedatantitrumpkidheisjustbrainwashedyouth
- Kai sama: Arcades are still a thing in 2018
- Wild Tedwardo: damn it, I failed so hard
- Mincepies: L o l Uhh fuck, nahuhh shit fuckingshit
- Legit Seems: You sound so fucking obnoxious.
- Ramiro Leiva: Bro what the hell you do for money with all this demonitizing going on
- Venetta Bejenaru: I got arrested for having more than a few phones that were turned off and broken.. LMFAO !!! I started laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 cops were like oh wow no that's a criminal lol
- Meel: 5 mins. something... a'ite boiz, wot kind of a libtard "protest" iz dat
- jamo4 Brown: Dudes obviously a trump fan
- Mako: Shut Up I’m 14 and I somewhat understand some of it but some of the kids in my grade are complete retards when talking about politics and have can’t even list anything wrong with trump except for he’s “racist” and “sexist”
- Gamer Hawk: I love icp 😒dick hole 😂😂lol but I think icp is dope
- lil goriopoe: Don't diss Noah
- Why You Bully Me: IloveIcecreamonIceIloveItlIkemilk
- Fly Pigeon: Zewo cawwowies
- fakesepticeye 1: Imsodrunkrightnowwhatshappening
- ChuntaroCool7367: #bissonnickey don't let the trend die
- Guffenberg: The third one made me cringe so hard
- Anthony 33: icp is the shit
- angelina negri: #nospaces
- K C: Give the kid a break, that's how most adults sound when they're asked to explain their support of Bernie.
- PSYCHO PATH: The third video is faker than my ex's boobs
- Rich YAC: I respect tro for not bringing politics into his vids
- Russian Anonymous: Whatrhefuckamimdoingrigthnowtypinghitoutandfuckfuckfuckmeintheassjkyouallgayasfuck
- SushiØtter Studiøs: Imhungrypleasefeedme
- porkypine: Thatlastkidreallygotme.
- tractor harv: Spaces
- quick fire: Ramiro Leiva doof *
- Thatlamboguy: Truly fuck Trump and his band of crustaceous cronies of a fucking stupid presidential cabinet, we need Trump impeached and kicked out the of White House; and his loser's of so called cabinet members out
- ella grace Copley: Harris Moat Youusedspaces
- Dr. Disco: I have 5 gallons, I’ll give you 5 for the price of three?
- King Savage !: on second thought I might have someone doff it for me
- Elminucia Da Silva Rodrigues: I though he said "fifteen"
- AwesomeCuzit: Ilovethisrule
- Hawkeye: I looked it up his name is noah tro😂😂😂
- ShyGirl Paris: ilovehowimtheonlyonedoingthis.
- murica 45acp: Fucking YouTube fucked it up god dam it
- I Eat Crack And Small Children: "that fucking screaming loud" 😂
- WaffleLust: Fuck
- Tyson Hearn: SowhyishedoingsomethingcalledNOSPACES
- Jacqueline Ser: M
- CuteBumbleBee4: I have a list lol
- Knowlen_T: Guysthereissupposetobenospaces
- Levi G.: WhyArePeopleTypingWithSpacesTheySoGay
- BigBootyBoy: Iain Robertson please pluck the ploober plerries from my pink and purple pants pocket
- Monique: 3:05 fuck my life
- Dead Shot 456: Why does this kid have a camouflaged dresser in the background 3:38
- Smileyhatdance 42: 2:48 felt meta af when you’re named Ricki
- X BeastX: I know the dude in the first vid ill edit this once i remember edit: james simms
- gunner4444 Anderson: Sofunnyiwillbebacktothechannelandiwillsubscribe
- Satanic Bloodline: That fat kid sounds like that kid on South Park
- Harley: fuck ricky.
- gaming bros: he said lisp you dumbass bitch you fucken dumb fuck
- Rebel Rocker: Fing dufuss !
- Inferno Clash: What game are you playing
- Thaddydaddythethotdestroyer Clout Manager: SUBSCRIBETOMEPLEASE
- Marremannen: itsbewwybewwystrongendBewwybewwycold
- Erck Bill: Nah chill don’t hate my boy Noah from Noah food reviews
- Victor Juarez: I just want to smack that fat kid
- Midwestern261: 3:17 MATER!
- Tristan Radeka: I think the second kid had a stroke that killed the part of his brain that pronounces "r" sounds
- y: Misswethosegayspaces
- Hippy: That second kid sounded like the water boy lmao
- Python154: Bri'anna Brown no swearing allowed, you are officially banned from my Christian Minecraft server.
- OneX_LuaDev: u c hiz hair cot?
- AerialVenues Sinister: 69? seriously?
- DaddyNiko Chan: The thumbnail had nudes old background
- Quilted Dream: The kid with the lisp sounds like Sid from ice age.. and since he likes ICP he’s probably from Michigan
- A random guy on the internet: What are arcades?
- wack tacos: Omgthatkidinthetrumppartwasjustfuckingbrutal
- Iron Mail: I died when he said "Berry Berry Cold"
- WTWP?-Whats The Wifi Password?: #troforpresident2020
- Maverick: The list. My name is Ricky
- Pulsxr-: *_K!NG_* w h a t
- Nèlłÿ Pïêkærź: Thismakesmelaughsohardidontknowwhybutthisreallydoeayoushouldsub. What I dam said for people who want spaces This makes me laugh I don't know why but this really does you should sub.
- JPS Gaming: Onefromwalmartthatiolnypayed$50bucksforgetontrumpslevelwhat?
- XxTryhard2409: Ppl who use emojis unironically
- whatever animations: he looks like a gregory
- Triple face12: HalfOfTheDumbassesInTheCommentsDontWatchTillTheEndAndDontKnowTheCommentPolicy
- Peter Far: Iwasdyingthroughoutthisentirevideobutthelastonewassoincrediblycrigeyihavelostallfaithinhumanity.
- Owen Bryant: Trumpisalegend
- Angie Garcia: thismyonewordFDT
- DimitriMTL: Love your videos man you're up next to blow up
- Kathy Florcruz: Pugsley has got to be faking. Or his PC indoctrinated parents constantly tell him he's JUST fine no matter what. Poor little kids of lefties.
- Asha's world: Whydoilistentoyoutuberstomakemedothisstuffiamconsistenlyhittingthespacebutoonbecauseitisnatural
- b boy447: L o l u a r e m y f a v o r i t
- Alissa OwO: 33k :) ❤
- Labyrinth101: lame
- Insane Derp: Hi. Hi
- dan nicholas: Fuckingassholemademelaughweniwaseating
- Dylan Simpkins: Insane clown posey Icp I see pee
- SteelersFan86: Alex and er 100thLike...WellDeserved!
- Vera Ikaro: Tisk tisk, we all know we can’t bully kids cause they are always dumb, minimum 14 before you bully em
- OzzyTheEG: *_ShouldEverythingLitterallyInTheSameSentenceWithoutAnySpacesWowThatsPrettyHardToDoMan_*
- Jade Hansing: I just found your channel and now I’m bing watching it 👀👍👌🏻
- Dayne Alexander: NOSPACES
- slim bobs: Rump is making the frogs gay
- William Eklund: ikneedsumpossy
- Dezmond Zakresky: #Notificationsquad
- Jonni Bravoo: Gregory Steven Adam or Kyle lol
- aidyn bishop: Fuck the last video don’t mess with TRUMP
- Gab Noir: Kayleigh M Same 😂
- SteveO Hamilton: Hey. My name is Steven 😄😂 Hahaha. Still Loved it! Wow. Those kids are stupid! "I'm 10"
- CutieKitty Chan: *Zewo Calloweez*
- MEGA MONKEY: ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -
- Bill Nye: Is a fucking lisp
- YEE: HereallylookedlikeanAdamsomuchlol
- Don't hug me I'm weird: Aye, you should check out this playlist called important videos, even though some youtubers already react this and made videos on it I think your reaction will be better.
- A Pug On Drugs: Iwanttodie
- Projectzay: this probably takes a lot of time and i appreciate it, all your videos made me laugh my ass off \
- KEKOᒪIGY { NAKU }: Goodvidtrothisshitwasfunnyasllmfao😂😂😂💀
- ryan Mosey: Aleksandra König that’s the only way these kids will stop being trash is to shame them. They need some shame and they will change. That’s how I stopped being a fatty
- Xzait Dgizs: SoAhhhh...HowDoIDoASpaceAgain?
- Whippen Sideways: the second one killed me
- L.A. G: UsGayshavebeenblamedforalotofthings,9/11,hurricaneKatrina,thedeathoftraditionalmarriage,thegayagendabutwewillNOTbeheldresponsibleforthatweave!HishairdresserHATEShimasmuchastherestofus.
- Official Kiwi: IDidn'tCringeAtAllCauseI'veSeenAllOfThem
- Snapped And Snatched: What’s cringing
- Noxious: kwaft miwiki weep
- Bmcproductions 202: Welp, if I’m going to burn in Hell anyway might as well have a little fun.
- Encore Gaming: Did you know that "speech impediment" is the only phrase that no person with any type of speech impediment can say?
- face hugger: Very very strong very very cold
- K_dog: thefuckincringeisrealumutherfucker
- December Vyne: 10 out owf 10 zewo cawowies uwu
- caitaldrich: I'm surprised I wasn't in this XD lol
- Abunai: Same
- Zacc Gaming: Youreallywantedaonewordsentencewellthereyougonowtrytoreadthisfluentlythefirsttimearoundlikeyouknowonyourfirsttry!
- Kraznaya: pleasehelpmemyparentsareholdingmeatgunpoint
- SnippyBog 84052: heytiriggerdtroumindlikingthisshititslitouthere
- Luc: Itsvewycewystwongandvewyvewycoldsoigivemonsterzerocaworwiesauh10/10
- garrett sieren: Yousuresavedthebestforlast...
- DaddyNiko Chan: Reilly Hurn no that's nudah
- Russell Westbrook: Lol the kid that hates trump 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I could not stop laughing
- Mynameis Geoff: Trumpisgaythough
- XzIce_ Z_FlamehzX: Heyguysaresomanypeoplearegoingtobeagreatdaytodayandtomorrowisaspecialdayofschool(random)
- TacoTacoTacoTaco: Dave and busters does pretty well. . .
- RIDDLER ON THE ROOF: "What the hell Adam" 😂😂
- jackson: Magnets.
- shadowhead masked bandit: yo you silly kid. 😅😅😅
- Brian Schmidt: #That'sSomeHighQualityH20 3:00
- Filipe Fire: IsNoOneTypingLikeThis
- Deborah Heritage: Berry berry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Mr.potatoman Bob: Dan K a lot of these kids go to your school..
- ShitNuts: Ieatmydogsassonadailybasisialsolovetacoshmuwithsomeloudloud
- MVP Squadz: he has a list?? of wut
- Derek Oakley: Earl Hickey hey how's randy
- Rigorous Renegade: He has a list? What's his name earl? A lot of you probably won't get that reference
- Callie Colorado: okaysowhatsgoingonguysihavenocluewhyideciededtodothisihavenolifeasyoucantelldontjudgemebecauseimaskrubkbyeeee
- WeightLossMotivation: ''black music''. What is ''black music''? lol Sorry anyobody can make any kind of music and they do...some groups create/play certain types of music more than other groups but its not exclusive. People are wierd
- Ze Pineapple: suckonmybigfatcococola,yaQueen
- Yellow Hat: Thelastonecringyaf
- JWS The one: Shit this shit funny as fuck damn now I got more phones
- spt.alpha.: Zewo cawowies wewy wewy stwong and wewy wewy cowd
- misskeisha berry: He is so funny though
- Karina Bella: God dammit. Why do you doof this to me?!
- Meona Dove: THAT LOUD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- BluStabb x Oozy K: SAAAAHHHHHH
- Einsteinjak: ZewwoCalowies
- Axx galaxystudios: wow i'm finally early 101 like finally XD i'll never be the first can you pin this sorry i hate myself for asking?
- jeremy reed: this man is the best lmao \
- red ninjateen: what is cring
- Rage Gaming24: Toy box’s is good
- Skumzy: "its a little to late to count calories" im legit fucking dead
- dark Thomas: Dof to you
- Branin Dietz: we got an old school arcade in north houston... I dont support Trump I CANT EVEN VOTE!! MY OPINION MATTERS
- Alan Smart: Fuck Sergio mk a HF dfhujxaaCvnoogsbt
- Moto4Lyfe 153: “Bewy Bewy stwong an bewy bewy cold”
- Moonix: yourerighthedidsayonlyoneword
- Logan Devalera: Ass hole icp is a some
- douglas smith: Lovethevideo
- christan branstetter: i wish his videos were longer
- Andres Ramirez Garcia: Makeavideowhereitshowsyourface
- ZiggyZeg 2005: Arcades are fucking awesome
- Elyse Wagener: The first one had me dead 😩😂
- Trenton Graddy: My friend has 12 phones a d doesn't sell drugs u must be really triggered
- Ashley Bastien: #kingofroasting
- HazelBike549650 agun2006711: I have 5 phones
- TheWeaponTalks?!: Lmfao how did I find you p.s. you're retarded
- Szarai: Come on GREGORY
- Anthony Laub: Why Tro disrespecting my boy Noah in the second one
- Brandon hiebert: fuck yea
- Dapper Oof: Donald trump has a wife DUN DUN DUUUUUN stupid child
- Reveryz: Noahsfewdweview
- Zepplin: HonestlycantstopwatchingyourvideoslolikeepthinkingthatyougetyourcontentandpersonalityfromleafybutnahfuckthatguyyournotsomeloseremoboilikehimkeepupthatrealgoodgoodshitTrohastagqualitycontnent
- The Darkest Knight: Awesome video. To funny.
- Banditø stuck in Dema: IFeelLikeOnlyAFewPeopleSawTheEnd
- A7XRYAN _6̷6̷6̷: *label* Monster Zero Energy that's what Monster ill doof to ya
- Tristyn Demsey: Thatkidwithtwophonesthough
- biscuitsgaming: Iamofficiallytriggered
- scoot mcdoot: TRUMPISGAY
- Crusty Nuggets: Succdiccnibba
- ThatNerdyThing TNT: Stopbreakingtheruleslittlekids
- Hardcoded UT: *VEWY VEWY STWONG...*
- Tori Horton: Lol this should be a try not to laugh challenge
- Luna Cally: Pretty sure most of these kids are mentally challenged lol
- INFECTED 1911: he sounds like adam sandlar from water boy
- Wammy ka Blammy: Honestly love your YouTube channel
- Hayden Turnbow: dudeitissocrazyhowmanypeopledidnotdoAllOneWord
- Dr Tan1738: Youarekillingmehard
- It's Knight: N O S P A C E S
- F.B.I: Thisberryisberryberrystrong
- Juggie Bonebrain: Ihaflaiksicksphonezbuttnunofdemwerkitswhatnojobdooftoya.
