Triggered Tro She Drinks Blood by the Gallon - pp45 info

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

Triggered Tro She Drinks Blood by the Gallon

  1. jordenhiensch: tick tack toe, where did tro go ?
  2. Jordan Poveda: I think you gotta do ur stepmum a favor and throw that thing as far away as possible my G
  3. LANGE: You are insanely funny
  4. Isabelle: She sucks
  5. Jacob: this makes me feel uncomfortable
  6. Gibson Guitar Fan: "A lot more videos soon" You sure?
  7. Charles fuller: James.T .Adams false. You can get all your nutrients from plant base sources (Vegan diet )
  8. 29 56: We may now assume Tro is dead...
  9. kali: where the fuck are you
  10. Trees Lay Eggs: think of all the STDS
  11. SLIM THICC: Yo wtf is this nigga dead or what it has been over 5 months since he said he had more videos coming for us R.I.P Triggered Tro
  12. Anna Ross: What if he died?
  13. Kam Brown: Come back
  14. Bryan Welton: Wtf crazy lady
  15. TiDe PoDs: Wtf dad? Did you die of ligma 😪💔 rip you'll be missed 😭😭💔 I'll never forget the time I caught u sucking toes
  16. Sophia P.: where did he go wtfff we miss you
  17. RoosterInHand: Tro are you dead bro :(
  18. Purity XG: F
  19. Ya boy Juju: Ligma😭
  20. notonetowine ubibabies: I no joke was drinking pure beet juice while watching this I just had to stop lol
  21. hungry shark: Tro comeback we miss you
  22. Arno styns: Tro where u at
  23. Notathot: 😰😰😰😰WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TRO
  24. Colton Lacamu: U died or u got arrested cause u have not been active on any social media
  25. Chief Legend: "At least somethings gettin sucked" 😂😂
  26. INYFanimations: Tro,, did you like,,,,, die
  27. 467325468961: I bet Tic tac tro won't pin this......................I'll go
  28. Caleb Chometa: I work at hot topic thank you very much
  29. Firman N: Some one give this link to him:
  30. Michael Bishop: Phoenix Quit watching Alex Jones hell we don't know if they are till the fat lady sings.
  31. Jesus Fine: #WeNeedTro
  32. Brett Smothers: You said a while ago you would make a musically if that video got 10k likes and it has 109k likes
  33. Dudley Dude: Don’t leave like leafy did
  34. Autumn Coco: Well liek there’s this Filipino food called Diniguan and the soup has pig blood in it. It’s pretty good.
  35. Lazarus Morales: Triggered Tro Did you know that Dr​ Phil raped on drop the mic
  36. ototeodorszarins: Content? Its 2019.
  37. Pineapple Crown: yes your back
  38. Ayano Plays!: YAY YOUR BACK!!!(^ω^)
  39. King Plays: Where are you trooooo
  40. mahdi2x: Wya
  41. TEMO: Tro u still alive man??
  42. MechanicalizedDr: where r u 😢
  43. LELE farmtown: Damn man it's been an eternity !! Uplod more regularly...pretty please.
  44. Logan Smith: Don't let me get cut near her....I'm scared
  45. FusRoDah Daily: +Max Picatti :)
  46. Cat the Invisible Child: Simplistic no pun intended?
  47. Cain McCall: You’re gay because you stopped posting and your parents are disowning you
  48. lotion bottle: Are you dead?
  49. Super Tokyo Man: I saw this episode
  50. Gruff H: Not sure whether to dislike cuz of the creepy blood drinker or like cuz of tro
  51. JRailz: First
  52. Justin Lair: lol when u pin a comment saying pots of vids soon then don't post for months
  53. Mohamad Wahab: Here!!!!
  54. Swift Nightmarez: Trovember..... Lying ass 😂😂
  55. emily: come backk
  56. Will Kuehnhold: Good to have you back
  57. Vex: Well Tro is dead.
  58. chad steevenson: I watched this through pain. This is what I have to do for tro.
  59. Just Toxic: I hope she gets hep C, AIDS, every and anything else
  60. Mikhail Dobrogorskiy: Get out of here u queer
  61. Zyruss Villarreal: Hows It brackin nah I saw him go back to get chips he might be back in 20 years it's a long line
  62. alexandergamer 325: "its thicker"
  63. BlakeMaaate: I’m a flat sunner 😉
  64. Unknown: Jared Hendershot *I Can't Start My Day Without Bleach...*
  65. Al Pérignon Music: makeplier as an addict hahahahah
  66. Joey: Wonder how many D&D games she has won
  68. Azaria Petrowsky: Tro where the heck you go
  69. Chris: The burp made me die 😂😂😂😂
  70. WTF ISthis: The burp at 2:33 lol
  71. Saiyan Hokage_YT: She probably already had aids.
  72. PHUNNY PRANKS: It's 2019 guys...He's gone.
  73. Adam: Tmw Destiny has more subs than triggered tro
  74. Tyler Rice: face reveal pls tro
  75. Killermike XP: Tro where yo at we need you man
  76. Mr Boombastic: Welp let's hope we start off 2019 with a new video
  77. Ducky: Maybe YouTube made it so he can’t upload for a certain amount of time 🤔
  78. galaxy love: TRO YOU'RE BACK. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! "Im just glad somethings getting sucked" lol
  79. teh Brooksta: Still alive tro? it's been 4 months
  80. Stopit: "Hi, my name is Johnny and I'm just happy that somethin's gettin sucked." I'm fuckin dead 😂😂😂
  81. ayyybraham !: Its trovember where is he
  82. Colourful Mistakes: Hello my dude are u ded
  83. benjaminurface 1: TRO I was the first one here
  84. SisuTheCyberbully: Brother where are you?
  85. potatos for brains: Hiv or aids wich one dose she have
  86. CJ Vlogs: What the hell triggerd tro I can’t laugh anymore plz make more vids I’m drowning in cringyness from the internet I need u to talk about it plz i almost took a L yesterday and I can’t let that happen again plz post again love ya man
  87. sina ghatea: Im a new subscriber and I’ve watched so many videos of this guy and I’m in love , I’m sad that he stopped youtube ... i just got to know him man he’s actually so funny.
  88. Junayd A.A: TeamBallz
  89. NotYour AverageGirl: Waiting
  90. StockyFlunky501: Operation health 2
  91. TCP Goodie: I'm glad something is getting sucked
  92. Honestly Jordyn: How do u drink blood for the first time
  93. Neko Chan: I'm literally gagging
  94. Jacey Arvanitis: Bro Tro u the only person that legit makes me plz come back
  95. Jlemon Playz: Your back!!!!!!!?
  96. Alissa G.: It actually does. I have a bad habit of chewing the inside of my cheeks and lower lip. It's an anxiety/boredom thing.
  97. Nick Burdick: I’ve saved this video for 5 months, come back Tro we need videos.
  98. Pam Shealy: I'm watching the old spderman movie rn and I just realized how mj got friend zoned in the end
  99. Jacob: Bro im sorry you dont know but um he died of ligma😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  100. Atticus 520: Fuck u for leaving buddy 🖕🏼
  101. BONGS CHICKIN: tro where ya been miss your content!
  102. Heda Kom TriKru: K you said you were coming back like two months ago 😂
  103. Lydia Rodríguez: Wtf Tro? You leave us hanging, where are you?!
  104. Bitter Sweet Hufflepuff: ewwwwww
  105. Big Boy Bear: Were u been bro
  106. AntiMazzerGFX: Who about threw up at 00:34
  107. Juliette Repole: I miss u tro :(
  108. RainbowLedge: Why this was in my recommended i don't know 😂😂
  109. benjaminurface 1: IM CRYING
  110. Jorge Rims: Post ffs.
  111. Ese- Latino: Bro dead a$$ you are the most awesome person on youtube and I fucking love your vids man keep it going!!🙌🙌🙌#TriggeredTroTheGod
  112. domination66: Where are you
  113. Kidus Girma: Tro where are you?
  114. Pedro martins: TEAM BALLZ⚽⚽⚾
  115. Bakugo Katsuki: I guess plan F didn't work out for him
  116. Taylor Davis: Say bro wheres new videos mayne
  117. Matthew Murray: where did u go?
  118. iGnarly: We are not eartherist round here we accept all earthers.
  119. peter grafkind: Please come back
  120. hollow Slayer: Lmao this guy Always cracks me up
  121. Jaycie Seland: I thought blood was to make you look younger. This bitch looks at least 40
  122. Fionn Cunningham: Your my favourite YouTube and the funniest one but where's the uploads
  123. Lively fat loser: Come back daddy!
  124. Memes Supreme: What can I say except *F*
  125. jackie peel: Tro where did you go? I miss your videos. I really hope you did not quit! Your videos are the only thing that makes me laugh. 😭
  126. Eliza M: I like her.
  127. Hack Riptide: Why haven’t you uploaded in 3 weeks
  128. iam3point14thon: Ros Lee I’m afraid he will disappear again, because he said “expect a video by the end of this week,” a couple weeks ago
  129. Kenny: I mean blood tastes good but if it aint ur own, no ty
  130. HampTamp: bro tell us if you died or not
  131. Faith Archer: I kind of got addicted to your videos lol 😂
  132. Blackskull8899: Where the fuck did he go?
  133. imDA7K: Upload more please
  134. danny donaldson: She's bloody sick haha see what I did there bloody sick
  135. Christian Isaacs: man hit a mil and then dipped
  136. Mack 7740: Upload faggot
  137. Sinox _: it's meh #TEAMBALLZ4LIFE
  138. we rw: There are different cultures around the world that consume blood as a source of food. It's not that weird.
  139. dude hailey: Fæl you're im eating a Popsicle 😂
  140. theTeeniePikachu89: Yay! Triggered Tro is back! #TeamBalls is 🔥
  141. Gideon the Warrior: do you think she eats black-pudding
  143. Marcel Gardner: 50 shades of twilight has had a hell of affect on the populace.
  144. Lily Raine: Do you think she drinks her period blood? Women usually bleed about a cup a month I think.
  145. TapeWorm: see y’all next year
  146. Hi, I'm a bot: She looks like she was born to do it
  147. Owen Bryant: gross
  148. ledzeppelinsucks: ᜌᜈ why do you do that?
  149. Arpit Mishra: where art thou oh triggered tro?
  150. Nuclear Potato: +jo jo see what
  151. kiara: are you dead
  152. Riley Bushong: Do a video on Arielle Flower from YouTube she’s the cringiest
  153. bailey pilbecker: Hey guys, does anyone know where the bathroom is?
  154. Matthew Gooden: Youtuber
  155. Christine Moran: Do a reaction on a Ali-A video
  156. Eat my Ass: Rest In Paradise❤😢XXX❤😢
  157. Sc0rion: r u dead
  158. tizzle27 _: June 19 2018..................................................
  159. Ellen Sippel: Yeah man, to cope with his absence I've starting bingeing British Commentators.
  160. BirdieLeqned X1: Make a new fucking video fag
  161. Lance Lane: upload you fat piece of shit
  162. Jeff: Why doesnt she just drink her period blood clots problem solved
  163. HeartBreaker 666: Akina, Arianna and Allaura have dated almost everyone else in our girl group... But they get mad at me for saying "Sorry, I'm straight man" #Westillfriends
  164. Matt 4774: Brooooo make more vids plzzzzzzz😂😂😂😂👌
  165. Fortnite Funny Videos: Rip to a legend. He will not be forgotten
  167. FuMu: Make some more videos dude what are you doing?
  168. NimbuzzWolfee: “And just like that, he was gone. Just like our old leafster.”
  169. Jere Kortelainen: Make more videos you lazy bum
  170. Emanuel Aguilera: He's back!!!
  171. that dood kj: i miss you father
  172. QUIZ HUGS: I bet if you cut her open jelly donuts would fall out
  173. ComradeLepi: This makes me want to vomit
  174. Alexisse the bear: Ligma gets the best ones 1 like=1 prayer for tro Come back bro 👏🙏👼
  175. just me: Disgusting
  176. Danny Mann 9/11: Come back already.
  177. Grant R. Ennis: I am actually addicted to watching your videos. I'm probably gonna be on the next episode of my strange addiction
  178. cr angye: Y’all heard the man’s tweet, it’s trovember bitches
  179. aryan 22: Check out the channel JAMARI, triggered tro is a poor mans JAMARI
  180. Kibotu: Dio's wife... Jojo reference
  181. DatBeast 99: I think Tro gave up and went to plan G 😂
  182. Thea Bentzon: This was so disgusting! My body hurts and feels weak from watching it, what the hell?!
  183. kennys Boat: so shes a vampire?
  184. kassi nichol: I know it sounds crazy but I don’t think it’s probably not healthy to drink blood
  185. Frank Foppa: What a fucking idiot
  186. Vodka Gods: Looks like he got the GradeASyndrome
  187. why why: stab it with a stake bring the silver bullets
  188. Radu: does she piss blood?
  189. Dj Will: Aye make more videos alright
  190. SAMMY OCHOCINCO: Where are I miss you
  191. Emily M.: Big Tiddy Goth Gf omg NO I just really like gory shit. I will NEVER drink that shit 🤢 gross
  192. Lil Purp: Don’t pull a dad on me
  193. Claudio Reyes: Get your ass up tro
  194. Regian Permana: Tro you good?
  195. Exclusive Kevin: Tick tack toe, I don’t know where did tro go
  196. FzN Rewind: We need more vids
  197. Lacy Keene: I’m sorry to ask this but WHERE ARE THE VIDS THEYRE HILARIOUS
  198. S_h_a_r_c_c_ _: CRAZIEST WOMAN EVER EATS SAND
  199. TheMinion Bros: One day Johnny is going to get an std and give his blood to her and now she has aids
  200. MASON Matthews: RIP X😢
  201. Sacha Milan: Tro...bro... where you at?
  202. fernando tario: Trovember
  203. Abby Spencer: Oh my god this chick is insane
  204. senseiii space: first, its PAPA fraku then grade a under a now it you WTF?💔😢 hope you are okay bro.❤🔥
  205. Bran Bran: She's Himiko Toga from BNHA but in real life
  206. Yeeet: dead channel
  207. Kaley DeRose: I wonder what she does when she’s on her period
  208. Skepty: Who's here before one million? Like if u are! Ik I am!
  209. Ibby Taz: 2:33 you're welcome
  210. Stephany Tello: At least I know you're still alive
  211. The Oof That Could: Did you fall off the earth, I know the earth is flat but why don’t you post?
  212. It’s yo boii Miranda: Come back plz
  213. Jazzy Bee: Bruh omg your merch is fire
  214. Spanish Rice19: Was that Burp edited?
  215. CONNER HOMAN: Ur mom
  216. WARZONE /Babybonez: She does realize that if she drinks blood that had a diesease with a std she will getbit
  217. And then I fired And I missed: Troll Tommy Gaming I made it myself.Just google avatar maker.It's one of the sites listed there but exactly Don't remember which one.And you can make one yourself.
  218. random dude: Please come backkkk
  219. Velzers: just pretend is fruit punch but darker
  220. Aiden Soto: You should realese a song on iTunes called "team ballz".
  221. Gbonze17: Jesus Christ I threw up after having my first nose bleed at a soccer game, BUT THIS WOMAN!!! 🤢
  222. BladeOwl: How the fuck does her shit and piss look like
  223. Ayden Tanner: Make more vids
  224. Robin Hacker: I wonder how THICK her blood is
  225. Emmanuel Hernandez: Cured my derision after x death still a bit sad do😢
  226. Litmus: Dammit tro straight up died :(
  227. Notorious Cozy: There is a black girl who thinks she's Caucasian #WheresTroWhenYouNeedHim
  228. The Unnamed User: Tro come back!
  230. Luziver Righthand: +GG Allin99 he grew so fast
  231. Mac pal: It’s November man what happene
  232. Iris Lyn: where the hell is Tro? I need you man
  233. YamiAlex224: Miss I'm running low on blood by any chance do you have some A+ on hand....oh it's animal blood never mind carry on....oh you do drink human blood....I ask again you got an extra pint of A+ around I would appreciate it very much thank you
  234. s1tr19: Trooooo. My guy. Where the fuck are ya man?
  235. Wolfie Biscuits: Where are youuuuuu??? ☹😞
  236. Panda 8 My Taco: How the fuck did I barely come across your channel this shit is great
  237. Kaylee Umstead: troooooo we miss youuuuuu
  238. DOOM METAL: Your the fucking best. Love you!!!
  239. Crazy Cubz2008: Tro did you get your 1M play button
  240. Justin Mckellips: Forget team balls merch we need shirts with his face on it saying have you seen this man....
  242. Ozzy Laguna: I'm just glad somethin is being sucked
  243. Oswald's_Uncle_v3 pp: SPAGHetti sauce
  244. Acapella Carrine: OMG SHE IS A VAMPIRE!!!!!!😱
  245. Bruh sound effect 2: Bro where tf are the videos
  246. Mr.potato: Heh
  247. Daron Safont: Where are you man
  248. Drake Davis: Oh hi tro you’re back
  249. supermario_678: When tro said something is getting sucked
  250. C.e.o Musix: Tro come back
  251. Eddy Hep: TEAM BALLS. MERCH! I’m subscribed.
  252. kaci bennn: Yoooo where you beennn attttt😄😄💀💀😹😹😹💆🏽‍♀️💆🏽‍♀️lmfaoooo
  253. PPEN QUINN: I think he lost his humor
  254. Caiden Lawrence: Been here since 100k
  255. Quinn T: Where tf is Tro
  256. Noah21die Durieux: At 2:58 she’s the F🤬 👺👹🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️💀...
  257. Spider_ Des: I live in the same city she does and I've never seen her thankfully
  258. F4OREST: Imma throw up wtf
  259. Thierry Daou: I..feel like I want to vomit..thanks!
  260. MARK: Stupid new born! (c)
  261. Kheerah912: Where you been boi
  262. gimme the lamp brüther: It's been 2 months get ur ass here
  263. Erik Quinde: Is my man tro still alive or what
  264. DivinePhoenix901: 'Friends with benefits.'
  265. K Terry: Dam jest drink a red bull or a engery drink or some shit or coke Cain and up load tro
  266. UnknownFreak 1: She really loves blood
  267. Persian QT: WTF really? Can't she get mad cow (not talking bout her size) disease?? That's definitely not sanitary, I definitely get checked for hep A B C D E F G 🤢
  268. Just a channel Nothing special: When I watch this everything on my body focuses on my veins and the blood in tyem
  269. th3gr3at 1an: MY BOIIIIII JOHNNYYYYYYEH
  270. seamusg05: Damnit I'm the one who dm'd him asking for the video he was gonna post!
  271. Gaming Legend: I wonder if she drinks her period blood
  272. Cypher8_: Yes finally my dude. I've been waiting for you to post for like forever
  273. Mr Crunch: We're you at nigga
  274. LJB 1712: Baby come back🎶
  275. Windruz BK: How in the world blood makes you energized?
  276. Mica Pierre: TRO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
  277. Apurv Joshi: She probably pees blood!!!!
  278. bullzye101: Triggered Tro WERE THE FUK U BEEN Tro
  279. canObeans: Is this... Pewdiepies brother?!?!
  280. Xavier Flavor: HIV city 😂😂😂👌
  281. Archie Brunsdon: PewdiePie's doing the exact same thing as you're doing with the Dr Phil episodes and I'm watching each copy come out every week
  282. Christian Spangler: I'm just glad something's getting sucked...lmfao
  283. sister snapped: hi
  284. otaku-god: 1 month has passed where the heck are u ;c
  285. Bill Anderson: Kill yourself Michelle!
  286. ShadowKing: Check his twitter
  287. Jonathan Cruz: Where are youu
  288. ssj elijah: Come back please
  289. Nathan Tekle: Trooo upload!
  290. Wheatley, o tijolo: Randy Dash you would have TROwn up Not sorry
  291. MilkIsSalty MilkIsGood: Come back!!!! Pls?
  292. Sewan & Sawen Creations: Drinking blood gives you wet farts and mud butt
  293. weapon freak: The flat earth t-shirt is more expensive than the round earth one
  294. Kira C: Its Trovember where u at
  295. Michael Scott: Is this guy dead?
  296. Sweaterboy.Photography: Tro look up the channel "Only Human" they have some intense content worthy videos ( you're welcome ).
  297. etatwell1229: Bro you haven't uploaded in a long time. You alright?
  298. Mae: ᕼEᔕ ᗷᗩᑕKKKK
  299. Idaly Hyll: RIP tro
  300. Wpg174: how do you feel about the csgo updates lol
  301. I Am Chill: Ugh
  302. Harrison Alderman: THANKYOU papi Tro, it’s been a rough month with our you.
  303. Raul Jimenez: 160 views, 1.2k likes??????????
  304. No You: When drugs are banned in your town ...
  305. Danny4Vader TV: Tro where r u I need u man
  306. Mango Tango: UltimateMasterJoda re fuck off you fanboy I am ceeday ma nigga
  307. kalo: Finally has it bin a year sins you post
  308. Andy Nava: Where tf have you been tro I need your daily videos to make me laugh
  309. bob smith: Where the fuck did you go??? Come back!
  310. Thibault Lombaert: Dude it's been way to long
  311. Masiat Haider: Josh Henderson as you know nobody can fuck themselves and its extra impossible cz i m a girl. So sorry i can't do that ❤️
  312. TVXQ5 will rise once again: This is some emo shit
  313. Empathische Soziopathin: U ded ?
  314. Troy Covacic: Truth rip tro
  315. karaoke we all need: WHERE THE FUCK AT YOU TRO!!
  316. PapiMando _26: Yo tro were u at u took you so long
  317. Apache Mods: Guys it’s confirmed Tro has passed away from Ligma he will be missed 😔
  318. En z: 2019 is here and Triggered Tro ain't posting
  319. Jasmine Corbin: Pure Salt he died
  320. Amelia Jones: who the fuck drinks blood like it’s wine?
  321. Nefsika Ikonomi: U N H O L Y R E P O R T
  322. G E N E S I S: Why u did u ghost on YouTube
  323. Sophia Lorenzana: Hello love your channel
  324. Callum Sly: Come on my tro bro where u at
  325. Alyson Jackson: I’m confused on how she gets the blood in the first place ?????
  326. Juveee71: are you dead?
  327. Kokichi Ouma: This girl must be possessed by some demon...
  328. Kenny T: Why just why!?!?!?!?!?!
  329. synapse BUYER: how to get aids 101
  330. Viva5: There’s a dude that copies u do in his vids
  331. logan russ: Where did he go I miss his videos
  332. jay man: You should do some Gordon Ramsey videos
  333. Zynax: Emo wannabe
  334. J Dejong: u alive?
  335. Ifteakhar Hossain: Ayee bro make new videos!
  336. WillPlayz: Well tro has been hit by a bus great no more vids headass
  337. C R I S P Y Colonel: Tro where r u????????
  338. Brody Miller: BizMarkie91 it's kinda easy to ask a butcher or if you are one
  339. Marco's Music: 😑
  340. The Black Scorpion: Fucking vampire exist
  341. your boi Efrain: Hi triggered love your vids hope you can upload sooner
  342. ShadowDemon888: Still waiting on those videos you promised....
  343. Slime Satisfied: W H E R E A R E Y O U ?
  344. Towfiq G: Pls tro I love your vids but once every month man I can’t cope pls upload more ❤️👍
  345. Tarren Miller: I bet sexy vegan got to him
  346. Cream Vaniilla: 159 views 809 likes I'm done, Youtube fix your drug addition.
  347. Creative: Just imagine what it's like when she has a period.
  348. SABER - Gota,Dual,and more!: At least she won’t die from blood loss
  349. Timothy Pidd: Has anyone else noticed that all these strange addictions are girls.
  350. DarryBerryMemes: Haven’t watched a video that made me gag in a while
  351. Mr. Travis: She's clearly a real satanist. Not funny
  352. Grim Siren: But does she drink her own period
  353. patrick star: Roast zane julian youtube channel
  354. Diego Duarte: Team balls
  355. Brandon DC: I missed your videos 😫
  356. Jacob Elizondo: Hey man, where are you. We miss you
  357. Bill Bob: No ads :(
  358. Thomas White: trovember is almost over
  359. Hey It CaptainApple: Hey Tro love ur vids u are freaking funny dr Phil dr phi
  360. Real Ganstas: Plz more videos
  361. Shishtar James: Where are you?
  362. Dezzy Keen: I miss tro :( did he die
  363. Phil Ganoe: Well to is dead
  364. JOHN JAKE: Ew
  365. Mr.Apple Gamer: Where r u bro u haven’t made a vid in forever cmon
  366. fried chicken gaming: "Trovember" huh? What's next? Trocember? Troanuary? Tro-be-gone Plz come back
  367. Danny Andre: It’s been a long time bastard.
  368. Rize: I’m addicted to breathing if I don’t breathe I feel like I’m gonna die someone please help
  369. Earth Quakes: What happened to this man??
  370. Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart: You can't argue that blood tastes amazing, though. If you're honest.
  371. Bucky buckmaster: Come back
  372. Fr0d0Dabbins: aand now I'm gay
  373. Hayden Davis03: U coming back
  374. Kitoka Zhimomi: Guess who's back!?
  375. Captain Morgane: BLESS THE TEAM BALLS MERCH
  376. Cole Baggett CFB: Love the vids bro
  377. Larry G Benz: Tro gets funnier every upload.
  378. ABC.AWESOME81: The fuck happened to Trovember
  379. trippy leox: Upload more you bum
  380. Josh Lehto: CoMe bAcK
  381. 22 B: Yoo, Tro dipped like fucking Leafy v2
  382. Mo Th: Where are you man. Dont go away like Euina please! I am waiting for the Dr.Phi(l) rap battle. Please tell me you are okay. Song incoming Tittle: Where have you been. you said a lot more vids are coming thru. We are still waiting for just you Where are you Where have you been? We are waiting For the Dr.Phil Song made by: me
  383. FatSpit: vid in 2019 PLS
  384. Jelly Bean: Rip tro see ya in hell
  385. crackalacka gaming: *IT'S A VAMPIRE*
  386. M_r__P_i_n_g: Alissa G. I also bite my lower lip skin off when im bored idk why I just got a habit. I also lick the blood off of small scrapes and cuts I get from random crap
  387. I like anime: Upload you fuck
  388. Colt: What the fuck
  389. Honestly Jordyn: She must have a blast when she’s on her period
  390. MotherRussia _: Tro you are my favourite YouTuber you haven’t posted in 5 months starting to get a little sad you aren’t posting anymore
  391. Jake Strom: Papa can you hear me
  392. Maddox Prejean: Ho
  393. Manny Cervantes: Johnny looks like a lesbian markiplier
  394. SleepyDoopy 1: Ew, fuck that bitch.
  395. Leonardo Desmackahoe: I know one thing she definitely ain't low on iron
  396. TOXIC BANG: Its November and you have not posted for 4 months pull leafynow
  397. Exclusive Malik: F@$@!in vampire 😂
  398. PhinksTV: our boy been missing a while....If you miss our boy triggered tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits you should come check ya boi out!
  399. Waltey: Jeffrey Borycki proof???
  400. Manuel Avechuco: Why haven't you posted in so long????
  401. FlametheSeraph: I hope markiplier sees this XD
  402. CC LegoCustoms: I think tro died from drinking blood
  403. That Random Miracle: Nigga made 1million then dipped
  404. finchii: This bitch is insane
  405. [BFG] kevin: Bitch where are my vids
  406. Erick Gomez: rip
  407. Davon: How does she feel about peeing blood
  408. Justin Y Not.: Trig Tro why your video upload so inconsistent
  409. Dena: D I S G U S T I N G
  410. Dagni Myrene: At least it's not period blood...
  411. Jak Extreme: +Noah Ben Haddou LMAO read the comment i wrote and check if the 2 definition of salty in the urban dicionary isn't what i wrote.
  412. Brandon Grissom: Triggered tro is dead
  413. Some person On the inter webs: I need my daily dose of tro plz come back
  414. J 556SHTF: Just great, a blood drinking Ogre, Golbin, Troll, Caveman hybrid..
  415. Nachodudes5: I thought drinking blood was normal!? Isn't it????????
  416. Xayzen: i was eating while watching
  417. Vladimir Putin: Waiting for tro Day 1: nothing Day 2: nothing Day 4526178266729162785161727261: nothing......plis cum bacc
  418. Gage Pomeroy: What. The fuck.
  419. One Of Da Kind: She will get HIV soon.
  420. Depressed Kings Fan: 6 months tro come back😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  421. Avneet Saggu: I just dropped a like nd dipped
  422. AB: Are you dead Tro?
  423. Randomness gaming: *OOF*
  424. Wulleee: The Floridian Gent well you gotta survive somehow mate.
  425. hehokaybye: tro, were you at?
  426. cathrine night land: I started gagging when I saw that
  427. Urban gaming 22: No joke she’s starting to look like a windigo
  428. Xomq X: HIV
  429. iNeoni: *Pro Tip* *NEVER GO TO THIS WOMEN’S HOUSE*
  430. Aliyah's World: you should start posting again!!!
  431. Kennedi Beale: We miss u tro come back
  432. Monster_gamer318: Is tro Dead
  433. lauren billings: Is she a vampire or something.......
  434. Bill Dozer: I’m addicted to watching ur videos and I’m getting your merch for my birthday today!!
  435. sodacat: Bought your merch today! Should be coming soon!
  436. L- series: Where are you man its been 5 months i need your funny content
  437. Chloe Porter: Where in the hell are you?!
  438. Logan Shepard: The only channel that makes me laugh my ass off in the cringeist situations come back man we miss you
  439. Danni Stephenson: Triggered Tro, you HAVE to make a video on Dr.Phil and the women who have been "pregnant" for over a year. I IS HILARIOUS 😂 Also, hey from England
  440. NBA & WWE Reactions: Face reveal
  441. I_AM_E4: I actually couldnt finish this video sorry tro bro
  442. romp OGTS: He ded?
  443. first name last name: Where r u man
  444. Hailee: theres no way this girl likes blood. she prob thinks its cool or some shit
  445. Jr_ Masc: O swea4 i almost threw up when i see her drinking alot of blood and my stomach hurts just by watching her suck blood but it was also funny
  446. Darien Williams: My sausage mcgriddle needs some blood
  447. F ML: Crazy Butter well sometimes new people click while your watching, and the like so, it wouldn't say that he got more views
  448. No reason Ok: Wtf happened to you bro
  449. Q U A L I T Y Trendy Memes: She would get fucking sick if suddenly her friend there got Iron Deficiency. It's like oh shit.
  450. CHA!Nz LP LDR: Where are you i literally type in your name everyday to see if you upload a video #1fan 😇
  451. Lethal Zedster: Im new here......Know i want more vids from him where r u 😊😀
  452. GJFX: Yo white dude where have you been
  453. Xoro: went from jojo getting rejected to over a million subs damn dude
  454. Such Cloutness: We miss you in 2019😭
  455. Banana Rang: I miss him😭
  456. alexandra flinchum: tro are you gonna just ghost us like that
  457. Rees St.Pierre: Tro missed OcTrober.... RIP
  458. Felipe Ayon: My Strange Addictions. "I am addicted to Triggeted Tro on Youtube"
  459. Gabe DLC: Come back plzzzz
  460. David Mancilla: this is stupid she's going to get a disease sooner or later
  461. Michael Brown: You need to become a comedian! Your voice acting and your story telling ability makes you hilarious! "Alright I'm on my way, cause that's what friends do for each other." Had me dying . LOL God bless your bank account. I will have to buy a t-shirt payday.
  462. Laurens Van der veer: So where are the New vids that we Will all love so much
  463. Proxi mythical: WE WANT TRIGGERED TRO.... "BACK"
  464. sammyishuman duh: tro pew die pie is taking the good episodes now :( COME BACK MF)
  465. Zach Latta: she's a vampir
  466. Jack Sam: Ew
  467. Sai Girap: TRO WHERE ARE YOU
  468. RisingShotz: i miss u tro i binge watch ur vids and rewatch them sm that i need u to come back
  469. Dominique Gonzalez: Where the fuck you at?
  470. Cass Martinez: She a vampire....
  471. DSM Genex: "Looks like Markiplier if he had a drug problem" 😂😂
  472. Chris Lytle: Please be more consistent
  473. Adrian Vera: I want my tro back😫😫😫😫😫
  474. ADJ Gaines: Damnit Tro...I didn't need to see this.
  475. KatZ: Pls uplorde
  476. Moon Butterfly: *CHUNKS AND ALL*
  477. Allezoo: 1,3 Million Subs.... Wow ive been here since 8K subs. Im so happy for you.
  478. Captaintwizz Legit: Ligma always gets the best youtubers
  479. Mrs. EVE King: TEAM BALLZ!
  480. kukkajukkanen: WHERE ARE YOU TRO I MISS YOU YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME LAUGH AND YOU CURED MY LIGMA (seriously concerned)
  481. TL Brady: Rip tro
  482. Lavacreep 52: Tro can u please come back?!?!?!?
  483. Nathan Lang: Bloody Lake yore
  485. younes ABD: yay its tro s monthly upload
  486. Venus Claus: +I don’t Get jokes nope. Hes dead or something
  487. Apricity: she probably listens to our music
  488. jay jovan: “ oh boi “ no ok “ this is SpOoKy “
  489. Funky Blue: tro died of ligma.
  490. Josh Husky: A lot more videos soon? it's been 4 months Tro come on
  491. Giovanni B: he said on twitter he was getting married to a wonderful man, and was over yt
  492. Joseph hendricks: His upload schedule is great
  493. Jeffrey Productions: Waltey he passed away
  494. Adriana Frias: Why arent u uploading
  496. Lil Drippy: I’m never drinking red stuff again
  497. not sumner: guys she nina’s infected. she drank blood in front of me
  498. Connor McPartland: This bitch probably found tro and sucked him dry after she saw this video.... sucked his blood of course
  499. Valentin Sanchez: Excuse me, what the fuck
  500. Achenyo Ali: where u at u
  501. Jeffrey Productions: Keaton Keaton Sugma ball's OHHH
  502. Mental Carmine: deadass
  503. ocean scarlett: oh my gosh as soon as i heard your voice i smiled. now i’m sad that you haven’t posted in 2 months
  504. Francisco Velazquez: Please post more
  505. Redneck Gaming: Dude you need to come back ... Sssniperwolf is trying to do your content and it's so bad I joined the flat earthers....
  507. Oh meow meow Oh meow meow: Bro you said lots more videos soon wtf it’s been a quarter of a year
  508. Sam Cos13: RIP X
  509. Bootleg: Come Back I’m Waiting Still Waiting Still Fucking Waiting Please Tro I’m begging you DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok bye I’m done No Seriously I’m going now Please 2 Months 2 fucking Months without you I can’t live
  510. kyado: it's been 74 days since Tro's last update. We can all assume that he's either dead or that he's just being lazy. Too lazy. Still love his videos though.
  511. Jereflea Tv: Now that I've finished the video, I think I'm gonna go enjoy a nice cool glass of Lemonade.
  512. ell llo: come back i miss you so much where you AT
  513. Sebastian Israel: Triggerd tro got me trigged cause I don't know why the FUCK he stopped making videos
  514. BEN DOVER: Early! Squaddd
  515. Rekt Ville: My sister wants to study witchcraft I told her this is what you’ll turn into.. she stopped 👍
  516. Άγγελος Αβεντισιάν: As a flat-earher I am offended because the shape of the flat earth on your T-shirt is slightly off Lmfao😂😂😂😂
  517. HasHasDre: FINALLY!
  518. Foster Etkin: You sound alot like ceeday
  519. Dylan Ford: Lets just give her some garlic and the world will be cleansed
  520. Karamarika: Fortunately it doesn't transmit well in the GI tract, so all is good. I know, you're as relieved as I am for her health and safety.
  521. Dr4co Tv: “I will see u in the next one “ 4 months later here I am still waiting cmon man I miss ur shit talking
  522. Uncertain boy: GlitchMod *XXXL
  523. DSM Genex: +Nightmare 666 You aren't my parent so disappear, parasite
  524. TheInsaneGamer with a mustache: I love that Tro put this video in the science and technology category 👹💉
  525. DORITO McLUVINS: Yo wassup
  526. The Banana Melon: Just imagine the diseases...
  527. Neko Chan: Dude, ARE YOU DEAD!!??
  528. natalie williams: She definitely doesn’t have an iron deficiency!
  529. Melanie Slonaker: Tro when you going to make a video. I love your vids and make me happy but i cant keep watching the same video like 30 times.
  530. T3 Gaming: * Googles how to have a great 2019 without a Tro video * Google: "No ReSuLtS fOuNd"
  531. RcLegacy: Fucking vampires
  532. Amanda Michelle: Can’t wait for more videos! Missed you!
  533. Tropik Dissolve: Tro, triggity tro you need to react to facetatts he is a horrible rapper.
  534. Grape Surgeon: i have missed you
  535. Ducky: It’s Trovember tro you gotta come back sooner or later
  536. Bubby Bubb: Actually dude where u at?
  538. Jeremy Lai: At least it's animal not human NVM FUCKING MIND
  539. Cinnamon Stix54: *barf*
  540. Ninja—US: TRO WITH THE BOW
  541. Roberta Msrtin: I hang out with her all the time
  542. Lively fat loser: 28 views 113 likes Seems legit. 👍
  543. Creeper Lamoureux: But it was a dark red and there was *HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD* everywhere
  544. DominatorD858: If this bitch don’t come back imma find him and force him to make a vid
  546. cheese whiz: rip tro. attended saw con and caught ligma.
  547. Ice Wallow Come - O'RLLY?: Oh noess!!!!! xD
  548. Monsundo: I don't think you understand how boring Youtube is between the times you post new videos... I don't think you understand how much I need you
  549. Mydeadstar Bedk: Holy sh*t bro Tro I just discovered your channel and I love it, would watch again 10/10 +1 subscriber
  550. Drew Peacock: WHEN SENPAI UPLOADS A VIDEO💦💦💦
  551. dragon slayer65: What do you mean a lot of vidios soon
  552. Michael Gutierrez: please come back!!
  553. Habiba Ahmad: ok where tf are you
  554. feet Klempner: UPLOAD
  556. Luke Roberts: I feel like this lady is a vampire that humans are trying to preserve/satisfy so she doesn’t go ape shit on the population.
  557. sammy .F: Fkn discussing bro....
  558. mell kawaii: Jeez , Everytime my tooth falls and the blood goes in my mouth and it tastes so bad >:V
  559. brevin hall: Did u die¿
  560. Dan_ the_Burritos: what happened to tro
  561. Darkness: I wish he came back.
  562. Victoria Einarsson: Yo dude you missed OcTrober and now your almost missing TROvember!
  563. ODG ace: Eww
  564. Golden Staraptor: Ok not too sure but i think i already watched all of his vids its been lime five or four days since i started lol
  565. Jediael: I do
  566. Izzy Villarosa: Little grossed out tbh
  567. Barfin Rainbow: Hey girl
  568. Bashar Shehab: anyone else wants to pull that chain from her ears to nose and rip her face?
  570. pickyalex1: Who knew this would be the last time we would ever hear from him.
  571. Charlie Baucum: Tro’s content is interesting, but I have to be honest... I have never laughed at a single sentence of his commentary. Does anyone think this guy is funny..?
  572. Layla OneShot: Please come back 😞
  573. small Asian william: Hi I'm your biggest fan
  574. Griffinman127: VAMPIRE
  575. Fais Faizal: *This is not what i had in mind when I think of big tiddy goth gf*
  576. Jared I: She actually looks like an evil weirdo cunt
  577. fxck BOOTYCXLL.14: TRO come backk !! asap
  578. Ashleigh Burks: 1:34 “you look like markiplier if he had a drug problem.” 😂
  579. Bumb Gaming: Yo wer u at?
  580. Fipisaurus Rex: Clicked as soon as I got the notification.
  581. David Szabo: F
  582. Adelin Corcodel: Nalu For life actually it’s 5 months.
  583. bingo_fuel: *BRO YOU OWE US A FECKING **MUSICAL.LY*
  584. Tyler Edmunds: Make more videos tro we need to see more dr Phi and cheaters
  585. KalAsHnKoV Is OuT: I miss you asshole
  586. SacredPath82: more like Dragula mirite
  587. Dummy Unicorn626: Dracula still LIVES!!!!!
  588. Simon Hart: So fucking edgy dude I can’t stand it
  589. dorito lord: Bro I'm addicted to your channel
  590. HonzaPlays [Vlogy a Let'sPlaye]: WHAT IF SHES ON HER PERIOD WTF
  591. Nathan Peterson: post a vid
  592. Ok Sure: Trovember,Octrober,and soon to be frosty the Troman ALL ruined😭😭😭pls don't do this to us PLEASE!!!!
  593. Seedsprout: Waltey He passed away from ligma about 2 weeks ago..
  594. Gage the Jensen: I'M GAY. She's lucky that she hasn't contracted hiv.
  595. Sad Hours: Damn she needs to go back to Ohio University where the hell does she get the glasses of blood? I’m pretty sure taste depends on your blood type not your gender??? Since when you donated blood being like “okay so what’s your blood type? Female B+ or Male A-?”
  596. Cosmoz-X: Where you at Tro???
  597. Clav3l: Oh hell naw
  598. Fedifensor *: This channel is dead 💀
  599. Thepackslime: This man literally came in for millions of views and dipped
  600. Hommo sapie: This triggered tro sooooooo much that he quit
  601. Soggy Bread: Fuckin squirming in my seat 😫
  602. Shadicgunman: What has come of this world. Also now I have to clean up my puke...
  603. Jake Patrick: Is he dead!!!!!????
  604. Chelsea Kilpatrick: Trooooooooo where are you ?
  605. H2Otwo: :(
  606. johnson4A7: Upload nibba
  607. Deadly Sims: Come on tro u need to make more videos and not make one every month
  608. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: I disliked bcuz all out of things you say "he's dead" what if he's busy which mostly likely he is,you know he has a life other than internet.
  609. TLA Jude: 4:04 TEAM BALLS
  610. Claudia Esperanza: Tro, come back to me. I miss you, dad.
  611. Jacob Pedroza: Hi
  612. Wet Bread: Where the fuck u at troiiiiiii!!?!!?!?!?!?’cnc cnc haisehgsifbdiwnd FUCKKKKKKKK
  613. B- stud: team balls
  614. 100 Subscribers With No Videos?: BTD Bye Tro Doe
  615. Aphinity: Hello?
  616. Vybs: Were is tro I am worried
  617. Jay: There are dishes in my country where we mix in pig blood but that get cooked and not raw. How can she keep it down? Damn
  618. Al to: This man did 3 videos then dipped.
  619. David Olmedo: Wolf and cube earthers, flat square earthers and random shape earthers!
  620. Ashlyn Assasin: She watched too much Twilight😂
  621. Lexi Knudsen: We miss youu wtf
  622. alexandra flinchum: dude are you going to make any more videos
  623. Thicc lover: Fuck me why????
  625. TriggerZ: Hey man where are you!??
  626. BEHEMOTH: Ew
  627. Sarge Scum: I said it before and I'll say it again... *WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE* GET THE F OUT OF HERE... FUCK YOU FUCK YOU... Oh well, whatever gives you pleasure aye...
  628. Ros Lee: iam3point14thon wait what
  629. rae Walker: We’re you go my man
  630. Wan: Is this channel going to be bought like Amazinglife247's channel?
  631. Tommy pallie: I've been trying to find your channel for ages browie, how you been!
  632. Livie Robin: Johnny Johnny yes papa you look so good no papa this f****** guy looks like
  633. Satan Buttshaker: I have a tradition of eating while watching Triggered Tro videos and this is probably the first video I really did not want to eat anything (I did anyway) and I absolutely love food.
  634. Lauren Fabris: I kinda wanted to report this for repulsive content, but I didn't want our sarcastic Tro to actually change into his username 😂 (I would never report Triggered God himself)
  635. Supreme Keyuan: NOtICe THIs COMMEnt
  636. Thomas Mccarthy: He really doesn't like Hot Topic. Like if you agree!
  637. sskittlz: When I saw the blood.. it made me feel as if I were drinking it which made me wanna vomit
  638. earaza: Yes Im Human He's getting that bag so his hustle is over
  639. BenjaminGaming55: Blood burps
  640. -potatoismyname -: You're back wooow!
  641. Snoozel: Hi dad
  642. Lou Cres: I'm liking every single one of them till he sees them
  643. CrazE Angelina: Uh oh we have a fake vampire
  644. Joseph: Sick bitch. Disgusting
  645. raechel: leafy wanna be pulled a leafy
  646. White Boy: Bro tro got ligma🤧😭😭Hope he survives 🙏🏼
  647. Question: This video got me weak..
  648. Dale Gribble: Tro what happened. Where are you? No videos 7 months
  649. Kush C: Yes
  650. XEENOanimal _: BOOM isolation Yes please and hi
  651. Repeltings: Plz make another video
  652. Read more: Tro must’ve joined her and died because it would be quite concerning if he was still alive and hadn’t posted in so long
  653. Xavier LeBlanc: What. The. Crap.
  654. Brittany Turijan: Come back
  655. Supermariohoops24: He’s been gone 6 months.... I think it’s safe to say he’s on plan G
  656. Babble Business: I pop my pussy to that merch song so much and I’ve never owned a pussy.
  657. Bryane Escobar: Finally you uploaded
  658. Isak meister: btw AIDS
  659. GigabyteGamer 901: Y’all like upload schedules
  660. luca skywallker: FerrariJAM oh maybe but sometimes it takes him a month or two to make a video
  661. UltimateMasterJoda: By the way tro confirmed he was coming back in Trovember on twitter a long time ago, so i dont know why youre still rambling on about him not returning
  662. Abigail Roberts: +thewatcherlollol Because English is not my first language
  663. Carlos pedraza: Tro out here pulling a Leafy
  664. Wolfie Biscuits: +Nightmare 666 damn what's on there ;-; tell me before I get curios I'm 12
  665. Stingee Gingee: Does any one know y tribe has not uploaded in a long time?
  666. Rufus Shinra: MAKE MORE VIDEOS YOU FUCKING FUCKER, Don't let that dumb little shit who offed herself be the end of your channel.
  667. VitoTheGreat23: Yooo?!?!?! Wtf happened to you???
  668. Elizabeth Brown: I wonder if she drinks her one period blood... ew
  669. Ken Fleming: Where you at bro I miss your videos
  670. Im Trash: Haha
  671. MOGLI SQUAD: Wtf where are you man why'd u stop uploadin??
  672. Ryan Hanley: What happened to ocTROber
  673. Tate Freeman: "Well at least somethings getting sucked"
  674. Reuben Roberts: Where have you been tro🤔🤔🤔
  675. MeanQueen: Do u know how old this trend is right now 😂
  676. Steel chair 77 way: That girl should die she Will be a serial killer one made
  677. Cole Salber: Gross
  678. Phuc Mi: Commmme baaaaaack triggered tro
  679. Tuskie Wuskie: How tf are we supposed to get addicted to your videos when you only upload once a month dawg?
  680. madimoose: My dude, did you die? Where you at
  681. donkey yah: 5656Dana can you stfu, youre an idiot for thinking he/she will listen to a stranger on the internet telling them to not edit comments and thank people for likes.
  682. Adrian Anderson: Michael R forever?
  683. 1ivin Bright: Tro! Where ya at man!?
  684. Abby .D: Happy new year and your bitchass better come back. Still fucking love you man. Im hopeful that you'll come back❤
  685. liana karloff: TRO CUT THE SHIT AND COME BACK 😭
  686. Dustin Stacks: nigga come back
  687. Cripps: RIP TRO he got ligma
  688. Dominick Brown: So apparently there's this new episode about this black chick that thinks she white, or as she says " Not A Dangerous African American."
  689. Leslie Carriere: Your videos give me life
  690. X BETA: Your funny asf
  691. Jordan Lewis: This guy turned into a legend then dipped
  692. paulettuce: Is tro dead? Where is he
  693. kennys Boat: so she has HIVS AIDS and all the STDs/STIs?
  694. LuxxTG: Damn I thought my dad was gone for a while..
  695. TrollCannotgame 88: Yooooo tro just highlighted my other comment 😂😂😂😂😂
  696. Kvppvd2kf: Totally Original Content stfu dumbass hoe racist ass bitch. Tv screen looking ass your fucking head is larger than a football goal and your brain is smaller than a basketball goal net dumbass hoe stfu
  697. MyYoutube Channel: Why no uploads?
  698. Kermit's Underwear: Periods must be the best for her
  699. Angela Chanelle: ew!
  700. 666clout god666: He pulled a leafy he blow up get chash and dipped
  701. Mertcan Baliic: Where is you Videos still waiting
  702. arctic stroke: Upload faggit
  703. dev m: I almost threw up dawg
  704. Shookth Serenity: Ayee you
  705. Kenzie Bloom: Oh sh**. If I ever cross paths with her I'm dipping
  706. Tɾҽყʂԋҽʅʅȥ: The cring level is too high
  707. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: LAZY BUN
  708. Xavier Flavor: 4 fucking months ago 🙄
  709. The Black Knight: Str8 from tha _Donor_
  710. biyach where: When r u coming baaack😭
  711. Shrade: Finally
  712. Abdoubr art: Omg! Where is he!!! Should we start #RIPtro ??
  713. jessi lynn: U need to update more!!!!
  714. Luqman Rosman: When is he going to be back.....
  715. Jonathan Lantouris: ITS TROVEMBER. GET THE FUCK BACK HERE
  716. Lauren the sock: IMPORTANT NEWS Dr phil is coming out with a new show face the truth I got a notification!!!!!!!!
  717. The Fireman: It’s been 3 months
  718. Me Cooper: Hahahhahaha Tro needs to check out Drink Deeply and Dream .com Dude will have an aneurism.
  719. Manuel Avechuco: Im back in this comment section after 6 months why tf aren't you posting
  720. Masedog Games: Ummm 3 weeks ago? New video please :(
  721. Uhrensohn: Where are you
  722. Hannah H: COME BACK TRO!
  723. King Armend: Where our musicaly
  724. 1st to 3rd World: Yup. Satan worship like for real. How do you start? Hmmm
  725. schill the realest: i cant fucking stand you am i the only person who thinks he is one of the funniest people on youtube😭😭😂😂😂😂😂💯
  726. Sanket Chikalge: Its 2019 now ... Where is tro??
  727. crustycass: I love this. I love and miss u. Come back bud tf u doin
  728. TRIBALBUD: We miss you Tro..
  729. dean freeman: wtf even is this monstrosity
  731. mad: rip tro. died to sugma to early
  732. Makenna Delafeld: 161 views 1.8 K likes Ooh okay❤️😂
  733. This random guy Who plays fortnite: Make more vids man I love ur comtent
  734. little rajinnie: Thats like eating liquid pennys
  735. hondo ohnaka productions: Vampire
  736. Galaxyforever Gamer: What is ligma
  737. Sailor: dude where are u ? u alright ??
  738. silvester rodriguez: Where the fuck did u go?
  739. RiRi PlaYS: We need you :(
  740. JustCam: PLEASE COME BACK,
  741. Drmodz: Ew
  742. Kizzix: Where you at bro?
  743. Ellie-Mae 878: Wow she's a real vampire
  744. Majd Abozlf: RIP your channel
  745. Amazing Animal Adventures: Did you die?
  746. Younus Nasere: Aahhhhhh
  747. Aniya wethernern: It's been a month triggered tro! What are you doing?!? I missed you.
  748. Joolii The Llama Lord: People musta thought the dislike button was a download
  749. Skaaden Oh yeye: Is he dead?
  750. Nintendo Luke: Tro pulled a JonTron
  751. Potential •: I think plan E failed so he’s now on plan F.
  752. katie8106 aj: I think tro actually died
  753. Lea El Hage: rip tro where else he at
  754. Basketball God: Don’t do blood kids
  755. Queen Woods: She is a VAMPIRE 🤣😂
  756. IDEAK: dude im going to cry if you dont upload by christmas. YOU CURED MY DEPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  757. Fifi_Loves_ AutumAesthetic: What did the twitter say? (I don't have twitter so)
  758. Sierra Marie: POST SOMETHINGGGGG
  759. NICKANAMICS: Troly fuk
  760. Eli Val: Tro u good u haven't posted in months
  761. QUIZ HUGS: I wonder if she drinks her period blood😢😷
  762. Khalid Alamere: I think its been so long for a new video 😒
  763. Saint Daniele: That's kind of disgusting
  764. Skepticspy: Upload
  765. Terry Peltier: Tro we miss u plz come back or did u die
  766. Petros Kapantais: i bought my tee using qmee
  767. Scargost the artist: Of course they look like tumblr users and liberal arts students.
  768. iNaZ: *So she'd be fine with a nose bleed*
  769. Kink Squad: BOI WHERE YOU ATTTT
  770. Your Dad: What happened to you bro where u at
  771. T.S.K: Well no more yt thanks tro😂😂
  772. Beauty Strike Vlogs: He wont unless he drinks her blood and she happens to have a deadly disease that he would contract from her blood. I think the woman addicted to blood is more likely to get some type of disease from drinking other peoples blood or animal blood.
  773. aidan Armstrong: "Alot more videos coming soon"
  774. Aaliyah Hamilton: 2019 still no tro :(
  775. Jay 100: Makes me think we may have to 2 different type of human species around 🤦‍♂️
  776. Andrea Velazquez: Your videos are sooo fuckin funny
  777. xd Rellik: tro what happened to " A lot more videos soon!" where are u :(
  778. King Tomo720: I watched like 30 seconds and started to feel dizzy so I listened to the rest of the vid and still felt dizzy thanks tro 😂😭
  779. IHaveABasketballGameTomorrow: Tro! Where are you??
  780. Max Starr: Did u die?
  781. Dravenoth: a fucking real vampire!!!
  782. Bruno foltran: i don't know who you are but you just got yourself a new subscriber
  783. Khristiana Johnson: miss u bro, i hope ur okay and i hope u come back soon :))
  784. Ali Hassan Liaquat: Sam kabodvand well.. that turned pretty deep
  785. Lois Lee: Yey, he's back. lol.
  786. :3 ILikeCats: Freakin vampires :/
  787. Jose Barajas: First time in a month
  788. Rhinstone AJ: +Flash ;-;
  789. sexuallypleased: rip to my baby x ♥️
  790. DM Grim: Vampire or emo? You decide!
  791. Phuc Mi: Someone call the police I think Troy was kidnapped or killed by the people that he made videos about
  792. Woof: Am I weird if I literally LOVE blood?
  793. Adrian Vera: Tro has left the chat*
  794. Ashton Brumit: Cum back I miss my dadi
  795. One Man: Rest in peace tro
  796. treasuary k: The second time a dad has left me
  797. QuietAssasin 537: Tro wua
  799. nobody important: its the fat bitch from tokyo ghoul when she was younger
  800. Loren Odele: FCKN UPLOAD BITCH
  801. Branden Le: Post a video or I will rage like never before
  802. Xhriztian Lopez: Where are you😢😢
  803. Alex Perez: U died
  804. Devin Kiehl: Upload dude
  805. 1 Thousand subs and I will make vids: *C R I N G E*
  806. Xxx Honeybee: HEY GET BACK HERE
  807. PePe Frog: Thank you for your service
  808. NoltGaming: I think sexy vegan killed tro
  809. Sohaib Butt: Where are you TROOOOOOO??? Trogang is waiting for your next video!! WE WANT MORE TRO VIDEOS! TROGANG! TROGANG! TROGANG!
  810. Dexter Jordan: Its been so long pewdiepie is making Dr Phil videos .
  811. SleePifoxx: GradeAunderA uploaded after a year. Ur turn
  812. Merciless: No, drinking blood by the pint is normal.
  813. DanielDoes45: RIP X
  814. Atessar Gaming: where’s our boy tro @ :(
  815. Springlift 67: Instead of shut up and dance with me its “shut up and upload please!”
  816. A.J. Futrell: missed you tro daddy
  817. Trey Kincaid: Wtf
  818. Robbie 123: R.I.P tro have a good one bro :(
  819. Murderous Valentine: Dude where the hell did you go man? Like you disappeared. Did you die or sum shit?
  820. Some _Fag: I remember this dude, he was at 20 K before, damn you have grown
  821. Jeffrey Productions: Eli Val some where in pa I think
  822. MajinFrieza: Maybe he's in jail
  823. WildCat Sal: Bloody hell! 👹👀
  824. xxsxaxvxaxgxexx: Where is you bruh
  825. Billy Boy: Farzeen Naveed thanks, edited it myself a couple years ago
  826. DJA2004: What is this?
  827. Ivan Henwood: facts lmao
  828. Sarah D: Tro, people are talking about pewdiepie spinning off of your content and other imposters as well, bro! *coughs* Just Destiny *cough* WE NEED YOU, TRO!
  829. DATLEGANDARY PHILLY CHEEASESTEAK: yo where tF are youuuu please come backkk
  830. hui_huimanity: We found a vampire buddies
  831. Charles Vonier: I love you dude but I'm not gonna wait forever. If u cant see that this community is worth it then I can't be subbed. I get you might be having family stuff but you must have had a couple free hours over the course to make an explanation video. It sucks bro cuz we really were just waiting but you just don't seem to care. I wish I knew what to say to make you come back but I guess if you won't create content then you don't deserve the community of a content creator. I'm unsubbing and I suggest you all do the same. I know it sucks but just as it is not ok to just get up from an office job and leave for 6 months it is not ok to do to a youtube career. Goodbye Tro... thanks for being my favorite youtuber while it lasted. :(
  832. Lights Camera Gaming: Get the hell back here.
  833. Young Thanatos: But pets can be put down for having a taste for blood...
  834. Panic ! At the disco: TRIGGERED TRO MAH MAIN HOE!
  835. Gavin Bobtrolo: Did you die
  836. 2Shot: Tro i dont belive in santa, *I BELIVE IN YOU* come back you are taking a big "L" if you dont, please all i want for christmas is YOU😭🎅🏽🆘
  837. JOENightmare shadow night Nicholas: 😒What the F
  838. OSD Big Boi: YOUTUBE REWIND 2019 DATS WHY HE IS GONE *2000000 IQ*
  839. Invisible Girl: Aaaaaaaaaaagh, jhony don't look like Markiplier😭
  840. Charles Vonier: +Smokey Bear exactly
  841. IceColdKenneddd Callaghan: Wait a fucking minute. I might Be wrong But you and SorrowTV Sound so similar. ARE YOU SORROWTV?
  842. Oof Oof: SV got him
  843. Adrienne Neal: I think I threw up 3 times this video
  844. Justin: Drinks blood by the gallon But eats dick by the pound
  845. AJD /: he prob has no more good ideas
  846. Sanduni N.: If she could take one minute to stop and think what she is saying
  847. Superwaluigibros64: Tro, you need to make more videos. I’m fucking serious.
  848. Finlay Rolfe: Triggerd tro is back, I’m watching this on a Mac, from YouTube he took a nap, but now that he is back dr-Phil won’t loose his crap.
  849. Yazeed Alotaibi: Are dead?
  850. Adelin Corcodel: Where have you gone??
  851. Zetrilogy: gradeaundera all over again
  852. Logan Kajfasz: You have 100k likes on that vid so where is that musically
  853. thewilder357: Tro you said if you get 10k likes on the video you did about musically you would me one and now you have 110k likes on that video and still no musically
  854. animeniac: Jeffrey Borycki I couldn't find anything, any links?
  855. Beast Kid: I touched my pp yesterday..... it felt gud
  856. The Comment Guy: I was thinking the same thing lol
  857. GlitchMod: She drinks *semen* by the gallon.
  858. MotteGullet Westerfjell: I’m concerned u dead or what
  859. Daddy Morales: JuSt cHiLlIn In HeLl.
  860. `•𝓛𝓮𝓿𝓲 𝓐𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷 ೃˊ: You sound like trunks from dbz TFS.
  861. Derps & Terps: TRO COME BACK
  862. Josef Fischer: 🙏🏻rip tro
  863. Luna17 17: Is u ded?
  864. Arky Jamal: Does she drink her period?
  865. A.T Vlogs: It’s been 3 months we’re are you at least give us an update!!!!
  866. Splooshly: first i lose leafy now i lose you :(
  867. Anthony Ramirez: Finally back but #rip x
  868. Yannis: shes the mom of every single doctor phil patient
  869. adam greer: what happened to “more videos soon” it has been like 6 months
  870. Skaaden Oh yeye: I read this 1 month later
  871. jeff nigurawn: Rip
  872. ghostpie: This guy got 1m subs and dipped
  873. Matt Nemechek: Did tro die
  874. Lockie Burnell: Great vid can’t wait for the next one in October
  875. Trompie 666 Trompie 666: Christianity likes blood too. "Eat my flesh and drink my blood" - jewsus
  876. DJ GameOn: Yo am I the only one who thinks Triggered Tro sounds like Ceeday?
  877. yukio uchiha: If she's a blood drinker, wouldn't it make more sense to have a girlfriend come over instead?
  878. I_Am_Shook: Hold up, Tro has been gone for 2 months... is he dead!
  879. Little Jerry Boi: You finally made a video!
  880. Carlos Lol2487: The only thing that is spooky is that you are not here
  881. Verientic: He really just dipped
  882. TastefulTV: First you now ceeday
  883. Cait x: 4 months no post ?? Where the hell are you we miss youuuu
  884. Heirifmsbeieofjxnslpsje: Oh crap I just realized he has not been posing.
  885. Oscar Daniel Soria: he pulled a leafy
  886. Random shit: 160*
  887. STONEDCOLDCHILLER K: It's because she lives in Lancaster.
  888. Emma Miller: where are you man? I love your videos and I have seen them all now come back please.
  889. YungX Muffin bafoon: Come back
  890. Tyler William: He said got a lot of videos coming, 5 months later maybe he’s off drinking blood with Michelle
  891. Nick Hendriks: This is not funny anymore. Don't be a dick. Even in the netherlands we looking everyweek at this ugly bitch hoping we get sign of life from you. Do your fucking job man
  892. cperception: Thomas Church right haha
  893. Kingswag0 4: Bro wtf you at it’s been a month
  894. The G.O.A.T: Finally your back
  895. deadpool The joker: TROOO!
  896. Luna Eclipse: Hmmm.... I wonder why she even started drinking blood in the first place.....🤔😓
  897. Cooper Leins: Please cum bak i cry
  898. Cameron Lhamon: Did you die
  899. Raja Arcenal: Tro where you at bro
  900. Depressed Squidward: I eat the Clumps of Blood of The Filipino Food "Dinuguan" Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, Its Cooked,
  901. Jaakko Valli: Is he alive?
  902. BossATsleep: tro posted on twitter on November 2nd saying it’s comeback time... i think a lot of good vids are gonna be here soon
  903. ❌🔥[General Thot-Patrol]🔥❌: *I am D I G U S T*
  904. Michael R: Adrian Anderson I hope not but he hasn’t made a video in a month
  905. Redd Is Blue: Don't bring Mark into this XD
  906. Antwan Jackson: Like are you dead lol
  907. Madison Lutz: Triggered Tro are you ok
  908. 666 subs with 1 video: he’s enjoying his youtube money guys chill
  909. XpErt Killer: Where is he
  910. Ferny_490: Cristiano G. I'm pretty sure, she'd be able to taste it.
  911. Peyton Greene: Dang it must have been Ligma
  912. Skepticspy: Upload
  913. r.hythmusic: where ya at man? hope you’re okay
  914. Ridig: Come back boi
  915. Supreme Tuna: How am I supposed to ask my dad for some team balls merch without him thinking I'm gay?
  916. Pitia: **throws* *drinking* *blood* *signs**
  917. Flamingo Shorts: I have watched u so much so now I only have two abilities watching and writing comments on this channel everything else can come to me
  918. Enkoo Sasivari: I think Tro forgot his password???
  919. AmorousAgony LoveHurts: She looks so unhealthy.
  920. JacksonsKingdom: RIP bro, drunk driving is never a good thing.
  921. Jonathan Hernandez: Im back for more videos that make me lose brain cells faster than inhalents
  922. •Jo•: Chrome ™ freaking Pew-di-pie is ripping off Tro. He needs to come back and take back what’s rightfully his. Dr.Phil content!
  923. McFlury Shake: Are you safe, you’ve got us worried tro
  924. Michelle Davis: Tro where'd you go ?!?!
  925. D is for D.i.M: Tro, you bum.
  926. bxtch yas: that is not VEGANNNNNNNN
  927. Andastro: Rip tro the hoe ❤️💀👺
  928. Lewis McClean: nope
  929. daniel: am i the only who thinks ceeday and trigger tro are related ?
  930. Philip Wortman: whats this shit tro
  931. Sean Baller: December now ☹️
  932. Keylee Santiago: I thought only streamers died to Ligma 🤧
  933. Arwong Songsong: Where TF tros at?
  934. ProphecyGaming: Ugh this made me wanna throw up
  935. Mitary K.: Minato Namikaze because why not
  936. Shark teeth: I love you tro
  937. Bonnie Wormwood: Where the fuck have u gone
  938. Kyla Heaton: Hits a mill leaves 😂
  939. Nøva -.: lmao 5 months havn't uploaded, tro is dead
  940. Colton Johnsom: We need tro back
  941. Pan Pan: Where u been dawg What the fuck dude , i been waiting for yo
  942. jamless toast: This video caused me extreme anxiety buy hey... It's fine
  943. Da Man: F
  944. JaDale Thornton: Tss my boy got a million subscribers then dipped
  945. Brayden Prewitt: Am sad about x
  946. AlaMoose: neptune are you sure I’m not 7 I’m 14 ok I’m mature unlike you gosh man
  947. Whan Quan Quinn: React to any bad girls club fights
  949. Andie Leo: Oh no Michelle come on.
  950. Kendall Bray: Trooooooooooooooooo please come back :( I hope you aren't going through anything, because if you just need to sort some things out we can wait. I don't have twitter so I have no idea if you've posted about it, so I'm sorry if you have. I just hope that you will come back soon, we miss your sarcasm! I hope to see you soon. - Kendall (a fan)
  951. Avi Rathod: theo tashinga yeah I did that on purpose lol
  952. Chase Johnson: Is tro dead come back man
  953. Mike Marks: For anyone wondering they sell animal blood at certain meat markets
  954. Shay Vazquez: You good fam do we gotta send a search party for you? 🤣
  955. Heat: Where is tro...
  956. Vodka Gods: I think the flat earthers got to him guys
  957. D A D: D3AD
  958. ghastpie: Bitch looks 50
  959. ur a heavy NOOB: RIP trooo
  960. sasha: its been 2 months where tf are you
  961. Mystify: I want to vomit this is fucked up
  962. TrashyRosela: i actually know michelle ,:D she is kind of a bitch edit: and yes, she really does live in hell
  963. Pittiedlobster 73: 1st
  964. Rae Marie: come back home
  965. Shan S: I’ve come to the conclusion tro died
  966. John Dev: Come back bro you funny as shit
  967. Ricardo The PC Wizard: let me guess her past life was a vampire.
  968. Russell Westbrookfan: What happened to him?
  969. Surprise Surprise: X had to dye why can’t she
  970. Muhammed Nihad: She looks like satan himself
  971. CokeJellybeans ·: And you copied me wow
  972. CC04: No Tro November
  973. Skwonk The Goose: uploaf
  974. Baconking GOD: Dad where have you been
  975. Hamish Mair: I didn’t believe it when I saw u posted
  976. Gabrielle Davies: Daddy tro
  977. Samantha Servillon: u good tro?
  978. Boca Oasis: Do you think she saw this video and killed tro to drink his blood?
  979. Brittany Paige: #teamnoearther
  980. Pablo Contreras: For those of you saying don’t be like leafy. If you go on drama alerts channel, a couple weeks ago he uploaded a video. Leafy is doing great. I can understand why a lot of these legends just quit or take really long breaks. They put all this work into making these awesome videos and they put some stupid 30 second video of this weird ass person standing in front of the camera saying hi! I’m Poppy! When it really should be this guy and many others.
  981. Extremelyawesome 2331: Bro I gotta say man you crack me the hell up man! Keep doing what your doing brotha!
  982. ImToxic: Tro died of ligma
  983. FIJI Water: Where is aids at
  984. Payton Johnson: Well he’s dead
  985. TheOctopusKiller: COME BACK!!!!
  986. Cloudboltwoof: Johnny tho
  987. ryan myers: Where is tro
  988. MushyRolls: Where ya at tro?
  989. McTrollin g: Plz upload
  990. Sophia Hix: Misquote who? Oh I don't know her sis.
  991. Olivia Harding: First
  992. Its Twisttty: I think Tro got sugondese
  993. NPC; trollingtowakeyouup4253: One Of Da Kind let's hope so it's the only thing that will cure the stupidity
  994. Juan: I miss you
  995. The Dark Raven: Please come back man 😪
  996. lemon random animation and vlogs: She's a vampire
  997. Eиєяgєтιc Y me?: This bitch has a lot of aids 🤮
  998. Green Man: Bruh it's been a month
  999. Myeah Malalis: Oh, I see there's still no post. Back in my corner I guess.
  1000. Meme Machine: Nigga done went LeafyIsHere on us
  1001. Cammy Hammy: Gross
  1002. Nitrox Plex-xxx: Tro please come back 😔😔😔
  1003. Blazing Gaming: Tro it's my damn birthday in 2 day's. Your a disappointment to 1.5 million people including me. START POSTING WERE GETTING PISSED ITS OCTROBER FOR EVERYONES SAKE !!!
  1004. obinna obuba: tro died of ligma man its sad
  1005. Legendary Young One: Where is this dude
  1006. THE TACO GAMER: 1000 gallons FREEEEEEAAKKKKKKKKKKK look everyone has their own taste but cmon even the devil would be afraid
  1007. The Starlight Night: You tryin' to pull a Jontron on us, Tro?
  1008. 1000 subscribers with no videos: A quick post saying where you've been would be fine. In any case, I think most of us have forgotten about you anyway.
  1009. Tomn8r 555: Early squad. Where you been boy
  1010. Mcmar279: It's been 3 months !!!
  1011. Setabo: He died of ligma
  1012. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy bum
  1013. kifsztee 5.?: When you gonna post?
  1014. Noah Mendoza: Says "Lot more videos coming soon"...... doesnt upload for a month......
  1015. Bernie Salcido: She gonna get hiv no offense to the #hivpositive
  1016. Yourmom Production: She is a 🧛‍♀️
  1017. MTRredux: See...told ya, next Idubbz...same new upload consistency and everything.
  1018. MR. LLAMA: Hey fam i love your vids please come back we want vids we want content we dont want clickbait we wont humor
  1019. RadNik_ Gaming: The Howard, Jennifer Lopez is that you?!
  1020. Isaac: Come back
  1021. Queen Kay: Now that i finished the video , im going to have to wait a month for another video😂 Been a month wya 😂 OKAY LISTEN HERE TRO I NEED MORE OF YOUR VIDEOS AND U MISSED OCTROBER AND TROVEMBER IS LIKE 3 DAY AWAY!!!! WE MISS U SO MUCH TRO PLS PUT OUT SOMETHING!!!!!
  1023. New Boss: Where is leafy 2.0?
  1025. shuwTime: the fucks this
  1026. BlueMoon Builds: He has 161 views with 1.6 k likes.....
  1027. AlphaWolf: I'll be making videos like this soon on my channel
  1028. ッLeviathonッ: Drinking blood, that's pretty fucking edgy.
  1029. 死ƳαSαкα: Aids
  1030. Lilpanda: And I also subbed
  1031. Aidan's games 2004: She must be drinking diet blood.
  1032. Kimyona SQD: My strange addictions huh? well this is a show for me then!
  1033. Justin: I can cook chocolate meat(dinuguan) for her.
  1034. Yamelyn Sarmiento: #trigsquad #trosquad #vampire #crazyvampire #mmm she got me all types of messed up on G she got a big W
  1035. asum power: Im addicted to drinking water.
  1036. Hey.itsss. Ria: It’s been 2 months WHERE ARE YOU
  1037. Owen Seguin: Where you at tro?
  1038. Jasmine Corbin: Michael R he died
  1039. Kolby Dunning: Didn't show up in my sub box
  1040. Dank Bleach: R.I.P. Tro, will never forget. Cause of death: ligma.
  1041. Lil Auri: This so. Grosss bro this vid definitely demonetized
  1042. Wakkaking 14: Is this considered cannibalism
  1043. sound life dirt: My girls on her period want to buy some blood...... Ok maybe that was too far.... fukin blood girl...
  1044. Raw Clips: Where is this nigga
  1045. : p: dang michelle Obama really has let herself go
  1046. Hannah Myers: Where is tro it's been a month :/
  1047. Nik Green: Where did u go😪😪
  1048. Cole Pratt: You need to do some commentary on Skippy the 34 year old virgin...
  1049. Paul McCartney: Yo Harvard Degree lazy fuck! When's the next video coming out I fucking saw 3 goddamn Aurora Borealis's and no unpload yet! (jk lol)
  1050. Vlogmaster 23psharks: U okay
  1051. Ramey Gardner: Bro where’d you go
  1052. Rico: Holy fuck this bitch is eating people
  1053. Viceroy Haukea: She is me
  1054. Dr.ZoidBurger: why wouldn't she date a girl? fine dining once a month 🤷🤷
  1055. Sam Ewald: Where u at?
  1056. Jaakko Valli: Why did you stop uploading😩
  1057. AustinIsDope: First leafy now tro
  1058. Mary Aldridge: Whered ya go tro
  1059. Razors Edge033: Sam & dean better take care of this vamp
  1060. Faye Mey: I love your videos😂❤️😍
  1061. Celestialman 293: Does she not have aids?!
  1062. F: It isnt in mah blood
  1063. Democrats are Non Player Characters: Yo Triggs wtf? Did Dr Phil fucking eat your face?
  1064. ruth noel: I am addicted to your videos,and it makes me sooo joyful in life!!!
  1065. Ashton Benjamin: Finally you uploaded I though u was dead
  1066. Angel Cepeda: He pulled a leafy
  1067. Saiko: Omg finaly lol
  1068. The Jayman Show: Golly.
  1069. kira lee: Hay #EarlySquad! and #NotificationSquad Where ya at?
  1070. Generic Genji: Is Tro dead?
  1071. Enrico Werkman: Something tells me he's on plan G from that wannebe thug video
  1072. Charlie Kelly King of Rats: Where are you Daddy?
  1073. Maybe Me: where are you :(
  1074. *TheKerbalEngineer*: Fuck This Is Disgusting
  1076. THE TACO GAMER: When Michelle was at her school: “Hey Michele what have you got in your lunch box?” “Oh I’ve got a family sized packet of BLOOD” VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!! By the way probs gonna get a disease
  1077. Depressed Smokey: #TEAMBALLZ!!
  1078. Alton Doss: Am I the only one that goes to his channel every day and sees a video I have never watched and gets excited and then realizes that tro is still gone and then I get really sad ( holy shit when did this get so many likes
  1079. random stuff: da fuck... She ain't no damn Vampire.
  1080. PlutoTheGamer: No vid for 3 weeks. And I'm depressed
  1081. benjaminurface 1: I love u
  1082. Courtney Harrison: where . have . you . BEEN
  1084. bangtans: #Teamballz *merch*
  1085. PureLuck: Tro wya?!
  1086. Relyks _Y: Where'd Tro go?
  1087. Antonio Cheese: F
  1088. A: I'm cringing Sooooooooo hard arghhhh
  1089. Martin G: How this Bitch not have AIDS
  1090. Rob A: Tro where you go
  1092. Sicarius: Yummy, Sicilian women have been putting their own blood in pasta to keep the man they cooked for. Its not actually as uncommon as people think lmao
  1093. Bob -: Hah she got hiv
  1095. Travis Morris: TEAM BALLS
  1096. L1D4H: Then again, some people like to eat heated animal corpses... guess someone has to drink their blood then
  1097. KommetjieKing: Whats thst Rhino pokemon called?
  1098. Sam Percival: Unknown Yps ligma ballsss
  1099. Cyrus Felton: greatmqster what? no he got one million subs, you don't get a million dollars!
  1100. Crispy Donut: Finally u should post more often
  1101. Fake Sans: ey, new vid?
  1102. Ross Harbuck: Tro, listen buddy, we love ya. but ya cant just sell out and talk about flat earthers and vampire people and dip on us. Sorry to do this to ya but im gunna have to give you an "L" on this one. Come back with new vids regular like you kinda supposed to and maybe we can change that "L" into a big fat "W". We miss you due. We need our weekly dose of tro. did you die or something? not kool, tro
  1103. Caleb Gadson: She has demons
  1104. Olliekets playlists: He went out to get milk and only the milk came back
  1105. δUEEN POTATO :3: WTF IS LIGMA Everyone in the comments are like “he died of ligma” :/
  1106. Panickedbutonbeebos Forehead: The Philippines literally drinks blood lmao (dinuguan)
  1107. antfbi: i can't believe this bitch is the same age as me she looks about 39 not 29
  1108. Mais J: "get addicted to watching my videos" *disappears right after*
  1110. xXMushroom ManXx: Ur so lazy tro
  1111. Andy Gruszczewski: I wonder how his plan g is going
  1112. Fantano's Yellow Flannel: "The consistency is like that of wine, except like, thicker" therefore not the consistency of wine.
  1114. PhiLawrence Trinidad: 1st
  1115. MGCMDTM: Should've make tetrahedron earth shirt.
  1116. Sup3rRic3Crispy 1: This mans just died off like ive been waiting for maddddd long like brooo drop a new video
  1117. Strangest Wolfhard: Does she drink her period blood ?!?!!!!!!!!?????
  1118. red panda parkour: U ok fam?
  1119. ㄒ卄ㄖ爪卂丂: Come back bro
  1120. Grixx: Finally
  1121. Unknown sad clown: Yeah my bf likes animal blood, so I'm gonna die. But this video made my wrist hurt. DAMN THOSE BLOOD SUCKERS!
  1122. Clone: ligma caught up :(
  1123. Dddd Dxxx: I love you
  1124. Romulus The Brave: Tro this unacceptable, where have you been
  1125. Ciel Feu: What even is that attached to her nose??? And how do these addictions start? *drinking blood is gross
  1126. xXMushroom ManXx: Hey you lazy piece of shit make a video
  1127. sensienc Cneicnec: Come back or I'll do something I don't know what quite yet but I know I'll do it
  1128. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Who ever knew blood would become the most addictive substance goodbye all other drugs you cant compete against potently addictive blood forget the opoid crisis what about the blood crisis?
  1129. Braga GD: fucking disgusting!
  1130. John Fischer: Humanity has become quite pitiful
  1131. Anna: Tro where you at?
  1132. JackSWB: Welp Shes going to hell
  1133. RadiantDragonBorn: Can you make a “SepTrober”?
  1134. XRockmanX: @Triggered tro u dead!? We need more videos!!!
  1135. shrek wazowski: 162 views and 1.2k views? Huehuehue
  1136. Edward Barnett: Post more 😖
  1137. Keylan Bankston: R.I.P Snowman Tro. He gave up on us
  1138. stucker bucker: When’s the next video ??
  1139. Kyd RON: She’s a satanist
  1140. Joshua Huerta: He reminds me of Luna
  1141. Ashley Edgar: Am I the only one who gagged? 🙋‍♀️
  1142. Hunter Forehand: Tro where you at
  1143. Chase Scott: I about threw up watching this🤮🤢
  1144. So What Did We Learn: Hopefully she don’t die because what if something wrong with Johnny’s blood, doesn’t matter if it the same type. But hey it the path these wannabe vampires wanted.
  1145. Cindy Naipaul: Troooooo come baccccccccckkkkkkkk😭😭😭
  1146. violet b: did you copy sssniperwolf?😂
  1147. Slimjim24: If any one else made a video on drinking blood I would not watch lol
  1148. Totally Original Content: TRO WTF IS YOU DOIN WITH YOUR LIFE MAN I NEED YOU!!! first OcTROber missed then now you gonna miss Trovember and Trocember my man. Also there are some people (probably high on crack or doing heroin, one of the two) walking down the sidewalk in front of my grandmothers house please help. I can only watch all of your videos so many times. come back cause you are the man, the myth, the legend TROBULERATON ( your super hero name). but fr man did this woman take all of your blood and your heart and leave you to die? its been almost 5 months there is no other explanations wtf no you you know what WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK TRO. I just wanted to be tracer. I look Black but I'm actually white. 👌 cause black people are ugly and I'm not DUH. straight facts. may I'm done here. genuinely miss you come back!
  1149. fiona w: That’s enough internet for today
  1150. Asha's world: RIP TRO Cause of death: Ligma
  1151. Adam Rauscher: Bro where are you at?
  1152. Isak Masoliver: Dude wtf come back
  1153. Teresa D'Alessio: Lol thanks a lot, claire
  1154. Lili Romero: ... do a vid on thisss
  1155. Raccoon GuyYT: Bloody hell mate.
  1156. Kodiak gamer: I didn’t actually think your goin to make that Team BALLS
  1157. hcj 12345: *My god Tro has blessed me with some good stuff*
  1158. Boom Boom: Kazuma sure you can but it might be a choking hazard if you’re 3 years and younger but the younger the better ;)
  1159. Wunked: T E A M B A L L Z
  1160. iam3point14thon: Mustafa K. Farouk News Flash - no one gives a fuck
  1161. Logan Sauls: If she drinks period blood, then that means she likes periods, which only women have. Wouldn’t that make her...Gay? XD
  1162. Kaya Thomas: Omg she thinks she is Vampire 😑🤣🦇🦇
  1163. Nathan Brawley: Freaks
  1164. Dreadz AmvTM: Is tro dead?
  1165. Tsundere Princess: Me too 🤢🤢
  1166. FaZeE_dom noob: Dang it
  1167. bennieboy 67: Face reveal ?
  1168. Average Guy: stop calling everyone batches, your not cool
  1169. Craig. 07: 4 months since he uploaded 😭😭
  1170. Salad ASs02: Tro where are ya. Its already december
  1171. max_fallout: Jonah Anderson *tro senses bro*
  1172. 7h3DocT0R: Count *DyedhairRACULA* and his Blood Sucking satan worshiper friend *MicHELLe* . Nah, I failed..
  1173. clorox bleach: Bro it's been 6 months where u at?????????
  1174. Xenon: BoLT xLegendz isn't that a fictional disease associated with fortnite? I just looked it up.
  1175. Madison-SilentFatNeck: I was literally eating while watching this video DISCUSSTEN
  1177. LuckyShot YT: Nov 1st no vids since
  1178. Zack Robertson: Make more vids lazy ass we love you I’m tired of watching the old ones wellll honestly they are just too funny haha
  1179. Markella k: Triggered Tro please start making videos again, we miss you. We hope you are okay and we are wondering what are you doing right now. 🤔
  1180. Rebel: TastyTyler667 somehow, my bullshit detector is raping my ears
  1181. ASG Gaming: Where are youuu
  1182. r.hythmusic: Triggered Tro lot more videos? sir you’ve been gone for 4 months now
  1183. Scott Lund: Two damn months sad😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
  1184. Malachi Mendez: Rip
  1185. Jarron Vinger: #dontgoTRO
  1186. LB FLAME: Plz dont stop main viiids. I love theeem 😭
  1187. Kimberly Sukhnandan: Where meh tro?
  1188. Browhy: Tro u slut make more vids dammit
  1189. Big Chungus: Guys he’s coming back this month on trovember. Check his Twitter..he has yet to resurrect I repeat. He has yet to return.
  1190. Cheesy Rat: She’s like Katherine Bathory or the blood countesses
  1191. Pavol Slačka: LoL ,dude your commentary is the best on YT ,seriously i can't stop laughing 😂😂
  1192. DJ's Garage: What is this shit vampire diaries?
  1193. Ashlynn Studyvin: R.i.p to Tro. We miss u😩😂
  1194. LegendsInGaming 7: Tro fucking died
  1195. Mooby the communist: Daddy trigger where are you we need you our Stockholm syndrome can't handle you leaving us
  1196. mayorrjd: I didn't think anything could top rock munching! Congrats Tro! this was disturbing
  1197. La Li Lu Le Lo: I must agree that blood tastes pretty good but I would still not put it in my fucking food or drinks
  1198. DMT matrix: So funny 😂 Earth doesn’t spin absolutely proven! Experiment always has the presupposition of experience. I am going to give you one irrefutable experiment, which will be undeniable, quantifiable and repeatable. Spin in a circle with speed being consistent (rpm doesn’t change anything) 2 times. On a scale of 0 to 100 rate how dizzy you are. Take a break. Double. Flat Earthers 🛑 @ 8. Globetards spin to death. For those thinking they have tolerance for spin on a ball, keep going to 16 then 32 then 64. To deny experience is to deny measurements through experience. It is unscientific. You are not spinning.
  1199. Bente Ørting Hansen: Where are you? are u dead
  1200. GurraTV: Shes a vampire
  1201. Cora isn't Dead: Rip
  1202. soledad naranjo: today is the last day for trovember i bet he was messing around on his twitter
  1203. shay tateyama: Maci Lmfao no, but someone must’ve hurt you. explains a lot as to why you’re offended😂
  1204. C n’ D singles: TROVEMBER IS TOMMAROW
  1205. lynns life: where did you gooooooooooooooooo
  1206. Yolanda Bautista: he coming back bitches
  1207. UR_AL_SHOOK_UP: Yo what happen to u
  1208. Roberto Lorenzo: ABOUT TIME U UPLOAD
  1209. Asher Nelson: "I get scared, i get angry, i need my blood" Vampiric psycho - 2018
  1210. Ava Smith: TRO? Bruh where you at
  1211. DolliLoxz: Makes my heart break to see that people are coming to this video (just like I am) to ask where you are dude ☹️ we miss you! Where are youuuuu
  1212. i do timelapses: Where you at ?
  1213. Flarecast: My name is Chromefeather and I'm addicted to watching Triggered Tro.
  1214. Anastasia Fine: To the 1% of you that see this comment I hope your biggest dream comes true. Anything is possible!!!! My dream is to hit 10k ☺️ have a lovely day. 💕
  1215. no no: Tro where the fuck u at
  1216. ryan whitaker: Wtf did I just watch. Well no sleep for me tonight. #teambalz
  1217. Don: Did you die or something?
  1218. Kaitlin Elliott: Hey, does anyone know what the video about it’s Logan is called. I can’t find it, thanks xx
  1219. golubtrxsh: Legit question, is he gonna come back?
  1220. AkaShit Zoo: You know what’s she’s getting *AIDS*
  1221. Natalie Rivera: um.... leafy?
  1222. MC GAMING: Were are u
  1223. Calder Tram: this man man made us laugh and dipped ;n;
  1224. Samwil1998: Is she immortal?
  1225. Deutscher Nazi Vampir: blood does tastes good but I would not say I would want to drink it .
  1226. Maddy: Tro: we are not earth racist My brain: earthist
  1227. Thor061 9: sexy vegan came and killed tro for making fun of him😓
  1228. King Manny GMS: I was just thinking about you after seeing a video of pew about dr no L 🔥 welcome back lol
  1229. UnLuck3y: I'm ashamed to be human
  1230. Megan McKean: Trooooo, we're dying out here without you man :'(
  1231. Glo B: I’m stupid, but ligma balls
  1232. Muhammad143: January 1st come back please.
  1233. LiL Jake: Finally
  1234. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy bum
  1235. Noah Bush: I'm not even gonna try to be nice on this one...She's a fucking freak.
  1236. Gilée: Where are you? Miss ya man...
  1237. Demmy Darkness: This video was *bloody* funny. See what I did there? eh?
  1238. Ava Hamilton: Trooo :(
  1239. Tina Tyler: I have a very serious problem where I need iron and have to get very $$ meat that I only cook very litely cus of my iron deficiency
  1240. WaterGaming: Make another dr. Phil video cuz theres another person... Tylor lol
  1241. Cass Karns: Where you at tho...
  1242. Tyler Kir: Rip
  1243. D2FORLIFE2016: COME BACK
  1244. Dank Meme Toxic Tenser: #VAMPIRELIVESMATTER
  1245. GutsAndGlam: Tro! It's been too long
  1246. Ramses Tremols: The iron in blood dumbasses.
  1247. Liam Hehn: Finally another video
  1248. Alexis tm: come back :(
  1249. Savage: First bruh! 👍😄🙏
  1250. Neko Chan: Why this is this in science and technology?
  1253. kevin Bonet: she got 5 std'z😂
  1254. rps international: You should do the dr Phil Jill juice video
  1255. NickTheGirl: Been four months now. Probably
  1256. streetgremlinz: Rip
  1257. Wheatley, o tijolo: Were you dead?
  1258. Krusty AsianB: Eva Marquez Apparently, you’re brain dead enough to not understand humor, me saying I reported it was a fucking JOKE.
  1259. Nojah Kruskie: He hasn't posted on anything, even outside of YouTube.
  1260. -ThunderingVipers-: We miss u bro come back
  1261. F 12767: TRO WHERE ARE YOU
  1262. VLONE DEMON: Ur gay
  1263. Z E R O: Dude are you still alive?
  1264. CorruptedCell: Did you die?
  1265. Austin Armstrong: How long is it going to take
  1266. Joshua Stewart: Good ol blood guys😂😓
  1267. Grizzly Fade x: Post fucking more
  1268. Judah Riggins: I'm upset. Video a month, that's disrespect.
  1269. GD QuaDash: Who says that vampires are fake?
  1270. Big Oof: Fucking post queer
  1271. skinni nimples: U said more vids soon tro😭😭😭
  1272. Charlie Wilkinson: Tro where have u been so lonely without you
  1273. One Girl: I miss you man....
  1274. 100 Subscribers With No Videos?: Why is this at the end of the comments
  1275. PS4 Videos: I have been with triggered tro since like 2k and i swear he is somehow already one of the funniest youtubers I know...
  1276. ZK 198: Post
  1277. I am the fucking strong: Hello
  1278. Hyper Herron: Dude u haven't posted in forever I forgot wut ur voice sounded like!
  1279. TheSweetpj23: Its now november 16 and still no tro
  1280. lol: That one moment you sucked blood as a kid and thought that you were gonna be a vampire but then gets addicted
  1281. Monica Miranda Gonzalez: I LOVE YOU
  1282. wolf xex: I eat rocks because I have strong teeth and they taste good, I eat cushion because I like the texture, and I drink blood because it has many wonderful flavors and variations. So Tro, I feel bloodshamed.