- Cole Fister: Honestlyifanybodycanreadthisyoumustbeaprotranslatorofphotosynthesiswichdosntmakesencebutjustwhatever
- Ava Redfern: kid:awdanmylipsallredwelpthatswhatgadoradewithhdooftoyatro:wellshiteveryonejustlost
- sʜᴀɴɪᴄᴇ ʟᴇᴡɪs: Thepenisinherhand
- lily. bay: you'reabitchjklolbuyousuckjkthiswasuploadedonmytwethbirthday.
- Sebastian Fawcett: Nospacesretards
- Dominic Perez: Is that monster kid bobby booshay?(Waterboy)
- Nerdynamie: #ilostsomebrainceils #ididnthavebrainceilstostartwith
- Paola Poole: you hear that fellow human beings weary waery cold an waeary wearry strong. God Damit i lost.
- Tony Cariello: Shit is trash! LOL
- Aaron: "I have a list" PMSL😂😂
- Zuck Boys Ride: Itz feeerroo calories omg
- Cat Poole: This is the stupidest "wanna be" shit that i have ever seen. So pathetic.
- Hamza Artan: Fuckyou
- Edie Skyla: Gregory or Steven
- To Spill The Tea: The first dude made me sad tbh, "i buy everything at Walmart my self, my family didn't care for me for a while"☹️ he seriously seemed poor or sum, idk I felt real bad for em.
- Laxus Dreyar: Pain!
- wolfy x100: 2:22hessayinglisp.................nevermindsorry
- Jesse Michael: IHateTrumpTooButThatKidGodDamnNeedsSomeBetterFacts🤦🏻♂️
- JaBeFr03: Omg WTF was the last one 😂😂 that kid is so retarded
- HardTekBen: Noahs food review is a spoof channel
- MΛP: Can you guys Shut the fuck up? Trump is already president and you can’t do anything about, and you think trump is bad? No one knows what the fuck Hillary has done, I can name a few, but I’m not because there is no point, and cause who gives a fuck anymore? Donal Trump is fucking president, so stop being some whiny ass kids, and learn something about politics.
- Deadtonez: Fuckmedaddy
- Davion Carranza: Man should have got me I am 10 would have roasted him
- Lil Sleazyxxx: Black_Violet yea but it was a dumbass 10 year old soooo
- ko bo: TrixIsJustForKids
- Peter Terranova: "He's trying to make everybody their race"
- Shay Sez: I watched a previous video you created and I was positively certain that you could not get worse! I was wrong! Holy shit you are truly scraping the bottom of the proverbial content barrel aren’t you?
- dorrito super: my names Adam :(((
- UltimateAlpaca7 Xbox: dat gayrade doof stuff to you yu no
- Scrillaasap: Literally 3 seconds in the video and I’m hollering 😂☠️😭
- Icoxnic: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthationlypayed$50for :)
- Anthony Caraballo: WhatyourrankinRocketLeague
- YoUr_tYpIcAL_ViGiLaNte 69: 2:51 is the best!
- Alekzandr Cochran: ey, thats pweety gewd.
- Hunter Johnson: Whyarepeoplenotfollowingtherule(Iprobablysplelteverythingwrong)
- ZeroG FROST: 10 like his iq level
- Instrumental - Ward: The second kid sounds like Robert Boucher Jr.
- Anya Hopkins: That kid made me be embarrassed to be 11
- NOT SUSPICIOUS: whatamisupposedtodo
- Adam Kimball: This kid does not represent us adams
- Aubrey Jonns: TroUrLit🔥👌
- HexagramMan: I know how fucking magnets work, how the fuck do so many people not get it?
- Pheonix Gaming: Trump got a small loan of 1 million dollars he just got everything handed to him
- Tippy Toe: codyMaloneyagreeable,butyouhavespaces.
- ashleeアシュリー: missmewiththatgayshit
- Echo Flamehoof: Omgthatfirstkidmightbemycousilol
- hansnightcore: the second one is cartman
- Kryspy Kreme: Didanyonegetthememo?Ihaven'tseenonecorrectcommentyet.
- Ironpickase: *#FuckSpacesForFuckingLifeBitch*
- Darv fader: I'm so glad I subbed
- XXXTENTACION and Ski Mask Fan: thisisalotofcringe
- Reese Johnson: Alotofppldontwatchthefullviducantellbytheircomments
- TSC Jakobisamazing: Yisevryonetypingwithspaces
- Tippy Toe: Jude BuxtonIwillrespectyourclaimwhenyourespectyourenglishteacher
- SimonTheMiner: He is just a looser and he’s gay and a idiot
- Derek Summers: Icamewithwjsjejejejejenenendndnnenenedndnddn
- Crystal !!: First kid was funny ASF
- Tiki_The_Shadow_Gecko: Himynameisuhhjerltandihavetencarsandfiftybrokenphonesihopeyouratihopdontyouhatekidswhoareloud
- EPIC GAMER4444: Lmao
- Swat Garand: The monster kid was noah
- Cryingemu 88: I thought that kid at the start was behind me for a sec...
- Mai Quartiaz: WHAT THE HELL ADAM.
- Chiefer Mcchieffersen: Whatdoyoumean
- Luke Skywalker: I quote that monster kid daily
- Lily Forbes: these videos are doofing things to me...
- Angel Rodriguez: Zewwo calories😂😂😂
- MCR7 13: thanks tro for loving this
- Neon Zombie: The monster energy kids name is noah
- Some Teenage Introvert: "Noahs Fud reviews."
- sub for no reason: StickToThePolicyPeopleYouAreBeingDisrespectful
- Its Me Racoon: Ahem, my name is Gregory
- Poor McDoodleSon: I swear as soon as the first kid came on my room started to smell like shit
- Lia: Unkanian L O L
- Brett Knorre: Trey Boykin 😂
- Kaleb Cochran: I'm a Apple collector and i have 5 iPhones, an iPod, iPad, and a MacBook. I don't sell drugs tho.. Don't be mad at me. Please. 🙏🏻
- Denzelle Siphron: Icp's my favourite band ;(
- Joseph Sowden: Thatwasagoodvidyow
- Anthony sti8: Damn that funny
- Ur Mom Gay: #titimilkforeverone
- Anh Nguyen: Real life Cartman lol
- Mrs Murder: I actually love icp Mmfwcl
- DaFlyKiwiz: Ibeatmydickinamonstercan
- TheSepticTank: fuckyourspaces!
- Thatone Guy: Noah’s food reviews are the best videos I’ve seen in this world
- Odderist unknown XXI: well I am **trips and falls** FRRIUDGE ME(I mixed frick and fudge XDDDDD)
- Adrian reynoso: I know what a arcade
- Lol ET: InevercringIdontknowwhatitis
- Denver Dipper: Is it just me or does tro sound like Xcodeh?
- Landin Evans: I cringed on the thumbnail
- Rachael Bailey: This vid is berry berry good
- John W 696 wardell: First kid that's what happins when your mother does Meth while pregnant.
- Hamza Lodhi: 5:41 I showed my mom that video and she laughed but said it's good that he is so confident in his beliefs
- Imagine Baggins: lisp... but pronounces the t
- Pretty Mommy: Iconic that's the joke dude lol
- CHRISTOPHER MORALES: Kid has 2 more on the table in the back!!! This isn’t his first time tasting it.
- Randomly Random: Hellotroiusednospaces
- Tommy Jordan: Sryforgotnottousespaces
- Nikhil Rogers: TriggeredTroTherenotfollowingrulesyudodis;-;
- Lewis Matich: Tro do u support trump???
- Jared Spaulding: Literally all it took was showing a picture of cannabis and this video is age restricted lmao. Meanwhile your newest vid with someone drinking human blood is not age restricted.
- Baltzar Bonbeck: S50s Bucksssss sfor
- Anthonygamer 9512: Spaces. I just typed spaces
- Brodie: Yourthebest
- I Am In Pain: Trump is actually not a loser. He won the presidential election. He's not gay, he has a wife and 3 children. He has a life he's the FUCKING PRESIDENT!
- Patrick Villegas: Fuck Donald Trump
- Aide Garcia Diaz: First one had me lmao 😂
- Don't worry It's marley: Kid- he is just a loser who is gay and has no life Me- ooooohhhh lord thank u Jesus
- JOUGevrete Nice: Space
- Music For Teenagers:,Seriously.whatiftherewasanemgergency?PeoplethesedAyshavenorespeCt.Eggs. *readthecaps*
- Keeping up with Mrs. Elektra: FRESHAVACADO
- Ivan Soto: nightcore MSP ew nightcore
- Bath_Tub 69: Bridgett Belle no
- swag star: igotabigdick
- Nick Crompton: GoodVideo.
- Stiff Donk: “I am ten”
- Granthollowtree: I actually passed, because Triggered Tro made it less cringy.
- Trisha Paytas: BuT iLl gIvE iT a TeN oUt Of TeN
- Donovan MVP Mitchell: The 10 year old knows everything just look at him
- Elver Barrera: Isellgramsdubslinesyourmomanytgingyouwantmydude
- scratch: thesekidsbetternothavedroppedoutofschool
- SpeedyVillain: 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10
- Kristine Anne Batac: Notificationsquad
- Tristan Russell: Howdareyoudisrespectnoahsfoorevoew
- Tumblr.Shitpost Twitter.Pisspost: RICKY! STOP! FUCK!
- B Nation: Urafag
- Eddy Howard: ICP - Falling Apart <- Not so bad!
- Zezshi: Shit everyone loss when tro started talking
- Woodsy Owl: Vewwwwyvewwyswtongandvewwyvewwycoad
- Edward Hester: Dude, Tro you can't goof on the young chubby kid doing food revues ..he''s ok...he's a good natured dude just trying to live his life..he's cool in my book
- Danny Casanova: Fuck the cheese puff oops i mean donald tramp 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
- Thomayam Upright: He can't even talk and he's trying to count. LOL
- Rollo Larson: I want to hear the Monster kid say, "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"
- King Carterico: im 11 and even I know better than to do what these kids do.
- euphoric: IjustlikethevideosbeforeIevenwatchthembecauseIknowthey'regonnabeawsome
- Blepo: AToZOnNamesAngeredAxelBaffledBraidenConcernedCaleDemonitizedDanEagerEvanFakeFreliquaGoddamnedGuntherHellishHeatherIcouldcontinebutitslike4AMandIhaveatestfirstperiodinmathsouhhbye
- DemonGamer217: Killyourself
- Andrew Behl: That kid looks like a Timothy
- Wxlfiey: what are your thoughts about, jews...
- Crazy cookies: HAHA 69
- zZoKo: Classic murrica, where you are made out of cheeseburgers
- JACKSON ZFG: stfu... gay ass nigga
- Awesome Montages & Videos: I laughed my head of at this 😂😂😂
- Nazir Holley: With you commentating makes it a try not to laugh new sub lol 😂
- Teradactyl turtle: Waitsowhereisthatlistofwinninglotteryricketsineedit?
- Frenklin: Luvyourvids#nohomoalloneword
- no not my name yours: *berryberrystrongandberryberrycold*
- King_Diaz 44: ThisWasAmazing
- Sleepy Baby: Bitchh, I'm a juggalette. Insane Clown Posse is life 🌹♥️ But that was funny asf
- Mike Hunt: Ihatecuntkids.
- Tara G: Whatiseveryonedoingyouaresupposedtobetypingwithoutanyspaces
- Clarence Henry: I was doing great until i saw the kid whom tore the trump sign i lost it
- Aiman Hossain: vewy vewy strong, vewy vewy colf
- Teflon Slayer: kinda fucked up making fun of kids
- Cheez Whiz: IsweartogodwhynospacesbroyouwantmetodieorsomethingImeanspaceislifebruh
- PoSt oe: wtf i was going type it in THIS 2:46
- Peaceful Snail24: Its vewwy vewwwy strong and vewwy vewwy cold
- Ayen Bluvol: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
- MCBYT: uhuhuhuh wut
- Lil Jimmy: RainMaker welp here's another 12 year old
- SUP TIME: I hadn't gotten that far though the video when u said u know
- Jake: WellUmmmmmm......NowIKnowWhatCancerFeelsLike
- ConcertsLiveHD: Wow your channel grew up really fast within the last 4 months I’ve noticed. Congrats man
- jon bocc: Bushdid911
- Amir Almamouri: You are bullying the kid in the first clip
- JoshRandles8: What’sOnTheList
- fucking Cancer: Mypainhurts
- Sickfrog37: Prettysureyoutjatyouwontrespondandfuckautocorrectbecauseitfuckedthisupbeforeandihatemylifesomeonegivemethesuicidehotlinenumberplease
- I am diagnosed with Idon'tcareitus: TippyToethatremindsmeofthatlastkidinthevideowhenhe'slike"hahawhat??"Lol
- Liana x: Verwy verwy StRoNg AnD verwy verwy CoLd
- Frankly Forward: “This is very strong and very cold” Well yeah, so is my Starbucks drink.
- Its Satan: *Ricky: He said Lisp not list you retard*
- The Black Bean !!: Iloveyourchannel
- Leila: Why do all of these kids have the same fucking traits. Like is trailor trash a causation for lisps or is it the other way around? Must be the inbreeding.
- Jose Lopez: Too funny man
- big draco: zewo calorwies
- Zuck Boys Ride: Dis is my brother
- RxParadise _: Nicevideo#twophones
- Kevin Omar: I swear bro ur fucking funny asf 😂😂
- Adrian Beltran: Bet to another ten year he's got some valid points
- BraydenX23 !: “Hehewhat?”
- PooPoo HEAD: whyarepeoplenotdoingspaces???
- Lyforn Playz: Zewa cowies
- Mevix: TheseniggasfuckedtheircousinIwanttodieinafireandihopeyouallhaveagooddayIgotalisttttttttt
- Wolfboi 2007: Fattyneedstohitrhegim
- Zedric Lee: NoSpaces
- BobbyNotBo55 BN5: Igot2phonesonewithabrokenscreenandoneiboughtatwalmartfor15dollars
- Tasha Viewer: I like ICP 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
- Dev Stars: You'reawesome
- Rebooka: Get a po box pls ily
- Anorilous: the third kid is a good example of a fucking 10 year old that his parents make him feel too privileged
- NIAH 909: That kid
- Olawd He comin: 5:28 Had me shook because that kid looks like an old friend of mine named Hoffman but pronounced different
- Asharad Hett: Ashosha Haque Lol no Offense hehe.
- Eveline Black: Myfuckindudemakeaparttwo
- Spickleton McGee: Riptrump
- Tippy Toe: What?
- CAPN DP: She's a he Berni wtf he's a she. She's a he wtf
- i don't know: "pipti bukt por"
- RealRealm Games: OkIWon'tUseSpaces
- Bro Hami’s: Nowonedospacesplzfortro
- Lauren: TrumpSucksAss
- Jay4Gaming: #zewocoloweez
- K1NGred: hahahaahghahaeaqhhhsnahahsahashashsya
- PE. 663: Mein Fürry ϟϟ Thank you.
- 1pyroace1: Omg it’s infowar picking on a 10 year old smh
- Jackson Bennedict: Second kid sounds like Adam Sandler from Waterboy
- BagSign: Ur hilarious
- Mazra: It's vewy vewy stwong, and vewy vewy cowd, but ovahwall it's pwetty gewd.
- Lindsey Schwartz: Ifuckingloveyourvideos
- Clyde Jones: 6:00 The kids ten, he doesn't even know what gay means 😂
- maple henry: yea there's one in Langley Canada.
- LTX Wolfsane: Ohandtroforpresident
- Zetho: Josh Romaniolis *They're
- Tate Justis: Itisberryberrystrongandberryberrycoldlololololmao
- vera efremova: Bruh the first one that dude sounds like Mike Tyson 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- CHRISTOPHER MORALES: HowAreYouGonnaSayYouDontSupportTrumpAndYouSupportAGuyWhoseNameYouDontKnow?AndHowYouGonnaVoteBasedOnAGuysHair?IDontSupportTrumpForReasonsBothMoralAndPoliticalButYourIdeologyIsBad
- Shleepy Pupper: ThisIsMyCommentWithNoSpaces
- Gab Noir: Dirty Asian Mafia My only phone has a broken screen ;-;
- JWS The one: Asmr Queen it was 50 I know because I made the video
- Matryoshka.: ALLONEWORD
- The Past: Lmao,gudthingileftthelastkid'sschool.Everyoneisaretardthere.
- Paytonzfamez: i wish you got more views for this vid.
- Jackie Thomas: I love how Infowars shut down that kid lmao😅😅😆
- Crayolaismydrug: 1:59 Well, I hadn't until then. Now I wish I could un-hear it
- Unkanian: That anti-trump kid, and his brother both have faces that I feel like punching repeatedly.
- Annisabelle Aguilar: BRUH AS SOON AS HE SAID ADAM I LITERALLY SAID AT THE SAME TIME AS HIM. That has made my day I'm so done. We have the same mind I love yu.
- Sea Gull: trumisaloserandheisgay
- Mr Addams: Are children small, or just really far away?
- That One Guy Who Just Don't Give A Rat's Ass: Fuck selling drugs! Being a self employed animal breeder is where it's at!
- ASMR Relax: 5:20 " this is my brother Cristian Hoffmen"😂😂
- Kendall Danna: So funny
- •Alexa Edits•: "Its Vewy Vewy Strong and Vewy Vewy Cold", Random Kid 2017
- Game of Life: JWS The one cool XD
- Soulless Vibez: He 11teen and lisp nigga
- Frankie Gutierrez: "Your born with it"
- rebecca lewis: dats wat Gatorade will doof 2 yea
- Jen the Glitchy: Horsehairguyforpresident
- moisesrocks 04: LittyLikeATittyYouKnowWhatImSaying?
- Jason Gillis: This video fucking sucks. Your commentary is the most cringe worthy you ass clown
- Gavon Marlow: FuckMyAss
- Robbie Ashton: Iliketosuckbigpeepee
- Ethan Fantauzzo: Hittowhatsuplikedthevideo
- Melinda Wright: EthanFilms Cars 😂😂 Iwasthinkingmaybehe'sCajunlikethewaterboy
- Madie Luva: omfg!!!he really said roll your ass to the arcade 😂😂😂never change tro
- Jay Jay Tv SOLD: Ilostbraincells
- Josh Hause: "I was ready to listen to your list, but now we'll never know what your list consists of" FUCKING BARS
- Hayley: SoISeeNoOneElseIsDoingNoSpaces, ButIAmBecauseIHaveNoLife. IveSeenThisVideoBefore, ButAgain, IHaveNoLife, SoIWatchedItAgain.
- Dazzling Diamond: God... you are literally so funny. I couldn’t control my laughter.😂👍🏾
- Anistynn Parr: #troforpresident2020 😂👌❤️
- ancient wyvern: I carry three what's that mean
- Melanie Bee!!!: I’veLostSoManyBrainCells
- #HAPPYTIMES Nice: Funny as hell
- Leona Vanbaars: You’recreativeandIloveit
- swagmaster gaming: Majestic Tree don'tweall
- Tesia Knake: Your going to hell for those jokes
- multifandom: I can't even cringe cause I'm too busy laughing at your commentary reactions lmao.
- AYGRAY: iactuallyhopetrogetsbigonyoutubeandhasagreatincomeliketheincomeididtohisgirlfreiendlastnightoooooooooooooooooh
- Three Dudes One Camera: My friend has 4 phones so she must be selling some hardcore black tar heroin.
- MR SMALL MC SMALL: Sometimes I dof my girlfriend
- Roy van loosbroek: greatings from the netherlands. have 3 phones xD
- Saysay Kyla DUO: Dirty Asian Mafia 50
- Max1281: SPACE
- alec deter: 1 million dollars actually pretty small
- RespectMyAuthority Ok: Kirba Superstar he does huh
- Casey Pennington: I'm only 13 and I can tell Trump is best and my parents supported Hillary
- Angelina Repo: Youkeepmakingmedieoflaughter
- Fluffy Chicken73: IWannaDie
- Totally Original Content: WatchLlamasWithHats
- Karli Triarou: Trumpisaloserandgayandyeah
- Young Porckchop: Thisvideowassofunny.😂😂😂
- troy nittler: That second kid sounds like the waterboy's kid
- VertRnsk: ILikeUhHerNameIsBernie
- Lil Noe: Verycoolvido
- Jason Gomez El Hoee: goddamn😂😂😂
- Don't worry It's marley: The first one
- Amanda Kocsis: “I have a list”
- Renegade: #alloneword
- The gaming Alien: Ihavealist
- Anime Girl: #lol
- JoshuaOwO: what game was he playing ?
- Tae loves Kookies: Icanreadit
- Kay Axen: WTF the video is +18
- Superior 7: lolloltheoutrowasfunnyasf😂😂
- TheConTraDemOn: ThelistthingXD
- Emma Beauty bloggers: Hahahaha hahahaha play some pac man or air hockey
- Braxton Rowe: Anyspaces
- M Martinez: He is just a loser that is gay and as no life. SAME THO! But I am no trump dude
- Metalhead 26: Micheal Hoffman is a commie
- iiThe_Flowerii :3: #NoSpaces,HiImNewToThisChannelAndILuvUrContentYouGotASub
- *Ligma Richard*: Up your ass
- Maya Stalvey: "What the hell Adym" 😂😂😂 had me dying, I'm still laughing 😂
- N&M: TheCringeIsReal
- Artistic Potato: Ithinkhesaidlip. Bythewaymynameisricky
- Cryzxox: I n e e d p e n i s e n l a r g e m e n t p i l l s :—
- Spencer Hardin: Zero Cowowies
- mtqueen forlife: youareveryfunnyilikeyourvideos
- Paulo Di Gioia: immediately clicked it lmao
- TomatoNut: iWantToDieJDiDidTheChallegeNowDoTheChallengeOfSuckingMyAssCrack
- Mia 16: I’mjustbingewatchingtriggeredtro Oflookyougot700k, 😁
- Tomás Cardoso: you are fucking funny
- Haru Chan: The dude said he has a lisp not a list
- 輝くshine: hiisubbedtouandiloveurvidsplsheartdisyeet
- Kingoftenoodles: Last one Official white boy even though I’m white and like rap does not mean I’m cringe it’s just catchy and I’m not all like “Ayyy it’s yo boi too over confident human here” I’m like “Hi I’m a human being that most likely won’t make a impact on the world in any way big but maybe I will bring some joy and happiness for some people” some people think I think I do not know I just made a long comment cause I’m bored.
- Tarvon Young: This mans is so funny bruh you low key got Kevin hard beat bruh I watch your videos everyday just to laugh bruh no gay shit but i love you your work kid
- Eyre Borne: Hola papi (no homo)
- Tohmas ·: The fat one is gonna die real soon
- CallMeKid: ManIWalkedToTheClubLookinExraFly
- Israel Mendez: Early squad 👍😆
- liliana isaacs: Alex and er don't forget berry berry strong and berry berry cold😂😂😂
- NinjatyTV: water fire air and dirt fucking magnets, how do they work
- Greenbottel: Is thAt CaRtmAn?
- Chrissy Phan: welpimgunnahavetotypelikethisthen...
- shawn north: YOUAREGAYASFUCK
- Jack of Blades: You need to get a drink of water, you are fucking thirstttty
- Rotten Redhead: Holly fuck!
- Really Randall: Have you ever been to a bowling alley I played arcade instead of bowling during my friends birthday
- The Skeleton gamer: Suphomies
- longislandny143: Tro MARRY ME!!!!
- Sanjana K: sssniper Cat you’re* and this isn’t math class. I can’t be 12/13.
- a kaye: EZ Duzit yo you had me dying lmaoooooooo
- gaming dog: Coby Hesketh Don'tYouMean berryberryberryfunny
- Seigel Fritze: You'remyfavoriteyoutuber🤤
- yumm 777: mmmmmmmmmmmmm................
- Klidthelid: Ihateniggers
- chad clyburn: Lolhalfthesepeoplearedumbasabrickbuyrheirbooksse demtoschoolandwhatditheydo?eattheteacher
- LemonFresh / TheLemonMAN50: “He is gay and has no life.” >>> “did you see his haircut?” Oh my god the parents and youb tubers are teaching kids to choose by appearance, not politics.
- bossAwhile: I laughed not cringed on the first one
- Zazmuz: bestvideoever
- Esplosivel 007: fucktrump
- Robert Schunk: I hate him too
- Pierre Preuthun: hey! noah is not gay, just me, I know
- Níamh Lan: Ya have a list of what!! Holy fuck I'm screaming 😂☠🤣
- Wispz: Guessing the second guy has trouble saying his R's so he has vewy
- wolvesturnedstone: I did not know 5 year olds can get that fat
- Ally: D O O F
- Brendan: Lol the stupid libby kid made me die
- Big Soup: Hillary Clinton would have won the presidency if only she called him a loser that is gay :(
- Adog 00: Is he high on Gatorade?
- TRG Ultimate: TheseKidsAreFuckingAutistic
- Schrag YT: Heytro
- Otopp: HE said a “lisp” not “list” come on that got me “triggered” “trololololololololololol”
- alwin hugo: My brain hurts to 😂
- suicide cyclist: Look I love the USA but I'm pretty sure at least 45%-50% are off there heads on drugs.
- GG COACH: The 1st nigga look like he looks for porn in yahoo
- MANIAC Universe God: Donald Trump is an immigrant
- 1- 800- LOVE- ME: "I have a list" Me- a list of how many people you just gave cancer ?
- Awesome Bent: That boy is smarter than your average liberal, though.
- Gnarlydud So surfer: Billary clanders
- Player Attack tuc: Ican’tevenfingertrudewhoevendosethisbrolikeican’tevenhowibetucan’treadthis
- Ben Witte: Whathappenedtothiswholenospacesthing
- A_aron S: That last kid hated Trump so he called him gay this 10 YEAR OLD is already homophobic
- Neutrolleum Pie: Ilikehownobodyacknowledgedthefloatingmonstercansandlampat 3:37
- S&mseqenceslimes: *pinball
- Jayden Kappenman: I think its real dumb that kids expect their parents to buy stuff for them I'm 12 and I collect bottles, shovel snow, and invest in things.
- Robin Aasheim: Age restricteeeeeddff 😭😭😭😭
- RG 64: Honestly there are so many people who hate some people because it’s “cool” and everyone hates them. They don’t have any reason, it’s just the fact that they’re popular to hate. Like Jake Paul, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber and so on. And when I ask them why, they usually reply with, “because he’s rude and racist.” I mean you can hate whoever you want, just get yourself a good argument why.
- Nitrox: The first kid sounds like mortbfrom family guy
- TehOnlySplice: icp is the best
- Sacred Squritle: Transmetropolitan
- Nova Neblua: ITsokaytocry:(
- Big Smoke: FUCKME
- aarons1980: LMFAO I got 2 brothers called Greg and Steven funny as hell bro HAHAHAHA
- Fatima Remili: Igot2phones1withabrokenscreenand1fromwalmartthationlypayed$50for😂😂😂
- Max Gaming: 2:46 haha i knew u were just joking but you had to add that you knew what he meant because of some serious person lol #HoldBackRickyComments.
- Homer Simpson U: That’s retarded he hates trump because of his haircut and he has no proof of him being gay
- Psicotic DarkSide: YouCanSeeThatNobodyWhatchedTheFullVideo,CauseEveryICan´tSeeMoreThan2CommentsWithTheNewRule
- Ludwig Temmel: Is he a Chinese? 3:16
- Syarifah Saudah Al-Habsyi: Doof
- Jericho Lee: Tro I liked you until you made fun of icp unsubsreebed
- Keith Reuter: Damntrouareasavageroasttheshitoutofthesepeople
- NIBBA: Danica Woo *L*
- Greg Barnes: ima gregory an im sure as hell im not a fat fuck like that
- OperatorDelta 3: Ourcommentsaresupposedtohavenospaces
- The Billy Bandit: I got two phones one with a broken screen and one from Wal-Mart I only payed 50 bucks for. Best song ever made
- Jacob Bohan: Alleluia holy shit weres the Tylenol kill me plze🖕🖕😉 also I'm to high for this shit
- Burrito Tea: i have 3 phones and i dont sell or do drugs
- Inu Palu: MiwicuWhip
- El Morenito: LoL. .... Bewwy bewwy gweat! I will make anuvah upwoad
- Mr Ugly Man: He said list not lisp Thanks - ricky
- svpjd a: Ijustwonthelottery
- Kelpo *Rawr*: Hahhhhhhhahahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Soup: "What's his name,? Ah,I forget his name Oh, I mean *her* name, oh yeah, Bernie!" leave this poor boy alone, he doesn't even know what gender is.. :C
- ashley michalec: KILL that little kid at the end before he has any opportunity to be in society
- Team Hotwheels: Ifyoucanreadthisyouareveryverysmaryokimrunningoutofthingstosaysoimjustgoingtorambleonnowandyestheseareactualwordsiknowitdoesntbuttrustmeitis:)
- Ssylphie: Ohgoodgodicantfuckingtypespacesaaaaaahhhhhhhitsnottoohardtoreadthecommentsectionuntilsomeonemisspellssomethingthennooneknowswhatanyoneissayingbcthenitlookslikegibberish.
- POPE Ace Guru Genesis: Isthesecondkiddoingafucking adamsandlerimpression?
- tommy vercetti: *15 bucks
- Random Human: huhhuhwhuuuut
- I’m a walking meme: #AllOneWord...WhyDidICommentThis?lol
- Joey Lavine: I agree what thot is saying.So don't hate on him.Plus Trump is our pres. now so deal with it
- ANNA M ROMEO: Youbrokethenospacesrule
- Casey Hansen: You'renottalkingcorrectlyinthiscommentsection.Nospacesallowedhere!