  1283. Lil Swxvy: Tro don’t become the next leafy🌱
  1284. Laz: Yeh nigga he died of Ligma lmaoo
  1285. Mxsunderstood The Rapper: What the Did I Just Watch (Except the Funniness)😂💔 "By The Gallon"
  1286. snowyy: SO YOUR NOT DEAD WEE HOO😂
  1287. NightMares: Oh leafy I didn’t know u made a new channel
  1288. Tuysh: This vid is really old. But watch every one say that in the YouTube comments
  1289. Dark Slayer14: Triggered Tro: The YouTuber that posts once a month. And has 1.3 million subs... somehow
  1290. Fuffo: Imagine getting something caught in that ear nose connecter thing and it ripping off
  1291. Gaming with JPSC: Triggered tro makes fun of people Disappears Leafyishere makes fun of people He disappears
  1292. Hunter Morris: Tro where you at bro
  1293. Social Psychos: It’s almost the end of Trocember tro! WYA😭😭😭😭
  1294. Sad and low: It’s been months where are you????
  1295. Real Gabriel: Spaghetti with blood sauce LUL
  1296. Lil Fatty: Finally
  1297. suffer suffer: .yep
  1298. UltimateMasterJoda: +donkey yah sugondese Sugondese nuts
  1299. MyThoughtsToday: Did Tro die or something?
  1300. CLOROX BLEACH: Why am I scared my heart is pounding!And this is going to be demonetized real quick....
  1301. Benjamin 287: I'm suprised she doesn't have AIDS
  1302. Dylan Nelson: Where are you tro
  1303. kalo: First
  1304. Queen of Clickbait: React to poppy 😂😂😂
  1305. #2Pencil: HE'S ALIVE
  1306. Elektra: Finally...
  1307. Christian Naydenov: u r soooooooo funny bro😂
  1308. Master Scrubz: Trigger Tro videos are my favourite drug
  1309. Croukzh: WHERE ARE YOU MY MAN
  1310. Carly Brady: He said he would be back November of last year ITS JANUARY
  1311. but you get: He died a day after x rip
  1312. Boss Baby: This nigga dead bro
  1313. Faze Blanco: Not gonna lie but I forgot you existed until right now when I was scrolling through my recommended
  1314. iHateCompany-: I live in Lancaster and I've never seen any1 This weird😂😂💯
  1315. 《 Retrø》: Brug FUCKING UPLOAD
  1316. John kihra: How many vampires are out there
  1317. Ink Addict: @Triggered Tro where the fuck is that music ily that you promised to make if your video hit 10k!? It hit 115k 😣😣
  1318. Lieuwe Elzenga: Top 10 anime deaths
  1319. Layla Corn: Tro where you at?
  1320. Yes , my pfp is a cat doing the fucking whip: Wypipo
  1321. Killerhitman: hello
  1322. The King of All Things Possible: Bitch is crazy.
  1323. Daniel Cannon: WHERE YOU BEEN FOOL???
  1324. SammyWinchesterBear97: We miss you! Please come back!
  1325. Memes Supreme: Fellas it’s time to accept another YouTube nigga has left us. Idk why but damn it’s hella sad. 😭 My nigga pulled a goddamn leafy man wtf.
  1326. HKS ASTRO- -: Streamed fortnite once. Caught Ligma.
  1327. RoyalFusionFox: where did you go tro
  1328. Heba Baig: I feel blood rising in my throat rn...why?!
  1330. Jack Thorpe: Do a to catch a predator video
  1331. Jumping jack305: Agagagagahhhahhhhh finally tro
  1332. Lvna Lopez: LOVE U TRO
  1333. Suwaidi: ever since you left my life has no meaning
  1334. Iron_King2603: Vampire
  1335. Sean Campbell: My ghost is feeding on my soul
  1336. Nog Nog: What if she gets aids?
  1337. gm5: I was getting sick from this vid but I watched it for tro
  1338. flgators1986: Love ya videos man you are hilarious!
  1339. Colby and Brennen: 3K likes and it makes up for the 3 months without content
  1340. Isak Masoliver: Are you dead tro?
  1341. Ihave kripplingdepression: Yo this is some supernatural shit.
  1342. IFM: When’s the next video
  1343. Kim’s Weird Channel: This is the last video he’s posted..... I miss him so much. Tro come back please... We miss youuu...
  1344. ILikeTonyAndJiminLikeILikeMyFood sPICYY: Guys leave her alone, she’s just trying to take back the blood she loses from her period.
  1345. Jim Bob Cooter: Grade A Under A
  1346. Olivia Carroll: How tf did this start
  1347. Cost Co.: 1:24 I can't breath. 😂😂
  1348. inferdus: I think he's dead
  1349. MKE_YonZuath: She defiantly drinks her period blood
  1350. Jones Mahawi: Wtf
  1351. Barees Productions E31ZI6: Wow
  1352. Waterfalls45.6: Andrea Velazquez no no your not
  1353. Antonio: Unsubscribed, i cant wait once a month ✌ P.S. jamari is a good alternative funny and posts more frequently
  1354. Josip Cerančević: Did he forgot he's password or?
  1355. •̀ᄉ•́: bitch spend too much time on vampire forums
  1356. Azhray Harris: Tro come back! It's been so long😥
  1357. Pappa Pump: The belch at 2:34 😂😂😂😂
  1358. dogpine tree: The Rock drinks a gallon of Lion's blood a day
  1359. 《 TCP 》: Who else would love to see Triggered Tro and JustDestiny do a collab? i KNOW i can't be the only one...
  1360. David Flores: It has been almost 8 months where R u 😭😭😭😢😢😤😤😫😩😥😰😓🥵😪
  1361. Xavier Barns: Tro where are you?
  1362. Eric Male: Where u at cus
  1363. Easton does Games: Rest in penis
  1364. Nobody: Vampires, dey be real XD
  1365. D J: I think Triggered Tro turned into Dead Tro
  1366. Donut Sexual: You are seriously one of my favorite YouTubers ever! Lol anytime I’m having a shitty day I just watch you and I’m instantly cracking up I love you Tro! ❤️💯💯💯
  1367. Owly: I bet 1 million dollars that this bitch has ate a fucking human
  1368. Wedo Wado: Tro > JustDestiny like if u agree
  1369. Dr Oddfellow: You need to come back maaaaan.
  1370. Sarah Garner: #bloodbornepathogensarepeopletoo
  1371. Ros Lee: iam3point14thon I checked yesterday
  1372. bradly bellant: Before he nuts she cuts his tip and than she suck him dry
  1373. Braden Stackhouse: We’re are you fucker
  1374. Daisia Padilla: Kink Squad HE LIED !!!
  1375. woahits siera: Whenever I’m sad I come to your channel and it makes me feel automatically better. ILYSMMMMM
  1376. Yes Im Human: Damn, thought you were dead Tro
  1377. Shashi Yerra: Finnaly!!!!!
  1378. 10k subs with no videos please owo: See you next month
  1379. Nellyda Ruiz: don't eat at this girls house or your 100% guaranteed to get aids kids lmao
  1380. Bon Bon: Im going to faint I swear
  1381. Allstar51201: Welcome back sir
  1382. Aiden Allen: Category: "Science and technology"
  1383. Sqoosh: This is something next level, ok we are on some *n e x t l e v e l* spookiness right here.
  1384. LittleRedLucy: Where did u go man I miss ur Dr phill vids
  1385. Kevin Spacey: Matthew Engel Senior ate you for real? Your probably just joking and it's me being a dumbass but damn sunny.
  1386. Social Psychos: You ever gonna come back orrrrrrrrrr?......
  1387. Riley Swanson: Does she eat her used tampons? She must have a pretty heavy flow.
  1388. Red Invasion: Tro where are your videos 😥😩
  1389. Kengj TSH: Trayq he’s coming back lol
  1390. Spying Bigfoot 11: You're back finally I missed your videos
  1391. Tony T: 6 months since Tro's last upload. I guess he's on Plan F now. It sucks because he's got SO many subscribers now. TRO, COME BACK!!!
  1392. Emperor Calus: Where did you go tro??
  1393. Purple Puff: 🤚
  1394. TriMesterMemes: I want that
  1395. Susu susu: Damon from vampire diaries needs to learn from her
  1396. Moodles: Tro we miss you ;(
  1397. chappyfx: where u at tro?
  1398. Renier Barnard: Please come back i miss you dude
  1399. Hamilartist: Tro are you ok my dude? I know I’m just another subscriber but I’m worried about you man..
  1400. A jamless Person: So Tro died... that’s a thing
  1401. Ivan The Dude: She’s a phony. Blood contains too much iron and will make you sick if you drink more than a tiny bit.
  1402. Dade Wimmer: Finally you upload. You said your going to try daily but this is monthly
  1403. foros furros: Finally my vampire hunting equipment will be useful
  1404. bullzye101: HEY Triggered Tro WERE YOU BEEN BRUH ... MMMMMMMM
  1405. SHADES: Where did Tro go?
  1406. Luke Lopes: Tro... where you @ bro 😬😬
  1407. Faby Hernandez-Mendoza: I miss you. Please post again.
  1408. Mas Mohamad Zulilham Firmansah: At least she's not drinking human blood Edit : Oh f*ck i should've watch the full video
  1409. Nalu For life: Ashlea Marie it's 4 months
  1410. dylan kline: NEW VIDEO PLEASE
  1411. diamondapple94: IM TRIGGERED
  1412. Shekola Carrington: A whole ass vampire my dudes
  1413. Sagar Naidu: I just subscribed... Tro you are awesome... Love from India
  1414. Paperbag: Triggered tro!!!!!!!! Where are you bro I’m depressed out here
  1415. keniakittykat: I like blood sausage as much as anyone, but it's like flower. It's an ingredient, not a food. And neither are healthy to eat raw.
  1416. Mattheu- Dupont: This lady should be shot in the jelly roles
  1417. Brooke LaPorte: Your awesome
  1418. Help Me Help You: Where tf did u go
  1419. IHaveAPetRock: Bloody hell, I wish Ron was here
  1420. dude hailey: im addicted to watching yo videos 😂
  1421. a dead sandnigger: Tf...
  1422. Reckony875: Ye i felt like throwing up the first time i saw her drink tht shit
  1423. Dr.Phil- The god: His blood was poisoned
  1424. definitely_not_noah: Yo where you at
  1425. Reanna💛: Johnny, Johnny eating sugar No papa Telling lies No papa Open you’re mouth Ha ha ha
  1426. Cooper McCormack: Come back father
  1427. MLG Plays: Tro'$ in the back of a pickup truck with pedro
  1428. David Tec: Tro, we need you!
  1430. Supreme Justplay503: Upload again
  1431. TaeWithSugaAndAKookie: Where u gone tro I’ve been waiting a month r u ok? I’m getting worried about u 😂🤨😱
  1432. Kevin: Speechless RIP ꊼꊼꊼ I can't find it, you sure it's called Dodd0?
  1433. Skeet Skeet: Omg Read more
  1434. AM Gaming: "I'm just glad something is getting sucked" man made my day
  1435. Cooper Feldstein: Dad
  1436. AlienFreak69: I'd be careful around her if I were you. One day she'll spoon your eyes out and drink the blood from your eye sockets.
  1437. Tania: I am gonna throw up 😷 i am so sorry.
  1438. LeoTheHero 03: I bet this dude Johnny's jizz is red
  1439. ThiccyBoiHams: Does that remind you of Mama rug a bit
  1440. Glo B: it’s been 58 days without a triggered tro vid. all signs are pointing to death. cause of his death isn’t verified but forensics say ligma could be it.
  1441. Magicaltrav: If you don’t want this video to be difficult to watch just pretend that Canberry juice
  1442. Muhammad Umar: Yar plz come back . I found your channel right now and you quit?????plz don't do this to us
  1443. Max the Weird kid: lps TACO umm good luck with all your math tests
  1444. Laly Roman: Please comeback Tro
  1445. Xhriztian Lopez: It’s been 1 month
  1446. Ryan Peo: Gross
  1447. Maddy Escobar: Come back.................... 😥
  1448. Nova sg: Too bad it isnt legal to throw people in a mental institution against their will
  1449. Joshua Antao: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  1450. blue team teen Caboose: ..... just no
  1451. niall mehta: Make new vids pls
  1452. Dmitry Molotov: johnny looks a little like mitch lucker
  1453. Dibas Sarkar: RIP Tro.. you'll be missed :'(
  1454. HasHasDre: F***ING VAMPIRES!
  1455. Spike: Please come back to us Tro
  1456. pizzachronicals: AIDS she hasn't gotten those yet STDs nothing!?
  1457. bunker miller: Bro fr I think something happened to this guy
  1458. Felix Nurwahid: Obviously, this guys dead
  1459. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  1460. Cameryn Poff: Aren’t drugs banned everywhere
  1461. Peja Johnson: COME BACK
  1462. lil jerky: I miss u tro :( r u ok?
  1463. Cold_Vro: This dude hit a whole ass 1milly and dipped
  1464. Engagedcobra 71: Mental disorder to the max!
  1465. Adrian Lopez: Damn tro hurry and upload
  1466. Deck Ckdl: i miss you man
  1467. Mr. Gas Giant: Whenever you or kavos makes a video I get so happy
  1468. Megan Freese: I'm surprised she doesn't have HIV yet
  1469. Caoimhin Duncan: @Triggered Tro do a video on how to catch a predator you’d be soooooo funny on it please try it hahaha even
  1470. Maj R.: D E M O N E T I Z E D
  1471. liana karloff: WHERE
  1472. Emelia Amoyaw: tro wya??
  1473. Zyss Will: This break is longer than coryxkenshin's
  1474. Dakota Landreth: She's trying to hard to be edgy
  1475. Franklyn Miguel Vera Rosario: Blood?!?!? Is she a vampire, she surely wants diseases. She should marry Dracula they would instantly match.
  1476. JOSE SAHAGUN: wya mah boi
  1477. Melissa Schneider: Where's tro at??????
  1478. i like bands: Where did you go? Come back
  1479. Broken: Daddy tro :( i miss you purple for no homo 💜
  1480. Dear Lassen: Dear god don't tell me what she does with her period then
  1481. croissant fellas podcast: An add, on a youtube video, your funny
  1482. Blaze Kell: When are the vids comin
  1483. Maheer Kunwar: Come back please
  1484. Joshua Stanley: Rip tro 2017 - 18
  1485. you wanna know something: but true
  1486. Devlyn Carney: Tro where tf have you been
  1487. jeff nigurawn: Rip tro
  1488. Donut Sexual: Trooooo where did you go fam? You’re my favorite YouTuber and you’re just gone come baaaaaaack lol
  1489. Evelyn Mcneil: “At least SOMETHING’S getting sucked.” -Triggered Tro, 2018
  1490. Peptø: Oi what the fuck come back man i need you
  1491. hmmm humblÈ: Biggest bloody legends nigga how is that funny
  1492. Culemborg1986: that burp ROFL
  1493. Crime Crusader: “I’m just glad somethings getting sucked” 😂😂😂
  1494. Farzeen Naveed: Billy Boy love the pfp
  1495. Blaise Shipp: oh my gosh
  1496. mandyy: where are you? :(
  1497. Farooq Naimath: like it u wont
  1498. SleePifoxx: The motherfucka. Them vegans got u
  1499. Colby Pellerine: Were are you have you left youtube
  1500. Atlas: Kill that fat bitch
  1501. AMAL JOHN: j
  1502. Enrique Leal: THS BITCH QUIT ON US BITCH STOP!
  1503. Ryan Weaver: Where you at brooooooooo??????
  1504. AnOrginalName: You should just unsubscribe for making that dumb comparison
  1505. Noam Emerson-Fleming: Your Boy Skiiny he is allowed to state is opinion just as much as the original commenter...he didmt say she COULD'T say it, just that je thinks the bible is stupid.
  1506. JD7J: Post please
  1507. LL Guerra: I recognize your voice. Do you have another YouTube channel? Lol
  1508. Roffe: 2019....Miss you man :(
  1510. Rain: Im addicted to watching ur videos No one makes these kind of videos better than you Thanks for being here
  1511. Andrew Cermeno: Of course she’s from Lancaster
  1512. maknae uzzlang: I’m binge watching all his shit waiting for him to comeback
  1513. PhinksTV: I know! If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  1514. Mia Cravath: Is tro dead?
  1515. JagZor: "soon"🤔🤔🤔
  1516. blui: Just think about it as cranberry juice :D
  1517. Hisyam histamine: Hey my boy Johnny
  1518. LunaKittyRose: I was just thinking when you'd post a video, my prayers have been answered!
  1519. ProfesershadypantsRBLX: Thought you was dead mate
  1520. Brison SpeakThunder: it reminds me of ceeday, exept he finally uploaded
  1521. Ilove Weird: Could you react to this
  1522. Todd the Turtle: MAKE MORE VIDS!!!!
  1523. Josue Ane: 152 views and 492 comments thats nice 😔
  1524. Tom 24/7: I’ve heard about this creep before... scary IMU
  1525. RTV5 Gavin Bohn: Okay to be honest he does😂😂😂
  1526. IntEnsE ༄EK: Where tf are you??
  1527. Snowpfy: I don't mind drinking blood... but if you drink a gallon there's gotta be a problem..
  1528. Cosmos: Vampires are REAL
  1529. Tyrin Ramsey: damn you pulled a leafy...
  1530. I Is Bogham: See blood makes me feel weird it sucks I don't like it
  1531. Baba Kazi: Been a while
  1532. GOGET EM MIX: I get you her car smell like dead animals 😂😂
  1533. 15675: tro come back!!!!! there's some black girl who thinks shes white on Dr phil😕😔I'll call her VickyWoah
  1534. Dawn St Rose: U
  1535. Boxiestmeme r.c: Then she drinks blood that has aids and then will contract the disease
  1536. Caleb Jones: 3 weeks tro where u at?
  1537. Sarah Popal: Kids Destroying the Internet One at a Time 1,517,051 views 110K likes HEY in this video tro you said you'll do a when you get 10K likes WHERE IT AT BOI
  1538. Majestic Olive: Tro where are you??????
  1539. Drill Music List Daily: Shit I’ve never been so scared to be a member of the bloods
  1540. Darkness 3456: Where is lord phil
  1541. Garnt: tro...? :(
  1542. Spy17: Tro come back
  1543. John Marston: Oh Tro I hope you're ok man...
  1544. Anna Ross: Feminist Vegan yeah how??
  1545. Caden M: Finally back
  1546. Royal Shawn: Team balls!!
  1547. Jed Comia: Post more please
  1548. Daichi123: Where are you man? Missing your videos
  1549. Lilu Koyen: “Are you just chillin in hell right now?” 😂😂😂😂😂
  1550. Kurdsrockk :P: U dead?
  1551. J.T.: Nigga where you at it’s almost December
  1552. LBGxPr1sm0: We miss you Tro what ever is going on or whatever happened we hope you’re ok and doing well! Wish you luck buddy!
  1553. SlippyWilly: Dad love me.
  1554. PROFANITY: *Leafy* *Grade A UNDER A* And now *triggered tro* Well played YouTube well played Keep demonitising their videos so they leave the platform
  1555. domonator5000: Blood does have a lot of nutrients, and you can also buy pig's blood at a butchers
  1556. Lil Nugget: I swear Tro if you gave up...ummm I don't know what ill do
  1557. Vodka Gods: We miss u :/
  1558. Tymekx0: But no blood cakes or black pudding??
  1559. makayla farley: Everyone over here saying how they can't watch this but I've been to places on the internet far worse than watching someone drink blood. I'm not fazed anymore.
  1560. Wassup Bro: Where are you at Tro😭?!?!?!
  1562. Ally Madison: Come back Tro🙃
  1563. Gissel M.: Tro is alive guys... chill
  1564. naruto uzumaki: His not going to smash
  1565. Surreal Lane: I want to see the Dr. Phil episode about this woman who abuses her boyfriend
  1566. Default Helper: Please don’t turn into leafyIsHere
  1567. Ryan Ellis: That’s fucking gross
  1568. George Payne: Yo r u dead
  1569. dxddy sob: so I just got the notification and I looked in his channel and it says 20 minutes I'm like WTF
  1570. Damian Arteaga: Great video Tro
  1571. Salad ASs02: Where is Tro? Its already December!
  1572. Alex Cardona: triggered tro look at the 3 am challenge videos 😂I really would love to see those videos 😂
  1573. Game Dweller.: Jasmine Corbin are you serious?
  1574. Connor: Did you get your 1 mil play button Tro?
  1575. Giovanni B: He stopped posting on all social media the exact same day and never posted to youtube again. Possibly died. I see no scenario where he wouldn't get back to any, ANY, of his 4 social media after going silent for this long. I hope I am wrong, but he won't be the same person if he ever comes back, IF he ever comes back. Tro be rolling in his grave
  1576. Eduardo Fernandez: R.I.P. tro you are a legend !
  1577. LexStar Gamer: She drinks blood? She's a Vampire!!!!
  1578. Cohan Kuncio: Tro is gone
  1579. Farzeen Naveed: Where is tro at he was my favourite youtuber
  1580. Currently Stanning the Purple One: *NO.*
  1581. Slipknot Queen: It's vampirism. Stop judging everyone i love ya but Geeezz. I'm a goth and ofc it's gonna offend me. And yes you CAN get aids from that but they have their way of making sure it's okay to drink.
  1582. Legit Pig: My hands and fingers feel weak I think I might pass out
  1583. vault of gaming: Triggerd tro where have you been drinking blood eating furniture and eat rocks
  1584. Advocatus Diaboli: Dude, don't make an elefant out on an mosquito. By the way, how much kalories has a gallon of blood ? Is blood from an diabetic more like cola or so ?
  1585. Gualvprime 69: The legend is back 🙏🏻
  1586. I think I just Impaled Myself: I'm addicted to chewing pencils
  1587. josemanueldsj 49: PLEASE REACT TO THIS
  1588. Random shit: Triggerd tro has ligma
  1589. Fake Fan: Seeing her drink blood makes me wanna puke
  1590. Rosxjun: are you dedz?
  1591. Brian Sar: Wya???
  1592. Captain Autismo: despacito
  1593. Chill dog: Come back to youtube
  1594. Luka Milic: She really looks that fat goth bitch from south park, doesn't she?
  1595. Vxzty: creepy
  1596. Cody Merritt: I could never watch my strange addiction same thing with the over 600 pound show they both disgust the fuck out of me
  1597. Nabil: Piggy pig she is on god
  1598. Sky Wells: It’s funny because none of you realize that vampirism is a fetish
  1599. Soup_City MMM: I miss you please don’t be dead if you are I will go grab a Ouija bored ok 👍
  1600. Logico: Rip ma man Tro he was a real one 👌. Seriously tho bro u better be making a Halloween comeback or somethin.
  1601. Nicole Tapia: Yassss I've been waiting for you and my cousins name is jonny
  1602. Melissa Hurmuzlu: You’re the best youtuber ever! Triggered tro is back in the building!!
  1603. Huey: COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!! You cant do this to us. You make awesome videos, then just disappear out of no where! We need our fellow triggered bro/tro. Get your ass back here boy!
  1604. Rinsablebard: i think he died in the no nut November RIP
  1605. Diarmuid Mcbride: Where trooooooo?
  1606. Gerardo Renteria: Where’d ya go, Tro?
  1607. D00MTR33: 5 cups of blood a day keeps the doctor away.
  1608. James Wang: Michael Angelo leafywashere*
  1609. THAT GAMER GUY GAMER: "Glad something is being sucked"
  1610. Insects Inside: I’m so glad you did do something with the whole team balls thing. I am like the number 1 Ballzer in the Team
  1611. Bee M: Drinking blood when you’re a human is so bad because you have too much iron
  1612. Noah Ben Haddou: +Dashiell Uaine someone said: “you don't know maybe he did die” as a joke and then you wooshed him so you missed his joke
  1613. Frederick: >video has more comments than views
  1614. Htm 22: Nigga where tf are you
  1615. Awkward Idk: 15. Burger king tro lettuce.
  1616. JB Gaming: Where are the uploads at?
  1617. WaterSawwce Narvo: So uh did this nigga go mia? Is he dead or some shit cuz I looked him up on Google and said he was still alive...... He probably doing his own thang he'll be back soon... Don't lose hope
  1618. daisies x: A-are you...dead?
  1619. 01010001110: I eat erasers...
  1620. Ima Accident lul _: Upload u turd
  1621. owen weems: sup tro notice me please
  1622. Ethan Hubbard: WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
  1623. Reichen Beauparlant: Tro wherw the fuck are you!
  1624. winner winner chicken dinner: +さんアルフィ He definitely doesnt need Islam. Maybe some friends and a gf would do the trick
  1625. nefariσus: Natsu Dragneel nah was just kidding, he probs just took a break from yt
  1626. The Last Piløt: Where are youuu? We miss your videos!! Come back for Trovember
  1627. anime shiz: ;((( tro bro where tf r u
  1628. Builder Tips: So vampires do exist o_o
  1629. Faze RobbieRotten: Didn’t you say you were gonna make a comeback in November 2018? I get that u might need to take time off for whatever’s going on in ur life at the moment, but is this not a bit excessive without any info on what’s going on?
  1630. Don Crawallo: It's actually healthy you dumb Americans.
  1631. TheAidenTilllman _: Tacobuttpants u should go jump off a bridge
  1632. Numukua Er: The asTROnaut died of Ligma
  1633. Random Account: AnOrginalName Not comparing him to leafy. He is doing topics like leafy <— fact. But leafy targeted and lied to people that were close to him. So Tro should be perfectly fine. I just don’t want him to fail since he is such a good content creator. Just a misunderstanding
  1634. Cloud Of Loud: why has it bin 5 months since he’s posted
  1636. TheOfficialLeke: "I get angry, I want my blood."
  1637. Waltey: Pls come back
  1638. Chloe Sibrel: We not going to talk abt where u been? 🙃
  1639. arya stark: You want dinuguan?? Hahahh
  1640. melissa s: Look who finally posted 😂😂
  1641. Coconut: Post more vids lazy ass bum
  1642. Victoria Hernandes: And so the next ceeday was born
  1643. pp BruhYuUgerly: Next Video... sorry guys no trovember say hello to TroCember! :/
  1644. xlphie: Is he alive???
  1645. IronMan Golden Avenger: Imagine the last ingredient in a Bloody Mary Wasn’t blood
  1646. Mr_Gman _2016: Dude get that Nike symbol out of here
  1647. Joey Greven: RIP Tro.. Rest in peace brother
  1648. Rosebud: She dose realize that blood expires refrigerated or not
  1649. Jhonson Giovanny Gomez Alcantar: Tro if u see this just know i miss u man i wanna drink blood with you my man :( not really just come back
  1650. Elisandro Dos Santos: That's a plausible theory
  1651. Acey Michaelis: "A lot more videos soon" my ass. Get your bitch ass back here and upload.
  1652. Me lol: TRO COME BACK
  1653. Brooklyn Boushwa: I ordered the team Ballz sweatshirt and I got it and it smelled like pickles and onions
  1654. Xayzen: dont worry about the comment above me its just a troller trying to get reactions
  1655. BB X: this vid was cringy BUT... THIS WAS HELLA FUNNY
  1656. Rama Kayali: My strange addiction: Your videos and channel No joke, I love your videos and I can't have enough keep it up. ^-^
  1657. Creative Username: Umm... I'd like to know when The News is coming back.
  1658. lol: I think she might drink her period blood to
  1659. Do you like Sugar: Where the hell are you Tro?
  1660. igLoOpi: plz upload do it for tro vember
  1661. Chevifier: I randomly thought of you channel tro. Youtube algorithm doesnt like you upload rate man. I havent been seeing your vids.
  1662. Professional Stoner: Remember to like his video you piece of shit you know you enjoyed it
  1663. Scarlett Winblade: Tro come back
  1666. sad mood edits: Lmao probably 😂
  1667. Gavin Farr: What a freak
  1668. Shawn Marino: *EMO ALERT!*
  1669. Örjan Petersson: Did you get rabies or somthing. Where the fuck are you tro.
  1670. tori pajan: tro prolly died of ligma
  1671. Rephaim Rogue Gaming: Kai Hinojarama animal blood
  1672. Isaiah Wince: 4 minutes fuck me
  1673. POTATO ARMY: ewwwwwwww nah thx
  1674. Gavin Long: YEEET
  1675. SNAK3 V3N0M: When will tro return
  1676. skankhunt 42: Where do you live dude ? Im gonna put you in the ground of our FLAT planet.
  1677. Bill Dozer: Daddy TRO♥️♥️♥️
  1678. Tina Tuger: It's November and still no sign of Tro
  1679. kevin chambers: Tro keep dropping the vids
  1680. pujith kira: yo better watch some fake martial arts. that shits real fukin funny. hope u react to those videos. Love you tro. take care
  1681. Molestable Greek: Mate, from us aussie cunts Stop pulling a leafy, you were actually decent
  1682. Devon Williams: Ew wtf is wrong with this bitch that’s actually disgusting but hello papa tro
  1683. Random shit: 1.4k views and 134 views WTF
  1684. kvsingh: where are you tro <3
  1685. Dalake: Um the likes compared to views doesn’t add up
  1686. I will eat your children, James: But what about the blood clots in the blood? Wouldn't it feel weird going down her throat?
  1687. jackie peel: Where are you. Please make more vids please.
  1688. Alind Koo: For real where is He ?!
  1689. TurboTurtle487: Psst, look down 👌 Gotcha
  1690. Lego Darth Maul: I like the feeling of it being down my throat
  1691. Alex .S: I'm rewatching this video for about the 99999999 time.............#comebacktro
  1692. Josh R: I just want to know where she gets the animal blood. Like I picture a bunch of dead pigs, drained of blood, hanging in her backyard. #teamballz
  1693. Braden Stackhouse: Where you at tro!?
  1694. Geometry Stuff: Upload
  1695. bellaspasta: COME BACK i love watching your fucking videos during class :(
  1696. Big head: Dad where are you 😢
  1697. bananaman: Eating human meat is addictive, I’m guessing blood is too
  1698. Gio A: FusRoDah Daily keep on Going
  1699. Dr.Phil- The god: Make more videos pls
  1700. Laila Jones: It's been 3 months
  1701. Thecreepyclown: Vampire spooky
  1702. Erik ismyname: YouTube unsubbed me tro heeellllllllppp
  1703. GWhizz X fusion: R u alive ? i will send out a distress signal
  1704. xxred: Crazy Butter Lag
  1705. Эми хочет вздремнуть: *Yummy*
  1706. Rndm dude: Come back please😥
  1707. MCLA VIDS: Oh so I shouldn’t have been eating cherries watching this
  1708. Peanut: Y’all where is #TheTroShow ?
  1709. spicy ricardo: You Know It You Know it
  1710. FusRoDah Daily: +FairlyFine Difference betwen me and him is that I'm fighting for a good cause lol. Also I post good videos.
  1711. Zack Robertson: MAKE MORE VIDZ DAMN MAN
  1712. Mamadou Ndom: This bitch abouta get ebola
  1713. RaacheAmine: That's not blood!
  1714. Pablo Escobar: Finally our lord uploaded
  1715. Knowlen_T: Dam she probably got hiv
  1716. Jkob Adote: Where you at
  1718. Bokura: Where the fuck are you, Tro.
  1719. napalm monkey: Aids and friends all they want to do is have some fun. ahhahahahahaha
  1720. Joris Menge: Tro died of Ligma
  1721. -Cloudy -: You should upload more often:)
  1722. Kyliedabomb: Where is dis dude
  1723. Scodre: I have a strong stomach but god damn. This is fucked
  1724. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  1725. Gator Pack55: First episode I want to vomitnon
  1726. Grimm: RIP TRIGGERED TRO 2016 - 2018
  1727. Carter Cummins: Tro😢
  1728. Bluegender15: Bitch why didnt u upload!!!!
  1729. Deidera _: Looks like some goth kids from 06" lost it and let themselves go.
  1730. sixty syxti: What the fuck bro
  1731. Agility: First
  1732. Jorgeee 174: I’m pretty sure I been knowing trigger tro since like 60k or lower
  1733. akaKuzan: Hey tro how you doing
  1734. Liv: Watched all the way through. Strangely feel accomplished.
  1735. ContactDribbleGod 22: Wow who els thought he died.
  1736. Owł: We miss you tro come back. yt’s not the same without you :(
  1737. Kid shoe Designer: Come back it’s been 6 months
  1738. footballXdankmemesXmusic r my purpose to live: Whaaaaa BE DONE WITH THIS FOOLERY RIGHT NOW LMAO
  1739. Fast As Fok: E
  1740. EJ T: Where did tro go
  1741. Fluff_Ball63: "You look like Markiplier if he had a Drug Problem" I'm dead!😂😂😂
  1742. Beebo Trash: Jared Hendershot you both need to see a therapist
  1743. Kyla Esparza: The fucking over voice is funny asf
  1744. The Pixelizer: Wait what? Eating rocks and a couch is more normal than drinking blood? Blood from animals we eat the meat of? It's strange before you think about it, but then it's more acceptable. Not saying it's not gross but it's not as fucked up as people think
  1745. Thor061 9: he pulled a hit and run on everyone😤
  1746. Garfunkel Black: Still waiting for dad to return
  1747. Grant Rants: Come back
  1748. CokeJellybeans ·: You got that from Ceeday you unoriginal fuck
  1749. Red Gundam Ranger: Hey Tro you should check out a video of this grown ass man who I shit you not is trying to live out his dream of being a little girl seriously this exists and Ik u will love reacting to it
  1750. epicasmrboy557: This made me SOOO squeamish
  1751. Lord Tachanka: He just dipped
  1752. The Vault Dweller: Where did the tro go?
  1753. Bob Bob: R u dead??
  1754. You Know It: +spicy ricardo He's in prison, give him a break!
  1755. RusskiyDzhigit: hates Trump
  1756. Dejaneira Cantizaniz: Mario X hahahaha maybe lol
  1757. Mr Sourdillpickle: Anyone know the video of tro roasting the cross eyed dude?
  1758. Myles Alexander: Who dont like this?
  1759. Ketamine Dreams: Omfg how did I not know about you until now? This shit is golden!
  1760. slayR Gaming: It's Christmas day and all i wished for was tro to come back for one video.
  1761. Evil Fever: Dont be like leafy, Tro
  1762. tori: we haven’t seen u since last year
  1763. the internet is very cancerous: +Jacob I think I've heard
  1764. Serpentino X: Sexy Vegan killed Tro
  1765. S T Ξ Λ L T H: At least she doesn’t drink human bloo...
  1766. I'm kinda just everywhere: Nikita Kuznetsov oooh I thought it came from vampire diaries lol sorry
  1767. 『NC 猫』: where are you now :((
  1768. Waldo Official: I guess Plan F failed
  1770. dude hailey: yooo tro this dude named james marriot made a video called everything wrong with triggered tro what are you going to do 😱😡
  1771. thewatcherlollol: Because you can't spell "thriving".
  1772. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy but
  1773. YUXG PAINX: My boyy posting
  1774. Richard Crankshaw: It’s probably just the guy your mom cheated on your dad with which is why he left in the first place. I know how it feels man.
  1775. Stanzb: You should start reacting to Steve Wilkos
  1776. Vamsi Krishna: We need you tro come back to us.
  1777. shak k: RIP he dead
  1778. AZ HERO: Goodbyen't Tro Good to see you around for the Summer 👏💯💜
  1779. FaZeE_dom noob: Do a video of doctor phil when he was on drop the Mic in a rap battle it was lit
  1780. IDontLikeToLose: Does she dribk his periods up aswell then?
  1781. Tre Becks: Tro I’m sorry but I might have to unsubscribe to you if you don’t become more active . Your one of my fave youtuber so I don’t want to do it . Also I love your vids
  1782. Gavin Swinford: Where tf you atttt
  1783. Ryan Hanley: where you at my guy'
  1784. Wunked: dead nibba
  1785. ToxicNation: Wow I remember when you had 17k holy shit :o
  1786. BigBroDan pLeS: Haven't seen u In Fucking forever
  1787. BEN SONEFF: We’re r u bro 😓
  1788. Alton Doss: This is a very bad trovember
  1789. Remósa: I’m addicted to triggered tro’z channel.
  1791. They Call Me Death: I would get addicted to your videos if you posted more than twice a month.
  1792. DøX Øríginål: When did tro get over a million subs?
  1793. Travis Scott: Stop bleeping ur cuss words
  1794. When i became the sun..: Shes a moron.
  1795. Hypebeast: My stomach is tickling the second this video goes on
  1796. The Savvy and Amelia Show: Tro... WeRe DiD YoU gO??
  1797. Highlight Central: He died
  1798. BMX BOY: what the hell why tf does she drink blood lowkey kinda scared
  1799. merkelerk crumudgin: Is he dead
  1800. Trolax: Where are you, man?
  1801. Rohan Patel: Now I know she ain't crip😂😂🤣
  1802. nitseD: bout time tro is back
  1803. z0mboi: ligma balls?
  1804. Weird Mike: In all fucking seriousness, I sadly know both of these people, including Johnny. Fucking trippy. We all live in Lancaster CA.
  1805. Solicle: Damn Tro is copying my upload schedule. Post a video then fuck off and come back 4 months later
  1806. Dibas Sarkar: RIP Tro
  1807. Takumina Baka: FBI OPEN UP!!
  1808. ay: WHERE TF YOU AT HOE
  1809. madison heuer: "A lot more videos soon." tro, of ur alive just let us know dood. Im a bit worried 😬😬 also i need your vids in my life so hurry tf up pleaseee
  1810. Jon: aaaand hes dead
  1811. Crazy Butter: 152 views and 888 likes.... Explain
  1812. Daniel Timbes: Idk why I laughed so hard at 2:34 😂
  1813. Namiako ;;: She needs to get laid.
  1814. Nashid Tobierre: Post more tro
  1815. Spooder -Man: Tro, where’s that musically you promised us for 10k likes!?!
  1816. Angel Black: Rumor says Tro actually got so Triggered by all the new "out of control teens" on Dr. Phil, he is still recovering.
  1817. x Wylker: Tro, come the fuck back mannnnn
  1818. The Pixie People: Where the hell does she get that shit, Amazon?
  1819. Randy Dash: If this wasn’t a tro video I would have thrown up
  1820. Chrome ™: Come back :(
  1821. Madara Uchiwa: Normally person would just do drugs....times have changed...
  1822. Ozarka WaterHD: Finally a video came
  1823. Call Of Orestis: Hhha from pewds right? Yea. Btw it was fake
  1824. Vanna Bender: I suck my blood every time I bleed (not my period) and my boyfriend's too if I'm around when he's bleeding lol
  1825. Ian Strange: u coming back tho tro?
  1826. ImDontaisRightNutSack: tf was that a show less
  1827. Panda: Hilarious*
  1828. dominic bollig: Do the black girl who thinks she’s white
  1829. Tom Nom playz: What happened bro where u at
  1830. HARLEIGH YOUNG: You surely will not loose blood if you get bit by a damn shark .
  1831. Goddamnit Bri🤦🏻‍♂️: wya bro
  1832. jazzy vlogs: this had been a bad ocTROber I'm sad 🤧🤧👎
  1833. smashlyn100: BOI WHERE YOU BEEEN
  1834. SEA MEMES: +Flash fuck man, wtf is happening to him
  1835. blue cheesecake: O holy Triggered Tro, o holy Triggered Tro, where art thou? It has been many a fortnite without you. We are patiently awaiting your long anticipated return. The Stokes of my fire are stilled until you upload again, holy one. A stronghold has been pressed against my chest, and I await for a breath, but every day I wait it never comes. The longing from my bosom is only a longing for you, Tro. Every day I am waiting, and the walls are closing in on me. I am running out of life. O holy one! I am on an uninhabited island, and only an upload can quench my thirst and abolish my hunger. O holy Triggered Tro, o holy Triggered Tro, where art thou?
  1836. Jack Moore: This was your most recent video and it’s from 6 months ago please post something
  1837. Cabe Tachek: Your back yay 😀
  1838. strange blockmon: Half a year
  1839. Zion Thomas: I’d be laughing if I weren’t such a hemophobia bound person 😨🤢🤢
  1840. maxxpls: TRO IS GONE!!!1!🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
  1841. Orange Juice: What happened to trovember coming back? It’s been 6 months
  1842. michael brown: Yet another grew roast! Love your vids
  1843. tlk squad is the best: It's true
  1844. Its Another Mexican: I hope she gets some sort of infection or disease
  1845. Northern Arctic: Team Ballz!!!
  1846. Mira: rip
  1847. Jredsquirrel: You need to post bruv
  1848. Abdullah Khan: bloody hell.....
  1849. Kaden Malone: Face he don't he died
  1850. Inspector Steve: A lot of people drink animal blood. I think human blood is the odd part.
  1851. Rigoberto Mejia: Tro u dead???
  1852. Nicola Amoré: Same!! This is just borderline disgusting and pretty bizarre.
  1853. Black Star: Where the hell did you go? Come back
  1854. YT.Camila: Hes dead?
  1855. Inferno Gaming: Last time I saw this channel it was at 30k omfg congrats
  1856. Ameena’s Art: I’m unsubscribing because you have not posted in 7 MONTHS TRO IM GOING CRAZY
  1858. Dinosuar Lover: Heard*
  1859. Keji Jada: What happened to you where are you
  1860. Kenneth Burke: Finally another video
  1861. Sam Henriques: Where have you been Trovember 2k18 is almost over!
  1862. Mr. Call Of Duty: Meow
  1863. Dude Mann13: Next thing you know it she gonna start sucking tampons
  1864. Plausiblemist2: I want more of ur my strange addiction reactions
  1865. Zach Sackrider: BEST CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE!! Great stuff bro!
  1866. IsaiahOwO: holy shit an ipload, nice upload schedule dude
  1867. Dalton Cote: I swear to god your Ceeday !!!
  1868. Brookie Cookie: The question is where does she _really_ get it from?
  1869. Jesse Burns: Welcome back
  1870. Daniel Molina: F
  1871. hussain wazier: this is fake this is coulr food
  1872. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ on a Cracker: +TheOne AndOnly r u serious or are u hoping hes coming back.
  1873. Caleb Davis: One like=one prayer for tro to come back
  1874. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  1875. Joe Paton: Is this guy leafy?
  1876. Stormtrippin ': Now that's edgy
  1877. Russell Payton: Im addicted to watching triggred tro vids like if u r too
  1878. iHaveEverything: did you die, fgt?
  1879. shijii: three weeks later, almost a month, and dad still hasn't returned to us. he said he was only going out to buy milk, i fear he isn't coming back.
  1880. 壊れた魂: dad,where'd you go? I miss you :(
  1881. Isak C: ”I’m glad something is getting sucked”
  1882. Grandezekial: Dude where are you we kiss you
  1883. lendi: Dats naysty 💀(Cleveland voice)
  1884. Ppdaddy lol: I forgot u existed
  1885. generic tortilla: I threw up watching this
  1886. DontStealMyMemes: Y tho
  1887. Jason Yorlang: Creepy
  1888. jesus leon: nefariσus did
  1889. Edgar Basilio: Rip triggered tro 😔🙏
  1890. Mr: Thank you tro I appreciate the small video. BUT I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD TAKE YOU FOUR FUCKING MONTHS TO POST
  1891. The Bean: EXRTA EXTRA crazy lady robs high school while youths donate blood!
  1892. spicy ricardo: Ed
  1893. Just Livin: So um people do
  1894. beautiful chaos: Vampires in 2018?? XX is dead?? I have no soulmate?? The world is wild
  1895. Nemisis 007: I’m sorry but can someone poke her with a stick and see what happens
  1896. IzzyB33 3: No one else is gonna say this, sooo... *what about **_periods_*
  1897. Jamie Shrubb26099: I think he’s dead
  1898. Lily Mendoza: I’ve never clicked so fast in my life
  1899. Doctorsquidy: POST MORE IM DRY OVER HERE
  1900. Bob Honda civic: Fucking finally. Been waiting too long for another vid
  1901. Diet Clorox bleach: Next video:odd women addicted to drinking crips🤣
  1902. V: no fucking way...
  1903. Krazy Kidd: If she sucks a dick would she bite the dick to get blood
  1904. Apollo Vuitton: Tro took it to plan z.. RIP tro
  1905. YoBoyLettuce: COME BACK
  1906. Abigail Roberts: I wonder why he gave up working on such a triving channel
  1907. Reaper Hackney: Holy fucking shit who is this bitch and I love your videos
  1908. Tilt: Is he dead?
  1909. The Goldhippo: Tro where you at
  1910. Kawaii Sama: Tro my man, you dead? Update - Tro bro, I'm back. Just checking in. Update 2 - Hey came back, saw you in my suggestions. Just Checking in again. Update 3- it's been 4 months, just checking in. Don't be dead and stuff. Update 4- heard you're coming back, don't leave us again Update 5- yeah... you never came back...
  1911. NAESPLAYZ YT: that shit straight up look like rossel/sorrel
  1912. Kari Grohl: Tro, my man
  1913. Mason Hayes: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN
  1914. Joona Pihlajamaa: What an adorable couple! Emo vampire bitch and emo suicidal retard!
  1915. Southside Gameplay: How does someone become addicted to drinking blood?
  1916. The Violating Burp: Tro where you at
  1917. UziWarrior: Wait how does her body react to this does her body use iT for more blood or she just pees blood please someone help me ..BTW TEAMBALLS
  1918. Lovin Life: I don’t know why but the burp killed me 😂😂😂
  1919. lolwhat: Some True Blood shit
  1921. john toucan: This nigga just leafy but better and less emo
  1922. I don’t give a crap: “I want my blood”
  1923. RioT_SharkZ Fortnite gameplay: Come back please:(
  1924. FusRoDah Daily: +PePe Frog You're welcome fam.
  1925. Daniel Man: why the FUCK ARE YOU NOT UPLOADING
  1926. rexfist180: I'm sorry but Tro died from... LIGMA
  1927. Julia CatPp: Or, she bit her lip and that’s how it started
  1928. Soviet H00VY: I'm surprised non of the blood has made her choke as it mixes with her blood cells.
  1929. Jordy Demey: "Team Balz-MERCH" *died* 😂😂
  1930. 1zzie _: I was eating pizza
  1931. Stars227: She's got the following. Aids Stds Hiv Cancer Bloodanintitus
  1932. KVN: Johnny’s getting the only suck he’s ever gonna get
  1933. Corn Syrup: Tro are you there? Can you send us a sign, I'm worried man
  1934. GoofyGoober 697: posting once every money smh
  1935. That One Fangirl: We miss ya bro <3
  1936. Marco: Feminist Vegan Wait how do you know this?
  1937. shady bitch: I need you man WTF happened
  1938. The Last 49er Fan: Triggered tro: hits 1,000,000 subs Triggered tro: maybe i should just fucking disappear
  1939. Issac Stalclose: Rip X
  1940. Troady: He spent a whole month on this video
  1941. HyperEnergyYT: where is next video
  1942. Bryce Hernandez: We are not EARTHIST
  1943. My Trauma: I feel like throwing up now... I was trying to convince myself it wasnt real 😭😭😭
  1944. Harambe: Hey
  1945. Sammy: Dude where the hell did you go?
  1946. xxKayBugxx: I'm seriously getting tired of watching old videos over and over. Please.... post something... anything... tomorrow will make 6 months that you've been gone..
  1947. Trez Fowlkes: Where do they sell this? She’s a vampire
  1948. makrose: didn’t dislike because of you, disliked because of that lady
  1949. Lucas Moore: Fro come back
  1950. Ugandan Knuckles: HOLY SHIT I HAVE BEEN SUBED SINCE 10k and here we are 1mill but just changed accounts
  1951. RadioJorge_: Who else agrees that he sounds like Ceeday lmao
  1952. Chlœ: Im so early I dont even know what to comment sooo.....
  1953. Ginger Spice: Come back tro miss u 💖💗💕💞
  1954. Zack Robertson: Make more vids lazy ass we love you I’m tired of watching the old ones wellll honestly they are just too funny haha
  1955. Moon Zero: He went to plan h triggered tro come back
  1956. J XD: Where you at 🤔🧐
  1957. Andy Longyear: The tro be fucking all these Ho's
  1958. Jediael: Tro is actually fucking dead
  1959. Elizabet queen: Terrific BeatZ lmao
  1960. TOXIK SMOKE: Do a video on Dr .phill called 50 Christmas trees 😂💀
  1961. izei H-H: Hey tro Can you like not do gross videos?
  1962. Colin Williams: Where are you
  1963. Lady Cheeses: We miss you dude 💔 Hoping everything is all good 👌🏻
  1964. Dragon is not afk: I am disturbed and these strange addictions are only in the USA why
  1965. Kiing ツ: Looks like tro moved to plan g “sell my body and become madly addicted to drugs”
  1966. billie_eyelish fan: he goin for plan g , lmaaoo , no but really i need to know too
  1967. The Morningstars: Also satanists dont consume blood either
  1968. Nick Comella: Ayyo this is weird as sh**************t
  1969. Kidus Girma: Where are you?
  1970. Eduardo Cervantes: He die of ligma
  1971. itz meh: Sinox _ yassssssss
  1972. celt9: He got 1 million subs and dipped.
  1974. Tracy Tyler: Wtf Tro, MIA AF! we should continue being subscribed to you NOT dropping respect to the PHILosopher?!?! Thinking ya lost your edge son! Sad!
  1975. TailArts Designs: Tro you are suck a Tro-ll
  1976. Derek Linker: Bro we’re the fuk are you come back
  1977. Ty1err: why does she sound so monotone
  1978. Carsten Judge: This made me queasy
  1979. saori.: Upload you fatty
  1980. Vaporeon Gaming: R.I.P. Tro #ForeverRemembered
  1981. Do you even lift bro: IAMTHETOMATO *were
  1982. Cohan Kuncio: (crab rave)
  1983. iMist Apoc: *God has rejoined the server*
  1984. andrea tendo: Took you long a enough😢
  1985. im.workingg: Where are you ;(
  1986. Bill Abros: God damn ligma killed triggered tro
  1987. Ashh: Tro Jamari is coming for your brand UPLOAD
  1988. Red Riser: Where the f is tro? Where's the f is the vid about shitty drama going on?
  1989. Fw._. elan: SHOUT TF OUT
  1990. Gamingcoco Cherkoui: #HOTTOPIC
  1991. Jenna S: where the hell is he?
  1992. Reece Downwithpeace: Wtf is wrong with her
  1993. The very trash gamer: Rip tro
  1994. Explore Alabama: Amen!
  1995. Charlie J: Where do you think?
  1996. Mr NoNumbers: “Hi I’m Johnny, at least something’s getting sucked”
  1997. Hayztime TTV: Upload more
  1998. Ant M: Bro you missed trovember
  1999. Darkness: This bitch watched Twilight too much
  2000. Not Tfue: Your still alive?
  2001. crystalized !!: DUDE COME BACK
  2002. Jasmine Vega: Thx for making my day bttr after x passing💔😞
  2003. Nataly Mcdivitt: Come home tro
  2004. ZombieGirl: 😑 people have to many problems.
  2005. Ezra Art: #TeamBallz 👏🏾👏🏾
  2006. kookie lover: TRO YOUR ALIVE WE MISSED YOU😎
  2007. Infernal Gamer: These r the type of people that should get brutally tortured so they stop being autistic
  2008. Mayson Cunningham: upload
  2009. Ansley: BRO WHERE ARE YOU
  2010. dharhini: *I mean my god*
  2011. MilanPro Yt: She gets her blood from all her pets the skulls are her pets😂
  2012. Violet R: This is really difficult to watch
  2013. Rider011 Playz: LOVE YOU
  2014. jonathan sanchez: Where the new videos at bby
  2015. Art Kraft 07: I am addicted to your video
  2016. Faze Blanco: Make a vid you lazy bum…Are you die from ligma or sugma 🤔
  2017. G 123: I missed you bro
  2018. Asap spicy: Yo post more please please please
  2019. DarkComedy Humor: My blood feels raped.
  2020. jace jones: Where are u
  2021. I’m stupid, but: So youtube says this video is 1 month old, but it also says my comment saying 1 month ago is 1 month old?
  2022. Craigels Alpaca: 3 months later nothing
  2023. Alton Doss: Tro got us ha ha but I’m not laughing
  2024. Silenced Glow: I thought this guy uploaded every week
  2025. ベュ スheck: this shit is the fucking best (obviously not a real) EDIT: i didnt watch the video but i still liked it.
  2026. Got Pancakes123: Ligma got to tro
  2027. HeartBreaker 666: Hey Tro!!! Could you review my middle school friends, cuz they dumb... (Love them anyways) as an example : Allaura got pissed at my diabetic friend Emily for watching her calories XD
  2028. Jay Cantu: RIP TRO
  2029. Kaleb Rath: What the hell he is back
  2030. The Brodster: Epic
  2031. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Yep
  2033. Austin Thornton: I can't watch this, it just makes me sick to my stomach...
  2034. TheRealHarshK: Early bois
  2035. Liquid Starch: it’s been awhile
  2036. Ayberch: Team balls!!!
  2037. nutnut464: what about max
  2038. Chris Francisco: He built a big channel and community just to let it die off
  2039. Angry Watermelon: Where r u
  2040. Grace714: First leafy and now tro :(
  2041. Comic'o Stevin: That's not TLC's only blood drinker
  2042. Dane Bretzlaff: Nigga its 2019 where you at.
  2043. Celeste: Leafy left me not u too bro
  2044. Daniel Aviles: Are you dead? 💀
  2045. Blazze boi: Yo were are u its been 2 months. Ur vids funny af btw
  2046. I don’t Know what to put: Dad where are you?
  2047. Gaming Channel: Come back
  2048. Bryan Han: dude where u at
  2049. Misty IOS: COME BACK CUTIE
  2050. Ctrl Almond: Triggered Tro come home
  2051. Trip2929: Josh Holt welp you didn’t get your wish.. or mine :(
  2052. The Chewbaccacabra: This stupid bitch is absolutely full of shit. She's just an edgy weirdo. This isn't an addiction. This is horse shit!
  2053. Sergiu Gabriel: Drinking some wine..this is disgusting
  2054. Gavin Bobtrolo: Dude
  2055. Gabe Love: I watched this video when he first posted it a month ago and he still hasn't posted wtf is taking so long
  2056. Some Idiot: I guess new year new tro
  2057. roblox sucks: That girl drank all Triggered Tro's blood and then he died 😔😔😔
  2058. Left Hs: Rip missed trovember dec 21 no sign of tro
  2059. Dylan Cochran: are you gone from you tuob
  2060. Angel Black: Who else can say they stopped posting without an explanation and still managed to keep 1.4 million subs. And you got us all hooked within what, a year of becoming a youtuber? You're a legend dude, we're all gonna be right here waiting for you. ♥
  2061. Punky Waffle: Pls come back🖤🖤:(
  2062. ASH. TON: 😫 post a video bro come on. Come back
  2063. ilaana the croc: I was thirsty before watching I'm just sick lol
  2064. LuicD: Oh my god. She drinks her own period.
  2065. Rzel Bautista: U need to post daily bro
  2066. Andreas Holm: enough money
  2067. pierce chugh: Tro come back, we miss you
  2068. Girl Power: Tro come back pleasseeeeeee
  2069. Salty Steven: gross
  2070. Anubis: Kintrez Fowlkes yea that's the point that she's working her ass off to get across
  2071. Gavin Swinford: Are you dead?
  2072. Richard Gonzales: Asnee _ um no if you look at their sign up date justdestiny ws first but idk who made a video first. IT'S THE EXACT SAME CONCEPT.
  2073. Estell Ti: Tro-vember?!
  2075. 6ix6ix6ix: When your girl loves your blood more than your 'kids'
  2076. F. B. I: Is triggered dead or something
  2077. Randomsome: PLEASE TRO COME BACKKKKK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  2078. Kieron Cave: we miss you Tro! :(
  2079. Xenon: Antonio You do know he probably died right?
  2080. Brionna Brown: Alex 315 move
  2081. [Scorch.mp4]: This Nibba talked about dr Phil and dipped
  2082. Mr.Quaker duck: Where you at trgger tro it's been months man :'(
  2083. Far Fletch: Remember Bella from twilight this is her now feel old yet
  2084. Brendan Duffy: First.
  2085. Sam Lane: Rip my nigga tro. He wit the gods. 😭
  2086. Saucier Gecko: VERN I AM rip
  2087. Prince Howard FTM: Yall seen the rap battle between Dr Phil and James corden he got fucking bars man
  2088. Lathan Morse: The thumbnail is weirdly fuckng discusting
  2089. 404UserNotFound: only in the cesspool of degenerate retards with a superiority complex, also known as California also, it was fuck asses like this that started the spread of HIV and AIDS....thanks faggots....(no pun intended) ;)
  2090. PROUD NATIVE: She worshiped Tro to THE Devil
  2091. KINGPOOLORD: Oof
  2092. Wasabi Fox: The women was found at triggered tros home drinking his blood, he was later pronouced dead *along with his channel*
  2093. Amile Away: ughh..looooooodd. >~<
  2094. Sean Giusti: What about her period
  2095. lynns life: fr
  2096. Ryan Newell: Man reactions to dragon ball would b hilarious af promise u qould b perfect for it the others r trash
  2097. SavageRunkii: youre dead to me fam.
  2098. Cassandra Sybel: Where TF did you goo
  2099. Professor Duck: "A lot more videos soon" he said heh, more like NOT a lot more videos soon xd
  2100. Simon Mason: Boi
  2101. Victor Morales: Wtf tro, where u at
  2102. 7 TECH: So gross dude
  2103. Why Aden: Does this count as Cannibleism
  2104. Gael Sanchez: Hey you asshole when. You gonna upload
  2105. FusRoDah Daily: +Sebastian Tronhjem *Skyrim theme plays
  2106. TNTPVP 135: Funky Blue really?
  2107. Frosty Feet: You have the big AIDS and jfk is the only cure
  2108. TrollCannotgame 88: You left a 1.4 mill subscribers channel wow😭😭
  2109. 50 STAR STRIKER: Shit everyone is sicked out but where the fuck is she getting this blood. She going around cutting pig throats and pouring the blood into a bucket lmao. #liberals
  2110. Laura Seymore: Alex Qiu it really is just nasty 🤢
  2111. Alex Woodroof: God, tro I’m dying out here
  2112. Jackson Richard: Team Ballz
  2113. Greedo: Does drinking human blood count as cannabalism (I can’t spell for shit)
  2114. The Night Fox 12: .
  2115. Theguyonthetv 27: She could get some weird disease lol
  2116. Stay Tuned: We all got *Trolled* *Troy* has been uploading invisible videos!
  2117. Yash Permalla: seriously, where did tro go? actually, not ligma or some shit, where is he?
  2118. Frankie Fernandez: tro where I at?
  2119. Cameron Profitt: That’s disgusting
  2120. BIG CHACHI: ....stopped by to see if you was still alive....miss your videos
  2121. TonicTea: Hi tro
  2122. Larry V.: Sorry, can't watch this video.
  2123. Pass The Boof Man: Come back please
  2124. Julie Stuff: I got suprise when Pewds did it.. I originally watched Dr. Phil segments here and thought that Pewds cant think of anymore content..
  2125. The YoPo: YESSS HE UPLOADED!!!
  2126. Karisima: Yo tro!
  2127. alexisdead: tro, bb, where are you
  2128. jaxa j: Just came here to ask yu to come back. Some kid went to a JustDestiny video, and quoted your Dr Phi line (caz Dr Phil takes no Ls) and now I’m sad. I’ll see myself out :(
  2129. Brian Griffin: TRO where’d you go??
  2130. Kristian Rasmussen: Why can’t we send people like this to extermination? It woulndn’t be a big loss to the world...
  2131. The Inferno: It's my boy trigged tro back at it again with the uploads btw do more Dr. Phill
  2132. Andrew Zaremba: You haven't posted in a month, and this video isn't even 10 min. How do you survive!
  2133. MVazer: How tf does she collect it?
  2134. Storm Trey: React to gucci flip flops 😂😂😂
  2135. horre paeske: Where you at bro?
  2136. Ryan Dean: How you gonna pull a hit and run.Hit a mill and leave
  2137. Dępręssęd: I watched one videos of yours it’s been the best thing since
  2138. Gurpreet Kaur: Please come back :( I loved you so much!
  2139. derek 4real: That’s one way to develop human immunodeficiency virus.
  2140. Graci Grapefruit: where are you my dude
  2141. Esak Kahsai: I liked your shit so you must love me....
  2142. George Blue: Tro u good bro
  2143. Carlos Colon: Danielle Bregoli, Whoa Vicky, Lil Tay, and Sexy Vegan all ganged up and suffocated Tro in his sleep
  2144. Viexis_v: tro where u at
  2145. Johnny Months: soooooooo wtf. i bought merch for no fuckin reason. pissy investment
  2146. EpiX Immortal: My strange addiction is watching Triggered Tro
  2147. Giovanni B: Who ready for TROcember XD
  2148. The_Naked_Indri: Maci you have one weird fucking dry sense of humour; that didn't sound even close to joking
  2149. ProGamer T: NickPDX no no not him why whyy
  2150. N e s t o r: Is u ded? Come back plz
  2151. how you doin: Tro has now arrived at plan G, he is now selling his body and taking drugs
  2152. Sinister: Tro where u at. I miss u
  2153. Tater Tots: So does he drink her period blood straight from the source?
  2154. Ash Hudson: Well its about time u came back
  2155. Ryan Cruz: OH MY GOD this woman makes my stomach hurt
  2156. Barry Coccomo: Where tf have u been tro🤧
  2157. Potato_Tomato 47: Plz come back😕😕😢😢😭😭
  2158. Civilized Savage: Kexerino F
  2159. F-series: Tro come back brooo , I need a good laugh again 😭
  2160. Xotjr7: 4:15 LuL
  2161. Unknown Person: This cringe will make you die
  2162. ika belle: Where the fuck are you !
  2163. Joshua Braun: Do a video on the girl that thinks shes pregnant with baby Jesus
  2164. Lourenço: One month later we get this ? You slacking
  2165. 2000 Subscribers Without Any Videos Challenge: And leafy symdrome
  2166. Jose Martinez: I’m fucking gonna vomit
  2167. Bader Alushi: YOUR BACK
  2168. isscole boii: My god has left me
  2169. Tommy pallie: I want to see that video that got taken down, why is that fat budgie in it?
  2170. Mrs. EVE King: Lmao, Tro Vampire obsessions.
  2171. Reece: This nigga died lmao
  2172. Natalie Rivera: i drink blood my self... not that much tho :/ it’s hella salty and not something you wanna drink too much off 🤢
  2173. Hannes Carstens: dude how bout u post some new videos!?
  2174. Casper: time to go back to justdestiny
  2175. Sports Lounge: The next video better be an hour long to make up for this absence
  2176. sam mandel: bossman 291 he’s dead I heard on twitter lemme see if I can find the tweet again
  2177. The Banana Melon: Levi Mintz he didn’t need to do that. BUT HE FUCKIN’ DID IT ANYWAY
  2178. Matthew Bitenc: hope she gets aids and die
  2179. omgitslegitgamer: #riptro 😤😭😭😭 we miss uuu come back we need ur funny content
  2180. Noodles Hot: TriggeredTro my meme daddy, my lord and Dr.Phil disciple my dude where you at? Please I needa you
  2181. HAIL Tiko: Yup he definitely has a lot more videos
  2182. Gt Lemsip: Come back
  2183. bad4you: Rip X
  2184. Owen Stevens: where are you!!??!?!
  2185. Eli Val: Jeffrey Borycki what's the name of his town?
  2186. Therx YT: When he says I’ll upload soon and it’s been four months
  2187. Emmanuel Otsyina: He really does look like markiplier
  2188. Novation Hax: POSTTTTTT
  2189. • Starburst •: LISTEN TRO! This girl needs to be given some L’s!
  2190. Heyy it's Ellie: Keith Adam he’s still not back
  2191. The Truth of the Matter: Adam Jubinville it makes zero sense that it is dangerous in the amounts this woman is drinking. I JUST posted the lethal amount...and she isn't even ingesting 10% of it on a daily basis. So makes no sense to say she is in danger. Second what do you think arteries are? They deliver blood and dump it off into our entire body to be ABSORBED by cells and organs. Veins bring this stripped blood back to the heart to be re-oxygenated. Our body ingests (absorb) it every waking second... Including our digestive tract. Again it makes no sense to say blood is's a politically correct scare tactic. I implore you to look into a medical journal and you'll see it takes a ridiculous amount of iron to harm the body. More than less than a liter of blood a day would deliver.
  2192. Yeet It’s Claire: Please upload! I miss your videos!
  2193. Golden Ki11R: How do you not know if that blood had a disease
  2194. Thicc: This is called the "make a mill and dip", please come back Tro.😢
  2195. Harrison Berry: Cathy 24 it apparently wasn't
  2196. Cringe Bin: this is why society is fuck, these people should be hung
  2197. sum random: Guys I think he died
  2198. Dan c: Trovembers coming up, where you at?
  2199. Jasmine Corbin: Mr_Gman _2016 me
  2200. Phaulty: wow she looks ancient for a 29 year old
  2201. unfunny meme: Must be due to his Sugondese background.
  2202. GoofyGoober 697: i think tro found this bitch and she fucking ate him
  2203. A Tactician named Lucky Pikachu: At night do you think she fights guys with Jo in their names along with some of friends of the Jo's, screams, "WRY!", and stops time?
  2204. Shishir Khanal: Where are you??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!
  2205. Ashly McCall: yo i love yo vids yo so funny and yo if yo reding des yo be lick wtf
  2206. jhon lugo: Bro ware are you at? My life was so much more happy when u posted vids
  2207. Sonnette Galaviz: Tro!!!!!! Where are you?!?!
  2208. meme man: Lol it is completely legal to buy animal blood, but it’s likely to give you diseases. Especially pig blood. I can’t help but think this is probably a gateway addiction to cannibalism.
  2209. Colby Johnson: Finally
  2210. Justin Kitelinger: Where been bruh
  2211. Suleiman: Ceeday disappeared and now tro
  2212. Thurston Melson lll: Come back
  2213. xdSommer: Come back please
  2214. Ghostshoris: I have to switch to Benji! Come back, please!
  2215. GucciGäng Lycanrok: So she is basically drinking iron because blood has iron.
  2216. Bogdan Chivoiu: Dude love your vids i think i whatched all of them
  2217. Gino Hendriks: Why tf does she think she is a vampire
  2218. Yung esketit: Ni🅱️🅱️a did you die 🅾️r sum?
  2219. It's 10/10: What is that game you sometimes play in the background? I kind of want to play that
  2220. Zach Bozman: Wonder what happened to this dude.
  2221. Just Trash: Usually I have a tough stomach but trying to watch this the first time yesterday, I started to gag
  2222. Henry K: Where did you go?
  2223. mustache man: You most be kiding please repond
  2224. Mystic Mist: I have a phobia of blood and um....let’s just say this wasn’t the greatest idea to um watch especially since I JUST finished eating.........uh yeah.....pray for me....
  2225. Coach Steve: bro im eating food, i think im gonna throw up, fawwwwkkkk
  2226. parth kalia: Can you. React to KSI on point dish track and csg Dish track. Called waste man please React
  2227. alan sosa: Come back man “We miss you” 😥
  2228. Ali Hassan Liaquat: John Lug Danielle Broccoli ahahah
  2229. Isaiah Rodriguez: Where my boy at
  2230. Adrian Vargas: This was funny but it gave me the chills.
  2231. Chaos Bearded Gaming and more: Real Bloody Bloody Mary and I am not never eating at her place ever. Also this is a real Creepypasta and Triggeredtro you are awesome and I just hate these people just talking about Blood makes my veins hurt so fucking much!!!!! I am addicted to watching your show!!!!!!
  2232. Lyrics Lady: Tro, where the hell are you??? Please don't be pulling a Leafy on us and leaving for a couple months & probably not coming back.
  2233. Killer jay737: I’ve been here since 30,000 subs your a legand Tro
  2234. Russell LeBlanc: That burp part was hilarious
  2235. Faith Nelson: *"The feeding if you will"*
  2236. hondo ohnaka productions: She crazy
  2237. hi there: He’s coming bacc
  2238. Zatharos: 2edgy4me
  2239. Jonah Anderson: max_fallout Click the bell boyo
  2240. DirektorSplennic: I was having a good day. I think a lot of us were having a good day.
  2241. I’mEcho Marie: Omg this is hilarious 😂
  2242. Jack Moore: Please post something new
  2243. SSS_SharpieKidd: Do you not upload because you became too popular are you rich and blind? Please upload more
  2244. K Buddo: Triggered Tro can you make a video on the girl who’s racist to her own race
  2245. AlaMoose: Even tho I’m black this is turning my skin pale 😂
  2246. Fag Comment: If he comes back and doesn’t drop tik tok reaction Ima be pissed
  2247. DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: You better bless us before school starts
  2248. Alexander Nothrin: Hi
  2249. Nation Yeet: Tro got ligma and died😞
  2250. Lilpanda: I'll comment tro come back entil you do
  2251. Lil Fish47: Ayyyyy
  2252. RedRydinHood: I wonder what she does when she’s on her period
  2254. uG Coafs: Crazy it shows he grew so fast but Jes gonna die out if he ent upload
  2255. Esak Kahsai: Please come back Tro
  2256. Brodyreaxx: What happened bro im like sad that you are gone dude the vids dont even have to be like reactions just tell us what happened
  2257. Andrea Velazquez: first one
  2258. PIGE TanK: Tro??? We miss you
  2259. Ryan Witzerman: Tro, come backkkkk. Missed ocTROber, u betta pull up for TROvember
  2261. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Da
  2262. Jonathan: Tro is dead asf
  2263. Reckenz-daily: i've been waiting im so mad im elven years old so i can't get that sweet sweet merch
  2264. Ihni: i think this is way more disgusting than watching the cougar champ
  2265. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: James Kim #troisdead :(
  2266. Tox_ic: Its been 4 months where u at
  2267. weirdpencilkid: Where are youuuuuu
  2268. Acodakco: Quit selling your body and come back to YouTube we miss you....I miss you
  2269. Shawn McMillan: At least something's getting sucked 🤣🤣🤣
  2270. THEMANSUSHOULDKNOW: This is fucking disgusting i almost vomited
  2271. Miraculous Ladybug Fan: I wonder how Triggered Tro is doing
  2272. antisocial artist: I was about to start a tag. #wheredidtrogo
  2273. Dioysus: Yummy
  2274. Tanzeemroks: she probably killed tro
  2275. happy llama sad llama: No no *NO*
  2276. Mr Wise Guy: I prefer a nice baby chicken's blood myself. right after talking to some vampires and booing at the Winchesters.
  2277. Tayler Dobson: You Know It okay Good😭. You scared me
  2279. ObinaKiddJ: quit bein a lazy bum tro
  2280. Anti-hero Vermilion: Tro come home
  2281. MY TOPPS MATCH ATTAX: Please come back
  2282. Kevin Brian: Do you think she drinks the blood from her period?
  2283. BEEBEE: Today he did lmao
  2284. The Fireman: Make videos
  2285. Scarlett Guillermo: I hope you come back soon! When you do, please make a video on the budday— a crunchy child predator on tik tok!! Luv ur vids!
  2286. im bored: MemeGod2.0 _ chill tro
  2287. Hayley’s Comet: Tro you ok?
  2288. TD King_ lethal: Tro come back
  2289. sixty syxti: Miss you tro😋
  2290. Pablo Reyes: Tro do a video on dough cenzor for taking the biggest L in YouTube history
  2291. Zuzana Parent: kyado probably dead tbh
  2292. Adam Sobh: Sick freaks, I hope she catches rabies from the animals
  2293. haylee Nichole: When are you gonna make another video dude
  2294. Ryan: Triggered Tro is nowhere to be found, maybe the woman drank his blood..
  2295. BriskFTW: Lmao that’s where I live
  2296. PIAJARRO: Hey tro where the hell you at bruhh
  2297. Cameron Evans: Tro come back I love your voice it’s relaxing
  2298. Baylorn: DAD IS BACK
  2299. Mila Kostovska: i wuld be adicted to watching your videos but(t) you disappeared sooooo....
  2300. BlazeN420: RIP :(
  2301. Rubidium The Dog: Tro is fucking dead lol I’m gonna plan the funeral but not go to it
  2302. T0LL: Upload
  2303. Michael Doughton: R.I.P - Triggered Tro
  2304. my reaction to this vid: she has fookin pig aids
  2305. Bombastic Boom: Well well well if it isn't the gruesome twosome
  2306. Robee -: Make more videos bro...this once a month thing is not cool....ur vids are too good for once a month bro...
  2307. Ford Fan01: Awww f*ck this sh*t is f*cking f*cked right the f*ck up!
  2308. Mekka R: Come on tro we need you I’ve fallen into a deep depression without your video btw I’m kidding
  2309. RETRO DUDE GAMING: This bitch is a vampire
  2310. Iraqi Kid: Tro where you at my dude we miss you please come back
  2311. Stef_101: UPLOAD NOWWW
  2312. # BLESSED: Tro wya
  2313. PigToots: Bitch where are you
  2314. Bangoshyx: Rewatching tro videos since he is dead
  2315. Urboiii R345ytd: Hey
  2316. shijii: Jeffrey Borycki that's very unfortunate. truly so.
  2317. Madelyn Seiberling: Where you at bro just come back please
  2318. Noah Stevens: Joshua S. It’s OcTROber too
  2319. scentless_ apprentice: Floofa we need more tro videos
  2320. cassidy.marie: Day 152... He's been gone for 5 months now... I think I'm loosing my mind, I don't think he'll ever come back. Good thing we still have the man, the myth, the legend, Dr. Phil or I don't know where I would be right now... It's been a tough 5 months but I've found my way to survive on YouTube by watching Scrubby :')
  2321. reapernakari: I'm Goth and she gives other Goth people a really bad name
  2322. bensbananza: Bruh
  2323. Haley is great: Does she drink her own blood?
  2324. Doggoroo: xxred *reference, retard.
  2325. poofy53: Tro do jilly juice dr phil
  2326. Jonathan James: Jonah Anderson I have it checked and I don’t get any notifications. I have to check every day to see if he uploaded.
  2327. xdelema: BadCroatianBoy OMFG *views go up by a lot* millon-air
  2328. 200,000,000 Views: #no uploading 2018
  2329. SNAK3 V3N0M: Tro we need you to return
  2330. Hassanat Ahmed: Made ur money and then dipped lol
  2331. Foreskin Taker of souls: Maybe he ded
  2332. Shirley Snyder: 159 views and 1.1k likes. OK youtube, what's happening?
  2333. winner winner chicken dinner: He might be dead
  2334. Ai United: your vids make me laugh soo hard i wish you would upload more but i get that good stuff take time
  2335. Noah Franke: She can´t actually drink that much blood a day because, even when drunk it will still coagulate and she got to throw up. the Limit of blood you can drink without throwing up can be increased but she still got to do it eventually. And i dont think that the "blood" in most of the Scenes was actually blood because it was damn thin wasnt it?
  2336. duellegend71: This is going to make me sick🤮🤮🤮
  2337. Hanifullah Jnr: Como tro it's been 3 weeks
  2338. Oh yeah yeah: Elizabeteffy Stonem wanna trade nudes
  2339. kevin lussier: Can’t wait for new vids
  2340. BrownEyed Girl: 😈😈😈👹👹👹👹👹👿👿👿Nasty demonic thing. 💩💩💩
  2341. Danny Moreno: Dead channel 〖RƗP〗 😪
  2342. Nyssia Angel: Triggered Tro we miss you bro...❤️💔
  2343. Andrew Levister: WHERED YOU GO
  2344. Nellie Price: Goodbye tro you wil be missed
  2345. Abbie Gregory: Please, please, please react to dr Phil drop the mic battle vs James Corden
  2346. Juicy Memes: Kinky
  2347. Zinkling 52: Khorne would be proud
  2348. Deuce II: So she has every type of meat ultra blue rare
  2349. Fred France: And in a pinch her used tampons work.
  2350. Bossanaiter Boss: Please come back
  2351. Black Hammer: The fuck are you it’s been a month!
  2352. Cyrus Estes: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢😷😷😷😷😷😷
  2353. I like bleach: I'm sick
  2354. Joel Watanabe: Fuck you tro
  2355. Klara Kloos: WHERE DID HE GOOO
  2356. Muscab A: Rip tro
  2357. Pelican in shit: Erik Quinde he died in a car crash.
  2358. Lil Nugget: Nooooooooooo. How could you TRO. U TRAITOR. UR DEAD TO US
  2359. Renee Khloe: TRO WHERE DID YOU GO
  2360. Flick Films: Tro did you die
  2361. RAWVids: I’m scared
  2362. Guy from Petsmart: Can’t she get iron poisoning from all that blood
  2363. ND Junction: i missed your voice. thx u
  2364. Leooo: Why he ded?
  2365. Karan Guliya: Where are you Tro ?
  2366. 808IDEN: RIP TRO
  2367. Gerry Maloney: Shes just fucking gross 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
  2368. David Lopez: Fuck you tro you left us
  2369. Jack The Ripper: "Hi my name is Johnny, and I'm just glad something is being sucked" Damn nibba just made my day thanks bro
  2370. Olly N: Yeah she's no doubt got aids
  2371. Hunor Papp: where the fuck are you
  2372. shrxddxd_chxxsx: This the type of girl that has a basement full of murdered ppls limbs
  2373. The Comment Guy: This was one of my favorite channels on YouTube. So sad to see it abandoned like this.. Pls, come back!
  2374. Darkening ツ: No vids in a month I’m looking for some entertainment
  2375. Abbey Angil: Troooo brooo where did you go?
  2376. SavageFish: Wya
  2377. uwu: #whereistro #wemissyou
  2378. Desert Eagle: Well trovember is over so much for comback time
  2379. YB King: Hope you good, hope she ain’t decide to come drink your shit.
  2380. oct.4: +thewatcherlollol because lol has one l not to like lollol
  2381. Jay Duron: Happy New Years. Peace ✌🏻
  2382. Jordan Lefferts: Why is it that when I actually finally love a YouTuber and finds them funny and genuine you just *LEAVE* You can’t just do this shit to me man :(
  2383. Joshua S.: +Noah Stevens it's not ocTROber until he cleans up his act and make a vid. He might have died, who knows
  2384. First Last: Hey yo tro remember that cringe musicaly you watched and said you would make one if it got 10k likes welll it is at 100k ssoooooo where is it
  2385. Sylver Rose: I think he’s going to come back looking like sexy vegan or maybe he started with plan G
  2386. jared: Im going to watch this later when im done eating
  2387. billybob joegoat: Hope he comes back its 2019 rn
  2388. Elliott Strain: Jonny looks like he's on too much drugs to care if he's being cut open to get his blood drunken
  2389. Dank_Chicken _Nugget: Only 80’s kids would remember COCKA!!!
  2390. uh o: Plot twist, it's actually *Kool-Aid...*
  2391. RUDE Peanut: We need content daddy... pleasssssssse
  2392. Avi Rathod: High point so original u got that from DoddO
  2393. Flash: Rhinstone AJ intense shit ;-;
  2394. Isaac Garcia: Well I wouldn’t come across to that woman
  2395. Maxwell Dixon: Is mans dead?
  2396. Snipes Tricks: Omg she’s a fucking vampire
  2397. MissyStylee: MOARRRRR VIDEOS PLSS!!!!!!!!!
  2398. Harley Collette: I love your videos so much! Not one of them has failed to make me laugh. Each one is freaking hilarious and I hope you make many more videos in the future! :D
  2399. The Pop Rockers: Tro has died i swear
  2400. SomeMohterfucker OnInternet: Y u no upload ?????
  2401. Kush C: You didn’t think ceeday was black until he showed his face lol
  2402. Ani B: Bro where are you? 😭😭 My days are incomplete without your videos, I've spiralled into depression. My life is falling into pieces.... Come back for Trovember please.
  2403. 1 6: uplooooaddddd plssss you funny affff
  2404. Catgamer09: VAMPRIE
  2405. Andrew Young: Kekekekekeeee
  2406. Alx RRios: Poop
  2407. Cameron Lhamon: tro are u dead
  2408. Blessed: When u gonna post again??
  2409. Herc: Triggled tro
  2410. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  2411. Thomas Church: cperception vampire*
  2412. Strangest Craze: I like my blood too! In my blood vessels
  2413. Megan Rose: He's on plan f selling his body 😂
  2414. Family Friendly: Im pretty sure that you get AIDS
  2415. TheNathaniel1001: Do a reaction to poppy
  2416. OhMyJosh 2003: Notification squad!!!
  2417. Nicholas 9906: What happens if thw blood has a diesease or HPV or Aids then she doesn't check the blood? Yuck, God damn that's gross
  2418. Parkes: Your just asking for aids at this point.
  2419. Leanne Gargett: Tro please post we miss you
  2420. Bona Hussein: Where u at ???
  2421. The Late Commentor: Do the one that drinks pee
  2422. Nii se on: Boi is u dead?
  2423. Gabisaurusrex 10: What the actual fuck
  2424. JOERI: Wheres this dude?
  2425. Layla Way: Confused Little Blueberry Potato I'm transgender
  2426. Taco Stripes: Yo what's that car game you are always playing? Seems fun. Imma also tell the milk carton people you went missing and to put you on the carton
  2427. Spyros R.: Sooooo she drinks her own period ? hmmmmm she said female's and male's blood is different hmmmmm
  2428. Pewdiepie V2: #RIPX
  2429. Alyee: Tro, if S.V. has you held against your will, and is keeping you in a flat earther’s basement, blink twice.
  2430. Dennis NisDe: Wrong youtuber
  2431. My Reaction To this: I can taste the iron in my mouth🤢
  2432. willis banos: R u dead bruh
  2433. BU Skills: Been waiting for an upload thanks
  2434. Mio: Just saying...but that’s fucking gross. Also it’s so unhealthy. Do you know if you drink animal’s blood you can get any disease they have? Yah, stuff like cancer; animals have it too.
  2435. Tamjid Hossain: I only watched the beginning and I already want to throw up.
  2436. Ugandan Chungus: *I know you’ll never see this but. Come on bro please come back it doesn’t matter if you don’t get monetization and YT’s fucked up system and it might feel like they don’t want you on here bc the way you run your channel and the things you say but we want you here your fans want you here and to keep making hilarious vids that we can enjoy.* *I’ve been subscribed for 1 year 2 months and now I don’t see your vid in my subscription box and disappoints me a little* *P.S Idk know where you are but if you never come back to YouTube I just hope you are doing something you enjoy 😊*
  2437. L9 Toxic ツ: violet b wait she said that, didnt even know honestly.
  2438. Mensaki: where are you my man
  2439. Caleb Brooks: I need to tell you that your the father
  2440. gloomboiz: "ill start posting more." *doesnt upload for a month* ok but same
  2441. The Playing Noob: R.I.P
  2442. Rick Abe: What if there was a zombie game where you had to take care of someone retarded and there was like purfume and the purfume would make the person make less noise but the area you used the purfume would attract infected
  2443. Kezy: Come on man it’s November you must be participanting on no nut
  2444. Dante Zonzo: Everyone should just unsubscribe so he makes more videos
  2445. angel 735: Man its been a month since your last vid
  2446. Samuel Overs: looks like he's doing a leafy 😢
  2447. Dr Crazy: Looks like someone watches to much vampire movies
  2448. Zayplayz: Rip x
  2449. Calvin Buchegger: Do hansen vs predator
  2450. Lynix Sakara: legally vampire
  2451. Danny Holt: Where u at Tro
  2452. MACKSAMILLIONMUST: +AJ 777 stfu bitch
  2454. FatSpit: plez cum b2ck
  2455. Tom Gob: You dead again?
  2456. Kelani Paea: What twilight fans be like
  2457. Bubblez: Wait what where the fuck all these subs come from? I could of sworn... congrats fam
  2458. snapchat: what happened to tro
  2459. Gábor Tolnai: were u at bich
  2460. Multiethnic Man: Tro where the fuck have you been my guy?
  2461. Dominik: maybe i shouldn't have watched this while eating sour cream tbh, my stomach is kinda fucked up now
  2462. Mr. Happy: Posts once a month still has a loyal fanbase
  2463. Callum Evans: We’re the fuck have you been mate
  2464. MYTHICALGAMEING GAMEING: Wow idk if Ur trolling or not
  2465. Falcão: Karlo Libert lmao
  2466. TUR _sparkly: Its 2018 and people are vampires
  2467. that one gamer kid: Triggered Tro , U should talk with birdman and make a video together u both r hilarious and would make a good video also can my channel get a shoutout next video? :)
  2468. Spiderkiller562: It’s trovember
  2469. Heaviebee8: Dude! We know
  2470. Oh Yeah Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah: Triggered Tro really just made some good ass content, got a million subs, then dipped
  2471. Please dont tell tell the fbi: I remember trying to watch this, I actually got nauseous
  2472. Queen Of The Fabics: Early Squad
  2473. Brayden Hickey: This gives me the chills
  2474. Clickbait King: Finally!
  2475. I'm kinda just everywhere: Nikita Kuznetsov yeah like if you were referencing it 😬
  2476. Tiffany C: I've been waiting for these
  2477. Joseph Haley: Been like 4 months💀
  2478. Courtney Crouse: We miss you cant wait till you come back 💕
  2479. ZYCLON -666: Tro your dead
  2480. Tarek Hussein: We misse you
  2481. Deagle760: Maybe she buys chickens, pigs, etc. alive and then cuts them open and drinks lol
  2482. Dr. Phil: Tro, I need you. My ratings are going down without you. Please. Do it for Trovember!
  2483. Jack: I had to stop watching this video....
  2484. Ugly Ass: Shit white people do.
  2485. WillPlayz: Troo cunt bruv g fam come back stop negging no one likes a negger xD
  2486. Ashton Martens: Dude pls come back into my life!!!!!
  2487. Sharon B: You dead man? I miss Dr.Phil
  2488. Super barrera Bros: Are you dead man you are my favorite YouTuber😭
  2489. -Envys: Wait where does she get all of that blood tho???
  2490. Advanced Prototype_: I prefer diet blood
  2491. Ascended Essence: Goat Lucy loves you
  2492. Rai Kai: Liberalism*
  2493. Lilah Dawson: I became addicted to your vids😂😂
  2494. Isabel Wlndt: Damn, 1 million, I have to say i'm proud. 💕💕💕💕💕
  2495. Cameron Wood: Blazing Gaming oh fuck off
  2496. sad mood edits: What happened to tro? 😞🤔
  2497. Noah Smolka: 2019 come back broham
  2498. Cookies Cookies69: I remember the good ol sexy vegan days the
  2499. Oink Oink: Misty she drinks animal blood what would stop her from drinking period blood
  2500. I am Chi: 38th
  2501. Daniel Loomis: Rip
  2502. Alexander Sandoval: Do u know who ceeday is you sound like him
  2503. Clorox Bleach: tro where are you you lazy bum, did you drink bleach
  2504. Andrew Gardiner: Hey
  2505. KermittheTRUEfrog !: Tro is back back again *humming back back again* *sees everyone staring* Oh hi????
  2506. Joshua Livingston: All i wanted for christmas was for tro to come back😂
  2507. Mask Complications: whare tf did he go
  2508. Ooh Oops: some body kill that bitch in the love of Jesus
  2509. Richard Juls: Muhammad Umar Same
  2510. Matthew Hue: Yeah she totally looks like a blood drinker fucking thing in her nose total blood drinker
  2511. oh yeah yeah: I laughed 8786655 times in this video
  2512. hell-mask: I make my lemonade and add the secret ingredient........ BLOOD
  2513. Kitchen dweller: Were u be man
  2514. 8T Chips: It’s 2019 MORE CRAZY SHIZZ
  2515. Mario X: RodeXgaming buzz off, I'm trying to holla at shorty
  2516. people's republic of liberland: TF?
  2517. Miguel: So when's the next upload
  2518. Key Prodigy: i swear i love you dude your the funniest guy i’ve ever seen on youtube 😂😂
  2519. Ian Leach: Where the homie at
  2520. Mike Heckathorn: Holy shit! She is only 29? Looks like she's in her 40s.
  2521. ッA piece of bacon: ARE U DEAD
  2522. Jthejedigaming: Can someone just start WW3 already I’m fucking dobe
  2523. Michael R: I will never stop waiting for you to come back and until that time I will rewatch every video
  2524. Ben Saucerman: Triggered Tro if you plan to come back to youtube plz reply.
  2525. AbouTimeJoey: Bro I live in Lancaster CA why the fuck do we get the weird one
  2526. Dominique Gonzalez: Yo
  2527. Ruby Fire Gaming: I threw up
  2528. blurengo: I swear I saw this channel when it had under 10k or even under 1k
  2529. Ethan Knott: This is some fucked up Ozzy Osborne/GG Allin shit
  2530. Joep Stuijt: I seriously had a hard time drinking watiching this
  2531. Brodyreaxx: I think he got hacked
  2532. TacoLordian 424: Which blood type is the best? Huh? Questions...
  2533. Princess Ego: I love you for that Markiplier reference.
  2534. aowsome0217 Cho: Unrelated but rip xxxtentacion
  2535. Zack0n 413: Dis bitch crazy
  2536. EmsLegacy: bro where you at?!?!?!?!?!
  2537. streetgremlinz: UPLOAD
  2538. Ben W: Wtf is this
  2539. Cherrygirlgamer: Jan 1 2019 - Tro isn’t here
  2540. Judy Ham: QWERTY hmmmmm.....
  2541. Mike Elder: *If all of the Twilight fans conjoined into one person*
  2542. winner winner chicken dinner: Probably dead🤔
  2543. Alexis Yao: She drinks more blood than I drink water
  2544. Shiloh James: I guess it’s time to unsubscribe
  2545. Corbin Duncan: Hello? Shere the hell have you gone. I need some more Triggered Tro in my life.
  2546. Brooklyn Elizabeth: fearful COD aww but... 😂😂
  2547. clorox bleach: January 20th 2019 still no sign of tro it's been 7 months
  2548. Abagail Serrano: December 23, 2018 - Tro is nowhere to be found.
  2549. crazykidz C.O: I love you bro, but this made me uncomfortable 😂
  2550. Carson Rodewald: Gary come home
  2551. Kim Jan Un III: Sadly tro drank blood and died
  2552. Jurem 1: Can someone tell me how she hasn’t gotten high blood pressure from all of this blood drinking 😂😂😂😂
  2553. Jazzy Loves food: So does she ever wasted blood..Like period blood or..?
  2554. Alex Gonzalez: 6 now
  2555. Jada Butler: Tro I missed you!!!
  2556. XxThatOneGuyxXOnYT: Yeah, im sure. A lot more coming eh?
  2557. Girlmodder420: Like dude u cant give up on us like that out of no where when u said more videos coming soon at least have the decency to let us know ur alright an that u dont wanna be a youtuber anymore if thats the case other wise we have no choice but to assume u died cuz who would say that theres alot more videos coming soon then fall off the radar out of the blue? It just doesnt make sense! I really hope u didnt die ur videos was hella funny i watched everyone of them an need more 😂
  2558. LoneWolfZombies: Tro died😭😭🙏🙏😭😭
  2559. Madison-SilentFatNeck: DISCUSSEN
  2560. mercedes xoxo: Bloody hell! That's bloody disgusting. Smh
  2561. K1RK 518: Where are you? Just chilling in hell omg that got me in tears
  2562. UltimateMasterJoda: Wednesday, August 1st, 2018, Growing a beard... Drinking... I dont know how much longer i can keep this up... Tro has been gone for a month and a half, he said he had some big things planned... If anyone finds this journal, and Tro still hasnt uploaded, my grave will be in my backyard where my kiddie pool is, insert my journal into my grill and find some coal and matches (i think they're in my bathroom), burn my journal and like this comment to pray for Tro to upload every week and not take our happiness away... Thank you and goodbye. R.I.P. UltimateMasterJoda 1997-2018 Edit: Holy Shit I've Never Had This Many Likes Before Edit2: Almost at 100 Comment Likes, Fuck Yeah Edit3: OVER 100 LIKES LETS GO! *INSERT ALI A MUSIC* Edit4: I'm the 4th or 5th Liked Comment in this Tro video OMG Edit 5: 200 likes? Uhh i think thats a little too much for a wierd comment like this but keep em coming i want to be on top of this Tro video! Edit 6: Wow the likes are still coming, thanks Edit7: And some dude stole my comment of course, they're the 400 liked comment, help me beat this comment stealer and being justice to youtube
  2563. Is This Rain?: Okay but this video made me want to throw up though. Whats wrong with her tf
  2564. MarkZdaBoss Z: Where are you? Do a video of tik tok
  2565. •Stytra•: TriggeredTro Has The LeafyIsntHere Virus Press F to pay respects😥😥😥
  2566. pastelperfect xx: We miss u tro :,)
  2567. TheGamingAddict: Bro where r u
  2568. Paul Murrell: The spongiform encephalopathy must be terrible by now I give her two years
  2569. Artifical Art: Where have you been? Glad to see you back!
  2570. Ezio Auditore Da Firenze: y'all motherfuckers need filthy frank if you think this fag is good
  2571. mr. ferret man: RIP tro where you at
  2572. Thomas Hoogervorst: R u alive or nah
  2573. empty potato: oml, you uploaded this on my birthday XD thank you
  2574. Haysmith88: Lucian he’s in jail
  2575. RETRO THUNDER: finally
  2576. Karter Dowd: She looks exactly like the type of person who I would expect to drink blood
  2577. Above Excellence: Where tf is Tro😭
  2578. King Harald V: Come back!!
  2579. RNG YT: Maddox Prejean that's really cool, psych nobody cares
  2580. Jaxon McClain: Well where fucked we have to exacute her
  2581. Game Generation: F
  2582. Hamburger J: I CANT FUCKING WATCH!
  2583. Thicc Dogo123: You died of ligma 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤯😳😓😥🤫🤭🤔
  2585. Sofia Katherine: Where tf did you go??
  2586. actually trash: Edward from twilight who
  2587. Richard Juls: Jordan Lefferts same
  2588. Lilya: There are 2 things in this world that scare me, the ocean/deep water and blood. So god help me if I see that woman riding a Tsunami.