- Angel Rodriguez: "That grass" 😂😂
- Lord Amanojaku: Scary clowns in a band? *hiding behind boneless rock* @-@
- enderdragoncoochie: If you watch the whole video of the kids reviewing monster like you supposed to as a commentating Channel you would know that his name is Noah Food review
- Opossuphilosophy AOCFM: S t u p i d s h e e p l e
- Its Lyz: Onewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartthationlypauedfiftybucksfor
- dana booth: Steven and arcades. I think I heard that from somewhere
- Eddie Gilligan: Thatoutroissickbro
- Jimbulia: Ohfuckallonewordlooksreallyshit
- JUNEBUG 106: There’s an arcade in Boston but where I live I don’t think they exist, if they did I would’ve found it already😂
- iiElysium x: That anti trump kid is a radical lefty in the making
- TOC6IX: aidyn bishop stfu stupid ass trump supporter
- Vefz: :p
- Exsel: "It's vewy, vewy stwong and vewy, vewy cowd."
- Tabitha Lovezhayte: @triggeredtro Chk out this kid (benji) just a quick peek at his channel!! Sound or look familiar? I cannot believe the similarities. Are you guys related?? 😂😂
- Candy Love: Howareyoudoingraindomperson
- Kiana LM: Yourmomsgay
- Mitchell 14: Dead Shot 456 it's for hunting so the deer don't see it
- PlayBoi Barti: The ending was so funny 😂
- Lee Crosby: I have 3 phones. Fight me
- Berkeley Creager: Itsverryverrystwongandvewwyvewwycowd.
- mustangbeauty4: 0:46 XD oh my god lol
- eli: iloveyourchannelsomuchtro
- Bisexual Witch Ahni: This kid talking about Trump is exactly why Republicans hate us. 😂
- Thirsty Wat3r: That last kid was high af
- CX1 st0n3r: The first one gave me cancer
- Shack: Uhh everybody did. Tro even pointed it out
- Slick Socks: Whoherehasawalmartphonethatpayed50bucksfor?
- Aaron Stanley Stanley: What the hell Adam
- Kelley Wood: I lost within the first 2 seconds 😂
- Adam Aebig: fuck I'm an adam and that shit is not true
- coverant a: TheSecondOneLooksLikeTheKidFromUp
- Clous von: 826WWEFAN he got me to
- CJtheGunner: Trowasupdude
- Josa: Oh no
- Stefanie J: So gangsta 🤞✌️🤟🤘👌👈 ( trying to do gang signs ) totally joking 🙃, going to Walmart to get second phone 📱 life is good in my hood should try and rap too so inspired Don’t hate , trump is gay 🤣 he does tan a lot 🤔 , monster drink has zero calories 👌 i should go buy a the same thing ✊ I have been entertained and learn so much in 7:42 min’s . I like your videos but not the language . 🤙 keep up the good work
- CuntNoTopic: starboygameing 123 u say helli-subscribbe-this-is-not-spaces
- Chase Miller: Nadir Lebza I'm just sittin back, and watchin these ensuing arguments boil. To be perfectly clear, the majority of the people that actually give a fuck about what someone else on here has to say needs to learn how to swallow their pride, and stop giving a fuck. When someone insults my dead momma, why the fuck should I care? They never knew my momma, and they're obviously trying to get a rise out of me, and you're letting them win by continuing to argue. You can't win an argument with an idiot. I understand how much you want to clothesline anyone who insults anyone that is/was close to you, and I'd totally agree with it if they talked shit in your face. But chances are, they are not. They are probably hundreds or thousands of miles away. You will most likely never, ever see their dumb, trolling asses ever. Why bother? Just let em think they took the dub, and let them get fat and stupid on their misplaced pride. I never understand why people argue politics or religion over the internet. It's not like you're going to slyly persuade people that there ways or beliefs are wrong. And half the time, they're not even arguments, they're just some troll insulting you, your weight, your intelligence, and the same for your dearly departed family member. You should all take Tro's mentality to heart. and stop givin fucks about another individuals opposing thoughts and opinions, and go through life debating only eith actual intellectuals, or punching a dumbass' teeth in. Leave the matters of internet arguments, to the Idiots of the Internet. Fuck. Why do I care so much?
- the pro gamer: heyguyswhatthefuckisup
- Carson: That anti trump kid had his priority’s STRAIT...kidding
- Nova Neblua: I mean :)
- shay shaytan38: One of my friends have 2 phones a tablet 3 Xbox ones and is still to poor to have internet
- Rick Y: Ahh you dumy
- PickFox: WhyIsThisHurtingMyBrainSoBadly?
- Sydni Early: youmakemeCRINGloveit!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Lilly wood: these videos are funny asf
- Ben Warren: Tro ur a savage
- Arleigh: I don’t support trump but the one kid bugged me so bad for some reason.
- Hyun Ryu: Jazzy Nicely I don't like them, but we all have our different opinions. Also, some punctuation in your sentences wouldn't hurt.
- Rob302: laughed hard af when you said its a bit to late to start counting calories
- Timingegg 772: It is so ironic that Trump wone
- Eric Good Jr: And btw its pronounced "stwong" Tro...
- Carolann Pupuhi: This makes me cringe Cringe is real guys
- The Father [: Trumpisnofgayhesagreatpresidentandwhoeverthinksotherwisescrewyouhesmakingtgiscountrygreatagian
- JWS The one: Preston Cannon nah I don't me and my family git into a fight after the loss of my grandma but I'm glad to hear your doing well stay in that path drugs are never the answer
- Aurhorah: *I have a list!*
- Cleat.Capital IG: You’re funny
- Harrison Baaini: Pleaseexplainghepolicy
- Eric Raymond: I dropped my like I can't find it...
- Cyrus Logue: Almostnobodyusedthenospacesrule
- Gregory Newpher: I'm the exact opposite of that one kid
- Kyle Kenyon: 2nd kid sounds like every Adam Sandler character ever.
- Raider Fan: I think I saw a puddy cat I dewd I dewd see a puddy cat lmao
- spicy: Thiscommentpolicyishillariousandalsounreadable
- zori: dapper_gent whattheheckareyoutalkingabout
- Will Danforth: #Troforpresident2020
- Røb: Space... :)
- Cristian White: I'm 10 and I know more about politics then that 10 year old loser
- Alex Boston: Welcome back to Noah’s fuud reviews
- Hissing Kitty Cat!: It's vury vury stong nd verry verry cold, but o'erall iz pwetty gud.
- Katelyn Hicks: it wasnt completely random but thnx ;)
- Saleh fadlallah: Who is watching this in 2018
- sTaT1C -3ALLz: One with euh broken threen an one I pay two buckth foe
- YamiAlex224: Beware The Nargles well he needs the energy to catch that wabbit
- fistsOFfury366 D: Listen to old icp.
- Charis Fyse: fucking Gatorade
- 무 나지: "Come Oon GrEgORy or StEvEn ya also look like an aDaM" a DaM fool
- lewie beck: Well you know his parents support Bernie slanders
- hsifford: This guy is so mean yet he is funny as hell!
- Sami Woodruff: Ifuckingloveyouhaha
- Lucas _: Whatnospacesareawesome
- Dakota: Fuckmeupjarry
- fauXy: onewithabrokenscreenandonefromwalmartionlypaidfiftybucksfor
- Odd Gaston: toomuchcringe
- Christopher Rodriguez: ya know what you mean by the food and food at the food and food is it good for you to eat lunch or lunch lunch or a lunch lunch or lunch lunch and pick food up from here or lunch lunch or lunch and pick food up from here or lunch lunch or lunch here lunch lunch or lunch and lunch or lunch lunch or a family night out here or lunch lunch 🥙 I have to come to eat lunch and lunch lunch and pick food pick food up from up to lunch lunch or lunch and lunch pick it lunch lunch or lunch food 🥘 is lunch ithe a lunch lunch and pick lunch 🥙 I love iwas want lunch lunch u🥗 I is here the day you get to the moon and back to I get your number and I will get it to you tomorrow or lunch lunch
- Help me get 30 subs with 0 videos: #troforpresident2020
- Brock Sanders: He caught me typing about “lisp”
- Conspiracy Lemon: DOOOOOOOF
- AJ: ilovettrohesreallycoolplzmakemore
- Mtn melter: Onewithabrokenscreenandonethatiboughtfromwalmart -lister
- Hugh Mc: The fat kid looks like a Bill or dilf
- Райан Маккей: whydidntanyonebutonotherpersonisawfollowthecommentpolocy?
- Alaina Grace: The kid who tore the Trump sign, like... wow what a fcking idiot I cringed so hard. OH YEAH TRUMP IS GAY! THATS BECAUSE HE IS RUNNING FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THATS AMAZING! HOOOOOYYYY HUNTY I CANT SLEEP TONIGHT TheListGoesOnAboutWhatIsWrongWithThatKidFml
- Cod Brothers: That kid's brother regrets saying that it is his brother at the end lol
- nadi x: I personally know the last little brother trio. yes there is three of them. very disappointed
- Niklas Friedl: WellIliveinGermanysothatsnotthathard
- silentbroadcast: nospaces
- Diet Cake Gaming: I’m a Gangster
- Hunter Stickney: He s name is Noah Just sayin
- Francesca Smith: nospacesalloneword
- 민선: HernieCandersforpresident2020
- Cam69 ftw: Lmao this guy is savage as fuck
- IcanBeatUpElonMusk 2240: Declan O'Callaghan cold as ice 😂
- End My Suffering: OneFromWalMartThatIOnlyPaidFiftyBucksFor
- stole ur man: Delirious Car Yep
- toxic grey: Whywouldyouevertypewithspacestho?itssodumb!butitdoesmakeithardtocheckforspellingmisakes
- please explain: Ok
- Two Cheeto Puffs: hood master Canyouhelpmeidontknowwhotodonospacesplshelpmepls
- Anton Dee: Fuck Trump !!!
- Jasmyn Gwatney: In my area we have a retrocade named Arkadia. Its $5 to enter and all the games are rigged and free to play. It's all old games of course since its a retrocade. They have 20+ different game cabinets setup plus two tv's with an Atari and 64.
- Diamond Elections: I have a arcade in a small town with over 50,000 people and has a card.
- _ Hash0 Anims _: Yo I remembered that second kid on the video he said he loves MIWICLE WHIP or we Miracle Whip
- Smit Clips: DoesNoneWatchFullVideosAnymore(FuckMe)
- Camilo Munoz: @Triggered Tro plz make vids daily they are beast
- Nothing Here: Spaces
- Marcos Fernandez: ManYouDoofedMe,YouKnowDatAintRait
- Squid Sunday: I'm better in American politics than the last American kid, also I'm Canadian
- xd Yoshie: *_D O O F 2 Y U H_*
- Dazzling Diamond: Jada Hurley ikr😂
- Fry - CSGO Frag Movies: omg bro hes dident sey liste he said lispe bru y u can no here
- Nicole Stanley: Iknowrightthatshitiscrazy
- Irene G: arcades still exist #tromythdebunked
- Dillon Rush: Gaymenwouldneverhavethathaircut
- P4NDAjay: Normally as a 14 year old I would say so what if he is 10 he has views that should be respected but... dear god
- galaxygirl _onfleek: didanyonewatchthevideountiltheend?trosaidnospacesjeezsomepeoplethesedaysdanm
- Dragon is not afk: not dying watching this cringy crap
- Koutee: LolNoOneIsDoingTheChallenge
- YoitzPatrick: ImARebel
- Kevin Brumfield: Zach Zimmerman cool
- Bob Dickens: Rapper? More like Rappist
- wTo Apocalypse: Bruh his vids kill me 😂😂😂😂😂
- I Just Comment Stuff: The "List" part had me dead😂😂
- Surf Rat Society: I have a list
- Primal Ares: ILikeHowNoOneIsNotUsingSpaces
- Olivia Poe: Imayneedanexampleijustspent90minutesonthephonewithinsurancebecausemycatsthoughtmyphonewasgoodwalkingspace.
- Glockodrops 123: Reasonkidsopinionsdon’tmatter😂😂
- camochanger: Vewy vewy strong and vewy vewy cold
- ElijahGoPow: Yallusedspaceswtf
- dragonflame 1404: Toallthehomiesouttherewhatsup
- flgators1986: ThatFatKidWasTheInTheFleshElmerFud
- The Future President: Jade Blackwater 😂 I'm pissed that I'm the only one whodunno what ICP is
- Phillipe Freydin: ILikeAllOneWords
- CinnamonToast Chris: Coolvideobrorealycoolhopeyoukeepmakingthemnevergiveuponlyifyouwantto
- Rock Trash101: Sumbdoby tuoch a mi sphaget I love memez
- brooke rodriguez: “i think he’s gay because he says 1 million $ is not a lot of money”
- Warf: “69% fail” The first thing I looked at... thanks tro
- Derika McKoy: 69% FAIL LMAO!
- Dozuken: Pleasekillmeiwanttodiejustgivemebleachsoicandrinkit
- Elias Ejam: politics at thier finest 6:38
- SAD!: is-this-what-kids-are-up-to-now
- paul Gaming fr: hey i am an french guy but i like your channel so i subscribe in your channel and i say you good luck for the next
- Jax and JP: I love you and icp but pls dont dis icp they are great with songs like the dating game
- Kitty Ramsay: people are hating on trump for how much diet coke he drinks. (I think it was diet coke it might have been pepsi or some shit)
- TJ DA GOD: IfuckinhatelifeandIhopethatthiswholeuniversediesasItakeamassivepooponitsfacewithmystonecoldheart
- ノワール: _Z E W O C A L O W E E Z E_
- Kenny Lavoie: the dude at 527 looks like the mayor of whovile from the grinch
- Jacob Bivans: I found the fat kid so many years ago when he had like 20 views
- DoYouLikeMyComment?: BenHeringsodoyou
- I be good at life m8 get good: theonlyreasonhesayshedoesntliketrumpisbeacausehisparentsdontgeturownopinionloser
- Dave24266: Lol good luck democracy.
- Lady Damage: El Original 😂😂😂
- TEA BOY: this guy is a better version of leafy
- Prestige Playz: The girl in red behind the third kid has THE FLATTEST ass I’ve ever seen, who thinks I could land a Valkyrie on it? 🤔
- Extreme Kiwi: Whydoyoudoofthis
- Jaehyun’s Dimples: IThinkISubscribedSinceYouHad10kSubs😂😂
- aimee lock: You make me laugh so much
- Ian Undercover: Juggalo subscriber, all good you doof you, I'll doof me brah
- Thomayam Upright: Arcades are not a myth. I used to go to arcades. The home gaming system shut arcades down. Personally, I wish they were still here so these game junkies would get out and get exercise while enjoying the gaming life. If you were serious, shame on you. If you were not serious, good one. LOL
- Unicorn: u cheer me up bb
- Antonio Bones: Do a reaction video on my musicly its princessjae1007 plsssss💯💯💯
- I am board: Waitisberniethegirlwithwaitwhatwhoispolitics
- Rack: Ya fuck Ricky
- Ryan Gooch: TriggeredTroInsideMyButtHole
- Obaida and Sami: AyenxxAyebruhreadthismymantheansweristheamazingonehundredandsevenbutwhatisthreehundredsictythreetimesthreemillionitseasywhensomeonegetsitrightillsayitbutdontcheatplease
- 桐ヶ谷 和人кαzυтσ кιяιgιуα: Loveyourvids
- Skyler Gonzalez: poortrumplmao
- Shannon Williams subohm.sweetie: Whoelseagreestypingwithnospacesishardaf?Imakewaytoomanymistakestodothisshit.
- Willow Boulden: Right that's what people don't listen too they hear "A million dollars" and ignore the rest just like Trump's speaches.
- Pam Shealy: Lenny loves me ikr
- Autism Cat: 3:14 "zero cavalries"
- Ka’Niyah Morris: Igottophonesoneformymomandpokemongo
- Android Killer: Itzwewywewystwongandcowd -InwovingmemowyofNoah'sFood Review
- Trust Gaming: TroILoveYouSoMuchIWillKMSIfIMeatYou!!!💙
- Eren Cagexoxo: I don't even cringe just laughing a lot from Tro 😂😂😂
- Terrifictony: whydoiseespacesdownhere!?!?!
- Jorja Hoffman: Ilovetriggedtroforlife
- Msdrago Google: YeahYouGoKidTearUpThatTrumpSignOhNoWaitStopTalking
- A and A -alivia: AyenxxAye 13plus94equals109alsoyouspelledanswerwrong
- Tonya M: WUTtheFUCK
- Shanda Weeks: butyougaveanexampleofit
- Justina: Haha like ur videos. Just started watching. But too funny..
- Polarbear Frost: Thanks
- Homer Simpson: Seth Ross please stop
- Jade Coleman: Whose the first one?
- Wes Pepper: Freshavacado
- Max Amo: Tweety bird died and resurrected as a fucking fat kid somone call jenny craig on his fat ass
- BA1LEY: Lmfaodude.youjustgotanothersubman.thatshitwasclass!!!
- noah dance: His name is noah
- Gucci Flip Flops: ROADTO1MILL
- dylan jones: Lost it at 3:21
- Zoe 'Da Bunny: Arcades are freakin' awesome! Pacman is my freakin' favorite game!
- TrixAreForPigs: Thatswhataddrevenuewilldooftou
- cameron graham 07: Okyourreallyfunnyandiloveyourvideos
- Swishy: kms
- 56Landon: urnumgay
- Issa Bella Jade: bro where u at post sum sith
- s h: Hat big af
- Spicy Memester: U r like a funnier leafyishere that doesn’t say 10 curse words every 5 seconds. Love your channel ur funny as hell, thanks for the laughs
- HypexDragkon: lyricstotwophones Igottwophones,onefortheplugandonefortheload Igottwophones,oneforthebitchesandoneforthedough ThinkIneedtwomorelinebumpinI’mring, ring,ringin’ Countin’moneywhiletheyring,ring,ringin’ Trapjumpin'I’m ring,ring,ringin’ Igottwophones,onefortheplugandonefortheload Igottwophones,oneforthebitchesandoneforthedough ThinkIneedtwomorelinebumpinI’mring, ring,ringin’ Countin’moneywhiletheyring,ring,ringin’ Trapjumpin'I’m ring,ring,ringin’ Now give me likes What? You actually wanted me to write the full thing. I cant be bothered i have better things to do with my life like wank off to echidna penis oh and what ever you do don't search that in another tabs unless your used to fucked up shit. Have you searched it yet? Well done you have just a random comment from a random black kid in the united kingdom turn you in to a changed man/woman/attack helicopter/bleach.
- Kit Moira: I might actually stab myself with my candy cane..
- Martyś&Any: *HeyStopUsingSpacesYouBadSpaceUsingPeople!*
- Eustass: how did they calculate that 69% ??
- MysticRaidz HD: NoSpaces,WellFuckMyMother
- UrBOIDavid: I have 2 phones ones for gaming the others for calls but call me and I'll hit you up jk
- Mels Herron: T8 the one and only whohonestlycaresaboutyourdamnopinion
- Master Noct: Coby Hesketh SpaceBarExists
- MrSkelly: NobodyWatchesYourVideosTillTheEnd
- UniversalGaming: 2:52 why did you switch to south park dude? Cartman came out of no where...
- Western Guns Gaming: Thatkiddidn'tknowshit😂
- Fortnite Clips: I-found-a-loop-hole-hahahahhah
- Blake Longley: Iwonttypeanyspacesatallyouarewelcomebro
- pink Fungi: Bernie would have won if his fans could vote feelsbadman.jpg
- Brologs: Come on Tro. I couldn't get my Pepper Getting's credit card accepted to any cloud services for file sharing so I had to buy another phone for memory options. Plus I keep one on my belt as a sexy-beeper flashback for getting Jaguars to rev.
- Mai Quartiaz: shook
- Daniel Eliassenfgh618: Why is this age-restricted..?
- Adam Sneddon: Dude I don't drink Monster damn assuming that I drink it
- Panda C: I'mgonnasayrandomshitontheinternetandtheneveryonewillthinkimcool.
- Napoleon BonerFarte: i woulda beat that kids ass till he wasnt spittin out liberal no more nonsense
- Zan_ _: you're commentary is cringe, and all your doing is making fun of weird kids. also find a real weed connection instead of asking a wanna be icp retard for some...
- Sean Ford: Why is this age restricted?
- Destinee A. draw: My aunt has to phone one is personal the other is for work
- kiik rosperk: Its not his face its his attitude
- Kuan Hulio: Ugly Trash fuck off
- Aidan C: I have to phones One is full of porn
- al tomic: #okiwilltypewithnospace.ifanyonecanreadthis youareawesomeandcomentbellowwhatthissays.
- Raneman TBV: goodvideomankeepitupbutthatlastguywhodidntsupporttrummpwashilarioushesoundedlikeoneofthostrashtalkersonbo2
- Lana AK47: Itreallydoesn'tlooklikemanypeoplelikethenospacesthing,huh?Itdoes,however,makemyspellcheckgobatshitcrazy.ireallywannaknowwhatthehelliswrongwithkidstoday?
- kn1v3z2k: head hurts after every video tro, but i can't stop watching...
- doe boy: Donald Trumps hair is on Fleak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fernando Sanchez: nospaces
- Nova: I started watching the video at 504 k and ended at 505k. You my friend are going to surely blow up quick. Gg e.z
- Atiqah Anwar: I have 2 phones and I don't do drug
- Jayme Sigler: "Do you support Trump?" "No" Okay, dude, you can't vote for 8 years. So, no one cares who you "support."
- night shadow orb: Igottophonesforthemom
- Marshall Gibson: Theredoesn'tseemtobemanypeoplefollowingthecommentpolicyofnospaces.also,it'sextremelyhardtotypethishsitwithouthittingspace.mybrainisautomaticallyscreamingatmetohitthespacebarandihavetofightwithallmymightnotto.damnittro!whydidyoudothis!
- Snaplolpvp: Ilovepotatoes
- StyLis Studios: Ik this video is old but why does this kid look like TheStradman 5:02
- tommy vercetti: thats what she said
- k4rl: 0:40 Damn that rap tho
- BlythersSavage: The first forgot "the devil's lettuce." You're welcome. <3
- clout thirsty: Thisisagreat”whydoesthisgatoraiddoofthistoyou”
- Nightcore ultimate queen Tiaga: Wtf the kid is doing with the monster 😂
- ReallyNinja? 777: That's why kids aren"t allowed to vote
- The Rainman: "Aww shit Trump he just called yo ass out!" Lmao this dude is too funny man
- Reza Jouhair: Dude I fill bad for some of the kids don’t bully them plz
- Joe Reyes: i lov you vids🤣😂
- Brodie Martin: Shouldidoaspace yeah I should my English teacher will be mad
- Did you just assume my gender ???: #Everyone loves doing #
- Sans The Skeleton: Hilomidudeshowisyourday
- YoungToostieRol _ YT: The kid with monster drink is Noah
- Viktor Brinek: i just wanted to type the lisp thing on like a paragraph fuck u
- bustajointnflex p: carz club zewo calowies
- Patrick LeSage: yousuckbernieisagirl
- alexander Lund-Jackson: sowhenyoutoldyoureparentthatyouwantedtobeayoutuberdidtheyslittheirwristsorwasthatlate? jkimsorryplsdontleaveme
- Boss Hog Gaming: deff a Steven this kids name is now Steven
- BubbleTea: Oh kids, not knowing about politics. Following their parents opinion of hating on trump, but having no reason to I’m not saying I support trump, I don’t have a opinion since I’m not american
- ffclvts: i lost brain cells
- Quadcopter Man: wowthesekidsarefuckingweird
- col 10: At 5:03 you can tell he is mad about the election
- Swoosh: Allofyouguysarereatardedhesaiddontdoanyspacesallonewordretards
- Cody J: YouGuysSuckAtTheCommentPolicySmh
- Duwang Chew Anims: I've been subbed since 100....Love how you've kept being you.
- dylann roof: For some reason this was age-restricted
- Tommy kane: WhatthefuckIshitmypants
- Random Brown Guy: in immune to the cringe at this point because the internet has turned from cats to cringe :'(
- berlon breezy: WhoUnLikesThisVid?
- a l i e n: kaythen
- Nightmare Fuel Station: O N E W O R D
- Kronic-Impact: Dude I love your videos you’re ducking hilarious 🤣
- Nudah Not Verified: idkwhattotypenowthatiamtypingwithnospacesbutiwillmakanoverlylongcommentinhopesofconfusingyou.
- SHRINE: youguysarebreakingtherules
- This is Niko: Whyislispawordforpeoplewhocan't pronounceit
- PrettyTiaF: Yeah i failed when he said "bc hes gay." Instant cringe. I thought "thats gay" stopped being a trending insult like 5 years ago. Idk
- Jonathan Macias: I look like the thumb nail I need to lose weight 😷
- Davethegoat Fire: Igottwophone
- DontReadMyCommentsPlease: Whyyouguysusingspaces?
- Travis Cartee: Get him some H2O
- red: whats even more cringey is that moment you realize infowars is interviewing 10 year olds about politics
- S&mseqenceslimes: Alloneword
- Bob Jenkins: Dude your wild 😂😂 made me laugh so hard. 😂
- nataloohoo13: I can’t stop laughing 😂 tro’s reactions are hilarious
- Your mom Dummy: It's berry berry good
- • Night Of Wishes •: *I H A T E T R U M P T O O M A N B U T I H A V E R E A S O N S*
- Timingegg 772: Ohh you just roasted him
- the farmhouse: HeSaidNotToHaveAnySpaces!XD
- WeKnowDaWae: Huh,What?
- Lenny loves me: 5:02 sounds like me
- MrShadowkiller 91: MyPenIsBig
- Actually Greg: This man is so dumb lol
- Lilah H: I feel like the Jacob my age is gay and is in a relationship with his friend. Nothing wrong with it, but i think it's the cutest thing
- Rick Y: But he said lisp triggerd you stupid.
- abraham sanchez: Onefromwallmartthationlypaindfifftybucksfor
- Alex Pearce: goddamm trump is gay and has no life well i guess we gotta kill him thats the ony reason for not supporting him......... i hate people
- Majik NiNjuh: I need some weed too!
- Madie Luva: Bobby Brahmadutt wtf that's all you had to do??tro I wrote you a got damn essay where's my appreciation??😂jk love ya tro (the heart would be appreciated tho 😐).
- RachelSharpe 13: You are like my favorite YouTuber 😂❤️
- Piranha X: 5th
- Liam Cope: Sex
- Jennie Schiell: DidIDoIt?
- Inu Palu: miwiku weep
- Monique: Its Noahs food reviews lol
- Spencer G: The lisp is real
- The Names JoJo: Nowahs fewd reeview
- Dream Graffiti: Icp is the best worse group (yeah I like em)
- Reina salinas: Iamcool
- JWS The one: Tho
- champagne x chalamet: (Tro points out the 2 cans behind him) Me: (gasps) adam?!?!?
- iAm_a_leafperson: Hernia sanders
- The Trapper: It’s berry berry strong and berry berry cold 😂😂😂😂
- iAm_a_leafperson: Monster energy kid sounds like someone from South Park
- slim shady: Icp= fuk
- Scoobity: Shit...
- Ruth Funkhouser: oh my god someone fuck me💀
- Yoongi Toe: Rip grammar (2017-2017)
- Jared Aguilar: love your vids bro, keep it up
- clean maki: maikel thoma Nigga? I think its called person. -_-
- Commador Jones: YoMyDudeAllOneWord
- Kahootboiii _: Nospaces
- Patrick Salazar: Whyisnobodyfollowingthenospacerule?
- Jesse Is Papy: ThisIsImpossible
- Danish Cannoli: Kid gave the monster a 10/10 I don’t know about y’all but I’m getting some monster now I’m sold
- King Ghidorable: Started crying as so as the second kid started talking
- Dr. Chips A Hoy & Mr. Pringle Productions: Da hell my name is Rickey
- YamiAlex224: I really feel like I know this kid. Like I think I went to school with him
- SuperNova 24: "Trumpisaloserthatisgayandhasnolife"-ChristianHoffman#Alloneword
- nash sanchez: Don’t roast the boy Noah’s food review
- Robert Schunk: Mel he is a fucking racist
- Hunter Malloy: YNobodyTipeWithNoSpases
- Chévy .K: #kyDD iink
- Car Addict: Trumpgey
- evelynetic: imdeadinside
- GuamanianBlood619: 1:22 was funny af lol .. wya tro come put the trees man #teamballz
- just some amv's: thisismyfacerightnow😶
- Brologs: There's an arcade at my mall, but it is empty. So I walked in and they have these new machines with great graphics. So I asked if I could work there and that my request was to take a quarter off my hourly pay if I could read when it wasn't busy. They said I couldn't work there. I think that was a dream anyway.
- Amanda Tumbaga: trumparegay
- Metro Kicks: Istoppedreadinghalfwaysthru
- I am just your average Joe Shmow: omg u sound like behind the meme
- Domi04151309: Monster zero energy xD
- Ryder: Nobodylikestousespacesbecauseits2018sowecandowhateverwewant.juststop
- Marcus Torres: Ifeltbadforthelastkid.
- 7LDzhafarovasjhs: Marry me and give me your children! So we can have sarcastic kids😻♥️♥️♥️♥️
- Skull Rider: Random fact The fat kid is over 5000 pounds he never met a fruit in his life
- Davy Cloud: Daddy's Messiah but I know what your doing.
- Andy Caballero: MymomneededalisttosuviveandhenevergaveittousR.I.P
- Natalie Sams: You are so mean. These are little kids. I’m watching anyways tho
- DJP2006: Fuckally'all
- Cosmiqz: yourmomisgay
- Bryanna Morris: he's retarted
- Jazeb A.: I cringed at your commentary
- itzz.kenia: You'reTheBestYoutuberTro!
- DeWitt Sawyer: SpacesAreWack
- Khai Rishaug: fuckin beauty you
- Swishy: ilost fml
- Jaren Schaffer: Igot2phoneonefromwalmartandoneionlypaid50bucksfor
- The Yaffa: I used SPACES!! HA HA HA !!
- Dawson Moore: The fat kids name is Gregory monster review
- ItsEmerald: WordsAreHard.