  2589. Fangster Wong: TEAM BALLZ
  2590. Avi Rathod: It’s been half a year bro
  2591. DAC087: I think I'm going to unsub Trol doesnt post often as he use too anymore
  2592. Mikki_G: Tro where is that damn musicly
  2593. General Psyko: Mate you can't have pulled a leafy man come back pls
  2594. XEENOanimal _: II II no dont say that
  2595. Bryan Chong: i need your funnny vids,pls uploud unless u died *touch wood*
  2596. Wavy Boi: Early gangggggg
  2597. NOOB TUBERS: What is the chain on her face??????🤔🤔
  2598. Jean //The Android Sent By CyberLife: Did you go for plan G
  2599. Creative IdiotGf: U look like a rock
  2600. XxBaby NyquilxX: Dad come back plz
  2601. killjoy who draws: I think this is kind of cool oop
  2602. HBK: I miss u :(
  2603. JD7J: We have been waiting for so long
  2604. Emely Tobai: “Hi my names johhny and I’m just glad something is getting sucked” lmaoooo deaddd 😂😂 you always make everything funny
  2605. Brady Tisch: You need to get another video on I'm running out of epic L's to watch!!
  2606. Peyton Mubarak: Over 2 months
  2607. Skyla Is The Goat: Are you going to post yet are you 💀 dead 💀
  2608. sea gull: *REACT TO TIK TOK*
  2609. Adrian Nunez: I wanted to watch this but I just couldn’t 🤢
  2610. Kay R: YASSSS I'M EARLY FOR ONCE! #notifsquad
  2611. medinajulia: I LOST IT AT THE HELL ROOM ROAST
  2612. Riley Lynn: Dude Tro like... did you die. All your fans miss you
  2613. Rachel E Burrill: Jacksepticeye: post 2 videos each day Tro: post maybe 3 video per month Who is the real boss here, trick question they're both bosses
  2614. KING_RAMSEYS: Did tro die?
  2615. THExMONSTER clan [BNKR]: Plz come back😢
  2616. SW FLIPS: Please upload
  2617. Raizぼくのー: Did someone kill you ?
  2618. Onii Chan: I think blood would come out if she were to piss
  2619. Clickachu: My eyes are bleeding!
  2620. Katie Wolff: Bro u can’t pull a leafy on us come on my man TRO JUST TELL US WHY THE HIATUS
  2621. e v i e: so shes a fucking vampire without the teeth and super powers?
  2622. FlawlessRevelation: An ad didn't play during the video :(
  2623. deadpool The joker: I miss Tro
  2624. Care Chameleon: Try me b!tch You look like you're fucking 13 who are you honestly going to beat up lol.
  2625. H I P N O S I S: Daddy come back No homo
  2626. joe round: Why the fuck ay you doing videos
  2627. Lilly Mae: I miss ya trooooooo wtf come BAAAAACK
  2628. Mike Marks: 🤢
  2629. Layla Flesvig: This TRIGGERS me...
  2630. Ahmed Halim: This vid disgusted the hell out of me
  2631. Brady Tisch: Dude it's November man I love your content...where are YOU
  2632. YouTuber Jae: Uh...not a vampire...but likes blood...uh...that's weird
  2633. Gracie Anne: *Insert statistic here*
  2634. Natalie Ross: Your so funny! You should really post more often!
  2635. Cheesy Pringle: How the hell did this get in my recommendations?
  2636. Little Loner: Human blood is medical needed. They already have problems they don't need people occasionally drinking it for fun. There is a bar where you can go and drink human blood (as far as I remember)
  2637. Sum Metal: Trooo
  2638. Juaquin Aguilera: Just imagine someone sucking your damn blood outta your arm 😤😤
  2639. Chloe Minh: Triggered tro has died
  2640. Luke Roberts: Question good sir. How TF did this get 730 likes in 4 days. My god
  2641. Hayden Collins: I'd become addicted to watching your videos if you actually uploaded
  2642. Caleb Jones: #thenewleafywashere
  2643. Thomas Tewksbury: The wait between this video and the last was the hardest month of my life #notificationsquad
  2644. Luke Weinstock: where did u go we miss u
  2646. Jason Parker: *Looks at username* 😒😑
  2648. Madden mobile Cowboys: This bitch gonna get hiv if she keep drinking blood
  2649. DBG shawn: So wait... if i eat a girls pussy on her period I CAN BECOME A VAMPIRE???
  2650. Kermit Da Frog: Im still waiting
  2651. Redhead Film's: So did you die? Go to Jail? Dr. Phil has you locked up in his secret chamber? This chick hunted you down and drank your blood? We need answers!
  2652. hossein dodangy: just funny
  2653. alexandergamer 325: did Tro edit her burp or did she go through puberty for a 2nd time
  2654. Raven: Do the flat earthers think the sun is flat too????
  2655. Collin Yang: I mean u can drink blood just why tf u look like that lol
  2656. PhinksTV: lmfao! If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  2657. KrispyPotato: Where’s the video on Dr. PHI’S rap battle?
  2658. Batswand420: who's watching late october waiting for him to upload again
  2659. Gia Bird: Tro is just.. Gone. Oof.
  2660. Jeffrey Productions: Tre Becks he announced on Twitter he will be quoting YouTube for a few months and will be coming back November 2019
  2661. biyach where: Upload a videooo
  2662. Madison Lutz: This is getting scary where you has he tweeted yet
  2663. Peter Michaels Jr.: Not even a minute in and this is already fucked
  2664. JacksonsKingdom: Why did you have to die 😭😭😭😭
  2665. 100 Subscribers With No Videos?: IT'S A MEME YOU DIP
  2666. Tamara Kovacevic: MAN WHERE THE FUCK R U
  2667. GreenMeans Go: I wonder what her neighbors think of her
  2668. the memez: How about period blood HMMM
  2669. Dominique Gonzalez: What happened to TRO?
  2670. Joe Riley: Tro man where you at?
  2671. Faisal Ahmed: Yo @Triggered Tro , YOU MY G! Hahaha! Funniest Guy Ever And Best Channel To Come On Youtube! #MadLove
  2672. excuse me could you please leave: “My strange addiction” “my strange way to die”
  2673. Monkey D. Dragon the revolutionary army: They watch too much twilight....smh.
  2674. Niker _74: I low key miss him
  2675. taurytaurus: WHERE HAVE YOU BeEEen?? lmao sorry
  2676. killer of my enemies: I only drink it if my nose is bleeding
  2677. Aquatic Maniac: *I can't watch this*
  2678. papeeps: Welp we got a leafy rip tro
  2679. Jasper De Geest: Vampires are real
  2680. Strong Gamers United: she deffo has aids
  2681. Ya Girl Wilford: Ooh yum lol Nasty
  2682. Meme Master: Kobe Vansevenant what’s ligma
  2683. Michael Cavanaugh: Only if he was here for 2019
  2684. Spartan Crusader: Tro I’m triggered tro, bro help me out, I don’t understand why you don’t do more videos. I get triggered when a week goes by and no triggered tro, tro. Come on bro.
  2685. ThatBoulTep: sarahkae12 no because that would be illegal there has to be a different way
  2686. - Cushion: F in the chat for our hero, I think you dead
  2687. Let Min Know: So give her blood blood gallons of the stuff give her all that she can drink and it will never be enough so give her blood blood blood grab a glass because there’s going to be a flood
  2688. Loren Odele: I need to be happy
  2689. Adam Morrison: He forgot his YouTube password.
  2690. NoUsername1028: Tro gonna become the next Leafy. Leaves YouTube out of nowhere
  2691. Ninandl: Trigger Tro your my favorite bro!
  2692. Hg Pitt: Blood drinking addiction is just as powerful if not more powerful than any drug on this earth. I highly recommend the book "Canniblism, blood drinking, and high-adept Satanism" by Kerth Barker. From Barker's book: There are three types of blood drinking addicts. Persuaders, Sippers, and Harvesters. Persuadors are blood dtinkers who talk other people into letting them drink some of their blood. This is a consensual donation of blood. The Persuader may ask for small amounts of blood at first, but if the donor gives blood, this may not be the end of it. Sippers. Sippers abduct victims, keep them alive, and periodically acquire their blood through force. Typically, they terrorize or torture their victims prior to taking the blood. Sippers try to take as much blood as they can without killing the victim. Some Sippers pretend to be nurturing after they've taken the blood. They then help them to recover. This is so that more blood may be milked from them at a later date. Harvesters. Harvesters kill their victims in the process of harvesting their blood. The pattern of the Harvester is to stalk, abduct, then torture the victim before harvesting their blood. Harvesters may store some of the blood in refrigators to be consumed over a period of time. Harvestors are the most violent of blood drinkers.
  2693. PatrickGeorgeGrini: Nolan Debray what the hell does x have to do with this video? Maybe try commenting on a video related to him
  2694. Henrik Hempel: Posted a video about someone drinking blood and after just that video he disappears... Coincidence? I think not
  2695. The Unown: First
  2696. UltimateMasterJoda: +Ness' Treasure Trove of Memes because comment stealers are the most common people
  2697. Clorox Bleach: Animalblisim
  2698. NoGameuNoLifeu: Nani
  2699. IFM: We need more videos!!
  2700. Kaden Malone: Rip
  2701. Nuclear Potato: He is trigger tro
  2702. _ Giant: Wassup
  2703. ronald jebi: dude where the fuck did you go youtube needs you
  2704. Ridig: Come back boi
  2705. High point: Its Halloween come on triggered tro don’t pull a leafy on us😿
  2706. doitfour johnny: This dude like die or something?
  2707. G.A.B.E 708: What was happen to you? Comeback.
  2708. Hebii: Roktoru woosh
  2709. XxchillxX 100: Kink Squad #comebacktro
  2710. Feadus: THE FEEDING
  2711. Kian Bautista: Whats next Bloody Ravioli
  2712. Jesse Babcock: Tro come back
  2713. Mystical Ari: WHHERE MY TROVEMBER AT
  2714. Faith Nelson: Hey Tro did you die?
  2715. Alex 1P5:7: Yay!! You made me so happy!! It’s been a ruff week at work and it’s only Tuesday. So, Mr. Triggered Tro, thank you. Thank you for the laughs. Sub here. Big fan. Yada yada yada, etc etc etc. You’re awesome. Thank you.
  2716. PatTheRanga: wot happend to tro
  2717. Dad: Rip tro 2016- 2018 Team balls for life
  2718. xd Ruzzix: It's tro-vember
  2719. nechi country family band: Hello this is dog
  2720. Omentro: Aww
  2721. GloriBoiGaming: come back pls... the people still think about you
  2722. ArizonaAkinTv: R.I.P
  2723. bob marly: Tro i love you man
  2724. Remzoh: Did tro die or what
  2725. CaptainDerp: She looks like fazs rugs mom
  2726. Yolanda Bautista: where you at
  2727. Raizぼくのー: Where the fuck you at ?
  2728. Robert Wood: Com bac, Trobro!
  2729. The Gungy Gang: Wheres tro he hasnt made a vid in a month
  2730. ArcticI Wolf: Kiara Fox check his Twitter
  2731. Yestin R.: Well, he's gone... Edit: even his Twitter went dry, u good bro?
  2732. NickTheGirl: 🎶Where is TrOOOoooOOOooo Where is TrOOOoooOOOooo Where iS TROOOO🎶
  2733. Big_dripC: Y to havet u posted in a month's
  2734. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  2735. AlexTheGamer97: Please never post again and delete your channel. We don't need another leafy
  2736. Connor McAmis: u just gave up smh
  2737. Cabbage Playz: Where you at??
  2738. Ksskks Kakakwkw: What happen to tro
  2739. Rashwan Mohamed: Is he dead
  2740. Laqz YT: Just waited a fucking month
  2741. Money Moves MSP: Are you dead?
  2742. Donald J Trump The Furry Exterminator: Pffffffffffff drinking blood isn’t weird it’s yummy, I drink it all the time!
  2743. Fuck life: Bruh, it's been a month, ur gonna start losing subs.
  2744. Maen Marashdeh: Be gone demand
  2745. LuckyLicks: 3:10 down to the blood store.. sounds just like beavis and butthead
  2746. erika: tro please come baaaack
  2747. AidanOFW: SMH looks like plan F failed.. Now its time for plan G
  2748. Styx Zero: +Jerex Aesir who is weak willed/minded here? when the only reason you turn to religion is because of fear of dying and feeling insignificant. The only reason you behave like a normal humanbeing is because you are afraid of punishment from a celestial being. While atheists behave good even tho they have no god to fear. I think it is quite obvious religious peoples are the weak here, they are just too stupid to see it. Thats why you take a fictional book written two thousand years ago by some random lunatics as facts. One that was used by kings and queens in order to subjugate their subordinates. There is a reason most peoples in power use god as a tool to controll peoples. It is like you havent evolved on an existential level, that you are still stuck in the same mindset as during the dark ages.
  2749. Liam__Catlin: Your back!!
  2750. A3DWaffle YT: Why did you and Benji stop uploading you’ll upload like once every 1 or 2 months
  2751. Tyler Sirmons: 1:33 YO HE DOEEES
  2752. Emily C: Tro please come back
  2753. Besim Yucel: I actually getting worried about him
  2754. Fæl you're: "Alot more videos *soon* "? I think you better change ur play of words...
  2755. rich the kid: Come out come out wherever you are.
  2756. Lick Gabrielle: Where is the stake at and the cross
  2757. GoonHerb: okay its December 2nd 2k18. this mother bitch has left youtube for 6 months now. can someone call this mans and advise him to make a vid i miss his humor
  2758. Trysta G: Ermmm make more videos thanks...and check your dms ;) ;) ;)
  2759. Rhodesian Mango: Bro i drink blood im not joking
  2760. Lexi Nicole: I'm triggered cause I'm having Tro withdrawals Haha
  2761. Cookie Monster: WTF im going to throw up never mind i did
  2762. Msfa: I think she drink dat pussy blood.
  2763. Brendan McKinley: Wow this has 666 views
  2764. Luis 270: Bro do a kid buu vid
  2765. Ronan Doyle: This bitch looking like a crackhead rosie o'donnell
  2766. finn wolfhard is my mom: Lol
  2767. NinjaStar: Come on Tro, we need you for 2019. For Tronty 19, I cant do it, that’s why we need you
  2768. VeXXeD IV: What a weirdo I only drink dead hobo blood
  2769. YourBoi ChipsAhoy: Kobe Vansevenant ligma balls
  2770. Pee jay: Dude these people need to be beaten
  2771. Dank and Danker: R u dead or sum
  2772. Pablo Reyes: My condolences to tros fam RIP
  2773. y4ppi: Omg when did your channel get so huge ? I still remember the bregoli show, with like 150k subs , like it was a week ago xD
  2774. Turbo Virgin: So edgy
  2775. Tom H: That's so disgusting there's something wrong with that person. Funny video but disgusting.
  2776. jiffybacon: Dawg where ya at🙃
  2777. DOODYBICK: Rip tro
  2778. natalie williams: 😭😭😭
  2779. Cheikhouna Gueye: Leafy 2.0 I thought the community learned by now. smh
  2780. Gaia's Guardian: Poppy is so last year.
  2781. Mrs. B.S.: she'll think, " i wanna drink some blood" when she's BURNING IN HELL!!!!!
  2782. NCRRANGER: Edgy af.....
  2783. unfunny nigger: This woman needs a docter
  2784. Rosalie Garcia: If you guys haven't seen america vs china or trump vs obama rap battle by SUPERWOG1 i suggest you watch it
  2785. Muhammad Umar: Where does you gone tro. No recent videos in September we waits for you. Don't go anywhere plz come back
  2786. Uchiha Madara: I see.
  2787. Valters Jargans: He died in car chrash july 27
  2789. Max Starr: Will u pin me? probs not @triggerd Tro
  2790. Dennis De Silva: 100 now
  2791. -Silenced Fizz-: R.I.P. Jahseh Onfroy he's the one who stopped me from suicide I want to go back to that
  2792. Joshler is real: You lazy
  2793. Arianna Co: She is a vampire!
  2794. donutlover1415: You should rip Kathleen Kennedy a new asshole
  2795. The guy above me: Team Ballz always got me laughing 😂
  2796. Okey Dokey: Where’s the uploads tro? Berry disappointed
  2797. TheClapped CapCow: Just like his ad revenue....... disappeared
  2798. BeeboBoydUrie #01: Dudeeee come backkk!!!! I miss your videos!!
  2799. Scene girl: James.T .Adams haha 😂
  2800. EarlyGoldfish76 `: It's the next jontron
  2801. Rhinstone AJ: Octrober*
  2802. Brandon Garcia: See you guys next month ✌
  2803. Biggest bloody legends: Did he die lmao???
  2804. ACE clean: Trigger tro it's not the time to board up your house from vampires upload
  2805. JB: He is not gonna upload anymore go ahead and unsubscribe
  2806. The lie in april chabers banda: This channel died today
  2807. randomness: tro man come back bro
  2808. alejandra saenz: Hi
  2809. lol king: Wyaaaaa
  2810. Daniel Trinh: The real vampire
  2811. Elias Madrigal: Tro died......
  2812. Magma Maniac: BhoPee nice tro team brother
  2813. Shez Dom: That doesn’t even look like real blood. Blood is thicker than whatever she’s drinking.
  2814. The Pro Nerd: why did I stop uploding
  2815. Charmaine Mendes Grier Dallas Espinoa: I like her earing, like the one from her nose to eat, it's cool tbhh
  2816. Keiana Moore: Unknown Temptation thank you for letting me know
  2817. Unknown Entity: Is anyone in his discord, cause if he's inactive anywhere else we can atleased c if he ever gets online there
  2818. AFO: "Hi, my name's Johnny, and I'm just glad something's getting sucked." I'm done.
  2819. Salty Sheev: Funniest vid since Your last one but where The heck are Your vids tro we want them crazy folks to laugh at with Your comments man get back already
  2820. Muu Muu: Where are you? All I want for Christmas is for Tro to come back.
  2821. Adik: Thanks
  2822. Joshua Turner: Is tro dead
  2823. Samuel Overs: Come back daddy 😭
  2824. A j: can you react to joeonaboat
  2825. UNBpatrick TV: @dodd0 *cough* *cough* joke stealing *cough* *cough*
  2826. Xayzen: i was eating and i watched it
  2827. GrimReaper2111HD: 😫🤕😲😷 disgusting!
  2828. Dancho Ivanov: I will get addicted to your videos when you start uploading more. Like 1 per week at least :/
  2829. luca keltie: Tro where the fuck are you
  2830. Lucille L Murray: Me to i cried and gagged
  2831. Adam McAllister: Here in 2019 wondering where tro went
  2832. ThemBros e: Come back, make more videos plzz, 4 months without you is too long
  2833. Victor Lopez Cortes: Tro stop pulling off a ceeday
  2834. Bleach: Unoriginal bitch
  2835. exequiel garcia: 😱
  2836. Lil Nugget: He better be back before Trovember and Trocember
  2837. shijii: we waitin for the dad to come back
  2838. Risaan Bickham: hey its umm been a whoke fucking months ready for you to come back
  2839. Melissa Schneider: Wheres tro????? 😣😣😣😢😢😭😭
  2840. hmmm humblÈ: Rip triggered tro
  2841. Nuno Anjos: did you mean penises or pennies?
  2842. Matt eric: When is the tro coming back youtube needs you, the world needs you
  2843. Yafavv_Nevaeh: Tro? Are u dead?
  2844. Roxas: I’ll drink ur blood daddy tro😂😂
  2845. Ben Elliott: What happen to tro
  2846. 150 limited: guys, triggered tro is dead. **Ali-A intro plays**
  2847. peep X: Are u still alive. I need videos
  2848. Birdd2Cool 947: Her liver is probably as bad as a liver of Dad who has been drinking and beating his wives for the past 40 years
  2849. IdOl_Anna: Sabrina Ester dang it
  2850. John Levin: I just came from the rock video
  2851. NOOB TUBERS: What is the point of it
  2852. Kane: Post some vids Gets 1.4mil subs Never comes back
  2853. Laila: *i like blood*
  2854. KJ Parrilla: Triggered Tro, I love ya bud but it's been 6 months, you don't joke around when you say you're lazy. You're probably busy with work or school so don't worry about it, it's more important
  2855. SloMy: Where did this guy go
  2856. Joseph Loeffler-Bell: ITS NEW YEARS WE NEED YOU
  2857. Paegen Kang: Yayyy another video
  2858. Corey Thompson: Come back tro
  2859. ItzJustAmazing OP: Guys , it's triggered tro brother, for the past few months , he was in a car accident and last week , we lost. Him
  2861. MirrasWhispers: Lol I love ur videos so much!!!!
  2862. doityourselfrc: Fuck you tro
  2863. Weird Inc.: Don’t know if you’ll see this but is your birthday actually may 26th
  2864. mia morales: ITS DR PHILS BIRTHDAYYYY
  2865. Lego Kid: Is he dead?
  2866. Prince Shadow: Yo y'all check your Twitter... He's back
  2867. This random guy Who plays fortnite: Brayan Davis ikr
  2868. Karissa Clem: TRO!?!? Where the hell are you man?
  2869. suffer suffer: dad where are u
  2870. thunderdome rush blue: Were are you
  2871. Lime Tree: Is euthanasia a choice?
  2872. Leoliy Xolsun: Wait, you can be both a flat-earther and a round earthier at the same time-
  2873. Linus Ziegler: Tro we miss you high key
  2874. Freddie Elias: okay dad will you come back i want to play catch
  2875. mochibuns: This is nasty af wtf. If you like blood just chew on iron or something
  2876. Chris Riley: Where tro go
  2877. Kitsos Gamer: Are you dead?
  2878. DownShiftChris: Tro!!!
  2879. Dennis Stornes: Did ligma take tro?
  2880. AddyDatFish: :(
  2881. OBESITY: What happened bro? Did you die or summ? (No reply or pin or heart=dead)
  2882. Dr. Phil 2.0: It's been to fucking long
  2883. underly: Is tro’s strange addiction not uploading for months
  2884. cat owner: What the fuck?
  2885. Eddie: This dude left right when my brother and girlfriend did
  2886. sempre.uniti: If this disturbs you, but you can't figure out why; the Bible explains in Leviticus chapter 17: Verse 12: _Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, _*_No soul of you shall eat blood_*_ , neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood._ Verse 14: *_For it is the life of all flesh; the blood_*_ of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, _*_Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh_*_ : for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off._ This is so wrong and deeply disturbing on so many levels.
  2887. tzo: We missed you father
  2888. Bubble But Bandit: 5 months later...
  2889. Ryan Sander: Remember when having over a million subscribers made money? Like a lot of money? Apparently tro forgot somehow
  2890. DannyDGO: This what happens when the homie Tro gets enough money to not make videos
  2891. T&D Studios: Where ya at buddy
  2892. Karlo Libert: have you died of ligma
  2893. Potato Garcia: Ligma
  2894. Tonio👁: I think i watched this like 2 years ago on tv
  2895. Zoe Yester: F
  2896. UnkownJey YT: I thought it was just me
  2897. Hanan King: Wtf
  2898. gacha cat: lol
  2899. TheCynicalDouche: There must be a lot of calories in blood...... the things fat girls will do for attention. Amirite?
  2900. jkjgivens: Dude what the fuck where are you
  2901. Zab Salazar: Rest In Peace Tro!! You were always funny!
  2902. Mr. Memetastic: Lol she like me except I dont do this shit
  2903. AussieNonsense: He's done a leafy and gone with the wind
  2904. Kush C: Triggered Tro is Ceeday and ceeday went viral so he just stopped being triggered tro
  2905. T-O-B: Rip x
  2906. Ivan Henwood: legend
  2907. DuckL1fe: The fuck you've been?
  2908. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  2909. Jelaniisfat t: Will he ever upload again?
  2910. EmmaDaGecko: Tro. We need ya buddy. Youtube Rewind 2018 came out. It's time to roast.
  2911. lit gray: Do she sleep with that thing on
  2912. s _n: Screw it I am gone from this channel
  2913. Emo trash ryder: Where the fuck are you tro your my strange addiction
  2914. Emily Rodriguez: IT LOOKED CHUNKY EUGH
  2915. Rob Chillem: Fuk you’re a lazy kunt
  2916. Centana: Bro where the fuck are you?
  2917. GiveUpJim: come back :(
  2918. jackoude: It’s been awhile
  2919. AyKlutz: You better sleep with your eyes open she might suck your blood when you sleeping...
  2920. Leah Tinney: TRO COME BACK I MISS YOU!!!!
  2921. LivingAs K: I swear u sound just like Just Destiny it might be me but y'all sound just alike😂😂
  2922. Shafreen Nihar: When r u gonna post tro 😣I am waiting
  2923. Dagon Nomad: Wtf that's some fucked up lifestyle. Think I'm gonna puke!!😫
  2924. Luis XD: Its been months im sorry tro gotto unsub
  2925. Aden Mckeown: Bro what happened to you?
  2926. enas abdul: It's been 5 months almost 6 where are u man!?!?!??😓🤷🏾‍♀️😦
  2927. TaeWithSugaAndAKookie: Where r u man it’s been 2 months I’m getting worried that dr Phil and u have had a scrap 😂😂😲😲
  2928. Mo Th: Tittle: Where have you been. He said a lot more vids are coming thru. We are still waiting for just you Where are you Where have you been? We are waiting For the Dr.Phil Song made by: me
  2929. Jaim: These people are so fucking edgy
  2930. Ibrahim Chaouki: When the fuck are you going to post a new video?? Are you like dead or something. This is seriously getting on my nerves.
  2931. Chris Hansen is the illuminati man: TRO GET YOUR ASS BACK IN THE GAME
  2933. Adelin Corcodel: Its nearly trovember. Where you at?
  2934. Godlike Paladin: So uh, where is the content?
  2935. Dead: make more videos tro
  2936. Brandy krems: I miss these videos so much
  2937. RamanAbdullen: 08/10/16 - 09/09/18 R.I.P Channel and Tro
  2938. Horner: Blood transmitted diseases are just haters
  2939. Bjorn Hammerfell Gunnirsson: Dude where the fuck are you man!???? We miss you! Hopefully all is well, love ya and miss ya!
  2940. You Know It: +Tayler Dobson Just joking :S I hope he comes back too :)
  2941. goatsnllamas ______: Tro did you die or something
  2942. Selk Stores: Yo wake up u missed trovember
  2943. natalie williams: I wonder if she’s tried her own period blood 🤢
  2944. Chefie Trys: It’s New Year’s Eve man almost 2019
  2945. Peyton Greene: Rip Tro it’s been a month 😭
  2946. nascarkid19: Troooo
  2947. bram van asperen: are you dead ?
  2948. Captain Pingu: ...
  2949. Mr Troller: Simplistic you deserve a PUN ishment
  2950. Kim Anderson: Did the blood drinker come to your house and drink your blood and drank your blood and killed you because she drank to much.
  2951. Its Rilxy: This fuck missed OCTrober
  2952. Michelle Lopez: Yeah those Michelles are always the weirdest
  2953. Josh: We miss you brother
  2954. L E: Lmao 😂
  2955. fearful COD: Let me just call you dad cause you disappeared
  2956. michaelhar14: Tro, lookup on YouTube Dr phil drop the Mic, it's Dr phil in a rap battle and it's real, you gotta check it out, everyone else look it up and tell tro to react😂
  2957. Adam Jubinville: The Truth of the Matter now that I've read your other comments and checked out your linksl, I take it back, carry on, nothing to see here.
  2958. Carlos Mendoza: A lot more videos soon! Where they at though?????????
  2959. Ahmed7373kd: come on a new vid tro 😭
  2960. WildDogXD: We are getting close to Trovember! Where are you Tro!?
  2961. XsundaeX: If you’re a vampire, sure.
  2962. ZooZah Roo: DaddyTro....this bitch is literally making a Bloody Mary
  2963. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  2964. Sigurður Steinsson: You have to post more videos
  2965. Emiko Lina: Is she .........a ... Vampire
  2966. I don’t know What to put: “She drinks animal blood” Human r animals… HOLY GOD SHE DOES
  2967. Alishba Zafar: science and technology
  2968. Yo Bama: Imagine if what would happen if someone called a hostage situation at her home
  2969. tilly: troooo where'd you goooo
  2970. Last Time: Where you go TriggerTro?🤔
  2971. Tarren Miller: +Awkward Idk no I'm gay
  2972. MangoGrab: oh no, where is lil tro
  2973. KyJoe01: Hopefully nobody else.
  2974. Hatake xanyyy: If u dont post more i'll send some A ranked demons to kill you
  2975. oh boi: Tro come back
  2976. Arōqa _: My boy straight “went for the milk”
  2977. Zidane Auguiste: Yo Tro if you still on ps4 hmu YRN-767 . Please... my bday is tmrw would make my day☺
  2978. K4747: Oh great he's copying my videos now It's ok I give tro the copy-me pass
  2979. Cheyanne White: Quantrell Myles im aware of that
  2980. Brody Mck: Who get cut them suck their own blood to get rid of it?
  2981. DOREI: This guys channel is better than porn
  2982. Baby Caedence: 159 views and 1k likes its normal bro
  2983. Loser.Brianna EeEEeEEEe: IS TRO DEAD?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?! ;C
  2984. derp d derp: #Teamballz
  2986. shay dinicola: tro where are you...
  2987. xxred: Cathy 24 "IF I WANT TO SUCK A MAN, I CAN AND I WILL! YOU DON'T CONTROL ME! I AM AN INDIVIDUAL!" *person then goes to hot topic and buys one of everything*
  2989. Stereo Steve: DISGUSTANG
  2990. xXDavidXx: Wya Mann
  2991. Guns&patriot Channel: Satan is really like The blood, I think satan is posessed in you
  2992. Elijah Lewis: 3:49 silly tro u dont upload enough for me to get addicted into watching ur vids come on now get real
  2993. Addison Bandril: Homie where you at
  2994. Clorox Bleach: I was
  2995. Yoshi240: upload more
  2996. can we get 5000 with no viedos?: man, emo to a whole other level
  2997. Mya Gilbert: i miss you tro 😭😭
  2998. hamster cheeks: O named my budget tro
  2999. TheOddHusky: When you see a TriggeredTro video recommendation in your feed 😭🤧
  3000. Jazmyn Franklin: This was hard to watch
  3001. Pascale Haddad: I cant watch help me pls
  3002. Abram: gets mili subs dips i mean he might have quit none of his vids are monitised which means hes not making money on his vids for yall that didnt know
  3003. Fawnzo Paws: Atleast it isn’t period blood
  3004. ReactiBird: Fucking society RIP X
  3005. Alex 315: Oh no.... this person is in my city
  3007. Dino Katsaurus: Still waitin where t u
  3008. Shiba My Inu: Me-“Don’t drink anymore blood Michelle” Michelle-“dOnT dRiNk AnY MoRE blOOd MiCHeLlE”
  3009. SGTsquirtle 666: It's about time.
  3010. DR DANKNESS: Is this ni🅱️🅱️a dead
  3011. SlayzHD: where you at Tro!?!?
  3012. Jesse Inocente: yo make a video
  3013. TheFaze: Whoever copyrighted that Dr. Phi rap video I hope they wake up to Michelle sucking their blood
  3014. Bluewhale 13: Same
  3015. Noah Chebaro: finally a new vid and do your musically plz
  3016. FusRoDah Daily: +Lou Cres Thanks my dude.
  3017. lol king: Wya boiiiiii. Mmmm If you don’t come back imma have to flame you boi
  3018. Kira Bannister: Woah woah woah Its triggered tro Uploaded a month ago Im gonna judge this hoe
  3019. Rick Sanchez: Be funny when she takes a big gulp of aids
  3020. Keno Glover: I couldn't finish the video. It's too fucking disgusting too finish. May god or your preferred deity bless her soul
  3021. Kaylee Desroches: *I'm no bitch... But this shit makes my want to throw up*
  3022. Joshua S.: And that was the last we ever heard of him
  3023. Thenamesaha: Make more videos
  3024. Lil Auri: Rip
  3025. vedat 69: Where the fuck are you
  3026. Athena Rodriguez: Anyone else feel like throwing up
  3027. Paige Martin: WHERE ARE YOU MAN I MISS YOU
  3028. Erdi Zockt: Where r u😓🙁😷
  3029. smol hobo: WTF WTF WTF
  3030. A3DWaffle YT: He puts “lots more videos soon” 4 months later no videos Please don’t be like leafyishere your the funniest youtuber ever please don’t leave us
  3031. Caleb Gadson: No natural human would do this
  3032. chase 16223: Do a video on ‘beyond scared straight’ 🙏🏻🙏🏻😂
  3033. Mel: Doesn't blood make you vomit
  3034. Sehunlicious Sebooty: I miss you Tro!!!
  3035. Boysinthe Corner: It’s about trovenber and you already missed octrober where are you
  3036. Panic ! At the disco: Yo daddy TRO lemme smash tho
  3037. Heyy it's Ellie: Please come back! 😢
  3038. epundo3: Oh man, this comment made me cringe more than the actual video
  3039. Generic White Male: Why did you leave us Tro? WHAT DID WE DO WRONG?
  3040. I don’t Get jokes: adam greer he abandoned us again. Don’t lose hope tho there’s still trocember
  3041. BlackIce 707: Where is tro
  3042. CarnivalBros: Did this guy die fr?
  3043. Nicolas Franco: Wya tro
  3044. Brady VerHage: Soon ha
  3045. Oceansplitter369 Reactions and more.: Can u pls not pull a leafy
  3046. Ashtrospace Bleach: Am trying to hold on tro I need u to come back
  3047. Desertpunk420 #21: Anyone notice she was staring at blank piece of paper 2:50 U can’t miss it 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3048. G Plays: U r hilarious😂😂😂😂
  3049. Dead Shock1120: When is tro next vid
  3050. Serenity jt: Tro come back ;-;
  3051. What_ Sis?: Tro where did you go?
  3053. cghgfsdhhgdfk hgf: Y Has he stoped making vids
  3054. Posativa: Tro where ya at? 😭
  3055. Nash Johnson: Your upload schedule is scarier than her.
  3056. Alejandro Cortes: I just started watching your videos I just want to know wtf is an L
  3057. Mikerosoft: He is just happy something is getting sucked 😂😂😂😂😂 wtf this is gold
  3058. Toriana Meyers: Holy shit, you’re alive😂😂😂😂😂
  3059. thomas the dank engine: It's been 3 months and not a single upload😡😭😓
  3060. dank dake: Then later she gets aids
  3061. Laval_202 potato: Ok, so when I had a bloody nose i tipped my head up and it slid down my throat, it's thick and nasty....
  3062. Getenesh Werkeye: I've been waiting for your video, Luv ya Tro 🖤
  3063. Rocky 678: 1 month for 4 minutes, nice
  3064. Bella Leah: Fa
  3065. SKULZ GAMING: Wya
  3066. John Anderson: Have you died
  3067. TheFlyingPotato XD: cant watch this im so sqeamish sorry tro
  3068. ุ: I want her to suck me
  3069. Rogue Shadow: More vids
  3070. morgan storm: Vampire!!!!!
  3071. I`m Daweed: You good man? Someone call the ambulance on him!
  3072. E L Y S I A C H A M B E R S: React to asmr
  3073. Waterfalls45.6: Whose here before 1k
  3074. randomperson_youfound _: Please Come back tro
  3075. Madeleine Tully: R.I.P Triggred tro
  3076. OneInAMillion: I swear shes gonna get hiv
  3077. Miguel Perez: Bro where the videos
  3078. Unknown Anonymous: Probaly buys blood off the black market, *seriously*
  3079. kyado: You mean Dr. Phi. He takes no L's.
  3080. LetTheBloodRAIN Animations: VAMPIRE!!!!!!!
  3081. Kexerino: "A lot more videos soon!"
  3082. shawms ahmadi: I've been here once a week every week since ur last video. And I will continue to come back until u return daddy tro
  3084. Chean Truter: Where you at dude
  3085. t money_sports: What do you call a house full of mexicans? A prison.
  3086. Nepean Side Goons: is tro dead?
  3087. ugly duckling: POST U UNCULTURED SWINE 😭😭
  3088. M3xicanteen 125: OOF soo close
  3090. Spookie Tokes: This bitch is just looking for attention
  3091. Young Redneck: Someone with stds should let her suck their blood
  3092. Iamkaiden: What the fuck?
  3093. g g: +Fifi_Loves_ AutumAesthetic google chrome
  3094. T -Bone: I'm about to throw up.
  3095. Sachin Sharma: Love these videos, and the crazy thing is that SV texted my classmate. He even sent nudes. Lmao
  3096. KusorzTV: #RIPX
  3097. Lazer: *Category: Science and Technology*
  3098. Game Bizarre: I miss laughing at evalion anyone know were she at
  3099. Evelin Garcia: Bro where are you
  3100. NSMB_NoScope Fortnite: Am i the only one who gagged
  3101. Conner and Houston: Notification gang🤙🏼🔥
  3102. sweetie supari: I could vomit
  3103. Tstc Connor: Welp ive officially watched all of your videos... hows that for sad
  3104. Neat52: 2019?
  3105. Panda: Im on a watching spree on this hilatious guy's channel. I still dont get the "L" stuff that i am hearing from other vids lol help me.
  3106. Mr Golstead: Johnny she not supposed to suck your arm. Did u fail sex ed
  3107. Daniel Schwartz: tro come back we miss u buddy
  3108. Tyler Vilchez: Make a fricken vid already u triggered bow
  3109. NUT: dw he'll be back by trocember. or atleast we hope so LOL
  3110. Vincent Than: Pls dont quit
  3111. Alina Soleil: WHERE YOU BEEN MAN
  3112. Vlctuss: Where you at fam?!?
  3113. Koda Clifton: POST MORE VIDEOS LOL
  3114. Richardson Productions: Dude, come back!
  3115. Neck Assboi: Maybe the devil is in your pussy Yes tro I’ve been here this long
  3116. Human on the Internet: He probably got arrested.
  3117. Sir Mack McCrack: You had 600k subs like yesterday excuse my chinese but what the actual fuck happened
  3118. MetaGamingHound: I guess this chick teamed up with the flat earthers and kidnapped Tro
  3119. stacy the doggo: Now I'm scared to walk my dog
  3120. onlyangcl: LMAO i threw up
  3121. TexasTaco512: BITCH watched one too many episodes of True Blood 😂🤣
  3122. Ghosty Kid: wheres ceeday
  3123. airsofter2247: Its come to come home Tro, come home...
  3124. G Plays: 1:52 fuck me sideways
  3125. its blue: +Gatorazor triggered gat new channel
  3126. Anica: Johnny looks like a lesbian....
  3127. 100 Subscribers With No Videos?: U sound like phil swift
  3128. Trey Ryan-Knight: Yo. tro. Bro.. where the vids at?? My life is nothing without you.
  3129. Vortexx: Are you okay Tro?
  3130. Princess Ileia: New Upload ayee
  3131. Jung Ho-Seok: I think he died from this video
  3133. Gabi.Flores_: Tro where you at man
  3134. MIKS 28: Jamary is the new tro....i have accepted it
  3135. Joy Juag: Collab with just destiny
  3136. Videos4Life Productions: UPLOAD A VIDEO I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. #BEFORE1MILL
  3137. Special Forces: I almost barfed the hell is this shit
  3138. Crazy_parrot _person: You need a name for your subscribers I say it should be the triggered squad Actually nvm there are more creative people out there
  3139. Mr_Gman _2016: We need to start a search squad to find Tro. Does anyone want to help?
  3140. Rb: F
  3141. Derrick Yehle: I only subbed because I saw you put rocket league in some videos.
  3142. Mr Notfantastic: 😭😭😭
  3143. Jacob Bob: This is worst then Ceeday I think tro actually did die of ligma
  3144. igLoOpi: plz upload do it for tro vember
  3145. TheDiabolic1337: She looks OLD
  3146. James.T .Adams: Mine tastes like filth and death
  3147. Nik: 2 weeks now
  3148. Theatre Nerd: she turnin into "the tick" from antboy.
  3149. Zuzanna's Whatever Works World: Dude that's so true that he would look like Markiplier if he had a drug addiction, and if he went punk.
  3150. i stopped living last week: You really gave up 1.4 mil subs lol
  3151. Joey Lin: Guys... I think he went with plan G R.I.P Tro
  3152. Sahir Damani: Wya tro
  3153. Sammie Cooke: Michael Scott
  3154. Sponge Bob: The cringe level 100%
  3155. Ronan THE SUPER GINGER: I’m think I’m gonna be sick
  3156. trisha's cat pickles: blood makes me cringe XD its so hard to look at
  3157. Stefig: The legend is gone >:(
  3158. Edwin Hernandez: How tf am I sick after watching this that bit cheaper gave me stds from watching
  3159. Coslo the Food Dealer: Dude go and fukin post something wtf
  3160. janiece warfield: "I'm just glad something's getting sucked" 😭😭😭
  3161. David Beltran: Did tro get ligma
  3162. The Pope: Where’d dis nigga go. Has 1.4 million subs and just disappeared. He kinda like the last air bender
  3163. Paskids: you good homie or you need that revive real quick?
  3164. w h a t uwu: *i am not earthist*
  3166. TKU Gaming: i wore a team ballz shirt to a party and people there think im gay
  3167. Sake Rift: Yooow TT. Where have ya gone?
  3168. Alexis Miranda: Make more videos
  3169. LiveModding: You said If you reach 10k likes you will do a musically... BRUH THERE TF IS IT U AT 100k likes broski
  3170. Skedaddle Skadoot: Oooooooooh no
  3171. Lil Frank: Rip tro
  3172. Doom Trolling: Is it weird to suck the blood out of a cut or nah?
  3173. Katrina Clubb: Yeah that's my question where is she getting the blood?
  3174. Mallory Pallory: Is he dead? Did dr Phil come for him?
  3175. dainis dansons: hey look at this lik triggered tro yo will piss your pants its a fucking marshal art scool masters who is rosting the holy shit oout of them man serious
  3176. Kim Jan Un III: Lol I unsubscribed to tro he said he loved all his suscribers, but did he really been switching him before 100k
  3177. scooterpickelz 420: its funny because there are n0 ads
  3178. Drew Costello: So uh, I guess Tro died... Press F to pay respects
  3179. Inara Carrion-Madsen: COME BACK!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  3180. OnyxThe Assassin: Im already addicted to your videos after two xD
  3181. Mr Smile: Black Picture his vids are the best
  3182. Legit Xarlos: Lazy ass fucking Tro, smh
  3183. Firesepticeye: vampire
  3184. Uglyboi: Been here since 200k and i miss u
  3186. Jaycom Galanopoulos: hahhah this cunt is funny
  3187. lowercaseletters 237: Boom Boom can you stop?
  3188. Trapilix: Upload pls
  3189. Dear Lassen: Tro left like my dad
  3190. Cosmic Bean*: Yay u back
  3191. Mallory Renee: Miss you Tro❤️hope all is well❤️
  3192. Luke Steinman: ligma has taken tro!!!
  3193. Skyler Harvey: Early af
  3194. Angel with the Phonebox [Angel Bear]: And they say people who play video games "too much" have a mental disorder.....
  3195. TTP Boss: hey dude! you inspired me to make videos like u check me out
  3196. Jexica: are you dead? if your not please come back.
  3197. Rock Zombie: Sooooo where is he?
  3198. Nathan Niang: Oh thank the good lord that it’s animal blood. (Oh fuck I should’ve watched the rest of the video 🤢)
  3199. Lisa Oppa: I'm in love with this
  3200. Luke Micklos: Don’t tell her about Hanna Baker
  3201. Ericat: no. nononononononope!
  3202. General Obi Wan Kenobi: Ha! Bitch should hang with the real men and try the Klingon Blood Wine!
  3204. Bryan W: Sexy Vegan killed him
  3205. Owen Cross: Bro are you dead I need a video from you
  3206. 05candyman: DO NOT watch this while eating O.O
  3207. Jaquitoz: 1:24 you’re welcome
  3208. Super Koopa Kid: Holy shit that's fucking disgusting Good video Tro
  3209. IAMTHETOMATO: Thought you was dead
  3210. Crazy Cardenas: Did u fucken die where r u
  3211. PhantomReaper Li: TRO I LOVE YOUR CONTENT
  3212. It's BDRW: Hi
  3213. Ramen Noodles: Im addicted to watching ur videos lmao
  3214. prokiller grape: This makes me want to throw up
  3215. I HAVE TERMINAL CANCER: Does she drink her period blood.
  3216. world of ours: Where you been?
  3217. Overwatch Gamer: Bruh that markiplier joke
  3218. WhenYouFinishReaedingMyNameIAteYourTakis: He probably forgot his YouTube password
  3219. Jeowasnt HERE: I’m eating cereal with milk and i just lost my appetite
  3220. Vex: Cyrus Felton if you got a million dollars for hitting one mil I'd sub bot my way to the top and make 700k profit
  3221. Jaxon McCoy: What am I watching,Tro...Why do u do this to us?
  3222. Da savage Midget: I miss tro
  3223. Gamer489: Back from the dead I see
  3224. B1u3 Anima: I hope Tro is ok :/
  3225. Roblox Lover 3002: Been watching since 54k
  3226. Blackskull8899: He died my dudes... Check it out on this webpage... may he rest in peace...
  3227. NSMB_NoScope Fortnite: Is that her blood
  3228. Spyker 712: Someone should bury some wood deep inside you By stabbing you with a fucking wooden stake multiple times because you’re a damn freak
  3229. Batman Bundy: About time we got a vid from tro
  3230. GabeSoKool: Rip tro
  3231. Esai Morales: no I hope not
  3232. George Hinchliffe: It’s been too long Tro! Glad you’ve finally uploaded again!! 🙌🏽
  3233. Grace Beecroft: Took your time
  3234. King Oreo: It's weird how he made video's about Sexy vegan and that weird girl that wanted to be a YouTuber as soon as they got a lot of views from tro's channel
  3235. Nykolas Chung: Please post vids more often tro
  3236. Dani Quasar Core: you dont post a video since me and my gf broke up
  3237. Alejandro dueñas: It said on the comments he 's comming back for Trovember
  3238. Steph: Did you really upload this the day i start my period, i feel sick
  3239. T4DHG: My man sounds like Rich Sanchez
  3240. Styx Zero: wampire monkaX
  3241. The Morningstars: Ummm tro i love you but we emos and or goths and others dont consume blood. These two are obviously fucked up but thet font represent our culture
  3242. Quality MEMES: Dead bro
  3243. DIYRhenita: is it bad that i'm actually really sad
  3244. Silenced Glow: This was a great channel
  3245. Riley Petkau: Tro Bro Where did you Go
  3246. Gabriel Barbosa: R.I.P to the funniest youtuber ever. November 2016- June 2018 😭
  3247. OsidO: this was hilarious my god
  3248. Megan Zukowski: whyd you fucking leave I loved ur videos smh
  3249. mell kawaii: "I am Michelle and I like drinking blood" Me: SHES A VAMPIRE. AWARD HER THE BLOOD QUEEN
  3250. Pip Skrra: Where are you, tro? We miss you
  3251. X O: Come backkkkkkkkkkkk
  3252. Justin Knight: Journal day 240 : we have lost all hope , our favorite youtuber has gone for good. People are going mad and it is my guess the apocalypse is days from starting. I reach out to the only one who may save us. Tro ? Pease come back 🙏. You are our last hope.
  3253. Forenzyx: C R I N G E
  3254. James Kim: *tro is dead*
  3255. Adownish Jeyajeevans: GradeAUnderA all over again!
  3256. JiGgSaW KaTo: just wow bro
  3257. Ox-Bleach: This is disturbing
  3258. Pietro Marco: Tro was killed by Sexy Vegan
  3259. Marcus Jenshaug: Dude, are you daily dose of Internet?
  3260. David Gleason: Oh my gosh finally
  3261. Jagger Gege: Lmfao! Too funny
  3262. TheKillingJoke: It's Been 4 Months Now Tro *WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!???*
  3264. Sgarky: This title/ thumbnail makes me feel sick
  3265. xdtoxickiller: She probably eat meet raw to 😂
  3266. thejagmaster: I feel soo proud of tro I watched him when he had like 3 subs look at him now
  3267. binki finki: I allmost thought is was human blood
  3268. Rich Instinct: I LIVE IN LANCASTER
  3269. The judge Man: Did this channel die?
  3270. Mars Batts: 2 months... you still alive man?
  3271. Alliance Revenge Squad: this niggadead?
  3272. Fabian Massicci: I would let her drink my blood as long as it comes from my cock. "I cum blood from my erection, I feel it run down her throat SWALLOW!!!
  3273. Toonie: where have you gone?????????
  3274. Jediael: Why
  3275. Sloth: I don't have a problem with gay people but if they try something with me and I'll whoop their ass
  3276. Rksteel Gaming: Making vid soon 2132 year Tro: sorry took a power nap I’m back tho People: 💀
  3277. Sean Kelsey: Omg Tros alive!!
  3278. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  3279. YT theGoat: New vid soon, bih where
  3280. Your local shooter: Great, that's just amazing. I'm going to be sick.
  3281. ZerkalPlayz: Oof
  3282. Lotte Visser: I literally just threw up on my bedroom floor...
  3283. Anas Raslan:
  3284. Lol ET: 1:05 He is trying so hard to get out of the friend zone
  3285. Smokey Singh: wyaaaaaa
  3286. Jannik Seegert: Where r u, tro?
  3287. Lil Claptrap: Dude looks like that crazy crack kid in oblivion (adoring fan? 🤔)
  3288. Chrisa.: FINALLY‼️😤😤
  3289. Ghengis Kim: This woman think she's a *fictional* vampire.
  3290. Lola Green: I’m so happy you’re back!
  3291. Austin Shellenberger: Bro where u at???
  3292. S_h_a_r_c_c_ _: Ever drink blood to flex on non vampiric nibbas?
  3293. Shister: WHERE ARE YOU
  3294. Tamika Kennedy: WHERE ARE YOU.
  3295. Chiefblueye: Wtf tro come back man
  3296. Jade Cyrex: Dog I’m in December
  3297. Làrus Ragnarsson: Wtf
  3298. Brian Powers: Look it’s Satan
  3299. kAmrYn frAncIs: Im addicted to watching ur vids ILYSM Tro I've been watching u since like August of of 2016 ur hilarious and i love u (not literally lol(
  3300. Honey: TRO WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU TO TRIGGERED, TRO??????!!!!????!???!??
  3301. DankWølf #: 1:03 you can get diseases like that tho ://
  3302. Nuggets and Fries: Earthisit? ya i like that
  3303. Ibaan: top 10 mysteries still not solved 1.Where is Triggered Tro
  3304. Lord Farquaad: Where tf are you. I have a lonely life to fill here.
  3305. Aesthetic Kpop: POST MORE ARE YOU DEAD BOI
  3306. Alissa G.: Christianne Seeram I wondered the same thing. I tend to stay on the anemic side and I always find myself craving raw red meat.
  3307. iNessa Styles: yo tro is literally a funny dude bring him back
  3308. Logan Gt: tro = leafy.
  3309. Supercar Insider: He actually died, his funeral was held four months ago in Fort Worth, Texas. RIP.
  3310. FallingLeaf _: Triggered Tro is the American version of Memeulous
  3311. rhett timbers: I hate for making this video but love you at the same time for making a video.
  3312. Luis Hernandez: Rip tro
  3313. PlkaTV: leafy 2.0 has left us (its just a prank)
  3314. PMFE films: Need more vids Tro!!
  3315. Bipolar Feminist: Lmao
  3316. The Meme Thief: hello
  3317. Alan Moorer: Triggered tro u haven't made a video in forever u should make a video on the women who drinks paint
  3318. Egg: Tro must've taken a fat L and is too ashamed to come back
  3319. random rando: Boi it's octrober come back
  3320. bensbananza: It’s like I’m playing where’s waldo
  3321. Unfazed: Wait why your channel name on subscription list ins Triggered Faith and here not? Lmao
  3322. mini_jotr: It's trovember but no tro
  3323. Bob Honda civic: Wait why the hell did she even start drinking it wtfffff
  3324. FS4 Squad: Post something yea?
  3325. sizre Xp: I missed tro-vember well merry Christmas
  3326. BakaStryx: Rip Tro... rip Leafy
  3327. Salvador Anzua: Ligma???
  3328. Ramen God: Tro, I'll be real with yo if you did YT full time your sub count would be longer than Kyle's dick (Like if you get that video reference)
  3329. Generic White Male: He posted on Twitter that he would come back for trovember, but we all know how that turned out.
  3330. Albertine Junius Wolo: Does anyone relise she has random skulls in places........ so she is Dracula's sister
  3331. Josef Fischer: Rip tro, u made the greatest content. Rest good in heaven 🙏🏻
  3332. Michael Napolitano: Where are you DUDE
  3333. Sus Debo: I’m glad you left
  3334. Axeman 201: She a satanic bitch and I’m addicted to your vid Tro
  3335. Ozzy: finally
  3336. Justin De Loney: Can't wait for next months episode from triggered tro
  3337. Cursed F4ce: Come back
  3338. Sup: I would like to point out that shes not a representation of goth. Goth is a music genre full of pretty peppy music with "dark" lyrics. The people who like this music tend to dress extravagantly and theres not really much else to the subculture
  3339. David Prado: I'm still waiting for that musical .ly video my guy :)
  3340. Lum: *Are you dead?*
  3341. jaydog 991: Plz
  3342. JustSilly rachet: Tro is the only YouTube’s that I actually search just to see if uploads something,but I think he died :(
  3343. Sebastian Free: Jo jo roasted you bro
  3344. lukas: is tro ded?
  3346. Brodyreaxx: Dude make more vids
  3347. Alpal Chiken: Come back dude
  3348. Rose QueenB: The only youtuber that makes me laugh and i have to mention that i have severe anxiety and a soft version of depression. Where are you? I miss you!!! Come back!
  3349. Cat Eater: Korn will be happy
  3350. Victor Saavedra: Post tro
  3351. Ninja Slayer: COME BACK OUR GOD!!!!
  3352. It'sMeIt's Ademetrius: HI TRO
  3353. Lee Hilton: Only in California
  3354. Fatal XLR8: The final touch is a gallon of blonde😂😂😂
  3355. Mitchell Nelson: It’s now 2019. Where the actual fuck are you?
  3356. Pierce the Kait: +Mic Kamara cannibalism isn't illegal, it's the killing part that is
  3357. TrollCannotgame 88: Smokey Bear I swear on god my comment got highlighted earlier
  3358. Alexandra: WHAT
  3359. KSG HD: Tro u can't just fade away like that
  3360. Erick Gomez: U barley post now
  3361. Timo Unger: You dead?
  3362. Thrill Cosby Drips: Lol at least somethings gettin sucked
  3363. XxItz Not MexX: Brahhhh😂💀💀
  3364. katherine wang: nah, this aint making me uncomfortable, have yall seen vampire diaries
  3365. Snuggle Bubbles: I used to be addicted to be watching strange addiction
  3366. Ashlynn Studyvin: We miss tro... Trovember has passed and it's time for frosty the Troman. Soon it will pass. We hope to hear you soon😩😩
  3367. Hearth: With a spoon?
  3368. Guerrero: Edge Lord
  3369. johns gang: Are u gonna make another vid or not
  3370. Nicholas Bugeja: Isn't he a Janitor or something?
  3371. Cupcake Squad: WELP. No-mo-tro ☹️
  3372. DeFuAlT MaN: Did u die of ligma?
  3373. alyssa: tro poofed
  3374. Bill Nye The Cipher Guy videos: When she first drank human blood, the first thing that came to my mind when was "HOW DID THIS BITCH NOT GET HIV YET"
  3375. Ian Eden: Yo Tro react to this its from the man himself Dr. Phil
  3376. Fabians' Choice: *My papa still ain't back😢*
  3377. Damenic Adeola: Zobo, an African drink actually looks like blood. You should make a vidoe of yourself drinking zobo
  3378. liliorr10: I hope you are still alive
  3379. Aman Sharm: Check out @TriggeredTro’s Tweet:
  3380. Andrew Zaremba: 3:29, get it. Ballistic knife 🤣
  3381. Unknown: Tro come on please upload a new video 😢
  3382. G reen: Tro wya it’s almost trovember
  3383. Kaidence Mason: her parents are so disappointed in her
  3384. The Unnamed User: Nathan Ross why now lol
  3385. Y E E T IG: "My name is johny and im just glad somethings getting sucked" 😂
  3386. Da CookieGod: Everytime I see blood, I think feminist clot paintings... *shudders*
  3387. Chase Moore: Wow way to go tro, took u a month to make a 4 minute long video
  3388. Melanie Slonaker: #90 day finance
  3389. kelpshakeandy.v7: Where are you??
  3390. g g: 2:33
  3391. Tom F: U hardly post anymore
  3392. Juicy Air: Where were you I've been waiting for you to succ up my cheese so I can call you god NiGABAzaM
  3393. Abrar Vadgama: Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck
  3394. YungX Muffin bafoon: Please we need you
  3395. ThePowerExcess: Fuck man I am having my breakfast to this A smoothie, Huel. Thick and creamy. This was hard to watch.
  3396. Pixel polsa: Tro <3 <3
  3397. can i get 1000 subs with no vid: UPLOAD OR ILLL DIE
  3398. lfitzhuggz: notice me plz
  3399. HeartBreaker 666: Alley used to burn/cut herself AT SCHOOL and then say it was her mom (poor girl)
  3400. Black Picture: Oh you stopped making videos. Good
  3401. Roktoru: crenitic is cool fuck me are you that dense?
  3402. building gawdlyy: U where growing so fast just to quit
  3403. Henri Pellumbi: Sorry i really wanted to watch this video and have a good laugh but im to grossed out by it
  3404. Noizy Wilson: I really need a new tro video in my life right now :( ♥
  3405. why are we here: Might as well drink her own period blood
  3406. Bubble But Bandit: Drinking blood can cause irritation to the stomache and will make you throw up
  3407. Dillontheogpug 14: Yo dawg tryna be a dog
  3408. Tom Senior: Leo Franklin yeaaaaa boiiii
  3409. MicroVoid: Someone has been watching a bit too much Twilight
  3410. King Trooper: Where is Tro??? We miss ya bud
  3411. Supreme_Arya: Love you my yg
  3412. Addison Walrus: Yo where r u tro?? R u no longer triggered?? WTF IS HAPPENING
  3413. ioletsgo: "you look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem" lmao he does
  3414. Leoliy Xolsun: Woooo
  3415. Kurama-Agar: what if she got into a fight and someones poles her face rope
  3416. Doggoroo: When someone says they want a goth gf, this isn't what they mean.
  3417. Tangles Turner: where are you my boy
  3418. Aiire: I'm your new Subscriber
  3419. skej: A Random BRUDDA IKR but i dont blame him
  3420. Lance Mathis: Your able to buy blood from your local butchers (mosttimes they give it free)
  3421. jamless toast: Im sad now
  3422. Bhaddie Bih: Tro get your bitchass in here is no nut November
  3423. Is This Rain?: This dude just roasted everyone on planet Earth then dipped.
  3424. z0mboi: bruh where u at? u dead?
  3425. Flash: He deleted a vid!!!
  3426. Jay Skott: You're missing out on OcTROber homie. I didn't know how much I'd miss this holiday until it was stripped away from me
  3427. Patrick scanlon: Sub to me and I'll give you a cookie of choice and v-bucks
  3428. TheScript: Memeulous
  3429. Sans Undertale: Come back to us, our Trossiah.
  3430. beige sock: Ajjsjajajwjja I want to faint what the fuck ew ew ew bdjwjsjsjs
  3431. Rasmus ro: Dont go down the path that leafy took😩
  3432. Yaneli Medrano: Where does she get the blood?
  3433. shahzeb Sultan: Bro where’d u go man I miss ya
  3434. Mqrcy_: Where’s the musically that you promised you’d make in 2016
  3435. Mustachia Gamer: I miss you bro
  3436. The king of random: Bro we’re are you it’s December and your still not here
  3437. Lickle Becca: Where tf are u
  3438. Backyardacalious: This man Posts in June and dips he not coming back
  3439. Dubstep Creator: Bro I love your video and you need more love and more subs your so funny
  3440. etatwell1229: I miss tro. 😞
  3441. Dat boi Krustykermit: Where are you dude
  3442. David Flores: Tro ur slacking
  3443. Jeffrey Productions: Adrian Vera he passed away
  3444. WafflesaurCB: Clorox Bleach get out
  3445. Robbie Tullos: Man everybody just wants to be unique these days
  3446. Isabella Ivanovic: come backkkkkkkkkkkk pllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3447. Rksteel Gaming: We’re is our savior pew making vid on Phil now Come back.....please
  3448. milkimimi: What does she do if there is a blood clot? Is it like when you get those disgusting lumps in gravy? Edit: On second thoughts, I don't wanna know....
  3449. Madalyn Villegas: Tro where are you did Dr. Phil kidnap you?
  3450. French fries for president: UPLOAD
  3451. nut zeeb: Where are you !!!
  3452. Dashiell Uaine: +Noah Ben Haddou rip me you right😭
  3453. Aja Smith: The markiplier comment had me weak 😂
  3454. Beauty Strike Vlogs: I was also eating nothing bothers me.
  3455. 1 AB: No new vid november
  3456. sharpie: I fucking puked
  3457. Tappzz: come backkkk
  3458. don't click on the channel icon: M O O
  3459. jyubai: How can she tell if she has a blood pissing problem when she would obviously be pissing red shit
  3460. GAME KILLER: It has been so long for a new video and it is really funny keep making funny videos 😋😋😋
  3461. Ashton D: 👏Tro👏where👏did👏you👏go👏
  3462. Jonathan Hernandez: more vids papi
  3463. Depressed Smokey: LesbiansTasteLikeFeminists Get the fuck out, we are here to enjoy the video and be happy not be upset constantly
  3464. Memes Supreme: Damn gone for three months. Pulled a fucking leafy man
  3466. Jackiee ForEverKrey: Wanna be vimpire ass bitch...kys...
  3467. Anton Razzouk: 1974: We’re gonna have flying cars in the.. Screw it, this joke is overused anyways
  3468. TrollCannotgame 88: Yo tro why u take away my highlighted comment😂😂😂
  3469. outofthezone: Rip xxxtenticles
  3470. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  3471. Clapper Trapper: come back to us Tro.
  3472. Josare' King: Hes back
  3473. john appleseed: These are not real people. Can't be.....
  3474. Samantha Gerard: She is so creepy it's like she's almost a vampire sucking blood 😥😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
  3475. Eva van der Meer: Pls make a 90 days fiance
  3476. MrDJPJ: Bro where were you😂
  3477. That one boi: Ur finally fuckin back
  3478. Kenzie the Theatre Nerd: Last time he posted was a year ago 😓😓😓
  3479. Expo Clout: F
  3480. Trees Lay Eggs: supper emo
  3481. xdelema: OK I ate toooooooooo much for dinner *5seconds latter* Mmmmmmooooolaa Oh there the thos and lo men wow hmm
  3482. mindofrez brian: You already knooow
  3483. Lime Light: Is no one gonna talk about how tro just disappeared...ok then
  3484. Bianca Bloom: 🤢🤮 I can feel tonight’s nightmares getting pumped.
  3485. Vibezz: Th is going on with him
  3486. Sophie: This channel is like holy grail to me.
  3487. FusRoDah Daily: +Joshua S. Let's hope he actually comes back.
  3488. Bill Dozer: “Ay yo Jonny come thru I gotta knife” I AM DEAD😂😂😂😂😂 And I’m definitely buying your merch
  3489. Blueyed DIABLO: Yeah its official i found out online that tro sadly passed away from a rare disease called sugendese
  3490. chase 16223: Where’s he been😨😭
  3491. CodenameImperial: I'm addicted . .. ... .... I'm addicted to this channel This dude just earned my respect!! +1 Sub
  3492. Public Disgrace: 1:25 too disgusting to laugh!🤢
  3493. Thonicz: This video made me nauseous from start to finish
  3494. Kyle Nissen: Tro it's been 2 months since you posted this. Where you at dude
  3495. Vincent Marin: Post more dawg
  3496. Jay the RioteerFN: Bro you on a hiatus of some shit?
  3497. QWERTY TeeVee: Is tro okay he hasn’t uploaded in a month.
  3498. Mister Hypes: what's going on tro
  3499. jasminn .D: outofthezone sike naw
  3500. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  3501. Crispin Hamilton: are you dead
  3502. BTS !: It feels like I haven't watched you in years!! I missed ya man! ❤️😭😂
  3503. JustOli: 🅱️🅾️ℹ️
  3504. Masuki55: New update TRO IS CONFIRMED DEAD #RIP
  3505. xXDavidXx: Where tfff you at bruh
  3506. hyper nova: my names johney and i just had unprotected sex with a hooker wait she already drank my blood too bad enjoy dying because of a crippled immune system
  3507. justincn618: ee she might just die any time now o.O
  3508. The Violating Burp: Tro wtf
  3509. Yummy Waffles: All he makes are funny reaction videos, how hard could that be? He also has mech
  3510. l i s: Where u been dad
  3511. Jonas Magnestrand: Tro where you gone?!?! We miss you
  3512. Ryan Gaming: RIP TRO
  3513. Balraj. Singh Sandher: He's gone but theirs other great YouTuber Pyrocinical Scrubby Memeulous
  3514. clearly isabelle: its tro knew it i knew he drank period blood.
  3515. jick pale: Where is triggered tro
  3516. L9 Toxic ツ: xdelema lmaooo
  3517. _ vvVibes45 _: I hope she gets hiv
  3518. maikel thoma: Back at it again we miss you
  3519. Armando Lopez: Triggered tro man this shit is fuckin hilarious im glad i subscribed!
  3520. Nation Yeet: Upload more please
  3521. brittany leigh: its gross. but not as gross as some of the other ones ive seen.
  3522. Alayjah Collins: Please come back
  3523. Carlos The Athletic Weeb: I thought you died too. Whereve you been?
  3524. Mother Fricker: I wish my depression would disappear and Tro would reappear.
  3525. Sea Creature: BITCH COME BACK WTF TRO
  3526. k PewDiePie: I think he dieded
  3527. Kaden Malone: Come on there more battles to fight musically is getting replaced where are you
  3528. Cole Wood:
  3529. furniture rocks: 1sst
  3530. Tyaire Adams: Post please
  3531. Слободан Караћ: You get quick L for not posting for 3 months, actually you deserved 3 L's for that. Anyhow, Dr. Phi gets quick W because he is now mostly reviewed by Pewdiepie.
  3532. Papa squeak: Why???????????????
  3533. Ben Lesczynski: Where did you gooo
  3534. PnuemicKing: Been a while huh
  3535. hi girly: Tro where did u go
  3536. gm5: “A lot more videos soon”
  3537. Kitty Roblox: On Holloween she buys gallons of fake blood and drinks it
  3538. SoundBubble: came back to check if my sub box is just broken, well guess it isn't D:
  3539. Sophia St Clair: Are you dead or something???
  3540. Jesse Stinson: Flat earthers got to him
  3541. Younus Nasere: Where are uuuuuuu
  3542. エル: R.I.P Tro :'(
  3543. Serine Serinou: were u at bro
  3544. Aero Dank: #EarlySquad!
  3545. Kayden Higgins: Come backkk mann or I’ll do it with your cousin Joshua
  3546. Grant Thomas: where r the vids please
  3547. Jackson Carlisle: Did Tro die???
  3548. Anonymous Anonymous: Come on tro, you only have few hours to come back
  3549. sequoia: my guy it’s ocTROber get the hell back here
  3550. Sage Davis: Trovember??????
  3551. Thomas Gibbs: This made me feel ill. Her fucking eyes. Her eyes are emotionless fuck
  3552. Yomama Jk: For real wtf what the fuck wtf 😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕☹️☹️☹️☹️🤬
  3553. reagan: What’s RIP
  3554. Gamingking: He’s on his Plan G!
  3555. Mate Berg: Ahh did we loose him???
  3556. Rileys Gaming: Where are you?
  3557. Luis: "A lot more videos soon! Love ya <3" oh g'fuck yourself
  3558. Sadath Ghouri: The person who watched it continually without forwarding is a real savage!!
  3559. Parker M: Come back bro
  3560. Brayden Klinksick: #1
  3561. Victoria Einarsson: Are you alive? We all miss you
  3562. Just Another Army: Im a week late wtf youtube you didnt notfiy me and my FUCKING bell is on
  3563. Ivar de Haas: 2019 now... Come back pls :(
  3564. I'm Black: xxred alright hook me up with a litre
  3565. Sam Chisholm: I love what you do tro
  3566. Venomous Nightmares: We're are you dude
  3567. Despayeeto: enas abdul 2 months man....
  3568. ArizonaChrist: Post a video queer
  3569. StompingJacklope: 2:14 making some spaghetti saAAAaAaaa
  3570. kooketh-shooketh_imdone: i don't even wanna know about her period
  3571. Mitch Comer: Been awhile since I’ve seen your vids . Thought I’d comment
  3572. Zmbeast 456: There goes my kool-aid i was drinking
  3573. Danielle Dorsey: where are you tro?
  3574. MOTO FIVE FIVE: Were the he'll did you go
  3575. ohbogey: She also eats Count Chocula cereal while listening to Marilyn Manson. & she smokes crack & worships satan 😂
  3576. Blitz: Dude where’d you go at least let us know where u are man don’t just leave 😭
  3577. Tha Hoova: what a fucking weirdo even besides the blood drinking
  3578. Kobe Vansevenant: Tro died of Ligma
  3579. Benjamin Fox: she aged really badly
  3580. Cupcake Queen: What happened to tro?
  3581. Alton Doss: Please read this message. Everybody’s joking about how he died or whatever we don’t know the real tro outside of YouTubeSo he might be in jail he might have had a concussion he may not be able to post maybe he said fuck it got rich hit the lottery and deleted his channel or whatever and I checked his late so he might be in jail he might have had a concussion he may not be able to post maybe he said fuck it got rich hit the lottery and deleted his channel or whatever and I checked his Twitter and he hasn’t been active on there either so I think something may have actually happened to him no jokes
  3582. Misty: Except the fact it's the lining of the womb. Yeeeah...
  3583. Adrian!: earth is an octagon you goof
  3584. cannibal781: wtf happened to tro?
  3585. Cat Brain: Does she also make tea from used tampons?🤔😁🤢
  3586. Twilight Bright: *i think i gagged a couple times*
  3587. Frosty: Doctor: How did you get diabetes Girl: i drank blood. Doctor: what in the fuck did you just say to me?
  3588. LonelyMinotaur7 -: where are u
  3589. God Shammgod: Tro Wya?
  3590. Im part of the Skouts: This b*ch a vampire!!
  3591. Purple Puff: TEAM BALLZ
  3592. XX5- GAMING: Damn besides porn hub ur the only thing that makes me happy tro!!
  3593. killer of my enemies: Well i like the taste of it but i dont vant to drink 3 gallons
  3594. Straight Busta: Of course it's California
  3595. 美絵流ーちゃん [Mieru-Chan]: I dont like Blood since it tastes like crap. When i tasted my friend’s blood it taste like sh*t. But f*cking hell Im a sadist not a sh*tty blood sucking B*tch. And i really like Seeing someone die or Hurt Or Suffering. Well, it seems Interesting...
  3596. alexandar 09: Can she share
  3598. Maddie Awkward: Troooooo, where are you?
  3600. II II: First leafy then u come one man
  3601. Maiden 18002: FUCKEN TROO WYA😭😭
  3602. Arrow 910: This guys more present than my dad and he lives with me lol
  3603. Scott Lund: About time u made a vid
  3604. MShogren123: 2:33 lmao
  3605. No One: Yo it’s tro-vember where you at
  3606. Joe Beach: Bro come back
  3607. _.Serentiddie ._: Dude we need more vids
  3608. Pappy: Bitch come back you asshole
  3609. Mrs Bailey: What is the accent of tro? I like his accent
  3610. Robertt Mckenna: I actually unsubbed Bc u don’t know how to post
  3611. Rasta Pasta: Bitch i think tf not
  3612. ツrey: Rip tro, top 10 anime deaths for sure :(
  3613. Hamza T: My strange addictions is watching triggered tro
  3614. Lewis Clarke: Where u at
  3615. Emil Auno: Where u at brehh
  3616. Bryan Jiang: Come Back TROOOO
  3617. Adrian Anderson: Do more vids
  3618. xanith: My foot feels weird
  3619. Bullshit Man: I spy with my little eye, a future serial killer.
  3620. Ezequiel Gil: This is disturbing
  3621. 6ix9ines Cell Mate: Tro Where you at!! It's been half a Year!
  3622. val. rain: Finally u made a vid I thought u was ded
  3623. Crimson Jim: JustDestiny is ripping you off
  3624. paulettuce: Tro are you ok? Its been a month now....
  3625. God savage Red lion: She’s basically a vampire at this point
  3626. Steven Ingram: I was fucking eating.
  3627. lynns life: where the fuck u at bruh (not mad at you though)
  3628. Ricky Falls: Rip this channel
  3629. OTSS Jaymoney: My nigga been gon for three years n come back with a 4 minuet video
  3630. Fixry: 2019 and he’s still not back... *F*
  3631. McFlury Shake: Where did you go?
  3632. jordan paterson: Tro be doing a jontron
  3633. Silas Sketches: NASTY. Like I’m a goth but that’s nasty
  3634. Jojo siwas Hair line: I’d laugh if Johnny had aids
  3635. Cole Field: Yo Tro My man were you at dough 😥😥😥
  3636. floofa: are you okay? where are you dude?
  3637. First Shinobi: Tro only pins his own comments
  3638. Slithering Shnake: How doesn’t she have aids yet
  3639. DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: Imagine what she does on her period😂
  3640. Angry Potato: Love you bro
  3641. Will Vandermark: thats so gross yo
  3642. Charlotte Marie: Just subscribed and can’t get enough
  3643. M A R T I A N 0 0 1: Oh good video now need to wait 5 months more
  3644. haz: Bro, you dead or something?
  3645. Innsanee -: Well about time he put a video up yay
  3646. Lil Purp: Please come back dad
  3647. The Awesome Pie126: so she a mosquito
  3648. josue rodriguez: Sexy Vegan is coming back! Please do your thing!
  3649. Shahira Omar: Who just put threw up and put your phone away?
  3650. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  3651. Gizmo Power: Upload
  3652. Brad Dharma: Ever heard the quote "blood is thicker than water"? Wheel what the fake ass fat chick is drinking, isnt blood. And if it is, seriously, watered down. I'm thinking she got some red wine, was getting a bit tossed while making some jello and the next thing ya know BOO YA shes drinking "blood". And people only bleed that liquidy if they take thinners, or they are super drunk on cocaine. ROFL love ya Trio, just wanted some of the tards out there to know the difference. I personally have just slit my wrists, down the road style and am fillin a goblet mixed with sadness, but i wont bleed out, cause i got a straw and some beer. ;)
  3653. Bernie Paget: Where are you
  3654. JJ TV: 2 months it got so bad I had to watch woah Vicky’s channel...
  3655. Chris Rivera: Where the vids at tho
  3656. Olivia Wilkinson: waste of space it’s rocket league
  3657. Super Chaos: Tro tf are you doing upload you lazy bum
  3658. O MeL: TRO NO AD HERE 🤔🤔
  3659. Edward Xavier: Aye man where you at. I just binge watched all your vids and this video is the lastest one, which was 2 months ago! Come back bro
  3660. Stewart Owen: He dead af
  3661. Final Form: It's been half a year...where's Tro??
  3662. Sarah D: this kid YES! Thank you! Someone else found out about that BS also 👍
  3663. cperception: we want more content mAAN!
  3665. Dan Short: xxxtentation video now!
  3666. Lyrique Jones: Anyone know what happened to Tro? It's been a while
  3667. HeroSon90: So, vampires are real? Someone call Buffy!
  3668. Jesus Crust: Yuckkkkik
  3669. Alex Andersen: I used to like the taste of blood when I was a kid and whenever a tooth was loose and it got pulled out on accident the blood tasted weirdly good
  3670. Thomas Hoogervorst: U dead?
  3671. Monarch Magic: Where da fawk you at.?
  3672. Terra Shae: It's fake... No blood is that thin, unless she add blood thinners to it lol
  3673. Mr_Gman _2016: Same. One of the very few good YouTubers
  3674. okayclaire: can i get a rip in the chat for tro
  3675. Zach Cody: I think tro has officially died Like actually where are u bro I miss them funny vids
  3676. Allezoo: Ricky Salgado Still pretty early
  3677. Michael Gutierrez: Please come back Tro!
  3678. Kontrimaitee _: DUDE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, WE MISS YOU
  3679. anime celeb: So she's a vampire, that's not weird
  3680. SATÀssássîn Pubg Mobile:
  3681. Damian: *WOAH!*
  3682. SkiKellenFilms: do video on that one guy on dr. Phil who thought he was a superhero
  3683. FlexTapeIsLOVEFlexTapeisLIFE: It was very necessary
  3684. MonkeyBomb: Bout time you uploaded lazy fuck Don't get mad its a joke
  3685. Paige Frew: Fucking yes another video!!!!
  3686. Alana Mora: Is eating a big bag of hot Cheetos a strange addiction?
  3687. Sam Chisholm: Hello
  3688. Kodie Peterson: Wya, YouTube got dank weed:
  3689. Lucas Hrastich: Tro comeback dad
  3690. mariah cintron: I guess the flat Earthers threw him off the edge of the Earth.
  3691. Jared Spaulding: Yo you gonna post or some shit any time soon?
  3693. noah: Where u at u hoe
  3694. Ladiza Te Rore: whats gonna happen when shes on her period??
  3695. Adhley Severeyns: You deffff know how to trigger me by not posting regularly ffs lol
  3696. The Bubonic Plague: V a m p i r e
  3697. Mr. Youtube: Where’s my triggering I can’t live without a trigger! Where are you Tro!
  3698. Bubble But Bandit: Its troly
  3699. Nick Barko: Wth this guy is hilarious 😂. Don't stop making these videos. Nearly had a laughing fit
  3700. Lil pink Balloon: This made me throw up
  3701. Alois. Trancys: *what happens when she has her period*
  3702. Dawson Barbaro: It’s about god dam time
  3703. Jacabo Blanco: Shit must be a lot of calories in blood. That's a big biieeetch
  3704. Vylad Nelson: @Triggered Tro where are you 😭
  3705. xxXMake_Out_HillXxx: Chicken Nugglet
  3706. RazorGrain: atleast no-one looks at her the wrong way in the street if they know whats good for them tbh
  3707. Colin Pickering: upload please
  3708. • LolaCola •: TRO! I love you and your videos so much! Do you like Gorillaz?
  3709. HELPING GAMER: Bro you have been gone for 3 months like god damn you are lazy still love ya tho
  3710. Boo Nwu: So if a random person goes "hey! Suck my blood!" Does she check if they have aids or something??
  3711. Sherry Drainer: She must make a *heck ton* of blood on her period
  3712. You Know It: He's in prison, give him a break!
  3713. Zoë Dowgiala: TROOOOOOO
  3714. Frieza Sama: Tro where’s your you promised 😂
  3715. mystical eclipse: Rip tro
  3716. Unknown Queen: Also, I'm on my period right now, and I'm just looking at myself and imagining her take the pad or tampon and sucking it ;-; ... eww
  3717. Big Tiddy Goth Gf: this is what happens when you dont grow out of your emo phase
  3718. Mariam Nasir: Thank God you've finally uploaded. Thought I'd find your ass in a bin or something
  3719. Sir_Snipington: I think he died just like GradeAUnderA
  3720. ReetheTurtle: still missing ;(
  3721. Rags -: Tro fell off the fucking face of the earth
  3722. PewDipie: Idc what people say... i wont give up on ya dude... i am subbed and will be subbed until the last frickin moment ..... but please wherever you are...... get the fuck down here and make some videos. Miss ya dude
  3723. youngbrae theMatchingGod: My friend loves your videos
  3724. Toxic Killer: 😂
  3725. Leanne Gargett: Yeah he completely forgot about us
  3726. Ali Alex Shirazi: 6 months now come back :(
  3727. rvng: Where the fuck are u?
  3728. bxtch yas: WHERE ARE YOU
  3729. Fuffo: Aaron Syrovtaka damn he did
  3730. Pauls Dzintars: since when did he have over 1 mil?? ive been watching him since he had like 200 k or 400 k. btw where is he
  3731. Vaatu: Scum.
  3732. Dojyan: Kinky
  3733. Brantley Willis: Hey Tro and can u like my comment
  3734. Eric Tabares: Tro where are you??!?!?!?!?!?
  3735. Tommy Bridge: We got a fucking vampire
  3736. Dylan Argueta: Bout time u post a vid Tro 😂😭😭
  3737. Sëntømåkï: upload a damn video tro
  3738. karaoke we all need: The bitch is a ghoul!
  3739. Elishavah Jones: TEAM BALLZ "merch" xD God i love you Tro
  3740. Storm Trey: Yes hes back
  3741. MtnDewGuy100: I need to gather my strength to endure watching , ugh !
  3742. Generic Weeaboo: Few videos made me feel sick but this did it
  3743. Young Savage: “I’m just glad somethings getting sucked” 😂
  3744. iiachii _: Where was tro
  3745. 3000 followers please?: Where the fuck are you man?! 😢
  3746. Charles-Antoine Cusson: Its funny someone already disliked the vid
  3747. NINJAYOMAMA2234: He’s backkkk
  3748. Etho: Wya tro
  3749. Sub the Scrub: just pretend its blood Just Pretend Its Blood JUST PRETEND ITS BLOOD!
  3750. Andypirate: why these mental-ill persons are always over sized?
  3751. Totoro Gam3z: Mmmm blood
  3752. SavageCabbage: 2:33 😂
  3753. Yo Moma: yas new episode
  3754. Dan c: Enjoy the AID's Michelle
  3755. Civilized Savage: Yea he's dead..
  3756. Voodoo Eyes: You forgot to feed us
  3757. Omar Maldonado: I like bleach
  3758. FlexTapeIsLOVEFlexTapeisLIFE: 2:34 😂😂😂
  3759. M. Katze: Should be considered cannibalism
  3760. Isai Gonzalez: Does she drink her period blood????
  3761. Peanut gallery :P: Omg this guy is so funny 🤣 🤣🤣
  3762. Taylor Woods: ?
  3763. 転notrexy: TRO you are the BEST
  3764. Gavin Bobtrolo: Homie
  3765. Gtfo Hail: Im scared...
  3766. GhostXx8 8: Have you noticed Dr.Phill doesn’t take any L’s then he is still a virgin
  3767. PumpKant: FINALLY!!! I LOVE YOU TRO!
  3768. WE WILL CONQUER: Haha reminds me of my dad 😂😂😭😭😭
  3769. nidO_ FeAr: I
  3770. Chyna Motion: DAMN wtf that bitch need JESUS
  3771. unknown chan: OUR LORD HAS RETURNED!
  3772. SL4UGHTER: Upload more
  3773. IceyGuy: Bro you NEED to make a vid on this shit, it's a girl who keyed her boyfriends car, on the Dr. Phi (no L's) show Like to Tro can see
  3774. STEAMING PLAYS: Hi tro
  3776. NiɡɦʇcʘʀəメϸΔЯΔdΙଌe: SilentFatNeck D I S G U S T I N
  3777. pixelking: contentless what's so bad about that?
  3778. Grace.: come back i miss youu
  3779. F. B. I: I sure do love when triggered tro uploads more than once a month
  3781. Ava RULES: omg ur very funnyyy like nice job make More pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay awesome
  3782. Raven Williamson: Damn I’ve been grounded for so long I haven’t seen him hit a milly
  3783. KiwiKat 15751: If she's had more friends in the past, has she sucked their blood too!?!?!? Possibly all of it!?!?!? SHE COULD BE A MURDERER
  3785. Social Psychos: Please Tro. If you’re reading this I need you to make fun of the black girl that thinks she’s white. It’s gonna be TROvember soon man!:(
  3786. Somebody: Emir Haskovic ok say if it was fake... then say if he was making a music videos why would he have no tattoos he passed away.... RIP X
  3787. obemiss: Tro man it was like two months ago and you had like a few hundred thousand. I always knew you would blow up. Keep it up 💯
  3788. Boom Boom: Extinct KJR I was one of his first subscribers I know he has potential but he doesn’t attempt to improve and uploads sparsely on purpose Edit: and I’ve been watching him for a while he has declined in quality if you compare his old jokes with this new weak shit
  3789. Cinthia: We miss you man. Come back 😪😪
  3790. Efran 245: She's canibal
  3791. Qawiem Fauzi: oh god I fell sick..
  3792. angelic lofi ASMR: Where tf are you
  3793. Mr. Husain: The Markiplier part got me HAHAHAHAH 1:34
  3794. cavsfan 6789: What the fuck did I just watch 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
  3795. Nick 767: trojan army were yall at
  3796. Ikuri: I knew it! Lizards are taking over our media... this is just the beginning!
  3797. fricc 69: What if someone with aids fucked the pig, so the pig has aids... And then she drinks it
  3798. some random guy on the internet: Maybe he'll come back on trovember?
  3799. SkiMaskTheSlumpGoat: Fizz FNS don't commit suicide, it's not worth it
  3800. Sahrish Rawra: If you already made the video, can you upload somewhere else where it won’t get struck down for copyright?
  3801. Jung Ho-Seok: So... I'm assuming tro is dead... He hasn't posted for a month... Rip tro.... Everyone pay your respects.
  3802. John Powell: Haha shes one of these sick and not right in the head people who think they are vampires. Sick people who needs help mentally in an institution seriously that's fucked up
  3803. Man in The Wilderness: "Everybody has their own flavor...their own taste" ya ok.
  3804. Blue Azr: god is back
  3805. M&M: No ads on this video. Sorry bud.
  3806. mssj1: IMMA VOMITT
  3807. Mikael Porter: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  3808. William Davis: Yo tro where u at
  3810. Hoverboard Deadpool: This bitch is a real life vampire Jk she's a ugly ass dead bird
  3811. D e l e t M e: I just ate a kd and a cupcake. I feel like puking them out rn
  3812. Frank Powers: RIP
  3814. Arsal ok: Dude, i’ve been really depressed. Please upload a video so that i could get less depressed.
  3815. Jordan Intal: TRO LIKED THE EGG ON INSTAGRAM!!! And it was posted this January 4th
  3816. Games and more with josh: Make more videos plz
  3817. Mg Trashboat: Isn’t she a cannibal since she drinks Johnny’s blood
  3818. Jack Vandiver: Revive your channel!! It’s still possible! Also discord inv please
  3819. Kylie Glass: Did you die?
  3820. Nolan Conley: ill be waiting next month for the next video
  3821. Beth Davis: Were are you
  3822. Antonio Mendoza: Adrenochrome?
  3823. Sissy Sophie: Yessssss my day just got a lot better 🙌🏻
  3824. Alexa Gray: I'm addicted to breathing air
  3825. Tony Reola: Wtf
  3826. criotene: leafy all over again...
  3827. Sarah Koala: Queen Kay He said he had another video but it didn't upload.
  3828. White Shadow: I wonder if she have hiv she drink other people’s blood
  3829. [WUT] Carlo: I wanted to throw up this whole video
  3830. Maximus Z: Don't ghost in us Tro.. Lets hear from ya
  3831. Lolnu 39882: Hello
  3832. Problems 101: *ITS NOT A PHASE MOM!!!!*
  3833. Da trouble bubble Boister: We have a feminist on our hands
  3834. C Hailey: I used to want to be this woman
  3835. One Of Da Kind: Leafy 2.0 left us as well 😯
  3836. ckchuck1 HaRsH-FeShHaSt: R u ded ?