- Lidia Bhabie: Christian, who's kid are you😂👏
- The Baptist: Fuckmedaddy
- Angelo A: Get these kids to the Phily
- 壊れた魂: TrixIsJustForTheGodDamnKidsYouRetardedFuckingRabbit
- Aurora Giurlani: Im ten
- space wolves: Just me who still gos to arcade then??????
- Mason Compton: Myphonesononepercent
- Cat Roommate: Who the hell has a name like Ricky?? It's vewy vewy unusual.
- GalaxyWolfBoss101 YT: that kid I saw look like a creep
- HD Danel: Alexis Pie I thought this said don’t do drugs do kids
- TheLegoBrickery: 3:13
- Chase Verble: IGot2PhonesOneWithABrokenScreenAndOneIBoughtFromWalmartFor50Dollars
- detty792: fuck off my guy adam
- MrCheesecakeLp: Triggered Tho is literally leafyishere but funny and less toxic
- Alisha Animations: well fuck I have 3 phones what u gun do
- WorkandGames420: I have 4 phones and don't even sale ik y'all pissed lol
- ASMR Queen: Only50bucks4
- OnePiece FanBoy2738: I support Berny
- King Neptune: Niggerfaggotpenis
- Mason Bekken: icp has a couple good songs they are fucK!ng hilarious not my fave but still funny and not much else other than that they suck.
- Fanpage Lit305: Why am I literally the fat kid in the video lmao
- Funk Shady: WhyAmIWatchingThisWhenItWas6MonthsAgo
- k4rl: I got two phones one with a broken screen and one that I got from Walmart and only paid 50 bucks for
- 무 나지: I BUy EveRytHiNg aT wAlmArt for mOsT of mA sTuuF (#_#)
- luckylaex: The fat kid’s name is Nudah
- Chronic jay: Its bary bary swong and bary bary cold
- Red3yeking _: Literally best youtube channel ever😂😂👌
- Jake O'Connor: Itsrewwyrewwystrongandrewwyrewwycold
- Bob Cooper: Itssofuckeduptotryandreadwhatpplaresayingespeciallyifitsacomplicatedtopicandyoufeellikedebating.
- Draxon Paxon: The second guys sounds like Adam Sandler from the movie 🎥 water boy lol 😂 check that out on Netflix 🔥
- Noah Ferguson: Howdoyoudoaspace
- Brologs: 2:58 - dude's canned. #fiend
- Icy Stir fry: Best video ever
- Gina Thompson: youalsolooklikeanadamwhatthehelladam.dudeyouretoofunny!
- Big Frozone: That ain’t Adam that’s Noah from Noah’s fewd reviews
- Josh Peters: LoveThatEnding
- iKristiaan: I put you on auto play for 3 hours and let you make me happy ;)
- Sarah H: Vewy vewy stwong
- I'm a Potato: What the hell when I seen the fat kid I was like woah I have a blue room and a mirror close to my door and a speech impediment and my freaking names Adam so I like tf
- Luis Guzman: Batmanhatforprez
- William Faix: Jason Garvin why? Is it because he supports Trump? If so I think that you are the child for making fun of someone just because you do not agree with.
- Lopiklop: Filming a political interview of a 10 year old boy... is that the cringe?
- field ghost: Just as you said I know it said lisp I was messing around I was thinking about the comment i was about to write hahaha
- Kyle phelps: Adrianna Simington lmao the funny thing is is that I actually know that kid in real life
- htrgfgfssadfgfhgjhjg: Bro u r sooooooo savage and funny man
- Mason N More: That_was_funny
- Lily: “He’s a looser and trying to make everyone their own race”
- ZARRA: “You have a list of what?” 😂😂
- The Truth of the Matter: 5:44 Can't argue with that logic!
- The Oof That Could: This-is-why-i-have-a-life-(all-one-word)
- Paul McNab: I wish the arcade at Bell County was good, not even Pac man
- Botanical Vampire: His brother (Christian Hoffman) looks like a young Steve bannon
- Lowkey Lucas: For me this is a better version of try not to laugh
- Monica Hand: i have a list!! hahaha haha
- joe degrood: Fire water air and earth....MAGNETS how do they work!? *jessie pinkmans voice* science bitch!
- Calibre Six: Hope that fat ass loose the goop of his blubber
- doozy doot: ILoveBurgersButNotTooMuchDoe
- Kade Lowry vlogs: Cringed when I got to the kid roasting trump
- Himmelsgucker: Igotonephone
- Japaneese Curry: LetMeFuckYoAuntie:3
- Amber: ILoveYouForeverMarryMeKThnxBaiBoiiiiii
- TSAR: 3:42 kid acting like its his first time trying that flavor when he has 2 (probably) empty ones in the background
- kami bumgardner: 2:20 - 2:33 Bro it had me dying....
- JuJu Wolfe: Thisgivesmelife❤
- quickXZ: wtfberrycoldandberrycoldlolicantstoplaughing
- Young Slap: You should check out the beats on my YouTube channel and roast me 🤘
- danny Cranford: Icantellthatthekidthatsaidtrumpisgayeatsballs
- Jackson Tetrick: Ifyou'refriendswithnoayoushouldbedissedto
- Question Mark?: Omg 😂😂😂😂😂 "what?"
- Peepo: wait what you only have 33k subs? wtf?
- hayden animations: Please explain to me how gay is an insult i'm very confused
- Flipwonderland: "Arcades are a myth" Ever heard of Round One?
- Fanpage Lit305: My mom has two phones and first is for her work and the second one is for her MANNNZ
- Yashua Berube: Whyareyoutellingmetonotusespacesdonottellmewhattodo
- Edie Skyla: “I’m a white boy doing black music” Post Malone is dat you?
- Kers A HerpaFuqer: Noah's FOOD REVIEW IS AMAZING
- Jadyns Space: Your video got age restricted
- Nicola Hergest: Icompletedthechallengebyputtingnospaces
- SPIDER BECKER: It’s Noah’s food review
- Apunch04: Heykids
- AdamFTW21: My name is Adam but I'm not a fat ass and I don't to monster reviews. I'm actually great at sports and have a gf
- Ibraheem Esa: Ishaircutisgay
- BlackHawk 100: N o s P a C e s o k
- Tallyn Cundiff: YourVideosAreSoFunnyAndILoveThem. KeepUpTheGoodWorkTro
- Devin Seviyn: IDisagreeICPIsTheShitJuggaloLoveForLifeEatABowlOfPoopBitchNahI'mJustPlayinILoveYou,DaddyKillMe
- Pretty Mommy: GEORGE their***
- JWS The one: Game of Life lol
- UnboundGodz: iLostThisChallengeWhenTroStartedTalking.
- Claire: A wifth boy dointh black musicths.
- Adam macias: What the fuck mi names Adam I don't fucking drink Monster got me all fucked up !
- James: Gayslikemyneatlygammer
- Sparkly Wonderful Unicorn: Thiswassofunnyilovethischannelandithinkthatthisisnotawasteoftimeonyoutube
- Guffenberg: Shut io ass
- American Pride: Doesthatkidnotrealizetrumpsnemisisisvery”anti-homophobic”orwhateveryaknow
- Josh's Vlogs: AllOneWordFuckYeahSoTrigggerdTroHowsItGoingYouFuckingBeastlyOfABitch
- Dymas mohaboe: Onewithabrokenscreenandonefromwallmartthatipayedonly15bucksfor
- e m i l y: NoSpaces.
- Jupitor: Thisisntaspacethisisrealityhoe
- Stuny Bunz: Troisatrumpsupporter
- xxZ_D01: skinny😀😀😀😀😀😀penis
- first Name last name: Bloody potato yassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
- Tippy Toe: Yay,youdiditright!Seepeople,thisisapinnaclehumanbeingrighthere-wait,whatisgoingonwiththepunctuationandcapitalization?It’slikethealphabetonacid.
- Israel Mendez: ihopeyourespondloveyou tro
- Reza Jouhair: I really really fill bad for the fat kid
- Zeran Schovajsa: This is totally kid friendly
- Amanda •: He does look like an Adam 🤔😂
- TheFox 423: I have two phones .79 per pound 😉
- Derika Mckoy: Nospaces Alloneword Nahspaces
- Oh yeah yeah: #BETRASH
- i am bored: Okguysetfamidoingwitgmylifeiamjusttypingafuckingcommetughidontcarwifispelledsometgingwrongsoololorhahayeahiamberyboredsoletstalkokthattalkwasuselessokbyewaitsorryforaurocorrectsiainttypingtgisagainsoyeahbyebye
- BLANK: It's vewwy vewwy stwong en vewwy vewwey cowd. Also I couldn't stop laughing when he said it's a little too late to be counting calories
- Hendix: hitroimahomaphridite
- Apple Pie: Iwanttodie
- Oasis Flame: y u so funny
- Dual_Shoka 444: Tro not trouble stupid auto correct
- Sarah D: *Elmer Fudd's offspring has a bright future in advertising* "Dweenk Monstuh, uhhh.. Its zewo cowawees"
- Garrett Kay: He said lisp not list
- Ethan W: Falafel
- Sub To Pewdiepie NOW: My name's adam. Lol
- Garrett Harris: Trump(space)is(space)gay
- Anthony Reyes: Arcades do la at least
- ultimate boss04: He should meet LazerBeam
- Jovana Spasojevic: thatkidattheendmademyday
- Centile: Been subbed since 20k keep up the great work every video has made me laugh so hard!
- Jake McCloe: No fucking way!!! That kid goes to my school 😂😂💀💀
- x CHEX: noneofthepopularcommentsfollowedtherule!
- Literally NoOne: SpacesAreDumb
- Daniel Graff: NoSpacesOkChallangeAccepted😎
- dylan basically is quack bill nye vasica: Youhavetobe35tobepresident
- mario stuffed toy adventures: Nospaceesatall
- Mari Moon: *their
- TheBirdOfAshes x3: 50buwcksfor
- Nameless: where is the WEED
- Vassie Naidoo: okfinealloneword
- Fly By Night Edits: Thisislikethesixthvideoiveseenofthisguyandboihesactuallyprettycoollol
- rickzilla0825: Wellyoucaughtme.
- JWS The one: Bri'anna Brown thanks lol
- BullyHunter78: Noah is not CRINGEY FUCK
- mia hernandez: When I saw Kevin G. I screamed because I love him and I have been to his concert before...I’ll lead my fangirl ass back to the entrance :):
- alexsmith.1803: doof
- Renee Arnold: I absolutely love these videos!!
- Sara Iqbal: Lmaooooo 2 phones
- Benjamin Bertrand: Loteasertotypewithoutspaces
- Medusa Productions: The way he said "damn" this video is getting demonitized "SO QUICK".
- Fortnite Mobile: u know that fatass
- Lord Kek: 5:20 saving private Ryan shit right there.
- Oli Lego: 900th like
- 무 나지: "I have a lis(t)p" We know dude F*ck while I was typing this he threw me an "L" /*__*\
- Black Blood: *inhales* BOI!
- Carson Newman51: giggity
- Ali Desch: That kid doing the Monster review... He's doing that voice in purpose. I've seen him reviewing other products. Cut the kid some slack. He's just having some fun on YouTube. That aside, great vid as usual.
- TacoLordian 424: Gayhaircut!OMGthatisfunny!
- Dilo'sTearsbecomeTyler'sLaughter: "You also look like an Adam-*WHAT THE HELL ADAM*"
- Regardt Botha: That was berry berry funny
- THIS IS A USERNAME: TheMinsterKidLooksLikeAnUnBreadedChickenNuggest
- Alex Miles: His name is Noah :l
- i miss being cool: The video itself is age restricted. But I’m guessing the comment theme was no spaces, coz ikeepseeingpeoplewritinglikethis
- JWS The one: Gqrbage me to it was a funny roast on me
- Mr Ezio Morningstar: Love the videos but not all juggalos are bad that kid is making us juggalos look retarded someone need to wash his mouth out with bleach maybe that woman who washs in bleach can send him some bottles lol Whoop Whoop
- A- Dub: No.2 =real life Cartman
- DΛПGΣЯӨЦƧKΣY2592: Cououedis
- SELTZAY: I got two phones one that i stole one for pokemon go
- JDR 235: That fat kid about cyber bully hard core
- animeniac: ICPISAMAZING,YOUDON'TLIKEEM,YOULOSTASUBTODAY!(thisisajoke,butireallylikeicp)
- Ethan Steinberg: He’s trying to make everyone there race
- ItzzTheFarmer: Mr Meeseeks dead
- Wolfiemajorz: I would debunk that kid but he is only 10 so I’ll let him be
- mango: ICP actually isn't that bad smh Tro *hands you an L*
- Ericat: Is tro leafy, or is leafy tro?
- Zachary Zimmerman: Sowhatifyoudecidetomakesurethatwhatyouaregoingtotypeinthecommentsisrellylongandyoualsomakesurethatitmakesnosensetoanyonewhoreadsitbutthenyoudecidethatthelittleidiotyoucalledadamlookslikeyourcousinthenyougodowntowalmartandtrytotrackhimdownsohecangivehisexpertopinionontheflavorofrockstarenergydrinksandbuyhimtwentydifferenttypesofrockstarsohecanbesurethatwhathesaidisnotharbadgebutthetruthandonceyoygivehimalltwentytypesofrockstaryoumakehimrunovertwentymilesandbyrnofalloftheextracalorisesthatyougavehimbutthenyourealizethatyouforgottotakethechickenwrapoutofthetoiletandrunbackhometakeitoutandthendieoflaughterasyounoticethatthewrapnowlookslikeabigterdandyesittookforevertowriteoutallofthisbutidontcareatallaboutwhatyouthinkandifyouareconfusedpleaselikethiscommentthankyou.
- II DUDEDANK IIV: 2:57 you should not make fun of people just because they have something wrong with them or they are tounge twisted you honestly are pretty lame for that and I would like to hear back on this
- HalfDimeMakeYourhyme: Itsvewycewystwongandvewyvewycoldsoigivemonsterzerocaworwiesauh10/10
- bryxbry kerley: Youaremyfavoriteyoutuberandyouarehilariouslol
- Xorrupted Inc.: AshoshaHaqueYeah
- Lunix: Spaceiswhatitisbutwhatitdo
- 100 subs with no vids: whycan'tiusespaces????!?!??!
- godguy 12345678987654321: TheFatOneWasNoahsFoodReviewSoHisNameWasNoahNotAdamJustLettingYouKnow
- Gamma: ICP's old music was fire as fuck a long long time ago but now, they're trash.
- RansackedMars Gaming: Allonerunonsentence
- Gabriel Ortiz: Vewy vewy strong 💪
- SoaR GD: WhenNoOneFuckingListensToTheEndOfTheVideo
- logan furr: Dave in busters bitch
- Sexy Vegan: whynotboi
- Ryan: second
- Guardian Crafter: Why haven't I found you till today? You are a freaking legend!!!
- Savannah Hinkle: Wi er Sopha keeng wi tuh-ard did
- Landon Gomez: noonetypinginginoneword
- King Savage !: well that what gatorade will doff to you
- YamiAlex224: Dude u 10 your vote don't count
- TheBerry One: Arcades DO still exist That’s a fact At least where I live...
- Ronan Doyle: Is it the list of jericho??? Where and how did he get it 😂
- Flop Studios: WaitwhatwhynospacesIdontknowanymoreahhhhh!
- I C: That chubby kid could be Trump as a child.
- The PK Boys: A_aron S Um... that's not how it works.
- Cats disguised as teletubbies: IlovehownoonedoeswhathesaysitslikeheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyymanfuuuuuuuuckyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIdowhatiwantbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap
- JWS The one: Jacob Israel haha I got that a lot for this video I don't even know how it got big
- Tori Horton:
- Pretze: hye gys mye nmae prtzee
- NON CAPISCO: Noah’s Food Review
- Awesome Legend: Lmao the last one is the funniest
- Josh Nation: Wowdudeyoureallydontknowwhatisacringebecausewhenyouknowwhatisityouaregonnapoof💀🤐
- Levi Steele: #makeamericagreatagain
- Pritam Roy: Zewoww
- B: One with a broken screen and one from Walmart that I only paid 50 bucks for
- RiKilo: how did you see my typing.. on that lisp comment?.
- Eric Raymond: I love it
- Heaven Kinner: ILoveThisChanel
- Ryuzaki. L: whywestillher
- PANDA LOVER: Sup dude
- Acapella Carrine: Thisvideoisamzing!
- 79k 79: Fuck
- BellyBro: i gou tou wawlmaut
- FaZe CrAzY626: screw off my name isnt ricky xD
- Sick.: *Look what the internet is doing to kids these days*
- _ sarahdrajpuch _: Idontthinkpeoplelistenedtothatrule,sorrybro
- Senor Fluff Thing: Are you ok? I don’t see a dresser. I think you need to see a doctor.
- BACM Solution Services: What the fuck is a black song and a white song I heard of Hispanic and a little more
- Sway Assist: isanyoneaccualyfollowingthecommentpolicyXD
- Fluffkins101ish: honestlytrowhatthefuckiswrongwithyallthisisalongasscommentsoareyahappyyet
- Michael Broderick: "Sounds like the last kid we just watched" I f-ing lost it
- Cryptic Glitch: So fucking happy I came across this channel
- Tyjae Riley: startedwatchingmaskoffchallengeshowdIgethere
- cassidy: HiiloveyourvideosyoujustgainedasubscriberalsoIshippedanelephanttoyourhouse😏
- Offic Daddy Tord: Lmao I'm gay and have no life but I'm also a trans trap so
- Davy Cloud: Daddy's Messiah cause we have space bars.
- Danielisover9000: I got 6 phones
- Ricky Perez: Damn it tro you caught me!, I was already typing..
- ThatOneWolf 1119: +Dustin Stacks maybe........
- Osafa I.: I see no difference between that kid and the average Trump hater.
- Flip Nation: NOSPACES
- FGZ: YouHaveTheGays
- The Wolf: ICP FOR LIFE
- Cutler Floyd: Lmao
- Chromatic Master: Need some of that straightorade my boy?
- Anne Chiolo: I lost a few brain cells on that last one
- SLN: Ohmanatleastthekiddidntjustsayhilaryamirightoramiright
- *snatches weave*: Helpme
- Knoppy: "what the hell ADAM" 😂
- GAVINOPOLIS PLAYZ: Na man icp is cool
- darkestasylum 32: Shut your fucking mouth about icp
- Lil Eight-6ix: Just realized this guy is literally LeafyIsHere but in a different body
- moonlight Madness: Props to the kid in the Batman hat!!! No cringe
- Spencer uga: Oh my god he said lisp
- grant5681: Cawowies
- Doggo Boi Animations: That one ten year old in the back of deh video is basically wut i would say (hes my savior.......... plz kill meh)
- Jonni Bravoo: Bro you be flaming niggas bro...... I did not peep the other monster cans in the back I'm done bro
- On The Move: thisisallone word....shit
- ballistic icee: Thefatkidlookslikethekidfromcharliechoclolatefactory
- SoaR FaGGot: Loser
- EPIC GAMER: *#lol*
- Link Miner: Well did ya win
- Minkender the chicken tender: The kid who ruined the trump sign has the exact same voice as me
- BMoney8600: Is the second kid Bobby Booshay's son?
- Haiden Bowers: Bro it's "Noah' s fewd reeview"
- Raqayyah Owaidat: Why is "gay" an insult?
- Ozzie Daboss: GreatVideoManNotManyPeopleWatchedTillTheEnd
- The Campfire: Alloftheseidiotsputspacesintheircomments...areyoutellingmenotonepersonwatcheduntiltheend??
- Kara Miles: Ahahahaha ...The phatKids a lil cutie Though,he Might grow up to be Mr Universe One day LOL:D
- Dylan Bradford Greenlee: I really want to smoke a joint with tro
- Donovan and thor: my name is jeff :)
- JWS The one: Jude Olssen what
- Mall DeRouen: Smokecrackanddiejkurbunnyimeantfunny
- Zegar `: "vewy vewy stwong, and vewy vewy code, ovewwall it's pwetty gwood" OMFG I'm dying🤣🤣🤣
- Thamer_ss: He has the schindlire's list
- hoseonshine uwu: Whyiseveryonedoingspaces ?
- Keonyn: lol, Info Wars is resorting to interviewing 10 year olds kids? Haha, that's as cringeworthy as the kid.
- Amber Frame: WellImLate
- Mr. Frog: WhydoIhavetotypelikethis?
- Durrie Dan: Fuck I can’t do spaces shit
- Michelle Mercado: I gotcha with that LOUD 😇
- NoPlanB: Therapy, go watch Waterboy again, everyone might have some amazing redeeming quality that could change the world, so let's all develop something together.
- Shlaga: Ayyy the third kid said he was 10, old enough to play Shadow the Hedgehog
- bmo1334: TRUMPISGAY
- Coolhand 118: Doof.... more like oof
- Westley Robinson: Waitwhat
- Julian Swain: That kid learned presidents in history and payed half attention and just said Bernie in the mix and realizes wtf am I on and leaves from any more embarrassment
- You__tub: Hey Ricky here, I have list and I find ith really offensith that you can't understanth me!
- YamiAlex224: You paid 15 dollars for a phone. Damn who the hell needs that. I pay 15 to replace my phone through insurance
- DigitalPeacock UwU: Icringedsohardihaveabout50000wrinkles!
- Jashan: WhoTFisBerney?! DidHeMeanBerneyOrBarny? 😂
- sam liz sometimes do smoke alarm or fire alarms: #ripgay
- Wouldnt you like to know: Wowwhyareparentslettingthierkidsjustembarassthemselveslikethat
- TonyXL: Bruh,me being a juggalo too i feel embarrassed of that dude tryna represent icp. And btw homie icp aint that bad. Seriously using "Miracles" as an example is a low ass kick in the balls. But i still fuck with you Tro.
- John nyboy: He's that Fat?? How ?? when drinking essentially liquid caffeine
- Brandon Meyer: Noah’s food review is father
- Soul Stories: I have a list................ *stares off to the side*
- SuperDank: Or cartman
- Madie Luva: MegaMan (Black) well if it was a joke it wasn't that funny I assure you😂.
- The Feuer: Is ten years old too late to abort a kid?
- Charles Got The Chocolate Syrup: Its a good thing some rich people have common sense like Bill Gates AND sTEVE jOBS WHO DONT SPEND THER MONEY HOWEVER THEY LIKE AND HELP SOCIETY
- Minnesota Turtle: 3:20. Thats Bobby Boucher kid right.
- Lemme Think: Whatdoyoucall2vegansgettingintoafight...VEGETABLES!!!HEHEHEH
- Amaya Salazar: nooneverdidthenospaceschallengewow...disrespectfultotriggeredtro
- Chevonne Mercanti: Hispaceispacelikespaceurspacevid
- B Jovel: Dude you are fu**ing hilarious!
- Dubbz !: Cod Brothers Yeah
- Tangels Turner: Thatwassofunnyandijustloveyourcontentitistyemostfunniestshitonutubekeepupthegreatworkanditfeelsweirdnotpreesingthespacebutton
- kaleb abad: nicevid
- Hazen75: NoSpaces
- Cream SoDa: you sound like a teenager version of morty
- Gorgeous Freeman: WHAT THE HELL ADAM
- Young Dagger: Thatwashaularios
- jwivan28: Fuckmedaddy
- Karaba 101: Very_nice
- ariel gang: icp is singing of god and bulling I know because I'm a juggalo
- No Sir, Not I: HolyFookThisVideoMadeMeLaugh.GuessThatsWhatYourChannelDoofToYa
- Lil Sleazyxxx: If we voting on presidents based off their haircuts then this guy is winning it all LMAOOO
- Ricky Romero: Lol my name is Ricky
- TrexK: this sounds bad 2:52
- Pam Shealy: If I watch LEAFY then compared to him, tro is nothing
- Coryy Browne: That loudy loud. That screaming loud😂😂😂
- Adam D: LeaveAdamAloneOrStevenOrWhoeverTheCrapDidThatMonsterReviewwThing😣😣😣
- The Sy 1975: Wait.... are steven, and the two Trump kids are related
- Michael Punziano: This guy is more obnoxious than the people in the video!
- Summer: Soisnoonebutmefollowingthepolicy?
- aubrey glover: youguysarebreakingthelaw
- Akilah Esquivel: I need some fucking weed 😂
- Jeremiah Fyan: I100%thinkTriggeredTrosupportstheTrumper
- Legit MoFo: what's Monsta Enerde zewo cawawe dwink?
- Fany Garcia: Why does the first kids looks high?
- Aniyah Slayyys All Day: “It’s berry berry strong and berry berry cold” lmfao
- Nirdybirdy7 AJ: Nick Mungar JUSTREMEMBER-NOSPACES
- Floppy tart,: "i am Trump"
- tuttyS: zewo caloowies
- Mr. Bluesman: Fuckin hilarious
- Avyy ortega: WTF didn't know know elmer Fudd was doing Monster Review's..vewy vewy vewy CoD.
- Maxwell McIntosh: I’M GoInG tO SeY ThE N-WoRd
- Waifu: ICanAlreadyHearTheAngryTrumpSupportersAndProudFeministsTypingAwayBecauseOfThatTenYearOld
- Jah: HalfOfTheesPplDidntMakeItToTheEnd
- josie: NobodyFollowsTheCommentPolicy
- K playz Xp: Fucking lennie how did you get here go back to george. "George...tell me how its gonna be... We gonna have wabbits and I..I..IM GONNA TEND THEM right george." "I done a bad thing george 😭😭."
- RubberFist: DidAnybodyListenToTheFuckingNoSpaceRule?
- Angelina Gutierrez: I legit died while watching this 😂😂 I love ur vids. Man don't doof this to me 😂😂
- KIŁŁTØKYØ: JesusChristthatfatkidpissesmeoff
- SDMGaming _: been subbed since 13k keep doin wat you doin tro
- Just Arty Stuff - Roy Smith: IT'S LANCE I meant as a friendly joke. I honestly couldn't care about politics because I'm just 14 and can't vote. But I am glad you saw that I can draw. Subscribe while you're at it tuts.
- Komrade Undead Knot: NoSpaces
- Travis Cartee: "How old are you?" "I'm only 10"
- PuppetMasterTHC: ICP is the one of the best groups of all time. Talk shit. I own a 2900 square ft house on 2.5 acres. I dont give a shit what ya think. ICP are good people, just because assholes dont understand the song miracles, doesnt mean they gotta hate. When he says the shit about magnets hes saying he doesnt care hpw they work, neither do I and neither do 99% of the people hating on it. FUCKIN HYPOCRITES! Furthermore, when he raps about scientists lyin gettin him pissed, hes talkin about perhaps indirectly saying scientist claim unborn babies aint humans. Icp might rap about that since they are a weird christian, horrorcore hybrid mix of sound. Yal are so fuckin dumb you cant read between the lines. Yal faggots probably listen to lil pump, and next year it will be something else you listen to, because you are all followers. fuckin sheep
- ангсоца: H O W A B O U T N O .
- Top11Speed2: helloisoneword
- Hyrizon: zewocawowies
- Weirdness0.0: SupDude
- threedots are nice: lmao i dont like trump but that anti-trump kid is such a little shit and the brother looks like shane dawson
- Zeljko Opalic: The first kid sounds like Mike Tyson
- Old Dominion Coasters: Thisvideoishilarious
- Lucas Jurgajtis: Igot2phonesonethatsgotabrokenscreenandonethatigotatwalmartthationlypayed50buscksfor
- Sarah Warnick: he said elisp
- Jose Dejesus: tro so can you please follow me on the gram @j.d0llaazzzz please thanks:)
- Fabian Martinez: Vladimir Putin now its growing
- Jackle Box: Whydowehavetodonospaces?idonotgetit.
- silas needs 2 chill: I lost that sucks
- Player Attack tuc: It was berried under his monster energy
- XGermanMOnkey1X ?: I’m rebelling
- ghostdude111: ILikeToEatCheese
- Gracie.: He said lisp IDIOT whoops to late I wasted my comment
- Little Becky Stephan: Ivoteforbarneythepurpledinosaurtobethenewpresidentoftheunitedstateslol
- Sharkson77: Hazel Lyric thought she was a toaster
- Nasty: yodontdissmyboisteven
- Viktor Brinek: or girl
- ThrowingSid: thatoutrotho
- scoterscary clawzz3: igot2phonesonewithabroknscreenandonethatigotfromwalmartandonlypaid15bucksfor
- Joey Abi Younes: I love your chanel 😂
- Ayesp: 4:00 it is a noah
- Katelyn Hicks: ok everyone, we the people from now on are going to judge people by there haircut. ok?
- Javitotation Javs: IGotTwoPhonesOneWithABrokenScreenAndOneFromWalmarThatIOnlySpent50BucksFor 😂
- Cole Wagner: Your shit always cracks me up, but you played the worst ICP song ever lol. The Tower by ICP is pretty good
- Duh_ TacoBellLover: Zero cawwais
- Kenny McCormick: Arcades are awesome
- Yg Slinky: Tro is the best he. Needs 1M
- Candace: swagolisticboom
- Than00ber: 05:00 DAMN the kid looks like a younger version of TheStradman lol
- elizabeth hamilton: Heisadamnidiot
- Midnight-Lemon: thefirstdudeisswagelikewilliamin2001
- The Clash Cat: Yo I like you and all but can't dis the Juggalo family. Me and my step bond over that shit, we go to gatherings and shit. But no beef I can understand your hate
- Spicy loves birdie{fem]: 69 6 3 6
- I Like Spuds YT: vewwy vewwy stwanwg, vewwy vewwy cowd.
- Lena Grace: When your dad has two phones, and now you have more than two questions.