  3837. XxchillxX 100: Rebecca Marie #comebacktro
  3838. Elizabeth Stonem: Omg that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life
  3839. Lix en: how does one go from 200k subs to 1.3mil in just 9 months?
  3840. Jeboris All Mighty: Tro the world needs you plz come back
  3841. Jaden K.S.J-G: Where are you man it’s bin almost two months
  3842. The Truth Maker: come back we need you no one gets this content on youtube anymore all I see is fake content we need real tro content
  3843. AjTroy19: Yo does she drink her period blood
  3844. Kayla Terrell: Hey tho can u post more often plz
  3845. slayer20 _: What happened to you haven’t posted in 6 months. What happened to trovember and trocember. What happened ):
  3846. No One: Hi
  3847. Josue Cornelio: Bet she has aids
  3848. McTrollin g: MORE VIDEOS PLZ
  3849. King3895ase: *I bet she drinks her own period*
  3850. DDG's Paralyzed Face: Aye lil nigga wya?
  3851. tabitha hutchison: play fortnite
  3852. Distrustful Coconut: TK_ HAMALACHI what’s tro?
  3853. Elliot Ps: *my neme jeef, i’m 2 y/role. N’d i eat bebies*
  3854. Chooper Curch: She using the same spoon that my stepmom has
  3855. DankFin: Tro 😭where did u go
  3856. Victoria's Rose: stop it... get some help
  3857. ToXiicc GRILL: My man died
  3858. 3J: I'm weak Tro is back
  3859. Emma the Giraffe: oH *OH* The eDgE
  3860. Nathan Schira: where r u
  3861. Sloth: I fucking love your videos but there was just something wrong with this one... I guess it just wasn't as good as the other videos
  3862. Adam Jubinville: The Truth of the Matter it makes perfect sense. We aren't designed to ingest it, were designed to have it flow through our veins arteries and organs. Not have it digested, that's a lot of iron to be absorbing
  3863. First Account Subbed to Pewds: I had to pause several times to not trow up.
  3864. Jared Spaulding: The Tro Show always leaves me WET
  3865. Geometry Stuff: Come man upload
  3866. Dante Mello: Remember when this dude uploaded? Good old times
  3867. Seby DJ: WYA tro
  3868. Master Chef: Where tf u at tro?
  3869. Kenneth Stenson: upload
  3870. 104d: Papi comeback youtube wont last without you
  3871. grim reaper: Where is she getting the blood ? Are you killing animals and drinking there blood
  3872. BhoPee: you're*
  3873. Thanos: He died from tik tok memes
  3874. lil_devil 0058: Ayyye troooo maki making my day bettet 😭😭💔😂😂
  3875. Pelican in shit: 666k views *IRONIC*
  3876. Chloe Vlogs WithHerMessyRoOm: She probably drinks her period blood
  3877. Roxie Whitmire: Absolutely revolting
  3878. Tim Wellerritter: Happy Trovember everyone....😢
  3879. Woahits Fangirlmonique: Come back tro!!!!!
  3880. Kiran Puri: Where the fuck is he
  3881. Ryan Burkart: Your funny come back
  3882. Aaron Allen: He'll nah this is weird 😂
  3883. Phoenix: This channel is the representation of when money gets a hold of you and doesn't give a damn about its fanbase
  3884. Second Amendment Patriot: Of course she is from California
  3885. Brianna Bowes: Aroused Toilet 😭🤣
  3886. Dominique Gonzalez: Tro
  3887. Lunar The Fox: fukin vampire
  3888. gerry89: she probably eats her tampons when shes on her periods afterwards.... well hey at least shes saving the planet by reducing her tampon wastes...?
  3889. john appleseed: Barracks hot dog parties were probably tbe same
  3890. fistsOFfury366 D:
  3891. Kaixi R: Too bad this channel is dead
  3892. 8lacksheep: Wtf comes out when she urinates... Imagine the smell...
  3893. Unwithered Bonnie: Yo dumbass come back and make the fucking already
  3894. hahahahhahaha bartledoo: Saaaame
  3895. Bat Man: Faggot
  3896. jose morado vlogs, and more: I miss you where ya at trro
  3897. Whiz SA: Why da fuck is this video under Science and Technology category😂
  3898. SizedSun 2583: Im addicted to your videos tro
  3899. Thought Provoked: Where did this dude go? He blew up than just dissapeared, he was like a new and improved Leafy, come back :(
  3900. Morgan The Miracle Maker: I've missed you posting tro glad you made another video I love you your the best in the world
  3901. iiFlamingTacos: Come back
  3902. Khadija Elboushi: I wanna throw up
  3903. RazorGrain: With no tro content for 4 months im starting to feel godless, come back dad :(
  3904. MattyLeemz: Jeez... Dad help me this hurts to watch
  3905. Isaias Bautista: Where are you tro
  3906. Nair Johnson: Vampire thirsty for blood
  3907. Drekloe: You have leafys cringy childish fanbase, who love unfunny "satire"
  3908. Patstar54: Use the blood to help people recover and live after a serious accident? *NAH THIS GIRL LIKES DRINKING IT*
  3909. LTD_Demented 01: He straight up died
  3910. Mirka: I missed you! Glad you're back 😭
  3911. Destroyer Turles: MAKE MORE VIDEOS TRO YOU LAZY BUM
  3912. Stoner Spacely: This guy dead or what?
  3913. KitsuKame: ....... I can't I can't even fucking comment, there is no smartass statement or witty quips I can come up with, that can truly express how goddamn uncomfortable I am with this woman. WHERE DO I EVEN START?! WHAT ASPECTS OF THIS BULLSHIT DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH THERE'S SO MUCH
  3914. Sarcastically Sardonic: I’m so done, you hit 1 mil. Tf
  3915. Pontus0308: She needs professional help seriously she is gonna fucking kill someone I bet she is gonna start eating humans soon. This is gonna be her in like 15 years oh look a child imma fucking eat him!
  3916. Zachary Vasser: Rip Trovember 2018 Come back Tro
  3917. Ryan Alexander: This man is never coming back
  3918. Flip Off: I bet she drinks her own period blood
  3920. Hydra: Where are you at man
  3921. julianvro: Dis weirdo thun drank all of tro's blood. thats why he's not uploading.
  3922. TK_ HAMALACHI: triggerd tro i call him tro for short
  3923. hogwspidey: WHERE THE HELL IS HE
  3924. Softy MCSOFT: omfg tro is pulling a jontron..
  3925. Xenon: Tatiana Snyder Son was an expression. How are you so sure though? Sorry to be negative, but it's been a little longer than a month. I can understand weeks, but months? Something is wrong. I do hope you are correct, Tatiana....
  3926. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: I'll call my cousin if you don't post
  3927. Amira Ahmed: r u still alive
  3928. ZLink: That burp had me dying 😂😂
  3929. Elias El Attachi: Come back
  3930. tribal _: This is sooooo illegal
  3931. Zak Harris [Reborn]: !Vampire alert!
  3932. Nour4 4l7ammadi: I'm addicted to watching your videos btw I'm here from 200k ilysm
  3933. Dank Ov3rlord: UltimateMasterJoda I'm pretty sure he did
  3934. Isaac Garinger: He's dead or he quit YouTube make a Nigga unsub real quick
  3935. Tadeh Amirkhanian: He posted on his twitter saying “trovember 2k18. It’s comeback time bitches” just 3 days ago. HES COMING BACK BITCHES
  3936. Gogo Magnus: You have to watch this! Dr. Phi
  3938. Ismail Khan: don’t eat at her house
  3939. JOKER KODI: miss you daddy no homo
  3940. oh yeah yeah: Please come back
  3941. Flynn Gowans: When will tro cone back...
  3942. Keith Adam: Did you get your play button for the second channel yet? Youtube better hand it over 😤
  3943. Kenna Drawz: wait- What dose she do with her period blood O.0
  3944. Sans BTW: Trigger tro is not a hoe but where did he go cmon bro
  3945. Sly: Rip
  3946. Nicole Bradley: You final made a video
  3947. Zack: It’s about God Damn time
  3948. Jason Alfaro: RIP TRO YOU WILL BE MISSED 😢💯💯💯💯💔
  3949. EveryStep: Why hasn’t he been posting? He must’ve died of stage 4 Ligma 😭😭
  3950. REK COMA: No trigger November
  3951. Zoe101: You can get blood from the butchery because some dishes require it.
  3952. meadow jones: Worried about you tro, did she suck you dry lmao
  3953. Xx_THOTT_D35TR0Y3R_42069_xX: Awkward Idk what?
  3954. Free Da Bananas: Grade a under a all over again
  3955. DBD Horizon: 👌
  3956. IsraelGamingKing: She part of bloods
  3957. HOSS_PLAYS __: Where the fuck are you?
  3958. Potato Chips: Ibaan 2. LeafyWasHere
  3959. Ur boi: Hold up wait what if Johnny has aids tho
  3960. Veronica Kim: Pleeaaaseee come back tro we miss you 😭😭😭
  3961. Nolan Horn: I love you Tro but this video the chick is fucking gross. What's wrong with society
  3962. Person: FusRoDah Daily you’re iconic
  3963. Bad Ash: I feel cucked, right when I found this good channel that I can relate too, I realize he has been inactive for 6 months
  3964. Rksteel Gaming: My you tube unsubscribed you so I had to find u again
  3965. BIG CHACHI: Tro... please come back
  3966. Saif Mohammed: Am I the only one whose body was getting tingly throughout the vid??
  3967. Joe Man Joe: Please come back
  3968. bella rose: TROvember’s almost over. where are you????
  3969. Ryan Alexander: I miss this mans vids
  3970. Joshua S.: You sir have a life-long commitment to do
  3971. Meme Review: De-mo-ne-tized
  3972. Twenny Bux: what happened to you tro.... come back:(
  3973. ithinkitisjulia: Where is the musically tro? Where is it? DO IT.
  3974. Sub 2 Willne: Tro died
  3975. Xave Man: tro get your mother f*cking act together when will more people be receiving L's we need to see them so we fell better about our lives
  3976. Reallistic Cola: We want you back
  3977. MadGhostGames: did the pressure of quickly growing a million subs get to him?
  3978. Tube geekstv: tRo WhErE aRe YoU?!?!
  3979. Aakarsh Darla: I'm just glad somethings getting sucked :p lmao
  3980. Scott Savage: If yo girl thought twighlight was cool show her this
  3981. Lorenco Sinop: Your not done with makeing videos yet come back
  3982. amirhuf z: THE TRO RETURNS
  3983. Anna A: Pleasseeee come backckckk
  3984. Vamsi Krishna: Sexy vegan is running for president, WE NEED YOU
  3985. SorbitolMalitolXylitolMannitolCalciumCarbonateSoy: These last couple of weeks were a disaster... Shane not posing... Tro not posting... why you leave me hanging like this???
  3986. a nominal: Drinking blood is extremely unhealthy, she b dead soon
  3987. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Her drinking blood doesnt bother me at all I however do think it's weird.
  3988. Aaron Coria: This mf ugly af 😂😂😂
  3989. ThrawnGames: Papa Tro, we miss you
  3990. CokeJellybeans ·: Fort craft
  3991. MoiA 父的苦節 XXX: هذا هو باري حقهم 😄😂😂
  3992. CASHMNYGANGGANG69: You dead bruh💀💀?
  3993. emily castillo: WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?! I want to see u make a video on the black girl who thinks she's white!
  3994. Mango Tango: Watch his first video back be like “I SURVIVED LIGMA”
  3995. Christina BoeBeenah: Tro WHERE ARE YOU????? I MISS YOU 💔
  3996. No Faceツ: Unknown Yps A penis joke
  3997. Toasty sin: Tro where u at boi
  3998. Julie Stuff: 12:09am and am watching Tro vids.. And I love it.
  3999. TheMuhahaa: where are u man? pls come back :(
  4000. sad 80ys: Finally I missed your videos
  4001. wolf boy: wow took u a month to post 👌🏼
  4002. Riley Lynn: Day 2:Trovember has had a rough start without Tro. Bro you need to come back. I cant watch My Stange Addictions and laugh without you
  4004. Omae wa mou shindeiru: Comr back please! T.T
  4005. Clorox Bleach: Please come back daddy
  4006. 에밀리: It’s tro-Vember bitch where u at??
  4007. Bloody Lake: Random Account you’re*
  4008. Anthonypro12275 Aldana: Wtf am i whaching
  4009. Pineapple Playz: Lucky mine is still at the store! 😔
  4010. victor ortiz: She thinks she a vampire Lol 😂😂
  4011. LacktorGaming 9: #demontized
  4012. Little billy Goat: Rip x love u bro
  4013. Desert Eagle: James Is tros name every one when u look him up he is 22 and is still alive so stop saying he is dead once I seen the comments I wanted to cry till I decided to do some research maybe he quit you tube but we can keep his memory with us
  4014. little rajinnie: Nuno Anjos 😂
  4015. LegacySZN: Whered my dad go
  4016. david nee: bro where’d you go????
  4017. XNUKE FIRE: Michelle is a Vampire confirmed
  4018. eddy herrera: A month
  4019. Pulp culture Pupil: #SaySomethingImGivingUpOnTro
  4020. Andastro: 2:33 😂🤣😭. Fam I’m crying
  4021. Armarion Bryant: I was here when u first did that catch me outside girl video
  4022. Matic: Where you at my manz?
  4023. Tyler444404: This was impossible to watch
  4024. Gabe J: Gonna barf
  4025. Sloth: Care Chameleon I'm not but cool. Nice comeback after I completely molested your argument
  4026. Luan Loud: Tro where are you?
  4027. Jameel Najjar: Nachodudes5 is it?!
  4028. DJ PHANT6M: rip
  4029. Jediael: Wtaf happened to Tro im waiting
  4030. Lolzmcfree: That messed up, she’s a weirdo
  4031. Spicy Eli: Hey you should cover the story about the MacBook girl. Kate (or Anne Frank in the video) had killed herself earlier this month, I think partially from the online attention and because she was in an abusive relationship with a pedophile (she was 12 while the man was old enough to be her father). This story needs to be covered, especially channels like yours.
  4032. TruePlxyer: Triggered where are you
  4033. Yung MemeLord: He probably died or some shit. Or just too lazy
  4034. Shernick Marius: She's maybe gonna bring up a generation of people who drinks blood 😆😆
  4035. Nerd: Sexy vegan is just chill with his corps dude no worries
  4036. Iron Mail: Had to stop halfway through, almost threw up.
  4037. Lighting Master: And people say vampires don’t exist!
  4038. Jamie Flowers: CHILD I MISSED YOU.
  4039. CIA Director: this is leafyishere all over again 💔
  4040. Nathanial C.S: STD’s positivex1000
  4041. TwiZ Rainbow: Where TF were u
  4042. The Paper Wheel: Found this cool case, a bit expensive, but I thought you guys would think it was cool
  4043. FBI Agent: Tro got died of Ligma. That's why he's always triggered.
  4044. WHY ARE YOU READING MY NAME :/: Que paso mah guy? Where tf you been dude?
  4045. Mental Nord: Johnny is losing quite alot of brain cells
  4046. ItsIsabelka: tro we miss u
  4047. GALVANTRON -RED: rip sad
  4048. Austin Wasmund: Come back
  4049. sequoia: can we get a rip in the chat for tro
  4050. wesley van kampen: When the world needs him the most he vanished
  4051. Mikael Porter: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  4052. Sal: Where you at Tro? I want you to react to the black girl who thinks she white
  4053. RootBear: And I didn't think humans could get any more Disgusting!
  4054. Cold_Vro: This dude said phil a bag and flip it then dipped
  4055. THE GOAT ROGERS: Yo you need to post again
  4056. VERN I AM: Can i get a #RIP in chat
  4057. ezg the gamer: COME BACK WE MISSS YOUUUUUU
  4059. DJ Psykix: Real vampires cringe at these bloodfoons.
  4060. Ryan: Triggered tro is dead
  4061. Reebok Bape: I remember when he had 190k
  4062. Jeffrey Productions: animeniac yeah it was on the news in his town I'm sure you can find it somewhere on the internet
  4063. Delaney Brush: Tro, Triggered?
  4064. CokeJellybeans ·: +Young Baco no one cares dude lmfao
  4065. Commenting Account: There should really be a blood warning for this.
  4066. RNG YT: I like to suck myself When I get a cut
  4067. kukkajukkanen: I really really miss you hope you are okay...
  4068. Warboi: and this is partially why I don't like being a filipino, but lumpia is the shittttttt
  4069. Mer :3: Omg tro where you at😭
  4070. slbfiel: Wait wtf 136 views and 700 comment... seems legit
  4071. Joshua Rank: where did this nigga go man
  4072. that one gamer kid: where you at man
  4073. Sofiavare: YOUR BACK
  4074. Breea: Oh my fucking god he fucking dead
  4075. M: what the fuck... i feel like i'm bleeding now
  4076. D. BOON: BRO it’s trovember where u at???
  4077. BeastNuka: Yoooo you have 1.3million subs!! Good shit tro🔥🔥🔥 Hype in the chat!!!👍🏾👍🏾
  4078. Ahmad Al Kandari: Pin me daddy
  4079. lucuz 04: Yo this dude is funny but why is he not posting
  4080. derp d derp: The homie tro came through. I was getting worried
  4081. Terrence Genzer: Come back to flat Earth please +Triggered Tro
  4082. Just An Edit: How is she sill alive? Like, blood isn't my cup of tea but like, how is she alive?
  4083. Sergey Pavlov: Someone should give her some good ol HIV positive
  4084. Theryn White: Deadass what if he died and got onto the news and we didn’t know
  4085. Lil Isaiah: Notification Squad
  4086. Justin A: aaaaaaand.... I just barfed
  4087. Hailee: "I'm just glad somethings gettin sucked" BAHHAH
  4088. Thomas Tewksbury: Triggered Tro died of Sugma everybody.
  4089. Owen Gouthro: im addicted to watching your videos
  4090. lord farquaad: did you die?
  4091. lil rose msp: Oof dude rlly [^:
  4092. CUZ IM BATMAN: Oh look , i do something weird . Im so EDGY!!!!!
  4093. UnCreative Deconstructionism: *Im a triggered vro cuz im like "where's triggered tro?"*
  4094. Vetle Velle: There you are! Its been a month...
  4095. rakeya lol: *team Balls*
  4096. Der Jugo.: It's 3 am in Germany.. FUCK MICHELLE
  4097. PhinksTV: I hope he hasnt :( If you miss our boy triggered tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits you should come check ya boi out!
  4098. tori english: Been a sad trovember without the tro 💔
  4099. jOSHuA: OMG you're back! I miss you a lot Triggered Tro!
  4100. sandwich man: im sorry i pooped call 999
  4101. jumer The savage: I can't I just can't
  4102. Jenna's Crazy Creations: It’s been a month 😐☹️
  4103. Alex Gonzalez: Where have u been
  4104. Savage Wubbzy: Rip jimmy wopo.
  4105. angelica hernandez: Unknown Yps ligmaaaaa ballssss
  4106. ethan barzvi: Rip tros channel
  4107. Isaiah Hiserman: I think my man Triggered Tro hit plan "G"😢
  4108. Spicy Lemonz: Is tro dead
  4109. Kason Net: Well that's nice to know before bed thanks😐🙄👍
  4110. you wish I were gone: SPOOKY
  4111. curse _sponzuki: Nut
  4112. Albertine Junius Wolo: Imagen her going to a resterrant and being her Waiter You:do you want any drinks Her:Yeah let me cut your skin open and drink your blood You: ...Bitch what
  4113. LILLIBETH CHAVEZ: Press F to pay respects. 😔
  4114. Treyvin: YOOO WHERE IS THE TIC TOC VIDS. We need you to STOP IT!! COME BACK!!
  4115. Quantrell Myles: Cheyanne White. If you press the bell, it'll notify you when he uploads
  4116. Bleach: Tro even if you are taking a break please atleast announce that you are because I am getting worried
  4117. Zoé Marques: Is she peeing blood then???
  4118. Weebcrusader: Glad to see your video appear in my feed
  4119. Lowkey xShort: Finally a video and "looks like Markiplier if he had a drug problem" 😂😂
  4120. MobLife20: Guys he moved on to plan g
  4121. 6ix6ix6ix: _ DelusionalKCM did I? I don’t even know what I meant
  4122. Connor Jr.: I prefer Diet Blood
  4123. mynameisjeff: she is sick
  4124. Raelynn P: Are you gonna make any new videos
  4125. Lyssa: This makes me gag
  4126. Sunny_Ninja: A piece of the thing that keeps me from suiciding went missing 6 months ago can you guys help me find it?
  4127. ThatBoulTep: Human blood!!!!!!! Yeah, the bitch gotta go, she mind as well eat fuckin humans too, fuck it.
  4128. HYPER KIN: Ayee
  4129. One Girl: Its ocTROber. Where are you?
  4130. Merasmus: If the devil was a girl.
  4131. Angel fdbbddh: You read it wrong
  4132. All For Clout: No way this shit is real
  4133. E Gamer -: Come back man the fuck
  4134. jOSHuA: Where is Triggered Tro? It's been 4 months!
  4135. Purified Water: Come back tro
  4136. Sonya Colon: Are you dead
  4137. StrafeCity: Drinks blood by the gallon and swallows semen by the teaspoon
  4138. FAX: OH GAWD......
  4139. UltimateMasterJoda: +Young Baco ugh not you a-fucking-gain
  4140. HAD69: Tro got drowned in vegana..
  4141. xspookszzz: looks like tro was michelle’s next target ...
  4142. Samantha Farrell: BOY WERE DID YOU GOOOOOOO 😒
  4143. Kaleigh Rivera: When your back can you react to the budbay tic tok aka the predator
  4144. Cat: First leafy, now tro. Damn tro, where you go?
  4145. Lord Jeff: Vampires are real
  4146. Joshua Mitchell: That grape juice must taste good
  4147. Collin Maloneey: No tro for ocTROber but maybe he will come back before TROvember is over :’(
  4148. lil hg the g: You leaving is like leafy all over again
  4149. The Fireman: What happened to you tro
  4150. Snow Wolf: It's triggerween where have you been
  4151. tori english: Lil Nugget it would be a miracle
  4152. tlk squad is the best: I will find him if he dose not come in the next week. Jk
  4153. Izzy Michelle: Hey tro WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO POST
  4154. Mohammad Ariss: Where have you gone ?!?! 😭
  4155. Katrina Clubb: I can't. That's nasty. Wtf. Ugh. Please stop.
  4156. Little giant: Does she have AIDS now?
  4157. Sydney Sartell: WE NEED MORE JO JO
  4158. Jennuh: when are you ever gonna posttttt
  4159. Peyton Greene: Guys, Tro tragically died in a drunk car accident
  4160. andrew blanco: Bruh the title already made me squirm
  4161. jake mumbles: lol edgy
  4162. Sweaterboy.Photography: How the hell do you know this!?
  4163. Cadance Dumond: OK WHERE DID TRO GO?!!!???!!! COME BACK!!!???!!!
  4164. Ryan Ellis: She’s a demon wtf
  4165. SavageCabbage: Yo tro wya?🤔 You got your 1m subs then dipped👋🏼 where am I suppose to get up to date with media now
  4166. Nj Weigleb: Bring back the Tro
  4167. Dean Glenn: F
  4168. Stay Smoove: this was too far
  4170. katelynn: fuck that shit
  4171. Kenny Pineapple: Team Ballz- MERCH.
  4172. Taco Stripes: +Olivia Wilkinson ok thanks dude
  4173. Ryan Follin: tro, u fuck. i cant even finish this vid. at least somethings gettin sucked
  4174. James Summers: Upload plz
  4175. Grace Hightower: We want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man we want frosty the tro man
  4176. Vortex Gaming: Come back!
  4177. Sabrina Ester: IdOl_Anna I did about a week ago. He hasn't posted anything on either in months.
  4178. jeff mozzoroto: bitch what the fuck
  4179. It's Cait: dad come back
  4180. Waffle Cakes: Well... Real life vampire..... Cool
  4181. Zachary Heffer: Come back!
  4182. sadcat VEVO: Are you dead?
  4183. Addison Martin: YAY A VIDEO
  4184. DarkWarning20: Has anyone seen tro 😢 o
  4185. Andrew Mayer: I can’t watch any more of this. I’m leaving. This is fucking nasty.
  4186. Destiny Ellis: "Yh drink my blood he he"
  4187. Big Tiddy Goth Gf: Ur mum you're already on your way to drinking it, smh
  4188. Aftahi Uddin: Where are you tro?
  4189. o00osimbasmateo00o: This whore of satan..
  4190. A.i.r Artist: All i can think about are the Diseases she can get *shivers*
  4191. Rice™️: She drank tros damn blood that’s why he’s dead . So sad can I get 50 likes ?
  4192. fearirin: i felt nauseous watching this.
  4193. sixty syxti: Rest in peace to this channel at least you can say you once had a million subs
  4194. mithun manohar: FREAKS
  4195. Carl 24: Shit i have hemophobia😨
  4196. Sanduni N.: Satanists at their finest
  4197. Bryan W: OcTROber Is offically OctOVER
  4198. Zack Patton: Thx for uploadibg for the first time in forever
  4199. Strange Girl: TRO CMON POST
  4200. Icy Playz: Should I call the cemetery?
  4201. Luziver Righthand: Belive it or not ive been here since he used to have 1k subs and made dr.phil vids
  4202. rich .python: Wait so that isn't wine?
  4203. Kaden Malone: Tro die
  4204. Jess is Not ok: “Blood,blood gallons of the stuff give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough” she obviously listened to blood by my chemical Romance
  4205. Roger Wolfuigin-Stein: Ehhhh fuck this channel Lets go to memelous
  4206. redamatter gaming: I mean I "drink" my own blood if I accidentally cut myself. Aslong as the cut isn't not too big
  4207. Ameena’s Art: You finally post I was getting depressed of xxxtentacions death I thought you where dead to
  4208. Legit Gaming: Tro, YouTube needs you!
  4209. Rextanlind Lindquist: I could get addicted to watching your videos if you FUCKING POSTED MORE OFTEN
  4210. bangtan trashTM: tro.exe has stopped working
  4211. anonymous anonymous: man, i miss the good ole days. the days when jojo went around stealing everyones girl.
  4212. Слободан Караћ: Dr. Phiw
  4213. Cucumber Gaming: I guess....she is the mother of all mosquitoes
  4214. David Mattice: Rip
  4215. Dead Coyote: Nervous Oath lol I saw you in two other comments
  4216. Felipe M.: He had a dead kid hanging himself on a music video of his. Seems like karma took action.
  4217. TheCookieWolf: Why tf does the blood look like the stuff I put on my Chinese food. . . . . . ????????
  4218. Watch Vids: Real Housewives of Transylvania
  4219. Kathy P: this is actually repulsive
  4220. Tianna Hurdle: Please post moreeeeee
  4221. Yang Sherri: TRO!! WHERE YOU BEEEEEEN.
  4222. Nicola Amoré: tro died of ligma 🤧
  4223. Comfy Pillow: I’m here
  4224. Hebry Doliber: I knew there were REAL LIFE VAMPIRES LMAO😂😂😂
  4225. you wanna know something: I heard he quit cuz a lot of his videos are demonitized
  4226. Alex van Langen: Tro where are you bro
  4227. Khadija Elboushi: I really really wanna throw up
  4228. Grant Christopher: December 22 still no tro WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
  4229. Juddy Buddy: Of course she's from Lancaster...
  4230. RJZ34: Come back tro we miss you😢
  4232. Pokemon Tobias: upload plz :(
  4233. Julie Mills: You should react to bad America's got talent auditions!!!
  4234. Firman N: Interesting :/
  4235. Jesse Babcock: Tro come back
  4236. Lum: Marcel Saeed about that...
  4237. Shelby Daniels: mate, where ya at?
  4238. hondo ohnaka productions: Oh my god.that is werid how you get addicted to dat
  4239. Corey A: I’ll ask it just to satisfy your needs, what’s sugendese?
  4240. james seabrook: Tro where are u
  4241. Its Quaza: Where did u go tro
  4242. It is I who Nuts to That: This, this... Woman or whatever fucked Dracula himself in blood-drinking
  4243. Lalulila Lavilly: Animal blood? Nah that’s demon blood. Her guy friend? A demon! She’s got some Sam level addictions going on.
  4244. Mason: Tro pulled a GradeAUnderA
  4245. Kayla: please post again! i miss you man
  4246. Tiger Lily: I blacked out twice trying to watch this, than just gave up 😵
  4247. Extradoge: boi....johnny........ *JOHNNY GOD DAMMIT*
  4248. AcCobra: whered ya go?
  4249. gacha cat: r.i.p
  4250. Jamen's Noodles: but isnt that just normal markiplier
  4251. Bearb Fan: Rip
  4252. Joanne Meola: Tro come back
  4253. building gawdlyy: Finally u fucking upload damn
  4254. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  4255. Oh yeah yeah: Beverly Martinez ur hot
  4256. Coldwelth Simms: As a vegetarian I could barely watch this...
  4257. Doing It For The Lulz: 160 views but 1.2k thumbs up. Just shows how amazing Tro is XD
  4258. Nate: This is why you can't eat at everyone's house
  4259. Meli Doe: I just cannot omfg help me why am I watching this!! Oh yeah because I love Tros channel!!! 😂😂
  4260. Demetrius Moore: 161 views... 791 comments... aight
  4261. Jay Orlando: I almost died when he said AT LEAST SOMETHINGS GETTING SUCKED 😂😂😂
  4262. First Name: Rip
  4263. Farhan Khan: Oh my god, there is so much cringe going on right now
  4264. Wolfman James: Tro! Where did you go! The internet isn't the man!
  4265. TrollCannotgame 88: That Random Miracle I swear to god he took it away😂😂
  4266. Elinor collin jensen: yoooo dr phil just kicked the shit out of two parents you have to cover that shit he's more savage than ever
  4267. Milicias Modz: I bet you won't pin this or heart me ;) #trofam
  4268. DSM Genex: A bit strange too because when the vid dropped he had new merch put out
  4269. stephen carroll: Nigga dafuq you at
  4270. The gamer wolf Leppard: Ok wow
  4271. Roll Tide: We all miss you Tro
  4272. Deadshot 360: where da vids at
  4273. Jesse guidry: IVE MISSED U TRO. U NEED TO POST MORE OFTEN!!!
  4274. Kamylah Family Channel: Oh my gosh the cringe
  4275. qjm: please upload it helps my crippling depression
  4276. Whew Chile: Probably drinks her own period blood💀
  4277. Enma Ruiz: *Wow, the new team 10 member seems lit*
  4278. Mohammad Ali Karimi: Trigger Tro... Dishes up L's by the Dozen
  4279. Abraham Ramirez: Where were u
  4280. Richard: Did you just leafy ed
  4281. Fire Castro: what is that extencion that lets you download youtube vids
  4282. SS Gaming: Pls upload more 😊😊
  4283. Nathan Ouedraogo: o_o
  4284. Jay Tisk: rip tro😢
  4285. K O N K E Y D O N G: Lol
  4286. Mikael Porter: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  4287. JRailz: Upload a video you virgin
  4288. Sir Dante the Dank: im addicted to watching tros videos, but i use the brave browser so... no ads im sorry
  4289. Gman: I could barely watch this shit
  4290. liana karloff: TRI
  4291. Bobby Banicevic: she's gonna get hepatitis fam
  4292. waffles YT: nigga please its spooktober your name should rattled ro
  4293. Keegan Lange: Cmon why aren’t u posting tro
  4294. IdoclubsTV: Drinking blood is fuking stupid and eeh eeew cbdbsgskd oh my God
  4295. KIFFLOM FTW: My strange addiction is Watching triggered tro and chill tro. I can wait 10000 years waiting for his videos.
  4296. savenna vlogs: Where are you
  4298. LeBron James: THE FEEDING.. If you will.
  4299. Carter Campbell: Where u at my boi
  4300. Slick Untouched: Hi tro you the best you tuber and very funny
  4301. c3r33n: nutrients eh
  4302. KyJoe01: Tro where are you?!?! Don't pull a Leafyishere on us!
  4303. Martin Aiwe: Oooo she gonna catch crazy diseases
  4304. Kim’s Weird Channel: Come back.
  4305. MuFasa Sal: Wya
  4306. Ja y: I didn't see her in Tokyo Ghoul
  4307. Liliya Hristova: I'M ADDICTED TO UR VIDEOS
  4308. SnuF: Yo! Anyone who got his Discord? All links expired:/
  4309. Devlyn Carney: Are you dead
  4310. That Random Miracle: omg see that's our issue, not enough of us follow him on Twitter lmao k thanks
  4311. Frakture: She looks like she’s at least 39
  4312. Kate: Yes! Guys he posted on Twitter last night ! Hes coming back for Trovember
  4313. tasty flokos: Im dreaming thats not real
  4314. Freak Gamer: welcome to 2018
  4315. Callme Mirko: R.I.P
  4316. Sarah Skelly: Why r u gone :(
  4317. C a r r y O n: rip X
  4318. Ibrahim Diakite: The shit IMO girls do
  4319. Ashley Brown: POST AGAIN OMG IT'S BEEN A MONTH
  4320. SoupFoot: I miss u:(
  4321. carly rose: I’m tryna drink my water here!
  4322. luna wolf: So we got a vampire ok
  4323. Jon K: Julia the Mascot F to pay respects.
  4324. Dennis NisDe: Since when dose he have 1mil subs i remember when he had 8t or so and couldnt have more then 300 likes Im proud of you buddy
  4326. BOI MEMES: Is he dead?
  4327. Demetrius Battle: I love you
  4328. Zicord: I think michelle got to him frist.
  4329. Its Me: Wya?
  4330. beautyandtheoffbeats: Love that name.
  4331. Cyn R561: Wowwwww!!!!! Ewwwww
  4332. Niker _74: *CoME BaCk My DuDe*
  4333. Reichen Beauparlant: Aye yo tro can you make a vidéo please👍
  4334. Jay Royal: Where are you
  4335. Sans ator: I think when you say “everybody has their own texture...” when your talking about blood, you should probably get your cranium checked ou- WAIT HOW THE FUCK IS SHE GETTING BLOOD LEGALLY?!
  4336. ITS YA BOI BESTEST BOY ON YOUTUBE: uhhh are you sure thats animal blood
  4337. A Big Ol Fan: Ok sorry tro but I’m ganna have to click off im about to puke
  4338. DeadAllRounder: +Green Light No it is trust. He said on twitter vut then deleted it cos he didnt want anyone finding out.
  4339. Logan Swetnam: Butcher shops, you can get blood from them
  4340. blitzy: This is painful to watch.
  4341. Rafael Villalpando: Don't leave us troooooo please
  4342. Amelia Burch: He actually made #TeamBallz merch? That's my Tro😂😂😂💀
  4343. The Rain Train: Tro where you at
  4344. Aperelli: Daniel Olobayo ..funny.
  4345. He Man: React 2 dame cu to sita gang
  4346. RodeXgaming: She is so ugly and sisgusting
  4347. Bloody Nuggets: After a month you finally upload
  4348. Ben Dover: Dad please come back
  4349. Nathalie Noveno: WHERE ARE YOU? 😭😭😭
  4350. Antonia Lunarius: *You look like Markiplier with a drug problem* Me: wtf XD
  4351. Faith Nelson: *GAGGING*
  4352. Yasir Khan: Finally a upload
  4353. Amanda Bliss: Dude where the hell have u been?!?
  4354. Random Codename: Ah, a video from Tro. * looks at the noose * Not today, old friend.
  4355. Maddie Does Stuff: Wear you at??
  4356. Blucsu: That blood lookin like a SNACK
  4357. Roberta Msrtin: This girl is my dads tattoo artist
  4358. toxic humanity: One like=one prayer for troubled-tro
  4359. Bob Barker: The lengths some will go for a big titty goth gf...
  4360. Shavahn Mercedes: Where did u go triggered tro we miss u
  4361. pizzachronicals: Disgusting i just got weezy from this i don't think ima eat now i just hate even if a person cuts there finger and sucks on it just oml no
  4362. William Flores: We all know she a blood
  4363. Kace face: Dude cuts himself and hen says “the feeding” kill me now 🤦🏼‍♀️
  4364. Leslie Degnan: Hey, Tro, I sure hope you got your Play Button for your million + viewers!! Congrats! My bf got me hooked on your videos & now I got 2 of my friends hooked on ya. Keep up the great work!! :)
  4365. No One: This is some disgusting shit
  4366. Memeh Manh: I'm gonna puke..... but I'm doing it for you tro! :D
  4367. Yaboy Michael: Wow so you are gone for an entire month and act like nothing happened
  4368. Astrocat: Gurl needs JESUS!
  4369. AlienFreak69: This is what happens if you become a Twilight fan.
  4370. IzzyB33 3: Who else is hiding in the comments! ✋ Me!!
  4371. Aesthetic Mexican: Tro wtf it's been 4 months now wtf dmhsvsbskmsbns
  4372. TimedGalaxy: Where did tro go?
  4373. Zeneko: Tro, where are you? PewDiePie is making dr.phil vids now, we all miss you and hope you return buddy.
  4374. Nikita Kuznetsov: Lyndsay Mags. Vampire Diaries what? Are you asking if i am referencing vampire diaries? Are you asking if i watch it? Are you asking if i'm a fan? Are you asking if i heard of it? A little bit more information mate.
  4375. no name: *insert Gary come home but every time it says “Gary” it’s replaced with “Tro”*
  4376. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: NO PROCRASTINATE
  4377. Cbas OG: Finally u posted!!!!!!!
  4378. The Shoe god: Come back
  4379. Da'Jah T.: Where are you!?!?!?!?!?!
  4380. Toxic Jager main: There no said on this vid
  4381. ScozzyIsHero: Maurice 2000 True
  4382. Coolbean78: When are you going to upload
  4383. Nabiha Hoque: I feel so sick watching this oml lmaoo
  4384. Final Form: yeah for real he really blew up
  4385. redneck gamer: I love your vids but i cant see this
  4386. stephanie mouse: haha lol so rad.. this tranny needs to wear a team balls shirt lol. love it
  4387. J Perales: When she does get a period, she chews and sucks on her tampon like a jolly rancher
  4388. Moist Boi69: HateWillNeverWin - LIGMA BALLS
  4389. Turkey man 27: Rip X ❤️
  4390. NopeNeo 6: COME BACK TO US TRO.
  4391. ItzMilk: It was so hard to watch this
  4392. Luca Niavarany: Come back
  4393. sa oled nab: tro pulled a leafyishere
  4394. Tim TheAutist: Why haven’t there been any uploads recently 😢
  4395. HTK R4VE: Come back tro we all miss you😭😭
  4396. Kayden Higgins: Troy where are ya man we miss you sm buddy❗️😩😩
  4397. u bob for apples in the toilet and like it: Okay, if tfue and ninja were in a 1v1 It would be a stand still because ninja would command his army of sick orphans, but tfue would aimbot them all
  4398. Tomas Martin: I miss Tro
  4399. Incendiary: Where you at?
  4400. Saweetenerx ‘: MAKE ANOTHER VIDEO TRO WE MISS YOU 😤🤧
  4401. Tangles Turner: g for Jesus is that the one he sells his body or is it the one how he gets high and he’s natural and fuck everyone
  4402. FoulestBee43: *Poopy-di scoop* *Scoop-diddy-whoop* *Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop* *Poop-di-scoopty* *Scoopty-whoop* *Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop* *Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop* *Poop, poop* *Scoop-diddy-whoop* *Whoop-diddy-scoop* *Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop* -Kan-gay West
  4403. Xx_mlgcatjo_xX 1202: I love watching tro when i see a notification from him i be like 😲😲😲 then i start spamming my ass off watching his videos everything is normal watching tro he is our god he will lead us to the way of his awesome videos
  4404. Lilah H: I knew vampires existed. This is PROOF
  4405. Annie Kritzler: The human mosquito.
  4406. Amro K: BOXING_SKATE_ 763556 my nigga tryin to slide in her dms pathetic... Go for her snap
  4407. Pluto The Planet: POST please
  4408. SG Killerworm: She makes me Queasy
  4409. SML/SLL Funny Moments: Did you get killed by a dragon?
  4410. Giavonna McCrobie: Oh my gosh it does look like markiplier if he did drugs
  4411. Unknownpotatoarmy: Yess I'm early troo
  4412. gringoos: I would get addicted to your videos but you don't have enough videos to satiate the cravings.
  4413. Salgado 22: it's November, wya?!
  4414. Mr_Matt_Moose: im just hoping he comes back
  4415. FoxGaming124: *gag, gag* *vomit*
  4416. Cam Manchester: Wtf tro! 160 views with 1.5k likes
  4417. Analis Rivera Rosado: Omfg wtf is wrong with that woman holy shit
  4418. Brayan Davis: Do more videos bitch
  4419. Tanwant Nahar: *I Have Hemophobia* Send help !
  4420. King Blake: Glad your back
  4421. I Need Sømething: “But I am back” Fer sherrrrrrrr
  4422. rapidracoon6: I think triggered Troy is triggered that’s why he has left
  4423. Gavin Bobtrolo: And your videos
  4424. Ant Peas: Where are u troooooooooo😵😿😭😭😭😭
  4425. Tom Lad: Come back 😭
  4426. iShyco: Love u, no homo!! Pls upload more!! Keep your channel the way it is, it's legit!
  4427. KingB1414: Gave me the oobie joobies
  4428. Maggie: *Intense music* TEAM BALLZ! merch
  4429. James Hill: Tro where you at need more vids 😡😡
  4430. Aaron Syrovtaka: this dude got a milli subs and dipped lmao
  4431. greatmqster: He got 1million dollars and dipped
  4432. LoLo Gonzalez: FerrariJAM why did u say son I'm a girl and no he is not dead
  4433. Doggo Man: I am addicted to watching your vids
  4434. PhoneVids: Come back man please
  4435. Prying Open My Third Eye: Was wondering when you'd be uploading your next video! Good shit Tro
  4436. Joshua Silva: why am i drinking water while watching this?
  4437. Matt Fearless: We miss you tro
  4438. EPIKZ gaming: i think Tro just forgot about us A lot more videos soon! yea right
  4439. perla: Pulled the ol' leafyishere
  4440. Pipe Fn: For?
  4441. Mine: Its been long enough
  4442. THE_LEGAL_MEXICAN I: Who else came back to look for tro
  4443. Brooke LaPorte: First one here
  4444. Amber Humphrey: TRO WHAT HAPPENED TO U
  4445. Misanthropic Isolation: And this is why I call goths freaks. They're all weird as shit and have severe mental problems. They listen to pathetic "music" and constantly have a "woe is me" attitude. BurnTheGoths
  4446. Patton Sanders :P: *"At least something getting sucked"* Me:THATS WHAT HE SAID
  4447. Cyfex 404: Where do you fuckin go
  4448. Boys In Boats: Yuck
  4449. Luke and Ben: Make new video.
  4450. Avi Love: Oh god this is disgusting lmao
  4451. Yomama Jk: Wtf
  4452. Official Mira: and he ain't coming back
  4453. Final Form: bruh I remember back in 2017 when Tro posted 4-7 videos per month, the good ole days
  4454. : p: 159th
  4455. Jonah Cicon: Dinuguan
  4456. Avery Ward: Bruh tro where are you at
  4457. Kayla Dane: love you tro 😂😂😙😙😙
  4458. CokeJellybeans ·: +Ziine Mcdonald ur restraunt sucks
  4459. Madame Goth: Where'd you go man
  4460. Okurrr *L U C A S*: Pls upload more Cus if feels like I wait a year until you finally upload but no pressure though because it must be difficult editing as well
  4461. Ryan: WHERE IS TRIGGERED TRO, IS HE MISSING??? I knew all that sarcasm would get him in trouble!
  4462. luaren: heyy boo :)
  4463. XxchillxX 100: Heyyyy u back 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😀😀😀😀👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  4464. sam van: I KNOW this dude didnt pull a leafy
  4465. Leanne Gargett: YAY a new video!!!and tro pls post more I love you're video's
  4466. Armstrong Hyper Sports: PLEASE COME BACK TRO!!
  4467. shijii: Killian Vex well we sure hope he didn't
  4468. Derps & Terps: Triggered Tro goddamn it where are you, I've been watching Cyrus since you started lagging. Philly himself is going to hand you an L.
  4469. maryaminati: she is just getting the iron she needs
  4470. Keonyn: Where's the videos bro tro?
  4471. amira: so vampires are real.
  4472. Blake _: Legend has it that Tro will return on Dr. Phil’s birthday
  4473. gibbel zoob: So you fucking vanish
  4474. Kino Zomby: You ok homes
  4475. Kelaya: Only in America lol
  4476. natalie shaffer: Not even a minute in and I'm already gagging..
  4477. LostPhoenix4: Dang it’s been a month!
  4478. toydivision •: Like three different channels uploaded "content cop" videos on Tro, since he's been gone. It's time to throw punches dude, let's go! 👻
  4479. Riley's channel // R C: Tro come back
  4480. NateDaBossRulez: “It’s the same consistency of blood, but thicker.” But that’s not the same fucking consistency
  4481. UnfortunatePie: #TeamBallz
  4482. Amari/PAssassin: Dat Nasty
  4483. Nunahblue 16: XD he did look like markiplier
  4484. Maliiyah K: Where did this dude go?
  4485. Mills_YT: 2:33 😂 lmfao
  4486. Skrappy: Plz cum back😥😭😢
  4487. JoJoWalker 125: “a lot more videos soon” my ass
  4488. janiece warfield: THE FEEDING
  4489. Cynthia Figueroa: She is probably on her period everyday
  4490. Nasty Clan mauricioswag98: Where r the videos at tro
  4491. Gold: She has every disease possible Wtf ... hep a, b, c Worms And zika .... Ohhhohhhh oooooOooo
  4492. Troyboy69: Mmmm yummy i love drinking blood
  4493. TheOne AndOnly: HE IS COMING BACK
  4494. winner winner chicken dinner: Accidents happen... murders happen... This is real life
  4495. Alejandra Quintanilla: Yo are you dead or something? Where tf u at I miss you mans😢
  4496. Mr. Youtube: I miss u tro
  4497. Mle Shoup: "just glad that something is getting sucked"... I am fucking dead
  4498. Oof: Tro u lazy bum make more videos
  4499. Kennedy Thomas: So you gonna make us wait a month.HOW DARE YOU
  4500. Rose Winchester: Alright hoe, you said you were coming back in November. You have three days before I start throwing some hands bitch.
  4501. Mayson Cunningham: did you die
  4502. I’m stupid, but: whats ligma?
  4503. FlametheSeraph: You know what, she's not a flat-earther, so she's ok in my book. Weird and a bit repulsive but ok
  4504. Parker Rants: React to TROOM TROOM, or THREE BEAT SLIDE,
  4505. NeckBoi: *half a year* 😰😰😰
  4506. Emily O'Neill: TEAM BALLZ
  4507. Alfie Donnelly: Come back!!!
  4508. Dont ask: HAPPY ocTROber
  4509. L9 Toxic ツ: Troll Tommy Gaming do it hahahaha
  4510. Purge: that man is going to get a serious aid from all this sucking
  4511. outofthezone: Rip xxxxtenticon press f to pay respect
  4512. Adrionna Clift: Bruh.
  4513. TGB PLAYZ: Where you at
  4514. Gavin Bobtrolo: Man
  4515. Slipdrift 83: Triggered tro my main hoe back with another video
  4516. sarah strapkovic: Where are you? Hope you're alright. We miss you!
  4517. mish uu: Uuuuu hello July 31st and you still ain't here. Are u alive?
  4518. trackle trickle: I hope trigger tro didnt die or something
  4519. sabbaby brina: Post more you dumb bitch I miss you🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
  4520. Zane Romave: First
  4521. KING TEE951: Where tf is yo Funny Ass At .?!
  4522. jo jo: Where did u see that
  4523. Urboiii R345ytd: RIP XXXTENTACION
  4524. kitty unicorn: I was not sure whether to laugh or be creeped out
  4525. Anna Andersen: im alleredy adicted to triggered tros videos!XD how is he soooo good at roasting?! HOOOOWWWWW. i watched tro since..... september or something i thing <3
  4526. Zn2015: Notification squadddd
  4527. Ivan Escalera: Tro come back
  4528. Nick S: Yo nice
  4529. Kelani Paea: Vampire chick saw this video and drained Tro. RIP 🙏
  4530. Jrixzy: If you dont post asap ima get scarce to box yo ass
  4531. Classyconservative: Is this man dead
  4532. I’ve Got Honey Jams: Omg this makes me want to throw up
  4533. Nudge: Please come back tro we miss you soo Fucking much!
  4534. Den Unge Magiker: Hello troyyy fealing triggerd yet?
  4535. Gaming Master vlogs: RIP X
  4536. Sunkem: No dont be like leafy and leave us out of nowhere
  4537. MtnDewGuy100: Weird asf 😕
  4538. PhinksTV: i know! :( If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  4539. David Gonzalez: I've never felt like vomiting
  4540. Mason Musgrove: Bro where you at
  4541. Giovanni junior: This morning. I got up to a bleeding gum.. The taste of blood almost got me vomiting and felt like i wa goinf to passout. Woman is disgusting.
  4542. Boo Bop: Bouta order a round earther and a team ballz t-shirt so tro can eat tonight lol
  4543. Rayna & Shay: How about tht girl Dakota who was in Dr.Phi tht was on yesterday? You can probably say some funny shit on her
  4544. Bob Dylan: WELCOME BACK
  4545. Lydia Rodríguez: Lmao
  4546. PanDaL0v3r11: I bet she eats her steaks raw
  4547. Wilson Junior: Where you been
  4548. Brianna Sager: I thought she was 60
  4549. dat boi: good job ya done went mia again tro
  4550. Colton Johnsom: 2019 is here where are you? Please trodaddy come back to your children
  4551. Cerus Kok: Did you quit?
  4552. youngbrae theMatchingGod: Jk he hates it
  4553. MobLife20: I think Michelle killed triggered tho after this video was over
  4554. Tristan Ruel: Hello?????.
  4555. Adrian Vera: +Jeffrey Productions no way😥😥😥😥😥😪😪😪
  4556. Andrew Roberts: Where the fuck is my man TRO? :(
  4557. 100% LeGiT: Almost first
  4558. Caterpillar Egg334: Come back please
  4559. Jaden Fuentes: Bruh wya
  4560. Firewall dragon Is gone: There's no fucking way this video is a month old. I remember seeing this shit back in May
  4561. Matea Orešković: Trooo my man please don't pull a leafy on us :<
  4562. Lightfire: Dude Stop, im Just eating right now. Fucking hell you just destroyed my breakfast.
  4563. Trap clan C: First
  4564. Ben Mullin: What happened to making a cringe worthy musicaly?
  4565. Vlone T: Day number 2,502: I have run out of water, i can hear colors and control the weather. Please come back Tro... please
  4566. Shameka Grant: Where are you man, I kinda miss ya
  4567. Ahmed Altaf: Do you mean Earth-ist?
  4568. Kai Ivy Black: TRO COME BACK😭
  4569. What_ Sis?: White Girls Gone. Satan would love this bitch in hell.
  4570. AYE AYEEE!!!: shes def going to hell
  4571. Sinox _: Tro, you gotta make a video on “jilly juice” (Dr.Phil video) that cures EVERYTHING, even our stupidity by shitting it all out.
  4572. Mia Cravath: I think this lady killed tro for his blood :/
  4573. Dejaneira Cantizaniz: I wonder what she will do when she runs out of blood? Lol
  4574. Freddie Elias: New vid?
  4575. Abby Murphy: Triggered Troy is DEAD
  4576. thenumbersixlookslikeyou: Its strange tho cuz I don't see any Christian comment
  4577. A P29: Damn he actually looks llike Mark 😂
  4578. Dis Foo: Yesh.
  4579. Taken gaming: Come back at least
  4580. God bless America: Hi
  4581. Foster Etkin: That's my sister
  4582. SANGUINARY: Where has Tro dissipated to???
  4583. we all: make a patreon dud
  4584. Alton Doss: This is the most sad. Trovember I have ever had
  4585. Jo Bic: This is actually really difficult to watch
  4586. Ninja pancakes 664: So can ableism?
  4587. xRx Ready: At least somethings getting sucked lmao😂
  4588. Ratiø Ground: Why you holding One on us for one month Tro Are you in college Cause that might be why Your not uploading Cause your exams might be this month
  4590. charismatic: hey tro this kid is saying you basically “talked shi” about him he made a video and called you “THE CRINGE KING” basically so yea. i don’t know what drug their on. i think you should check it out maybe make a video ❤️✌️
  4591. Light and Dark: She is definitely a vampire or cannibal
  4592. Connor Jones: Lady gon get AIDS
  4593. Lilly Steele: Did he actually die
  4594. Futanaris Are Hot: Daddy Tro Posted 💜😀
  4595. Kobe Garcia: This bitch cant drink her own dam blood?
  4596. Yeeticus Spartacus: Yeet
  4597. CaptainRage_23: come back dickhead
  4598. you autistic kid: He's not dead
  4599. BanRckyy YT: Did You Die Of Ligma?
  4600. Brooke 26: WHERE ARE YOU? Did they gang up on you? Come on man. You need stronger security.
  4601. GNJ: Dude, we miss you tro
  4602. AdvancedQUBE: 3 months now rip tro
  4603. Yorki Splat: i cant live without my tro
  4604. trisha's cat pickles: 1:40 ew how do people look at that without cringe try not to cringe/look away challenge
  4605. Shoshonequinn: Gets almost 1.5 mil subs *leaves*
  4606. Breanna Ledbetter: Michelle. You scare me..
  4607. Tech ./.: Rip xxxtentacion
  4608. Bob Marely: Transgender Count Dracula after he/she did a couple hundred years of meth and weed and then hid in the walls of hot topic is here!
  4609. Dinosuar Lover: Laz i Harare that someone told me about it at sawcon
  4610. Dashiell Uaine: +Noah Ben Haddou I mist a joke!? Rip me what was it?
  4611. toksic waste: rip x
  4612. Foreskin Taker of souls: Where defuq my nigga at, there is more dr. Phil videos to react to
  4613. Izzy Soup: Conspiracy he is justdestiny
  4614. Asylum Now: Plz come back!!!!😭
  4615. FusRoDah Daily: +BIG_BOY15 you're welcome fam.
  4616. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  4617. Mandy Boi: Where does she get this stuff eBay
  4618. Kai Langston: No tro no trovember so no no nut so we can nut now he actually saved us
  4619. Static Union: Rip xxxtentacion
  4620. insiderdaily #2: Wtf u atttttttt
  4621. a&q Vlogs: Do more videos please @triggered Tro
  4622. WarHorseFilly: Plz come back Tro
  4623. Ashita Prakash: EWWWWW! THATS DISGUSTING
  4624. Amani Anafika: Good thing it looks like red wine or else I wouldn't last 😵
  4625. what?: where you at boi
  4626. Ashley Brown: Tro prolly dead
  4627. Isaac Tucker: please come back daddy tro
  4628. Madison Rose: Oilerator I know. 😭
  4629. Chinflas Orozco: Man somebody has got to find this mans home and fucking force him to make more videos i been waiting patiently. We have waited patiently so i say we file a missing case report to find tro
  4630. JakeFromStateFarm: Litttt
  4631. Rizky Erlangga: Bloody hell mate
  4632. madeeha: Man I forgot you existed. post more perhaps?
  4633. L3ezzy: daddy tro
  4634. Thebanana _republic: I can't even smell blood without even slightly gagging
  4635. RTV5 Gavin Bohn: canadien bacon Of sports Lol
  4636. Lou Cres: Where'd he go 😢
  4637. xK A R L Ax: Lol
  4638. Bob: Happy new year, cuc
  4639. AARON HOLT: Been two months
  4640. Vasty Andrews: TROOOOO❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  4641. nyi lever: Up load a video you dink
  4642. Quincy Cook: 3
  4643. JKH GAMING: Yo tro did you die from all the cocaine and hookers?
  4644. David Flores: Tro that one girl who wanted the g wagon on dr.phil actually got it and she crashed it
  4645. kameron bass: iiTokio check twitter
  4646. Gavin Bobtrolo: I miss you
  4647. Red Tetra Gaming: F
  4648. Anonymous: I didn’t wanna watch this episode it disgusted me so much 😭😂
  4649. Tarek Hussein: She is stupid as fuck
  4650. Just Peachy: Hey where'd you go? Did you follow plan G? Did you knock out toddlers and moms? XD we need yah back!
  4651. BoLT xLegendz: Cody TeeVee he has ligma
  4652. Grace Katilynn: Wonder what she does with her period blood?.........
  4653. Brenna Booth: *posts a video then disappears for a month or two”
  4654. Jacob Tweedy: Come back
  4655. lawrence legend: this kid has god tier sarcasm, i love it
  4656. The Tide Pods at the grocery store: Tro would be good friends with Leafy. anyone agree?
  4658. Ocean Ticzon: First view and comment
  4659. Its Lunetik: Come back tro plizz i love all your videos and u were so funny:(
  4660. Mystery Dragøn: Of course she lives in Lancaster,Ca
  4661. Vividly Violet: can we bring tro back thankss
  4662. Bumaye 19: Hell yeah another video
  4664. Davin Nelson: Early bird gets the triggered tro worm
  4665. Dat Kid Mat: RIP tro 😭
  4666. Niker _74: Bubububu*bullshit*
  4667. Do It: Tro are you alive? Where are the videos brother? Your good enough to make it as a YouTube and make a lot of money but you need a consistent upload schedule to form a fan base who watches them all as soon as they're out, trust me brother.
  4668. Kpop Stann: I was just 2 seconds into the video and I was like ' Like!'
  4669. Alpacita: By any chance does anyone have the guys instagram? He said he cuts himself and I wanna ty to help him out
  4670. Ramses Tremols: Bitch would probably bleed to death just to drink her own blood.
  4671. Enderbrine: Duh it's a f.....g voodoo room.
  4672. Amanda Kocsis: Tro got cancer and died sis
  4673. Sophie The Little Chef: And where the hell you been? 😂
  4675. KungFuhrer: Damn its been 4 month since..
  4676. Alexander Teo: React to Danielle Cohn
  4677. ImaginextBatmanUniverse /IBU: I guess tro is on plan G
  4678. Vivianne Zaitani: I’m still waiting for that video >:^(
  4679. JoTaft: Just discovered your channel and can't stop watching. Hope you come back!
  4680. Maddy Speckmaier: It’s 2019 Tro. It’s the year of the tro. Come back we miss u. Did she come to ur house and drink ur blood?
  4681. Finn Jacklin: Why are there no more videos?
  4682. Golden Shard: How does she not get hiv
  4683. The Mystic Fez: Fuck
  4684. SuBsCrIbE tO pEwDiEpIe: WHERE ARE YOU??
  4685. Chino 2k: I’m convinced that tro is dead
  4686. Eddie Deez Nuts: what happened to dis nigga?(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
  4687. Count Jack O: I want a Team Ballz ringtone!!
  4688. S8ltyboi: Tro.. My birthday is the same the same as yours..
  4689. Happy Puppy: Sexy Vegan is back cringe af
  4690. angel godinez: Wya tho
  4691. TeetolScarf48 _: Lazy pice of garbig
  4692. Yeeto Vandito: Where the fuck is Tro? Also Jonathan, I repeat Jonathan. Yes father? For what do you call for my attention Have you been consuming the sugar in secrecy while not being under my supervision? You are under the pretense that I have father, however that is not the case. You would dare fabricate this falsity that you have not consumed the sugar? To your own father? I must repeat father that these claims are most untrue. If this is to be true, please present your oral cavity Jonathan. Ha ha ha.
  4693. Brian Martin: Its dry out here in the wastelands. Its been 4 months out here and we're dying. Water and food scarce. Some bald doctor named phi just walked by with a creepy smile and the month of NoTROBer is beggining to cause depression.
  4694. Really Bro Gameing: Come back i miss you
  4695. IRISH: dont pull a leafy on us tro
  4696. Emo 5 Ever: Its been 5 months wya Tro
  4697. alex idk: when new vid
  4698. euphoric: OMFG HE DEADASS WENT FROM 50K to 1M WOAHH
  4699. Rick Sanchez: 🤔👉+🌫😦😧😮🤢🤮
  4700. GetSmartGetDumb: Triggered Tro missing out on that Trigger Trove of Dr phil with Eminem's daughter
  4701. Shminny: Fuck milk mom, blood is the shit that makes me grow taller!
  4702. TheMoneyman501: Wya bruhh?
  4703. Tyler Thatcher 2: Where did he go
  4704. DudeMinecraftRocks: Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m not gonna unsub, but plz upload soon :( (Idc if it doesn’t rhyme)
  4705. Charlie hayden: This guy just roasted the fuck outta ppl and then dipped
  4706. Moses Devadass: Hahaha jokes over you can come out now
  4707. 20,000 subs with no videos: Dragon my balls across yo face
  4708. Jojo Pitzulo: maybe id be more addicted if you posted more, not hating just saying
  4709. Alex papanik: Category:science and technology LMAO
  4710. Nooby: You're back and what the fuck
  4711. cemetery665_TOAO: Well eating blood cubes (cooked blood) is actually normal in most asian countries, but I think drinking it raw is probably bad for you.
  4712. Jonathan Cardenas: i am
  4713. MY NIGGUH: are you and Jamari? the same person?
  4714. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Same bro
  4715. freepointsgals: This popped up in my notifications 5 days later.
  4716. MatthewGamer4: Triggered Tro sexy vegan is on Dr. Phil right now!!!
  4717. Andrew Evans: For all we know, she’s a vamp! Like (Oh no, I’m turning in Woahvicky) we never saw her teeth.
  4718. Justine Mendoza: 2:32 had me dead asf😂😂😂😂
  4719. zxidy: Where you at ? soon we’ll be seeing “2019-?” Comments
  4720. David RBLX: I’m sorry to say, guys but..Tro died from Ligma..😪
  4721. Julie Delafontaine: Tro man i find your channel just to find out its inactive???? Get making videos
  4722. Chris Bafaloukos: Holy shit, it's actually fucked up to the point where it's hard to watch
  4723. ahmad barkoumi: it was prob for black magic
  4724. HeyItsGucci: does she drink her period blood too .
  4725. M3xicanteen 125: First
  4726. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: Carlos Rodriguez forreal Carlitos he makes the negativity run away from my life and brings positivity when he makes fun of people
  4727. Fleados: Dammit Michelle, you're not doing a favor for goth people X'D
  4728. Jay the friendly crusader: Johnny over here takin the fattest L of all. Opted to be this girls blood diner and gets friend zoned hard. RIP in piece.
  4729. Michael Blankenship: She drinks human blood as much as she can? Is she trying to get Hepatitis? Because that is how you get Hepatitis.
  4730. Art Time Dragonball: blah blah blah # earlysquad
  4731. purpletrostyy: This is so hard to watch 😓
  4732. down syndome .Y: Somebody get her locked up area 51
  4733. Joey Lin: Bro you gotta come back like GradeAUnderA did
  4734. Hien Vu: Blood actually tast fine. But some body need to teach this girl how to drink ,eat blood the right way. Check our vietnamese blood sup.
  4735. Killer_ Girl_: Where are you mah dude?
  4736. Josiah Holland: This nigga got a bunch of views than dipped
  4737. Smexy jimin Thicc: Oh shit SHE DRANK TRO’S BLOOD
  4739. Tabitha Jarnot: Yo that's fucking disgusting wth
  4740. Sgtsmith: How the king of handing out L's not doing anything about Pusha 'Thanos' T killing Drake
  4741. Ian Perge: Yup, a cringe-fest over here as well.
  4742. Luna: where did TRO go? did the dog humper get him or something?
  4743. kurea _: Fawnzo Paws who said it wasn’t?
  4744. Hollie C: 😭😭😭 plz come back
  4745. zangouta jugurta: i realy f miss him wtf man plzz comeback plz
  4746. YouTube nerd: React to glitter forever 17
  4747. Mirthful Tale: Oh no Johnny who hurt you?
  4748. Foreshadoww Chickenadoww: At least make some Dr. Phi
  4749. ChayceE 123: 29? She looks 49
  4750. Greasy Taco: Ahh yes I drink blood
  4751. Maniacal Laughter: Stop hiding, show your voice to us. Give me Daddy Phil! Give us Tro!!!!!!
  4752. The Man From Krypton: Congrats Michelle, Johnny gave you all the STDs!
  4753. Dino Kirby: ...Triggered Bro? Where are you, you bloody beautiful vegan messiah?
  4754. jasminn .D: Herb Tenderson no bitch go to a different video no one gaf
  4755. Nixx !: You're back, finally!
  4756. The MiL's: I almost throw up omg
  4757. Ariel Mcnie: BunnyGamer period blood is made from the uterus lining. Nutient rich blood build up in uterus to prepare for the egg...when the egg doesn't get fertilized the lining expels....the blood does not directly come from the egg....
  4758. stfu_joker: I dare you to be a comedian
  4759. iAm_a_leafperson: Make videos more frequently
  4760. Texas: She go get aids
  4761. m a i: Daddy uploaded!
  4762. Steph MacCormick: I love me some good *krvavica* once in a while. Yep... it's blood sausage. MMmmmhhhhmm!
  4763. Rubber Ducky: Almost half a year without you, man.
  4764. Spongebob Squarepants: Leave Mark out of this 😂
  4765. lisairy •: where my mans tro at man :////
  4766. Eman Egnarts: Does anyone have any idea where the hell is this guy? Like any information? I will stay subscribed forever.
  4767. TheMoneyman501: You need to do a Ilovefriday - Mia Khalifa diss
  4768. I Am Cynic: i think this is the first woman to scare me shitless since, my ex gf tried to murder me and was hauled away like a feral beast
  4769. lordken33: I been a subscriber since you had 300k subs. When I had a bad day at work I watch your vids
  4770. PjBug: Gets addicted to tros vids. He fuckin leaves. FML
  4771. james schluter: I can’t watch this
  4772. RaidenTheRiceCooker: Here since 1.3k
  4773. Mariah Calves: Why are all these people fat
  4774. Social Psychos: All I want for Christmas is for tro to release a video. All I want. Can you do that tro?
  4775. Quswa Qaiser: um..yes, hello, did u fucking die lmao
  4776. osama bukhari: You sound like Ceeday
  4777. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  4778. MmXtreme M: Satan worshipper.... she's demon posessed.
  4779. tiacrutch 13: Tro you can't disappear like my dad did :'(
  4780. Owł: Miss you tro
  4782. Rai Kai: Lmao i bet she hates trump
  4783. IHaveInsomnia •: +δUEEN POTATO :3 Ligma balls bitch
  4784. Faith Vivian: Tro where you att😭
  4785. Caffeine Roulette: Rest in peace
  4786. liberty_of_expression: where are you mate
  4787. Lawrence P: Tro makes my nipples hard
  4788. Cynical Gamer: He is ok check Twitter u dumb ass 9 year old's
  4789. Will Tosh7: What the actual fuck is your upload schedule
  4790. defaulty boi: I forgot about you. Damn come back dad plzzzzzzzzzzz
  4791. James.T .Adams: Charles fuller Doesn’t change the fact that we can eat meats and vegetables with pretty much no consequences in the short term. We’re omnivores.
  4792. Guitar Spirit: Ear to nose connector thing! Haha
  4793. Wednesday: Tro get ur ass bk on youtube u bum
  4794. Bacon_Burrito: You better post another fucking video soon you cuck
  4795. Cobro 83: Shes a vamprer or a miscito
  4796. Sage Davis: 7 months....7 MONTHS...... CoMe bAcK pLeAsE
  4797. Alimhas Shelnskih: tro is alive!!!!!!
  4798. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Yes slim shady aka slim lady make a diss bout this du
  4799. Alani Carrasquillo: Where. U at??
  4800. daniel tornel: Yo where you at?
  4801. Haunted Midnite: Leafy’s replacement
  4802. Ec1ipz: Oii tro u can’t miss trovemeber or I’ll hunt u down😫
  4803. Iris Lyn: You're the videos I watch to always make me laugh when I'm down.
  4804. julianvro: Its been 2 months 😢😢
  4805. hooman hooman bean: VAMPIRE BASICALLY. THIS ISNT EVEN HUMAN
  4806. itz meh: Sinox _ we are............TEAM....BALLZZZZZZZ!
  4807. Arysutha Negara: "IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM" she said to her mom when she was a teen. Well, she isn't lying on that one. 29 y/o and still EDGY AF BOI
  4808. Riley Lynn: Goodness when I saw this notification, it made my day so much better💟
  4809. iGzen0: This video made me sick to my stomach🤯 how does she drink blood.
  4810. Fishy Gamer: I remember the good old days when tro used to upload
  4811. Jasmine Corbin: Qont Haar he died
  4812. nadiax: Video has 666k views…
  4813. specific ocean: So did he just become a dead channel????
  4814. Potato Queen: Why the hell was this video so damn short
  4815. Jasmine Corbin: SlayzHD he died
  4816. Catherine Sangree: I LOVE YOUUUU!!! <3 <3
  4817. Thomas White: rip tro
  4818. •L u c a s•: rip tro
  4819. Ryan Daley: where you been?
  4820. cheese whiz: TRO WTF DUDE GET TF BACK HERE!!!
  4821. Ruben Da Rocha: Okay that's fucking grim
  4822. Fortnite Sucks: Fucking pissing me off now dude i love your channel and when u did uplaod i was so excited and made my day a bit better
  4823. Richard Gonzales: Asnee _ literally the exact concept
  4824. Samson's Son: Y’all are retarded. He’s been at 1m subs forever lmao
  4825. Javi Garduño: I’m so damn grossed out 🤮
  4826. Chezan Abhindra: This is where modern vampire begin
  4827. CrzyPlayzz: T
  4828. Honestly Mal: Why would tlc upload a video like that that's disgusting...
  4829. I want to die: TRO: *uploads video* ME: *gets up and does a dance*
  4830. Tamgo2474 YT: Jacob Bob CODE LIGMA CODE FUCKEN LIGMA
  4831. spike: Comeeeeback
  4832. Billie Eilish: I luv ur channel. Ur so funny 😂😭
  4833. Rich Instinct: make more vids
  4834. Amayiah Tollefson: I’m crying myself to sleep instead of laughing at your videos now.Tro i need you to pull up and make yo child laugh( i don’t fw my real dad so like can ya adopt me)
  4835. Emir1k: I was eating pizza while watching this and she ruined my appetite
  4836. smhpreston: finally
  4837. Bladez_313: Yayyyyy
  4838. Trayq: why did you leave us!!! you the only one thats making me laugh on youtube
  4840. Stevie.Elise: Where are you? We miss you 😭 punk ass bitch
  4841. Ruin: UPLOAD YA FREAK
  4842. Noor Nagra: Early
  4843. Sparkly Cupcake: Hey dude. Are u dead? Or cant find any contact?
  4844. *T⃣a⃣e⃣h⃣y⃣u⃣n⃣g⃣'s⃣_ɢɪʀʟɪᴇTM*: WOAH TRO MADE A VIDEO??
  4845. Try Vander Pluym: TEAM BALLZ
  4846. Alex Ivensky: This manz hits 1 mil and folds
  4847. Jake Tabler: Left you a like and a comment, Tro. But I'm out early on this one. I think I'll go puke now
  4848. Adeline Castillo: Yikes
  4849. Galantis Aquatico Productions: When u gonna come back and post new vids?
  4850. Goat Garbage: Dude trivember
  4851. Hanaa Zouri: YOU ARE FINALLY BACK YAY XD
  4852. Kim Anderson: It’s fucking November WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
  4853. Uncertain boy: Lol nigga i've been subbed since January 2017 before 50k
  4854. Kim Jan Un III: Tro coming back trovember
  4855. Sara Carroll: “Hi my name is Johnny and I’m just glad that something’s getting sucked.”
  4856. Allison Clark: Alex 315 bro you need to watch yourself in case she tries to drink your blood
  4857. v8: Eh cousin lets go bowling?
  4858. Final Form: leafyishere
  4859. skirt skirt: R.I.P tro
  4860. The CraZy Talk: What the hell tro where the fuck are you
  4861. Tylijah Brown: Her favorite books are of those by Anne Rice and Stephanie Mayers
  4862. Bevis Liu: its been 4 month we need you the legend . Dont be like leafy
  4863. Krusty AsianB: Sean McFetridge Apparently, you’re brain dead enough to not understand humor, me saying I reported it was a fucking JOKE.
  4864. Cameron Hess: Dear triggered tro... WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!
  4865. Vyxaz On Xbox: Kumback
  4866. CFN produced it: 1:23 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
  4867. WITNESS ME: How can I get addicted to watching your vids if your upload is fucked
  4868. ExtendedMagsSuck: Subbed and Liked the video, don't stop the production man you're doing great. thanks for giving me a few laughs or more during a time of depression.
  4869. Adownish Jeyajeevans: I will unsub if u dont upload, jk
  4870. Xwarior Wolf: Who else feels uncomfortable
  4871. PREPFORIT: Wow What a sick fuc* !!!
  4872. Ali Dixon: What. The. Fuck.
  4873. oh yeah yeah: Upload more bro
  4874. The Mole: All Hail The Leader of All Blue Shirts!
  4875. Arkane Flores: Tro where are you?
  4876. OFFICIAL Laketh Empire YouTube: TRO. WYA
  4877. Supreme Dan: Maybe tro should get addicted to uploading
  4878. I like turtles: Didn't u make fun of xxxtentacion
  4879. jo jo: What makes u think he's back
  4880. TiredHedgehog: I HAVE ARRIVED MOTHER TUCKERS #earlysqaud
  4881. Ski: Lmao he just dipped
  4882. nika: EYPOOOOO
  4883. Cookie_ ninja500: I need a triggered Tro video.
  4884. Usernames are overrated: Oh I'm so glad you're back!
  4885. matt 106: bicth please bloods not THICKER WINE
  4886. Fisk K.: Holy sh*t, where the hell do you find these nutjobs?
  4887. Deandre Lottier: Tro where have you been! You no how many imposters we have been subject to! There can only be one true... Tro
  4888. Bacon And cheese: If she drank human blood wouldn’t she have a chance of HIV
  4889. Jorja: I've actually missed his videos pop up in my notifications... wonder what's happened? It's been 6 months.
  4890. Douglas Laws: U died?
  4891. Queen Kay: RIP tro😭
  4892. Harambe Eeee: Rip
  4893. liana karloff: tro where tf are you at?
  4894. The Ghost: I love your channel and enjoy watching your videos because of how funny you are . Good job hitting you're first million .I'm glad I subscribe to you .❤
  4895. Russell from Up: Sacred times guys he’s not back until after no nut November and on December 1sr after no nut November it ain’t gonna be snow your seeing remeber
  4896. Spookey Boi: TRO COME BACK ITS 2019
  4897. Matt Collett: I clicked this video just to hear you voice again.
  4898. Anastasia K.: i almost threw up-
  4899. Lightwork CD: Wya smh
  4900. E-Beggarnazere Lembe: What the flipping flying flamingo did I just watch.
  4901. Alton Doss: Omg omg omg tro is back go check Twitter i’ve never click on the notification so fast
  4902. Professinal Account: MARKIPLER WITH A DRUG PROBLEM 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  4903. Southsidebruhh: Sooo you back yet?
  4904. Game Dweller.: Jasmine Corbin are you serious?
  4905. MrTime: If she wants blood she should try dinuguan it pigs blood buuuuut its cooked properly (its filipino cuisine)
  4906. kabir1556: Ya
  4907. Some Random YouTube Commenter: This woman is Dracula’s wife
  4908. QuantumFalcon: He appears to have gone the way of Leafy
  4909. Ty'Shaun Fontaine: Thanks for fucking up my day
  4910. William Deakin: Two months bro God damn
  4911. The Skeleton gamer: Almost 3 months???? Where did you goooo
  4912. Richard Na123: Where areeeee you?
  4913. Jasmine Corbin: Game Dweller. Cuz that's what other ppl are saying
  4914. Bennett Quaid: Omgggg we miss you pleas come back
  4915. Gokul Krishnan: TEAM BALLZ!👏👏
  4916. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Sharl do dod od dodbpodod shark dododododod
  4917. Ali Hassan Liaquat: FusRoDah Daily that’s devotion right there
  4918. ThunderXGaming: Dr Phil got tattoos or some shit and Logan Paul Vs Ksi happened and lil tay got a tv show WHERE ARE YOU
  4919. RaGe 50K: where did you go for tro ;(
  4920. W5 Chu: This is actually disgusting how is this on YouTube
  4921. OTSS Jaymoney: My nigga tro died damn rip #LLT
  4922. Jaydon: Oooh shit why the fuck is this in my recommend?!!?
  4923. Jess a cola: Tic tac tro needs to post some mo
  4924. Billy Bedard: Yo where did you go
  4925. wackk and stuff: come back )); i wanna cry
  4926. icy corpse: ugh
  4927. Trinity: Um.. I usually start my day by taking a drink of you know, water?
  4928. PeasleP: TEAM BALLZ great work as always Tro
  4929. SleepySloqh: Probably some red wine lol
  4930. Mr. Happy: *is small* post every week *gets big* posts once a month then stops posting for another month. For real now you are sooo predictable Tro, i always knew you were gonna get big but i also knew you were gonna be a text book small youtuber that gets big
  4931. ArrowShard 00: TROvenber Comeback
  4932. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  4933. Ciego is Dead: where the fuck is tro
  4934. Nerdy Fangirl: Fucking emos man wth
  4935. DimeBag Darrell: I’d hit that bitch with a shovel
  4936. MrPusnjak: Leafy is here version 2.0
  4937. Zen: Damn R.i.p tro 😢
  4938. Gabriel Garcia: Please come back
  4939. Coldwelth Simms: triggered tro make more videos, your videos are by far the smoothest and most natural of any YouTube reaction, very funny and graceful
  4940. eric rodriguez: Rip x we will miss u 🙁🙁 one like = one prayer
  4941. Jimmy: R.I.P Triggered Tro💔🤧
  4942. Sam: Goddammit this is the next level crazy wtf!
  4943. colin -: Did this chick find you dude ? Did she drink ur juce ? U ok ?
  4944. horre paeske: Tro u dead bro?
  4945. Víctor Salaberry: Congrats on 1,300k subs
  4946. Fredny Cortes: Hi tro
  4947. Kingstewie15: Jonny’s happy something’s getting sucked😂
  4948. HasHasDre: or addicted to watching MY LITTLE PONY
  4949. LaTortugaPendeja 3: Don’t leave us
  4950. Emil Medina: Where are you Tro?????????????? We need to know
  4951. Random Person: Are you ok?
  4952. XanGang Radio: Uhhh? return to YouTube
  4953. Chase Howard: Tro☹😢
  4954. Dana Feldstein: Yay we’ve been waiting 👏🏻 also nasty af
  4955. Jean //The Android Sent By CyberLife: All I wanted for my birthday was for you to come back
  4956. OctobersTrick: At least three !in the with no video and now this 4 minute video, I NEED MY FIX TRO.
  4957. Grant Christopher: Tro my man come back
  4958. Novalicious V: Upload more!
  4959. Joseph Haley: Dr.Phil has been uploading GOLDDDDD lately😂 hurry up and get on that shit
  4960. migo jesse: Did u die?
  4961. carson roach: Tro we miss u
  4962. Alex Qiu: God, this is so difficult to watch
  4963. Brandy Woods: All of that extra iron she's consuming is going to start doing major damage to her organs if it hasn't already...
  4964. Nuclear Potato: Trigger tro when are you going to make other video.
  4965. 20,000 subs with no videos: Triggered dies of dragon it’s a rear disease caused by lack of vitamin E
  4966. usalax76: Just found your channel from the flat earthers but now you haven’t uploaded in 6months... come back
  4967. Remdyz: I think my dad has died 🧐🧐😩
  4968. blewyd: Still there
  4969. Ida Fox: Where are you!! I want more video's please
  4970. Sara Greaker: Come back😭
  4971. berzerkerRick playz: Congratulations you now have hepatitis c b and all the other letters you bloody idiot😂
  4972. MassiR77: You wouldn't guess what this lady addicted to blood puts in her bloody Mary! ... Ya you guessed it, it's blood!
  4973. V Garcia: U haven’t posted in a month babeç_ç
  4974. Crazy Butter: Young savage lit yeah I know I was just joking
  4975. NightRazer: Come back faggot
  4976. Anthony Luna: Im addicted to watching
  4977. Pob Gaming: Actually, blood has more nutrients than the meat itself, considering it carries the proteins, calcium, etc.
  4978. Johnny Gaudreau Fan: Please make more content I’m dying without your videos
  4979. Your local Edge lord: Holy sHiT i remember when tros channel was SO small KNOW HE HAS 1M FOLLOWERS. i did not know that. Well then. STiLll cONGRATS TROOOO!! (Sorry I did not know he finally had 1.3M. YEEEEEET)
  4980. JacksonsKingdom: elisesaysbye yes
  4981. liam the golden gamer: It's tro vember
  4982. LinkinsMommy: Omfg. I *was* eating.
  4983. devin sellers: dude I missed you and your amazing content
  4984. GottMitUnsOraProNobis: Guys help, I'm addicted to eating pussy. A WHOLE GALLON OF PUSSY!
  4985. mochi pudding: if she drank so much blood that it could fill a bathtub, i guess thats why shes as big as one
  4986. DARKEN DripZy: +iBeloadOdell he pulled a lispy Jimmie or something because he got arrested and no one knew
  4987. srixirs: *"a lot more videos soon!"* my ass tro *WHERE R U TRO*
  4988. D: I actually couldn't watch this wtf
  4989. Claudia Esperanza: Omg dad you finally came back
  4990. Carly Brady: He walked into that hot topic....... and never came back. IT WAS THE FURRIES! Don’t worry I’m going in *walks in* *distant screams*
  4991. Nasim Afhami: Anyone else waiting for a another dank video?
  4992. Joseph Lira: What type of AHS:Hotel is dis
  4993. Nour4 4l7ammadi: LOL
  4994. Arthur Latour: JustDestiny has more subs than you now... i never thought that would happen
  4995. cameron faulkner: 2019 no tro what the hell man
  4996. Pelican in shit: Meagan Threader he died in a car crash.
  4997. The Hølder: _Everyone has their own taste_ wiat what?
  4998. Alaisha Perry: 👀
  4999. MissJoJo Quwinn: Are you dead?
  5000. Ruptup: Richard Gonzales justdestiny copied him you moron
  5001. Tif Lil: We miss u tro! I am depressed without u!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
  5002. Sylver Rose: Yeeahhh
  5003. Deadboy VII: But... this is so strange as I watch on
  5004. Hi I’m Gay 666: v a m p i r e s ™️
  5005. im Tarahble: TRIGGER TRO WARNING!
  5006. i'm simply one hell of a bitch: Edgelords to the max
  5007. Azoulay1321: bruh i forgot about u where tf r u
  5008. Bubble But Bandit: Things just even grosser Woman addicted to drinking urine
  5009. Timmy Mcdonald: nasty
  5010. Antonio Chavez: I hope you come back your videos are extremely funny
  5011. Nikita Kuznetsov: Lyndsay Mags. Ohh no i don't watch that show, i thought that Vampires being killed with a wooden stake to the heart was common among all vampire folklore's.
  5012. Henry G10: What happened tro... I loved watching your videos but you are gone
  5013. Ella Chaim: Hey! My friend Ryan has autism and he really wants to get roasted by you or he wants to be noticed! Please do the best you can to help! His instagram is @ryantrout1 his you tube is Ryan The Lion Thanks Tro!!!!!
  5014. patrick star: Roast zane julian youtube channel
  5015. Pasta Pins: What bout period blood? U can't run outta that
  5016. Purple Shrek: Bloody Hell
  5017. MACU MICHERU: CAN'T BREATHE!!!! TOO FUNNNYYY!!! 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  5018. Ravesv1: Hi my name is tro and I am addicted I o air
  5019. Bo Bleach: Who else comes here to cry with fellow tro fans
  5020. Anthony Sanchez: I believe after 4 fucking months tro has given up and is now on plan G
  5021. Nicola Amoré: +Ayyat K on the corner
  5022. Chluffles: I think this woman might actually look forward to her period.
  5023. scabbedwings: Gross af
  5024. It is I who Nuts to That: How does she even have a job lol
  5025. Reppy07: Pfft. Bitch is lying. Pour real blood into a container. That ain't blood.
  5026. max johnson: R.I.P. Tro
  5027. the healthy kitchen ninja: You know what tro I’m very upset at you I love your videos and you have not posted 🤦🏽‍♀️
  5028. Scott Wilson: the fuck do you buy galleons of pigs blood?
  5029. awD.: Finally our lord uploaded!
  5030. Some Ones Keys: She looks unhealthy...
  5031. yUrp rP: I missed u tro lol u got me triggered
  5032. kingjwm57: RIP Tro 1 like = 1 prayer for Tro
  5034. Angelo Austen: Take as long as you need tro. I’ll always support no matter how long it takes
  5035. Nightmare 666: +DSM Genex you're very angry over a YouTube comment, may I suggest you calm down?
  5036. IdOl_Anna: It’s been 3 months 😢😭 can someone check his Instagram and Twitter
  5037. J XD: Where’s this dudes ass at
  5038. Konnyr pullen: You went a whole Octrober without posting and trovember now Trocember is tomorrow and you still haven’t posted 😪
  5039. XxflamexbunnyxX: Penis
  5040. BOT #Iwasboughtbythischannel: IT'S FUCKING RAAAW, YOU DONKEY!
  5041. NONO NO: He’s Dead 100%
  5042. Raju123X: Aids?
  5043. Lego Darth Maul: Tro like the egg picture, he’s still out there guys, just gotta keep fighting
  5044. Jelle Giesen: WHERE R U ?
  5045. Emily Breanne: So.....where ya at tro?
  5046. htrspitfire: Johnayyyy!!
  5048. Angel Meza: Will Tro come back?! Find out in the new episode of Dr. Phill...
  5049. Bumble bower: Alex 315 u dead yet
  5050. Nathan Ross: Omg finally love you Tro
  5051. Colton Johnsom: Did you die?
  5052. CS:GO and other random stuff: I miss him so much...
  5053. Armaun: rip this channel :( was on of my faves
  5054. FSU ATL: Where the vid at
  5055. Kenny Nauta: Ace'z Nah he posted on instagram recently
  5056. Jakob: where u at
  5057. Deadpool Gaming: YOUR BACK!!
  5058. TJ Dwyer: King Gryph - Gone Triggered Tro - gone Zias - pretty much gone
  5059. Neko Chan: Tro has probably moved on to his next plan and has become madly addicted to drugs and gotten arrested
  5060. :3 ILikeCats: Hey? Did you die..?
  5061. ImToxic: Shes drinking period’s blood
  5062. Yeetus Fetus: You alive?
  5063. David Flores: Come on tro u slacking on us
  5064. Axiel: rip :C
  5065. LexRose: Does she drink her period blood too? Lmao
  5066. Andrew Tick: Why does she look like the female version of Xerxes from 300
  5067. Clout: Bruh where the fuck you at
  5068. Isaia Togia: Dracula 2018
  5069. typicalogan: Tro come back
  5070. Lil Decki: Maybe sexy vegan finally killed him
  5071. itsThatTime: He ran away with Leafy.
  5072. tyler: Probably is
  5073. makafox: Bro it's been a month and im still waiting on that upload. are you okay? Can you post a quick video so we know you're Alive?
  5074. patrick star: Roast zane julian youtube channel
  5075. NobodySpecial TV: Tro where u at
  5076. PROAK 52: Did he got leafyed?
  5077. Darian Clark: Starting to think he died
  5078. Elijah H: Where are you bro. Or should I say tro🤣
  5079. BhoPee: where have you been Tro?
  5080. Gucci Bros: Tro I miss you. Please come back.
  5081. Jacoby Campbell: Rep where u at bro
  5082. Midnite St0rm: If you claim to be metal and you’re not this chick then you’re just a fucking poser
  5083. queercancer: what happened to him???
  5084. Dino 1: R.I.P THIS CHANNEL
  5085. Arianna Co: Tro went on to Plan E, apparently.
  5086. Jacob: Tro wya it’s been half a year
  5087. JUST NO: Twilight wannabe
  5088. Joseph Jensen: Dude your vids are amazing funny as hell.
  5089. Maarten Oosterlinck: Where the fuck are you
  5090. Pavol Slačka: i need new video Tro,c´mon man ,you made me addicted on yours videos :D
  5091. Madison Rose: Did you die?
  5092. Israel Baltazar: It’s trovember come back please 😭
  5094. Warrior _ArtDolls: Where did you go? I need an episode on Jilly Juice
  5095. de Dragonator101: It makes me wonder how many diseases she could get in the future
  5096. Emanuel Gonzalez: Hi my name is Johnny Knoxville and a bitch drinks my blood
  5097. AaZzUuLl: Looks at the toilet sees blood ohh Yumi blood. Lmao
  5098. JustAc3: Please come back bro
  5099. Bryant Metcalf: Yo Tro WYAA
  5100. Nuclear Opinion: It's now officially Trovember and you still haven't risen from the Octrober grave.
  5101. Pine: Oh shit tro died from ligma
  5102. MACKSAMILLIONMUST: +Lawnmower Man hahahaha I'm watching again now in 2019 jan
  5103. Toxic Chimpmunk: Xbox gt ToxicChimpmunk8 spelled like that
  5104. $upreme!: one can only hope these people are just like comedy actors or some shit
  5105. PurpleZombie: Look, I lick my bleeding skabes (don't act like you've never done it) but this is ridiculous
  5106. Jordan Izumi: DID U DIE
  5107. bossman 291: +sam mandel are you serious??
  5108. Dominique Gonzalez: Yeah😧
  5109. I xLa_ra: Why do you get less views then 1 m
  5110. Its Spoons: Vampire 🧛‍♀️😂
  5111. Isgris LoLGaming: Litterally just got addicted to watching your vids
  5112. wolverinexo6: check dis out #wolverinexo6
  5113. XxchillxX 100: Comeeee backkk did u stop uploading bc YouTube didn’t give u adds Orr whatever it is comer back #comebacktro✊😭❤️
  5114. Billy Ray Cyrus: If your being held hostage by dr Phil blink twice
  5115. Colt_Fourty5: Honestly wtf is this
  5116. Crazy Cat Lady: Who else got super uncomfortable from this video?
  5117. Spring Branch 713 Kelvin N: Who is trying to match a blunt
  5118. Lana: Where is tro 🅱️🅱️🅱️(TT)(TT)(TT)(+_+)(+_+):-\:-(:-(😭😭😭
  5119. Ginger Steve: Yo Tro, Where did you go?
  5120. FunkySlash65: RIP tro lmao
  5121. Raven Lockwood: Triggered tro you get blood out of butcher shop and not Walmart okay or Krogers deli section an actual butcher shop they sell blood they actually sell animal organs also eye balls, intestine, and pig feet, turkey hearts whatever people need to make weird ass food that oddly doesn't taste as bad as it looks it's well terrible but not as bad as it looks or sounds
  5122. Eric Villegas: DID YOU DIE?
  5123. Acer Army: Promoting cocain No Big deal😂😂
  5124. SpicyTartar: Come back
  5125. Light Moe: Did he die Edit : thx for all the likes i didn't expect that:)
  5126. Brian Camacho: Im getting bs
  5127. PuppyDogLover #1: *Markiplier if he had a drug problem*
  5128. Eos+: its been a while i havent been triggered by a sassy tro... Where them bro at?
  5129. HHubs: where the fuck are you?
  5130. Pascale Haddad: the girl saw that tro has a lot of blood I think he sucked it guys
  5131. yanni !!: i was in the middle of an x-a-thon (where I listen to all of x's songs) but, i made an exception
  5132. Ellen Sippel: See y'all in a month.
  5133. Rye Ferguson: Come back tro
  5134. Mitchell Li: COME BACK TRO WE WANT U BACK
  5135. LucidShots: Where he at
  5136. Ethan Klumph: Yah no it's been a while sense your last video and a was kinda disappointed up bro
  5137. siredtoharley: Come back
  5138. Yautja: lmao
  5139. King Sloth50: Oh god this is disgusting! She has that ear to nose earring!So nasty!
  5140. Aesthetic Mexican: Omg yes someone remembers the plans😂😂😂
  5141. Mr.Dr.Brown: Where you at Tro
  5142. Valy Predescu: he ded
  5143. Flash: Rhinstone AJ hmm he could be deleting every video till his channel is gone ☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️
  5144. Harambe: Hey I love you daddy
  5145. Mari: It's a new year and still no sign of tro :(
  5146. Isaiah Røjas: Mine is probbably not very sweet I'll tell you that
  5147. Liam English: If she was pretty then id be cool with it. But she isnt. So yeah.
  5148. Galaxyforever Gamer: :( did u quite YouTube....
  5149. The Last Piløt: Troooo we need a new video we're dying here ;-;
  5150. Lil Loco: Upload more u fuck
  5151. Gaming with PURG3 anarchy: This chick and her friend are the human version of the actual word retarded. She is..Rarted
  5152. Anthony: NAASSSSSTY AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!
  5153. Troop Nation: It’s been five months and no vids. When is soooooooon!!!
  5154. Daniella Ferrell: I get angry😡i want my blood😰😟😵
  5155. Randomization 2140: 4:19 best part of the video :D
  5156. Smexy jimin Thicc: Yep That’s a bucket
  5157. CallMeXanels: Finally!!!!!!
  5158. PeRcIsE EaZzY: Where tro been at
  5159. OiOi :D: Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  5160. Cryo - Fitness and Gaming: Hey I'm just saying blood tastes pretty good but only my own
  5161. xFreshKate: tro’s videos give me life
  5162. Baby Caedence: 159 views and 1k likes its normal bro
  5163. Frenchie Wolf: Crazy how they put “that’s enough to fill 23 bathtubs” bloods and bathtubs don’t mix
  5164. Kolongi Goins: I come back to this video every week just so I feel better about tro not uploading
  5165. Lilly Nowinsky: Tro where did you go
  5166. Emperor Cryo: "You look like markiplier with a drug problem" LMAO keep up the jokes tro
  5167. fifty shades of gay: She's gonna catch aids or hepatitis
  5168. Speechless RIP ꊼꊼꊼ: Kevin with a O not a zero :)
  5169. twistedsith: "what i just walk into, a hot topic??" LMAO you just earned my sub
  5170. Mc Anto: Trovember?
  5171. PotatoMan 1: Upload more
  5172. Aiden Washburn: this year has had a depressing start we need tro
  5173. Nabin Marjan: Exterminate
  5174. Kayla: come back! :(
  5175. Nahamomi O: 3:49 Tro I cant become addicted to ur videos because there aren’t any new ones to get addicted to
  5176. Yousam200: +10,000 Subscribers with 122 videos challenge He said he'll bring back trovember but november is nearly over, so....
  5177. Scoozi.201: damn blood..
  5178. Alice Plautz: This bitch knows she can die from this right?
  5179. Cade Pierren: Trigger tro is ded:(
  5180. Beauty Strike Vlogs: A nose ring thing.
  5181. Carlos Gonzalez: HEY UPLOAD MORE SHIT PLEASE THANKS - Carlos
  5183. Carmella Ziober: We have a real vampire on our hands...
  5184. jay Singh: Tro get yo ass back on vids man we need em!
  5185. You Know It: He's in prison, give him a break!
  5186. Julia: my day is now better because he uploaded
  5187. 467325468961: It's been a month Tro I'm gonna have to toss a quick L for that.
  5188. Mad Crusader: Come back
  5189. EDPS Big ass lips: A year to late tro
  5190. Angela Chanelle: We love you Tro!!!
  5191. Extinct KJR: Taylor 051 ///Can you chill out nigga he can say his opinion under a video on YouTube.
  5192. unknown peaks: Why dont u make new videos bro plz make more
  5193. Anonymous Anonymous: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug addiction." But actually!
  5194. Alexander Pukk Berggren: Were are you tro
  5195. Kaden Malone: Are you sure he died of ligma my he died a sigma
  5196. Annika Nelson: how in the world did this addiction start
  5197. Enderbrine: Can u upload more often
  5198. officialblaze: Everyone in the comments acting like they are an OG to this channel.
  5199. Nichita Damian: All youtubers dissapear
  5200. Logan newelll: Rip tro
  5201. Urban: The Tro sho is back hoes
  5202. Antho el retardo: Papa's back
  5203. wyskgaming: She a vampire. Burn her by the stake
  5204. PhinksTV: lmao he has been gone a while hey!? If you miss our boy triggered tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits you should come check ya boi out!
  5205. Daniel V: Tf happened to you tro. Miss your voice bitch
  5206. joozy H: You still breathing dude?
  5207. AshrafulFTW: dude come back even just destiny has more subs than you now
  5208. Noah Stevens: Joshua S. Oof
  5209. oxXRockXSugarXxo: I always wonder what this guy looks like..cause he’s funny af. Voice is sexy too. Personality A+ -just saying
  5210. bryce leafty: Have fun....some day you'll receive some blood full of STDs or stis she'll most likely get aids soon hahah
  5211. Sinbad Kitty: Hopefully she doesnt take a nice big chimp out of his dick and take a nice suck
  5212. Michael Shears: Sammy G do u need help
  5213. Tyler Thrasher: It’s trocember where you at man ????
  5214. Monk3y Nutz: ahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...... NO
  5215. jjae 72: You will earn alot of money from vampires ofc
  5216. Brandy Burnette: Wouldn't it be "Shapist"?
  5217. celery: Yo my guy where u at
  5218. GlitchMod: I like turtles XXXTINCT***
  5219. Maci: okay
  5220. Douglas Mcdonald: RIP XXXTentacion
  5221. Savannah Somolik: COME BACK TRO
  5222. Ibro: He ded
  5223. Remzoh: The blood drinker got tro
  5224. Junior Borras: Dude made a few videos and dipped 😂😂
  5225. PinkMist01: She's a vampire 🤤
  5226. NuclearTNTGaming: Say something I’m giving up on tro
  5227. sus Gunner: It's 2019, you haven't uploaded since last year. I miss you
  5228. Dashti Beast: That’s not blood it’s something called vimto look it up it’s a very healthy drink there is no blood included
  5229. Amuz x: I’ve been here since 2k I’m extremely happy for him that he’s grown so much but had this caused my dad to leave I’ve watched all his videos at 15 times I miss you are you ever gonna come back the REAL OG’S MISS YOU COME BACKKKKK 😢😢😢😢😢♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  5230. Lone Wanderer: Where the hell have you been? What, you expect us to understand you've stuff going for you?
  5231. BAZZA: 2019 anyone?
  5232. Nxrth -: I was scared for 5 nearly 6 months to watch this video. Wish me luck.
  5233. Lord Tachanka: Return now
  5234. Jasmine Corbin: jose morado vlogs, and more he died
  5235. Sahara Otaki: Ethan Serna me
  5236. Kavin Raj: Comment how many times you puked
  5237. MARIAN OI: I think Tro went to the moon
  5238. Prank Nation: FIRST TRO
  5239. Jo A: Well he‘s dead i guess.
  5240. Kiwi Pie: Blood tastes good tho (I mean me drinking MY own blood)
  5241. Ludic Wave: Where are you fam
  5242. Mason Fugate: me too tbh
  5243. Troublesome Facts: I spent half my day watching your vids and I enjoyed every last one
  5244. Luna Moonlight: A real life vampire
  5245. Giordano Riviera: Aids
  5246. Patrik Anđić: Tro's upload is like a gift from God! But when he does upload its heaven on earth!
  5247. Martin Kolmačić: Trocember 2019 ?? 🙁🙁
  5248. grant howell: It's Spooktober and this bitch is in a league of her own
  5249. Fand0mTrashh: Tro where are you Come back :(
  5250. Durpy Kitty: omg this is horrible, terrifying, and gross
  5252. Dead Cat: When the fuck are you gonna upload
  5253. lilli nixon: She’s like the bleach lady 💀
  5254. Braden Lail: So gross 🙃
  5255. Layla Cowley: Where’s my boi tro?! Where you at!? Bro 😂😭
  5256. Maddy Speckmaier: TRO WHERE THE FUCK R U..... I miss u... I cant go on without u.....
  5257. Kane: When r u gonna do a new video
  5258. Seby DJ: Where are you
  5259. MassiR77: Team Ballz!
  5260. Ethan Serna: Who else is watching cause he hasn’t uploaded a new video
  5262. random person chosen by randomized: 120 views 621 comments over a thousand likes every thing seems good
  5263. Viper 76: I think tro died, he hasn’t posted in so long I forgot who he was, going through my sub box I remembered him
  5264. Tira Miau: 3:50 I'm addicted to watch your videos :c
  5265. thegypsygamer 12: He's finally back yas
  5266. Mikey Elliot: #WhereIsTro
  5267. GoldenBadger: Goddamn Pewdiepie you steal! Why are steal.... WHY?!
  5268. Zuby Siti: Im gonna puke
  5269. Ian UWillNeverKnowHa: "A lot more videos coming soon" Well that was a fucking lie
  5270. Lexi: YT.Camila no he’s fine I guess, he said he’s coming back so I’m hella excited
  5271. Stuart Anderson: Oh man, I'm watching from Scotland and guys, this shit is bonkers. Hilarious, yes...Insane, yes....massively concerning that this shit goes on...fucken right!
  5272. Brianna Nicole: Post againnnnnnnn
  5273. Eric Langitt: Sweet, nice vid, see ya next whenever
  5274. DropTheBat: WHERE ARE YOU TRO? ligma claims another victim.. (Edit does she drink her fuckin period blood??)
  5275. Samantha Cagle: Did Tro die lmao can I get a F in the chat ive been waiting 5 months for another video 🤦🏻‍♀️
  5276. Skate or die: Is he dead?
  5277. Ruari Cashin: You still have to do a because this video has 10,000 likes on it.
  5278. Matt Collett: You watched DoddO’s vid didn’t you? He said the same thing
  5279. Gavin Hunter: Where the fuck is tro
  5280. rylan: RIP my dude always enjoyed your videos ): you''ll be remembered
  5281. Extinct KJR: Well we can't get addicted to watching your channel if you don't upload.
  5282. Asiah’s Beauty: WTF
  5283. Starley Griffin: Tro please please please come back it’s ocTROber and i miss you man
  5284. Ominousck: I was gonna eat steak and chips.. but ah l lost my appetite
  5285. Sworn Ivory: Look up dinuguan. It's actually really good. Don't judge it for what it's made of, try it before you judge it, it's one of my favorites, but she has a weird problem
  5286. H2 0: Fuckin upload
  5287. Skyler Brainard: Where are u tro :'(
  5288. raulito: Wya?
  5289. cheeki breeki: I bet she's a flat earther
  5290. ava_n_11 Games: Yassssss your back❤️
  5291. IDK PlayZ: Where the fuck are you tro? It's nearly trovember
  5292. stewart1986: blood is the essence of life. why the dark persona attached to it?....oh's just attention seeking....
  5293. Karlo Libert: it isn't your cup off tea but it it hers
  5294. ThatOneGuy _02: Some people are just, I fucking can’t with these people
  5295. Sub 2 Willne: I watched u when u had 100k subscribers u have changed I don’t like this tro
  5296. Numskulled: “You look like Markiplier, but if you had a drug problem.” 😂
  5297. MADDIE So Wild: Where the hell have you been.
  5298. Donte Mills: Post plz
  5299. An inconspicuous air conditioner: Are you lost? Where are your parents?
  5300. Laci Behe: “ at least something’s getting sucked “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5301. *******: hello??
  5302. Vincent Bruce: Makes me freaking gag
  5303. Leman: Mannn where have you been i was waiting your videos
  5304. g.m.b Gaming: Tro
  5305. Mike Hunt: Layla Way ahahahahahahhahahahah no matter how mad you get he won’t come back
  5306. Alberto Torres: I don't know if I should leave a like😲
  5307. Brad F72: Where did he go?
  5308. ɈᵾȺn MȺɍŧɨnɇƶ: Come Back
  5309. Angela Cole: “Hot topic” 😂
  5310. ThaSupaboi: Well I just cringed like 1000 times
  5311. Dr Phil flip it: Floofa yes we dooooo
  5312. Caleb Jones: I think she hunted him down and used her ear to nose thing to beat him unconscious and now uses him for blood. That where u been tro? Escape. Use Johnny’s virginity against him
  5313. Infernape40: Its been 6 months without u dad :( where did you go?
  5314. DANKSTERS CLIPS: This is so fucking disgusting
  5315. mo. aon: Are you dead?
  5316. flaming skull 692 200 subs with no vids challenge: SHE GOT TRIGGERS BLOOD RUN THIS TIME IT WAS THE FULL CORS
  5317. Mister D: Why am I even here again ? Oh yeah I love losing faith in humanity. And you're helping me pretty great pal
  5318. Longerer Name: Upload!!!
  5319. [WSMN] Kyuubi: Where are you???
  5320. LPS Kaylee Productions: Tro come back we all need Jesus
  5321. Kyla Esparza: Nestayyyyy biotchhhhh
  5322. Andrew R: 159 views but 1.1k likes...?
  5323. Scuffed Stephen: Daddy Tro is back
  5324. DubLMGaming: Yo tro, where you at?
  5325. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  5326. i cant think of anything: damn i subbed to this guy and didn't realize he had been inactive
  5327. Willy boi: SpoOky
  5328. Wasted 호: Ew wtf
  5329. Minecrosters: Title correction: SHES AN ACTUAL VAMPIRE (SO SCARY!!!)
  5330. The kilakill: Sup notification squadrant
  5331. Suga's Neck Pillow: mohammed karuvantavida and you look like the dumbest person of all. You.
  5332. TheOneAnOnlyCorgi 2.0: #TeamBallz?!?! Wat Wer u At 😆
  5333. Stephen A Smith: Rip triggered tro 2018 was your end😭😭😭 where are u come out with a face reveal
  5334. TwentyOnePanics!AtTheChemical FallOutDay: Blood Blood Gallons Of The Stuff give them all the they can drink and it well never will be enough (sorry i like mcr)
  5335. Smokey Bear: TrollCannotgame 88 liar
  5336. XxchillxX 100: #comebacktro!!!!!
  5337. Mrs. Potato: Ohhh…oh…OH!
  5338. Avery Anger: Please upload more your funny af😂😂😂😂😂
  5339. Josh: Anyone else come back from time to time to check on Tros channel?
  5340. Shade: Ew at least you the only one brave enough to say that
  5341. coby zinger: I love your videos man
  5342. Finn Oorthuijs: Tro get the fuck back this instant
  5343. Dat Boi: What is this? An upload by daddy tro? I can’t believe it
  5344. Cameron Lhamon: Where you at man
  5346. Sprite: Finally you hit 1 mil
  5347. Canadian Bacon: Damn, maybe she got mad and drank his blood
  5348. Ceren Barut: 0:31 that's not blood...
  5349. Bailey Fry: Finally, my mans, I missed the fuckkk out of you.
  5350. Alexis House: She a vampire! 😂😂😂😂
  5351. Rohit Diesh: nope can't watch it nope nope nope
  5352. Rafa: Tro needs to upload a new video today because it is now december tomorrow #trovember
  5353. Dr. Magic: does anyone notice that he hasn’t been posting? i miss tro! #DontGangBangTro
  5354. Avery Murphy: Missing you Tro :(
  5355. Kgot It: Post plzzzz
  5356. Dupas Raja: When ingested, the blood goes through a tract that's adapted for extracting nutrients. ... Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us. If you're thinking of sampling human blood, make sure there's a doctor handy — for you, not your victim
  5357. Emzy SW: Tro upload dude
  5358. Nightmare 666: +DSM Genex calm down
  5359. NameOriginal: Give it to me
  5360. MustacheCakeGuy: I deadass live in Lancaster. Wtf.
  5361. Phantom: Why did he stop uploading ???
  5362. ♡A C I D♡: I miss you bae. pls come back bb
  5363. Ethan Rodriguez: The burp at 2:34 made me cry
  5364. Tiffany Foley: React to this. Another Danielle bregoli
  5365. Ross Harbuck: someones gotta do it. youll probs get featured in his next vid too if u do lol
  5366. Hayden Scott: Dude i miss you i need you to make me laugh please
  5367. kyle bacon: Tro, get the fuck back here
  5368. Billy Blazelt 420: Homie just come back I miss you
  5369. Timothy Flood: First!
  5370. Bluu9: Where are you Boss?
  5371. Nathalie Orta: damn he died from ligma 😞
  5372. Belle N: Early
  5373. roppoqi: *PUKING SO HARD*
  5374. The MMX Idiots: Triggered Tro hasn’t uploaded in 2 months
  5375. Emilia Jimenez: LMAOO😂😂I CAN'T WITH HIM
  5376. Quiche Lorraine: I wait so long for these episodes, but honestly this is too gross for me
  5377. baby'Zella xx: Is she satanic? 💔
  5378. Nohemi Gomez: 😂😂😂😂😋😂😂😂
  5379. Rayoon Abdo: Weve missed you tro ❤️
  5380. SadBoi Penguin: This makes me want to gag, well it makes sense because I gag a lot *wink wink*
  5381. Despayeeto: Tro where are you?
  5382. Tater Tot: Where did you go man??? Come back #teamballz
  5383. Aniyah Shaw: Where you at😭
  5385. Green Light: Did you die from ligma dude
  5386. sire playz: he was just a person
  5387. Electric Cizzx: Satanist?
  5388. Cherry fox: Shes a vampire someone grab a stake and drive it through her heart
  5389. Mubasshir khan: Make more videos per month!!!!!
  5390. Billion: Tro got youtube premium. showing off his money he earned from talking about people eating rocks, dumb kids and watching real life vampires
  5391. Austin Kautz: 2019?😭😭
  5392. Life’s a Simulation: Did the flat earthers get you
  5393. No31: bro did you die from ligma?
  5394. Peww JP: Tro has died of ligma🙏this is so sad press f to pay respects
  5395. oh no: stop trying to get subs
  5396. abdi Ali: You need to upload more vids you stupid bastard
  5397. Soumyaneel Manna: I am new to your channel. Your voice is really funny as hell!! Wait, did I say hell?...
  5398. SleepyPuddle 6: That is extremely unsanitary...
  5399. K5G9: Everyone buy his murch, he doesnt get money on his videos and need the support
  5400. zappa frank: F
  5401. Shiifted Gaming: it says a lot more videos soon but there is none where u go
  5402. Lum: ZYR3LL FTW hahahahaaha ur halalrios
  5403. dr_ j0mmy: U dead or something?
  5404. Mark Bilodeau: PLZ COME BACK I NEED YOU
  5405. dangie: Wtf is wrong with her
  5406. Tyler Wright: Most butchers or slaughterhouses sell cow and pig blood. So I’d imagine she gets it there.
  5407. Rhinstone AJ: You screwed up the fake news dude
  5408. Thanos: Do a face reveal
  5409. hermione granger: What happens when she gets her period
  5410. Thedeadrick: It’s December now, still waiting
  5411. NEMESIS: fake as shit
  5412. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy bum
  5413. brandon beeson: Upload something
  5414. garden guitar: Tro please come back do you remember me on the video when you said you were leaving I commented and it was in your nest video after that
  5415. Great Leader: Where did you go tro?
  5416. Dust Buggys: Did you die cuz I miss you daddy tro ☹️
  5417. Mr Hudson: We miss you like if you agree
  5418. Scene girl: -“everybody has their own flavor, their own taste” what does my blood taste like disappointment and anxiety
  5419. toxic teckz: Bruh she probably has hiv
  5420. HAMP: Ok!!! The burp was was hilarious, and then ole cocaine face took it over the top for me... lol
  5421. YGS Percyyy: Bitch post more videos😭
  5422. Brian Colin: Where did you go ☹
  5423. goldwarplane13: What’s wrong with our world now
  5424. Andrick Noyola: You are back I missed you so much Tro I was rewatching your other videos love you dude❤️
  5425. Pizza Derp: *actual vampire confirmed*
  5426. Spider-Man: I think I've been here since like 10-30k about the time he started to blow up, quite like my blow up sheep
  5427. Kordops: Where you been?
  5428. Kara Stub: If you were a legit vamp your eyes would be gold or red, your skin would be diamond hard and sparkle in the sun, and you would be dead becuase the volturi would have killed you for exposing them, and blood would be sweet, and you wouldn’t be able to stop.
  5429. Joshshepard05: Let’s go Michelle
  5430. F ML: Crazy Butter lol
  5431. Artist Morty: Boom Boom stfu
  5433. jaydog 991: Make more vids
  5434. Juzo Julia: Where are you?? Bro I need more
  5435. Joefied of the EG ELITES: Is he gone forever?!?!? Tro!!!!! Let me know you still exist
  5436. Xie Jerry: Don't Do Drugs Kids
  5437. nobodychao: yum a couch
  5438. BigFood Style: Um...she’s a cannibal...shouldn’t she be arrested?
  5439. the mystery name: Yay a new video
  5440. Very Rare: Well shit tro where the fuck have you been
  5441. Cole Wood:
  5442. LaciBoo 13: Come Back!
  5443. Alexandra: come back i miss this channel
  5444. Nas 705: Medo Mathkour me
  5445. michigan trail vlogers: What a fuck up
  5446. Aspin Barkley: Where were u finally you posted again
  5447. Liam Grey: How to get aids and a tape worm...
  5448. Emzy SW: Tro earned all his money now he’s gone
  5449. Richard Price: I bet that's why i heard someone robbed the blood bank why can't she just fucking get addicted to achohol or some shit
  5450. Fallen Knight: Where have you been man, I miss your awesome videos
  5451. Never Again: Well thats a tipical woman for you, she sucks blood out of you...
  5452. nabi1211: Why just why who dose this!? 😑
  5453. Jacob Torris: Try where tf are you it's been 6 months bro we need you!
  5454. Hyperfyre: TRO COME BACK
  5455. Johnny B. Goode: "he looks like markiplier if he had a drug addiction" i died LMAO
  5456. Discovery Productions: It’s TROvember where the hell are you?!?!?!?!
  5457. Ezi Gaming: lolz u ded?
  5458. A Chungus: Where’s tro???????
  5460. Bumble Beast: triggered tro please dont pull a leafy on us
  5461. Kilts Are Weird: 2:33
  5462. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy bum
  5463. Lexi Lou: POST MORE!!!
  5464. Warrior: So this is where leafy's been, huh...
  5465. Stoned Views: Please come back Tro 😥😓😓😓😭😭😭
  5466. Layla Flesvig: i LiKe BlOoD *sLuRpS SiTtInG nExT tO mY sAtAN wOrShIpEr pLaCe*
  5467. XslyproductionsX: Did you get that 1mil subscriber play button? Or do we get to riot?
  5468. Daddy DIO: Where the fuck have you been??
  5469. Noor Khammas: Where did this guy go?
  5470. Josh: Pls come back and cure my depression
  5471. invadermaythe1st: I miss you Tro, hope you're doing well ❤️
  5472. Dub taker W: Ya a funny f*ck
  5473. RiCEcooker Escada: She probably dates blood gangsters
  5474. Rhinstone AJ: Well that's a good sign I guess..
  5475. XxchillxX 100: MACKSAMILLIONMUST #comebacktro
  5476. Thot repellent M.s: Bruhhhhh post a vid pleaseeee
  5477. The only snake that J-hope doesn’t hateu: TWILIGHT GONE WRONG
  5478. calda47: Rest In Peace
  5479. Laura Andreea: Lol is u dead?
  5480. JaZeLlE GuCcI: She literally makes bloody Mary's🙃
  5481. Emilia WowMuchFun: Isn't consuming all that salt and iron dangerous? Better than eating a couch, I guess
  5482. Rick 7: Hello i just found u but i already miss u, come back to youtube
  5483. δUEEN POTATO :3: Read more what’s ligma?
  5484. Lainey Bear004: NO F’EN WAY
  5485. Marcus Torres: Triggered Tro. Cmon bro, keep making videos. I need you! School is two months in!!!
  5486. Obie Burch: Absolute mad lad
  5487. Adrian Fuentes: Bro plz come back
  5488. Tom caredtid: Where you at Triggered Tro??
  5489. Adrian Brown: dawg plz come back and upload
  5490. Daniel Jung: Need more vids Tro you lazy bum
  5491. kAi kA: :( you’ve been gone for 5 months
  5492. BhoPee: i've been watching since 10k
  5493. Memelord Matt: First
  5494. Lyli Mia: WHERE U AT?!?!?!
  5495. Totally Original Content: I'm going to die if you don't post soon
  5496. Crap Kan: Is tro ded
  5497. Reinulus Aurelius: They aren't "creepy" "dark" or "spooky" - they are just retarded.
  5498. jim Nowak: I have a feeling Johnny is my biological dad
  5499. christenia sinclair: tro was killed by the people he roasted
  5500. Salvatore OP: Tro, you dead?
  5501. Nerd: My man leavin me like this hell no get tf back here boi
  5502. I do gaming and other stuff: Jontron came back now all we need is you
  5503. YuNg x SEth: are you dead ???
  5504. kenzie: Wya?? I need some good content in my life 👏🏻
  5505. itz meh: Sinox _ #TEAMBALLZISLIFE
  5506. Latnlvr: Apparently blood is really fatty. Johnny’s a cutter.
  5507. Coolchou Zhao: When your parents says Vampires aren’t real, show them this video
  5508. Caleb Dykstra: Thats sick man
  5509. Lilpanda: I'm gonna comment tro come back entil you do
  5510. Milkymoles.: Try still killing it!
  5511. Mike Hunt: That shit was funny lol
  5512. Demetrius Battle: Post more
  5513. Ice Wallow Come - O'RLLY?: *Where are the uploads Tro? Feels like 50 yrs since you last uploaded*
  5514. Spooks 1x: Rip
  5515. Kevin: 2:22 that voice 😂😂😂😂
  5516. Gabriel Lopez: He is coming back look at his Twitter
  5517. RoZe Enigma: Tro is gone #Rip
  5518. Trenton Lapetina: #riptriggeredtro
  5519. Mcneefboy Infinite: Dis girl has more blood than ur HP
  5520. matt.frito: Finally
  5521. Mia Joy: It's been 4 months since this video we are almost through with OcTROber and there are still no new videos. I've heard some different rumors about what happened to you. Some are saying that this girl found you, killed you, and drunk all your blood. Others are saying you quit YouTube because of demonizing. No matter what really happened I am very disappointed. I speak for everyone when I say how much I miss you and how much I will miss you, but you can't move on without letting go, so this is my final goodbye. I truly hate doing this and I must apologize greatly, but for the better of me I have to unsubscribe. I love you and I will never forget you. Thank you so much for making some amazing videos and making me laugh and smile even if it was only for 4 minutes and 27 seconds. You truly shined a light on some really boring days. I hope you see you again some day with another video about our favorite boi. With the time being pretty much up though it seems that you are the real one who never took a L. -Sincerely, one true fan, aka Mia, aka PussyDystroyer9000
  5522. Zeke Elison: Title should have been called “Addicted To Satanism”
  5523. JOE EL ELITE 04: Thought you was dead
  5524. MaestroMax: I hope u didnt die or something or tried to drink blood after this but i am adicted to your vids and I NEED THEM so where they @?
  5525. Ikuri: You just earned a new subscriber Congratulations!!!!
  5526. Rokasizgod: TRO are you triggered
  5527. Bicc OG: These type of people are so fucking ugly and creepy
  5528. Savage Panda: Gary come home
  5529. And then I fired And I missed: Why you no upload for days.Bad Tro.
  5530. Master Pringle: Shes lowky a vampire.
  5531. LEGOAT JAMES: Disgusting
  5532. Nola Kelley: Where tf are you god
  5533. Eduardo Andrade: 1 View, and 34 likes. Smh. 🤦🏽‍♂️
  5534. Drossel Von Flugel: does she have AIDS now?
  5535. Choppa A Beats: lmfao
  5536. kylouagain: Comeee backkkk
  5537. Cherry fox: Im just glad somethings geting sucked proboly the funniest thing i heard
  5538. Navarre Buitenhuis: Team ballz
  5539. Ashley Monroe: Finally you’re back
  5540. Kai Hoag: Where the fuck is this man
  5541. Chrono: You missed Octrober 😭
  5542. Molly Mason: Still waiting for that Musicly
  5543. Keegan Wasley: Why doesn’t he post anymore
  5544. Thekittygamer456 !: Bitch is going to get AIDS
  5545. The only snake that J-hope doesn’t hateu: Ian Perge same
  5546. Typical Raptor: Rip tro
  5547. tenlosol: You rhink her time of the month is Christmas for her and she just stock piles her free source?
  5548. Hidaya Mlk: Vegans are shook
  5549. Ashley Williams: Why hasn’t he made a new vid
  5550. J&D PODCASTS: Come back!!!!!
  5551. DA PANDA BOI: Plz come back
  5552. TheRealDimitry: I never thought I’d do this but I had to leave this video 💀☠️
  5553. camille handa: sorry that our culture is disgusting to you and how we're "xenophobic." i don't think we're "xenophobic" (i may be biased) but i think the only reason why that may be is because people like you disrespect our culture and make fun of it whether if it's what we eat, how we talk or what we do.
  5554. Papy: Hot topic is to emo for that nose....string....thing....
  5555. ASMR Bug: Tro I’ve been watching you since 250k subs. I found your channel in 2017 and I’ve just loved your videos you mad me laugh in my dark times. Why do you have to disappear. I’m crying thinking about you leaving or even death.(I mean maybe not death but) I miss you so much. I hope you come back for TROvember😪😪😪
  5556. lizzy the goof: You kinda sound like ceeday or is it just mE
  5557. PaKo Gaming: Fucking post a new video!!!
  5558. valerie vasquez: Do the girl who is addicted to eating mattresses 😂
  5559. Akali ❪Graffiti Queen❫: You finally upload. FUCKING FINALLY!
  5560. Da savage Midget: BRO WHERE ARE YOU TRO
  5561. Bela Gavranović: my strange addiction is stranger things😂😂
  5562. WinFix: She can get sick and die from bad blood
  5563. Mr_Camouflage: I think he’s dead
  5564. John Eppenhagen: Post something
  5565. David Kos: Are u ded?
  5566. Despayeeto: Its been 2 months tro, where are you?
  5567. zachary zapata: Where have you gone?
  5568. Shadow Sneaks: Tro Upload more videos you lazy bum.
  5569. SociallyAwkward Potato: The only good blood is human blood
  5570. Depressed Smokey: Theoneandonly R3 Omg stop posting shit and enjoy the damn video fucking kidding me
  5571. cra z kidz: Is this dude dead fr
  5572. Scrubz For life: Wya tro
  5573. WOOLgum: Blood is used in many foods all over the world. My point is, it’s easy to get hold of. :)
  5574. ilmu011: Pv Richman Strawberry Milkshake
  5575. Tomass Rudzitis: dudee we want u back plzz
  5576. Deidera _: #TeamBallz
  5577. RayRoFid: Disgusting.
  5578. Billy: Come on man it's your month OCTROBER. At the bare minimum show some sign of life you've got over a million people worried about you
  5579. alex plays: Trigger tro vegan 2 came out!!!
  5580. elle: Hi my name is Johnny, shes an addict. (Hi Johnny!)
  5581. carlos rodriguez: Where tf you been at?
  5582. MAN Production's: Where u at brotha tro
  5583. Somenewkid: OMG 🤣🤣🤣
  5584. CallMeXanels: TRO COME HOME
  5585. Sunny Writer: How dare you show your face after going MIA for so long?
  5586. Stary Bright: Tro has to react to this video
  5587. Dragon Lady Lizzie: And this is why us goths get a bad name.
  5588. Stupidd bitchhh: He disappeared
  5589. Game Generation: Come on, man. Don't be the next GradeAUnderA.
  5590. Pepino del barioo: Finally you make another vid fuck I’m addicted to eating pizza
  5591. Subscribe To Pewdiepie: Kinky
  5592. C n’ D singles: ITS TROVEMBER TRO WHERE ARE U!!!!!!
  5593. Rome Russell: Finally an upload
  5594. F ML: One month ,Tro.....
  5595. oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah: She probably drinks her own
  5596. Petrifiedgrunt _: I am addicted to watching you're vids it's just there never is any 😄
  5597. ISAAC IOS: Come back
  5598. Jupiter Jaheim: Desperate ass
  5599. TOASTEDMUFFIN 87: Bitch burps... *Leave her proximity*
  5600. J2 C: These aren't addictions it's just retarded vampire wannabes.
  5601. Groovy Tony: Nigga you own us that muscly you promised a long time ago!
  5602. Lord Leo: 4 minute video - 4 weeks, amazing videos love watching but no uploads i cri
  5603. Ruptup: Richard Gonzales justdestiny may have had a account longer... but he gets his humor from tro.
  5604. Guççi Taçø 3000: Why does this video has 650k views? Did he got the "leefy effect" too? Maybe YouTube blocked him, we need to start a movement to find Tro (where are you Tro)
  5605. UnknownPilot 22: 2:33
  5606. AlternateAlternative: Yup, I just vomited.
  5607. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazyyyyy bummmmmmm~~~~~~
  5608. Roozbeh Simiary: Wtf tro, make something. I’m tired of not getting notifications from ur channel man. I live half of my day on ur videos 🤦🏻‍♂️🙃 come on
  5609. Ethan Young: Where this man at??????
  5610. Karl Kostin: What the actual fuck
  5611. I love KFC: It’s to hard to watch I can’t
  5612. Wombat: That’s so gross
  5613. Mr.Nickname: It looks like she consumed way more then just "blood".
  5614. Evelyn Martinez: Is it bad that there was a period ad before this video? lol
  5615. Drip umar: Happy new year triggered tro you better upload tomorrow
  5616. C4dirty - osu!: We miss You ;(
  5617. ZT SkyRaven25: Come back man
  5618. Tyler Kir: What happened to tro ?
  5619. Fam :3: It’s trovember man you dead? ;-;
  5620. Kyle Hass: So I'm thinking that this whole thing started when she coated her self in super glue rolled across the floor of the hot topic sticking to what ever has fallen that day, happened to cut her self on the edginess of the store itself and then just licked up her own blood and thought to herself, wow I can get every std imaginable that make new ones if I drink random blood.
  5621. Triple Breed: Yo tro do a Dr.Phil video on this Trisha girl that does YouTube live videos it’s mad funny
  5622. imperial ben: If you read comments read this one: Look up someone who challenges Dr. Phil in the Blank, the holy roast god Red Forman.
  5623. Range Drag: where are you, there is a black girl that thinks she is white and she needs roasting AND she also thinks that the KKK are her friends
  5624. xd Ruzzix: Did tro die or something?
  5625. Caleb Smith: You're late as fuuuuck
  5626. Ice: It's been so lond
  5627. Mitch Comer: Haha markiplier with a drug problem
  5628. Nine Morningstar: This woman found Tro... D:
  5629. Ultra: Tro is finally back
  5630. Thotdestoryer420: *god left the server*
  5631. john fox: You look like markiplier if he had a drug problem lol
  5632. RodeXgaming: Dejaneira Cantizaniz yes😐
  5633. Yarn R. Lamb: Jan 2nd 2019 - still no Tro
  5634. Bittersweet Vodka: tro come back :(
  5635. Austin Jones: Where did you go???
  5636. GiveUpJim: :( come back
  5637. Brennan Perdue: Tro's upload schedule is as bad as Fitz
  5638. That Dude: I miss the old outro
  5639. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ on a Cracker: Why has it been 3 weeks since you've made a video. Are you still alive?
  5640. Maria Aguilar: Post something something im giving up on tro.....
  5641. chris vasquez: Where the fuck you at Manz ?
  5642. Giovanni B: like u
  5643. Kyndra Mathis: He looks like markiplier on a drug problem 😂😭
  5644. Momo in Supreme: D E M O N I T I Z E D
  5645. :/ hiroya: WHERE ARE U NOW
  5646. The Truth of the Matter: 29 my ass!
  5647. JonLBT: This made me cringe so fucking hard. I almost threw up.
  5648. Awesome owl T: Please I need you dad
  5649. Armando Arellano: Tro wya
  5650. Suga Myballs: It's November and last video was 4 months ago
  5651. Captain Shrader: we need your musically video.
  5652. Gabriel Jr Leo: Fuck Off
  5653. kaleho21: Watch clips from the show “What would you do?”
  5654. x a u c idia: Tro' s blood has been sucked out of him
  5655. Skylinx Gaming: U think he got arrested?
  5656. catrina: Where does she even get it from
  5657. Jibburz: I think this guy actually died
  5659. Like AJunk: Bruf where ya at
  5660. Sworn Ivory: How can we be addicted to watching your videos if you done upload as much anymore? I'm running out
  5661. Charles Saine: Tro ! We're are you ?miss your videos.
  5662. August bruh: Post more
  5663. this kid: Nightmares so is justdestiny
  5664. Heaviebee8: Stfuuuuu
  5665. [shmo]: *cough* So uh. What’s up?
  5666. EliKing58: Tro where have you been??
  5667. Malli Witko: “A lot more videos soon” yea OK😔
  5668. Nervous Productions: Y u quit?
  5669. Austin Armstrong: Waiting another month for another video
  5670. sus Gunner: Tri come back
  5671. Akia Mendoza: *I'm Johnny and I'm just glad that something's being sucked*
  5672. Beauties😘: Ummmmm ocTROber, we need TEA!!!! And Daddy Phil
  5673. Ez Peasy: Rip Johnny Lol "At least somethin's getting sucked" -Tro 2k18 😂😂😂👌
  5674. Autumn Autumn: i cant always count on tro to make me laugh my ass off
  5675. Amanda Kocsis: Uh oh did tro die
  5676. Krishna Choppara: Dude come back!!! Where are you!!
  5677. Mason Hasting: Is he dead or what..........
  5678. iDontKnowWhatMyNameShouldBe hi :D: Y am I watching this while I'm eating
  5679. kobe jones: So we got a real life vampire?
  5681. dankest memes Hi: Triggered tro what the fuck man where have u been i get it you've been striked but god dam where are you, you better be getting pussy
  5682. JESUS ROJAS: I was the 39th person to like
  5683. Christian: Damn copyright
  5684. Arianna Lopez: Where are you?
  5685. Grant Thomas: post pleaseeee
  5686. Epic Employee: Where’s my boy trigger ? It’s been so long without a video upload
  5687. I’m stupid, but: Damn tro, it’s been a month, but quality is more important than quality, so keep up the good work.
  5688. Rebel 6: Where the fuck did u go
  5689. Landon Turner: January 19 update no sign of tro or anylife forms keep searching 2nd command signing off
  5690. Ghastly Dragon 10: I think she has saw twilight too much also hope she gets a disease
  5691. richmoneyg: wya
  5692. ThatOneWolf 1119: Cannibalism
  5693. l'umanità non fa schifo: morcilla
  5694. John Hyland: Flat earthers Flat Earthing Pt.3 ? PLEASE
  5695. A: sleb thanks, someone said it
  5696. Michael Hodges: HOLY CRAP SHE LIVES IN MY TOWN.
  5697. Ali Hassan Liaquat: Ross Harbuck I just wtf man ... we.. we... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US TRO YOU HEARTLESS MOTHERF-
  5698. Boom Boom: Kazuma you give me to much credit my dick is the size of a lego piece and just as hard My balls is a different story it’s like two huge sacks with a my LEGO stub at the tippy top
  5699. MaryIsntFunny: *Can I get a venti blood frappe with extra blood and whipped cream on the top*
  5700. turtlebomb cat attack: Isn't this illegal??
  5701. Luke Van Dyke: U sound like that guy from daily dose of internet
  5702. SolidSaber: That’s a good way to get AIDS
  5703. CLIMFY: 2 months without upload. :/
  5704. Nikolas Ghioca: I got add block
  5705. Dylan Baker: watch this vid PS hey from CAD🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
  5706. Caleb Jones: I’m sorry tro, i have to unsubscribe. I’ve lost all hope of you coming back. Go, fly far away, wherever leafy went YOU GO TOO. I’ll see you later old friend
  5707. Maria Basham: Someone help me 😯😭😲 I'm getting so disgusted 😨
  5708. Southsidebruhh: Oh ma gawd I think he dead
  5709. garbage princess: Johnny was actually cute and its the fact he's a weirdo that's depressing
  5710. Roger The alien: Your not funny anymore
  5711. Horner: Katie Bayliss Search "Matt Horner"
  5712. EPIKZ gaming: Is he tho
  5713. Farshad Yasini: It’s been 6 months since last upload come back :(
  5714. 18matts: I was wondering where you been
  5715. Caribbean Mapping and Animations: RIP XXXTENCION
  5716. Mr_Matt_Moose: i want hime baaack
  5717. Kawlyn Daiu: Sexy vegan is running for president btw. Get on this!
  5718. Tobyzlatan: Are you good tro
  5719. Mimi Cat: 😂😂😂😂😂
  5720. Big Daddy: Where are u?
  5721. Krusty AsianB: xxred Apparently, you’re brain dead enough to not understand humor, me saying I reported it was a fucking JOKE.
  5722. Demetri Moise: Fuck you tro I'm unsubscribing
  5723. Xx_THOTT_D35TR0Y3R_42069_xX: Fortnite Universe eww it’s a fortnite junkie. It’s contagious
  5724. Taylor Henderson: Nah fuck tro he you suppose like for videos of month back in 2017 now you got subs and now he can't even post one video per month I mean it where's this quality content I subscribed for guess we have to go subscribe to sexy vegan
  5725. Cara Ellan: Dude you better come back before troctober
  5726. Random OwO: Where is tro??
  5727. Zach_ _omega: Satan and Fallopian tubes
  5728. Jacoby Campbell: So trovember is almost over😔
  5729. horre paeske: Where the f*ck have you been mr Tro
  5730. ZJD: Ligma😢 he didn’t make it
  5731. sensienc Cneicnec: My strange addiction's next episode will be my addiction to tro's videos and want to find out where it is
  5732. Karim Kaoud: tro got ligma
  5733. Jasper Mol: Bro are you still alive? If not, rip brother. If you are, GET YOUR ASS ON YT AGAIN!!!
  5734. James Kim: First leafy second tro who is next?
  5735. caleb Black: U good bro?
  5736. Princess Bri: I am addicted to watching your videos 😂
  5737. Carlos Lol2487: Ay trigger are you with that girl
  5738. Radian: Were are you been 4 months
  5739. Lucille L Murray: Vampires are real
  5740. Zakaria Comstock: Well she doesn't have to worry about an iron deficiency...
  5741. Yeetus McGeetus: Hey tro
  5742. Juan Franco: Where have you been tro
  5743. Shelby Howard: I am addicted to watching your videos
  5744. Marcus Torres: TRIGGERED TRO MAKE A VID ON THE “I Am White” girl on Dr. Phil
  5745. LORDCHICKEN NUGGET: Tro upload it’s not Christmas yet
  5746. Oh Yeah Yeah: We’re not Earthist.
  5747. ps4baller: Tro get your ass off rocket league and post bruh post gaming videos bruh just post
  5748. Lol Lol: damn tro why you not triggered no mo’
  5749. kayleigh taylor: She has issues
  5750. oh yeah yeah: She must sink in water cus she drank blood for 10 years which has iron in it
  5751. ReeceNinj A: Where's Tro?
  5752. Crazy Cardenas: We miss you dick
  5753. Kiya: did u get killed by sexy vegan or something?!?!?!
  5754. LesbiansTasteLikeFeminists: REST IS PEACE X😭😭😭😭😭
  5755. Zeppelin Faith: OMG this is gross.
  5756. Adamče: I stopped watching you when you got to 200k nice to see ur past 1 million
  5757. eat cake: lol is u ded?
  5758. Turo Gereltod: 160th viewer
  5761. Terguo: You need to upload more
  5762. Loko Simmonns: Save the planet
  5763. Natchoz: Escuse me? R u ded?
  5764. Fæl you're: Watching this while not a good idea!
  5765. Nikelpickle: First wow
  5766. Antonio power: WHERE IS TRIGGERED TRO
  5767. Cheesy Pringle: *goes to her house not knowing she drink blood* Me:this spaghetti is dank....what do you put in it? Her:Well,the usual! Tomato,some meat......blood..... Me:wtf...
  5768. alex xander: I j threw up
  5769. mariam beridze: dude where are u we miss you plz come back
  5770. 신하라: Literally gagging my ass off rn
  5771. Piantan: I just found your channel recently and I’m binge watching all of your videos. I’m almost done. Please keep posting. It’s been a month. I know you’re probably out there trying to fill a bag and flip it so you can be like your idol but we need you here.
  5772. Chris: Upload you fuck
  5773. ROBO KING: Who’s watching in 2019 waiting for TRO to come back?
  5774. Logan Poliquin: It’s been half a damn year come back to us please
  5775. Pxgf: This nibba died
  5776. Bk Gill: WHERE TF R U
  5777. mikecoolgreen: I bet she cuts people's head off and hangs them upside down to habe a blood shower
  5778. Mayason Goodman: MAKE NEW VIDS
  5779. Yusuf Morsi: he sure does seem proud that he made that Team Ballz song
  5780. AceQueen24: .....I'm not surprised anymore 😂
  5781. Kenyetta Ready: ohbogey and visits butchers shops on the weekends
  5782. melisa 182: Yo, tro man, wya??
  5783. Nigger Faggot: Bro, did you die???? where's the new vid?
  5784. Sensor Junkz: Please Tro, i need your videos. They have to be a bit more often. No need to be everyday, pleaseeeee
  5785. Trevor Dustin: What happened to tro??!! Pls papi
  5786. Joel Johansson: disgusting
  5787. Gaatlok2005 6: Blood is actually really healthy not human just short doses of animal blood
  5788. Peja Johnson: Where are u tro your funny as Hell come back
  5789. Ethan Person: Please come back your were the best
  5790. Sypher Tragiic: Where u gone boi is 2019
  5791. jennyfer lopez: Where tf are you
  5792. Roy Palm: you should do a colab with memeulous
  5793. Withered WolfTV: Man, where are you?!?!!?
  5794. Reddy Mc steady: come back plzzz
  5795. Vanja Đukić: 1:25 im dieing
  5796. Alex Price: I read your fanfic
  5797. 0 subscribers with 0 videos?: Hasn’t posted in a month thought you were dead came out of nowhere and posted like nothing happened
  5798. Ricardo Ram: No upload. Guess i will die
  5799. Currency Kid: VAMPIRE!!!
  5800. Caroline Breniz: We missed you 😭
  5801. Reggie Labon: waste of time since he’s been gone I’ve been watching benji
  5802. viccsta rocha: Yo you dead or nah
  5803. pablo castellanos: Damn dude it's been 6 months without vids.. come back dude
  5804. Totally Not A Catfish: D i s g u s t a n g
  5805. Gabriel Galloza: Bro what the absolute fuck
  5806. MoPlaYz: Where tf are you??
  5807. SpicyTartar: This is how you get aids
  5808. Denzel Massaley:
  5809. ÌM HÚñ†ÈR56: God damn vampires are starting to comeback from their cave
  5810. Palm Tree: Finally another tro video
  5811. Tryhard killers: HEY YOU!! you're beautiful lol
  5812. C J: Come baccccckkkkkk
  5813. Señor Chiefton: R.I.P.
  5814. Unfazed: Oh I'd love to get that round earther shirt to flaunt it because I am an earth-racist
  5815. Sebastian Mcclelland: Is anyone out there our commander is mia we need a leader
  5816. links react: The motherfucking king is back tro is back bitches
  5817. Coldwelth Simms: triggered tro make more videos, your videos are by far the smoothest and most natural of any YouTube reaction, very funny and graceful
  5818. Cameron Pitcher: Its about time youve uploaded
  5819. Anime Fan: Madness 😂😂😂😂 is a sin 😂😂😂😂😂😂 this woman is so mad 😂😂😂😂😂😂 aye go to bed lady 😂😂😂😂😂😂 mad woman....insane mother fucker 😂😂😂😂😂
  5820. Insecure Fuck: Mr_Gman _2016 Me
  5821. Super Sonic Speed: I had drank blood once because my tooth came out it was discussing
  5822. Charlie R: Yo wtf where are you
  5823. Cameron 1234: My strange addiction is watches your videos
  5824. Aaron Albert: that b*tch is just gross
  5825. Jordan Alexander (ja1944): +sodacat stop talking about the girl a man is missing
  5826. Brooke LaPorte: Helllo
  5827. Melixsm: Triggered Tro Did you die???????
  5828. Callum Doran: Omg I love your channel it's so funny ❤
  5829. simply melody !: Tro where are you? I miss you
  5830. Slipdrift 83: Tro my hoe we’re you go
  5831. Mel5TV: Didn’t get notifications from your last vid.
  5832. Hammad Bhatti: Make videos longer than 10 min you get more adds
  5833. bossman 291: 1500 like = tro comes back
  5834. Xenon: MclovinFins Legend says He's dead bro.
  5835. TNNecrotic: We've been waiting for that for 1 year Tro. Where is it? If it has come out please direct me to it.
  5836. BanXtreme: *eii luv blud*
  5837. Ragnarok Gamer: The last time I drank lamb blood I didnt get addicted
  5838. A Random Potato: woah woah! Tro is alive?! where the fvck are you when I needed you bruh?
  5839. LeoElTroll: Come back ;.;
  5840. shawn north: Bro I am not getting your notifications but fuckin good video
  5841. Tilr Last Name: Come back stop observing, get off yo ass and make a vid.
  5842. Bohring Cs:Go: Is she a rapper? Sippin blood
  5843. TMGBMS: whens the next vid ?
  5844. BOCG_ Panda_: First my dad then you :(
  5845. Kamogelomaile: crenitic is cool what they mean is the Bloody Mary is literally bloody.
  5846. Joris Vermeule: Make a new video you Lazy bitch
  5847. SXSLLYTHERI •: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem"
  5848. Minarchist Capatalist: Big papa Tro
  5849. Samy Entertainment: TRO!! You said its comeback time, yet you haven't posted any videos😢😤
  5850. Andrew Zaremba: 😥
  5851. PhinksTV: lmao its true. If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  5852. Slurpeme: Yay your back
  5853. luca skywallker: face reveal plz
  5854. Daileys Aspiazu: 2019 no tro
  5855. Sub to Chad BB: Why did you leave
  5856. Blue Genesis: Shes basically a vampire 😂😂
  5857. D2105: Dad come back
  5858. WEhASyOuTAndSyEEET ,: I like blood but only in my meat
  5859. Austin Armstrong: It’s 2019 now come back
  5860. Sadie Ostoja: SizzleNizzle TittleLittle F
  5861. Viktor Dahlberg: Trigga nigga get back
  5862. MrQuader4: I knew it all along. Vampires ARE real!
  5863. the channel: Ryan Dean tbh u got bars
  5864. Democrats are Non Player Characters: Triggered is in jail folks.. 6 months on a drug charge
  5865. Galaxy Blader: Wow ok RIP HUMANITY AND that boy is THIRSTY AS HELL
  5866. Katie Has Life: Sista died
  5867. Robert Mills: Watching this hungover.... Not a good idea
  5868. Joshua S.: +Noah Stevens it 2019 now
  5869. Gaith Alawneh: Category: Science & Technology Do we call this science nowadays??
  5870. Sonicblastersoni: Dead channel
  5871. Jordan Meikle: Did Tro get murdered by The Amazing Vegan??
  5872. Derek McAllister: Where the fuck are you TRO?!?! Dont tell me your done with youtube?!?!?!
  5873. Acey Michaelis: Um... I don't see the joke. Where'd you put it?
  5874. Me To: 99 days. Come back soon
  5875. Historynerd 1: KILL THE VAMPIRE BURN IT AT THE STAKE!!!!!!!
  5876. KrazyXx: I want a Triggered Tro and Just Destiny collab vid
  5877. NikAce: you remind me so much of wavywebsurf
  5878. heyitz._. mya.k: Tro is bae!!!
  5879. Maddy Escobar: Trovember my ass
  5880. Nicholas Cole: Tro, you were hysterical. Why'd you leave, dude?
  5881. MaksimXD: Finnaly your back!
  5882. Nightmare 666: @dr.phil give us a video worthy episode you bald fuck
  5883. Amalia Watts: I’m just waiting for vegan comments
  5884. Sebastian Guti: Wya tro?😔
  5885. Hippity: Not here
  5886. luis: Not another leafyishere case 😔
  5887. Jumping jack305: I hope there are more videos coming soon
  5888. Ryan Ross: Wait markiplier isnt on drugs?! Im pretty sure he is XD
  5889. Magic Pickle Juice: Spooky
  5890. Simplistic: that's bloody disgustang
  5891. Troy Covacic: Upload more your vids r so funny
  5892. Cammy Hammy: Fack
  5893. Icant Snag-_-: Come back plz man
  5894. Bhluuv: Category: Science and Technology
  5895. Valentina's: Bitch where are you?
  5896. YUXG PAINX: Damnn.... I hope your dreams comes true gang
  5897. Why not?: Tri its 2019 and you're still gone come bacn
  5898. Skylar Albert: I was really in the the mood for a new vid tro then this baby popped up thank you
  5899. Ayyat K: Lil Nugget oh no. On a separate note, yall know where I can find him?
  5900. m o e: Sexy vegan would not approve 😂
  5901. Brock a.k.a Larry A: PLZ COME BACK at least tell us where you are our savior!!!!
  5902. Mystious: Hi 😐
  5903. Note by Note: Edgy
  5904. Karnicus: Make a fucking video
  5905. savvy mccafé: tro where you at bro... don’t leave us hanging
  5906. Adeline oofs: Rememeber when you asked us to have conversation but spelled completely incorrect
  5907. Darth Fenrir489: I........ I just........ The fuck.......what.
  5908. My Trauma: Is anyone gonna question where and how she's getting this blood from
  5909. Steven Merino: Ive missed this man
  5910. Sylvester Hurt: She def has worms.
  5911. Caden Salazar: #BringBackTro
  5912. Jason Parker: Michelle looks like Peppa Pig
  5913. Broken ;: juSt whAt i NeEded tHanks tRo
  5914. Revlis Morningstar: We miss you tro
  5915. FLOODOFSINS: I think most people have tasted their own blood before but this goes above and beyond 😂
  5916. spaizy: She has increased eye width <—————————————————|————>
  5917. Skyler Stillman: My favorite color is blood
  5918. R4y: I’m commenting triggered tro come back everyday until you come back
  5919. Ryan The Lion: Triggered Tro makes this bearable to watch thank goodness we have Triggered Tro 👍👍😄😄
  5920. Maxcalloon: Tro moved on to plan g. We need an F for Tro
  5921. NW_ ZEAK: wtf tro I threw Up twice ewwwwww nigga that bitch nasty asf
  5922. xXProPepperXx Gt: Do you still play rocket league if u do can you 1v1 my username:OzZy_-06 ima expert and have good items
  5923. Mathew Young: I am addicted to watching ur videos except at your uploading Tate theres nothing to be addicted to Jk tro ur one of my favorite youtubers
  5924. Evan Marzek: Dude ima have to join her. I already suck the blood out my cuts. What’s the difference?
  5925. nova: can you upload please...
  5926. Gavin Kallhoff: You should be a cubs fan (Fly the W)
  5927. Bread Boi: Tro has taken plan y
  5928. Randomize !: Triggered was tro
  5929. Tele Rivers.___: I remember you had 700.k and now you have 1mil and holy shit it was fast
  5930. RisingShotz: please upload more best vids on youtube
  5931. Kenzie Bloom: It's not her looks. But it's the facts she's drinking blood. Even humans
  5932. LovedBlood: 2 likes I go and email tro to come back
  5933. Слободан Караћ: Where is Tro?
  5934. Sam Humphrey: Where are ya, Brother?
  5935. Sneezy Whimsicott: "My name is Michelle and im a human mosquito"
  5936. thedefinitionofthiccc aka: nugget: The 6 dislikes are the people who are crazy like the addict
  5937. Nalu For life: Ness' Treasure Trove of Memes now it's 4 months
  5938. Aaron A: A real VAMPIRE !!!!!
  5939. Yo neighborhood crip: The flat-earthers got him
  5940. Mizz Gard: Where you been tro???
  5941. Nation: Dude u didn't give anyone a L in this vid
  5942. Anita Soley: no joke i honestly think Tro is dead
  5943. Justine Mendoza: Tf its been seven month
  5944. I’m stupid, but: rip tro, rip peep, rip x
  5945. Nat Lang: tro did u fuckin die ??????????
  5946. Cynthia Hernandez: I love you trooooooooooo❤❤❤❤
  5947. Xayzen: You are troll look at the name now shhh
  5948. Faye Mey: I ❤️ you Tro so MUCH you‘re the best😂😍
  5949. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  5950. MAJORSEALSHOW: She a vampire bruxa to be exact
  5951. Bubble s: Ugh dude I can't wait for your next upload
  5952. The Last Knight: Tro.. man.. hope you're okay.. miss your straight sarcasm
  5953. Daniel Vargas: What happened Tro. We have missed you buddy😔
  5954. Uiluminti Boy: Grose
  5955. Lowkey Lucas: Fucking fat emo freak
  5956. Connor Reefe: Where’d tro go?
  5957. КФМЯАДЕ ТФАSТЕЯ: Ar Ü Dēth?
  5958. Kush C: It’s a conspiracy but it makes sense lmao
  5959. Daniel Slusser: Where did you go?!
  5960. Tiana 98 gaming: Day 979292829 without a triggerd tro video *sighs* I might die tonight 1 like =1 prayer for triggerd tro to upload at least weekly every two weeks maybe? Idk all I know is I need prayer So I can watch this man roast the crap outta ppl again
  5961. Spider-Man: No surprise they are goths, probably worship cutholo
  5962. Bootleg Kazoo Kid: Sigh miss you tro
  5963. 15675: looks like he's on plan F
  5964. Alex Lopez: Triggered if you are still alive plz react to Youtube Rewind 2018
  5965. That Random Miracle: uuummm, where tf you at bro???
  5966. Kenneth ken: No fucking way
  5967. X: R.I.P X
  5968. Evangelina ATKINS: Where are you???!!!! Come back PLEASE
  5969. Yolanda Bautista: rip tro
  5970. Trayq: +Kengj TSH ohh fuck yea
  5971. ItzzCrooked: Is Tro dead?
  5972. idonthavethatmanysubscribersbacauseofmyshortname: Tro u ok?
  5973. David Brambila: Aids?
  5974. Pringles Pee: Wtf
  5975. yeah life: Ahhhhhhhh my dick has blood could u suck it
  5976. WafflesaurCB: that's enough internet for today...
  5977. Sauce kami: ugh can't watch this without looking away
  5978. Blaze Chrome: Notification squad
  5979. δUEEN POTATO :3: AutisticAutist :/ alright
  5980. Namjoon is my daddy: TRO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU I MISS YOU MAN!!!!!!!!
  5981. Amina Hays: It’s not really drinking blood though is it, it’s licking up a tiny amount of blood from a tiny cut. It’s not like they’re downing a pint, nobody could do that. The human body is programmed to throw up if too much blood is swallowed,
  5982. Alexander Fangmann: Make more vodeos pls
  5983. Ice_Wollow_Come54: Come on tro Even Dr.Phil is worried here
  5984. Leonardo Hall: When the world needed Tro the most, he vanished
  5985. Auburn_Tiger: TEEM BALZ
  5986. Fruits: Is she a mosquito?Vampire?
  5987. One_cold_boi: Please come back *:(*
  5988. William Dejesus: where are you❓
  5989. Mr Ohhway: The rent is due
  5990. Lost Soul: U need to make ur vids longer😂 they hella funny
  5991. Daniel de jonge: ur kinda like memueless i like channels like that
  5992. Phase: what am I watching omg.
  5993. 666clout god666: This nibba blow up and dipped then the world needed him the most
  5994. JoshtheGod: Rest In Peace Triggered Tro
  5995. asomenarutofan5 69: there's licking the blood of a paper cut then there's this women
  5997. you from Sugondees?: get back on ur channel bruh
  5998. Cammy Hammy: Dis good shit
  5999. EGON: I miss Tro ):
  6000. Lawd oof de wurld: Great. I'm eating while watching this
  6001. Ryan AJ: LMAO😂
  6002. RubberKidney -: Eeeeeeeeew!
  6003. Anthony Luna: Im buying thay tank top 😍
  6004. Cantopper: TEAM BALLZ
  6005. TheSackPotato: You better not have quit you little bitch
  6006. Snowiee 06: Triggered Tro is probably the best roaster i’ve seen yet. XD
  6007. Rob Chillem: Post another video you lazy fuk......
  6008. Ryan Alexander: Come home tro
  6009. Torje og Gorm: Come back compadre
  6010. insomnia: Damn, thats metal dude
  6011. canyon thompson: 1 month later ...
  6012. OMNOM Legos: im addicted to drinking windex flavored beach
  6013. Kim Jan Un III: F Triggered tro
  6014. Bread Juice: A real life vampire I mean come on,she does look like a goth and she’s creepy,SHE IS SCARY!!!
  6015. draven fanboy: Great now im addicted to ur videos
  6016. Autumn Ingraham: Tro you don’t post very often and that’s okay cuz you always make me laugh and make my mood 100% better. Today was a shitty day and this just made it. I love you
  6017. Avocadojen: come back dude
  6018. Caruso Gaming: JustDestiny is stealing your ideas chief. You better get on his case
  6019. Andrew Nurse: How the hell you get energized from blood tf
  6020. Marshall Frost: That first shot on blood made me nauseous af.
  6021. Miykha Jackson: Missed you Tro
  6022. Glazerguy _PBG: 1:23
  6023. FuZe _TeNz3R: Where's the vids bro ?!?!?!?
  6024. 123CREATIONS: That is sooo fucking nasty lord have mercy!!!!
  6025. Sammy Neff aka ZefSam: No upload in more than a month
  6026. Marcus Pulinario: How the fuck can anyone watch this 😷
  6027. The Keene Family: Tells us to get addicted to his videos, completely dips
  6028. Capt. Frost: WTF!!!
  6029. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Weed is legal in some states in united states not a lot but all other drugs are illegal but people still use drugs anyway.
  6030. KVN: I almost forgot I was subscribed! Where’d you go man?
  6031. Aidan Antuzzi: Dude where u at?
  6033. 1 Minute craft: Plz come back
  6034. jjg tf: Calm down guys he’s just meditating
  6035. DSM Genex: That's not how the algorithm works my guy
  6036. thicc_giraffe _: 2:28 i thought she said she likes kids blood
  6037. Kyle The Gamer: He died
  6038. EvolutionGang: Thought tro died too Rip x though 🤞
  6039. FAXGEN FTW: Yep got ligma
  6040. Dylaz Swag: HELL YA TRO ANOTHER VID!
  6041. endy: Hes coming back this "Tronember" m8, check out his tweet
  6042. Anthony Patterson: Hey. I pive in lancaster/ quartzhill
  6043. Adrian Anderson: Please don’t be forever 😢 I don’t have Twitter so I don’t know
  6044. Happy Helicopter: Her mouth waters while watching the movie Carrie
  6045. Fιfτψ-Oηε: Skepty how bout you fuck off you like seeking child
  6046. Saltiest Salted Salty Salt: Rooting for #TeamBallz
  6047. bullzye101: LMFAO TRO ...THUMBS UP
  6048. BoilerBloodline: Dude! Did you swallow your face while yawning or something??? Maybe you found the trick to time travel? Now I’m triggered...TRO!
  6049. Just Jack: Tro is dead, he hasn’t posted in forever.😭😢
  6050. FaithDmazing _: Was about to gag, yuck.
  6051. Lost Place: Bro where you ???
  6052. Fiqri21: Triggered tro is deadddd
  6053. Jd One: It sure dont help with weight though
  6054. mssj1: for the past day ive been thinking to click this vid but i couldnt cuz im thinking of how shes actually drinking i cant say itt imma vomitt
  6055. Asian47: I feel weak help
  6056. donkey yah: Mr. YouTube ligma balls
  6057. Captaintwizz Legit: He suffered Ligma just like Ninja and Ceeday , RIP Triggered Tro
  6058. kCary: She just LOOKS like a vampire omg
  6059. Bob Is me name: RETURN
  6060. Exozed Gaming: up. load. more. your. you. tube. will.
  6061. Isabelle Turner: Can we get a face reveal plz (Forgive me if he already has in the past, I’m new to this channel)
  6062. Helem Diaz: EM I ACTUALLY FIRST 😂😂😂😂😂💓
  6063. Ana Bella: You’re not posting as many videos as you used to. 😭😭😭😭😭
  6064. xLunaDivinerx: Brayan Cruz maybe the flat earthers team up to kill him
  6065. Logan Sword: Tro moved on to plan F
  6066. IzzyB33 3: Ty'Shaun Fontaine Lol as if the video didn't already
  6067. Marta Debevc: Tro? Where u at?
  6068. LEGEND_ER: Triggered Tro? more like Gone tro
  6069. Fluffylives: Have you seen the people that dress up like ponies...
  6070. Alana•Di_Angelo: Hiiii
  6071. Simo Brc: it' been almost 90 days since tro's last video pls soomeone talks wuth him or somrthing like this
  6072. Maria Flores: I knew vampires were real smh 😂
  6073. Why do you read my name??: Are we all going to ignore the fact he hasnt posted in a month???
  6074. Miguel Mayers: Finally....
  6075. CREATOR: Education fail compilation.
  6076. Lukajski Oldschool: Mby she killed him and drank his blood
  6077. Tristan Wilson: Where u at tro. I miss you!!!!! We need more vids
  6078. Elimination: Could not keep still during this video.
  6079. its ok to smirk while white: 🤢🤮😰😷
  6080. The Yoyoboi: R u dead?
  6081. Adrian Anderson: Please we need more vids
  6082. Frank Bello: Well. Looks like plan F didnt work
  6083. Dog Dogs: Anybody here wondering what happened to tro saying “its comeback time bitches” in trovember and it’s almost over!?!?
  6084. FoolhardySergeant 98: It's Trovember Tro, come back dad
  6085. Proxxide YT: Where tf are you tro?
  6086. D: Favorite drink is Bloody Mary
  6087. isabel plummer: “A lot more videos soon”
  6088. Michael Bishop: She's a goth vampire!👿
  6089. badwolf13: Wth 😳
  6090. Mr. Awesome: Something’s getting sucked 😂
  6092. Alex Munoz: Upload bitcb
  6093. succc k: Where you at Tro?
  6094. adam greer: did plan F fail are you on to plan G?
  6095. vStalleyOG: Mans on plan A again
  6096. Ai United: CMON TRO WE NEED YOU!!!!!
  6097. Ryan Courtright: Where is this bitch at tho
  6098. Ian Strange: i'm back headass
  6099. Alessandro Nano: This is real messed up
  6100. Scooterkid187: Ya bois back
  6101. Soggee: *Stop, I'm eating dinner.*
  6102. W̶̷̲̅L̶̷̲̅O̶̷̲̅ғ̶̷̲̅ᴀ̶̷̲̅ɪ̶̷̲̅ʟ̶̷̲̅s̶̷̲̅: What a waste. All the non infected blood could have been donated
  6103. Michael Cortez: 500th comment
  6104. daisies x: 911, i'd like to report a missing case..
  6105. LimaxGG: I think he died RIP
  6106. Vain jumper: 666k views...
  6107. Guns&patriot Channel: Peeing blood and drink it again
  6108. Kolby Dunning: Come back tro
  6109. Redhead Film's: Did you die bro?
  6110. Katie Bracco: Tro, it’s been half a year... its almost 2019 and u haven’t posted in 6 months! U even told us that u would make a comeback in Trovember, but look at the the calendar! Come on, Frosty the Troman is melting and u aren’t helping!
  6111. Patrick: "Im just glad somethings getting sucked' LMAO YES TRO!
  6112. Hoosier Daddy: So did tro die or something
  6113. Brian Smokes Weed: AIDS
  6114. CaptainZain FTW: Trovember is back!! Time for our lord to rise again!!!
  6115. Benedict Caterinicchio: this was just fucked tro
  6116. Football Dude: I missed these so much
  6117. klikbate: TastyTyler667 no i think they meant the part about you being subbed to tro since 2k
  6118. xRaPRaPx: Yamete
  6119. Chris Francisco: yeer
  6120. Brittany Turijan: Where is triggered tro:(
  6121. Ya Mum: come back
  6122. Mathew Terry: The worst mosquito of them all
  6123. idk boeie: yo died bro?
  6124. Sarah De Zwaan: Post more tro, u hoooe
  6125. Tim Evans: "Ugh mom you're such a bitch, just let me drink your period blood! You only have around 12 years left before you hit menopause! LET ME LIVE!~"
  6126. Aaliyah Hamilton: where did u go tro ..... I MISS U
  6127. The LP: These people with strange addictions should seriously get some mental help
  6128. Tempis Rysdam: Tro we miss you 💔
  6129. 4saken Reaper: We just gotta like and watch the shit out of his videos so he sees that and comes back!!
  6130. Ayberch: "Hi my names Johnny n im just glad somethings getting sucked" HAHHAHAHAAA
  6131. Dancing with K&N Rose: Plz, like plz post more
  6132. The Gaming Cubs Fans: Tro has performed a grab n go, he grabbed his gold play button, and then he goes away from his channel
  6133. Robert Laughead: Come back our are you dead
  6134. Olivia Sweetheart: Octrober just ended 😩
  6135. Raccoon GuyYT: Ewww. A literal human incarnation of a vampire.
  6136. Sam Khafif: The most disgustimg thing i have ever seen
  6137. TOXICSAVAGE 321: Wassup DAD (non existent)
  6138. Me lol: I haven’t laughed since you left
  6139. Tristan Ganahl: More importantly where’s Tro at?
  6140. Nate B: Tro where u at
  6141. Persian QT: IzzyB33 3 like maybe she sits down with a hot cup of water and dunks her used tampon till she's ready to drink it? 🤢😰🤢 OMG made myself sick
  6142. Make it or Break it: Fizz FNS bro don’t let x legacy go to waste he definitely wouldn’t want to see yourself in that state that’s not what he live and died for bro, keep your head up and live on 🙏🏽
  6143. Carson Ramos: Where does she get the blood from
  6144. YRB Jordan Gaming: Welp it’s been 6 months I give up
  6145. TwoPhases: where is he :(
  6146. Hussein Hourani: There’s something very controversial about videos like these. Leafy made videos like this and now he disappeared, now the successor triggered tro came and started making videos like this, he gone
  6147. Rinnux: She gets more blood than your average period
  6148. Clutchmit t: He died
  6149. Jordan Car: What happen I miss you
  6150. The Unnamed User: “Looks like markiplier on drugs” LOL 😂
  6151. Alexes Snow: Come back to us Tro
  6152. Irish ninja: my blood tastes like Ireland
  6153. SaintCupa: Tro, where the fuck did you go😭
  6154. im Tarahble: She gets SUPER excited when she gets her wisdom teeth out.
  6155. that one gamer kid: lol whens next video been waiting 4 weeks watch all the time
  6157. Jackson Murray: I've seen a dr Phil rap battle post that
  6158. Big Baller: Tro I️ need you
  6159. Nightmare 666: +UltimateMasterJoda why don't we all go to his instagram and report it til the page is taken down, that should send him fhe message to fuck off
  6160. Logvey:
  6161. Brooklyn Elizabeth: Has trigger tro died 😭😭 we’re u at
  6162. Sal: +Call Of Orestis I don't think so
  6163. Luis Angel: She got hiv
  6164. Jack Lack: Didn’t know blood was fattening
  6165. ThatBoulTep: Idk if I can watch this without stopping it every 4 seconds
  6166. Agnieszka Szczupak: +tyler lopez i am thinking exactly the same thing
  6167. Madison _1718: Yoooo post dude
  6168. Zig Znagol: RIP Tro
  6169. Taehyungstaco: I MISSED YOU
  6170. Crazy Kuudere: was tro kidnapped by sexy vegan where is he smh
  6171. TotallyNotGio: Watching her drink blood with a spoon almost made me throw up.
  6172. Soup: erly
  6173. Lets Talk: There are some fucked up people in this world
  6174. NovaElite 1: Haha
  6175. james schluter: Is tro dead ?
  6176. Ava Hamilton: Where you at bruh
  6177. Egg McSavage: Michelle out here lookin like the guy that had surgery to look like a cat
  6178. Joseph tomson: Gg man you climbed the latter fast
  6179. Kgot It: Yo wtfffffffffff post something
  6180. AVILIO BRVNX: I just literally watched (& liked) all of your videos in less then a half day, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about it
  6181. Alfie Sobell Davis: Rip tro😂
  6182. Ambasy: Where in the FUCK have you been
  6183. Kizzy Lps: Same
  6184. agressive: I’m pissed because I haven’t been able to see all of your videos cus I didn’t have fucking notifications on
  6185. its okay im property: Emo taken to the next level
  6186. dk BOOM Isolation: XEENOanimal _ hi and I know I’m right I wonder what tro is up to 😂😂👌
  6187. Ali m: Yes and idiots like this die pretty early
  6188. Seby DJ: Wya bro we miss you
  6189. Matthew Caron: She definitely has some aids
  6190. Random Tandom: Tro is such a sell out
  6191. Worst Nightmare 2.0: 😊
  6192. Jazmin Rubalcava: WHERE HAVE U BEEN
  6193. Chris Flores: Where did tro go
  6194. Beverly N Martinez: Rip tro (he never came back) u will be missed :'(
  6195. Jake Burkhart: Is tro dead. He said more vids soon but it's been over 2 months
  6196. yeet: *cum back dude we miss youuuu*
  6197. BiTheWay, Kween: I knew vampires were real.
  6198. gamer Teen: I think dude died
  6199. Claudio Reyes: Aye spam him
  6200. Kingjay Money: 2:04 to 2:23 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6201. Anthony Illescas: I brought tro with me to 2019
  6202. Auston Kallansa: I been waiting for vids
  6203. Diogo Monteiro: Pewdiepie started to do the same videos that you do
  6204. Damiyan cabrales: How is it that I laugh every video too please explain
  6205. Bleach: Unoriginal
  6206. Mohammed Fadul: this has to be fake
  6207. IDX: an ad to in your dreams Tro
  6208. Rex: Really not gonna post for a month and come back with this old TLC vid that pretty much all reaction channels already reacted to ;-;
  6209. gabzi_ mix: finally we havent had a video in a fucking month
  6210. NovaElite 1: Mosquito mouth ass
  6211. iShyco: I love u!! Dad
  6213. Evycakez: Where did you go Tro?????
  6214. nathan: currently missing tro
  6215. It's_Lady_ DragonBall: Fuck me she has the same name as I do
  6216. akenat _: I mean, I take small shots of really concentrated cordial. But this, this is fucking disgusting.
  6217. Invisible Liz: He probably died
  6218. Jonathon: “A lot more videos soon”
  6219. Rizzy Fizzy: Come back pls ;( memules is taking over
  6220. Alyssa Dunn: RIP
  6221. Mr. Panda: Hey u should do make a video about drop the mike since dr.phil is in a rap battle
  6222. Sir Ninja Raiden: Cmon man damn. Why tf are all the super funny youtubers leaving? U,leafy, GradeAunderA..
  6223. cameron dickerson: Tro, where r u fam?
  6224. smol_ pipsqueek: Did some one say A I D S
  6225. Mustafa Abbood: This is disgusting
  6226. Woraxx Warrior: Finally another good video by tro 🤤😏🤗😀
  6227. Evvu Pevvu: Where the f are you?
  6228. Grant Christopher: Plan F didnt work so he sold his body
  6229. Sneaky Cereal: is this Leafy 2.0?
  6230. Lost_ My_Jams: Ugh I’ve watched this before she scares the living hell out of me
  6231. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Doggie: Do I have to wait 2 months for another video now? xD
  6232. Angel Starwind: The fucking burp is what got me LMFAO
  6233. Buck Maine: *Prefers pigs blood to beef blood* okay that's just cannibalism
  6234. Stereo Steve: Assuming he doesn't care isn't very fair. He was consistent in posting videos and all of a sudden he just stops. Something probably happened.
  6235. itamar megidish: are you dead?
  6236. The Hound: I think he’s waiting 1 million views in this video to come back :(
  6237. TeKo Noah: Plz come back
  6238. Molly Turner: I have been missing the tro show!
  6239. LostPhoenix4: When you’re here early so you don’t know what to comment.
  6240. XShock: you OK tro?
  6241. LostyTwinky _: Bruh I remember he was at 40,000 subs WTF
  6242. Kngcobra GAMEING: bro this girl is dumb iron over dose... dumbass🤦🏻‍♂️
  6243. Raiinbowo: +Meme Master whats sawcoun?
  6244. ahmqd _: Bruh I bet he got a job using that fake Harvard degree and that's why he isn't uploading.
  6245. Johnny King: I thought drinking blood was poisonous
  6246. Dongus: YES!!! your back!!
  6247. Angel with the Phonebox [Angel Bear]: I'm triggered by your earth t-shirts. What's with only offering "flat" and "round"? The earth is non-binary! You're such a fucking raaaacisssst reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  6248. Dominique Gonzalez: Yeah bro!😀😃
  6249. Subscribe to PewDiePie!!: Disgusting... 🤢🤮
  6250. AJ: Anyone else here just to see if tro uploaded again?
  6251. Zero [Redacted]: Tro what's going on man you haven't posted a video in three months
  6252. 1,000 subscribers with actual content: Troy died from botha
  6253. Lasse og Lucas: I know right.
  6254. Toxic Chimpmunk: Notification squad
  6255. Creeper Lamoureux: Moist Steak Sauce
  6256. Sinister Saiyan: Where are you man?!
  6257. AralShepherd: we miss you Tro, where's you go dude?
  6259. dr_ j0mmy: Like one of the animales has aids
  6260. Jesus Garcia: Need blood in coffe to get ya energized isn't that kinda the whole point of *COFFEE*
  6261. Endrit Isufaj: Do a video on addicted to being a furniture
  6262. Conor Follette: make more videos
  6263. GokuuVFX ッ: Rip X.
  6264. Jack Neiman: Tro you need to upload u fucking lazy ass
  6265. Parzzzaval: This Chanel is dead I feel like u post when u need cash
  6266. cats purr: what does she do on her period--
  6267. BrattyMatty54: Don't pull a leafy on us plz
  6268. Luci is a potato: Tro where are you???????????????
  6269. timothy luis: these people r so extreme!!!
  6270. Showmedacarfaax: tro you left us man.
  6271. NOHANDS :;jk: Joey Lin D
  6272. Thiccestlad OwO: 6 months and my mans still not back damn
  6273. vapelord: Where did you go man?
  6274. Ruyguy15: Rip trovember
  6275. Wadeo Potato: Dang dr. Phil about to beat someone up in lying, spending spouses
  6276. That One Lady: We all went through the same binge fest when we found this channel
  6277. Jocelynn B: Are u dead
  6278. JojiniChazz: wya
  6279. MeAwsoME: Tro POOSSTT!!!!
  6280. XsundaeX: I prefer you to JustDestiny heh
  6281. MOGLI SQUAD: Upload my guy please
  6282. hahaman123: Why not a dr Phi Video?
  6283. LilzChi: **aheem** uhm that's an open doorway to HIV
  6284. Nik Goodwin: So many fucking piercings. How tf does she pass a metal detector?
  6285. Player Before Z: She does not look like she’s 29. She looks so fucking old
  6286. tony19221: Factssss
  6287. Laugh: WE WANT NEW VIDEOS
  6288. MACKSAMILLIONMUST: Who else watching in December 2018. Miss u tro comeback pls Dam I didn't realise I'd get so many likes
  6289. Meli G: Hey tro do you play Fortnite?
  6290. Meowiswow: Finally you’re back
  6291. thatone stonerguy: Tro bro where you at homie?
  6292. RegularGamer 0306: We need more vids
  6293. Hayes Shoff: I wonder what her piss looks like
  6294. Sour Pandaa: "A lot more videos soon" the fuck happened? He better not be dead.
  6295. valjka sayka: Finding Tro - summer 2019
  6296. GG No RE: Can i get a rip for triggered tro
  6297. kifsztee 5.?: Tro where are you man?
  6298. bob the nailer: great channel!! dude your funny! keep it up!
  6299. Mel_inthrum: Tro where you at?!
  6300. Honking Bronco: Tro where are you dude I love you maaaan get baaaackkk
  6301. dillon hand: Did this freaky bitch come after tro for his blood? 😥
  6302. magyar happyboy: Omg you are too funny
  6303. AwesomeApeX: Bro come back
  6304. Zach Petty: Great another bad video to ruin my day
  6305. Brian Mackay: Jonny kinky af
  6306. nathan chavez: Weres tro is he on plan G
  6307. Anonymous Anonymous: Love you Tro
  6308. Trashy child: R.I.P. TriggerdTro we will miss u😭
  6309. A Damb Potato: Daddy’s back (:
  6310. Brittanii Starzz: “Hi my names Johnny & I’m just glad somethings getting sucked” 😂😂😂
  6311. Kennedy D.: Tros updayes r like my period... once a month😂
  6312. Rusty Shackleford: dude johnnie is a puss ....lil ass cut for her to drink from....he should man up and cut off a finger
  6313. Jeffrey Productions: Mr_Gman _2016 yes we need a large corps bag and some dogs
  6314. I'm Back: Tro we need you Trovember is not the same innit I’m starting to think you are not gonna be frosty the tro man next month Cmon tro
  6315. Cruz West: Where did u go tro
  6316. Jared Hendershot: I can't start my day without drinking alcohol but she's the one with the real problem
  6317. AnthonyC89: Omg thats sick.
  6318. ChronicGTArmex: I have -ab type blood i think she would like to drink it
  6319. Thom Phat: If eating raw pork is bad for humans how the fuck is u drinking the blood bitch
  6320. Cremee: The bad thing is that my name is also michelle, even spelled the same way. I don't know if that is a coincidence or a curse but ima pray extra hard tonight just in case
  6321. Ayee I'm litt: Where are you bruh ?
  6322. tech support: Too old I’ve already seen this please keep up wit da too kool for skool kidz
  6323. Angela Castelan: It’s trovember but no tro TRO were u at
  6324. lovely lady: Where r U ?
  6325. Haris Ibn Sahir: Fuckin hell, dude! You're incredible with the humor/satire game, man. I wish I was half a funny when I was your age. I'm 29 now. That's probably the funniest thing about me right now. #teamballzftw
  6326. Madison Rose: I just bought the merch
  6327. dk BOOM Isolation: Plzzzz upload
  6328. cookie sofa?: Where tf is he
  6329. Peyton Greene: I need you for Trovember
  6330. Voodoo Eyes: Dad said he was going to get milk..
  6331. Kyle Palumbo: Chubbs came back now it’s your turn please tro😭😢
  6332. Adenpinsent vlogs: Johnny should chill with sexy vegan
  6333. MR X: It's trovember
  6334. Jesse Perez: I still visit these ruins, reminding me there’s still *hope* that one day he shall return...
  6335. Mz Blazed: Where the hell are u tro? I need your content in my life! Please come back!
  6336. Matt Krouse: You can get blood from a butcher
  6337. SimpliciTEA YT: My god, John. 5minutes later... Amazon: "Holy Water" K
  6338. Rain Embers: Tro died of ligma
  6339. brae cyxnide: your vids are my strange addiction
  6340. crickybird YT: I'm A VEGAn-
  6341. marshall branin: Where’d Tro go?
  6342. nashwa tazkia: c h i l l i n g i n h e l l
  6343. ColdApollo: So I guess plan f failed and you are going to plan g to go to jail
  6344. A jamless Person: Wow
  6345. Tato: Hope you are alive
  6346. Raccoon GuyYT: Earth racist more like Earthist.
  6347. that one gamer kid: where are u man u were like my favorite youtuber bro COMEBACK
  6348. xFishyyX: I picture him and leafy sitting on a beach smoking weed
  6349. Eric Male: Bro your my fucking fav YouTuber bro where you at!!!
  6350. jacksepticase ya: Finally another video troll let's go buddy
  6351. Richard Duron: Come on man we need more content. You've been gone for 2 months now.
  6352. Gucci Potato: 1:33 don’t you ever bring my marki boo into this 🤨🤨you hear me
  6353. Talon Easton: I think he got ligma and died.... RIP tro
  6354. Blue_ Dream1: That bitch is getting hiv+
  6355. nolan Florence: Tro pulled a leafy 😥😥
  6356. back fire: Ahh shit Tro tried cocaine
  6357. haiden rice: Pewds keep copying your videos we need you tro
  6358. CreepyTheAkitaLover :3: Wtf
  6359. Read more: Where are you
  6360. Alicia DeFrates: I was eating hash browns while watching this I don't want them anymore
  6361. Andrew: Come back nigga
  6362. Comical Animator: Tro where are you I missed watching new videos by you!
  6363. Dry Hump: This was posted the day after x died and now you're dead... hmm....m
  6364. Laflaamee Ty: She Must Be A Pagan...If Im Saying That Right...
  6365. DonTHEEEDuck: Plz upload more
  6366. Monk3y Nutz: Heart this comment or i will mute u on kahoot
  6367. mc meatpuppet: Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I didn't think it would come to this but our boi has died🙏RIP Edit: guys it's cool justdestinys got evrything covered
  6368. Mattcool929: where is triggered tro ):
  6369. Toby Wilkins: He's back
  6370. Emmanuel Hill: Fist me daddy
  6371. eekaboo: Bro where tf did you go
  6372. sk3pticalHD: tro dead of ligma
  6373. Fabians' Choice: +Tierra Rice he's not racist idiot it's a meme
  6374. MasterLolo: #Notifacation Squad
  6375. Frank D: R.I.P Tro
  6376. darkness2156: Where'd you disappear to you TriggeredHo?
  6377. Lilith Does: Why the hell was that so accurate 1:34
  6378. Gaming McQueen: *POST GODAMNIT*
  6379. Krong The Hazy: WHERE THE FUCK R U TRO?!
  6380. Ellen Sippel: Yummy Waffles commentary videos are harder than that. They have to research, write the script, edit, and record. Also if merch doesn't sell there's not really a point in it.
  6381. Raiyan Chowdhury: After fucking time jheez
  6382. LiamTheBoss: If you diss like it you are a cannabal
  6383. The Funny Life: TEAM BALLS!!!!!
  6384. TheOne AndOnly: +Ashton check his twitter
  6385. Aaron Lam: React to jilly juice on doctor Phil pls
  6386. camille Wong: Where the fuck are you TRO! its fucking tro-vember
  6387. Vaporeon Gaming: CarbønCøffee he drank his blood
  6388. Timmy_is_ weird_: Maybe he got triggered so much he died 🤷🏽‍♀️😂💀
  6389. Kaylee Mullen: Tro ily pls comeback😭😭😭
  6390. Skepty: "Child", Mhm, Say's the one with no grammar. I am also no child, 19 Year's Old.
  6391. Aristiano Mancini: 1
  6392. Joseph Haley: Half a year now.. 😥
  6393. Nate Burnside: I add the secret ingredient long af pause it’s blood lol like no fucking shit
  6394. Operation GamingYT: I wanna know what happened to Tro? Anyway seen his ass any where???
  6395. Nate Burnside: Go team ballz
  6396. Urboiii R345ytd: Before a mil views
  6397. Dziugas Pukas: 😂
  6399. dk BOOM Isolation: Tro come back plzzz I need to see more and new vids from you bro I need to laugh
  6400. God king Jack Lee: First
  6401. Jinxxdraws _: Does she drink her own period?? Like really
  6402. Toasty sin: Whos comin to Tros funeral? We got pizza and chicken nuggets.
  6403. Faz3y Gaming: Ligma balls. There you go.
  6404. MACKSAMILLIONMUST: +Benjamin ahhahahaha
  6405. Ferret Family: When I see people like this I instantly wonder what they do for work or do they not work?
  6406. hehokaybye: tro where are you 😭
  6407. علي فرج: When i saw michelle i thought she was 48
  6408. Jenna Scarlet: YESSS TRO IS BACK!
  6409. The vaping savage: Come back tro where are the vids
  6410. Kayden Higgins: Come backkk mann or I’ll do it with your cousin Joshua
  6411. Jenna Scarlet: PLEASE POST TRO
  6412. ralph jones: Rip the tro show
  6413. obinna obuba: i will say tro come back on his upload days till he comes back
  6414. Octoboobs: Hey, aren't you that leader of all blue shirts?
  6415. RadiantDragonBorn: Tro, get back here! We love ya, man.
  6416. William Dragoo: Bro i was eating milk and cookies and i watched this and i couldent drink nothing😂 i had to throw away the oreos😭😭
  6417. codemiesterbeats: I was enjoying the content so if you post some more stuff I will try to watch it.
  6418. Farjaad Rehman: Holy this was so difficult to finish but I had to, since tro hasn't made a video in a month
  6419. Łittłe midget31: Triggered Tro get your lazy ass and post a fucking video
  6420. Kiet Needs Dogs: The legend is back
  6421. Rom & Bootleg diver: i think he realized that people were going to take him down like leafy (watch youtube geographic) so he just up and left, thank fucking god i was tired of his content in my recommendations
  6422. Uniqueness: Finally he is back!!!!😀
  6423. jjae 72: Might as well start a goddamn restaurant making bloods and selling bloods
  6424. Nicole Kennedy-Beaumont: What *the* actual *fuk* ?!?!?!
  6425. destroyer dooms: The LEGEND is back.
  6426. John Doe: Lol honestly am kinda digging this chick. I kinda want to talk to her see if we click
  6427. BakaStryx: Holy fuck, you posted
  6428. Emerson Abergel: You better not miss TROvember
  6429. Night Wolf 2000: Can u please start uploading again
  6430. pxeachie zhu: *tro, you dead?*
  6431. Cruz: Miss u
  6432. Mr_Gman _2016: +Jeffrey Productions yes. We need some search squads
  6433. Clam3944: CsGo Unlimited ok.
  6434. Brody Miller: Blood is tasty tho- I mean how odd!
  6435. The Grammar Police: I wonder if you're truly dead...
  6436. Moodles: Lmao tro’s most likely dead. He literally made me cry when he made these videos. So sad ;(
  6437. MemeGod2.0 _: Keith Adam what’s his second channels named or is it just triggered tro 2
  6438. TwoChains: "I am back" 3 weeks later still no vid
  6439. Just a guy named Michael: Member when tro was alive
  6440. Wesley Keomanivong: You took a month but it was fucking worth the wait.
  6441. KC180: What happened to you bruh
  6442. Abbs McAwesome: This made me nauseous
  6443. Deer Park: Normies
  6444. ChillWeeb: Fucking disgusting.
  6445. Avearen Tan: Let’s go another Strange Addiction video analyzed by our lord and savior TRO
  6446. Aidan Sherman: Where did you goooo
  6447. swatcdi02: Yey u finally made a video We have a dish where we make the stew made out of pork blood. What? At least we cook it. It turns brown when cooked
  6448. Some dude on the internet: Whenever Tro uploads it's a breath of fresh air I swear Wait that rhymed
  6449. elizabeth lucas: You’re back!!