- Chase Jones: Whyisthisthepolicytroandheneversaidnoperiods.beatthattro
- NeutralOrganizationOfBeasts N.O.O.B: BigHeadIkrtheyjusthavenorespctfortrolikecmonpeopleLISTENTOTRO
- lynley B: Iloveyourvideosandlikeifyoucanreadthisbecauseimaloser😋
- Dawnix Studios: whenyourealisethatyouhavebeencaughtdissingpresidentsonthenewswhenyouronly10'likeboiuwotm8?'
- My penis is unbelievably small, but: This is fire
- Madisyn Amayaaa: "i have a list" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Kay M: Legit Seems ok?😂
- person person: Nospace
- djmeikle2000: dont be dissin my boy noah 😤
- ·: The first kid was really poor if you watch the full video 🙍♂️
- Sëntømåkï: Rip brain cells
- Cubic Gamer: Pvt. Jason Druetto hahahahaXD
- Raxaga 64: Thats probably his rapper name, 2 fonez.
- Jeremy Rowland: Fuckyou
- imperium RANDOM: The young fat kid is going to be the next francis but instead of mt dew he loves monster wich means he probably wont leave to 25 years old maybe 20
- Skyy_Owan: Noah’s food review
- Sub TO PEWDIEPIE: My cousin has 6 phones
- lil pink XOX: Looool
- Hannah Hetzel: Wtf is Elmer Fudd doing with monster reviews
- HHOUSE 1170: TED CRIUSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ádám Varga: No, the kid isn't Adam. I'm not sharing my name with him.
- Zachary Zimmerman: Harry Potter really
- slimey sam: Damn nigga u mean AF 😂😂😂😂
- SpEX Wolf: PotatosHaveAGreatShapeThatILike
- Superboy 21: Tro>God or Buddah or whoever the fuck you worship
- Aztecc: 3:50 his name is noah
- Michael Brown: funny stuff man 👌
- Faith Tiller: Thosekidswherecringeybeyondbelifelikeboitheymustbestupidlikeifyougoneatworkoutifyougontalktrashhavefactifyouknowyouhavealispdontraplikethesethingsaresoobviousman
- Dina Obd: That’s what it dooth to you
- Bob Burgers: Dont hate on autistics
- Thomahawk GOD: iveonlyseenonepersondothenospacesinthecomments
- KCS 85: bro ur trying 2 dog a 9yr n ur failing,u prob just gave him more subs than u just made.. might want 2 rethink ur strat.,,#destined2fail
- Zachary Hawkins: Imsexuallyattractedtocheesegraders
- SUP TIME: He has a lisp
- ShortStack: Yoo Tro.. on the real.. your underrated asfuu bro.. someone get this man a fucking subscriber jump for real he needs to be in LA and he needs to be cashing checks
- Derpy Pizza: My friend has 3 phones
- Discocheese Gaming: Youknowwhowatchedtotheendofthevideobecausenooneputspaces
- Dominus Satthanas: Seth Ross why support anyone.
- Josh R: TRUMP 2020!
- Johnathan Hernandez: He could be a logan 😂😂😂
- Itz Krepo: Boilookatdisdudehegot2phonesonewithabrokenscreenandonehegotfromwalmartfor50dollarsbitchwutthehelligotminefromsomerandomhomelessguycanfuckwithme
- BackStab Trolling: Isthatkidok
- Gay Nibba: Tro4president2020
- Don Elliott: Gregory Stephen AND ADAM
- William Martin: #0Fsgiven
- Allyson Edwards: Didyouguysforgetaboutnospaces😂
- Amber Silver: "Roll your ass over to the arcade" I'm dead asf
- KNIGHTOFELEMIA: The fat kid with the Monster does a pretty good Barbara Walters impression
- Savannah Thomas: Lol "It's a little to late to start counting calories" shook
- Coolchou Zhao: Did you really do the math?
- Rusty Blade: Trump is tryna make everyone their race... know the truth spread the word
- Foul Zaida: I could tell that inbred was a juggalo before he even opened his man pleaser.
- Daimien Roberts: 2:21 i died.. Rip 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- JWS The one: BobbyNotBo55 BN5 50 not 15
- Savage BRAXTON: Zewo cowaries
- oh yeah yeah: Tro Bro
- Chrispy Creme: I love how little chill you have
- 1301215: I am a rebel.
- Car0lin3: Thecringeisreal
- Kasiya Cowan-price: hey this is my brother 😂😂😂
- HeyItsHolly: the2ndclipwhenyousaiditsalittletoolatetowatchforcaloriesiDIED
- Skillz: He Had Me Laughing At 0:20 #Trocember Tro's Da Besh (Did That On Purpose)
- Emelie the fabulous: am i the only one that heard "wiwi wiwi strong and wiwi wiwi Cold"
- Colm Devlin: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Ben Hering: Leena Prasad you lose
- Jacob Martinez: +Flip Nation sorrydidnotseeendofvideo
- richard blanchard: holy shit it elmer fudd 3:00
- Evan G: The title got me
- Freaks Only: dapper_gent that made no sense 😂
- Eyekan C U 2 Gaming: I'm the 462,243 subscriber :3 comment your number.
- iisadragonborn: igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandonethatigotfeomwallmartthationlypayd50bucksfor
- Guillermo: I don't have no proof *goes thru puberty" proof, but just look at his face.
- JP Bartlam: maikel thoma dudenospaces
- MoonVlogs: OmgWhenIFoundYou,YouChangedMyLife
- BunBun Craft: Avocadosarecoolguys
- John Leggett: VoteChristianHoffmanForPresident jk
- Aleksa Munoz: OnefromwalmartthatIonlypayed50bucksfor!
- Just Ricky: WTF HE SAID LISP NOT LIST.... oh sorry
- Rosanna Petrucci: ILoveThis!!!
- Obedlepen Obed: Love uer video soooo much
- The JoSi Show: I had to pause at 0:55 you had me laughing so hard I couldn't even breathe from laughter!😀
- MattShaws: buy a new keyboard lol
- datguy whonow?: ksi has a icp song on vevo
- henry Breeding: Try not to laff with tro...ha
- Golden Sunflower: YourVideosArePerfectBroHahahaha
- PiranF: Thisisreallytriggeringeveryoneisusingspaces.
- Izzy E: Iloveyou
- LPS Fluffy Productions: ArtinHeHe Ironic XD
- Shadow wolf: Thefatonesouldstartwalkingadogorrunmaketheworldrumblejuststartmoveingingenral
- Karen Aidee: BroIGotAListToo
- Thicc boi: My teacher admitted she used to listen to insane clown possy 😂
- SEPPDROID: I, i, i have 2 phones... :(
- Jahseh D. Onfroy - vibes: #ihavenolife
- k calhoun: 2:52 ain't that the chef on little nightmares
- xxProxx 312: Acuate percent of who will fail lol
- wattscee1: why can't these kids talk right
- Bryan Cromartie: I cringed on that last clip.
- Gab Noir: It's berry berry strong and berry berry cold.
- Fluffy_ Vences: Doitlooklikeiwasleftoffbadandbouje
- Littleman192 [Meme Man]: He ate it
- Reza Arifandie: these cringy videos is not funny tro
- Purefecto: my names adam and i am offended, noticed
- Justin Grogan: I think that little kid will actually be coming out of the closest in the the 4 years.
- Fernando Perez: 1:04
- Faith OskowitZ: Thekidcalledbernyashe
- Draven: forescoreandsevenyearsagoithoughtdonaldtrumpwasaloserwhoisgayandtastesberryberrystrong
- Spectrum: anyone know the name of the first person?
- Baba Kazi: Triggered Tro how did u gain a following so fast? I been watching cringe for years. Ur lucky af dude
- LiSa MaRiE: You are so funny lol
- Andrew Rocha: Need some DRUUGS
- RainMan 4669: lol like ur vids. post more videos. Last kid too oversmart😫😂 *facepalm*
- Humboldt Oregonian: Its'_my_American_right_to_be_a_semitic_jew-loving_Nazi!!!! :D
- SoapIII: Nospaces
- Jillian Paige: LMAO
- Hair •: Whydontpeoplefollowtherulesman?
- Unknown_Pringle69: Okay I won’t use spaces Fuck how did I mess that one up
- sir Fisher: ThatTrumphatingkidisf*ckedupandiam10
- Nashawn Hayes: Everybodytypedwithspaces
- SheIsChe: “I AM 10” hes so proud of himself
- Shade_The_ Wolf: We are so f***** no seriously this is the future seriously I can just see myself SMH f*** really
- Hayden Scott: I didnt laugh at the vid i laughed at what tro said
- junfaa: I think it's a testament to your power fantasy born of an inferiority complex when you make videos for the sole purpose of offending people by ridiculing children with insults that are indistinguishable from those of elementary school kids who are trying to impress people by being edgy, while you yourself are a grown ass man. I pitty you. The internet is the only domain in which people like you can actually thrive because you've been rejected by society.
- Maxwell McIntosh: FaGgot He SaiD LiSp NoT LiSt
- Lpsmnm's 101: FACEREVEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
- lovely Llittle_Wolf: Supercalafradalisticesbealladosis
- Diego Station: hahaha man fucking classic
- LillyAnnA Robinson: NOSPACES
- Slayter Purvis: Fat kid with the monster...😂😂😂... ol' elmer fudd headass
- rainbow girl: kk
- Jordan Reid: T h a t w a s a g o o d v i d e o
- Denisse Flores: Goodvideoitwasfunnyassfuck
- Scrillaasap: I can’t breath half the time watching his videos ☠️😭
- Misanthropic Isolation: Trey Boykin *too
- dead_star GAMEING: Yo he is the better leafy
- Onii Chan: List of hentai pictures
- Maya Stalvey: Omg! I can't stop laughing! 😂😂😂😂
- Arkelian 7: "I buy adh dhe thtuf myself"
- Jack Sydes: The 1st kid is not that clingy Cm'n trio you can find something better
- Sendog817: #TrumpGotRoasted Like if you agree
- Trayq: themansaidnottotypeanyspacesidiot
- Abyssimal Kyogre: It's berry berry stwong
- Stop being mean to me: Key Influences pff sure
- Weeabu: okaysoidkifanyonecanreadthisbcisurecantbutanywaysimgoingtotypemyonesiglewordthatidkbutimgoingtothinkidoknowsohereitisguys.
- It’s Me: NobodyListenedToTheNoSpaceRule
- phokme: Iguessmostfansdontlikeocmmentpolicies
- Writing for Fun: Weh dats wat gateaway wuh duf tuh yuh
- IMEPIC670: Rememberkids,dontdopoliticsuntilatleasthighschoolplease
- Trey Gimmi: hesaidoneword
- It's Gir: Fantasticvideo,keepupthefantasticworkandremembercocka!
- bootleg gamer: Sociologyandawussy
- xBABYxCOWx: I laughed so hard on the moster dude
- Trippy Trinity: i grew up on them boyz like they are bomb.........ICPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Hollie Tusin: You definitely deserve more recognition!!
- Zekezoid123: i am 10 almost 11 and when i was 9 i had reasons to support burnny sanders it support (don't know how to spell the name)
- CHRISTOPHER MORALES: Trumpisaloserthatheistyingtomakeeverybodytheirrace
- Code Red: Igottwophonesonewithabrokenscreenandoneipaid50$foratwalmart
- 난쟁이 고양이: WhateverYouSayMom
- Ashton Young: ikindaliketheendchallange
- RageData: Clout Gang hey, little eight year old kid. You're using to much emojis...
- Jake Lieb: Actually like icp lol and miricales is a good tune
- Jerriana Davis: The kid is so right “TRUMP SUCKS”
- braxton lombardi: I really want to Punch those 2 anti Trump kids
- Kid Chemist: He’stryingtomakeeveryonetheirrace?
- Corvus Vigil: the kid drinking the monster "what's up doc" and the brother saying his brother's name. he wants a Hitman to come and take care of his brother. if that was my bro, I'd be calling an assassin up, too
- gaming bros: The first one had me dead
- Elong Bubbs: DOOF
- -Pho3nixSkul- dk: WhyAreAllTheseKidsRetardedLikeWtf
- Philip luu: hej
- Seth Gilliam: You seem like the next leafy.
- Matthew Handley: Trump is quite racist. He way he acted when he would talk about Mexicans and the border crisis was sometimes unacceptable.
- Rick Abe: Whyhellotroasyoucanseenospacesjustlikeyousaid
- Peen Ice: Well that’s what Gatorade a doof to you
- Mikaella Nieto: Do more vids
- punkknight vlogs: notification squad 💯
- Leilani Hernandez: Okiwontuseanyspaces
- Carly Lineberry: Yes let's ask the 10 year Olds to judge our president being gay because of his haircut.
- Hello.In.Every.Language: lmao the roasts are real
- Senne Vorsselmans: Fuck ICP, buy my CD! Yup Eminem fanboy
- Conservative right wing gun Owner: Manfuckthatkidinthelastonehedoesntevenkniwwhathestalkingabout
- Josh Poliquin: Dude Seriously U ARE WAY TOO FUNNY!! U KILL ME!! the subject matter u cover is already funny enough but damn u dump the top with cherries!!
- Shoto Todoroki: And thats how you got Triggered Tro! (No hate and i know its a bad joke .-.)
- 7 damage omeg a A: Helloilikechickennuggetsandmyscreenonmyphoneisbwoken
- Autumn Ingraham: I want to unsubscribe now because ICP is fucking awesome
- waterlily.: thatmomentwhenyoudontknowwhytfyoupickedbernie
- Jajy Anaya: andnotificationsquad👌🤘🤘
- JWS The one: Autumn Ingraham I still like his videos tgo6
- Hope Iskey: The first guy made Me ashamed to be a juggalo
- Allen 0990: 😂😂😂
- lena westley: nospacesni🅱️🅱️a
- Crocky: Roses are red Violets are red Daisies are red Shit, my garden is on fire
- Yah Yeet: Yourmumgay
- Aniston Kemmerer: lmfao🙉🖤👏👏👏👏😂😂😂🤣😍🤪😩🙄
- 피리 부는 사람Piper: Troyouarehillariousasfuckandhonestlyyourealotfunnierthanalotofyoutubersoutthere
- PHILSwIfft T: They don't hate you for listening to black music they hate you because you look like a fish 🐟
- суверенная: 6:40-whenyouhaveyourfirstorgasm
- Satan Daily: Ibetyoucantunderstanrhisiknowthatyouhavealifesodontwasteitonthiscommentohcomeonyouhavealifedontwasteitherewelligiessiwillwasteyourlifenowthiswasyourmistakesoiwonderwhatisyournamewellmynameisraizielandmynameishardtopronoucebutilikecheeseandyouwilltobecauseifyoidontiwillfindyousowatchoutyoulittllepussayilikedeanambroseheisthetittaymasterasyoucanseyouarewaistingyourlifeonthiscommentthiscommentisuseless
- Chewing Yoghurt: imnotsurepeoplewatchedthewholevideo
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Cringiest Kids On the Internet (Ultimate You Cringe You Lose Challenge) 69% FAIL | |
32,125 Likes | 32,125 Dislikes |
1,156,957 views views | 1,450,879 followers |
Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 29 Apr 2017 |
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