  6450. Frederic André: 4 months man...
  6451. Fletcher T: It’s been a wile
  6452. Nebulous: Not going to lie, she’s a bit weird
  6453. Rudy Vela: You got to react to “brave man vapes Carolina reaper” 😂
  6454. fab_jab: It’s 2:00 am please help me
  6455. Aaron Lam: Ummm have u given up on the channel?
  6456. Chase Miller: When the filler becomes the finale...
  6458. Sol Mo: Eat a dick
  6459. imExtravagent: She has aids now :(
  6460. Grandezekial: Dude where are you we miss you
  6461. No Subscribers: She a vampire! I never knew vampires exist. Well, I’m sleeping with some garlic bread and a cross tonight.
  6462. Hoglins: Rip Tro
  6463. Lama Gamiing: I wanna puke..
  6464. TheoHUN: Mah boy is pulling a leafy
  6465. Riley Freeman: Tro where have you been😂
  6467. Luke: I hope to god this channel isnt dead but the mans got real shit to do which it respectable most people that ditch their channels dont actually have anything going on they just lose interest, come back asap tro!
  6468. Katie Wolff: We’re are u???
  6469. Niker _74: He got diagnosed with ligma
  6470. Sir Straus: It’s weird I just had a dream of drinking wine quickly.
  6471. Army5500: This made me cringe so many times
  6472. Cheyanne White: Tro i have been checking your channel every day and theres still no new videos😭 please upload alot more...your videos are amazing😂!!💀😂
  6473. iiTokio: Where tf is this man? I watched him when he was at like 200k and now I come back he’s at 1.4m but gone :(
  6474. Triy Tanner: We're did he go
  6475. That_Peached_Gamer: Tro noooooo... come back. I need your level of sarcasm back in my life. After watching each video you have three different times this year I’m pretty desperate man. Come back. Pleaaase.
  6476. TypeGen: Upload more plz
  6477. dub man: Blueyed DIABLO are you joking or being for real 😳
  6478. Pro Bro: The gods have gifted us with a new video
  6479. GETMONEY1193: I fucking love you man you make me laugh every time I watch a videos keep up the good work
  6480. cheesy chocolate: Where’s my new viiiiidddsssss
  6481. Blake Evans: Where r u?
  6482. squirrel: Bitch gonna get aids
  6483. Akko is my Daughter: Science says the uglier you are the more likely you will be addicted to something stupid
  6484. Zoomin: I can smell her through the screen
  6486. xd Muggy: He died
  6487. The LP: She never got pass her emo stage
  6488. Andreas Holm: he made enough money to chill
  6489. Raqayyah Owaidat: This is SPOOKY
  6490. clorox bleach: He has Ligma
  6491. JoseAntonio .L: 1st. Im Loyalll!.
  6492. CaptainMarvel101: Caca
  6493. Michael Napolitano: Where are you man? It’s been such a long time
  6494. Dizziepunch Gaming: I need blood like a mosquito. I'll suck the blood out a heroin needle. I don't care how you get it, just come with it. I'll lick the blood off your lip if you bit it.
  6495. B-Rad: Rip tro
  6496. The legendary Super saiyan Broly: And I thought vampire story's are bullshit, now I don't fucking know.
  6497. Clam3944: Wyatt The Lobster I have to. Bcs my entire life is a dead meme
  6499. Dedgeo: where have you been!!?/
  6500. Berend Boonstra: Lazy fuck more vids
  6501. Yo_Yo Killer: OMG I luv ur videos
  6502. jake johnson: Were you at tro?
  6503. [ŸÜRÏ]: People would do anything for attention nowdays xD
  6504. STOP: Where did you goo??? (-`0-`)/
  6505. Billy Boy: "a lot more videos soon" *5 months later and no more videos since then*
  6506. Mmo Lyfe: Tro where u at?? 6 months?? Come on......what happen bro we miss your videos....
  6507. Kaleigh Rivera: Done dipped on us after 1m
  6508. 100,000 without Vids: DEMON!!
  6509. Kaito Y: The mastermind behind hot topic
  6510. Maron Laset: What.... The F*ck
  6511. Hailey Lemieur: I thought you were dead😂
  6512. ya Girl Brothiee: Where’d tro go
  6513. Colin McDonald: It’s Tro-Vember!!!!!
  6514. Vaneckpn: Ew
  6515. Faby Hernandez-Mendoza: Can You come back?!
  6516. that girl: Did anyone else fell like their gonna faint, not throw up but faint no. no one.just me. ok then back to the video
  6518. Funnsize_ 36: Trooooooo ur the best!!!!
  6519. Piper Smith: Where did you go, Tro? We miss you so We need to know, bro Where did you go? Ok I'll stop 😂 but fr tro where are ya your channel was growing then you just started going 😥 ok idk wtf I'm saying anymore 😂
  6520. Ros Lee: iam3point14thon expect a video of the end of the week is ether the month or the year
  6521. Jason Sieber: I miss you mister tro
  6522. Dollar Tea: And I thought I was addicted to Sunny D
  6523. Dirt Addiction: BLOODY MARY
  6524. Lit Doggo: 2:33lol
  6525. fionn Tuohy: Happy Halloween 2018
  6526. Bat Man: Team Balls
  6527. Explor_Rockyy: Tro?
  6528. 4real: Can you please upload
  6529. It’s_ ye_boi: Huh I live by there 0:25,just hoping she doesn’t drink my cat 😂
  6530. KingGrooms747 Death: Wtf ???? Kill these people all of them asap
  6531. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: U BETTER POST A GOOD POST
  6532. Andrew Ko: Where are u tro?😭
  6533. Arsenal for Life: I thought you died lol
  6534. tori english: It’s Octrober and he still hasn’t uploaded 🤧
  6535. Shan S: Where’s tro gone 🙏🏼
  6536. Saiko: Gaia's Guardian its just a joke cause pewds started doing dr phil videos lol
  6537. Legend Boy #1: come on man I will take the L if that will make you come back
  6538. Connor Krauss: I am appalled. This is the single most disturbing addiction ever.
  6539. Jack Stack: Finally a new upload
  6540. ketchum 14: I lick my own blood of that counts
  6541. Austin Leahy: Ew
  6542. mintpenny: We miss you Tro, come back bro RIP
  6543. ʟᴜᴋʏᴇɴ: I am addicted to your videos. Do a tutorial on how to be funny like you :)))))))
  6544. IDK :p: +Apex_ M Nah man not really he's prob just takin a break
  6545. Dpoli: A mans lip color is the same color of their tip of their penis
  6546. Kellen: I’m sorry tro bro but you must know that you have been handed the biggest L
  6547. Vic: Dominique Gonzalez lol nigga ur so weird
  6548. Lights Camera Gaming: He is back, checkmate!!!!
  6549. Audrey Bowersock: TRO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
  6550. SBP: It's 2019 dude please come back.
  6551. Walter Clements: R.i.p. trigger tro (aka: Adam savini) He was to young ;( we will miss you ....
  6552. 0 _0: Trocember?
  6553. Gaming Vlogs: Bro...where are u? Are u alive?...dude plz reply if u are there and seeing this
  6554. Gabriel Barbosa: R.I.P Triggered Tro
  6556. Gavin Bobtrolo: Please
  6557. Christine Moran: Because who doesn’t drink blood, and who doesn’t give blood to friends who suck it right?
  6559. cringe chan: Police: 911 what's your emergency Me: a man is missing Police: discribe him Me: tro Police: what Me: tro, his name is triggered tro Police: can you describe what he looks like Me: no face, find him... *hangs up* Police: tf was that
  6560. Wolfie Biscuits: That's not his Insta it wouldn't be private
  6561. dreadfulclaw: I have my money on him in jail
  6562. Big Chungus Games: FINALLY
  6563. will tweddle: comeback in 2019?
  6564. GavinM91: What no bread ? What a weirdo 🤨
  6565. adam greer: what happened to trovember?
  6566. Gavin Bobtrolo: Cmon please
  6567. Allena KoRn: #TeamBallz ❤️
  6568. Laser Gun: We are not Earthist!
  6569. Nutria: We miss you man :(
  6570. shawna leanne: Hahaha fucking crazy.
  6571. Pass the Boof: COME BACK UwU
  6572. Cyrill Oppikofer: YOU ARE LAZY
  6573. Snow The Hybrid: Michelle from full house is this now Feel old yet
  6574. Randall Paine: RIP Trig
  6575. Just_a_Weeb _on_Da_Internet: I almost puked 🤢 but it was early cause I am early and it was hilarious 😅
  6576. Morgan Fortner: Where are you..? :(
  6577. Kyle Steckler: demonitized
  6578. Oxeyers: Did you die Tro? I miss you ;(
  6579. Cinema Shrek: Tro is dead
  6580. Ryans_CheezeWhiz: Tro??? Tro where are you????? TROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  6581. The Chihuahua Strangler: Monkey D. Dragon the revolutionary army No shit Sherlock.
  6582. Mo: Can I get a hello 👋🏼
  6583. Mr.Anonymous: Tro, you gave up an incredible opportunity with Youtube. You could have gotten paid support through Patreon and did this full-time, but you're letting the channel die and missing this opportunity. Enjoy your regular, mundane, shitty 9-5 I guess.
  6584. kidinabstract: You get animal blood from your local butcher. Usually they assume you're doing something normal like making a few blood sausage or blood pudding, not drinking it straight .... It's also usually congealed, as far as I know ...? I've never tasted it myself. Like most other people I've only ever tasted my own (usually when I cut my finger) and I have no interest in tasting animal blood, much less another person's blood ... Gross.
  6585. Lvna Lopez: I miss you
  6586. kyle bacon: if i was addicted to this channel id go threw withdraws too often, barely posting ass (i miss you come back)
  6587. dopedog64: Has tro died? lol
  6588. Kristen Howard: Hey dude, hope things are good. Miss the videos 🤙
  6589. Could you Not: Where trovember at?
  6590. D is for D.i.M: +Mo Th "Tittle"
  6591. Daniel Sefton: Make more vids
  6592. NotVeryEtherealTulips: dad where did you go
  6593. Roll Tide: Its Avvex I honestly wouldn’t doubt it bro. It’s so weird how he would just randomly disappear like this when he had just released new merchandise.
  6594. Dario: #Tro4President
  6595. Silenced Glow: Team ballz
  6596. Katrina Hurtado: So lmao tro died, show some love for this amazing dude
  6597. Pablo Reyes: #haveyouseentro
  6598. Tristan Reid: Its about time you made a video
  6599. itsnotabaddick: Watching this I'm thinking:"this is not too bad." Continued by:"What the fuck is wrong with me?"
  6600. Steven XI: Brøther come back😫😢😭
  6601. Social Psychos: Tro. Since you don’t seem to be coming back you get this L. I didn’t wanna do it. But you made me. If you don’t come back within a week you get an L every month you don’t come back. DO YOU WANT THAT MANY L’s?! Come back.
  6602. X X X M A R S: I am Addicted to this channel tho
  6603. Melody Mckane: Hey! who puked here? Oh, me 😭
  6604. MisterWiki Memes: Bastard took out money and ran
  6605. Beloved Blossoms: i enjoyed this more than i should have
  6606. Depressed Smokey: i want to die get out
  6607. Unleash the Beastbrook: I THREW UP 3 TIMES DURING THIS VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!ewwwwwww
  6608. Macey Brietenback: I had watched 17 videos since I got up what is going on
  6609. Yb BLEX: Helro 😂
  6610. Dr. Awesome playz: I'm think I'm going insane from the lack of him
  6611. Elizabeth James: Make more videos
  6612. altijdalex 3: Comeee back pls :(
  6613. David Pate: Snake... why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm... even my fingers... the body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you? I'm the one who got caught up with Cipher. A group above nations... even the US. And I was the parasite below, feeding off Zero's power. They came after you in Cyprus... then Afghanistan... Cipher... just keeps growing. Swallowing everything in it's path. Getting bigger and bigger... Who knows how big now? Boss. I'm gonna make 'em give back our past... take back everything that we've lost. And I won't rest... until we do.
  6614. Pixel studios: Are you dead?
  6615. CS:GO and other random stuff: Where are you tro? We miss you man
  6616. Jalin Timberlake: Bro is this nigga dead
  6617. Vybs: Were is tro
  6618. squurtle69: Its been almost 2 months now.... miss you more than ever
  6621. Xayzen: i wish i knew what i clicked on while i was eating but whatever the food was good
  6622. frietsaus: i think he's dead
  6623. The Internet: TROOOOO, I'm so bored! I'm in need of something funny to watch! Please COME BACK!!!!
  6624. Jose Cardenas: Tro 😭 Sugma gets the best of us
  6625. C9 Adblock Plus: Where you at? Trovember is coming close again!
  6626. Bumble bower: She looks scary as hell
  6627. Ayee I'm litt: Come the fuck back
  6628. Lps xDerpy_Opalx: Hi
  6629. Joe Hiley: Plot twist **It's Kool-aid**
  6630. sellcoc 2015: R u oky brother?..😞
  6631. zViral_: Wait.. Tro has 1.4 mil? I WAS HERE SINCE 24k congrats to 1 mil🎈 Edit: is tro dead or did she kill him
  6632. iLeprechan: Wait but does she drink her *Period*
  6633. SUPREME_ GON: My boy tro fuckin back lets go a video God has blessed me today #team ballz
  6634. Dominique Gonzalez: I need my savior back
  6635. GamingBlueSkull: Just watch when she gets diabetes or HIV or a parasite from the blood she drinks
  6636. Cardinal ,: Team 10 is irrelevant compare to team ballz
  6637. Lul TF: Same
  6638. Jake Barnes: She's probably got aids
  6639. Jordan Intal: BIG CHACHI same
  6640. Tayler Dobson: What happened to tro?
  6641. Grace Eve Roden: “Ear nose connector string thingy”
  6642. Stalín: Where are you bitch face
  6643. Mr. Grape!: I guess you can say that it in her *BLOOD*!
  6644. natasha: did she drink your blood or something because that's the only explanation i have right now.
  6645. Elina: Plan-H is jail... Tro's probs in jail, he hasn't uploaded in 3 months.
  6646. Sunaina Roy Chowdhury: Tro is awesome!!
  6647. aoibhe kinsella: WERE YOU ATTT
  6648. Q0uth _: Emo In there full form!! 🤣
  6649. Alfonso Bernal: See all yall next month when he posts another vid 😂
  6650. MtnDewGuy100: Just when i thought that tro was one of the many who disappeared after thanos snapped his fingers 😕 Good to see he’s still alive 😎
  6651. julio: Tro probably went crazy and started eating rocks, having sex with cars, eating couches and drinking blood
  6652. Krusty AsianB: For everyone that is too brain dead enough to have humor, me saying I reported it was a fucking JOKE.
  6653. Demonetized Anti-Nonce: Please upload again soon your one of my favourite channels.
  6654. 💎Mr.Antimatter: This hurts me to an acceptable level. But this is very nasty.
  6655. Lavar Ball: Lol this is stually hilarious I’m at like 2 minutes
  6656. calcutta v: Post a video you fuck
  6657. Lizzy R: I miss you ;(
  6658. Zamblot: Triggered Tro: A lot more videos soon! Love ya <3 Also Triggered Tro: (6 months later)...
  6659. Phillip White: um wtf
  6660. quezada magdaleno: where is he
  6661. Ennead_ ExE: How does she not have Hepatitis?
  6662. Victoria kelley: So I'm confused could she die from this
  6663. 3000 followers please?: What happened to trovember? 😰😭
  6664. OSD Big Boi: *DEAD*
  6665. Steven Maine: Thank you bro this has helped me forgot about X dying for a while I was really feeling like shit before
  6666. Music Lover: 😝🤢
  6667. You__tub: Where the fucking videos. Gosh
  6668. Jaxson Winther: Triggered Tro you are really funny and I hope you try to upload more often
  6669. Hansberry: Tro bro wya? Just make fun of something my guy, make fun of me come on come back 😭
  6670. blake mcmurray: Dude you need to do standup 😂
  6671. Synovati: We need a new video
  6672. Yikes Bud: So did anyone else almost fuckin vomit watching this
  6673. the_ myth003: Fucking upload you little piece of shit
  6674. fnafguy fnaffan: T E A M B A L L Z
  6675. Wyatt The Lobster: Clam3944 DON’t eVEr UsE thoSe DEad MemEs agaIn YOung mAn
  6676. Connor: React to this Tro. It will be funny af.
  6677. Shallen the Ostrich: First
  6678. Myles: HIV is no issue to Michelle’s blood drinking addiction
  6679. Your Mom: Lol imagine if she was a doctor
  6680. The RussianGuy: Fuck this is bad
  6681. Clark Feeley: Hello my name is johnny, and I'm just glad something is getting sucked. LMFAO.
  6682. TheDeadMeme: oml triggered again
  6683. Brayan Davis: Do more vids
  6684. Max Barto: Make a video
  6685. Andrew Ross: She probably has every STD.
  6686. the best videos: when u gonna post lazy ass
  6687. Micheal barsz: Come back
  6688. exploding melon universe: Yo yo welcome back tro
  6689. Sophia St Clair: It literally been four months since you’ve posted😭😭😭
  6690. KoRe Slayer: She could suck the blood rushing to his penis
  6691. Diamond: Finally uploaded
  6692. David Willrapeyou: Finally
  6693. Swellester_ PSN: 3th
  6695. Jade Coleman: WHERE ARE YOU??
  6696. XRockmanX: What happened to tro? It been months yet no new videos....:(
  6697. TNTPVP 135: Jo A he coming back boi. Check his Twitter
  6698. James Summers: kooketh-shooketh_imdone that was it
  6699. glasses kid: #markiplyer
  6700. Nicholas M: Chase Scott yep
  6701. Huh?: Oh meow meow 🐱
  6702. Trillme3: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 yo tro i dont understand why your not at 10 mil subs yet Edit: i almost pissed my self
  6703. Alton Doss: You haven’t posted in two months I’m just getting pissed now. Post a fucking video she gets mad she doesn’t have blood I get mad when I don’t have my trigger tro videos
  6704. Mr non cool beans: Upload
  6705. EmSeeGurran: U dead bro?
  6706. Cold Heartt: Tro!!!
  6707. Tiana 98 gaming: Earth-ist*
  6708. Jonathan Pfister: Lots of wait time for this video, But such quality content!
  6709. Aum: Where tf has this guy been for like the past month? I was really missing this content.
  6710. Abdulla Al Shamsi: it's not vampirism, it's cannibalism it's not practicing vampirism, it's emo
  6711. Corvus Vigil: Of course she's from Cali
  6712. Gevin Jerome: can i have this channel pls
  6713. ᑤᗅᗫᙍ: Fuck she looks like she’s 60
  6714. Totally Original Content: Where you at tho tro
  6715. Dead Gucci: Tro where are you? Don't tell me you reached Plan G.
  6717. Coldwelth Simms: DRINKING PIGS this poor gentile 😂😢
  6718. Callum Doran: The Real Tayming what happened to him anyway
  6719. Damion Gipson: You're funny asff bro 😂😂 "the Satin worship room"
  6720. flamezorr: the hell happened to my man tro
  6721. The Last Knight: Tro, we miss you man! Come back to ussss
  6722. Magma Maniac: euphoric ik right ive been with the tro show since 20k subs
  6724. L9 Toxic ツ: Hello my name is (the name) and im addicted to breathing. Viewers : Ohhh Shiitttt
  6725. iam3point14thon: He pulled a Leafy on us
  6726. Kapplerlife: Bruh u needs post
  6727. Cilla yeet: Lmao
  6728. Angie Solomon: Dundundunduhdun Team balls!
  6729. Tim Hansen: I hate the fact that I love your videos so much. Team Ballz!
  6730. Austin Fox: Come back bro
  6731. Brady Tisch: I mean Trovember
  6732. young munchie: And I'm sitting here with a glass of cherry kool aid lmao
  6733. Bernhardine K: YES! MORE TROOOOO!
  6734. Tayler Dobson: You Know It wow no way
  6735. PLATIN: Why are some humans just stupid af?
  6736. Sauzage: I feel weak lol
  6737. Random Account: Don't be the next leafy... Your doing great buddy...
  6738. The youtuber bros: Plz upload more
  6739. Griffin Gibson: how long does it take to post??
  6740. Keilana Andaya: Please come back
  6741. Anxpression: I bet you, when she gets no blood from other people/animals, she drinks her own period blood.
  6742. Meme Master: BanRckyy . Oh I heard of it at saw con
  6743. Dominic: Jesus mother fucking christ
  6744. Im On Da Web: Dafuq is Jonny doing
  6745. Jashuaw Gaming: Tro come back my man's come on wya
  6746. Dnekar: Gross woman, that cannot be good for her.
  6747. Wlovo: Wya 😢
  6748. skjzhafirex: No shes a vampire
  6749. Frenzy Of Fish: WHERE ARE YOU TROOO!!!!
  6750. Ooh Oops: upload some bitch
  6751. perla: Tro wtf where this month's video 😤😤👏👏
  6752. 123 flowergirl: i want tro
  6753. ANo Name: he might be dead, nojoke so many people are dying on this world, it wouldnt be that dumb to think that he is dead
  6754. Music Machine: SIX. BLOODY. MONTHS. tro man wtf you need to stop falling off the face of the earth.. smh we miss actually laughing at vids <3
  6755. Light Moe: Rip tro you will be missed
  6756. William Dejesus: 1 month later Back with bangers
  6757. Farrel Nandika: Rip X
  6758. The random •••: Come back😔😔😔
  6759. Rayane Assoud: his dead
  6760. Barky: Omfg where hab you been liek wtf (i didnt do the terable gramar on purpose)
  6761. Gabe Newman: Omg Jesus 175 comments in 30 seconds
  6762. Ice_Wollow_Come54: Well guys he made it he is now a professional tic tac player
  6763. LigerGames: Dam I was wondeing where he went
  6764. TheManMon: Where TF u at
  6765. Uzi 117: Why you stop uploading
  6766. Jaden White: where r u
  6767. Mario Torres: Triggered tro you suck by you successful.....!!!!!!
  6768. XXROCCOXX8: Ligma got u☹️☹️
  6769. I'll bE cHiLlInG: Come home tro I name my xbox name triggeredtro69 come homeeee
  6770. Marcus Phillips: The discord link in your about section doesnt work
  6771. 420 XXX tentacion 420 xxxtentacion: NIGGA you did
  6772. Cripps: Galaxyforever Gamer ligma balls
  6773. Nair Johnson: Welcome back bro
  6774. Mark Kennedy: Genesis _Rodriguez1602 red wings😂
  6775. neah jones: Bro where r u come back
  6776. Wail Pal21hail: Creepy bitch Satan fuck
  6777. Emily: *Michelle is the new Tom Cruise interview with a vampire*
  6778. yoitsdavis: Plz come back Idk where you been
  6779. GGesu s: 'It's only a phase mom' _It wasn't_
  6780. I have no idea: Well I'm surprised that she didn't overdose on Iron yet.
  6781. Cash: Team ballz
  6782. RagingRhino 379: Your mad funny Too that k you so much I've been kind of hert by one of my role models X being murdered so your videos are really helping me thank you so much
  6783. Poptart: Now I need to find the original Team Ballz video
  6784. Hamzah Shafi: I honestly think hes going thru some shit right now, like some girl he loved broke up with him or a close relative/friend died or something. Hes prolly depressed. Plz come back tho Tro, I miss u. Thrs no way u wanna leave nowww, u have millions to make with sponsors and merch and shit man, and ull be entertaining so many people. :(
  6785. To Ny: Tro won’t pin this
  6786. RaccoonBowl: You it's been 5 months plz come out with a new vid
  6787. Error Macro: Plot twist: Johnny has hepatitis...
  6788. Barfin Rainbow: Boy who the fudge gives her this stuff though
  6789. Belle: blood blood gallons of the stuff any one else emo......nope just meh!
  6790. Brandon Bastin: I can't get addicted to watching your vids if you don't post more than twice a month😂
  6791. Simmons Blue: Been waiting for a good memeing
  6792. AlaMoose: neptune stop with the 7 year old joke its not funny and stop saying nigga are you even black?
  6793. Jesper Grüner: I need you back in my life..
  6794. Andrew Hightower: make more videos twAt
  6795. Qont Haar: Tro i missed you! I just realized that you where gone! Ey i need them video’s of you, they spice up my life. 😜
  6796. Isa Dow: Where r u?
  6797. ThePurtyKitty Tv: I came to tell tro to come back but you guys already got that down pack🤣
  6798. Layne Morris: Plz come back Daddy tro
  6799. Trill GodLess: God damn it tro What are you doing we fucking need you!!
  6800. CS .O: Upload more
  6801. August bruh: Wya bitch
  6802. Super Sonic Speed: Why does her friend let her drink his blood why does she even have any friends
  6803. excuse me: rip tro
  6804. Jay: Tro don't pull a JohnTron on me
  6805. Phoebius Owais: black people are so fuckin weird
  6806. Mitch Conner: I've missed you Triggered Tro 😢
  6807. Ricky Carter: Ya bro way better then getring some dome! No...
  6808. Jeffrey Productions: Killian Vex yes he died of a rare disease called onma
  6809. nice guy: come back
  6810. Felicitas Morales: Face reveal
  6811. Andrew Higgs: So basically she’s a real life vampire.
  6812. Universall: RIP TriggeredTro
  6813. Glenda Hernandez: You should post more videos!!! 😂🤣
  6814. Bertha Silvas: Your video are trash
  6815. GALVANTRON -RED: fucking nasty bitch ewww
  6816. Dirty Dan: *WOAH*
  6817. Spencer uga: Fro where did you go TRO I need you back dad
  6818. Tim Jelačič: it’s over 2 months
  6819. Big Macc: Yo Tro, brind dat ass back here, where you at?
  6820. RainPlays: Tro where u at
  6821. TrollCannotgame 88: That Random Miracle okay someone is playing around with me😂😂
  6822. Nikolas DeRosa: I think tro died
  6823. Tristan Ulsø: Tro upload a vid u lazy fuck
  6824. Ice Cream: OMFG WHERE U AT TRO!!???DID YOU FUKING DIE!?!?
  6825. Liv: Bro I’ve watched all your videos ots and I ran out of shit to watch. 😿
  6826. 999k Views: I don’t think Tro is coming back for trovember :(((
  6827. alyssa: please post again! imu
  6828. PEE ON IT: Aaaaahhhh what the fuuuuuuuu
  6829. E L Y S I A C H A M B E R S: You should do a asmr video 😂😂 just throwing something out cause you haven’t posted in so long 😂
  6830. Prince Kirar: STILL WAITING for that tok)
  6831. Luciano Stallone: Zfirst
  6832. Ciel Feu: TastyTyler667 I don't see why you wouldn't have been subbed since whenever. And I agree, Tro is pretty funny.
  6833. Josh Holt: All I want for Christmas is tro to be back.
  6834. Y.Y. Mckean: RIP TRO
  6835. Vitriexen _: I got addicted to watching your videos only for you to disappear and pull a leafy on us. Ur son, DoddO is looking for u mAn
  6836. Dartozy: we lost another leafy...
  6837. The Spacer: Thought u died
  6838. Molly Turner: TRO come back!
  6839. Aiden C.: Watched an episode of Dr. Phi without it being a Triggered Tro video today.
  6840. Matthew Gooden: Bro this is the best YouTube
  6841. Asphalt gamer: Can i get pinned
  6842. Daniel Ponce: Rest In Peace XXXTentacion
  6843. Joshua Hill: last
  6844. Clouder Zen: I smell aids
  6845. 8T Chips: Tro are u dead or wat? COME BACK
  6846. marcie •: bitch where u at
  6847. Mr. Mayonnaise Man: Make sure he don't have HIV or your in for a bumpy ride
  6848. Scruffymemeherder: It’s almost Trovember goddamnit
  6849. Marsconde: Hey
  6850. jonathan brown: Tro gang
  6851. Eyy _: Who said vampires didn’t exist ehh ?
  6852. Kino: Happybugs Gamer woah
  6853. MrJoking4fun: Well it was a fun, short ride. I guess this is peace out? PEACE
  6854. Jo's a Luigi Fangirl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: delicious
  6855. Tom Does Games: We're u at its trotober
  6856. Kaylee Nicole: WHERE. ARE. YOU?
  6857. LIlbrett 05: 156 viewers 202 likes
  6858. RaZe Kale ツ: Finally I thought you were dead 💀
  6859. Твоя мама гей: She took the emo phase to the next level omg.
  6860. That 70's Guy: Speak for yourself I'm super Earth racist
  6861. Triggered Tro: Was gonna do a vid on Dr. Phil’s rap battle but it won’t let me post it... had to make this little video really quick. A lot more videos soon! Love ya <3
  6862. shawn huggett: You better upload boiiiiiii
  6863. Insanity's God: Jerry Hlavaty no PLZ explain I'm bad at jokes....
  6864. Astral Traveler: Dude, I fucking love Triggered Tro.
  6865. Stereo Steve: :(
  6866. JK SAVAGE: lmfao You look like markaplier with a smdrug problem haha
  6867. Keith Adam: Where are you man?
  6868. prolainen: +FusRoDah Daily it shows 1 day ago for me
  6869. ♥MarshmellowLover♥: dont leave us tro ;-;
  6870. mika :/: i missed you dad
  6871. TheOne AndOnly: He is BACK
  6872. Halo Corg: Tro where r u? I need a new vid NOW >:(
  6873. Cheesy Beandip: Where you at its no nut November
  6874. Legion Silver: My legs are weak 😂😅
  6875. Tyra Ellen: *Do one on MGK breakfast club interview*
  6876. yourmom islit: She probably drinks blood when someone is on their period🤣
  6877. Aspect: What happen to you dude 😭💔
  6878. Alexandra: +IDK :p a long break i guess
  6879. whitchy toaster08: Come back soon I hate watching justgesting tro pls mann
  6880. Josh W: Dracula's daughter
  6881. UnLuck3y: She must be home to every disease that can be passed by blood which is practically ALL OF THEM
  6882. Mustard Kat: Right!Come back to us!!😭😭☹️☹️
  6883. Jackson Harwell: Yo tro where r u
  6884. Tj Hutcherson: High ho where is Tro he needs to make another video I'm crying no no no no no no
  6885. Isaiah Bonilla: Sponge Bob k
  6886. Gerard Dun Will Pray For Your Sins Not Memories: PIN THIS ❤️
  6887. D is for D.i.M: Oh god the best conspiracy theory of the century!
  6888. Count my roblux Gaup: Black Hammer oh yeah yeah
  6889. Mine Turtle: Lonely Potato101 you don’t have to be lonely anymore my child
  6890. Rogue Kishi: man Johnny is bloodzoned?!When u think u've seen it all and then boom u learn of Johnny
  6891. Renee Khloe: “Miss Keisha, Miss Keisha, oh my f*cking god she f*cking dead” -Tro for over five months. Please come back, you cure my depression.
  6892. brodydylan: You walked into a Spencers
  6893. Richard: dreadfulclaw has not. Wheres the money
  6894. Angel of Darkness: I doubt it is real blood
  6895. ShadowReaper: new sub great video man i just wish doctor phil was still doctor phi
  6896. Lady Momo: I feel like she's gonna get some kinda disease if she keeps drinking blood like that
  6897. Scott Aaron: Tro?
  6898. Jalin Timberlake: Sighs..... I love you Tro...... you my nigga.....but please start posting more
  6899. The Heromans: If your vodka is really really dark like blood, then you didn't order vodka buddy! That's why it's 3$ a glass!
  6900. Father Bridget: 💗💗💗
  6901. The Vault Dweller: Tro is dead LOL😂
  6902. kenny tease: it's been so long since u post a new video man.. we miss you.. no homo
  6903. Krisangi Bhargava: Rip
  6904. Cameron Karr: Goths be like
  6905. Vasvir: Bruh I left 4 months ago and he still hasn't made a video
  6906. Vincent Beers: I think she fell down in a hot topic and whatever stuck to her face she just went with it
  6907. Dedassdamian: COME BACK FUCK
  6908. J.Jonah Jameson: Come back
  6909. Alex F: Amanda Kocsis -- No there's just more to life than youtube lol. Internet does not = life. He either wants to take a long break or he's done with youtube completely.
  6910. Nolberto Chastain: WHERE ARE YOU 😢😢😭😭???
  6911. AlphaQup1597: Did Tro die?
  6913. //Heather Motionless//: Oh...
  6914. kickin it kali: Fs in the chat my boi
  6915. SizzleNizzle TittleLittle: People who replied F are gay
  6916. The Zane Train: Loving the daily uploads
  6917. Noah: Isn’t this like...illegal
  6918. FLOATER cosmos: Tro, leave us hangin for too long with no word. Your Twitter is active so I know your not dead. You ok bro?!?!
  6919. Oc Cl: Yo tro r u dead bro
  6920. stickmaster600: same
  6921. Gabi -: Early!
  6922. itzzparisalaiyaa/: its 2019 its time to come back :(
  6923. Hi Bye: Wtf
  6924. Joseph Andrade: I’ve been waiting for a new video for so long, PLZ TRO UPLOAD
  6925. Maddox Prejean: First
  6926. itlittleham yay: Please uploaded
  6928. WhiteRhinoCA: I'm a square earther
  6929. Baicha B: Where are you I'm tired of watching the same videos over and over again
  6930. madison heuer: Caleb Jones 6 weeks now
  6931. Isaiah Morales: Happy “Dr. Phil Awareness Month!”🎉🎉
  6932. Aligator: If you won‘t make any videos in 1 month I think you will need to take a L
  6933. AnthonyEdits YT: Please upload again
  6934. Amber Danielle: Ew. Wtf. I want to throw up now
  6935. Kodiak gamer: Finally your back
  6936. prncssdi83: Fuckin' freaks. Her and the boyfriend.
  6937. Doggoroo: xxred lol you ain't shit. Go eat a happy meal and play roblox
  6938. Bacon Shreds: We are formed by the blood, made men by the blood...
  6939. Kevin Spacey: He's in jail for dealing weed.
  6941. outlitt: so . thought I would've missed alotof vids from you over the past 2months .( made a new account and didn't sub right away on this one ) but nope not really . seems like your working hard to grow your merch but not to grow your channel. I think your a great guy i love you and your videos . I don't know what you plan on doing in life but if this is your plan than please upload not Dailey .but maybe 2 videos a week or atlest 1 . again . love every video you post and Ill support you threw anything . :))))
  6942. john bear: Man I miss these vids man
  6943. Pedro Cruz: my blood's AB-NEGATIVE and I wish I never meet this women
  6944. Prince Azrael: God has blessed us with another video praise the Triggered Tro
  6945. Kingboii 69: Eyyy ur back
  6946. Stephen R: Your funny lol subbed
  6947. Awesome Legend: Where are you Tro? i want more flat earth videos
  6948. Z Nation Crazy ❤😍: When ur in class and you get this notification, and have randomly been obsessed with Triggered Tro and is like MUST WATCH
  6949. Lil' Disappointment: whats next MY Strange addiction Drinking my own shit water
  6950. Froggem McNugget: Honestly, blood tastes like metal to me. Makes me wanna puke :/
  6951. Rebecca Marie: So trovemver was a lie 😭
  6952. Miguel Ortiz: RIP
  6953. Santiago Baca: Come back
  6954. Claudia Lynn: The TRO is back
  6955. Canadian Carguy: Where you been bro???
  6956. Nela: I’m scared
  6957. parker mihelic: TRO WHERE DID YOU GO
  6958. Andy Encinas: Hi
  6959. BandrBinTariq: we miss you bruhh ):
  6960. LavenderWest: I think Tro is dead
  6961. fricc 69: Fæl you're same, fuck man
  6962. Bleach: Unoriginal
  6963. madMinaal: All I can think of is Stefen Salvatore
  6964. julia jackson: TLC is a treasure trove of weirdos.
  6965. SatireSasha.: this is some kInKY shit
  6966. Moritz Vogt: R U DED?
  6967. Dakota Smith: Dude you're hilarious keep it up
  6968. tyler massey: Nigga dead?
  6969. Big Aj: Rip x 1 like=1 prayer
  6970. I don’t Get jokes: 999k Views same I’m sad.
  6971. the welchy vvv: Tro?
  6972. Darth Fenrir489: I just threw up.
  6973. Rachel Kosha: You died of ligma?
  6974. Kink Squad: "I will see you in the next one" headass
  6975. NoOne: Holy fuck i couldnt watch this shit
  6976. Golden Eggs: Waiting every day man.
  6977. FFAscend ,: plz come back u have 1 mil now r u happy
  6978. BeNnY Is CoOL: Tro is ded
  6979. RECKS YT: sub to him fuks or u can sub to me lol
  6980. Reckless Lemur: first lui then leafy and now triggered?!?!
  6981. randi4321: Wow excuse me while I vomit. Is she going to be examined in the head after this? Isn't she a cannibal as she is consuming human blood?
  6982. Elizabeth Juan: Is anyone actually surprised she drinks blood?
  6983. iSoLyon: Yooo I forgot I was subscribed to this dude until I saw him on my home page, where tf is he?!
  6985. Bunnylover143: She is a real vampire.
  6986. Nadir Assoud: One month ! Where are you?
  6987. Pedro Cunha: Team ballz!
  6988. Jasmynn Joy-Ford: Tro comeback we miss u 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  6989. Fflare Xx: Atleast it isnt human blood..... Edit:....nevermind........
  6990. PhantomQueen13: Can't wait for the next vid
  6991. Charity Pitts: She’s gonna get fucking aids
  6992. Molotov Cocktail: *used to upload every day* 5 months later *hasn't uploaded in 3 months*
  6993. s Rogers: Y 4 dislikes already he just uploaded it
  6994. Tempestora GD: Michelle is a wannabe Alucard
  6995. One Man: TRO where are you man we think ur dead... Cmon man be more like Jesus
  6996. Zroxx: still waiting for a new vid
  6997. SafeCheck: WHERE ARE YOU
  6998. Anime Kid9000: Drink that Kool AIDS, girl.
  6999. CallMeLum: I've never laughed while auseated before. Thanks man
  7000. HasHasDre: gayyeness
  7001. Ice Wallow Come - O'RLLY?: Tro pls say Woah Viki didnt suffocate you in your sleep..
  7002. kali yuga: Tro where are you
  7003. Patton Sanders :P: 100%
  7004. Stoned Views: When will tro return?
  7005. Stalín: Where are you asshole?!
  7007. 5555 5555: He'd get Lots of L's if he did
  7008. brennantg7: I fucking love this guys commentary
  7009. Happytimes 41: This is pure joy to me
  7010. Ebonize TV: Last
  7011. dafukuwant? ??: Masiat Haider get off of YouTube little kid...u dont understand how the world works yet.
  7012. fbi: Finally a video
  7013. Boushe: HAVE A KID BRO
  7014. Brayzkraze211: Tro where are you?
  7015. Nicholas Cole: Tro, man. Where the fuck are you, dude? Youtube blows since you left! I wish you'd come rant about somethin' new! Come back.
  7016. Wag Wan: what if the animal has aids?? does she care or what😐😐😐
  7017. bubba pacha: This is one sick/crazy broad!!!! Hopefully she just keeps drinking her friends blood and doesnt move onto children. You know damn good and well in high school she was one of those goth freaks we threw lit blackcats at and she just took it too far. I mean how the hell do u find a human "donor" aka dumbass? Do u like interview them and then give em a blood test....or do u just go for it and figure you vampiric tendencies make u immune to hep Also if you drink shitloads of pineapple juice does it make your blood taste like it should be sprinkled on top of a Hawaiian pizza?? You know like it does with other male bodily fluids supposedly??? Maybe she looks so pale cuz her donors a huge freaking lush so his blood is like drinking REAL MOONSHINE abd shes hungover! Anyway im now so tired im delirious and rambling due to insomnia. Now im afraid to sleep thinking the countess of psychovilles gonna come for my blood. 1 last thing how big is this broad anyway??? I mean according to those numbers they flashed (shes drank over 1000 gallons of blood thats enough to fill her bathtub up 23 times) her bathtub holds close to 43.5 gallons of water!!! I mean body shaming aside seems...if u need a tub that holds 43.5 gallons of water maybe find a new donor to lose some weight. You like folks that drink 2% milk instead of whole milk. So maybe go find yourself some 2% blood instead of whole. Now idk where the hell youd find 2% blood (maybe a diabetic since they cant have much sugar) but look into it so you dont need a tub that seemingly wastes so much water. Alright im out....sorry i rambled so long. Funny video Tro!!!
  7018. BirdieLeqned X1: MAKE VID FAG
  7019. Moad Karam: DISGOSTING
  7020. Caleb Plays: Bro you hardly fucking post
  7021. SavageRunkii: Triggered L' tro is your new name. get use to it. its french btw.
  7022. Self CareSweetie: Where are u?
  7023. NetherHaileyGaming: This bitch went from pig blood in Bloody Mary cocktails to HUMAN BLOOD IN HER SOUP. JESUS CHRIST HELP HER.
  7024. Sweet Tart: December 29 were you at
  7025. Random Guy: Manturtle 988 🅱️ e e n
  7027. DoddO: Dad your back! Finally Triggered Tro Jr. can take a break
  7028. Monique Williams Santiago: Tro wtf where u been
  7029. Pelican in shit: kAi kA he’s dead, he died in a car crash.
  7030. Democrats are Non Player Characters: Nah he's doing 6 months for dealing weed of all things
  7031. Kurt Zouma: Is he alive?
  7033. MRS. o'briennn: Where you at tro
  7034. Taylor Smith: thanks that really grossed me out for some strange reason. Kinda feeling nauseous now.
  7035. Blind Product337: Anyone else get turned on? Just kidding I was disgusted
  7036. pancake the lizard: 'I'm back'
  7037. GiveUpJim: We need you!!
  7038. Xenon: that one idiot friend I'm just looking at the comment section and everyone's saying he's dead, lmao. I honestly dont know if he's dead or not.
  7039. Section GamingPlus: God. So much possibilities with this material.
  7040. Alton Doss: Non of wall can say I was with you when you where gone I say y’all comment about how your giving up on him I never said I was going to give up on him he’s back bitches
  7041. Hype Ninja: Nope. NOPE. *NOOOPE.*
  7042. WattDrivefive: You know if tou are for example. A+ and you dring blood that is B+. Your fucked. Im will die if your not careful
  7043. Shaelynn: Why haven't you uploaded 😣
  7044. Unipulse YT: An actual vampire...
  7045. Jan De Luna: Opposite of a vampire
  7046. Jamie Stærcedne: Nuffin wrong with a little blood-play.
  7047. Mohammad Asad: ThatOneGDPlayer lel really nibba lol 😆
  7048. Choskey64: I think triggered tro died
  7049. Saqib -: Sssssex with a caarrr
  7050. lolita furry: That's a good way to get AIDS
  7051. Monkeh King: You’re alive
  7052. Ben Valdes: Post videos kid!
  7053. Nerds Palace: Wow he really is copying leafy
  7054. Jay Kao: LOL BLEUGH
  7055. Poison Nerve: Bitch Please!!
  7056. Lilpanda: I'm gonna comment tro come back entil you do
  7057. NPC; trollingtowakeyouup4253: God these type of people are so fucking dumb.
  7058. klikbate: Dark Slayer14 cuz when he does post, it's 1.3 million sub worthy
  7059. ImToxic: Where are you
  7060. Fnaf Fan777: Did Triggered tro quit YouTube?
  7061. ZXL_slayer_playa: Where tf have you been
  7062. THE BOSS: Did somebody move on plan G? Where you at tho your funny asf
  7063. Pizza Boi: Sexy vegan probably showed up to his house and murdered him
  7064. Jacob Woepke: triggered tro went out in his prime rip
  7065. wise cracker 9001: Keeep it up tro u can do it
  7066. Dustin Taylor: 3 minutes ago. 169 views, 486 comments... I be damned
  7067. Trixmay 988: God that's gross. Blood is the grossest tasting thing urghhh
  7068. Roman Valdez: 2019, where u at😢
  7069. Catman Cooper: Bro did you die?
  7070. Sqeakerz VEVO: Why ain’t he posting
  7071. YoUBetTErKeEpgoInwithDaTmUsIc: it is now 2019 where are you?
  7072. Giometro: I hope she don’t have kids 😱
  7073. Memphis Stef: Finnaly a new vid I've been waiting lol
  7074. Alex Axon: Jesus.
  7075. Gus Jp: This is the 1st time that I wanted to puke for watching this outta of all the things I zombies eating humans realistically no that didn't make me puke isis cutting people's heads nope but this did almost because I couldn't watch this video anymore By the way where are u tro
  7076. PhinksTV: now :( If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  7077. Boom Boom: Stfu puss move on
  7078. King Lego: I, goin to thro up
  7079. Vladimir Pootis: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
  7080. Radian: 23/11/16: A legend is born 19/6/18: A legend has left us.........
  7081. Reggie Labon: waste of time I was on this channel like 1 year ago I hope he’s alright which I’m sure he is
  7082. Beauty Strike Vlogs: No but you might be.
  7083. tmzz rafi: You dead?
  7084. HKS ASTRO- -: Still with 1.4M, come on man come back! Feel like he views the comments on the daily, either that or he’s dead 😭
  7085. Level 100 Artist: Where are you tro I’m sad without you
  7086. NickPDX: he's in a better place now, *with leafy and the other youtubers who dissapeared*
  7087. ReVil0: cum back man
  7088. Justin Maranon: Stupid bitch you’re not supposed to drink blood from tattooed people why do you think they can’t donate blood bitch
  7089. Anthony Reyes: Supashya Roy Chowdhury kids need to do crip instead
  7090. That Original Guy: canadien bacon Of sports😁
  7091. Cody Graham: Come back trip like for him to come back
  7092. Chery Cola: 2:33 IM DED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAH😭😂😂😂😭😂😂😂
  7093. Grigner: MemeGod2.0 _ Chill Tro
  7094. Miah Phillips: Where the heck are you man!😑
  7095. Sam m.: Tro you mother yucker
  7096. 301: Is tro dead?
  7097. New soldier179: Were are you
  7098. CoraEastman: tro is a no show, make more vids PLEASE!!!!!!
  7099. IdOl_Anna: iBeloadOdell true true
  7100. flim: dude wtf is ur upload schedule? i need more
  7101. NerdLifeGaming M: 2019 comeback
  7102. Ndkseji Shsuozndwjo: Junkie markiplier lmao
  7103. Dr.wafuz :/: What does her pee look like 🤔
  7104. James Dawson: Why have you stopped making videos
  7105. Jeffrey Galler: Tro bro where you at
  7106. WolfSnipe: Bruh and my mom said vampires aren't real.
  7107. Samuel Ardrey: React to adult baby by wizard of odd
  7108. Just Lakers: She is in my city...
  7109. Thank you, Nessie: Bro I miss you, come tf back :(
  7110. Ace Bordett: 413th
  7111. killergoat 0550: Dude has on plan g
  7112. the milkman: Does this bitch run a backwards red blood truck
  7113. Tina Tyler: She eating sometimes eles cus she's fat as fuck
  7114. YungX Muffin bafoon: :..((
  7115. HelloXEmma: Where r u fam
  7116. Ryan Koehler: Upload more!
  7117. igor peña: tro what happened to you we miss you
  7118. jaydog 991: Hello?
  7119. High Tide: I feel like I have to run the fuck away for some reason....
  7120. Joan Dotchel: I have never been so early! like less than 200 views early
  7121. Graphic: RIP Tro
  7122. tiffany zavala: mans. forgot his youtube password 😔
  7123. pbrian26: What happened man
  7124. InsaneDust 27953: Hi my names Johnny and I'm glad something is getting sucked, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  7125. Addison Martin: Okay imma need u to come back
  7126. MyDadBeatsMe -69: I swear this dude has died
  7127. Madeline Sajn: Boi where u at?
  7128. Erich Meister: Love you tro!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
  7129. Stormex Gaming: Where r u
  7130. Nuno Anjos: *electric guitar* *electric guitar* *electric guitar* *electric guitar* TEAM BALLZ (merch) *electric guitar* *electric guitar* *electric guitar* *electric guitar* TEAM BALLZ (merch)
  7131. FusRoDah Daily: +Lilpanda <3
  7132. The Kid Who Got Framed: Guys I think he's dead.
  7133. Logan Justa: Laila :3 Omg are you serious? 😂😂😂
  7134. a spanner: tro come back ffs
  7135. Velzers: WHERES TRO :(
  7136. Sarah Omari: id be surprised if she didn’t drink blood lmfao
  7137. OTG ZxN: Tro please come back
  7139. Aiden Soto: Hey triggered tro can u react to drop the mic:Dr Phi remember he take no L's vrs James Gordon or somthin
  7140. Abbster: Tro where the fuck have you been 😂😂 It's been an actual month
  7141. Michael Rathgaber: It’s been toooo long
  7142. Akali ❪Graffiti Queen❫: DUUUUUUDE PLEASE UPLOAD MORE OFTEN!
  7143. Tamara Lehner: Bitch come back
  7144. Leighton Brown: Been here since 200k.. Love your vids tro keep up the good work
  7145. PTCourage: Come backkkkkkkk
  7146. Death: Where's Tro?
  7147. xTwist Ace: Where is ur musically dude?
  7148. a person: Me: knock knock Also me: who's there Me: not tro
  7149. William Littlejohn: Can u do that dating app again plz
  7150. Emily Beechler: Love you😭
  7151. Maylan Johnson: She's a fucking vampire!!!!!!😱👹
  7152. Pawny05GMD: What happened?
  7153. Cibs H: dis mofo keeps saying more vids soon but his ass posts 1 a month
  7154. Lum: I have a feeling it’s depression. Many youtubers with depression had quit youtube for a while and come back. Maybe he’s even dead... ):
  7155. GamingWith_Jackie: He needs do a video with memeulous...🙌 Would make my LIFE 😂😂
  7156. Bot Noob: How does she get that much blood? Does she steal it from the hospital?
  7157. Nathan Peterson: did u die
  7158. gemma: been here since 100 subs tro <3
  7159. Nightcore Кnifu: Troooo, where the hell are you, man?? My depression is kicking in, we need you!!
  7160. Snaw3: You are like my dad for me, gone
  7161. Jerex Aesir: Oh look more athiests in the comments. Like usual, just ignore the athiests theyre quite pathetic and weak willed/minded. Nice day.
  7162. Caitlin Dawson: The blood lady got to tro and killed him.
  7163. 『NC 猫』: Why not drink fucking period blood?
  7164. made this account just to make this comment: I think he died
  7165. J Critch: I needed this
  7166. riddler: No... please go back to school shooting
  7167. Feadus: Literally bloody Mary’s lol
  7168. Evil_ Vibes: Where r u?????
  7169. Ran Dom: Elizabeth bathory except no youth effect whoops
  7170. USMC Hokage: Anyone else like to masturbate on adderall?
  7171. Drew Passaretti: Watching in 2019. tro please post again
  7172. wig flew: Finally this bitch hit 1 million. I was stressing over this shit😂
  7173. Dribblexmixtape: Come back 😭😭
  7174. Idrool ToMuch: @triggered tro POST MORE PICS WTF BRO WE LOVE U
  7175. Luis Villegas: Where you at tro
  7176. DΛПGΣЯӨЦƧKΣY2592: Bro you said see you soon
  7177. Tracy Golden: Upload more tro you bum
  7178. Cameron Lhamon: Rip Tro
  7180. NoName: Bro where are u? We need u over here!
  7181. Shy N: he had to offend my obsession with hot topic didn't he?
  7182. Wyatt The Lobster: I love off of this channel tro is our god
  7183. reagan miller: Hot topic the person
  7184. Brendan Richter: Yo hold up lemme just drop off the face the fuckin Earth like Tro
  7185. Bease XBL: Got big on youtube got enough money so he stopped making vids.. give it a couple months for when he comes back an needs money
  7186. Juan Manuel: R u ded?
  7187. sara af: I love your voice so much 😅Addicted to listening to your videos
  7189. keaton902: Where you at tro, we missing you g
  7190. The WindComic14: KILL IT WITH FIRE!
  7191. Pelican in shit: Infernape40 he died a month ago in a car crash.
  7192. diego: Caca
  7193. *TheOrangeRasberry *: Uuaghh...
  7194. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ on a Cracker: Ive checked and followed his insta....has not posted since january. Im actually concerned.....
  7195. Albino Rhino: The better leafy
  7196. W.T.: How can I be addicted to your videos if you won’t give me any videos to be addicted to. You are a terrible drug dealer man. #wherestro
  7197. InkOnTheDot: I at least hope that knife is sterilised. Cause otherwise she's fucking the poor boy up
  7198. Helen Jimenez: Alex 315 RIP
  7199. Michael Nantais: I can’t do it 41 seconds is what I got
  7200. Kween Wydia: Um I’m mad asf. I didn’t get a notification😤
  7201. Sounds Pretty Moist: Clearly a vampire.
  7202. Jiminskjskjskj: January 1, 2019 - Tro still hasn't appeared
  7203. Upgrade: So vampires are real?
  7204. Max Picatti: Thanks Claire.
  7205. Isaac Ramirez: Tro please come back. :( we miss you so much everyday I look at your channel to see if you posted but I just see this over and over again. come back don’t pull a dad move on us and leave
  7206. Kenny T: Tro pulled a leafy
  7207. David Lopez: U can actually get aids from this shit
  7208. Stephen Reader: About time you posted Tro.
  7209. Young savant: Where did you go I miss you I have been with u sense like 100k my guy
  7210. midnight moon: does anyone feel uncomfortable watching this?!?
  7211. TriHard Terry: Vampire ni🅱🅱as
  7212. DarKnight: trooooooo cum back
  7213. さんアルフィ: you need islam bro c:
  7214. Arty Webb: Come back please :(
  7215. Marriah Auctavia Osorío Mejía: Point- blank
  7216. Kilts Are Weird: "Hi, my name's Johnny, and I'm glad SOMETHING'S getting sucked" 😂😂 you kill me, Tro
  7217. Clayton Coyle: Tro where you at! Comeback! We all love you!!! No homo btw 😭😭😭😂😂😂
  7218. SlipSlayer X: skankhunt 42 #F*CKYOUFLATNERD 🖕🖕🖕
  7219. One Girl: Where are you tro?....
  7220. Gamer Gang12: Hahahaha
  7221. lps TACO: So she started drinking blood when she was nine or 10 ?? Heres the math: shes 29 so if shes been doing this for 10 or 9 years she started this when she was nine or ten ?!? WTF what kind of parents allow there child to drink animal blood at 10
  7222. BMJR: UPLOAD
  7223. lacuna: Tro where are you ;-; please don’t pull a leafy like everyone says you are!!
  7224. Ethan Ray: Deadly Sims probably every 4 now or never again now
  7225. Kai Dawson: Glad I ate right before this
  7226. Anonymous5253: The way these people look in this video... They look so scary I'm actually nervous and I'm behind s screen lol.
  7227. Bryan Guadarrama: Where the nibba tro at
  7228. Tracey Smith: Well fuck triggered Tro has died from his sins
  7229. Adog 00: That deserves an oof
  7230. PurpleZombie: How do u get addicted to this shit? Like, HOW DOSE IT START???
  7231. Vincent Moses: Come back
  7232. Melanie Vapes: Omg actually got the notification
  7233. Luis Adrián Molineros: I've eaten blood before. Its called morcilla. Google it.
  7234. Bleached White: Ahhh you got the one tro wore
  7235. liana karloff: THE FUCK
  7236. SeahawksCards 3: Everyone make a tro come back video
  7237. Metal Devil: Girls who like Anime be like
  7238. BigBoiG: Anyone wanna pass me a link to tros discord
  7239. Nolan Simpson: VAMPIRE
  7240. stina: :)
  7241. Alice Rosé: Okay then ...
  7242. Free Movies: Journal 38: It’s been 4th months since our savior left, all his social media’s are in ghost mode ocTROber is over and TROvember is here, but there is still no sign, this is a sad period in life for all of us. 😪😪😪
  7243. True Facts Viral: does he still post?
  7244. loyalsquare: About time I thought I was unsubscribed or something.
  7245. Glove Save Raanta: Come back
  7246. Insecure Fuck: Mango Tango He probably died
  7247. Anime Manga: Ikr I swear bruh like chill
  7248. Alton Doss: This is the most sad. Trovember I have ever had
  7249. Maci: in europe black pudding (roasted pig blood) is traditional this woman is like a primate that did not discover fire yet so she is forced to drink raw blood
  7250. Manturtle 988: Hey where ya *been*
  7251. Killian Vex: Jeffrey Borycki did he really?
  7252. Dominique Gonzalez: Fr😲!
  7253. Mutanity: Tro where u at my bro
  7254. briaaannnaaa loll: Um excuse me vampires are real, Jeffrey dahmer 2.0 .
  7255. Prio Diamond: ware did you tro like what the fuck its been months
  7256. Anger Invader: Come back baby😘
  7257. Mr. Kill All Humans: TRO WHERE TF ARE U
  7258. christenia sinclair: please go react to dr. phill rapping with james corden
  7259. kazzo kid: Hum u gonna die if you don't come back
  7260. Kye123 R: Riiiiiighhhhhhhhht!!!!!!!!!!!!!(wtf)
  7261. TJRiss: This guy is the far more mature Leafy. 10/10 Great replacement.
  7262. Deisha O'Hara: so basically she Is a vampire
  7263. Brianna Allen: Where You At
  7264. Lum: Ryan Dean lol
  7265. Victor Ciprian: colin - oh yeah yeah
  7266. Joey Jaa: He actually post his pics in his insta
  7267. Deanna Lynn: ... vampire?
  7268. DreamZ 954: 160 views 1.5k likes Illuminati confirmed....
  7269. Chris Lytle: Wtf where are you been waiting for days
  7270. Lily Vaughan: Why
  7272. jesus christ: Tro please come back. I love your video's so much I really miss them now. :(
  7273. Dezmon Moreland: How tf you gonna be a vampire
  7274. AzoRonics: Atleast give us an update video, I miss these videos
  7275. Alessandro Stark: Yeeeeeeeeeessssssss
  7276. Landen Schmidt: Where tf r u
  7277. CIA Director: this is leafyishere all over again 💔
  7278. Kate: It's amazing how many of these people are just iron deficient and eat weird shit because their bodies are trying to find nutrients in things you shouldn't eat. Like almost all of them lose the desire to eat bizarre things when you put them on supplements for a while. Boom: Magic. Science. Nutrition.
  7279. Ryan1234: You think she drinks her period blood
  7280. TerraMC YT: You know, bloods toxic in large amounts, which is why animals and insects that drink blood have special digestive systems
  7281. Mayplayzgamez: Maybe tro is broken buy x's death , its uploaded the day after
  7282. Joseph Brown: I almost throw up
  7283. Helixano: You said she's HOT Topic? I say she's Spencer's On Speed
  7284. hellfully: i’ve officially lost every bit of faith in all of humanity
  7285. Noi Alfgeirsson: 234th
  7286. 1 M subs with one vid: it's official this is a ded channel
  7287. AbelleveMe: 1:25 I'm just glad something's getting sucked
  7288. Denial Haze: Keep posting stop leavinggg plzzz I miss ur video
  7289. Daileys Aspiazu: For every month no triggerd tro I will and a sad face( as long as I get reminded) 😢😢😢😢😢😢
  7290. Ilose 26: Please comeback!! I miss you tro.
  7291. Drake Davis: Yo this nigga really blew up then dipped
  7292. spicy ricardo: Rip trigger tro
  7294. Isaiah Coleman: Plz come back
  7295. ps2martin: We miss you....
  7296. Spencer Alphonso: Wake up please
  7297. fuck you feller: I want this bitch on my show bruh
  7298. Dragonsbane089: WHERES THE MUSICAL.LY TRO
  7299. Steven Baksh: That lady in the video killed him and drank his blood
  7300. TOASTEDMUFFIN 87: Nasty af
  7301. Synovati: Guys I know what happened plan F didn’t work now he’s on plan G witch means he’s selling his body and is now addicted to heavy drugs
  7303. Kaashif Zaidi: Who thinks this guy sounds like Josh from Drake and Josh
  7304. Estevão Fernando: Tro, please come back
  7305. RYAN THE ALIEN: Bro it's been 6 months. Dude
  7306. Caleb Jones: 2 Months tro. Please
  7307. Henlinrae 04: Are u dead bro?
  7308. Max Picatti: FusRoDah Daily this guy is a man of his worddddd
  7309. daddy hacker: Rip x
  7310. Michael Angelo: Its the new Leafyishere
  7312. The monster under your bed _: Uh Tro are you dead? If you are can I have your yt channel? 😂
  7313. Tristan Ruel: Hello???
  7314. Sad Gamer: #TeamBallz
  7315. Lilpanda: Pls come back tro
  7316. Juan Lopez: This made me weak😷😨
  7317. Jerry Jenkins: she killed him.. feelsbadman
  7318. CJHAV 87: This video actually made me mad uncomfortable
  7319. Mustafa akbari: Abagail Serrano December 17, 2018 - Still no Tro.
  7320. Someone, i guess.: Hey man did you die?
  7321. Annalicious: Has anyone looked him up or anything or did he quit? I looked everywhere and there is nothing
  7322. Meow Meow: Why isn’t the blood clotting.
  7323. evileli327: 1 month
  7324. Infinite: This lady came to his house and drank all his blood that’s why he’s gone
  7325. Christian Bennett: That's what I was gonna say
  7326. Joshua Horton: I was expecting an “OH HELLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOO” , anyone esle
  7327. Paulina Perez: This physically got me sick I actually threw up idk why and no im not actually one of the "faint hearted"
  7328. GHERMANSKY: Hey tro dont reply to this comment to let us know you have been kidnapped
  7329. Russell: NAh it aint that. You must use adblock. It's cool but yeah he has been demonitized forcing the execution of plan J... A job. TRO come back, we will all support your patron. That's how you do it on YouTube these days
  7330. Bora Bora: HEY TRO!
  7331. Ray Marie: R.I.P Tro its been 2 months since we've last seen ya
  7332. Jade.: The Messiah has returned
  7333. Maddy: Boi Just post already
  7334. Delilah Negron: can you at least make a video saying your alive im going to cry if your dead because i have been with your channel since you had 200k subs and i still am with you dont go
  7335. Martin Kolmačić: Pleas Tro come back ! 🙁
  7336. August Brown: Trotober
  7337. Mustafa K. Farouk: Unsubscribed.
  7338. Brendan Klagu: it's a month now where are you trigger tro 🤔😥
  7339. the joaquín dead: come back ;-;
  7340. Natiionz Xero: No joke i am addicted to drinking milk
  7341. Tessa Perry: Everyone misses you man, i guess ill have to rewatch all of your old videos until youre back. Stay alive and stay safe
  7342. Pete Olivarez: Wolf what are pizza earthers
  7343. SizzleNizzle TittleLittle: You’re all gay
  7344. Angel Nikeya: So... you’re just gonna let PewDiePie still your gig?
  7345. Henry Meyer Garvey: She's gonna get aids homie
  7347. Grant Christopher: Plz tro plz tro
  7348. Adolf Hitler: She is worse than Hitler.
  7349. igLoOpi: plz upload do it for tro vember
  7350. Stalker Bleach: i was waiting for you to upload... i was waiting for years... no, centuries
  7351. The Unnamed User: Yay
  7352. perhks: First person to eat meat
  7353. Bleached White: This bish
  7354. Crystal Heart 99: Tro where tf r u, we need ya mate😭😭
  7355. Lexi: Tro it’s been 5 god damn months where in gods penis are you
  7356. Booger Wolf: Omg, my farts are really stinky.
  7357. Can I have 1000 subs please?: What the fuck
  7358. Enziah: Still on the monthy grind lmafo
  7359. Joel Rufiange: hers bf is cutting himself at the wrong place ! he need to make is dick bleed
  7360. CsGo Unlimited: I missed you dad
  7361. Jalen Holmes: Smh hasn't posted in a month
  7362. Cheyenne Holder: Where’s my bro tro
  7363. Honking Bronco: Bro its almost ocTROber come back
  7364. conniesia08: First how the fuck does she get the animal blood
  7366. DysphorianAsh: Last time I was this early *DaveKat was still canon* Literally noone will get that *co u g h*
  7367. wise cracker 9001: Do the vid
  7368. the_1: My body goes numb when people talk and show blood
  7369. xSophiaaa: I’m crying over here tro wya mannnn😩😓
  7370. Igor Blyat: "Trovember is comeback time" -_- boi
  7371. Bon Bon: Vampires in 2018
  7372. Grant Levin: Come back
  7373. Legend Boy #1: hay guys I think he quit
  7374. Izanagi Nanaya: "Or become addicted to watching my videos." It's sad cuz I kinda may have watched all of them? XD C'mon. I just subscribed. Keep the good work! Love the humor!
  7375. Fabians' Choice: +One Man wat noooo my papa
  7376. Bleach: Wow you stole this comment and didn’t even change the arraignment of words
  7377. assassinant 3607: sup plz heart
  7378. GloriBoiGaming: lol
  7379. Waymond: DAD IS BACK
  7380. Nik Zak: ThaTs CaUse sHes BLOOD👌🏾
  7381. Brian Alibashi: please come back you have a million people wanting you to come back. Think about that. Thats like 1/8th of New York citys population
  7382. YALA YOLO: Tro you better not be dead I need videos from you
  7383. AC: Hitler killed the wrong people ,I mean blood taste like fucking metal how u so this
  7384. qKzT qq: Where have u gon
  7385. Me GUSTA: Mmmmmm soupy
  7386. Adog 00: *Ali A’s Intro Plays*
  7387. Angela Chanelle: come on Tro Bro! Draw up some inspiration! The internet needs you desperately. It's been two months all ready.
  7388. Madison Darley: Dude I love your videos. You're the best! I know a guy into blood play... Yep.
  7389. Ismael Romero: Hi my names johnny and im just glad somethings getting sucked💀💀
  7390. Lilpanda: I'm going to comment tro come back entil you do
  7391. ThatOneGirl: “Well at least somethings gettin sucked”😂
  7392. Nicholas Wozniak: How to destroy your liver 101
  7393. Mind Of Will: ok, so no one is going to question how this lady is still alive and free to roam the streets. like blood marys are named after a serl killer that bath in blood i'm sure this is how it started.
  7394. Eden Tanner: bro where did you go ??
  7395. PhinksTV: I know! If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  7396. Anonymous: Free supply every month
  7397. Yowatsapp 05: : p XD
  7398. MO4RTRIXx: He went to plan g
  7399. johnson4A7: Upload
  7400. EPICDESTROYER_7: Unfortunally, plan F didnt work. He went to plan G😭 If you dont know, watch his video called "woah vicky thinks snow is black" yw
  7401. Jose Gonzalez: Guys he is not dead he is doing his musi.caly
  7402. bosv: Wtf trooo Your failing us man Come back
  7403. cass prime: you should like come back
  7404. Iliya Taslim: where d fuck were u u idiot
  7405. Angry Skittle: Tro come back
  7406. Gaia's Guardian: The bloods won't let her in 'cause she's too hardcore. LOL
  7407. Miso Soup: I missed you! Glad your back and watching vanpires!
  7408. ALBERTO SANCHEZ: She probably smokes bloody blunts
  7409. Doing It For The Lulz: notification squaaaaddd!!!!!!! Who's with meehhh?!
  7410. Zach Hatfield: Hey bro i have a vid/channel i need you to roast upon. Message me if your interested
  7411. Sexy Beast: R u ded ?
  7412. BIG_BOY15: FusRoDah Daily we appreciate you for your service
  7413. Fae FierceVulpine: Team Ballz is my favorite thing XD also holy shit this was nauseating, HOW DO THESE THINGS START
  7414. Double.G Guenther: Upload more you fuck
  7415. Some dude on the internet: Roses are red, I play the flute, Tro is gone, because he is missing his super suit
  7416. Your Manz: I’m just glade somethings getting sucked bruh that shit had me dead😂
  7417. 10 k subs with no videos: #bringbacktro
  7418. Lyric Gagnon: "Blood" doesn't even sound like a word anymore, man, hoo--
  7419. Obliviate: Maybe she should try to go vegan 😅
  7420. Xxx Honeybee: YO UPLOAD
  7421. Ebba Edbom: We miss you man :(
  7422. Takumina Baka: Where is the FBI anyway Where are the laws
  7423. Buster Blader the Paladin of Destruction: Anyone think shes a Ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul?
  7424. Tinej Košir: Cmooon broo where are you maan you are my best youtuber just come back please🙄🙄🙄
  7425. tony fox4: Thanks for posting
  7426. Communistic Shobe: What.the.fuck.
  7427. Wolfie Biscuits: Hey I just reported a scum and his vid is going down
  7428. Left Hs: Sup keeping going
  7430. THEdragonslayrr _: She's actually a vampire. She has to be. You can't drink blood straight from a human without being a vampire.
  7431. xKingOfBongsx 420: Where the heck did you go TRO???. I NEED TO WATCH A NEW VID MAN. Just kidding but seriously dude. Where the videos at.
  7432. Lmao Idek: finally a upload
  7433. Alexandera: Post more!!!!!
  7435. hypelife: yo where u at homie?
  7436. Brianna Cicero: I am addicted to watching your vids
  7437. also me: dad?
  7438. Friky: Where are you!!???
  7439. ___.haris .___: Hey guys! Its nicholee
  7440. noah Reiniers: Sorry man, this is to creepy
  7441. ImBoostedBot: If you have ever lost a tooth you know blood is damn disgusting
  7442. Gabriel ASAP13: You my favorite YouTuber dont quit plzz😢
  7443. Daniel Cannon: Uncertain boy me too
  7444. g.m.b Gaming: Tro I miss u where are you? Are you dead?
  7445. Victoria R: Where the heck is tro
  7446. Anthony D: Jesus Christ, we need to fucking round this people up and kill them off for the sake of society.
  7447. Rohan Omar: Slowly dying channel
  7448. adum playz: Tro I’m missing u man come back to ussssss!!
  7449. Alexia G: When will you be back? :(
  7450. Biggest bloody legends: r/wooooooooooosh
  7451. Kanonics: Where are you?
  7452. shay tateyama: this is the product of watching too much twilight.
  7453. Minute: RIP Tro 😭
  7454. Nuclear Potato: Stoners place as long as we remember him he will always be here
  7455. Waffenfabrik: Taking the whole Jesus’s wine as his blood to the next level.
  7456. random gamer: This guy just quit youtube like tf
  7457. 1pyroace1: Your too funny
  7458. Jan Torres: "more vids coming soon" ok sure tro
  7459. 1 AB: Dam no nut November got the best of him
  7460. Gianna Sersi: Hi. I'm finally early, unlike every time I watch a video.
  7461. Carter Clipp: Imagine her throwing up
  7462. pixelking: Vexatious Omg lmao
  7463. Artist Morty: I can't gag on something that small, sorry.
  7464. WINQX: TEAM BALLS!!!
  7465. BluePannel: I’m a asian emo who does karate 🖕🏼🏳️‍🌈🖤
  7466. dub man: Toasty sin bet I’m coming with snacks too, 🍗🍖🌭🍔🍦🍭🍪🥧🍰🎂🍩🍺
  7467. Wilma Exantus: Bro this man is so Damm funny lol 😂😂😂
  7469. speciallittleperson: Yo but down to get a Team Ballz shirt man
  7470. Warrior of Truth: Satin walking amongst us
  7471. Winter Wolf: This channel is dead.
  7472. mr ACLG: Where are you man
  7473. Freelance Productions: Cooommeee baaaaccckkkk
  7475. Dashiell Uaine: Tro is dead can we all take a moment of silence rip triggerd tro
  7476. Ken Carter: +T҉h҉a҉t҉'s҉ . I҉n҉t҉e҉r҉e҉s҉t҉i҉n҉g҉. watch the rest of the video. She drinks her friends blood too.
  7477. xxred: Doggoroo ...i'd make a refrance but you'd be too much of an idiot you'll think I'm serious.
  7478. Smokey Singh: Wya
  7479. Harry Potter Is awesome: I literally can’t—this is disgusting
  7480. Jacob S: I'm surprised she's alive after drinking animal blood, it can cause food poising. Warriors drink blood, she's hardcore.
  7481. fuq u: Rip tro😭
  7482. Isabel Hull: Tro are you dead )):
  7483. Soft Drink: The hunters havent found this one yet
  7484. Shady Ari: 2:34 why does it seem like i can smell that burp 😷
  7485. Saucyy: At least it came from an animal not her.....
  7486. Mr Nobody Boy: C'mon Tro we need that Dr Phil content
  7487. Yung Plague: I would be addicted to watching your videos if you uploaded more 😂
  7488. Macho Band: someone needs to fucking yeet her already
  7489. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Doggie: Yo I'm back here from 2 months ago and you still ain't post my man you going crazy is you dead ? help? Are you locked in a basement you need 911?! *Help*
  7490. Kai Ivy Black: Tro where are you come back to us😭
  7491. GlitchMod: Tec The Cow *Black
  7492. Viviam Fernandes: Ffs
  7493. Paul Hernandez: This bitch is a fucking freak. Someone put her down
  7494. Chaos Bearded Gaming and more: What is the deal with Hot Topic?
  7495. Yowatsapp 05: Today I got hit in the ear with a ball and it's all bloody now because of this video I can't sleep
  7496. private-QUE: Where is all the tro Bro. I'm starting to hear your name in songs. Like take trooooooo oonnnnnn instead of take me on shit I miss the uploads. It's been so long YouTube has started showing me videos that you did a year ago. I know it wasn't every day tro (psst another song reference (if you can even cocider it a song)) but it has been way too long.
  7497. 1337master: Johnny lets her cut him for one reason, he wants to get laid
  7498. Think of A Name: YOUR BACK😭😭😭😂😂😂
  7499. Mauricio Escoto: *CAN WE GET A* “WHERE TRO AT THO” IN THE CHAT?
  7500. jahseh is my dad: and then this girl drank his blood
  7501. Aidan Erway: Come back
  7502. CharlieJames: And they say white people have no culture 😂
  7503. Connor Knott: Face reveal at 2 million subs??? 👍👍👍
  7504. fohr3al: hey asshole!! where the fuck are you ya dickhead! im expecting a SPOOKYY!! video
  7505. Skidaddle Skidoodle Your Dick is now a noodle: _some vampire shit_
  7506. Mii on Wii: wat if it had aids
  7507. Xenon: Vaporeon Gaming How the hell did he die?
  7508. Taylor West: Tro were are u? I found ur son he wants u!
  7509. Dr Oddfellow: Thats Logicked's guest house.
  7510. thicc pickle: IRL Tokyo ghoul
  7511. BleeBz ._: Not guna lie. I heard that shit is awesome. XD OOF JK
  7512. Kaitlin M: He posted on his twitter a few days ago “Trovember’s comeback time bitches” so I’m assuming he’s coming back soon Wtf Tro you still not here?
  7513. Noah Lollar: Hello, my homie. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
  7514. TheWorstLana: Where the heck did u go u lazy bum bum
  7515. ZedFTW: where are you
  7516. Book Worm: tro, you have too many W's to be quitting now
  7517. Henry Oxburgh: is she vegan ?
  7518. Just Ghostie: Boi only 66 Vids and 1.3 MIL subs but what happened to you, will you come back?
  7519. LUIS TORRES: Bro the jokes you have got me dead LMAO!
  7520. nick whitcher: did you die??
  7521. Read more: RIP TRO. HE DIED OF LIGMA
  7522. Kabusek Kabusek: are you dead m8?
  7523. Mohammad Alkhaja: Make a video you lazy ass
  7524. Fares Van Lierde: where u @ bitch? make some fuckin content
  7525. Pipy_Pineapple: Me:Oh shit time to eat my friends house *Arrives* Me:so what are we eating Her: Blood *Leaves*
  7526. tiger day: EMO?
  7527. Sweet Tart: It’s now 2019!
  7528. Nabil: Dumb fuck
  7529. Abby Gambrell: Wouldn’t it suck to be addicted to your videos, considering you haven’t posted in a month.
  7530. Nolan Debray: Rip x 🙏🙏
  7531. adrian siddleman: You look like markiplier if he had a drug problem, Lmao😂😂
  7532. Guuleed Saleeman: BAM BAM Bram BAM TEAM BALLZ
  7533. AnyGood username?: *triggered tro left the chat* OH wait! he is the admin
  7534. The Rant: Great video man omg she a vampire lol
  7535. Autistic Broccoli: sinner
  7536. DYLAN BRADFORD: Dude this a dead channel or what my guy
  7537. C a r r y O n: AlaMoose no
  7538. blewyd: Help cite ligma
  7539. Nuggets and Fries: EARLY SQUAD??!
  7540. Sashin Singh: Tro I miss your videos 💔
  7541. Not Really Sure: You dead?
  7542. Adam J: she looks like a demon
  7543. Steven Baksh: This lady must have killed Tro and drink his blood RIP Tro
  7544. Monica Alexander: "Hi my name's Johnny and I'm just glad SOMETHING'S getting sucked" 😂😂💀💀
  7545. Heyy it's Ellie: Are you dead?
  7546. Dr. Phil: Yeah he just gave up at this point
  7547. HARLEIGH YOUNG: Your Jake you play roblox with Albert love your videos .
  7548. enas abdul: A month...
  7549. Brandon Garcia: Guess he already did
  7550. Jackson Hughes: Lies were are you tro
  7551. That Random Miracle: I mean Tro . . .
  7552. Boone Doggel: Fucking troooooo!!!! I vant to suuuck your bluuuuuud
  7553. nitseD: Tro you had us waiting for this?
  7554. Natsu Dragneel: nefariσus wait what happened dude he forgot his password
  7555. AlyKat Evans: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem." *dead* this is why tro is so awesome
  7556. Breanna F: It's OcTrober but no Tro to to be found where are you I need you LITERALLY
  7557. Alex Day: Come on Tro we all miss ya, like this if he should come back
  7558. Greenest Hue: Ahhh just like Grandma used to make it.
  7559. Juaquin Madero: Make more videos faggit
  7560. Skyla Is The Goat: What time is “The next one” going to be
  7561. Weird Hoe: ITS 2019, WHERE ARE YOU
  7562. Soviet dog: If ur still alive heart this
  7563. Invisible Liz: It'd tro-vember now btw
  7564. Ellen Sippel: CJ Vlogs I got you, I just started binging the YouTube commentary scene (Memeulous, James Marriott, WillNE, ImAllexx, etc) and so far it's filled the hole in my heart Tro left.
  7565. mr chef: 2:32
  7566. Eric: Yes finally :)
  7567. IfItAintThatGuy: Dude you good?
  7568. K S: He didn't stop YouTube.... he stopped life.
  7569. Jenna Scarlet: Please Tro come back 😭😭😭😤😤😤
  7570. XYNI !: TROOOO UPLOAD!!!!!!!!!!
  7571. *** sleuth | witchy
  7572. SHOCKMONKEY121: Where are you dude?
  7573. Svnflower Edits: Cynical Gamer I dOnT hAvE twItTeR
  7574. UltimateMasterJoda: Caleb Jones its been a month and a half dude... I think he quit....
  7575. BoLT xLegendz: Toilet paper no it was ligma
  7576. Ciego is Dead: Maybe he's in jail
  7577. Alpha Raccoon: “Ya know, I just like the feeling when the blood dries and scabs up in my throat. I just like the feeling of not being able to breathe.” (edit) you should make a full theme song for “Team Ballz”
  7578. Fay Miku: It’s actually not that hard to get animal blood where I live. 😂😂😂😂
  7579. That Random Person: C'mon you haven't Posted in a month I don't expect this from you tro 😒 You need to post more often
  7580. Travis Gurney Vlogs: This ain’t a race but I still take first place Keep the train going
  7581. Jake Macmillan: “I am back!” Disappears for 2 months.
  7582. Jay Akki: I just accused Pewdiepie of kidnapping you! Where have you been?
  7583. Panic at the chemical fallout: Animal bloom is weird, I kinda like normal blood (not to be weird it tastes nice)
  7585. Ernesto Camacho: rip
  7586. William Bartold: Post more and don’t react to old stuff
  7587. fernando tario: Whered you go
  7588. BittyPlayz: Do you think she’s just always on her period? Like, where does the blood go? Does she think pissing blood is normal?
  7589. Za Laur: WHERE ARE YOU
  7590. charlottesw: You were misseddddd
  7591. KING_EDGE: Yah man
  7592. laaunkhnutra Ra: I've had animal blood however it's a delicacy in the phillipines they cook it with herbs and it's called chocolate meat
  7593. Trash-Series: Best way to get Ligma
  7594. Evo Top: Come back plz😭
  7595. juice WRLD: NIGGGGAAAA
  7596. Surreal Lane: You can buy a gallon of blood at an Asian store.
  7597. NGHTMRE: absolutly digusting stupid fucking bitch annoying me
  7598. xl Zer0Tries lx: please come back!! 😢😭
  7599. fleekygoblin: Where did triggered tro go?
  7600. Billy Billy: I bet she has STD's
  7601. Alan Brown: tro uploaded its a fucking holiday
  7602. Trick Arrow: Fæl you're I was eating too.
  7603. Gavin Bobtrolo: Where are you
  7604. Gabe Osborne: Wow I didn’t know misquotes reincarnated
  7605. jacobplayzboss: Rip looks like he is pulling a leafyishere aka leafyisnothere
  7606. Astrix: I wanna know what she does when she’s on her period.... Never mind
  7607. Max Dauer: This has more likes than veiws
  7608. PhinhARMY: My strange addition is watching Triggered Tro’s video
  7609. Shoshonequinn: Insert lol
  7610. All Music: Come on.. first leafy, now Tro? All we got left is lame ass youtubers tryna be imitations of them
  7611. Memester: Journal Entry 86 It has now been 5 months since he has posted. He is worrying me and everyone else because it is TROvember also know as “DR. Phil awareness month”. Now I am asking myself a lot of questions like “is he dead?” “Will we ever hear from him again unlike my dad”?
  7612. Louis Parkinson: TRO! DR PHIL IS IN A MOVIE CALLED scary movie 4!!
  7613. Der Leere Karton: What does that "L" mean?
  7614. hi: You dead???
  7615. Vitor Raimundo: Wake up Tro you lazy bum and make some new vids
  7616. Xander Kresh: What if the guy had HIV????
  7617. Johnny Brown-kenyon: Boiii this is r rated
  7618. Nicola Amoré: +Bleach totally didn't lol but okay
  7619. Christmas Cheeto: Come back dad.
  7620. hussain wazier: me too
  7621. Angel fdbbddh: Carson Smith never read something this deep it has influenced me
  7622. Kay Mackin: come back tro
  7623. Andriy chernyshenko: can we get a rip in chat for the boy
  7624. John Lug: He died of shock after being in the presence of dr. Phill and Danielle broccoli
  7625. Mohammad Asad: #Early squad... Where u at...😆👀👀
  7626. Julio Lee: WHERE ARE U AT
  7627. Raizぼくのー: Tro don't tell anyone but she is secretly a vampire.
  7628. Brian Vennemann: when triggered tro posts 🤤😤
  7629. Kirsxxvana: It’s easy to be early for your videos than school
  7630. Brandon Escobar: Tro, where are you??
  7631. KatZ: Triggered tro get your lazy ass up either make a video saying you quit or start making videos or explain why your taking a break. And if not I'm gonna assume your either dead or in a coma.
  7632. Revolutionary 10: We all waiting for you
  7633. reagan: Ultra Loot ok then
  7634. Social Psychos: Where tf are you at tro😭
  7635. Corry in the house: “Trovember” liar
  7636. skej: Pewdiepie was your Backup while you were gone :D
  7637. zia i guess: tro you’ve been a lazy 🅱️um
  7638. Owen Floyd: TRO! where are you ?!
  7639. Citizen 1: Difference is,. he's worth waiting for and you're not.
  7640. Shaelynn: It's about damn time Tro, I was slowly sinking into depression without your videos 😖❤️
  7641. SyRuss Robinson: I eat rocks eat couches and drink blood u can call met tro
  7642. Lio Jackson: Id be addicted to your channel if u posted alot
  7643. Sports Nation: Well I’m the first in 2019 and tro is still not back🥺
  7644. stickmaster600: dad come back
  7645. And then I fired And I missed: It's ocTrober but no Tro
  7646. Martin Kolmačić: 6 months still no tro ;-; im not giving up im faithfull fan and im just waiting to tro to come back
  7647. Josh Dormaier: “You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem” HAD ME DEAD
  7648. Nicky Morris: Everyone, look at his Twitter.
  7649. Crusty Sock: Did i just subscribe to a dead channel?? Where tf is this man
  7650. Erick R. Hernandez Hernandez: A Christmas without you man😭
  7651. πVERRYπ RAREπ: Where the uploads nigga
  7652. Sounds Pretty Moist: Crazy Cat Lady me. I was cringing
  7653. O K: Boi u been gone for so long I rlly looked up if u where dead
  7654. shayaan tariq: I think that what happened
  7655. Parousia Drummer: Watching this is very cringey
  7656. Peter K.: WYA
  7657. Mr. Happy: you're literally posting once or twice a month! i guess this is what happens when a small youtuber gets big...really disappointed, i will always watch your videos even tho i have to wait a month or 2 for them, still don't like how your channel turned out the way it did
  7658. AGuyThatCommentsOnMostVideos: I mean like, I drink love juices from anime girls.. So..
  7659. Jimmy_192: agh i want to keep watching but watching this chick drink blood really creeps me out
  7660. Satans Child: Kill it with fire
  7661. Kallyn: michelle is a biddie
  7662. Wil L: TEAM BALLZ!
  7663. Mr. King: Hey dude, you have about a million people concerned for ya. Hope you’re not dead.... give us a sign of life!
  7664. Master Wave: where'd ya go? I NEED more flat earther vidz 👌😫🤔🤣👍
  7665. ilead d: R.I.P XXXtentaction
  7666. jksmasknz: Man that's just vimto. We all know that
  7667. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  7668. Keaton Keaton: Tro died of ligma 😩
  7669. Nathan Causey: Hey Tro, I’m sure your busy with life and all that s**t, but we would all love to see another video some time soon. Your hilarious.
  7670. J Wolf: I don't think I'll ever scroll through the comments again.
  7671. Fatelephant 77: Hi I’m Johnny and I’m just happy something is getting sucked!!😂😂
  7672. Derpy: It’s been 4 months. Where are you my lord?
  7673. Drew Whitten: i think tro finally became a flat earther and fell off
  7674. The Hølder: Eatin rocks, eating couches, now _drinking blood_ . wait is that the right script? Get 911 on the line.
  7675. CMstorm2112: the burp sound effect....i died! 2:33
  7676. wilii jim: Ayy im somewhat early
  7677. Kellerbot: Oh wait wtf when did you hit 1 MIL my dude?
  7678. —Skye—: *Uhmmm it's called Earthist,I am highly offended*
  7679. Confused Squirrel That Loves The Phangirl castiel: TEAM BALLS
  7680. Analiz Arribalzaga: Where u been u haven’t posted in a month smh
  7681. Stephanie Brown: I'm Dead!! A haha...
  7682. Dylan Gruber: Start posting more tro
  7683. Niker _74: You lazy bum. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  7684. AlphaWolf TK: here
  7685. 9demas9: It has been 5 months since the last upload, I dunno if we can take it anymore bro..
  7686. Invisible Liz: "A lot more videos soon!" ... What? Where? Are you okay? Where the hell are you? We need you, bitch.
  7687. Video Games: FINALLY HO U POSTED
  7688. Black Rose: "A lot more videos soon! Love ya <3" its been 6 months bro
  7689. TwentyOnePanickingcrybabieswithGerard Way: Since when did Tro have 1.3 mil?? I'm fucking shook, and probably late but congrats.
  7690. yess: I was just thinkin bout u <3
  7691. jo jo: For real like how you gonna hit 1 million subscribers, put out some new merch, and then just dip on all those fans
  7692. sad: "hi my names johnny and im just glad somethings getting sucked"
  7693. Inked Scribbles: Tic-Tac-Tro, when's another video coming?
  7694. Jayleen Moreno: Y'all Leave him alone he's probably getting laid by bitches
  7695. Squirrel: IS SHE SUCKING HIS BLOOD ?!?!? Lol Markeplier on drugs 😂
  7696. Regular Sin: No AD ;) Better luck next time
  7697. carbon sad: That dude is beyond a friend zone when he agreed to this, I just created a new zone for him The food zone
  7698. Courage Karnga: HOnestly, her voice sounds exactly like what I expected a blood-drinker to sound like.
  7699. Karis Rose: Tro are you dead?
  7700. Ɗαкσтα Ƙαι: DADDY'S BACK-
  7701. Heyy it's Ellie: Where are you?!?!
  7702. RIm ・ω・: Your voice and speaking manners are so familiar with Tobias Fate xddddd
  7703. Mark Yilanjian: Did you die
  7704. Sleepyboba: I mean... Period blood is the cleanest blood in the body.
  7705. Foxy Pirate: Great video
  7706. vivianacapacete: let us hope that *thing* never reproduces.
  7707. Really Bro Gameing: Tro come back to us
  7708. Basically Basic: ITS TROVEMBER
  7709. ackmed rasheed: +krabby 3 yeah but no one likes leafy
  7710. Dab Nae Nae: Post more vids
  7711. Epik: ok... WTF
  7712. Valentina's: “Hi mi name is Johnny and I’m just happy something’s getting sucked” 😂😂😂
  7713. Charles Jackson: Baby come back!
  7714. vibbezz jayy: aaa 🤣
  7715. Lauri Tuominen: I completely forgot about this guy for some reason
  7716. uwuhoseok: This nigga still ain’t uploading 😔
  7717. Chloe Lombardi: Where r u ,, u need to post right now
  7718. THOT POLICE: Emos or furries
  7719. Different 1.0: I did throw up that bitch crazy ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️ Stop Get some help ✝️✝️✝️
  7720. jeff: Tro died from ligma
  7721. King Gamer 14: If Dracula has a sequel here you go
  7722. Bittersweet Vodka: ew
  7723. That DamnBean: Bro ur hilarious
  7724. ADRENALINE MADNESS: I was waiting for a banger but this shit is wack
  7725. sky dawg: lol all these shows are so hilariously fake, how much do they pay these people to do these things, like the chick who bathed in bleach
  7726. Joan Pecov: Where are you maddafacka
  7727. meat 170: Jonny has a strange ass fetish
  7728. Dankicam: Unsub.
  7729. Dorlicas Makuikila: Please updateeeeee
  7730. Lil Benji: But adds are exactly what dosnt make me happy
  7731. Joseph Osborne: Where's the videos slut?
  7732. kool dawg: You don't see any black people doing this shit
  7733. ̴T̴R̴X̴ Assassin: Nice
  7734. Mitasia W: Tro i love you. never stop making me laugh... Screw that im not gonna be sappy but honestly anyone that says they know a youtuber better than you is W R O N G
  7735. John Devaney: It’s bean a while my guy damn
  7736. Beauty Strike Vlogs: They probably cant handle horror movies lol.
  7737. B K: I think it's less addiction and more, "Gimme some attention."
  7738. Bluegender15: Still waiting for more videos!!!
  7739. Beauty Strike Vlogs: Trust me they dont look liberal at all they drink blood true liberals usually are vegans and animal activists hipsters. They seem like they dont care about politics they are to obsessed with twilight and of course being vampires and drinking blood lol.
  7740. IceyFlamezz: Shawn McMillan I guess it’s safe to say that she sucked the soul outa him. 🤣
  7741. Madison Faith: We've been waiting
  7742. airhead 59: Come back
  7743. GT Ap3x: #TROSQUAD
  7744. undertale sansgod2319: I almost threw up at the blood part
  7745. CsGo Unlimited: Lol that’s a good question. Maybe I’ll make a vid on it. If anyone subs to me my channel that would be much appreciated ;)
  7746. annetiger100: rip
  7747. Henry G10: WHERE ARE YOU
  7748. Cayden Hitt: Yes
  7749. Itz MO: Triggered has officially died of ligma
  7750. Lauren Nicole: did u die bro
  7751. Just Me: Why this man so funny god damn😂
  7752. PateK0de: Jesus Christ finally!
  7753. milllmo: I thuer up
  7754. Vlogmaster 23psharks: He was on Twitter it okay I think...
  7755. Wolf: Well what about Pizza Earthers? I feel discriminated against Tro
  7756. Penguin from SPACE!!: In what world is 2 months considered soon?
  7757. _ Tibo._.Skillz.4l_: bruh come back
  7758. P9 _Christian: bring my nigga back
  7759. James Dorigatti: Did you ever get your gold play button?
  7760. NMK9: Come back plz
  7761. Vodka Gods: Yeah well another YouTuber dead just like GradeAUnderA
  7762. Kiersten Faber: Watch the gillly juice dr.phill thing bruh I died
  7763. Diana Alejandra: TRO! 😍
  7764. Nikolas DeRosa: T E A M B A L L Z 4 L I F E
  7765. Atc123 Iper: Ohh no I stopped watching 😬😬
  7766. Amina miina: Where are you
  7767. Jennifer Martinez: UPLOUD A FUCKING VIDEO
  7768. DULCET: 😔😔😔😔😔 rest in peace tro
  7769. SplashWall: skankhunt 42 FUCK OFF FLATTY
  7770. X6- 88: I’m from Montana & I matter!! fu Tro u suck
  7771. CVG gaming: Where is the troman
  7772. Gabrielle Davies: She should of played on ahs hotel
  7773. Swell98: Wait where did he go???
  7774. I'm No Furry, But Dolphins Turn Me On.: AIDS Nuff said.
  7775. Takumi Usui real: Come johhy I know your Dracula 😂😂😂
  7776. yuwaku: POST MORE TRO
  7777. B J: Did you stop making videos
  7778. Derrick S: Tro! My dude! You really need to make some new videos man. Im going through withdrawal. Your shit is always mad funny. I don't know why you don't put out more hilarious content...?
  7779. lovely marie.: next shane dawson series should be "Finding Tro"
  7780. The Piano Man: I’m throwing up
  7781. Therion Mordecai: F
  7782. Symbolicate: yay new video
  7783. Kat Soup: DUDEE Come back :((
  7784. DEEDSHOT R: I genuienly am scared of the woman
  7785. Jimmy Studd: What happen to this guy? Where tf he go?
  7786. Kobe Garcia: Wya
  7787. LifeSucks: I’m pretty sure some mysterious demonic creature is living in her house.
  7788. Potato Queen: I NEEEED MOOORE
  7789. Pelican Ass: Kai Hinojarama bruh put blood in pancakes mmm yummy
  7790. Yazeed Alobaid: So where r u ffs??
  7791. Game Dweller.: Jasmine Corbin I keep seeing you replying to other people saying that
  7792. anonymous xcx: Get her Shes a witch burn her at the stake
  7793. XxchillxX 100: #trocomeback ✊❤️😭
  7794. Random Bunny: At 1:51 I ran out of my bed and fell for this IM TOO DRUNK
  7795. Dylan Vericker: Where the FUCK have you been
  7796. babygrillz I: Damn I remember when you had 2k subs you made it far.....
  7797. Koagan Waffles: Aye bro you fucking dead? Missin you
  7798. anonymous User: Not all heroes wears an cape .probs to you
  7799. Lukas Coorvus: UltimateMasterJoda let's like you up to heaven bro
  7800. G00D4Y0U: Disgusting fucks
  7801. Milo: DUDE it’s been months NOW !!! WHERE ARE YOU ??
  7802. Marcel Saeed: I have seen every tro video a hundread times. I need a new tro video. I think he is dead
  7803. Frankie Jurado: He’s in jail
  7804. John Delong: Tro y did u go
  7805. Extinct KJR: Boom Boom /// He got potential with his humor.
  7806. Isaias Hernandez: Where are you
  7807. Maci: ´´If this shit isn’t deranged for you, you’re a cancerous human being´´ oh really i am the one who is offended ? :D nope i made a joke you see primates ate raw meat before they discovered fire impying that this lady is dumb she doesnt even know fire cus she eats raw blood :D you are a dry humorless dumb person also an offended one have a great day
  7808. Playboi Dogwash: I thought tro had died
  7809. Tayler Dobson: Do you promise there are a lot more videos?😓😢
  7810. Ethan Hunt: she’s part of the cult
  7811. Tia Landry: Wow I'm Early
  7812. Xio: She’s 29 and she looks 45
  7813. Keilana Andaya: Where are u? I’m having withdrawal from your videos.
  7814. Crash Crystal: DUDE FUCKING POST
  7815. Ernesto Aguilar: Ayeee tro u should do a cringe compilation of food reviews
  7816. Titonix: 5 days ago he posted its comeback time on twiter,lets hope it is
  7817. Akali ❪Graffiti Queen❫: Dude where are you? It's almost the new year.
  7818. Mubasshir khan: Where are you man? Come back
  7819. Lil Doorwish: last time i was this early she asked if its in yet
  7820. RAGECityYT: You better post more bud
  7821. ally nadela: 1st
  7822. Dr. J Da Baller: Dude where tf have u been
  7823. Kristian pouncey: Tro it’s 2019 I’m expecting you to make a come back
  7824. Etienne Thereal: Dude that shit looks like vampire diaries
  7825. Jelle Giesen: I miss you :(
  7826. Nefsika Ikonomi: Tro’s next video will be in the ear 2403
  7827. MAdE In ChINa -Yanan: Thank you for doing god's work
  7828. Garry The Snail: Yas tro is back
  7829. Diego Briseno: What happened to him :(
  7830. james garvin: Tramp
  7831. getting subs from just commenting is hard: so tro, there's this thing called consistency. if you don't do it your channel dies. try it.
  7832. Joe Olfson: I love this male why did he have to leave. He blew up to he got to a mil subs supper quick
  7833. carlos alcaraz: The category is science and technology
  7834. C R U Media: Guys my dad is back
  7835. Bytah: When she doesn’t get her blood she gets more triggered then triggered tro
  7836. Charles fuller: James.T .Adams in the short term your blood cholesterol raises almost immediately after consuming meat. And so does inflammation. We have the same jaw movement and intestine to body ratio as herbivores. A lions arteries do no clog when given meat. However ours do clog.
  7837. Cardinal ,: Your back wait I forgot who you are 😂
  7838. Christopher Platt: Where the Fu** r u
  7839. Ava Hamilton: WYA
  7840. Rusty Shackleford: i understand the strange addiction ....but does she have to be repulsivly ugly
  7841. Hollie C: Where you attttt TRO!!!
  7842. The Chihuahua Strangler: Camille Handa Yeah that's not why.
  7843. Chass Thompson: Is she on drugs
  7844. blitz king666: her period blood must be thicker then oil fuck like I almost threw up watching this
  7845. Ryan Cho: That is fucking disgusting
  7846. mad man: VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!😱😱😱
  7847. Final Form: darnit Tro I'm trying to eat
  7848. Zach Mariott: It’s about damn time you upload
  7849. kyonak: Nachodudes5 your own blood
  7850. newew 15: I have this theory that trigger tro is really leafy
  7851. Saint'sGalAndy __: hey @triggeredtro
  7852. Amanda Crews: It's been two months when are you going to post again
  7853. conman920: We're are you
  7854. Daze 4: Please don't leave brooo
  7855. Leo Dutch: R.I.P tro
  7856. Stoned Views: I have moved to cypress since the sad time of tro leaving, he will be missed. 😂😓😓
  7857. Kino Zomby: She should switch to Diet Blood.
  7858. Bloke Jr: “I like bluud”😂😂
  7859. TheYeezy750Pizza: “I’m just glad something’s getting sucked”😂😂
  7860. Oskarkindel Kindel: 20h
  7861. Extinct KJR: Boom Boom /// I agree, but YouTube keep changing their guidelines and they have to be more nice ya feel me ?
  7862. joshua juarez: Who else is watching in December 2019 remembering this legend
  7863. Brace Mino: Holy shit you’re back! We missed you
  7864. The LP: She’s literally a vampire
  7865. cynister: Sad but true, may his soul rest in peace.
  7866. Island airsoft 321: Did triggerd tro just die
  7867. lily madera: Where are you ?
  7868. RC3_ECHO_FOX: What is she a damn mosquito?
  7869. TheIonick50: Looks like Tro was caught in the snap. Dang it Thanos.
  7870. Eric: Smash
  7871. Venus Claus: +Basically Basic im sorry but he has been gone for half an jear. Trocember is more than halfway trough. Trocember isn't coming
  7872. ItsRoasteTime: Nigga dead
  7873. Brian Downey: #bringbacktro
  7874. RetroGrade: My man just obtained 2 million dollars and dipped...
  7875. FS4 Squad: Are you dead?
  7876. MtnDewGuy100: What in the crikey !?!?! 😱😱😱
  7877. Afoso pro: Please return
  7878. Rimsie: Upload plzzzzzzzzzz
  7879. Chilly78765: This is pure proof that the Earth is a line
  7880. olivia Sharrar: React to doctor Phil and James cordon rap battling
  7881. Adam S: #scarredforlife
  7882. Dylan Kildoo: TRO WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUU
  7883. i’m annie: where did the content go?😭
  7884. redstromesoup -: I didnt get an ad. noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  7885. Bry Isch: What the fuck tro upload already
  7886. raven anderson: please come back.
  7887. Spider Man: Where the fuck this nigga at
  7888. Wrecktangle210 09: First
  7890. Chrissy Poo: Dad where are you
  7891. Braydon King: Hi man been here since 30k
  7892. Sinz: Tro where u at niBBer
  7893. Oliver Törnros: Upload you lazy shit or me and your mom will take you to dr Phil and let him beat you lazy ass back to work
  7894. Tyler Leyden: Tro where are you bro? You need a ride or something?
  7895. TKing1517: Dude i wanna join the discord but the link doesn't work.
  7896. melanie schrock: UPLOAD ANOTHER VIDEO !!!!!!!
  7897. Collin Morgan: Hi
  7898. OuttaTheTrees: Where tha tro where tha tro where tha tro at
  7899. Destiny Deja: RIP Tro 😭 1995 - 2018
  7900. Deutscher Nazi Vampir: the taste of blood is not bad but I don't want to drink it,but ppl still call me a vampire because I am romainain 😑
  7901. Cardinal ,: 13
  7902. Denis Stojanovic: Boy are you dead
  7903. Automine Wizard: Kill the vampire
  7904. Pineapple Playz: Why did she even start drinking blood in the first place....
  7905. Martin: Trooo:(
  7906. Chass Thompson: She is going to get swine flu and every other deses
  7907. SimonTheGamer96:
  7908. Mekilo1994: You got my like but I'm sorry I can't finished this vid I'm to high I'm to HIGH MAN !!!!! LMFAO Post more vids man I fucking love you!!!!!
  7909. BIG_VAINEy_CUK_MUNCHER nom nom nom: U mum haz big geiy
  7910. NightMare sloth: The burp had me dying 😂
  7911. Clifre: Tro left like my dad 😔
  7912. Rayhan Ali: This nigga got 1 mill subs then dipped
  7913. Conor H: Tro you should call and mess with a scammer it would be hilarious
  7914. dotdot dot: This video is so old
  7916. Tom Ashworth: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑🌒🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌓 🌕🌕🌗🌑👁🌑👁🌓 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌔 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌒🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌔🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌔🌘🌑🌕🌕 🌕🌖🌒🌕🌓🌒🌕🌕 🌕🌗🌓🌕🌗🌓🌕🌕 🌕🌘🌔🌕🌗🌓🌕🌕 🌖🌑🌔🌕🌗🌓🌕🌕
  7917. ᜌᜈ: I buy pig's blood from the Asian market. They come in tubs. I cook them though.. would never try them raw. Ew.
  7918. Kenzie the Theatre Nerd: Tro r u dead? We need more vids! If u r dead what got u first? Ligma or sexy vegan?
  7919. Its Avvex: Bro I think he died like I’m not even playing
  7920. anthony kublawi: I’m 95% convinced Tro is dead
  7921. Mo, Tha Great: She obviously crip
  7922. GiveUpJim: Where are you Tro?
  7923. TheLizzard: Where at home slice
  7924. Sylveon And Lucario LpsTM: Markiplier with a drug problem.. IM SCREAMING XD
  7925. jack: C R U Media congratulations 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😂😂😂😂
  7926. beastmode 23141: Come back man :(
  7927. Claw Smasher: oh no im gonna puke
  7928. UNWANTED ANGELS MC: Waiting on tro to come back where are you :,(
  7929. FBI Agent: Dude what happened. Your videos were amazing. COME BACK TRO
  7930. Alana Mora: Yum
  7931. GuamanianBlood619: Still #teamballz
  7932. peace eye: +ArcticI Wolf I don't have twitter wahat does it say?
  7933. Apna: Chris lmfaoo
  7934. Wulleee: That's very good for your cholesterol.
  7935. alter schwede: What? WHAT THE FUCK
  7936. Laure mac: What an animal
  7937. Charles Vonier: No he is a bum lol
  7938. Mitchell Nelson: Anyone else still here?
  7939. sina ghatea: K S lmao come on its just youtube
  7940. Aiden Pearce: hijo de puta fucking shit thinking women ! How do you even get this cind of idea to drink animal blud how ?!?!
  7941. Dan Wallet: Ligma
  7942. Allison Fraser: Tro where'd the hell you go
  7943. Dante Lasso: This is the first addiction that made me uncomfortable
  7944. Vault Boy: My man sufferd a stroke from over triggering so he be gone for a while
  7945. XMadixPlayzX: Wya???
  7946. EJ B: Where are ya bro? I miss your videos man.
  7947. Darth: Laura Babe your literally making it so serious now
  7948. Austin Redmon: Yo trig you dead fam?
  7949. UltimateAvenger: Mine weren’t tingling, they were triggered
  7950. 2SuPrEmE: Finally a video
  7951. ° ͜ʖ°: Aye a la puta madre wey
  7953. Lil Grape: BLAH BLAH BLA
  7954. GachaPro Man: Ok so i had a comment with over 200 likes and youtube fucked me in the asshole for no reason and terminated my channel, this was the comment: August 1st 2018, Tro still hasn't uploaded, he said he had some big things planned... If Tro still hasn't uploaded and you find this journal, my grave will be next to my kiddie pool, and remember to insert my journal into the grill, i think my matches are in the bathroom, pray so that Tro can upload and our hapiness can't be taken away. R.I.P. UltimateMasterJoda 1995-2018
  7955. Electric Order: He attac He protec But most importantly He never come back
  7956. Raven: #TeamBallz
  7957. George Hennon: This bitch stupid
  7958. Ang: ocTROber is over.. Where the hell are you?
  7959. Mark Russell: U dead bro?
  7960. Andrew Lara: Love the vids keep them coming give me a shout out in your next video lol jk
  7961. Jerad Mastrangelo: Rip Tro. Hard fought battle with ligma. He didn't make it. F to pay respects
  7962. 9,999,999M views: GavinM91 you mean flesh
  7963. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  7964. Ecolo.mp3: Fucking finally
  7965. hfj gaming: 3 months
  7966. Mobile Madness: LIGMA BALLS
  7967. Nefsika Ikonomi: I need the team balls merch
  7968. Rachel K: Tro where u at fam
  7969. Savvy Lilac: man ever since Tro left, I’ve been in my feels 😤😭
  7970. HeyitsJKG: Remember when Tro atleast *tried* to hit 10 mins for that sweet sweet ad revenue? Me neither it lasted like 2 maybe 3 vids
  7971. Gerry Maloney: Bro I usually love your stuff all the time and I'd give you some thumbs up and I give you a high fives all the time but this is really mother fucking disgusting
  7972. Patreece Green: Omg tro we miss you come back 🙏🏽
  7973. SJ Navaid: Watching in 2019! Come back pls
  7974. Pignuglama: It’s clotting
  7975. Rafael Melara: I MISS YOUUUU SO GOD DAMN MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I used to watch u every time u would upload after school!!!!😔😪 Did he die?
  7976. The Additional Six: Where did tro go?!
  7977. metamaterial .-: hes dead boys
  7978. looɔ ʎʇʇǝɹd ǝɹɐ sǝlddɐǝuᴉԀ: I blame Benji for him leaving
  7979. HasHasDre: man, people drink WATER by the liter
  7980. Brandon A.: Where did u go?
  7981. MOSKAU: Is those cases is always in america if i'm right?
  7982. sped monie: Is this the Halloween special this shit freaky af
  7983. MclovinFins: Dude upload something, i didn't sub for nothing
  7984. XsundaeX: I wonder what would happen if you put a mirror to her face.
  7985. liam the golden gamer: Tro where u at dawg
  7986. Sinex: Don’t pull a leafy on us please
  7987. JeBoiDennis: U cant just not upload for 3 months without a sign...
  7988. Haidian: *still waiting for next upload*
  7989. Social Psychos: Broooooo I need you rn g:(
  7990. Emma Hollis: oh, 3. months. ago. nice frequent posting you’re rly keeping it up lmao
  7991. Dominique Gonzalez: Lol fr huh?
  7992. Gavin Bobtrolo: Seriously come back
  7993. Not Norville the Orville: Upload more pls
  7994. DSM Genex: +[CGZ]GAMING WITH MARIO You damn nobody
  7995. TRN Tony: Tro pewdiepie is stealing your videos!
  7996. Elias Madrigal: Genesis _Rodriguez1602 Yooooo this made my day
  7997. Michael R: Y did he stop making videos
  7998. Laz: Ligma
  7999. Tarek Hussein: when are you going to post another video
  8000. paulettuce: A lot more videos soon my rectum. But whatever dude, hope you start posting again in 2019
  8001. dafukuwant? ??: Masiat Haider lol its extra POSSIBLE if ur a girl...r u like 10 years old or something?
  8002. Sebastian Karchefski: TROOO WE MISS YOU
  8003. Soxfan 1998: Keith Adam Damn right!! U deserve it!!
  8004. Tracey Smith: Did triggered tro die
  8005. pp BruhYuUgerly: You guys are making a joke out of him pathetic.
  8006. i miss being cool: YouTuber with 1M subs just quits lmao
  8007. Luziver Righthand: +GG Allin99 yea:(
  8008. J XD: Cmon man where’s your bitch ass at
  8009. Bread Town: The burp had me dying 😂😂😂
  8010. Aidan Pierce: 🤤🤤🤤 hot
  8011. Squirtlett: Drinking*
  8012. Swag Tiger: Thank the Lord's my triggered boi is back
  8013. sjoerdgtav: He better be back in a few days. It’s about to become trovember
  8014. Parker M: Just something to let us know your alive😂
  8015. Dr Omega: You upload once a fucking century
  8016. MOIST THING: Maybe im addicted to eating shit.....i mean rocks
  8017. Reaction Central: Where tf is this man
  8018. VaibhavK*: 2:33 😂😂😂 i died
  8019. dora & willy wonka’s lovechild: I’m confused how did all this blood drinking not give her some disease by now
  8020. PhinksTV: I almost puked watching this video. If you miss our boy triggered tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits you should come check ya boi out!
  8021. Irrelevant Girl: Are You Dead⁉️
  8022. Sworn Sword: You always promise us more videos soon, and then I wait for 2 weeks to a month for it. TriggeredTro, you are my father, but I'm starting to think you're the Darth Vader kind of daddy that only sees his son like twice and cuts off his hand one of those two. Am I right? Or am I correct?
  8023. XxMBossXX Fortnite: Is this cannibalism?
  8024. Veeti Anttila: Woah woah woah!? What Tro doesn't drink blood Ok that is too much i unsubscribe
  8025. speciallittleperson: "I'm just glad something's getting sucked" 😂😂😂😂
  8026. Grace Kenna: "or get addicted to watching my videos" yeah that already happened 😂😂
  8027. RandomUser -_-: At least something is getting sucked Ded😂🤣😂🤣
  8028. Baby Caedence: Tro ur gonna lose subscribers if u dont post more frequently! I advise you to post at least once a week, and btw, where u been?
  8029. Jamalala: Where’d you go man?!
  8030. Moist Boi69: This dude became Leafy3000, stole his subs and dipped (It’s a joke libtards)
  8031. Do It: WE need a new video brother
  8032. Jason Raymond: I don’t understand how people can cut themselves
  8033. ateeqi: I think Dr. Tro is just tired of YouTube’s monetizing/demonetizing bullshit.
  8034. Anti.: Tro: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem" Me: "Oh shit! He kinda do tho!!"
  8035. GoodBlue Hunter: Cmon tro please come back... You are the best thing that ever happened to youtube!
  8036. ronald jebi: It's trovember we need you man
  8037. TheHotmitch: TRIGGERED! This is fucked up!
  8038. Blake _: Tro we miss you. Like a lot. Please come back
  8039. Nathan Craft: One hell of a drinking game take a shot every time someone says blood
  8040. Mohammad Alkhaja: Rip x ❤️
  8041. xKyoshu: Where you at?
  8042. whyulion: sound life dirt yeah it was...
  8043. Alexander L: It was a mistake to eat while watching this
  8044. Pipe Fn: Day 182 without tro- I no longer have the will to live, it’s hard to breath, eyes are bloodshot, and all I do is sleep now - please come back
  8045. Augusta Louisa Matilda Theodosia Van Horne: What the fuck!
  8046. Kendall🖤🌻: I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a nurse
  8047. William Silva: Is Tro dead fam???
  8048. raebrained: I WANT MY BLOOD
  8049. Bladez_313: My addiction is watching your vids tro lol no joke tho
  8050. Top11Speed: Who else thinks triggered tro should upload? like he inspired me to make my reaction commentaries and now hes gone ;*(
  8051. Parker Rants: Also the 50/50 challenge on Reddit
  8052. Kody Cadwellstein: That ladies like a fat version of FernGully, mixed with a fat version of Dracula, I myself am not really a flat, round or concave earther myself but there's a very interesting interview made by Stanley Kubrick The Man Who Shot The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut he claims that he recorded the moon landing on Earth in a studio, it kind of proves that when NASA takes billions or trillions I forget of dollars it's just to be taking it but don't take my word for it listen to Stanley Kubrick this kind of shows why all the pictures of the globe look kind of animated and there's like clouds covering up entire countries and then entire continents with no clouds at all and the clouds are just way too big, and even though I'm not on team flat Earth or team balls I really want to get a red long sleeved sweatshirt that says team balls on it! If you make fun of flat earthers why would they be looking for merchandise at your Channel? Any way I hope you sell a lot of shit, Trigger mother fucking Tro bitches
  8053. Burwito: What if the blood she drank had some kind of std or some kind of disease...
  8054. EnLiGhTeNME: She should maybe switch to lite..
  8055. Skyblock: Can’t watch
  8056. DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: TroVember is approaching
  8057. Claydough TM: WHERE R U BRAH
  8058. Cleef Corvoisier: tro one of my favorite youtubers has died from Ligma #riptro
  8059. jedeojee: Fuck that shit
  8060. Alex Lopez: Fuck yeah another video by tro
  8061. Dylan Baker: I don't think he is trovember is almost over
  8062. Sanddratt: I'm fucking lost without your videos, come back you flat earth homo.
  8063. Jasper is Noice: making me hella sick
  8064. Foe Jnr: Why is my middle name aLbert 😭
  8065. Kianna Davis: All this and Johnny is still friendzoned.
  8066. floofa: Tro where are youuuu? You were the only YouTuber that made me laugh. we need more Dr Phi(L) videos :(
  8067. lfg oof: TROvember and he still ain’t here....
  8068. IdOl_Anna: Plot twist leafyishere and triggered tro go run away together
  8069. im a TIGER: You are so funny i love your channel😍😍😍😁😁😁
  8070. iBeloadOdell: He pulled a leafy
  8071. LesbiansTasteLikeFeminists: 1 off buddy
  8073. I’m not creative: Finally another vid
  8074. TaeWithSugaAndAKookie: Who thinks trap should get snapchat? Like if u agree to get Troy to see this
  8075. Nathan Henry: Where are u
  8076. Isaac Clark: Dude why don’t you upload anymore?
  8077. Robro: What type of channel are you?
  8078. Aydan Ruoff: This chick is freaking crazy
  8079. Mart1750 Playz: He pulled a Leafy
  8080. Luke Drake: Hi my names Johnny and I’m just glad something getting sucked😂😂😂😂
  8081. LIL MICKEY: So she prolly have periods everyday
  8082. David Reed: Have you seen this?
  8083. aesthetic: Upload!!!!
  8084. TheFoundHound HD: Upload again tro
  8085. abigailgiacchetta: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem." Oof
  8086. SuperStriker7US Team Name:The Last Bosses: remember what you said at the end of this video it got around 120x the amount of likes then that pay da fuck up
  8087. CLUMSY CREEPY!!: Lazy ass
  8088. Arky Jamal: I died at this video,to is hilarious.keep it up buddy
  8089. Adelin Corcodel: iiTokio same
  8090. Nair Johnson: Ayyyy she probably got aids 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8091. Nick chally 123: Where r u tro?
  8092. Shirley Snyder: AYYYYYYYYY NEW VIDEO
  8093. potato head: I am so good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed
  8094. BroStrika420: Roses are red Violets are blue Tro is dead boo fucken hoo
  8095. Gabe Loken: Where the fuck did you go
  8096. Edgey Man 300: R.I.P XXXTentacion
  8097. OGlana Gucci: I’m watching this while eating a bagel.
  8098. Joshua S.: C'mon dude. If you're gonna quit the least you can do is tell us. I'm always hopeful and get let down that there's no video
  8099. TheGamingFox YT: Were you at senpai i miss ya
  8100. Adam Pickering: Why didnt you upload for a month?
  8101. Gaia's Guardian: @1:34 LMAO!!!! Markiplier with a drug problem.
  8102. Fabian: Where did your vids go?
  8103. Lucoy: 1 like helps tro make the dough
  8104. Chirag Sharma: Does Tro actually earn money from his videos cuz I’ve heard you don’t earn any money doing these type of roast videos due to copyright or something? Just curious
  8105. Sha1P1ay5: “You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem” I CANT UNSEE IT
  8106. Stoned Views: Just waiting for tro. It’s 2019 now and he’s still missing, it could be a sad year if he doesn’t return.
  8107. hollywoodmarion: the year is 2019 and tro is still nowhere to be found
  8108. TheHiro56332: I mean this is what people in Hollywood but with human blood but no one bats an eye🤷‍♂️
  8109. DeMarcus Jackson: Tro no videos in 2 months what’s goin on?
  8110. jona: Where the videos at man?
  8111. The Brewer Show: Please upload every week
  8112. Cathy 24: “It’s not a phase mom”
  8113. Eve of Tartarus: RIP Tro. SV found him and locked him in the gay vegan sex dungeon. (SV's basement.)
  8114. Viickyy .Williams: Yo Tro come back! We miss you & we need more W’s & L’s. Hope you’re ok! 😘
  8115. Fardeen Chowdhury: did tro get hit by a car where did you go :(
  8116. Dabo: 4 MONTHS
  8117. adam zeyad: How didn't she get hiv ??
  8118. Dan McManaman: I once ate a couch in 6 months.
  8119. VR player: R.I.P TRO🙏🏼
  8120. Janelle Malicdem: Who was watching this while eating? 🙋🏻‍♀️
  8121. · Francis ·: Drinking human blood can't be healthy for u:/ she gonna die
  8122. curse _sponzuki: Hes been getting ready for no but November
  8123. Halie Parker: Wya?
  8124. fxck BOOTYCXLL.14: wya
  8125. DINE: Yo wtf tro come back
  8126. landgon softie: vampire
  8127. Jackson -: golubtrxsh hehehehe
  8128. Big Chungus: You’re a soldier.
  8129. Kat Princess: So she's literallyA VAMPIRE (ฅ°₩°ฅ) ƪ(¯ิϖ ¯ิƪ)
  8130. National Gamer: Hello Tro😁😁😎
  8131. Kevin Genocchi: *_Is good ol' Tro coming back?_*
  8132. boi uragaie: Leafy Grade a under a .......trigged tro
  8133. Ashley Bostick: “I’m j glad something is getting sucked”
  8134. Jessica Eberbach: Wow eww
  8135. Michele Proctor: Blood really does age you 🤔
  8136. 15 subscribers: What happened to you bro, I wish u made a video everyday because ur one of my favorite YouTubersa
  8137. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: Lazy bun
  8138. FzN Rewind: Tro woke up one day and said to him self doing this YouTube thing isn’t gonna cut it ima become a pro mobile fortnite player
  8139. Whiterun Guard: FBI open up
  8140. Logan Ross: I hate that we can't hear your commentary on the rap battle with Dr. Phil. Arghh!
  8141. sister snapped: im early for once
  8142. Josh Zilberman: Come back tro plz we are all so sad we miss u
  8143. Nicolas Manning: 1:18 Lol
  8144. Depressed Smokey: Try me b!tch Stop fucking talking about it for fuck sake enjoy the damn video
  8145. Ibrahim Najm: Yes he kys. Ez win lelz
  8146. Dracoball: She's the person that likes vamps In twilight or sneaks in to Johnnys basement and kills him
  8147. black popcorn: Yes
  8148. Comic Sans: Rip x
  8149. doodle bob: Man she's crazy, normal people drink blood by the quart
  8150. Redious: She is not 29
  8151. cass prime: come back. we miss you.
  8152. cedric lachance: Tro you're so lazy
  8153. Smokey Bear: Rebecca Marie ik I am pissed I get it if he needs a break but don’t fucking lie
  8154. David Gleason: The next time there’s a video I’ll be wishing my grandkids good luck as they drive off to college
  8155. lover of Q-tips: Wtf..
  8156. Stopmotion King 143: Im Gonna puke ☹️☹️🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮😷😷
  8157. DxhmirhhTV2: Tro after the dr Philly cheese steak rap battle check out a Channel called Melion dude he cringy af so roast him
  8158. Dylan Baker: When
  8159. FIFA GENE: Where the hell you at been half a year dude
  8160. Anton: Are you ok Triggered Tro?
  8161. Slaughter Games: its been far too long tro
  8162. JJ: Its been over four months since our leader and lord of blue shirts left (watch Dr Phil Embarrasses Fake "psychic" on National Television if one does not get the reference.) Many of his loyal servants and followers have been getting more and more worried as to where he is each day. The only things his fellow followers are capable of doing is watching old videos of his. All we can do now is hope he comes back for TROvember. The question on everyone's mind: will he come back or remain gone like my will to live, one that can only be revived by the sweet vines and the greatest videos from Triggered Tro and his boi Dr PhilI guess we'll have to wait and see. We hope you're okay our great leader and really wish everything is the greatest.
  8163. Reinis Miks: She succ his blood
  8164. Sean McFetridge: when I get a notification for a new Tro video. I stop everything. Always always good for a laugh. Thanks Tro, 👍 I call bullshit on this bitch. I think she just addicted to doing anything those fake goth kids that shop at hot topic do. she has the look. the skulls all over the house. They think they are being cool and unique, but really they look rediculous and it has all been done before... Also. What the fuck is with people calling Tro "dad" or "daddy"? it's creepy. does he want to be called this? I cant imagine he does...
  8165. JKW: Nice to see you back
  8166. Jaynablus 25: “I’m just glad somethings getting sucked” deaddddd😂😂😂😂😂
  8167. Xenon: Tatiana Snyder Son, he may or may not be dead.
  8168. Brooke LaPorte: Ilysm tro!! You the bomb dot com!! I wanna meet you so bad!!😂😂
  8169. Jaylen Downs: where tf are you do anything let us know youre here but your just lazy or something your doin worse than ricegum right now
  8170. Akshat Ghoshal: 1 like= 1 respect to tro
  8171. guilherme freire: Where are u?
  8172. Gaspy playz: Bro I love u and it’s been sooooo long since u uploaded pls come back homo
  8173. Niels Urban: Post something please
  8174. uganda knuckles: kinda supprised she hasent gottend hivor aids forom that
  8175. Tbh, I'm not going tbh with you: Maybe, he's got himself all the money he needs
  8176. Jalin Timberlake: RIP TRIGGER TRO
  8178. Isabella Nothing: Brayan Cruz OoOoooo😬
  8179. YOU-5-IVER: PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8180. It’s62degrees YT: Did Thanos get to tro
  8181. Weird Hoe: Tf are ye Tro
  8182. Lihardistin qweafy: 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
  8183. Just Me: Do a series on GMTV or GMB morning shows that make mountains out of molehills. They're English shows and accidentally hiliarious watching people get deadly serious over nothing
  8184. Fro St: Were does she get 1000 gallons of blood from
  8185. badboje: I'm sorry, I can't watch this one Tro, makes me gag.
  8186. YoungT: 1:42 hot...
  8187. Samuel Martinez: 6 months :((((
  8188. Katie Wolff: My guyyyyyy we need u where u at😩😭😔
  8189. FzN Rewind: Did you die from a ligma
  8190. Xx_THOTT_D35TR0Y3R_42069_xX: Long Wang she gets her supply every month
  8191. Adeline oofs: I worship Satan
  8192. Stephen A Smith: I forgot all about you your such a bum uploaded
  8193. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: She a witch
  8194. Kelios TTV: I watched this while fucking eating...
  8195. Motivatie #Tryhard: Common dude where are youu
  8196. scentless_ apprentice: King3895ase now I'll have nightmares
  8197. andrew Taylor: I want to watch your vid but its to hard to
  8198. Josh Smith: 10 years? Hmmmm.... Hard to believe. And im sure thats gonna kill her 😒
  8199. Declan Peters: *I’m just glad something’s getting sucked*
  8200. Nathan and The Water: Pulles a leafy
  8201. Emeli Yoya: bitch where are you? a lot of shit has happened, and you are not here to make it more shitty.
  8202. Samuel Roberts: I miss you
  8203. License2Kill: React to doctor Phil vs James corden rap battle
  8204. Little Jerry Boi: Brother where is you?
  8205. Joseph Andrade: *Triggered Tro has left the chat*
  8206. Its Low: Come back man plz
  8207. I would say I'm lit for days: xD
  8208. Macartney W: Wheres *DR-PHIL-YOUR-MOUTH-UP-WITH-BLOOD*
  8209. monika monika: Leafy at that shit again...
  8210. sid24: Halloween's past,where the fuck are you at bro?
  8211. Craig. 07: It’s nearly trovember where U at bro
  8212. Ethan B: He's probably been spending too much time on Pornhub and has no time to upload.
  8213. Angel Black: TEAM BALLZ merch!!!
  8214. Vinny Desalvo: Where is tro???
  8215. woah woahwoah: Are you gonna just pull a leafy on us?
  8216. Piggymcswag: I almost threw up over 8 times during this
  8217. beanykoiwai: i would be addicted to watching your videos if you posted more 👀 jk but great vid lol
  8218. Blorox Cleach: Oh ur adicted to bleach
  8219. FAT.BOSS.12: What happened ??he hasn't posted in 5 months
  8220. Deadboy VII: I fucks with you broooo, your channel is funny as hell
  8221. water tastes so good: ARE YOU DEAD?
  8222. Some person On the inter webs: Tragic Tro
  8223. Peyton Greene: Did he die????????? No vids in a month where’s his funeral
  8224. DEV BONNIE: When you watch dracula while your drunk
  8225. oEpiiCx: How many videos did u do while u were drunk
  8226. Hutty /Neddish: Wake up
  8227. Tara Duralija: bro ill fucking murder yo ass WHERE U AT COME AND MAKE VIDEOS MY LIFE IS EMPTY AS FUCK
  8228. Isaiah Morales: Tomorrow is Dr.Phil Awareness Month, Please Come Back To YouTube💯
  8229. Brenna Booth: wow it’s been a month 😂❤️
  8230. jennifer sutton: Can’t you like die drinking blood?
  8231. Sri_876: Plz come back
  8232. mike mills: Dont be like Leafy. Come home to us!
  8233. Mortal Pro: Possstt
  8234. Bossy Zane: When i heard animal blood - i thought how many animals had to die because of theyre BLOOD not MEAT or COAT or something thats really needed just blood,jeez im barfing
  8235. Charles fuller: Find it funny how people think this is gross and still eat animals. Lol this is why I'm vegan.
  8236. R MoneyReal: Tadaaaaa Just like that tro disappeared
  8237. aloys burger: Thank god tro is back
  8238. Addicted to soccer 1: Wyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  8239. Sekells Kitchen: Johnny’s kink is blood sucking
  8240. Anonymous girl: "I'm just kinda bummed out that there is nowhere to sit now." Lmao😂😂😂
  8241. Aidan: Did you die I’m concerned
  8242. Squidmations Drawls: Bro... I think that Michelle fucking drank all of tros blood, and that’s why he’s been missing for 6 damn months
  8243. Anubis: It's sad that such obsolete and upsetting behaviour is associated with metal music..
  8244. Drae Odrazil: He liked a post on twitter on august 4 so he prolly just being lazy
  8245. JeremyDoesThings: Wtf.
  8246. Fabians' Choice: I'll support you bruh
  8247. TrollCannotgame 88: Smokey Bear I have a screenshot
  8248. xlphie: Wow you're alive
  8249. Eleni P: Did Tro die???? I'm concerned fr
  8250. lucifer: tro my man wya? u good?
  8251. Gamer Bence: Mine is in prison
  8252. Mahin Ahmed: Where the fuck are you tro?
  8253. Sample Shrimp: “Everybody has a flavor”
  8254. Katy Lepetsos: He’s becoming GradeAunderA
  8255. The NERO: Where were you man? We thought Sexy Vegan kidnapped your ass...
  8256. Adam Laurie: *rubs garlic on my wallpaper*
  8257. TheInfinityGauntlet 17: I'm gonna throw up
  8258. Edwinbarca 1011: Could be addicted to watching your vids if you uploaded
  8259. Stop First: Tro where u at bro
  8260. One dollar Bleach: My stomach hurts
  8261. Élizabeth Bellemare: I just subscribed and joined the notification squad. Quite enjoy your videos, you're very funny and enjoyable to listen to. Love your voice. I'll definitely keep watching. Keep up the good work!
  8262. CrimsoNzParadox: Vampires are evolving with the times people
  8263. MayhemAE: Dats cool i like water
  8264. phantom 360 gamming: Come back tro we need you.
  8265. Wolfcrash Gaming: make more vids you lazy fuck
  8266. aves_of_the_apes: OMG YOU UPLOADED
  8267. Xx_THOTT_D35TR0Y3R_42069_xX: GavinM91 what u mean
  8268. Luna Moon: Where did Tro go?
  8269. Xilher: Where have you been too!!
  8270. EPLURiBusUNUM: I wonder if he tried the ole' "My penis is bleeding" trick.
  8272. YoKing Mex: What if Johnny was a squirrel with rabies
  8273. PS4 Videos: kitty kitty ... i have been. Why is that hard to believe? That isnt something someone lies about.
  8274. rose colors: I literally was on his channel and said- “Damn, he hasn’t uploaded in a month:”
  8275. TickMeOff: cmon tro you get a mil and u dip, what happened?
  8276. Creative: Wtf😅
  8277. NyQuil Productions: This actually made me queasy
  8278. jasmyn kirkland: You need to post more, you are like the best
  8279. Brando: Satanists
  8280. that one gamer kid: oh and by the way another funny reaction youtuber is Birdman does feminisst reaction vids and other hilarious stuff!!! u will most likely enjoy
  8281. Chef Curry: Guys plan F didn’t work for him so he sold his body
  8282. Seth Copper: Gary I’m sorry I neglected you I never expected you to run away and leave all alone
  8283. Madison Yanez-Gamble: I’d hate do see what she does with her period blood
  8284. Royal Carpet: it's not a phase mom
  8285. First name Last name: What happens on this woman’s period?
  8286. Deku Bakugou: That's disgusting like really disgusting. What sane person drinks blood
  8287. FBI: R u dead
  8288. rachel plouffe: it’s 2019 bro wya?
  8289. Dominique Gonzalez: Post bro
  8290. Cxssor: WE MISS YOU!
  8291. Autumn Coco: N you can eat blood from some asian markets for cooking. Not drinking it with nothing else.
  8292. DropTheBat: Dude where are you everybody forgot about you
  8293. ToastBones: Tro get back here fr dog.
  8294. Kay Smalls: 1:37 it’s funny because I’ve been binge watching videos and the video I watched before this was marks “Emily is away”
  8295. dylan martin: You’re alive 😮
  8296. dainis dansons:
  8297. James Dorigatti: Oh Tro where art thou.
  8298. David Stancu: This selfish hoe should drink her own period, fuck outta here
  8299. max Million: She sexy
  8300. REtared SPonGeBOb: Ive been following since 300k
  8301. Emily nelson: Does she drink period blood too?😬
  8302. CashMoney Mason: Where have u been man u know i my strange addiction is watchin ur vids
  8303. sphereia dust: He said "more videos soon" 9000 years later no video........
  8304. BILL REX: She needs god
  8305. 亮一リンゴ: Is she affiliated with crips??🔥🔥🔥
  8306. ♡A C I D♡: not only black people, but green, purple, and blue people too. Kill all smurfs
  8307. Joshua LePage: Shes a witch
  8308. Rachel Kosha: Day 145 without tro: Oxygen levels are *decreasing rapidly* and I'm unable to feed myself anymore. I can not stand up without a walker. I am clearly not stable mentally or physically. I have early symptoms of lung cancer and brain cancer. I will not survive much longer. See you guys on the dark side. (Yes it has been 145 days exactly)
  8309. Marc Andrei: Come back you coward
  8310. Snipershot _: U and me need to hang and do coke
  8311. Arath Rangel: 2019 jackass
  8312. MVazer: God forbid she drink he per- no
  8313. Eclipsee: did tro die of ligma?? where are you bro xDD
  8314. dafukuwant? ??: Masiat Haider go fuck yourself
  8315. why you stalking me ya freak: Come back
  8316. Elijah _: I wonder if she likes to drink her period
  8317. Emily Pinto: where tf does she get this much blood from lmao
  8318. iam3point14thon: Ros Lee GRADE. IS. BACK! Check his channel amigo
  8319. Mizz Perlz: Drinking blood? Omg eww
  8320. Arturo Olivares: U dead or sum or at the store like my dad
  8321. Jack Fitzgerald: Triggered tro dad were did you go I know you ain’t going to get dat milk for 4 months
  8322. Jo Je: ROFL, "down the hall on the right, next to my satan worshiping room," hahah
  8323. My dog fucked my autistic sister help: Fleados die please
  8324. Snag 64: She's not right in the head
  8325. Kilian Carty: Still waiting on that musically
  8326. JScooters: Where u at man
  8327. Isabella Rose: Tro where’d you go?🙋‍♂️😢
  8328. Kaidence Mason: wait..... DID I JUST READ THAT TITLE RIGHT?????????????
  8329. That Sports Channel: Tro...?
  8330. Genjo: He dead
  8331. Lucille L Murray: She will kill dr phil drink all his blood
  8332. Jocelyn Dzioba: FINALLY YOU UPLOAD
  8333. Lemonsaucezz: Her toilet is filled with blood
  8334. Pv Richman: What does her pee look like?
  8335. _Caijaego _: Vroooo where you at
  8336. MrBCftw: i guess hell is her heaven then
  8337. Joshua Santiago: HIV?
  8339. Aspekt: notification squad
  8340. NPC #671234: I will not explain this, it will ruin the joke if I do. -Every person ever
  8341. Clara Michel: Be careful not to get a cut around her...
  8342. Gamze Cakarcan: Wya
  8343. xd ImDeranged: Where are you?
  8344. Squirtward: He said he was going to get milk..... He never came back
  8345. ZJD: He didn’t survive ligma 😢RIP
  8346. Brianna the Surrealist: Where are you?
  8347. LosingGravity: I would become addicted to watching your videos if you would actually post
  8348. Scruffy Buttons: Jees her blood pressure must be filled up with them Ls oh I wonder why her blood pressure is high?
  8349. Mia Perez: 🤪😩❤️❤️❤️
  8350. Un Certified: POST MORE
  8351. ReaperZ Boomaloongs: What happened to triggered tro
  8352. Lisa Flores: TRO WHERE ARE YOU HOMES!???😭
  8353. ameen. u u ga khibil: Light Moe he has ligma he might die
  8354. Laura Seymore: Oh no eewww
  8355. Zach May: Where is that musically u promised if the video got 10k like its over 100k likes
  8356. BaseballproGamer: It must be diet blood
  8357. Caleb Kinsley: This was actually really hard to watch lmao
  8358. Metal 4Life: Where you at Tro? We need to get Team Ballz back together.
  8359. Renee Khloe: YAY HE UPLOADED
  8360. Aqua Indigo: ...I don't want to know about what she does when she has her period...
  8361. Ken Carter: What the fuck?
  8362. GoolmeGaming: Who else watching in 2019?
  8363. Ellory Hansen: Blood+Hot sauce=Zombie? Yup. She got to him and he is dead now. 💖R.I.P💖
  8364. Jovanny Valles: First
  8365. blewyd: Atee an upload!
  8366. Cristian Something something: What if Jonny has AIDS
  8367. ThunderousGlare: are you somehow connected to leafyishere
  8368. Ichor: Now both my dads left
  8370. Officer. Steal Comments: Kids don’t do math it fucks u up do cocaine
  8371. lukE The Hacker: What about eating black pudding that is just pigs blood
  8372. J.A.B TBB: R.i.p tro😔 he died two months ago
  8373. Creeper Construction: Having some spaghetti saauuc- oh wait that’s bloood
  8374. BlankDaKing 98: How much Aids does she have aids can transport threw blood kids
  8375. StompingJacklope: He was just too good for YouTube 😫
  8376. Bella & Belle: Tro I missed you :(
  8377. Denise Martinez: Sounds like myth
  8378. beautyandtheoffbeats: First Douchebagchocolat, than Filthy Frank, now Tro. Why does everybody I love abandon me?
  8379. Beverly N Martinez: Where tf you at im waiting for ur new vids 😚😚😀😀!!!!!
  8380. LinusGunerus Music: Someone just beat her up
  8381. dan hazaparu: Yo man wtf happened
  8382. Summer Kelley: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆👌omg
  8383. Grape Surgeon: its been a year since I discovered you, where are you man, I need you (no homo
  8384. brosdistroer: +さんアルフィ lmao
  8385. Carlos Colon: New Years resolution is to upload
  8386. Just Lazy: "Ear to nose connector string thing"
  8387. Veronica Viera: Niker _74 true
  8388. iiswizard ‘: I almost threw up
  8389. Soph: I hope he’s ok. We’re praying that you’re in good health and just being too lazy to upload not having a crisis xx
  8390. canwereach10ksubswithoutanyvideos?: what the hell is ligma?
  8391. Ruvoke: The Internet Ik 😂😂
  8392. devante _134: Bruh 6 months come on we miss u vome back
  8393. IzYaboy Reck: He actually got into a motorcycle accident and has been in a coma since
  8394. Super Sonic Speed: She is weird
  8395. liana karloff: TRO
  8396. 3raxha: oh fuck- as soon as i saw her drinking that i literally gaggedjhbsnclkmdvkb
  8397. Daniel Leaños: Bro, tro, where are you?
  8399. Slim-X-Shady's Cousin: WHERE ARE U
  8400. Michael Scott: He got in a car crash...
  8401. Thomas LarrondoTV: Michelle is a big fucking mood, don't you just wake up one day wanting to put blood in EVERYTHING
  8402. Cuteasf123: TRO WHY ARENT U POSTING
  8403. Ravingwolf: Reverse period
  8404. Dadsbiggirl ™: post again
  8405. Kayla Grande: Where the fuck have you gone mate ?
  8406. Shiifted Gaming: what happend to u triggerd i miss u
  8407. Elliot Ps: Please come back for the memes!
  8408. Bruck: bi+ch thinks she a vampire!
  8409. Bang bros Bros: wya
  8410. destinee Oertle: Yoooo he is backkkk!!!
  8411. ilmu011: A pig drinking pig blood. That's cannibalism. Calling the police rn.
  8412. Chooper Curch: Liz Lee no but the spoon at 0:33 has the same end on it
  8413. bitch wtf: wtf wya
  8414. PAPA SPICY: Ya he’s ded
  8415. William Boström: Hello where are you are as gone as flat earthers
  8416. John Tran: Bro how long has it been?!?!😫😫😤We need more new videos, can't wait any longer
  8417. Some dude on the internet: We lost a good man today #cureligma
  8418. Happy Helicopter: She must feel like she’s in heaven once a month
  8419. TheBeanieNation: she is gonna catch an STD so fucking fast
  8420. official twitch: .. What color is her piss 😂 scary shit
  8421. A million subs without a video A: My name is bob I’m 36 and I’m addicted to watching triggero videos , i watch about 10-20 videos a day
  8422. Kane: U need to upload more
  8423. Dalton Geissinger: Don’t even claim to be metal unless you do this
  8424. Fortnite Plays: 2019 tro comeback
  8425. Brayden Ogdon: There’s not a next one
  8426. Noel Coronado: The category is science and technology
  8427. Enrrique Arroyo: wtf tro you lacking😑🗡
  8428. spike: Fuck you, comeback
  8429. Enziah: On the monthly uploads lmfao
  8430. Eldin Sunstrider: wtf?
  8431. Mikael Porter: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do
  8432. Boomkin Mann: pulling a gradeaundera on us
  8433. Bleach: Unoriginal
  8434. IGNITE GAMING: Id give this bitch some Monkey blood. Maybe it take about a week till she realized that she has fucked up. AIDS
  8435. The Brewer Show: Why the fuck u not uploading anymore, I was a Triggered Troerer, but now I'm a Jake Pauler.... You have failed us
  8436. Xz Rvuxthe zX: We want y back
  8437. _retroextendo_: RIP xxxtentacion
  8438. Robloxian Yorkie: TRO COME BACK!!!!!😭
  8439. SaltyShake: Bruh what happened to tro
  8440. Mike Hunt: Nope, he’ll be going straight to hell for his crimes
  8441. Jack Kenny: Tro I miss you😥
  8442. SeaOtter: I think you’re dead, lying in a puddle of blood, while Michelle laps it all up.
  8443. Ja-Vano: i mean if i cut my self like a small cut somehow i may lick it but wtf i dont drink gallons
  8444. Heather Joy Combrinck: Messed up😞😂
  8445. Gavin Bobtrolo: Just come back man
  8446. Jarron Vinger: I’m still thinking of you tro
  8447. ben sanderson: I miss you man
  8448. Tatted Up Wolf: Fucking disgusting wierd bitch. kids stay away from her!
  8449. Samuel Penniman: For anyone wondering where he is well I have good news! He said he was doing trovember 2k18! He isn’t dead everyone!
  8450. SoldOutBR: TRO DIED!!!
  8451. El1teFire: Come back to us
  8452. xfinafire: “I am back!” *Top 10 Anime Lies of All Time*
  8453. Toxic Chimpmunk: First
  8454. THE GRUMPY DRAGON: Come back you lazy shit
  8455. Gamer XV: This guy is funny 😂😂😂😂 I subscribed
  8456. PS4 Videos: Rebel ... why? You don’t think he is funny?
  8457. Matelda Sarkoon: Dis nigga tro dead?
  8458. Lawnmower Man: Don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my morning blood.
  8459. 1 Minute craft: Come back
  8460. K.O. Cakes: I fucking cringed so hard, dude, this is disgusting
  8461. futuredroid17: Lazy bum
  8462. Alex Muller: Miss you!
  8463. Epick Gamerz: Bro we need you were u at
  8464. FAXGEN FTW: Ligma
  8465. Fux News: what about triangle sun?
  8466. finessekid_jay: Yo wherw tf u at bro
  8467. emma kathleen: her doctor checkups must be rough with all them diseases smh
  8468. Tayler Dobson: Can you please come back yet??☹️ PLEASE
  8469. Faith_vai do: AIDS
  8471. Vim The master gamer: Where are you tro
  8472. Aaron Michael: Of course its a emo
  8473. Nicolas Eguren: Where you at br
  8474. Metal Goddess666: crazE angel I prefer real vampires.
  8475. Diego Almaguer: Feels like he quit because of the crazy amount of followers he got within a month or so. I remeber I subscribed to him when we was at 80k subs, a couple weeks later he was at 600k. So many people and shit he can make fun of, but hope he's alright and doing what he loves.
  8476. Samuel J: 😂😂😂
  8477. Medina Grabic: Bro where you at🤔
  8478. Teletubbie: where'd you go triggered tro...:(
  8479. James Kapitaniuk: God bless Triggered Tro.
  8480. Yarn R. Lamb: We miss you dude 😭😭
  8481. IFM: *It’s about time*
  8482. Abdilion reacts: guys he died in a car accident tro-dies-aged-22-13341274
  8483. Farhana Islam: Has Tro died I hope so
  8484. Depressed Smokey: Go to Instagram and do that shit somewhere else, enough with the sadness it's not helping
  8485. Thresh Eune: Most entertaining youtuber!
  8486. MaDKinG: Here before RIP X comments !
  8487. Ismail shelleh: One day she gonna get aids
  8488. kurt turner: Are you still alive tro
  8489. Panda Eyes 1: Merlyn manson daugher
  8490. Ruby Ross: next time on my strange addection:am addected to commeting the genocide triggerd tro:a-(killed im genocide). this is not ment to hate trigged tro just a joke.
  8491. Kim’s Weird Channel: Tro... Where are you?...
  8492. Eman Egnarts: +Generic White Male Ok. Thanks for info
  8493. Hobi Hobi: JAH-NAHAYYYY
  8494. Adne: 4:16 yep, I'm still here
  8495. Ilyas Olgun: If you don’t upload I will literally eat a hot air balloon
  8496. Caleb Pendleton: Tro make a video about all thoes tik tok ads they are so cringey lol
  8497. Seb: What happened to you?!?
  8498. Slo-motion Everything: Tro where are you!?
  8499. ViciousReece G: Make a video NOW
  8500. Electric Boi: #teamballzlife Can’t beat that
  8502. i cant think of anything: 3:01 called it
  8503. Sophia Rathbun: I'm triggered that tro hasn't uploaded.
  8504. sun flower love: No don't do cocaine lol
  8505. Michael Bishop: Hadou Can No it ain't dude is not.😷☣
  8506. gibran grantonz: Try my best to finish the video I can't goodness gracious great balls of fire i couldn't watch
  8507. Dan0402: Of course its the dyed haired people.
  8508. Primara Lazureth: finally an upload lol been waiting for you tro
  8510. Sabertooth Gaming: Guys check out twitter he tweeted something on nov 5
  8511. H Daniels: Stopped doing my hw for this
  8512. Blake McCoy: Do a collaboration with Just Destiny
  8513. xxLiveLaughLoveLollipopsxx: we miss you, Tro ❤
  8514. Adhley Severeyns: A family size bucket of blood lmao
  8515. golubtrxsh: almost 2 months..did he quit? i really loved his videos. such a shame
  8516. aarow: COME BACK TRO
  8517. CyrusSmokee: Dang it’s been a while
  8518. TrymDim: Bruh come back🙏🏼
  8519. •: You should check Philppines. There nationality is littelary drinking blood thats been preserved.
  8520. Mo chi: *I like blood*
  8521. Brian Evans: That's fucking disgusting
  8522. Máté: She's totally a vampire
  8523. Wild Rozey: tro where the fuck are you likeeeeee
  8524. YungWeeby: My boy made a video about vampires and dipped
  8525. Brooklyn Shields: Wtf man post more
  8526. Yomam: 7
  8527. Alllan: Michelle is the only person who ever said that I had taste.
  8528. The Pitch: Bloody marry never really needed real blood...oh and come back TROOO
  8529. Benjamin Jensen:
  8530. bunker miller: When you have fans you can’t just leave them like that whatever
  8531. Green Light: Post more you halarious bastard
  8532. Ryan12457: 2:33 was this edited in somehow 😂😂😂😂
  8533. Daniel Wilson: Nearly as bad as the girl who sucks her own used tampons....
  8534. waste of time: +Reggie Labon came back after so long I remember he like 50k I come back 1.3 mil? I am confused wtf happened
  8535. Michael MvGurran: R u dead
  8536. BotheredWind: Are you dead
  8537. Amani Issa: haha your my favorite YouTuber when I need to laugh you the channel to go to
  8538. C a r r y O n: AlaMoose nigga. you. seven annahalf at most.
  8539. foopli: He probably committed toaster bath
  8540. Lloren: Jesus christ was I squirming
  8541. Fabians' Choice: *DAD WHY DID YOU LEFT MEEE??*
  8542. Ajtink 22: Hey tro.... WHERE THD FUCK ARE YOU!!
  8543. LönksVenture Kipp: Triggered i missed you.....did you realize that Just Destiny is a channel that pretty much rips you off? Still love you though!!
  8544. Luciano Stallone: Ya ur the best but that girl is a weirdo
  8545. Olivia Hawkins: Markiplier on drugs🤣 TRIGGERED TRO YOU ARE THE SH*T.😎✌️
  8546. Isaac Payne: She probably got addicted to blood from her own blood not someone else's
  8547. •Hunny•: I mean if this guy has a fetish where he likes to get his blood sucked, I don't blame him. I for no reason have a tickle fetish, *and unfortunately most of my friends don't understand so I have to deal with the tickles*
  8548. Tuskie Wuskie: Where the fuck are you dude?
  8549. Khalilah Anderson: What if the blood she drinks is from an unidentified patient zero???
  8550. Carlos Jimenez: Were are you tro we miss you
  8551. Swervo Exidy: TRO IS MISSING...
  8552. Red Big'un: I can help with her semen addiction. 🙄
  8553. Liyah Joy: yo where u at tro
  8555. Carlo296: ITS TROVEMBER WHERE U AT
  8556. Salty Popcorn: blood gang🔫😈🅱️💯🔥
  8557. charlie and peyton the guinea pig: TRO!!!!!! WOAH VICKY HAS A MUSICALLY
  8558. B. ss: As a die hard Tro-fan I'm wondering... Is it THAT difficult for us a community to find out whether he's still alive? :-O Im actually quite worried that something bad happened to him... I mean; there's tons of fans here, surely some of us know his real name or anything useful that might let us determine if Tro's oke or not? Like: school-mates, neighborhood friends, etcetera.. .Just wondering..
  8559. kiara moore: finally you upload again😂😘
  8560. boi uragaie: Where is is the you tro
  8561. Carlos Colon: Happy New Years Tro!!! 2019 COME BACK!!!!!!
  8562. Mateo Weiner: Glad to know ur alive man
  8563. a sandwich with lettuce: Give me a damn shoutout
  8564. WisePath: SPOOKY
  8565. Tye Tass_69: Tro keep making great vids daw I hit that upside down thumb madood keep up the great work!
  8566. James.T .Adams: Charles fuller We can ingest both food forms(meat and vegetation)with relative ease while sustaining only long term consequences of doing so.Eating too much meat runs the risk of clogging up your arteries and leaving you with heart problems,eating too much vegetation leaves us weak and without certain nutrients we can only get from meat.A perfect balance between those two and we’re just fine. It’s the human tendency to overindulge(I like this thing so I must have more of it)that dooms us.
  8567. Johny Bandeal: Could u come back thats my new years resolution 😢
  8568. TREY WEY: Who else gets really really light headed when they talk about this gross shit
  8569. sound life dirt: whyulion lmao sorry but that shit right there is crazy, instead of a gallon of milk in a the fridge it's blood. Each to his own......
  8570. Afro Trem: Im pretty sure she is a vampire without the ability to turn to a into a bat, that doesnt die on the sunlight and that she aint afraid of garlic
  8571. Maggie Malec: make a video abt you 1 million playbutton
  8572. BombCom: Where’s my you promised a while back
  8573. freepointsgals: I forgot to hit the bell.
  8574. Paranormal Cucumber: I hope she chokes on a blood clot
  8575. karen donaldson: This woman is obviously mentally ill 😷
  8576. Aven Martin: Come back pleaseeee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  8577. Prxnce. Fraud: what if she accidentally drinks a person blood with diabetes she has the diabetes
  8578. jasminn .D: Herb Tenderson actually no lemme someone is just triggered that there wannabe rapper is dead like it’s not even that big okay he helped people well he had to die at one point y’all will forget him in 70 years let’s move on now
  8579. Liana Figueroa: make a video about x’s death. i wanna year ur opinion. were u a fan?
  8580. Paco Gaviña: A month later
  8581. Matthew Siers: Bro wya I need that fire 🔥 content 💯
  8582. Razor Resolve: For every day that to doesn't return ill cut a limb off starting with toes. Like if u will to
  8584. Isaac: React to dr phil rap battle against late night show guy
  8585. Alisha Ashford: Yoooo come back !!
  8586. PosionZayv100 1000: She a vampire ahhhh run
  8587. MiwpIsADragon: 4, fucking, months, lol plz upload
  8588. REALBOSSOTRONIO Yang: My Strange Addiction: Breathing
  8589. Fw._. elan: FIRST
  8590. tori: tro plz don’t go to the grocery store too long like my dad
  8591. Tom Ives: Uhm, the stomach can't metabolize the copious amounts of iron found in human blood. You would vomit it up. This bitch is both lying and crazy as fuck.
  8592. Gabriel Montesinos: Das Fluffy I know what happened is tragic, but don't bring that irrelevant shit here
  8593. Sidevert Sidevert: I think if she drinks my blood it will taste like piss
  8594. ShannonT: His backkk
  8595. Carmen Zambrano Flöss: the fuck
  8596. Deep Feelings: WE NEED MORE VIDSSS
  8597. A million subs without a video A: She’s a johoba witness
  8598. Neko Girl: The best Christmas present this year would be Tro’s return
  8599. Dr.fancy: i subd XD this channel is soo fun thx for existing
  8600. AresWar8299: I like drinking small amounts of blood like a small cut but I would never drink someone else's blood or blood that's coming out of a hole.
  8601. gaming monster 007: Where are you man? It's ocTROber
  8602. røs: "hi my name's Johnny and I'm just glad something's getting sucked" IM SCREAMING
  8603. TheDiabolic1337: Zeke Elison maybe if it had anything to do with it. I suppose it'd be a good title.
  8604. SoleBurnerFPV: Where you at man! We miss you!!!!
  8605. Whackyyyyyyyyyy: Where r u tro
  8606. Evan: Beasty did it first
  8607. Kazuto kirigia: thanks Dracula's sister you ruined my diner
  8608. RyanTv Films: She is gross
  8610. Jediael: What happened man
  8611. Eli Val: Jeffrey Borycki I need to know if my man's tro is good
  8612. No Reasons: I wonder what she pisses out.
  8613. CLOUTMASTER 69: +HeckYeahMane Youtuber my balls!!
  8614. XxuxX: She probably cut her self before her addiction and licked her blood and dats were if began
  8615. noor.ducrot: I’m addicted to watching Tro
  8616. Saucey Waffles: WHERE IS TRO?
  8617. Thiccestlad OwO: Where my boy tro at?
  8618. Not_ juanito: You need to post again these YouTubers getting boring except you
  8619. Unknown Anonymous: Is this what the world has come to " Goth vampires "
  8620. quinn ward: Where did you goo oo triggered trooo
  8621. Dominic Rutherford: Well Troy hasn’t posted in over a month.RIP
  8622. Charxlotte: When you leave at 73k subs and come back to 1.4m
  8623. Aladcv V: Can you post you funny CuNt
  8624. thedarkening moon: Welp here's another dead channel :(
  8625. swatcdi02: BTW, my dad is back
  8626. Quinn T: Can you really call yourself goth if you don't do this 😂😂😂 Edit: " _down my throat_ "
  8627. YetiGaming: Bro I don't know if you know this but your upload schedule is a little fucked up
  8628. RamanAbdullen: He died of ligma 2 months ago...
  8629. Enduro 4 Life: Oooooooooh finally tro, it was like 4 f months
  8630. Moustafa Zaky: Did this ni🅱️🅱️a forget he has a YouTube Chanel
  8631. Orectical: NIGGA WHERE YOU BEEN FOO
  8632. Melissa Kaleka: Does she not know how aids spread? There's a _reason_ why normal people don't drink blood in the first place
  8633. Kino: Forgot about your channel completely, then just typed in Dr. Philabagandflipit and you came up. You should be proud
  8634. Colby G: You still alive tro???😥
  8635. Samuel Norris: yo u alive
  8636. Yilise LaScala: OMG
  8637. Moon Child: Jesus, your videos are gr8
  8638. Noah Sno: I'm just glad something's getting *Succed*
  8639. KingCamelFromTheMightyJungle: hello? uploads?
  8640. theo tashinga: oh shit sounds even longer if you say that way
  8641. 150 limited: nah g where u gon'? why u aint postin any vids man? we miss ya. are you dead?
  8642. Mental Nord: Tro you sound like the guy from the afterprisonshow
  8643. yurpaderp: You dead my dude?
  8644. -F乂匚Ҝ-ㄥ乇Ꮆ i ㄒ: Nasty AF
  8645. Joonscutting onions: Where ya at man? It’s NOVEMBER
  8646. Jimmy A: Come on man wya
  8647. Super Smash Universe: Where is tro?
  8648. Evelyn Martinez: After watching this video i dont even want to say what your profile pic looks like
  8649. Stop it with the moth memes: post more frequently you fat fuck
  8650. Nolan Rauch: #TeamBallz
  8651. Amari: *He even missed Trovember*
  8652. Xenon: alex How do you know he's alive?
  8653. LuicD: Discord link?
  8654. Commissar Purity: God Kill me... He's never gonna come back.
  8655. The Last Skywalker: Troy new video pls
  8656. Brayan Cruz: Russell WestGOAT maybe it was both
  8657. Chas Struble: The new leafy # leafy reborn
  8658. maddy: miss you tro
  8659. That One Fangirl: Johnny Makes Mark Look Bad. I Mean REALLY Bad.
  8660. Jonnydavitt: Month 6 without tro: I decided to listen to his voice for 3 days straight
  8661. AHellReign: I’m cringing
  8662. THB Trinity: Miss ya tro 😢
  8663. Kiss my Head: Pewdiepie is stealing ur shit
  8664. blewyd: I thought more vids soon where have u been
  8665. FairlyFine: TRO IT'S TROVEMBER WHERE R U?
  8666. Yazeed Alotaibi: RIP James Lawdon 1996 -2018
  8667. ThatStickman: 7 seconds bruh..7
  8668. Lawrence P: Yes finally
  8670. tlk squad is the best: I am done
  8671. Shanye West: A lot more videos soon? Are you kidding my ass you've been gone for 6 GOD DAMN MONTHS
  8672. laylay y: Fuck we thought u died
  8673. lil Draco100: Bruh where is tro like its been 4months now n no post am so triggered right now
  8674. Rose Gold: Does drinking human blood count as canniblism or is that just eating human meat????
  8675. Aidan Darrows: 2019 starting with no tro:(
  8676. ii_Rexvex 267: Survival diary #393 It’s been almost 3 years after the infection, I’ve been in hiding since I’m afraid I will be caught soon... I’d rather die because the regular human population is almost gone and animal blood supply is scarce... Oh no... I’ve been spotted! If you are reading this either you are a human or a vampire. I must run. I’ve been researching all my life for a weakness I think it is garlic. Run before it’s to latehdbjeoebdbjdk dijdndjididndbdhshshbsHjxndkxonepsnEkbdbshjehdbdbLhdhjdidbdbjdjebbPjdjdbbddbndMJdjhdhfhfhfjjdjE
  8677. Uriel Arreola: Finally he uploads!!!!!😊😊😚😚
  8678. MasterDroid: Another plan
  8679. Justin Travalik: NO ITS TRO-VEMBER COME BACK
  8680. Ness' Treasure Trove of Memes: Journal Entry: 36 Its been 3 months since our Savior left. I've been getting a bit worried as to where he is. All I can do is watch old videos of his. All we can do now is hope he comes back for OcTROber... Edit: Journal Entry: 37 We're 3 days away from Halloween meaning OcTROber is almost over. Will he come back with a Halloween special or remain gone like my dad? I guess we'll have to wait and see Edit: Journal Entry: 38 Its the 12 of November. Im starting to get worried. What if he was kidnapped? What if his editing software broke. This is scary times for everyone
  8681. Mikayla Tam: tro i thought u was banned from youtube or u died or something we need more vids!
  8682. Burak Kızılateş: Is he dead?
  8683. Vivian DeVille: What happened to Triggered Tro???
  8684. William Herr: Tro what happened man, did phil get ya for talking shit
  8685. Adym Is a Cunt: I checked if u posted yet. I’m disappointed
  8687. SASUKEEDAGOAT - YT: Triggered tro bro, sexy vegan came back
  8688. Jesse Babcock: Merry Christmas Tro! Trocember is almost over, don't be that weird uncle who doesn't come to the family Christmas party even though everyone loves his jokes and company. And then he is wasted until new years and for a week after that.
  8689. Dont ask: Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is for Triggered Tro to Post
  8690. ikaniyah: I’m offended because I’m vegan, buhahaha.
  8691. houmihm: Ok thats just fckd up man
  8692. Worst Nightmare 2.0: Blood makes you thicc hmmm😐
  8693. Niet praten 020: Troman, where ya at my frozen brother? Come back. We miss you.
  8694. Drunk Panda: He just pulled a jontron on us
  8695. Google is a Mass Mind Control Operation: Well guys, I genuinely hope this triggers the snowflakes
  8696. Dangerous Boy: *"EVERYBODY HAVE THIER OWN TASTE"* nah thank u my taste is FOOD and water.
  8697. W.T.: Is tro dead? Comeback man it’s been 6 friggin months my guy. Dr. Phil is very disappointed. WE NEED CONTENT. Prayin for ya Tro.
  8698. Ryan Hanley: Lol same
  8699. Glotec: This man got the bag and dipped
  8700. Vaibhav Sharma: my cringe meter is out of order
  8701. Ellie Thornton: Missed your videos lol.
  8702. Blake _: Tro? Where you at? Philly cheesesteak is missing you.
  8703. jebron lames: Come the fuck back tro
  8704. Dalia Aguilar: Where is the Tro Man?
  8705. Liam Grey: Rip my nigga tro
  8706. NightShade: Thank god you’re back. I was going through withdrawals without you ;)
  8707. R.a. Wheeler: I just want to to yank on that nose ring. Yank that chain from her gimpy body. Good god, and I am not even the violent type whatsoever. Nasty, nasty kook anyway, about time Tro. Welcome back.
  8708. Repulser: *R.I.P X*
  8709. Redneck Gaming: Jan,6...... 2019....... No tro........ Deleting youtube until McDaddy returns when he does someone HMU on myspace to let me know
  8710. Michael Gutierrez: Leafy died of ligma and now I think so did triggered tro
  8711. hi bye: Rip Meh dude💀😖
  8712. Ricardo Ramirez: RIP TRO
  8713. #Rabbit Forever: meet the real vampire who likes hot topic
  8714. SHAZAM 127: It’s surprising she doesn’t have aids
  8715. AFRICANDRUG LORD: Vampire
  8716. Bacon Master: 2nd
  8717. PewDipie: While watching the video recommended: the chainsmokers- you owe me..... i am dead😂😂
  8718. kermitted oof: WHERE HAS THIS MAN BEEN
  8719. Why tho?: tro come back
  8720. Nino1911Brown: Bout time homeboi
  8721. PJ Pizarro: I don’t think tro is black
  8722. King C: Upload a fucking video Tro
  8723. Donuts For Life: He has harvard degree he is probably doing surgery
  8724. ZYCLON -666: Bruh its been 5 months tro wtf bitch
  8725. Devon Shaw: Did you die??!
  8726. Jasmine Corbin: Halo Corg he died
  8727. Martian Mars: i actually feel sick , great video btw
  8728. Prince Shadow: I'm concerned about what happened to him
  8729. Xayzen: i ate food while watching and i didnt!
  8730. Queen of Clickbait: Gaia's Guardian idgaf it will be funny 😂😂😭
  8731. Its Kraffted: When you have a bet you can't hit one million subs 😂
  8732. Joshua Antao: Where is Tro??? - Dec 28 2018
  8733. Mr. clean: Mmmmm what's tro's flavor
  8734. aidan anderson: Who got nouchis watching anime
  8735. RodeXgaming: Just cut herself and drink her own blood 😐😐
  8736. Jay Williams: Where is that musically you said you would do trigard tro
  8737. Anum Qazi: Cringe Level: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  8738. Vv Poseidon: Rip
  8739. Marius Frost: WTF is wrong with the USA? Anywhere else in the world this would be illegal or get killed
  8740. Leave Me A-Lone: #DeadChannel.. Pussy..
  8741. syukri aiman: hey tro, can you make a video about this ( ) ( ) ?
  8742. Onebadegg: Come home tro. We miss you :(
  8743. gacha cat: he should
  8744. 100 Subscribers With No Videos?: Bunny Rabbit 6 weeks
  8745. curt pangan: 3:49 smooth criminal
  8746. Xxx_SoulSeeking_xxX xxX_FuckYou_Xxx: Where you at vro?????
  8747. Silenced Glow: Face reveal
  8748. Uber Driver68: You ended your career with this. Congratulations.
  8749. Charley Clair: I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say tro is missing. It’s been a month step up ur game
  8750. Ronin The Actor: Triggered *HO*
  8751. Mr. Doge_7: Can’t hold my phone I’m so Cringed
  8752. YT.Camila: Yaaaayyyyy u hit 1 mill omg I'm so proud of u
  8753. Trevenus: I miss him
  8754. Novaa Rogue: First off, fucking sick. Second, how does she keep it from coagulating? I was a lab tech for a few years and it clots pretty quickly.
  8755. BanRckyy YT: +Meme Master ligma balls (that is the joke it is a made up disease)
  8756. CarnivalBros: Did this guy die?
  8758. whyulion: Sworn Sword is it funny or is it funny
  8759. Polo Popstar: WHY DID U STOP UPLOADING
  8760. WITNESS ME: Where tf did this guy go I mean his upload schedule was bad enough but like 6 months hmmm
  8761. jojo: when you make a career on youtube then just leave
  8762. Hunter Killer: Hubby?
  8763. AlBaxMe: This is insane
  8764. νιятυєѕ: When your doctor says you’re low on iron.
  8765. Galamoth66: Tro where the fuck you been? I really missed you Dammit.... You can't just come into my life and then disappear for a fucking month! You need to grow up tro... we can't keep doing this to each other...i need you.....hell the world needs you. I'm sorry,I'm........just glad you see you again.😢
  8766. KP Landis: 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
  8767. Potato_Tomato 47: Come on dude don’t die on me bro
  8768. RyN: Fuck have you been at chief?
  8769. Alexander S. Nielsen: Come back papa
  8770. Nicholas Cole: Yeah, we miss our Tro Bro.
  8771. Keylan Bankston: R.I.P tro
  8772. Chris Oberg: Wow I wonder if she’s from east or west lancaster
  8773. Sebastian Molina: Make videos now!!!!
  8774. D2FORLIFE2016: 2019 still no yep 😢
  8775. alex paranormal in the face: i love you bro tro you are best youtuber you make me laugh in the hardest days in my life pease bro tro keep it real Respect tro bro tro😈😈😈😅
  8776. AjTroy19: Ew
  8777. Eli Marc: Lol, imagine when she goes to the bar.
  8778. Cb 06: He’s been gone for 6 months please come back( favorite yt channel
  8779. Micro Wave: Dad?
  8780. Rain: Yo Why did you take down the girl that got beaten up by a laptop The jokes were pure gold
  8781. Octavia t.s: Bruh y r u dead ....... are U ..😂 fr tho like I need to see ur videos at least once every 2 weeks 👏🏻 I will start a riot 😂 many ppl manyyyyyy will join 😂I bet
  8782. DaGoose: We’re fam
  8783. Ville Lepoaho: Just discovered this channel, what happened? No video in 6 months
  8784. itsTeTe: I can’t start my day without a daily dose of Tro
  8785. Artyom -: Does she drink her own blood? 😂
  8786. Stalker Bleach: this actually makes me sicker
  8787. luca skywallker: FerrariJAM what?
  8788. The Peepee Poopoo Man: nasty...
  8789. Jediael: Just tro and his uploaded schedule
  8790. Anko Ranko: New King On The Block
  8791. Wendy Wesley: Does she drink her own period blood 😷😷
  8792. Crimson: Is Tro ever coming back?
  8793. Ruptup: If this bitch runs up on me and tries to suck my fucking blood out shes getting fucking shot
  8795. Elmas ᴘᴇᴅᴀʟs: 1:11 “When I cut myself..” I think I just got scratched on the EDGE
  8796. Alex Navarro: Where yo vids at?
  8797. AyeItsAlex: Finally he posted !!🙌🏻
  8798. Tyler Sirmons: I wonder how many subs he lost since he died...
  8799. Bic bOi: Where you at
  8800. sB Hopper: I miss him so much😩
  8801. Jaxon McClain: This womens a freak im going to grab my sniper and sniper her from over 300meter so she doesn't suck me
  8802. Hunter Malloy: News Reporter: Today we learn the sad truth that ligma is spreading across the world at rapid rates, even killing one very likeable YouTuber, Triggered Tro
  8803. ll ANTISXCIAL ll: "Remind me to never eat at your house" 💀
  8804. David Olmedo: TEAM BALLZ!
  8805. Percy_The_Gay_Lord *: Notification squad!!! Where u at brothers?!
  8806. Epicspybeast BRUH: 1 MONTH RIP TRO
  8807. Iwannafly: just found the best yt channel, sadly looks like it's dead.
  8808. C-Los Pompa: It's about time you do a face reveal bro
  8809. Ness' Treasure Trove of Memes: +UltimateMasterJoda because he hasnt returned yet. I wont stop until he does
  8810. Omentro: Come back
  8811. Waka Flaka: This is mentally disturbing but hilarious at the same time
  8812. Curly Bird: Well that's how you get AIDs...
  8813. Ben Rocks: Get a effing t-shirt that says "nothing says bonding time like a coke line"
  8814. Class of 1984: make more videos you lazy ass
  8815. Crusage: triggered
  8816. Adrian Anderson: Tro make more vids please
  8817. REALBOSSOTRONIO Yang: My name is Papaya Ring and I am addicted to not stepping on the cracks on the sidewalk.
  8818. I dont have a life: You look like Markiplier on drugs.
  8819. RandomUser -_-: Looks like kool aid🍷
  8820. cynthia bray: WHERE R U
  8821. Richard Gonzales: Um you literally COPIED someone else's concept! Wtf dude? Justdestiny...just sayin
  8822. x NINJAz: I did the math he has got to be dead
  8823. jackie peel: Come back. I’m sill watching the same videos you made over and over again. I miss u
  8824. Kawaii_CheeseCake: Just a great start to Halloween., bitches
  8825. Lucille L Murray: She look like a creep
  8826. Kiran Puri: Where the heck did he go. I hope ligma didn't kill him. Who's gonna keep track of Dr. Phil's W's now?
  8827. arileypdx: Yo is he fukin dead
  8828. spinxtercell: She's ganna get AIDs
  8829. Shills26: Does she make sure someone doesn’t have AIDS or some other disease or some shit?
  8830. Bleach: Luke Steinman Unoriginal
  8831. I have a small Peepee, but: Tro come back, we need you.
  8832. Layer_Pr13: Tro died😅
  8833. deyy: Come back dude
  8834. Chloe Krueger: Thank God your back I have been living in darkness.
  8835. Mr Wolf: Vampires are real i KNEW IT
  8836. Zachary Duncan: I think Tro forgot his username and password...
  8837. #2Pencil: HE'S ALIVE
  8838. Dev: I wonder how many stds she has
  8839. tribal _: Josef Fischer did he really die
  8840. Fake account: The mattress eating chicks name is actually Jennifer I know you don't really give a shit I just thought I'd let you know thanks for the video my dude
  8841. Devon Shaw: A month since your last vid 😭💔
  8842. Iris Gracia: I have a crush in you but whatever nice video
  8843. TheKimeraClub: Drinking blood and flat earthers , I have given up on this world. By the way my girlfriend gets turned on hearing your voice so make more videos ,because when you do I get laid.
  8844. YungZoe Comedy: watch my reaction to beyond scared straight
  8845. Cptjockitch: Omg I don’t even know what to say about this. Lol
  8846. X Torrent X: Yeah you’re not getting money for this fucking video
  8847. Titans Hockey 200: I miss these videos
  8848. Noah Mutombo: Bro I miss you
  8849. crenitic is cool: JaZeLlE GuCcI yes that’s a drink/alcohol
  8850. You Know It: +Richard He's in prison, give him a break!
  8851. Crazed2550: Tro man, come back you have 1.4 million subscribers waiting for the second coming of Christ.
  8852. Michelle S: Lmao Johnny's all I'm on my way ahaha
  8853. Jordan Evans: Wya man
  8854. Felix Mejia: I have huge anxiety when it comes to blood and needles. This cringes me to the maxium. I might of fainted a little .
  8855. night howler: Fuck u markiplier is sexy bitch
  8856. ruth noel: We love you too,Triggeredtro!!!😘😘😘😜Raost these motherfuckers!!
  8857. Ashton: The god himself has confirmed his return?+TheOne AndOnly
  8858. SlipSlayer X: skankhunt 42 #YOUAREANIDIOT
  8859. bmarshy2303: Okay it’s November 2nd and where is Trovember? Where have you gone man!?
  8860. Arpit Yadav: aaarrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh....
  8861. James Bond: come on i need a video!!!!!!!!!
  8862. Cole Miller: You die fam?
  8863. Deeqow Ad: Oh hell no!
  8864. Rocketpunch08: Please come back
  8865. Tim Jelačič: when is the next video
  8866. Burak Kızılateş: He is dead
  8867. wake_n_????: where you at boi? its been 4 months
  8868. Rae Skrilla: Tro Come Back
  8869. Titans Hockey 200: What happend
  8870. Salgado 22: Tro wya?
  8871. Gyro Zeppeli: Follow me on Twitter my name is the same as it is on here
  8872. Mr.Hotdog Cake: Did you forgot your channel password ?
  8873. Froot Loops: Bring that sweet booty back to us tro
  8874. The Truth of the Matter: jackrush 122 yes I can agree that it does make sense to see it as an unhealthy habit...which it probably is for several reasons...mostly mental IMO lol
  8875. vStalleyOG: It’s been awhile
  8876. Ace'z: Maybe he's dead?
  8877. Xayzen: more like a wannabe
  8878. Louis Dalziel: 2019 ?
  8879. XxchillxX 100: FusRoDah Daily #trocomeback
  8880. Cript #1: That girl is demonic
  8881. steph9bows: Who in the world supplies her with all this blood?? Does she just have an endless supply of pigs (cuz she likes that so much). Wait...who would supply her with all the pigs??
  8882. S.T. SolarVoid: This is hard to watch, this girl is stupid AF
  8883. Nuclear Potato: Yes trigger tro is back
  8884. Mihai Bratu: Goddamn we have a real life vampire on the loose boys.
  8885. 0_KingKing_0: Where are you I need a laugh my depression is getting worse without you
  8886. Ford: Good way to get stds and shit
  8887. Horchata cuh: PISSED OFF PETE IS BACK
  8888. deathlooks: We want you back ;-;
  8889. Brock T: COMMEE BACKKKKK
  8890. ItzKassy Bitches: Where you at tro? I miss you :(
  8891. Juan: You aliveded?
  8892. yb pm: who eats rocks when you can smoke them
  8893. Biaz Elite: Where are u at babe
  8894. علي فرج: Rip x
  8895. HaileyRoseHunter: What if it has AIDS
  8896. Tyree Mason: Hey Tro. I was wondering if you could do a video on this.
  8897. ryan: might want to tell your stepmom to wash it first next time
  8898. хєrnєαѕmαkєup х: Just replace the word blood with cheese. My strange addiction
  8899. Unlucky Bloom: same
  8900. Dont ask: happy TROvember and also TROvember is DR. Phil awareness month.
  8901. Supreme KidTrunks: Tro where tf were u I missed u so much I started rewatching old videos
  8902. Nathan Peterson: im un subbing
  8903. Itz Aprem: Guess what the final touch is? Ligma lmao not blood wtf?
  8904. Bubble Tea: boi, where dfq you at?
  8905. Reese Jeffery: Where’d u go man come back
  8906. Isabella Marante: "You look like Markiplier if he had a drug problem" 😂lol For real though, Mark looks better.
  8907. Ashlea Marie: I’m worried about you, Tro. I hope you’re alright! I miss your vids they make me laugh & in pretty sad u took a 5 month break. I really hope you’re ok
  8908. Josh Slick: It about time you posted
  8909. jack: She got animal aids
  8910. Patton Sanders :P: *See her* *Runs* NO MY BLOOD TODAY LADY!
  8911. Dale Graven: Did a hater kill you
  8912. Zeonos XR Gaming: Mmmm, Still waiting on an episode to come through.
  8913. Sam Lund: Come back dog
  8914. Mutanity: Welp my dad left R.I.P tro
  8915. itz meh: Sinox _ lol
  8916. Sugar Skies: *fun*
  8917. Legit AsF.: Omggg it’s like vampire knight
  8918. Heriberto Maciel: UPLOAD MORE!
  8919. Silo Not here: Finally tro
  8920. Kevin B: Dude, your videos are my favourite, I will gladly give a good donation to kick start you back up again.
  8921. Javier Escuella: Come back bitch
  8922. Lüedeke DeLeón: Low iron or low brain cells?
  8923. FrostError TTV: Plz tro come back YouTube is dying I don’t want to watch clickbait come back
  8924. Avery Murphy: Tro I’m dying without your uploads. Where are you man
  8925. FallenShadow: Where has this man gone
  8926. igLoOpi: plz upload do it for tro vember
  8927. I_AM_E4: donde esta ???? been forever man hope everythings ok
  8928. Just somebody: She reminds me of that girl from moral oral.
  8929. JD7J: You needa post more
  8930. SphexyGaming: Big Tiddy Goth Gf I like your profile pic
  8931. Ulyses Santoyo: We missed you dad
  8932. Red Gundam Ranger: Well it's official vampires do exist seriously there is no way you can be addicted to drinking blood and not be a vampire as some random ass British person would say that's just bloody impossible!
  8933. Mikkel Vinkel: Come back! We need your roast!
  8934. sp1nner boi: I want to shove my winkor wonk inside your stinker stonk
  8935. Hindi Smith: @tro. Please do a video over the bird box challenge. What idiots these people are
  8936. CaptAssassin: I guess Tro went the way of Grade A Under A.
  8937. Desmond Castillo: rip tro 2017-18
  8938. KosherDill1738 _: WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?
  8939. KD 04: *Did you die* *where are you*
  8940. Sebastian Tronhjem: FusRoDah Daily You a real dovakhiin
  8941. Tacos_are_ Life_and_im_trash_33333: Man, commentary channels are giving me trust issues lately
  8942. Robert Drews: Please upload mooooore dude your the freakin best
  8943. 4 T C Entertainment: What happened to u homie?
  8944. Nienie Miauw: I miss your videos! Your videos are the only things that make me happy in life 😭😭😭
  8945. Bailey C: RIP
  8946. No Face: I wonder how much aids she got.
  8947. Dangerous Don: SkiKellenFilms lol is that real send me the link bro
  8948. Kayleigh O'Shea: Bitch came n sucked All his blood out he's dead
  8949. Panic! At The Twenty One Chemical Capricorns: When he cuts himself and she sucks on the blood? That is fucked up on so many levels
  8950. REDNECK JOE: It’s bout got damn time
  8951. Chirag Sharma: The devil is alive!!! And it’s a female!!!
  8952. Alana jara: Pig blood I get but not like straight blood I mean like asian out pig blood in food but this is a bit far
  8953. Evan Rivas: I miss you
  8954. Supermage: This is so fking disgusting
  8955. Gabe Moseley: Tro come back...please
  8956. g g: first
  8957. Andrea Velazquez: I know I might not be the first one but it was a tie and ima bitch so have a nice day
  8958. Jackson Harwell: Rip tro
  8959. Dicerolledan8: The grade A effect
  8960. Awesomeness 0221: To her a “Bloody Mary” is blood from a girl named Mary🍷
  8961. Laura Babe: I like how people are out there desperate for blood transfusions, organizations are constantly asking people to donate their blood because it’s so important for people who are hospitalized... and this girl is just drinking it?? For literally no reason?? So done with people on this show 🙄
  8962. The comedy fun Club: What ever did happen to this channel
  8963. You Know It: He's in prison, give him a break!
  8964. Mimzie 2k: Hold on did tro actually die
  8965. Jacob Abernathy: I think he died
  8966. Jack Merker: Ooooh I’m early I love ur vids ur so hilarious
  8967. Sand no: Tro where u at?
  8968. a dose of beauty: There is truly someone for everyone - and sometimes it's just very sad to realize this.
  8969. Cxptinz ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄: Gonna meme Adam?
  8970. how you doin: Tro left a day after XXXTENTACION got killed, you think him being away has something to do with that?
  8971. MK0240 LGK: Come back Tro
  8972. Lila Blau: Didn't you want to do a ? Like a year ago or so.
  8973. xMr_Ostrich: Pewdiepie is stealing your dr.phil content
  8974. PICKL3Y Donky: Jhon cena drink tiger blood
  8975. Mr.Awesome: R.i.p
  8976. Brett morris: i hate humanity
  8977. The Tsar: I'm addicted to your Vids, I'm going through fucking withdraw bro
  8978. Hungry Capitalist: Do you think she uses her used tampons like teabags?
  8979. Hank Womack: Bro where you at??
  8980. Donovan Dr Fear Mitchell: Please come back tro. The world needs you
  8981. Kodjo Swole: WTF went wrong in Michelle's life that led to this???
  8982. The SAVAGE D’s: She’s a fucking vampire
  8983. Christian McCowan: Tro, you hurt my feelings with these month long interludes.
  8984. daisies x: Does she..... drink her period...?
  8985. jawrabbit: isn't drinking animal blood how you summon the demons of Salazar
  8986. Adam Morrison: This nigga dead
  8987. Madison Yanez-Gamble: Fr
  8988. natalie stevens: tro come back we miss you
  8989. Sam kabodvand: He left me like my dad did When he went to Buy milk at the shop
  8990. Brad Gibson: My Strange Addiction watching triggered tro I don't know why but it is trash content by still watch it
  8991. MemePepeJeje: what the fuck
  8992. Tony Dueck: Why don’t you upload???
  8994. timonvideo's: rip tro i searst it up he is dead he was in a car exedent
  8995. Kaleb Ross: She's fucking NASTY!!! Jesus, have mercy on her soul! Why? Just FUCKING WHY????!!!!!!!!!!
  8996. Oc Cl: Don’t be dead
  8997. liana karloff: if you’re done with youtube can you at least let us know
  8998. Jack Manuel Desinor Hernández: New subscriber! Everything ayt? I've seen so very little activity on this channel lately... hope you ayt cuz
  8999. Gangbnger69 _: I want to die now
  9000. Foreignrage: Upload!!!!!!
  9001. leo 0010_YA_BOY: Wya chief
  9002. The Oof That Could: black french fry that’s too close to home 🤣
  9003. Jon K: DAD!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!? I thought you were getting me ice cream?!?! 😭
  9004. CIA: I wonder where he went
  9005. Do It: Damn son
  9006. TheOne AndOnly: HE COMING BACK I JUST SAW IT
  9007. Desiree Burnet: I bet it smells absolutely fucking foul in that bathroom after she’s done
  9008. othman othman: Please react to dr phill on drop the mic
  9009. Maddie Minard: WHERE ARE U
  9010. Beep Bop118: Where are you 😩😩
  9011. Braden Ragsdale: rip x
  9012. Ivan Kurpas: I’m eating cereal while watching this...
  9013. I m I N o r: *That's really grim*
  9014. NKN: 2:33 *BRAWWWWRR* xD
  9015. Maria MolinaRueda: Is it just me or is it not to gag multiple times in this video
  9016. VaultBit Gaming: Blue berry flavored blood
  9017. Igor Blyat: Come back 😩
  9018. Birdbandana: Tro pllllz upload i miss u dawg
  9019. liana karloff: can’t any of y’all that follow him on twitter tell me if he’s been active ?
  9020. Ibrahim Mashadi: Plz dont leave ur the funniest Youtuber i know😭😭😭😭😭
  9021. moxxi. rose: tro come back!
  9022. Jeffery Floyd Jr: It's been a while month!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9023. max_fallout: YouTubes algorithm decided I wouldn't get a notification, but my tro senses were tingling
  9024. memegGod Died of ligma 17 79- 2000: Tro died from sugma 😭🙏🏽 R.I.P
  9025. NZXEagle: I am on plan ... Yeah im on plan Past Z
  9026. skankhunt 42: #FUCKYOURETARDMONKEY
  9027. Adrian's Carnival Of Cringe: You remind me of LeafyWAShere let's hope you don't end up like him... I miss him by the way.
  9028. The Internet: It'll be a miracle when we see that Triggered Tro notification out of no where.
  9029. MetalHead Titian: my question is where the hell is she getting on the blood? especially the animal
  9030. Hiva Hive: a bitch is dead
  9032. Nelly Naff: When r u gonna post again? I miss ur vids
  9033. Mileena McDonald: omg you are awesome Tro😂
  9034. The Gawd: TEAM BALLZ
  9035. K. I. A: After she dies let's remember to place a rock on her mouth just to be safe.
  9036. Uncle Ness: A month I love but bro
  9037. wewant moar: I think he went straight to prostitution
  9038. Rad TheGoat: Oh nah this fucking video gave me some type of HIV/AIDs
  9039. Travis Nighman: Jesus Tro I thought you died
  9040. Asylum Now: Do more of strange addictions plz!
  9041. Fifa Casual: It’s been a month. I’ve seen some things.
  9042. your mom: If you don't upload by the end of the week I am unsubscribing
  9043. angel uwu: I love Tro. Bye.
  9044. Jami Hasan: I come here every day to say Where are u Tro? That's a complete lie
  9045. Type 1 God: LIGMAAAAAA
  9046. Guardians: i called him that regardless (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9047. Ashley Harvey: It would be hilarious if she gets aids from the blood she drinks
  9048. T.K. Tyrantic: Cant watch your channel without seeing danielle brigoli in the recommended feed
  9049. EyeHeart Phonies: The fuck?! This isn't real!
  9050. Learke: #trodied
  9051. Twiizy: Come back hoe
  9052. isscole boii: Where did u go?
  9053. Adhley Severeyns: Thr last time i came this early your mom was mad at me
  9054. Anxious Wolf: Hey buddy.... it’s been six months where are you at? You all good? Will you post a new video soon? Hope your doing fine and will post soon, love your videos btw
  9055. adam greer: 1 2 3 4 were did tro go
  9056. Emmanuel Martonez: Wtf
  9057. peace eye: Roses are red Violets are blue Where you at tro We need you
  9058. Maci: are you retarded or something ? did somebody hurt you ?
  9059. ThatLegalMexican: Aaannnd now I can't fucking eat 😤😤
  9060. Bec C: omg poor johnny
  9061. willie li: legends cannot die
  9062. Silenced Glow: Oh hell naw
  9063. Sharpshooter_eli: Can always watch these videos
  9064. Jean-Paul Gonzalez: First 2 minutes in, and I already wanna throw up. I'm usually not this squeamish either.
  9065. SophieStella.: ZYR3LL FTW you actually scared me so bad
  9066. Gavin Andersen: You should see lazerbeam his just like tro
  9067. Kylie Hochsprung: Bitch wtf
  9068. LittleCaeser: This is too weird for me
  9069. RedCayde VI: Where you at man its trovember?
  9070. SSupremeAF: You should make a video about Dr.Phil in a rap battle Ps i made that before i read your comment and finishing the vid
  9071. mtr0B00m1n: Failure is temporary quitting last forever Cum back
  9072. Firman N: Some one give this link to him:
  9073. What’s God: Were are you !
  9074. chickenis1: f
  9076. rrre ⷴn: Been a whole month I'm sorry but that would be a L
  9077. camille Wong: nefariσus nggga is gone
  9078. KNL 1999: So when she gets her period does she save her blood and then drink it?
  9079. Ahmed Fahad: What the actual fuck
  9080. CLOROX BLEACH: G Unit What would you do when you see someone drinking blood when your 12yrs old?
  9081. WaterSawwce Narvo: Vaporeon Gaming what happened
  9082. Isaiah Red: What if that dude has std or so something else
  9083. KAHEM: I wish Tro would become addicted to uploading every day.
  9084. Marcos Madera: You alive?
  9085. CDV3: Who doesn’t tbh
  9086. Pwiest Playing: Meh, until she doesn't kill people to get their blood, it's all cool. Drinking animal blood or using it in food is nothing new to humanity. Blood sausage, czernina - Polish blood soup etc.
  9087. BIGGEST BOY 69: I am so getting the team ballz shirt.
  9088. pressed: where the fuck are you i miss you
  9089. Cameron Rose: Man pls come back
  9090. C a r r y O n: AlaMoose you still 7
  9091. PenFace: Hey Hot Topic is the shit
  9092. Jordan Lewis: It's been 3 months and I need to hear yo smexy voice
  9093. Saint Ekis Ferrer: Where you at tro? Come on man
  9094. Oscar Leon: Oh man this is disturbing
  9095. Young Nikk: New Video?
  9096. Joel Hornburg: I tried not to vomit
  9097. Charles fuller: James.T .Adams how are we omnivores. Please explain biologically how we are omnivores.
  9098. Hol up: Lol he still gone huh
  9099. Discocheese Gaming: Tro became a vampire and left
  9100. V oltzz: F
  9101. Roaming Doc: hi
  9102. SirQuackerz: Uhhh tro we miss you... Did ya die?
  9103. Tayshaun Haynes: Until triggered tro makes his return everyone go listen to diesel patches.. thank me later
  9104. Harrison Wells: Dad come back ;(
  9105. NightRazer: Leafy left this faggot left u know who is next
  9106. we all: my god this is horrible
  9107. Azayvia Fisher: #he's aliivveee
  9108. Games and more with josh: @Triggered Tro
  9109. Centile: Thank you for posting again Tro 🙏
  9110. cool man: Hey Tro long time✌️😂
  9111. C C: I saw this and didn’t want to click on it since it came out
  9112. Christianne Seeram: So, does she have anaemia or something? Pica is a symptom of anaemia.
  9113. Mr trickshot: I actually threw up and walked out the house barefoot to get seltzer water.
  9114. salty af: Tro where are you man I miss your frickin videos plss comeback 😭
  9115. Luffy Fangirl: That's nasty
  9116. Callum Doran: Charity Pitts rip
  9117. XxBaby NyquilxX: Dad come back
  9118. Myles Garganta: Love the vids
  9119. Sinkableboss: I love daddy tros upload schedule
  9120. i toxic: F
  9121. Trewq Qwert: Köcsög geci teee anyád vírít igyad meg te kamu szar ember. Az ilyet miért nem lövik gödörbe??? Röhely...
  9122. Aye: Omg the blood thing actually wants to make me vomit it’s so disgusting but I still like ur Chanel
  9123. DjBackman: what the fuck is that
  9124. fortnite funny central: Rip X
  9125. Braxton Hobby: Hurry i need my wood stake
  9126. Benide B: Secretly she's from london BLUD
  9127. Eurqs: R.i.p Triggered tro. He has died from ligma.
  9128. Allison Clark: Bro it has literally been a month since your last video...where you at?
  9129. nugget games _64: Are you dead
  9130. Kim Creekmore: can u upload goddamn
  9131. guy buddy: I've never been grossed out by a video before but this shit got me 🤢
  9132. Andrew Zaremba: Fucking finally
  9133. chocolate m&m: "I'm just glad somethings getting sucked" lol 😂
  9134. bella rose: it’s TROvember, where u at??
  9135. QWERTY: Theory : Troy has been kidnapped by this woman and I think she drank his blood.
  9136. leahthegamer 0: 17? Views and 47? Comments HOW love ur videos BTW
  9137. kian Shahriary: No cill tro
  9138. Swag Master Sal: This video wasn't in any of my account's sub boxes. I can't miss another video or else I won't be on earth anymore.
  9139. Grandmaster of shadows: Aye tro where were you man don't be like gradeA underA
  9140. Kaden John: imagine taking a sip of her coffee by accident... fucking cannibalism by accident
  9141. j. felix: We need you Tro :'(
  9142. Rafail Findanis: He hasn't uploaded 4 months anything I think she drunk all of his blood😂
  9143. Lazar Bem: Tro dont pull a leafy please
  9144. NOHANDS :;jk: She sucked him so hard he busted a nut and died
  9145. Nicole Martinez: Please make a new video soon. I need my trash talking fix
  9146. Belong: TRO CUM BACK
  9147. Kelani Paea: Tro wya man??
  9148. Zaid Munawar: Just like my dad all over again
  9149. Golden Ghost: I’ve watched like 10 of your videos and die laughing every time😂
  9150. Lucille L Murray: Wtf omg cries
  9151. Voitto Toikka: Where are you brother
  9152. Sean Russell: Get back Tro!!!
  9153. Birthdxys: nigga isn’t that cannibalism
  9154. Im Breach: UPLOADDDDDD!!!!!!
  9155. Ali Hassan Liaquat: Ville Lepoaho Idk he randomly disappeared and never gave any explanation
  9157. Kelly Sahadew-lall: i couldn't watch the video any further😷
  9159. Merry Chungus: Doesn’t all meat have blood in it?
  9160. L S W: Cmon Tro you failed Trotober already, now don’t fail No nut November!
  9161. Maddox Prejean: I meant hi
  9162. sus Gunner: R u ded
  9163. Michael R: Adrian Anderson same
  9164. BurningWolf: Bruh your gonna get demonitized lol
  9165. PvPro: UP-FUCKING-LOAD
  9166. JimmyNewtron: She must love when she gets her period.
  9167. Alejandro dueñas: It s Trovember. We need you.
  9168. Uzair Ahmed: HE HAS LIGMA
  9169. jack Breon: Where you at tro?
  9170. Frosty the Snowman: Please make more vids i love them they are the best please
  9171. Immobile8: Where are you tro
  9172. Blazing Gaming: 5 months, ur freakin dead.
  9173. Banana Child: Poor Johnny probably bled himself in the dick by "accident" too one time huh
  9174. Noah Mendoza: I'd be addicted to your videos.... if you gave me more of them you lazy bum💔💔💔
  9175. ParRhyme: tro come back
  9176. ProudestSheep: Dec 1st, Trovember is ruined.
  9177. Das Fluffy: RIP X ❤️
  9178. EagleJrod: Saif Mohammed My arm was really tight
  9179. Salty Skeletal: Where tf did you go??
  9180. the milkman: A "bloody" mary
  9181. Venom 616: Finally, another vid
  9182. Bit Man: Where have you been?
  9183. Daniel Wilson: Primitive Technology posts about once a month and has 8 million...
  9184. Misaha Ruth: Come back...please...
  9185. Waterfalls45.6: Are you ok you haven't posted in a month? Did you um....... Die....
  9186. srixirs: It's been 3 months... I'm running low on supplies to survive please post again tro
  9187. NiteTroller: Rip tro 🙏🏽
  9188. Julia the Mascot: December 3, 2018 - Still no Tro.
  9189. Lil Illegal Narcotics: Rest easy Tro. Can't believe it's been 2 months since you died 😩❤❤
  9190. Faith: Supreme Tuna ya don't
  9191. Noobfest: I almost threw up...
  9192. En Tiiä: Tro where the fuck are you man?
  9193. XXXQUEEN _NOELLAXXX: How does it smell
  9194. NoobAtPC: Where are u
  9195. Makarios Armanious: React to tik tok cringe
  9196. Mtb Addictive: Oh shit, I live in Lancaster
  9197. Laflaamee Ty: She look like she do that...smh
  9198. Jamez Arriaga: Fucking post already tro its been a fucking month
  9199. Lukazz: *Spooky*
  9200. TheNightmareGamer8890: Imagine when she’s on her period 😂😂
  9201. Julian Ramos: I need you tro please
  9202. Gissel M.: I really miss you!!! I’ve been binge watching your vids 😂
  9203. exploding melon universe: Rebecca Marie *image of dr Phil holding tros dead body* NOOOOOOOO
  9204. JaxaKake: I was drinking water. Was
  9205. Dr. Strange: I don't care what happened. I'm still calling him Dr. Phi, because in my eyes the man still ain't holding an L
  9206. FLUFFY 420: Tro plz come back tf
  9207. RagingRhino 379: This is so fucking gross
  9208. GG No RE: #troificationsquad
  9209. Master Wave: feel light headed...
  9210. Erich F: Did YouTube give TT the InfoWars treatment? You get triggered bro?
  9211. DarKnight: all i want for christmas is TROOOOOOO
  9212. PIZZA PANDA: Tro you didn’t upload at all this summer, where you at
  9213. Gilles Dhondt: can you upload XD back ate it again I am deaying Rn just like triggertro
  9214. Etienne Thereal: Cringe level 9999999999999999
  9215. Shrek’s Gf: Probably baths in it as well
  9216. Kermina Arts: Dracula who?
  9218. King H.: Make more videos, and stop taking long breaks
  9219. ChaoticZombies !: Why you triggered Tro.
  9220. solotrl: He is back.
  9221. ifluxtreus: COMEBACK PLZZZXZZZ
  9222. golubtrxsh: Nigga if you dont come for trovember...
  9223. Chey Odo: Miss you Tro I keep on rewatching all your older videos 😂 lmao
  9224. Vaporeon Gaming: Yvng Narvo he died
  9225. Pretty Salty: 🎵🎶Where are you trooo why can’t I find you 🎵🎶
  9226. Cyber Space: Hey upload nerd.
  9227. panzerfäust: this dude diped
  9228. Tyler Gourley: C'mon tro... wya man. i need more of ur vids😂😂😂
  9229. Seallbay the Tech Enthusiast: TRO WHERE ARE YOU? DID YOU CATCH LIGMA?
  9230. Crystal Bleach: WHERE YAH BEEN!!!! R.i.p “X”. Miss yah.
  9231. Alex productions: This is so hard to watch
  9232. grumfragle miller: Post more idiot
  9233. Keiana Moore: Yo Tro Where’d ya go?
  9234. Jasmine Brooks-Jackson: Aye cmon please make more vids!
  9235. Subscribe ToPewDiePie: Triggered Tro is dead😢
  9236. Alana jara: I do WISH TO BE A PART OF TEAM BALLZ
  9237. Extinction: I couldnt stop laughing when you edited the burp in😂 Keep up the great content
  9238. NPC #671234: She could put period blood in her wine glass and still drink it.
  9239. lol: Godam long time no see tro
  9240. Jaydon: Ha lmao
  9241. Beauty Strike Vlogs: I wouldnt be surprised I dont even share drinks and stuff with my friends or people I know even my little brother so how tf does she drink other peoples blood and be like thats a perfectly ok thing to ask someone? I wonder how many friends she has lost or peers because everyone she knew that she asked to drink their blood realized she might be insane. :/
  9242. Herve Mubirigi: Acey Michaelis I’m confused what are you talking about
  9243. Snoopier Creed: For some reason I wasnt notiffied till now bout your video
  9244. Colm Devlin: I think it started because she had a cut in her mouth and I am glad you are not dead (finally made a video lol)
  9245. SugerlessTie55 Cam: Where are the new vids? Please i need more content
  9246. Luke Casey: Come back! We all miss you
  9247. long schlong: Please dude come back
  9248. Trxstxn: 1st its leafy now its tro
  9249. beige sock: Ryan1234 fuck ew ew ew
  9250. Grnsk: Can't she just drink her own blood? So she can die... Muahahahahaaaa. 😀
  9251. Flame Wizzard: R u dead
  9252. Vinalor23: I clicked off of porn for this
  9253. Brandom Castor: Are you dead?
  9254. little rajinnie: Nuno Anjos which ever makes you happy
  9255. ItsRoasteTime: Should i go let him out now 20 likes and he will be free
  9256. Pred: yum
  9257. AlvarezPlayzz: Post a video
  9258. Ava is vegan: can't stop gagging
  9259. Name not found: Yo, this chick need a restraining order against the whole damn planet. Send that bitch to Mars.
  9260. Jaedon Sparling: Miss you bro
  9261. Wyatt Richardson: Vampire in real life em I right
  9262. Paul White: #TeamBallz for life. :p Also it's been so long for a new vid. xD
  9263. Brayan Cruz: She saw this video hunted him down, killed him and drank all his blood That’s why he hasn’t been posting
  9264. TheBlindMaster: i would guess that would be her addiction if i met her on the street.
  9265. Red: Michelle what the fuck
  9266. Samuel J: Nooo the eyebrows dammm
  9267. Gage Gibbs: Hey hey hey
  9269. Lavitz: Our boy Tro is back!
  9270. MyPussyBleeding: Day 126 without an upload from tro
  9271. Bat Man: Zyruss Villarreal My dad he was gonna go get milk but he had to wait for the cow to grow but I don't think it takes twenty years for a cow to grow
  9272. Random Child: I think she was born in hot topic
  9273. cperception: she looks like that girl from south park , that goth chick who turns into an emo
  9274. ERICDAPIEMAN: Come on tro youve been gone for 3 months you left a comment saying more vids coming soon but THIS NOT SOON WHERE THE VIDS WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY
  9275. Lukka 49: Still waiting.
  9276. The Don's Watch: Of course its fucking Lancaster.
  9277. Katie Bayliss: Horner profile pic source?
  9278. GG No RE: Kodiak gamer congrats on first comment i think....
  9279. Verientic: A lot more videos soon headass
  9280. DeanBohannon700: You Are THE best YouTuber to up my day!
  9281. Ytb Relentless: Tro, where you at man??
  9282. spike: Fuck this, Tro got killed by sexy vegan. End of story.
  9283. My dog fucked my autistic sister help: Xayzen no they used XD. This demographic is horrible. Xd is the worst term. You give a bad name to the human race
  9284. cut off: Videos soon he said! Dr phil rap battle he said!
  9285. Danny H: Tro where are you😢
  9286. Rohan Arora: she puts the "demon" in "demonetized"
  9287. Carlos Jacquez: Wait does she drink her period blood? 🤔we need answers
  9288. Lord Jeff: Guys I think sexy vegan killed him
  9289. Jim Taylor: What's next, drinking Cum? lol I think I'm gonna sick now..FUCK
  9290. Jajamadam: Do you think there is a sexual fetish based around this?
  9291. Ethan Park: Did you get another ikea bookshelf tro?
  9292. Molly Marie: So if you drink blood do you gain weight
  9293. Clementine gomez: Ahhh I love your vids lmao dude you need to post more plzzzzz
  9294. Rocking Kicks: This bitch is not sucking on his arm.....
  9295. Moses Devadass: Mans was growing by the minute and he just dipped......really hoping he okay.
  9296. The Man From Krypton: For anyone that was disgusted, couldn't watch, etc, how can you watch horror movies if you can't watch an insane woman live out her vampire fantasy on TLC?
  9297. Minh Le: Human blood? Only a few steps away from cannibalism
  9298. Michael Nantais: DUDE I LOVE YOUR VIDS BUT just saying the word blood make me feel dizzy so idk if I want to watch this
  9299. Colton Landes: F
  9300. Isaiah Rodriguez: where r u 😭
  9301. God of Noobs: “A lot more videos soon!” Triggered Tro two months ago
  9302. tijmen h: Tro we tought you were dead?
  9303. Tim Bilek: Where is Tro did he get ligma?!??!??!? Hope you get better soon
  9304. Okurr Lei: I’m going to pretend this is normal..
  9305. Yolanda Bautista: rip tro
  9306. Brabbelappe: Thought I had unsubbed... sadly not🤧
  9307. Clorox Bleach Wipes: COGH :D
  9308. Abigail Kemp: WHY HAVENT YOU UPLOADED IN 5 ever?!?!
  9309. Oof-muh33 3333: You have the best fucking videos ever bro luv u ❤️❤️
  9310. ItsWdz: You’ve been slacking TRO ! ☹️
  9311. Tasha Viewer: Missed u dad❤️ #EarlySquad
  9312. CokeJellybeans ·: **Gary Come Home Song Plays** *PLEASE TRO COME HOME*
  9313. Ayee I'm litt: He’s alive !
  9314. arisu アリス: Yooo is it me or does he sounds like tal from reaction time
  9315. BT hasz1: Are you leaving us like leafy?
  9316. Conner Worrell: Is you dead
  9317. Advocatus Diaboli: Michelle the Vamp.
  9318. melisa 182: My depression is coming back and only you can cure it, come back please 😤
  9319. ProfZockTV: There's something called demonitized
  9320. Randall Paine: Did you die Tro?
  9321. One Girl: Tro where you at?
  9322. Abby Bartlett: I am waiting just waiting for someone to be addicted to watching a YouTubers videos one day it’ll happen
  9323. Alex F: People are so internet obsessed that if a creator disappears from youtube they comment wondering if they've died, lol. As if it's impossible that maybe he just wants to not make youtube videos anymore or atleast not for the time being.
  9324. AWeirdPerson: Tro srsly please come back.
  9325. rip bee: HII <3
  9326. brandon vella: yo daug where you at
  9327. AbyssalMagister: Black pudding. It's pig's blood, hardened.
  9328. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  9329. Unsubscribe: She’s the kind of person to ring up my purchases at Hot Topic
  9330. Beep Beep: H3h3 is back, check Jontron is back, check Triggered tro is- wait. Wait a minute. Where is he? What the-
  9331. Kylie Hochsprung: I am throwing up. Gagging. Everything
  9332. kyonak: OMG THIS IS DISGUSTING
  9333. Rubber Ducky: Half a year without you :/
  9334. Reactavist2K: Ima start eating rocks cause ur not uploading
  9335. Jaylin Shorts: Isn't this cannabolism?
  9336. finn wolfhard is my mom: Ewww lol
  9337. Pixelmortty: Lol
  9338. Ben Shapiro Equals Much logical boi: Dude where did you go you straight up hit a million subs and ran away like a bla- I mean deadbeat dad. I have been forced to unsubscribe becuz ur not even active. Plz anybody, when he uploads another vid, tell me and respond to this comment.
  9339. Just Another Army: Its tatse like meatal how TF would it taste good
  9340. prolainen: been 1 day and you already forgot
  9341. Lucas Kern: 😲😷
  9342. sleepy: Well that's bloody disgusting.
  9343. youngbrae theMatchingGod: Jk he. Likes it I am okay
  9344. RTV5 Gavin Bohn: Ohh no you aren't
  9345. xTriGunz312 [Tringy]: OG TRI FANS REPRESENT.
  9346. TheLostScout: Where did u go?
  9347. Michael Sanders: Triggered I’d love to get addicted to your videos.... IF YOU ACTUALLY MADE ME SOME!!
  9348. Liberal Kid: PAPA TRO, COME BACK
  9349. Katie Janack: WHERE R U TROOOOOO
  9350. Suiicide Xhrist: Tro trying to pull a leafy 😩 come back
  9351. Maxwell Farris: Yay
  9352. you wanna know something: lmao
  9353. Classic Carson: Are you still the leader of blue shirts
  9354. Upzet: Maybe the vampire took him... :(
  9355. Kioriin: Drinking blood isnt that bad. It has a nice metallic flavour that varies by person. Not that i drink anyone's blood, thats just fucked up.
  9356. FusRoDah Daily: +prolainen filter by "newest first". you will see I commented 7 hours ago.
  9357. Sammy G: I eat upside down fans
  9358. Kevin Lindquist: I'm actually fucking disgusted.
  9359. Toon Spranghers: Lmao
  9360. RFC Lee: Awww just fuck off Michelle!
  9361. Danny Moreno: 〖RƗP〗 Tro you will be loved by all for all the times you made us laugh . Plz come back i beg u
  9362. Jalend Hall: Everyone has their own flavor 😂
  9363. Lacey Enoshima: Supashya Roy Chowdhury or what? U'll call the weed??
  9364. Chris Eaton: This is such a wanna be Vlad the Impaler
  9365. Faj Gang: Merch was the last word he ever said
  9366. DSC peterlemongello: Luv it😍😍😍
  9367. Alloy: ‘’Im just glad something is getting sucked today’’ The best thing said today😂😂
  9368. lol: ღツ she might
  9369. Josh Peters: I couldn't stop laughing tro!
  9370. Ryan Withary: Where did you go, tro?
  9371. Ox-Bleach: True
  9372. Fuzzy Puppet: Hey Triggered Tro! I am a HUGE fan of your channel and watch regularly. You always crack me up! I tell all of my friends to subscribe to you! I know you are very busy and if you take the time to help me, I will repay you once my new channel takes off! I too am a YouTuber with 200,000 subscribers. I am writing to you because I need your advice. I know you are very busy but I promise you this will help me out A LOT and I will return the favor to you down the line. I want to start a new channel where I comment on copy-written videos similar to what you do. My questions are: 1- How do you get the footage for say, the Dr Phil videos you comment on? Do you get them online? From the Dr Phil YouTube channel? Record it yourself from television (if so how)? Somewhere else online? 2- How do you avoid copyright issues? I imagine that you would be hit with a copyright strike for every single video you upload? YouTube seems to change the rules daily and punishes people severely and without warning for not keeping up with their constant rule changes. Thanks my friend for your help! Once I create this new channel, I will promote your channel from it! I will also be willing to help you in any other fashion you need! Encase Tro is not reading this but someone else is who knows the answers to my questions, I would really appreciate answers to them if you can help!
  9373. Jackson Does Stuff: Bet this vampire girl ate tros ass
  9374. EmmaDaGecko: Tro where are you? :(
  9375. pancakes 8: Tro where u at?
  9376. Dat boi Carter: Rip 😕 pls come back
  9377. Drama Safira: *interesting what color is her pee?*
  9378. Bleachy bOI: Rip tro died of ligma 2016-2018
  9379. Ethan Turner: Dude where have you been???
  9380. Dorian Miller: What happened to triggered tro???? Someone reply plz
  9382. Jonathan James: I tried to watch this but just couldn’t bro. Love the videos but this is pretty disgusting lol
  9383. Zab Salazar: Rest In Peace Tro. It was nice having you around!! 😪😪
  9384. Sarah Popal: you should do a face reveal
  9385. 1011 0101: Where are you.? Come back tro
  9386. theo tashinga: yo TRO where you at fam?
  9387. Noah Ben Haddou: +Jak Extreme lMaO you said that salty means swearing or offending someone that's not what salty means
  9388. Kanille Pedersen: Dude. it's TRO-vember!
  9389. your mom: VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
  9390. Harrison Berry: I physically cringed
  9391. EvaElaine: Tro where are you
  9392. Liz Lee: Does your stepmom drink blood?
  9393. Golden Staraptor: 3 months and no upload im concerned
  9394. Ps4gaming passion: WTF is this? Should go to hell
  9395. Richard: Sammie Cooke fake he just tweeted Nov 2 with no mention of a car crash. I think he would mention a bloody car crash
  9396. Baby G: My Satan worshipping room😭😭😭 bye Tro
  9397. Angry Potato: Where the next one at
  9398. Lil Fruit roll up: I’m just glad somethings getting sucked 💀😂😂😂😂
  9399. Kevin Hart: I’m getting thirty now...
  9400. Reinis Miks: Practically NeatMike or gradeA at tgis point. Expect 1 vid every 6 month
  9401. Eric: She voted for Bernie in the primary, guaranteed.
  9402. Chris Gabele: Will I'm not going to California anytime soon
  9403. semen: damn another leafy
  9404. Terry Peltier: Tro we miss u
  9405. Mr_Gman _2016: Like whore
  9406. Michel Karam Karam: Damn fill 23 bathtubs of blood you know how many cows that is
  9407. Ylva Groven-Henriksen: 97
  9409. GoofyGoober 697: month*
  9410. CHAINZ DA3: weeeeee misssss you😏😣
  9411. rodrigo Orozco: Did he have an instagram or something ??
  9412. Mapy mapy: Come back now!!
  9413. Whothefukisbeebo: Bro where were ya? I thought you was dead for the past month
  9414. Levay •: It has almost been 5 months where are you
  9415. Brandon christon: So shes a vampire
  9416. SilverLight: Why do we dumb the blood from slaughter houses in freshwater rivers when there are people like michelle on this planet
  9417. ultimate boss04: r/woooosh
  9418. T R A S H: This is a dead YouTube channel
  9419. Ttvxpoison: Sah dude 😅
  9421. Skipelliptic: Where u at???
  9422. Hajar_ Karkouh: hey bro when you make new videos can you react to the little creepy girl on dr phil who wants to kill her siblings
  9423. cryptic arc: Yo tro. Im watching phil a bag and flip it rn and you gotta make a video on king crimson
  9424. The Floating Samosa: Haraaaaaammmm 😂😂😂
  9425. Raymond Vankenie: Team ballz for life
  9426. Raqayyah Owaidat: I shop at hot topic..... D:
  9427. Afoso pro: Why does he not post vids
  9428. multi bjørn: Dude, just please explian where the fuck you at
  9429. Thatoneguy 44: Where is this guy!?!? Need them videos.
  9430. Landy Films: Tro come back man
  9431. big B: Raw footage of tro on Saturdays
  9432. Foreshadoww Chickenadoww: Yo dude its been a while now. uugghh, hurry up and make something you are one of the only reasons why I haven't been sleeping forever.
  9433. 420subs without any videos???: RIP the most triggered Tro
  9434. Cripps: reagan Rest In peace
  9435. Hailey.x.x. X: WERE DID YOU GO
  9436. Zach Vandewiel: Where did you go
  9437. James Summers: Come back Troy I miss you I don’t have any thing to watch
  9438. Collin Morgan: When the fucks this faggot gonna post he says “A lot more videos coming soon.” And he hasn’t posted in 3 fucking months.
  9439. Jeonna Strother: Me: Hello, my name is Jeonna and I’m addicted to watching Tro’s videos. Narrator: Jeonna watches at least on Trigged Tro video each day, that’s 365 videos a year at its lowest, she has been doing it for a year now and doesn’t intend to stop. Dun dun dun!!!
  9440. M1Ni0: Hope you never change like other YouTubers
  9441. AWeirdPerson: Where the fuck did you go you bitch did you commit suicide or some shit.
  9443. Crispy Paws: where’d you go man
  9444. SAVANNAH c: Hello Comment section. I like all your faces! Well.... Except you right there.. But everyone else is good!🤘
  9445. Isak meister: view the undateables michael's the coolest one of them
  9446. Well Wisdom: Still waiting for the next one...
  9447. Clorox Bleach: R.I.P XXXTENTACION
  9448. EsCudu BaraCuda: *were*
  9449. Harry Buttwhisker: Stay classy Lancaster...
  9450. 69 Subs with no videos: Allezoo i was w him since 43k
  9451. Umad561: Tro is dead
  9452. Jasmine Corbin: Hunter Cihal no he died
  9453. PhinksTV: nutted yet? If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  9454. Ghoste: Top 10 youtubers who mysteriously died- #5 Triggered Tro
  9455. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: @TroTriggered #ISDEAD
  9456. piperneedsanap: guess sawcon was too hectic. miss ya tro
  9457. Sly: Dude can I buy the account or something you got 1.5 million subs and aren’t doing anything with it I’ll literally give you like 20k
  9458. LeoTheHero 03: I shop at hot topic just because they have cool shit. I've been there a lot and not once have I seen this contraption connecting here left nostril with her left ear love.
  9459. superskullexposed: Shorter title my strange addiction to getting AIDS
  9460. xxXMake_Out_HillXxx: Tro listen buddy. This ain't a joke no more. Comeback bro. Xxxtentacion left so now we at least need our father back😢
  9461. xoxooo 778: FACE REVEAL
  9462. Jessica Martin: Still waiting on an upload 😿
  9463. Daishawn Pryor: Gayyyyyyyy
  9464. Jay the RioteerFN: 300 likes
  9465. JackSmackYouInThePaint12: Lol a lot more videos coming soon?
  9466. Kenzie the Theatre Nerd: He’s back guys go look on twitter
  9467. Jade Gale: I'm so disgusted... Idek how to comprehend this
  9468. Hunter Cihal: 1.3 mil subs is more than enough to go full time... So is he just not doing YouTube anymore then?
  9469. KermitTheBoolKing: I love your videos but I just can’t with this one it’s too disgusting
  9470. Tone Cold: Imma dislike this only because you’ve been gone for months, so yea 🤬you
  9471. Nathan Lang: Tro no Tro YES! *TRO ALWAYS YES*
  9472. Ramsrule71: Triggered tro has just been confirmed with LIGMA
  9473. Apex_ M: +One Man fr??? And how?
  9474. Mr. Yeet: I want a gurl to *S U C C* my *B L U D* 😩💦
  9475. Myranda Craven: How do you even get pigs blood? In the show it shows she walks into a grocery store and picks it up like everyone buys it
  9476. Football Is Life: +UltimateMasterJoda geez dude you should've known that
  9477. OhMyJosh 2003: Im gonna buy the flat earth merch because i am a flat earther.
  9478. Ichigo Kurosaki: *me watching tros video* * Markipliars picture shows up* *faints*
  9479. Donald Trum: wait ur still alive
  9480. Nick Bleattler: Damn really got a million subs and dipped
  9481. FusRoDah Daily: Shots fired
  9482. Andy Gao: R u alive
  9483. Special Boye: Colby and Brennen dream on buddy
  9484. BunnyGamer: Omg I missed tro a lot I’m so happy he posted I really needed it today!
  9485. Elizabeth: Where did tro go to
  9486. AceQueen24: She's drinking STD's
  9487. Undesirable Tv: Where the fuck is this guy
  9488. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "Tro come back" everyday until you do.
  9489. The Third Crusader: *_RETCHING NOISES_*
  9490. K5G9: Anyone else still waiting for tro to come back?
  9491. Ethan Knott: God that's vile
  9492. Sky Mick: I think she got Tro's blood
  9493. Sisima13: What a great way to get hepatitis...
  9494. Cole Pratt: HE'S BACK!!!
  9495. New Age: Video was great.. See ya in a *month* guys ..💩
  9496. Lugo8: Man where u at u nutting ?
  9497. Slayer 12012: You should do a video with memeulous
  9498. Doppeyj Gaming: Duz anybody know where the hell he is? He’s been gone about a month more than she should’ve bow
  9499. Adam mation: I miss your videos, are you okay are u on plan G or something?
  9500. the milkman: Bloody rock hard couch eater
  9501. AchVap: I started watching this video when it had 11k views and it had 21k views when I finished
  9502. Shiv Inder Singh: Rip man . Digged tro. F
  9503. Tom The Commie: Were are u man me and my friends are worried we want vids
  9504. Jeffrey Productions: Dale Graven uhhh....
  9505. Bradley Harris: 1:21 killed me at least something is getting sucked
  9506. Manturtle 988: I love to get sucked... why do you think of it like that?!
  9507. thomas the dank engine: Yummy (sarcasm)
  9508. Alisha ღ: Genesis _Rodriguez1602 that'll be nasty 😷😂
  9509. Jenna Scarlet: Missed Trovember and OcTROber is almost over 😤😭
  9510. south sask farmer: Where are ya mate
  9511. F TECH: End of November. No one here
  9512. Karamarika: I didn't notice before, but it looks like one of her eyes is higher up on her face than the other. Now it's all I can look at 😳
  9513. jlemonni36: Well she's clearly doing well on it since she's only two or three decades older looking than her actual age.
  9514. GalaxyLunar: Where is he?
  9515. K1LLZz: 2 months no upload where tf are youuuuu man
  9516. DSM Genex: +Nightmare 666 I'll tell you exactly what I told the other nobody. Stfu
  9517. fouad sabzzz: rip triggered tro
  9518. terry aqualad: Welcome to earth nothing to see here
  9519. sB Hopper: I bought you were dead and you weren’t... damnit
  9520. icewallowkneegrs boiil: Tro please upload
  9521. Spider-Man: I thought you were turning into leafyisnthere
  9522. You Know It: He's in prison, give him a break!
  9523. Eamonn McSweeney: Please come back
  9524. GachaPro Man: Nadir Assoud actually a month and a half i have been counting
  9525. alexia Robberson: ware are you tro
  9526. alexander friesen: We miss you, man
  9527. I learned how not to be jealous!: 2 months WTF
  9528. Sighrix: Lmaooo he looking like markiplier???
  9529. Zech Wilson: This looks fake. She looks *WAY TO EDGY*, why is her friend egdy to? And blood could be cranberry juice
  9530. Matthew.S Shaw: Rip this cunt back to James marrit
  9531. Wing: This bitch legit pulled a leafy
  9532. simply nat: COME BACK POOPOO whole
  9533. Mason Musgrove: Bruh where u at
  9534. Cyanide: Fukin Finally
  9535. LosingGravity: Btw guys I think he’s actually dead
  9536. BillyBoi 445: She gonna get some aids
  9537. PracticalJoker LOL: other videos. i laugh. this video. i shivered
  9538. Bubble But Bandit: I eat dislike buttons
  9539. ThC Reload: 😂😂
  9540. Akash chahal: Yo niglet tro make a video to reacting to instagram posts we send you
  9541. Morgan Johnson: #teamballz 😂
  9542. meredith rose: ahhhh
  9543. Original Denis: I love you Tro ,upload more frequently pls ❤
  9544. maikkk hya nq: I am a new sub nice work
  9545. Ashton Brumit: Bro did you get arrested or something
  9546. liberty prime: It wasn't a good idea to drink blueberry and grape juice while watching this
  9547. Clam3944: I thought you left the face of the earth. Your channel literally just wouldn't show up for me. I'm so glad I can see you now. I have so much to catch up now.
  9548. Meagan Threader: Yo anyone got info on why tro isnt around any,ore comment please. Alot of people are coming back and back to the these videos to see if there is any info so hopefully we can get some info
  9549. Oilerator: WHERE YOU AT CHIEF? ITS ocTROber
  9550. Natalie Sue: ew wtaf
  9551. TheWorstLana: kinky???
  9552. Madeline Kunz: Apurv Joshi girls basically do on periods
  9553. ElenaMjk gamer: Plz do woah vicky vids they are so funny lmao
  9554. Ros Lee: He said more videos soon but he became A GradeAunderA situation
  9555. Awkward Idk: Tarren Miller Omg are you Shane dawson.
  9556. shay dinicola: tro we miss you where did you goo❤️
  9557. hummusus: Thats copying
  9558. Jason Simmonds: YOU CLICK OFF AND YOU IS A NORMIE
  9559. ryan gonia: ohbogey haha
  9560. T҉h҉a҉t҉'s҉ . I҉n҉t҉e҉r҉e҉s҉t҉i҉n҉g҉.: +Ken Carter "ANIMAL BLOOD" Ok alright Canabalism is eating people by the way
  9561. Hobi Hobi: *TEAM BALLZ* ᴹᴱᴿᶜᴴ *TEAM BALLZ* *ᴹ ᴱ ᴿ ᶜ ᴴ*
  9562. Help me get to 1000 suns with no videos !: You post once a month, and when you do its only 4 mins, dammit Tro
  9563. M4D SP1CE -0-: Where do my bro tro go?
  9564. Yea_its_erica _markey: Dude you haven't made a video in 2 weeks! I'm having withdrawals.
  9565. Scarlet Avalons: Yeah. I'm already addicted to watching your videos. Why do you think I subscribed? Oh yeah. I'm addicted to watching your videos.
  9566. reaver shark: 2019 and no tro 🤔😪
  9567. Cute_Starberry_pie: It's like she wants to be a vampire but she's clearly not so, ya it's just messed up.
  9568. Great Ny: tro should react to jerry springer lol
  9569. Marwa Safie: Vampires aren't re-
  9570. Trent, the Little Wolf: Were are you?
  9571. Charlie Mann: Bro u haven’t posted in 2 weeks
  9572. Catherine DEMARTEAU: 2 MONTHS TRO!!!!2MONTHS!!!! WTF!!!!!!!
  9573. 5aled_22: When are you going to upload??
  9574. Darth Azog: dead channel??? I miss you
  9575. lauris play: vampires ??????
  9576. MARSHAL: Wher are you man
  9577. TikTokBully6969: Boi come back we need you.
  9578. Zik0 ?: TRO !!!! you dead nigga ??
  9579. Just Chris: golubtrxsh facts
  9580. Cp6: Where are you Tro?
  9581. Dream BIG: Aids much ?
  9582. ProfesershadypantsRBLX: Come on mate get of the bog
  9583. Erik Quinde: Miss ya
  9584. SkiMaskTheSlumpGoat: It looks like grape juice
  9585. Vonny123: It’s 2019 and still no Tro );
  9586. Lazaro Garrido: It's all red kool aid
  9587. Gordie R: The early squad died 6 months ago
  9588. Scott Merhar: 1 video in a month? R u going back to school or something?
  9589. Avocadojen: he died
  9590. Lewis: Gross
  9591. Dirty Mustang: Legit funniest YouTuber ever,love the vids !!🔥🔥
  9592. mmm: *tro has left the chat*
  9593. UltimateMasterJoda: It's Michael Fan no it isnt bruh
  9594. Road to some subs with some videos: Tro must be waiting for this vid to hit one million views before he posts. For some reason the avg amount of views are halved on this
  9595. Puneet singh: Sorry i have to vomit, this is what sjw and feminism gets you into, Jonny is gonna die soon due to some blood contact disease
  9596. Tayler Dobson: Please come back or make one of those picture posts or SOMETHING
  9597. Aman Sharm: Check out @TriggeredTro’s Tweet:
  9598. maureen davis: Tro, where’s our at ? 😤💀
  9599. Sparkly: Beasty would be very disgusted from this, More disgusted than he was when he watched the video about the hoarding poop lady
  9600. Mish'al Mohamed: Eww
  9601. Dominique Gonzalez: Bro
  9602. Lord Pax: Beauty Strike Vlogs are you? Are you fucking retarded?
  9603. private-QUE: You ok? Quit your channel to help this chick get blood? I'm just kidding. Pleaseeee come back!!!!!!
  9604. Nicky Lars: Ummmmm It’s been three months **TRIGGERED**
  9605. Lucid Impulse: Daddy tro❤️❤️❤️
  9606. Zzzoe: pixelking ...I feel so bad for laughing
  9607. CJ Smith: I deadass think he is dead
  9608. TrusT: Where the fuck are you get back to work
  9609. VintageSmokes: Where did he goooo
  9610. Bobby Dceu rises: X got killed by Agent 47. The greatest assassin
  9611. RipRon: Rip
  9612. meme boy: Pls stop making these videos upload normal things
  9613. Nuclear Potato: Please post more videos
  9614. Jawad Alhadidi: He’s pulling a ceeday on us😭
  9615. Jerry_Springer_isdaddy: R u still alive
  9616. Garrett Bidwell: It’s about time u posted a video
  9617. Michael Romero: Try drinking a beer to this.... I couldn’t
  9618. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  9619. LIME SØDA: uhm vampire gothic thing? she must be satanic
  9620. QueenSahara Ice: Yay, glad ur back! Also wtf is wrong people that they think drinking blood is okay? I don't know how u can top this video in terms of fuckery and i dont wanna know how.....just once a week....
  9621. Nalina Johnson: where r u
  9622. Justin A.: Triggered tro was killed in a car accident yesterday just found out😢R.I.P
  9623. Jacob: Literally made me sick
  9624. Luna Cally: Disgusting bitch
  9625. Hol Up: Did he not survive ligma?
  9626. Ibraheem Miah: Consistent uploads as usual Tro.
  9627. Ghost 1412: Damn tro glad ur back
  9628. Foreskin Taker of souls: Bitch come back
  9629. Ronan THE SUPER GINGER: It’s been so long I forgot his voice
  9630. TheOneTheOnly W: Tro... Wtf man. Where'd you go? WTF!!!
  9631. Thomas Stouthart: This guy out here pulling a KSI on our asses
  9632. candyemoji: I'm Getting the Team Balls sweater for my Birthday😊 (its tomorrow btw🎈)
  9633. Chef_ Boyardee28: new leafy?
  9635. emma kathleen: this made me so uncomfortable edit: maybe i just don't like blood
  9636. A_Ngaming: tro where you at *sad face*
  9637. Soph :]: Tro we need you come back
  9638. Joe Redd: Ok are you sound exactly like ceeday, and you stopped this channel? Boi explain
  9639. Alvaro Minor: You pushed it this time Tro...
  9640. Kookiie T.O.P: Im watching all your videos again, i miss you😭😭 please come baaack😔
  9641. Sage Davis: Where are youuuuuuuuuuuu
  9642. Xavier C.: First you don’t uploads for days then you give us this shit
  9643. rkcallagh 2903: Tro there's a Dr. Phil episode where sum girl is convinced that eminem is her dad, and Dr. Phil is her uncle (which wud make those two brothers)
  9644. Skull Gaming: This bitch drank his blood
  9645. Matthew Clifford: Tro. Where you at. Missing you man
  9646. H C: Upload, damn it
  9647. Hailee: 2:14 i died
  9648. Basically Basic: Venus Claus Don’t loose hope soldier
  9649. Aidan Pope: Had to much maccroi then his pen shrunk then committed neck rope
  9650. IrishVault 0017: Wonder if she's had it boiled 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9652. Amanda Caribbean baby: After seeing the woman who ate rocks and the one who ate her mattress, and the guy who ate roaches, I'm not really surprised by much anymore. These folks be out here eating ANYTHING... ( I'm early finally ) 😃
  9653. tiareisnotkewl: Happy New Year🎉... comeback pl ease
  9654. FairlyFine: True lmao
  9655. Tummy Tickles: Im suprised she doesn't have aides
  9656. Andre Scott: You look like markiplier with a drug problem😂😂😂
  9657. Mr.Quaker duck: TRO ITS BEEN 6 MOUTH ITS 2019 WHERE YOU BEEN
  9658. thelazy can: Are you being lazy and also what happened too dr. Phily boy 1 month since last upload like really
  9659. Garrett Rader: Lol
  9660. One Man: He ded
  9661. Ali Hassan Liaquat: Kane We all feel the same buddy, we all feel the same.
  9662. J A C O R I A E. C.: Where the tro sho?
  9663. ASG Gaming: where the actual f u c k is he
  9664. A gamer Person: I've been waiting for a new vid
  9665. Lexatron155 Soto: LionsKing ARE U SERIOUS
  9666. SpookMeister: He pulling a leafy on us
  9667. Yvng Tonio: This man triggered ppl then dip
  9668. gd: I think Tro went to the grocery store to meet my dad.
  9669. accoee: Tro is dead I killed him
  9670. scootie2005: Love your vids but when will you post again 😭
  9671. Cool_Jason7 us: You get money then disappear?
  9672. TheWeird Gamer: come backkk
  9673. Pronom 2: “I’m glad something is getting sucked” lol
  9674. Wyatt Bussey: Post more you shit
  9675. xxXMake_Out_HillXxx: Yo I just found my own comment from 7 months ago😂 I came back to tell him to return
  9676. Moises G: No no no Tro this isn’t how it works, you can’t just keep leaving my life and introducing yourself back in okay your either in or out :/!
  9677. Araj2004: Yassssssss 😂🤩
  9678. Gabriel Arevalo: Fuck yeah vid YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  9679. Pinky Paw: Come back Tro we miss you :( :(
  9680. WE ARE VENOM: My stomach feels weird🤢🤢🤢
  9681. Adrienne Cheatham: Yooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9682. PhinksTV: lmao topkek, If you miss our boy triggered Tro, I do alot of similar satire based reaction skits that I know you'd love! Come check ya boi out!
  9683. Skittles inc.: I’m addicted to your videos
  9684. CreepyTheAkitaLover :3: Almost vomit
  9685. Milo_ Jr: Just Trash I WAS LITTERALY ABOUT TO SAT THAT
  9686. Nathan Peterson: are u dead
  9687. hondo ohnaka productions: I not going in her house
  9688. oT Oliver: The new ceeday
  9689. ultimate boss04: More videos soon he said😂😂😂👌👌👌👌👌
  9690. Colin Jones jr: Thx for the vid but we wait like almost a month for a 4 min vid
  9691. Da FAT Mango: This made me uncomfortable
  9692. Patrick Sullivan: Upload u lazy guy lol
  9693. Mr Spooks UK: Freaks
  9694. sarah strapkovic: Man I bet her breathe stinks!
  9695. Colonel H. Motherf***ing Stinkmeaner: Finally!!! Took long enough.
  9696. SK 101: he pulled a gradeaundera on us
  9697. Kanye West: Mane you alive?
  9698. Criticlees Plays: Tro:a vid every month nice
  9699. Lady Braybrooke: Imagine her being like: Who drank my fucking blood how am I gonna eat a fucking cereal where am I gonna get my calcium from
  9700. Westonmc 10: 1st
  9701. Anish Roy: Yo tro, where the Dr. Phil stuff? There a whole lot new content and a whole lot of new kids for you to shit on.
  9703. El Y: LIGMA
  9704. FairlyFine: You remind me of Justin Y. for some reason
  9705. MoB Recall: And the last we ever heard from him was “merch”
  9706. Gavin Ulanday: She a godly blood sucker
  9707. Colton Tole: i miss u
  9708. vanilla cornflake: my name don't matter thank you for the memo that your sanity exists. But being real, I would've jokingly questioned why you knew they were different
  9709. Fred’s Cartoons: Damn, she drinking 100 gallons a year. That’s more water then I drink in 5 years
  9710. GoodDeed: Fucking upload already
  9711. Raibu: Remember me as I am lost in the sea of comments
  9712. D2FORLIFE2016: What happened?
  9713. Another Viewer: I miss this man :(
  9714. YOU-5-IVER: Plz do not be the next leafy
  9715. AutisticAutist: Laila :3 Ligma bal.. oh wait this meme died weeks ago
  9716. Zakir Abedin: She has built up quite an immunity drinking all that raw blood.
  9717. Gregory Preisner: be strong , you never alone! love u
  9718. Preston Stott: He died of Logangs ligma
  9719. AzY ghosT: were the new vid at
  9720. Giovanni1 Martinez: Mama rug
  9721. Emcee 2 Ambitiouz: Triggered Tro React To Dr Phil On Drop The Mic He Raps Its Awsome
  9722. finchii: My Strange Addiction: . *watching Tro's awesome vids*
  9723. Franklin: Living legend!
  9724. Bob Billy: My God has stoped posting
  9725. FretFul Toast: How is this blood so watery? Blood clots so did she literally just kill the pig and drained it's blood like 1 minute later
  9726. Robert Drews: Youre
  9727. Valoney306 L: Where does she get the blood if its not from a human
  9728. T-Rex Cubing: These people just summarize california...
  9729. Sean Rodriguez: Wya hoe
  9730. Addicted to soccer 1: It’s been a while bud
  9731. Addie Peterson: Bruh you dead?
  9732. shay dinicola: too where did you go!!!!!!!! btw I have subbed since 100,000 and ily smmmmmm
  9733. Kilts Are Weird: joh-nAyYyYyYyY 😂
  9734. Jacob: Bro im sorry you dont know but um he died of ligma😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  9735. Ren Hopes: Do beyond scare straight on the booty warrior
  9736. Rayco: Oh hey, leafy? OH I MEAN TRO. When are you coming back?
  9737. Ruby Fire Gaming: Tro react to dr Phil in drop the mic battle everyone like this so he can see it
  9738. Nick F: Did this make anyone else queasy?
  9739. M E: Who is here from 2232
  9740. silent_ Snackbar: Yo ur upload schedule is down the drainer
  9741. BT - 7274: You should make a video with or about Memeulous
  9742. Ewwwitsher: Johnny must like to be sucked lol
  9743. Mahmoud Abulkhair: I think all the people he roasted killed him;-; Where you at man?
  9744. Lola Green: Please come back Tro we need you to talk about the black girl who thinks she’s white and wants all black ppl to die.
  9745. Dejaneira Cantizaniz: Leena Prasad lol he was probably in the brink of desperation
  9746. 10_of _spades: The blood lady stole and drunk all of tros blood rn
  9747. Alexandera: It’s been a while. You ain’t finna post no more?
  9748. Morgan Newh: Where r u !!!!!!!!!
  9749. Snowy Frosty: Please keep team ballz as ur outro
  9750. Celestigon -: Saucy
  9751. oof: Ok why by I couldn't help squeezing my balls during this video
  9752. Soapy Dragon: Her spirit animal is a mosquito
  9753. Lilpanda: Im going to comment tro come back entill you do
  9754. xVertex ツ: Ronald Weasley!
  9755. Kaiya Jones: 2:01 didn't see that coming
  9756. Matthew Weston: Get back here boy.
  9757. Lego Pete 3: I'm gagging. I hate you
  9758. Taylor Henderson: Stop slacking post a fucken video It's Been 2 months
  9759. Ernesto Lopez: Top ten mystery’s of life 1. Are AirPod users Aliens 2. Where’s triggered Tro 3. Is the moon landing real
  9760. RTV5 Gavin Bohn: Savage no
  9761. Gavin Bobtrolo: Bro
  9762. Jesting cow: Where are you tto
  9763. Saoirse Boyd: I’m eating dinner in 30min Guess that’s gettin postponed
  9764. Filip Pranic: Oh fck no
  9765. Nick Dalzell: I killed one of those in skyrim
  9766. NotStormAbridged: January 4th, 2019. Update: Tro still hasn't returned. No sign of life anywhere. Continue searching. Second in command signing off.
  9767. Ruby Fire Gaming: Does she drink her period blood
  9768. Anna Costello Wisniewski: How does she keep blood from clotting? Does she have access to anticoagulants?
  9769. crow studios: F for tro
  9770. Jack O'neill: When are you gonna post again
  9771. Monsta Gotti: Wur u been bitch!!!? Hoe we need more videos fag
  9773. genna.: tro?
  9774. david nee: where’d you go i miss you come back
  9775. Sydney L: He is probably in jail by now- we all know it
  9776. Blake Parker: She gon get aids
  9777. Aske Valbjørn Carlsen: Triggerd tro i wonder where did you go
  9778. Nikita Kuznetsov: I wonder if she would die if I stabbed her in the heart with a wooden stake.
  9779. JasminePlayzx l Roblox Tips And tricks!!: Hi
  9780. beats fanatic: That bitch is crazy
  9781. Boo Sweets: She’ll be a great blood donor 👌maybe an organ donor to pigs and cows..........
  9782. FusRoDah Daily: +Gio A for sure my dude
  9783. Zeta Mate: I think this niggas dead
  9784. Slickz: Hello everyone, tro was a great friend of mine as we have been close for years. This man was my bestfriend and helped me get threw both of my parents dying, my dear friend tro has passed and I felt as though this would help with my depression. Tro was in a horrible car crash and didnt recover. Rip tro, see you soon brother.
  9785. CJ Smith: SizzleNizzle TittleLittle F
  9787. Alawson Lawson: DoNt InSuLt HoT tOpIc DuDe (this is a joke I swear)
  9788. Alex Casi: The man is fighting the real battle here
  9789. Skyline BIT H.: First
  9790. Asylum Now: Yay!! He's back!!
  9791. Niker _74: It’s trocember already
  9792. DopeDavid: i almost threw up
  9793. SZ- Noobslayer: Where are you
  9794. Denham Mcdonnell: Where is this dude?
  9795. pizzachronicals: I feel bad for all those animals thoe
  9796. rachel plouffe: Tro where yu at? We miss you buddy ❤
  9797. Ali Hassan Liaquat: Ross Harbuck XD
  9798. Leah Talley: That was disgusting 😫🤢
  9799. Erik Cervantes: You became the new FaZe Blaze lol
  9800. Boring: Ow, who turned up the edge?
  9801. The secret Metal Fan: Where are you?!
  9802. Joshua Sara: Eeeewww
  9803. Jacob Elizondo: We miss you papi
  9804. Brandon Hutchinson: Woah shit I used to live there 😂🤔 maybe she drank some of mine wait feeding time gosh wtf this video
  9805. CTfitt: Ummmmmmmmm, that’s not ok🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️
  9806. Sebastian Dorado: Sup
  9807. Good vibes Scary pics: Where you go tro???
  9808. Jim Boonie: I don’t ever get disgusted but this this has to be the worst and most disgusting thing ever
  9809. happytroll 247: akino darrell actually? Lol he really should be proud
  9810. Queen: I understood that reference
  9811. Brabbelappe: One like = Tro video
  9812. Slipknot Queen: Even tho that's kinda the point of your YT channel lmao but still likkkkeekkekekee
  9813. Unlucky: Kai Slymon True and if he doesn't post video consistently, JustDestiny is going to steal all of he's subscribers.
  9814. random stuff: *And I'm sad because I have to through away my tacos;(*
  9815. mo cas: This is really disturbing to watch but I stayed for the amazing commentary
  9816. BlueSlime X: It's been twoooo months. And I can't find my dad. When will he upload?
  9817. Cora isn't Dead: Oh my fucking god he fucking dead
  9818. Mais J: Dude u ded?
  9819. xK A R L Ax: You and just destiny are like my favorite YouTube review channels
  9820. Alex Coco: dude post more
  9821. Jennuh: come back :(
  9822. Cameron Lhamon: Thanks for hitting 1,000,000 subs and quitting
  9823. SizzleNizzle TittleLittle: JoshtheGod he died of the same thing leafy died with
  9824. Victoria Le Vo: so... plan F didn't work out either, huh?
  9825. Never Quit: Leaving some flowers on the grave 🌺 🌺
  9826. PokeMaster 2.0: Where are u troooo
  9827. DEXTye Blogs and gaming: We need the kill dozer
  9828. Anna Wauthier: I can’t live in a world without Tro:( you were my hero and now you’re gone.
  9829. Porter Albers: I’m actually gonna throw up from watching this
  9830. Iclean Sneakers: Man ur fat ass actually posted a vid it’s only been a month
  9831. Tim Tucker: What's wrong with you fucking people.
  9832. Dwight Kurt Shrute: Has Sexy Vegan gotten him?!😧😟😣😓
  9833. EJTamir: "mental illness is a epidemic"
  9834. Dorlicas Makuikila: I have a conspiracy theory maybe this woman saw the video and sucked tros blood till he became a bag of bone 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 trip ma man come back we got a black that thinks she is whiteeeee we want doctor Philadelphia ... Don't leave us on read we won't more tro jokes. More puns with doctor philabagandflipit
  9835. Pelican in shit: Electric Order *bacc
  9836. Genesis _Rodriguez1602: Mark Kennedy lmao
  9837. PapaTimmy: where tf have you beEN MAN?!
  9838. M_r__P_i_n_g: Alissa G. Bruh fuck man sometimes I accidentally bite my cheek and there's loose skin so I bear through the pain cause it hurts like a motherfucker and drink the blood only cause it tastes like metal
  9839. Tallha Zulfiqar: "I'm just glad somethings getting sucked"
  9840. Olivia Sweetheart: Where you been man??
  9841. Noizy Wilson: TROOOO COME BACK PLS
  9842. Ashton D: Two months without Tro is really making me sad. Tro papi come back! We’ll watch the ads!
  9843. Quan Barcenas: Pornhub Exclusive: Cut Me Open Baby
  9844. Strangest Wolfhard: Second like and first comment
  9845. Lennox Eizen: You're my favorite YouTuber but you ain't been uploading, is everything alright?
  9846. cucogod: Where you at vro
  9847. Flaming Basketball Club: Gross
  9848. vStalleyOG: Your merch is so expensive
  9849. ZAFAR IQBAL: Are you gonna post any video
  9850. Thief From Outsiders: Trigger Tro! You're the BEST yeah i mean BEST Youtuber who isn't from my country. In my country i got best Youtuber, and in other country you're the best. And of course i can talk/write English. I'm from Finland. So thank you from every video you do! And i say again: THANK YOU!
  9851. Pete Olivarez: Sponge Bob im ganna pissed if you drink blood too :/
  9852. someonenamedm3: Plz come back, we miss you
  9853. ZenoAmvs: Lmao thought you died. Fuck
  9854. yeet the skeet: Fourteen away 🙏
  9855. Hubert Hilla: *almosr three actually
  9856. pizzamonster 101: YES HE'S BACK
  9857. Ali m: The fuck
  9858. Steven Eichhammer: Come back bro
  9859. Pewdipie’s 9 year old army: Tro said in one of he's videos that all he does after work is to sit down alone and make YouTube videos while he's friends are running around in bars and drinking .while he sits here and makes YouTube videos but he only makes one YouTube video a month Lier
  9860. RedCayde VI: +You Know It wut
  9861. Mr.James TV: Dude don't go lefy on us
  9862. Snow Bros: Dude. You can’t get way over million subscribers then just quit YouTube. You literally said you would come back with more video like where are you
  9863. Joe Blow: make some new content ass hole.
  9864. Tammy Wallace: Gagging
  9865. diego: Pool
  9866. Mohamad Wahab: I love ❤️ ur vids they are SOOOO FUNNY 😄 they always bring a smile 😊 to my face Btw I am first P.S like if u agree
  9867. Jahseh Onfroy: Hey Tro... if u see this you gotta make a video on it. Sexy Vegan has a song and he talks about about how you’re cringy😂 it’s called Eat Ass, Not Animals.
  9868. 404: Random Person SAME 😂😂😪
  9869. just a NBA PLayER: 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖
  9870. Toxic SpikezZ: Fucking disgusting
  9871. Baylor_ Gunkel: Do this one
  9872. King Depressed: Wtf when did this become discovery channel
  9873. Arnova Kat: I got nauseous
  9874. Guççi Taçø 3000: Wya dude? :(
  9876. Bokura: #teamballz
  9877. chrishdafish: Fuck kristin Stewart this dumbass shouldve been bella
  9878. C ʝ: Tro died
  9879. Ben Bater: here at 666k views
  9880. BatOutOfHell: I remember watching this on TV, some weird shit bro
  9881. Chinkyy07: I wanna know how tf she gets the blood she can’t get all that blood from Johnny or he’d be dead
  9882. Peter O'Toole: That burp got me crying!!
  9883. Sat Sh: I just gagged and felt sick to stomach to see her doing like no big deal😷🤢
  9884. Loren Odele: Pls
  9885. betofw thighs: RAWRXD
  9886. gumptiousGamer: Is he okay?
  9887. iiswizard ‘: Aaron Syrovtaka loll
  9888. 3nrÏQÜEDUHH VãLeÑZzz HŒ: @TriggeredTro probably got himself into drinking blood and passed out .
  9889. the real tea sis: Bro its been 4 months where are you did you die???
  9890. dylan Behr productions: It's scary out here
  9891. Kane: Its been 6 months now. So u make a community, get 1.4 mil subs and then u just get up and leave ur community waiting. I wil not give up. I wil still be subbed. But this rly hurt my feelings
  9892. Kaitlin Williford: I am addicted to ur videos already
  9893. BJB Bjb: This nigga got a million subs then dipped.
  9894. Ezome Gaming: Dad come home
  9895. Alton Doss: Where are you at Tro i’m not gonna give up on you and I’m not going to just destiny just destiny is a fucking knock off
  9896. Zachary Kinsey: I'm so empty without you start a patreon
  9897. Elise Bostian: Bruh are you dead or some shit
  9898. Peculiar Kid31: What.......The Fuck?🙁🙁🙁
  9899. strange blockmon: 💨💨💯
  9900. Games and more with josh: Fucking post goddamnit @triggeredtro
  9901. katelyn: Imagine going to her house, thinking it’s wine, and taking a sip🤮
  9902. Jose Cardenas: Tro 😭
  9903. xd z: the fuck
  9904. Azlyn Avy: Thank the Heavens above that you started posting again
  9905. Anti: Where are you
  9906. Charlotte Katakuri: Emo bitch
  9907. igLoOpi: plz upload do it for tro vember
  9908. Mia Bivenour: I miss you
  9909. Vion: Where is ur
  9910. IRISH: upload pls
  9911. JoshuA F: You get blood at an Asian market
  9912. MAKE OUT HILL: And parents say there is no vampires..
  9913. multiplechain60: vampires are real
  9914. pixelking: Poor guy got X-ecuted.
  9915. Wandering Clown: You get a thumbs up, and YOU GET A THUMBS UP
  9916. Ki Q8: Not markiplier :(
  9917. trashy jpg: FUCKING POST
  9918. PIZZA PANDA: Lol
  9919. Haribow Gaming: WHERE YOU BEEEEEEN TRO BRO
  9920. Justt Stone: #WERETROGO
  9921. Supashya Roy Chowdhury: *Kids stop doing blood*
  9922. Tragedy M: dude wtf was going on your brain when u decided to uploadthis shit like actully iam unsbscribing *Not really* but fking hell pls remove it pls
  9923. PatTheRanga: can you fucking upload we miss you!
  9924. Russell from Up: Sad times
  9925. Dawn._.Lyn: Where did you go?
  9926. Flamion: Dat grody
  9927. 死Unlike: Team Ballz!
  9928. Killian Vex: Tro man, its been 3 weeks. My strange addiction is jerking off to your videos at least twice a day. Its getting harder to nut. I need some new material. Help a brother out.
  9929. Antonio Cervantes: Tbh real shit i cant watch these weird videos without you cause u just have me fucking crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9930. K_Glizzy: Omg r u dead
  9931. Rhinstone AJ: Damn it dude ya got my hopes up -.- ;-;
  9932. Riley Lynn: R.I.P Tro
  9933. Masiah Hodges: I just got out of in school suspension and I watched ur passed 3 vids cheered me app bro
  9934. BanRckyy YT: He prolly died of a weed overdose
  9935. WritersBlock Errday: "Hi, my name is johnny and I'm just glad something's getting sucked" lmao
  9936. Turbo Virgin: Minato Namikaze why did you have to die? Konoha would be so much better with you as hokage
  9937. Oscar: Addicted to drugs are you, Tro?
  9938. famousdane: I love tro and I’m not trying to hate but I feel like he doesn’t takeYouTube serious. 4 months without a video
  9939. ☢ ƬƝƬƁOƳ-Ɗα-Ɓαωz ☢: Where you at bro
  9940. Rob G: Don’t post once a month and then make it a commentary about a video that’s years old and that everyone’s done..... ya getting lazy
  9941. Natalie Shields: Thank you for uploading. I love your videos. They make me happy. :)
  9942. Colm Devlin: tro are you ok? did you quit? plz make a video
  9943. enderdragoncoochie: Cmon bro where you at
  9944. パンクpunk: This dude got 1 million subs and dip
  9945. Not Diego Landell: We’re are your post
  9946. voltrox: Who else is skipping the video because it’s weird gross and uncomfortable
  9947. KiChi Kiwi: Are you okay??
  9948. Sinox _: TEAM. B A L L Z
  9949. M Dio: I know. What a little shit!
  9950. II ZODIN II: Nigga
  9951. AgentJustE: How is this more weird than eating a fucking couch
  9952. son.o.saturn: same
  9953. HAD69: You have been sleep so long wake up and give us some *C O C K A*
  9954. I’m Mom: Whats ifssss isssss nutssssss aneminam bliff🙀👀
  9955. Aroused Toilet: The last time I was this early, Bruce Jenner celebrated Father's day.
  9956. MARK KENWAY: Rip x
  9957. Ryan Farmer Reacts: Tro come back
  9958. CryBaby Tink: Yeah I'm team ballz😁😂
  9959. BittyPlayz: Forget “human vampire” This gurl is a human mosquito When she doesn’t get her blood she’s irritable? Yeah that’s a fuckin mosquito Those little fuckers are always drinking my blood
  9960. Nasty Clan mauricioswag98: 2 months no uploads I'm going crazy
  9961. Ana Bella: We miss you!!!! Where are you?
  9962. David Horvatić: Come back man!
  9963. Galaxy LuvzDogz: WHERE ARE YOUR VIDEOS?
  9964. kristanmaree: “Aye-yo Johnny. Come through” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9965. lizortiz1975: I love your videos they are so funny 😂
  9966. The Infamous G: " *Wicked women puttin period blood in stew* "
  9967. Juicy Fruit: Death comes as the end
  9968. intraverted_ sasquatch: now what the fuck...somebody too high fah this shit...
  9969. Kuro Koro: Where are you man?
  9970. GEORGE: Post video
  9971. Carlos Gonzalez: Where you at coach!!!!!! 🤨
  9972. Angel of Darkness: That blood looks pretty fake to me
  9973. Cameron Lhamon: It’s been 5 months
  9974. Pelican in shit: Lilcheetoboui 69 rip grade 2013-2017
  9975. Tif Lil: Tro my boi we miss u, post a video YouTube will never be the same if you quite. 😭😭😭😂
  9976. needtogetrich: why DO YOU POST ONCE A MONTH
  9977. Mariah Watkins: Hey I love your channel so happy that you hit a mil you should have like 5 mil subscribers seriously
  9978. SubjectGG: RIP Triggered Tro You will be remembered
  9979. Monkeh King: I want to take back my words.
  9980. Waterfalls45.6: M3xicanteen 125 no
  9981. cucogod: WHERE HE AT
  9982. Set Seneb: had to drop a dislike sorry low key not high key, absolutly love your vids but like it feels like u died n now ur back i missed u hope i never have to hate again n u start be consistent, much love -ur father
  9983. Screamingbag: hello?
  9984. Juan Franco: TRO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
  9985. William Bryan: Love ya too, but where the fuck are you <3
  9986. MyContentIsTrash: Weird ass bitch... oh RIP X
  9987. Mr Memes.: Yes he's back!!
  9988. UItrons: Here since 6k, whats up bandwagons
  9989. Kucci Ku: I think Dr.Phil and C.H.I.E.F hired and is working a top secret case on for L.I.G.M.A and they came to a conclusion..................... This isn't it 😥
  9990. Jacob Torris: Tro my guy, it's been 6 months
  9991. felix Ureña: did he die
  9993. Unknown Tex0: Did u bury urself in a cave? jesus
  9994. N: Stop that. Stop it. It is not like wine. It just Isn’t okay
  9995. frietsaus: this guy made some videos got 1.4mil. subs and just dipped
  9996. AussieTheRoo: I've been waiting for this, forever. I checked your channel over and over. Glad you posted *praises*
  9997. Frances Mendoza: 45 seconds in. I'm out.😷
  9998. Sum Metal: Come back :(
  9999. CAYL RAY: Lmfao 😂 Can't believe you made merch for 'Team Ballz'. Bloody outrageous lol I love it!
  10000. oh no: leafy already left, tro come back :(
  10001. necreip: YES U POSTED!!!!!!!!!!
  10002. Emma Boydston: Troooooooo come backkkkkk
  10003. Ryan Roldan: it was a gr8 vid Tro just it ,she sickened me
  10004. Brooke LaPorte: Hahahaha
  10005. Andrea Velazquez: hiii
  10006. Natedog908: She probably has aides
  10007. Citizen 1: Still wonder why we need to build a wall?! (we could have avoided THIS!!)
  10008. You expected a username but it was I,: This is more disturbing than the song "Chase"
  10009. almightyy: You’re our favorite youtuber please upload more papi
  10010. Shontell Ludy: 😱😨
  10011. Big Gay: Guys. For the first Time Ever, I think Am Cringing.
  10012. RJ Faria: We miss you Tro
  10013. lasanga bitch: WHERE DID YOU GO? D,:
  10014. TheRealIceeShotデッド: Team Ballz!
  10015. Parker Ward: Yay he’s alive!!!!!
  10016. Rhed E: This was actually too much for me to handle. I'm sorry tro. I can't do it. I'm about to puke
  10017. CTRL ReplayZ: Tro is on plan G, selling his body and getting into hardcore drugs. Hopefully we'll find out what plan H is.
  10018. Joao Neto: Upload
  10019. Mekhi Fox: Troy wtf. Its November... where is dr. Phil
  10020. sajna arjune: She’s a vampire.
  10021. Spookian.: Where the fuck are you
  10022. SwanteJr.: My mans triggered tro doesn’t even upload
  10023. Lily Smith: I fell sick
  10024. Isaih Obrien: Gotta get some props for troy, never had I ever been so cringed up before for an entire video about something so bizarre.
  10025. Kyle Goyak: Damn I nearly threw up watching this
  10026. Saiko: Triggered Tro pewdiepie is steal your content btw.
  10027. Philip McGrion: I bet she killed him
  10028. The random •••: When r u gonna post more content come back
  10029. abbigail: Tro, wake up from the dead please
  10030. Dick Pump: Where you at bro ?
  10031. supreme: come back bro!
  10032. me life: FINALLY U UPLOADED!!!!
  10033. RadNik_ Gaming: Supashya Roy Chowdhury it's a gateway sacc
  10034. Tubylubrx: This guys commentary reminds me of leafy and I love it. This channel is my new fav.
  10035. Dale Cournoyer: The guy with purple hair says “when I cut myself.” Ummmmm🙃
  10036. ASAP Silver: WHERE ARE YOU BRO
  10037. Jeffswag21 yo1: Tro ate tide pods snd chugged some bleach after rewatching his videos of these cringy people
  10038. Christopher Perkins: you know blood is chemical posion right. you could really die drinking blood
  10039. Joe Fiegel: Bra, where did you go? Please make some new content! Pleeeeeeeeease
  10040. Monsieur Bleu Pen: I’ve been binge watching your videos for the last two days. 💙🖋
  10041. ohayo: You just ruined spaghetti blood I mean spaghetti sauce for me.
  10042. bumss pops: Makes youtube video finds out hes got a lot of money from youtube "Fuck it im rich " **leaves**
  10043. TheOfficialLeke: "I get angry, I want my blood"
  10044. DTSP ツ: GalaxyGarrett Unlimited To protect the village dummy.
  10045. My dog fucked my autistic sister help: Xayzen don’t tell me to ah you abomination
  10046. Mr. Bread: So Tro, it’s been 4 months, are you on plan G already?
  10047. Kamron Inman: Horner 🤣🤣
  10048. Leena Prasad: Johnny is happy because a girl sucked one of his body parts
  10049. Serenity Mondesir: I refuse to let her some near my dog or any animal
  10050. candycanehusky: *THE DUDE HAS FINALLY UPLOADED!*
  10051. Parzzzaval: Please don’t go silent for a month again
  10052. Lick M'Quack: Yeah I could never do that, I can't even handle the metallic smell
  10053. noobie o_o: what a Wonderfull bitch.. she prefer sucking blood instead of sucking cock ..
  10054. Noah Ben Haddou: Hey tro where ya at!?
  10055. unfair fight: Satanic practices right in the open, tlc
  10056. Tae is my Kind of Gucci: This lady should have a soup in Thailand called "Raw Pigs Blood Soup"...Majority pf the people who've had it have had kidney problems and have even died from it...
  10057. Spyro The Dragon: I hope this bitch runs out of blood one day, and slits her wrists to get some more
  10058. Wendy Wesley: Nah she stupid
  10059. Carlos Orduna: Omg he’s back
  10060. Tɾҽყʂԋҽʅʅȥ: Tro I love your channel I really do, but I can't watch this the cringe is too much brah I'll leave I like tho
  10061. Pim. Ryan: Can I get a rip
  10062. DracoX [Pawn2King]: NO. this is never ok, not at all!
  10063. Legenden27: Ey im back man, you cool!
  10064. Oofgar Oofzalez: 253 comment
  10065. Moa Alvarsson: Had a shitty night and morning, and woke up to a Triggered Tro vid <3
  10066. Samuel Spencer: Are you dead
  10067. CHRIS RAWDOG: Hey sexy
  10068. Austin Jones: Finally
  10069. Genesis _Rodriguez1602: What if she drinks her own period blood.
  10070. TexikeDaStar: Hey tro bro where are you my guy? Did u die?!?!
  10071. Alton Doss: Where is tro I’m starting to get pissed
  10072. FinalSlayer: How do we know this isn’t fake?
  10073. J-Dizzle: Bro you need to come back
  10074. Hobo Juice: I found the monster from bird box
  10075. Warrens: It’s 11 pm, I have to wake up at 5 am and work out, I’m about to throw up. Good night, love you.
  10076. Niker _74: My nigga died ,noooooooooooooo
  10077. Lawnmower Man: MACKSAMILLIONMUST this was on of my fav channels too.
  10078. Ryan: Dude where the fuck are yu
  10079. Rogue _Wolf: We’re are you
  10080. Gattel: Tro where the fuck are you dude?
  10081. BattlingBerry: Hi
  10082. Nefsika Ikonomi: God has risen
  10083. Temple tie: Is trigger for dead :(
  10084. anna s.: This is so disgusting help
  10085. Thot Hunter 69: Where are the uploads?
  10086. Zaid Omari: Holy fuck, where have you been??
  10087. SheridenV: Did he die?
  10088. 1000 subs With no videos: Are you dead?
  10089. Jonathan Alnas: dont you mean Mitchell Obama
  10090. Anime Manga: Is she a vampire?
  10091. anthony kublawi: now is your time to shine tro. There is another woah vickey on the loose but this time it's in reverse. time to start making videos again, we miss you.
  10092. TheTylamo: TRO GANG UNITE
  10093. 5656Dana: can you not edit your comment and thank people for likes it makes people want to not like it more
  10094. I Hate PT Cruisers: Where u at ;-;
  10095. aiman zainal: Literally a fuckn leech
  10096. Tyler Millaway: These people like to believe there just different and not stupid enough to make such decisions to the point of habit.
  10098. Okurrr *L U C A S*: Are you dead???
  10099. Carlos Malcolm: Dam tro wya its been 7 months
  10100. BuZZ Region: I am addicted to giving anal to triggered tros videos
  10101. Dinosuar Lover: Soooo. Ligma pusssaaay
  10102. Madison Tucker: C’mon Tro if you’re on plan G right now then please tell us. It’s OcTROber.
  10103. Damenic Adeola: Now that's a real vampire
  10104. inquisitor 717: "Its the consistency of wine", just thicker" what!! Then its NOT the consistency of wine then is it smh, what a dummy. Also since we have this amazing thing called Google type in what happens if you drink lots if blood. I would think its not very good for you.
  10105. Bassem Sadfi: Drinking blood is not healthy bitch
  10106. Shinnbone: Where r u
  10107. Olivia Drake: “Nose to ear string thingy”
  10108. RickyGoreMusic: Now just 2 more months til he posts again
  10109. Wilhelm II: dude, when will the new video be dropped? its been 5 frigggin months
  10110. SJAIRCRAFTBOSS: R. I. P tro... You will be missed.... Comment f to pay respects
  10111. Venus Claus: I dont think sooooo
  10112. Posiiitive Liana: You alive?
  10113. _ DelusionalKCM: Coconut Kookie you're welcum
  10114. Hadou Can: Probably just hibiscus juice
  10115. Sande: we need more videos :(❤️
  10116. Jelly Bean: Kengj TSH Do you know when?
  10117. The Man: He has almost 1.5 million suscribers and makes one video a month can I please have this job like he can have so much more
  10118. Its Ya Boi Mello: Please come back bro 😂😂
  10119. Happy Sarcasm: This video cured my stage 4 cancer
  10120. Trill GodLess: Tro tro bro we need you your to funny to be gone
  10121. GrimUnicorn: I don't think we can get addicted since you barely you tro u da best man, just upload more.. like seriously.... Your vids are great..
  10122. Daniel Barbier: i have been watching since you had 35k subs, i guess im addicted
  10123. KOD Trayonex: If I saw her I will collapse
  10124. Avenger 1972: Imma ask once Tro id tou are reading this please reapond. We all love you and your creations of masterpeices. Just let us know if tou are ok. Read your bio and it has been 3 months.
  10125. Sliver Wing: WHERE R U FATHER ?!?! WE NEED U
  10126. C.e.o Musix: Tro come back
  10127. Dance videos !!!: BROOO WHERE ARE YOU ATTTT
  10128. Adrian!: Triggy's darkest vid so far so far
  10129. GRUNGE GUY: I’m here after tro’s Twitter post I’m pretty sure he forgot his password
  10130. xKingOfBongsx 420: Eff you tro, where the heck are you. Unsubscribe. Lol
  10131. MilkIsSalty MilkIsGood: ._.
  10132. ThC Reload: tsunamis
  10133. Lydia Massey: November dude! Or should I say Trovember? Oh wait, no I shouldn't say that because we are in lack of a Tro!
  10134. ashley ag: I MISSED U TROOOOOOO cockaaaa
  10135. Aleksa Vlaisavljevic: Actually some tribes in Africa drink animal blood on daily basis
  10137. Styler 077: Missed you bro
  10138. MassiR77: Papa Tro
  10139. Connor k: Lmfaoo!!! You made my day man! 😂
  10140. Angelina Nguyen: The *edge*.
  10141. Joshua S.: That's it. I'm fucking unsubscribing. I'm not going to help you make money from YouTube when you haven't even made a single fucking video in 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! I'll check on your channel and hope to see some more videos later but for the time being, you don't deserve 1.4 million subs
  10142. *_[Level 100] Clorox Bleach_*: She’s a real life vampire
  10143. sandra tafoya: i need tro back in my life
  10144. Void Davyz: A vampire ahhhh
  10145. Prinz of Phoenix: Team Ballz
  10146. Unknown Account: I typed where u at tro and the next day he comes with a new video
  10147. The Street Racer: Tro you need to upload or im switching over to Birdman
  10148. Rice- Chan: did he die? starting to worry
  10149. Joelle Bitar: damn, wonder what happens when it's that time of month 🤔
  10150. cameron faulkner: KrazyXx yes that would be fuckin fire
  10151. OMNOM Legos: does anyone else suck their own blood when they get a cut ?
  10152. Mr. Tizzles: "you look like markiplier with a drug problem" lmfaooo it takes less than 2 min every video i watch to remember why i subscribe to you
  10153. Piggy: Jesus. This is some satanic stuff.😂
  10154. LoLo Gonzalez: Please make more videos🙏
  10155. AMAL JOHN: h
  10156. Angel Gaming: No, should be a sequel to "Finding Nemo"
  10157. Wojtus Pruchnicki: Are you alive? Do you need help???
  10158. n harry97: come back, we need our hero
  10159. nefariσus: It’s OcTROber, where the hell you at Edit: He’s back for TROvember, he probs remembered his one password (check his twitter)
  10160. sequoia: bro did this girl find u or smthn?
  10161. Kelani Paea: Tro wya
  10162. Alejandra Gonzalez: Her face is a reflection of her blood diet. Disgusting
  10163. Destinee A. draw: Blood is actually a very nutritious liquid that’s why mosquitoes drink it. Also people eat blood sausage but drinking it straight is weird.
  10164. Antoine: OH NO LIGMA GOT HIM TOO
  10165. Grace Brown: TEAM BALLZ
  10166. Michael Lauth: Where you go? 3 weeks and no vids bro
  10167. CancerousMemes69: Where did u go
  10168. Eric Male: It’s almost 6 months where are you
  10169. Jess B: miss u plz come back
  10170. Kino Zomby: I almost puked.
  10171. falmata react!!: This is ceeday
  10172. Matthew Music: What? Excuse me?
  10173. Seagullgaming27: Damn If she drinks human blood than I gotta think someone had aids or hivs
  10174. ObeyIV: Where Have you been tro the world needs you
  10175. Zemtronic Games: Upload more vids tro or imma clap ur cheeks
  10176. Nikita Kuznetsov: Lyndsay Mags. All goods mate.
  10177. FusRoDah Daily: I'm commenting "tro come back" everyday until you do.
  10178. YOUNG BOP: Where are you????
  10179. Tatyana Nikolaev: Where you at :(
  10180. Traiton Snyder: The hell
  10181. Das Fluffy: No Think ily too ❤️❤️
  10182. Kuff_Duff: come back plz
  10183. Nathan Green: YES TRO!
  10184. Jackson Gosney: Where you at homie?
  10185. Kevin Starr: Yo where the fuck yu at ????
  10186. Noah Dailey: Rip
  10187. Chrissehchan: When diehard Twilight fans grow up...
  10188. JOCO 1911: For drinking blood she really looks flushed like she's anemic prolly why she feels like she needs it weird b
  10189. Michael Edmonston: Hello tro? Upload if you died
  10190. póki bitch -: When menopause strikes and you still gotta get that blood somehow
  10191. slbfiel: Ffs thought i was super early and already 700 comments. Fml
  10192. TK_ HAMALACHI: rip tro ligma got to him
  10193. Itzlevi_ omq: I finally found the thing that actually disgusts me
  10194. General Bandz: It's November come back
  10195. Narrrma8: I'd be addicted to ur videos if you fucking uploaded
  10196. Neda Greneveckyte: He hasn't been active for 2 months, I guess it's cause he's busy getting drunk celebrating his 1.3 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!! Good job tro, but please kepp uploading. We miss you :(
  10197. Goddness Oshun: Its be 5 months, i honesty hope you're every things ok. I've watched you grow from 40k subs to over million, please come back.
  10198. Jen the Glitchy: She's a vampire
  10199. Ashton: Tro-vemeber is around the corner wya Tro?
  10200. Sayan_the_bro: Sub to me if you love trigger tro
  10201. Alton Doss: Jordan Lefferts ur fine
  10202. Trash Can:
  10203. Garrett Ostrowski: The lowest layer of the atmosphere is actually called troposphere
  10204. MADVILLAIN: *_ S U C C_*
  10205. Sven de Graaff: Im cringing very hard
  10206. Tone Tone: Post a new video tro
  10207. Jyugo: Okay so...if anyone is eating...stop right now... 😵😵
  10208. Dejaneira Cantizaniz: RodeXgaming who knows, this world is full of many weird things and not the good kind
  10209. Sarah Koala: The Infamous G Those damn feminists
  10210. blue green: So this is we're it ended. :(
  10211. Kraken Master: I’m gonna bet she’s a lesbian (not like men would want her)
  10212. Wilkham: Brrrrrrr... Chill ...
  10213. ImmortalOverwatchAgent 2345: yourmomgaylol drinking blood is worse
  10214. KcDay Pokemon: Tro was up man u can't just hit a Milly subs and dip u don't get to come into someone's life and make em care and...and then just check out....u don't get to do that
  10215. Dinosuar Lover: Ligma balls bitchhhhh but fuck you can’t I don’t have any balls .-.
  10216. Faze Blanco: Are you dead come back your my favorite you tuber
  10217. Wizard Bear: Hope the guy shes drinking blood from has aids
  10218. Medo Mathkour: Who else watched him when he had less than 3k subs
  10219. LOL O_o: You can get animal blood from a butcher legally.
  10220. JustAc3: Look at Dr Phil on Drop the mic
  10221. Anthony Patterson: She finna kill me. She lives ik n lancaster, i live in lancaster. Oh no
  10222. Kylian: Tro, I would be addicted to your videos, but you're not uploading...
  10223. Meme_Consumer _: Guys Triggerd Tro Pulled A XXXTENTACION... I-I Mean Lil Peep,Phew Dodged All That Hate
  10224. Erik Torres: what taking so long
  10225. Hillbilly Mike: New video?
  10226. Wither: drinking blood can be dangerous....there is to much iron in it and it can get pretty bad if you are not careful
  10227. Speechless RIP ꊼꊼꊼ: For those of yall who keep asking if tro is coming back you might want to watch his son DoddO and watch his last video
  10228. rayzillow: But like when your mouth bleed it tastes good but like after awhile it tastes bad y’all know it taste good
  10229. alex montano: Sick vid tro greetings from Dominican republic bro
  10230. Derek Vuong: Safe to say this channel is abandoned..
  10231. Dan Wallet: wait till they get aids.
  10232. TheOne AndOnly: HE COMING HE SAID IT
  10233. jim fallis: fuck i could eat some ice cream right now
  10234. That kid who makes shitty comments: I thought vampires were fucking fake Seems not
  10235. arad panahi: Tro mfer where tha duck are u
  10236. Mitchell Channel: where tf u at man
  10237. Hey.itsss. Ria: Is tro working on some government assignment or something
  10239. _ DEScended: Come home daddy it has been 6 months
  10240. Tayo Ramirez: Plz come back papa tro
  10241. Tinnzu: Aye this is bootleg Dracula
  10242. Samuel Jarrett: Yo where are you its almost trocember
  10243. Ivan Sierra: Where are you Boah
  10244. YNG Prod: So is triggered tro giving up on youtube?
  10245. You have gay: It’s not 10 minutes
  10246. Alwin Palma jr: Lazer science of stupidity is shown in the video
  10247. Bel Palmer: ligma gets the best youtubers :(
  10248. Mario Torres: How do you get over a million subscribers when you barely upload videos
  10249. Abel Aguirre: Give her monkey blood Monkeys have hiv and shit
  10250. cinnamon donut: Rip tro
  10251. simply BW45: Tro bro how far have you fallen, dr.phi is still here and this is what your doing, how far... How far
  10252. Promqueenkiller: Where are you?!?
  10253. Jonah Nolen: First
  10254. Just Atest: FINALLY!! ITS BEEN A MONTH
  10255. madimoose: Man fr, did you die?? Where you at
  10256. i see, you're a man of culter: seriously, pls don't pull a leafy on us. Its been 5 months
  10257. rick sanchez: Didnt know tro has merch!!
  10258. Potato Ava: Has anyone ever seen Total Drama Island? He sounds like Chris from that show.
  10259. Some person: Man I never wanted to die so much.
  10260. Jared Lindblad: nig get dat booty back hera
  10261. denai hall: Tro where are you its been a while😭
  10262. Pathetic Carlos: Awesome video man 😂👍
  10263. Esmeralda 225: I’m addicted to watching your videos
  10264. George Payne: Did tro die
  10265. HeckYeahMane: What's a youtuber?
  10266. King.K The Best: Fucking disgusting!!!!!!!
  10267. BIG CHACHI: We need more videos more often!!!!
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She Drinks Blood by the Gallon

36,535 Likes36,535 Dislikes
663,008 views views1,450,879 followers
Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 19 Jun 2018

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